Glasses and books

Welcome to the RHonRH Book Club/Review! It’s okay if you don’t read the book, we read it for you. In each episode we discuss a book written by one of the Real Housewives. We will use the questions below to discuss each book. Here they are for your reference if you’re reading along with us.

  1. Best part? What did you like about this book? Hot tea.
  2. Worst part? What didn’t you like about this book? Iced tea.
  3. How long did it take you to finish this book? Did you have to force yourself to read it or couldn’t you put it down?
  4. Were there parts of the book you thought were incredibly unique, out of place, thought-provoking, or disturbing?
  5. What is the best new thing you learned?
  6. Do you have any lingering questions after finishing the book?
  7. How honest do you think the author was?
  8. Did reading this book change your view of the author/the Houwewives franchise?
  9. What do you think is the most important takeaway from the authros’st story?
  10. Why do you think the author chose this particular book title? Would you suggest a different one?
  11. Overall thumbs up or thumbs down?