Oranges with episode title

These ladies weren’t part of the major drama, but they had some memorable moments that deserved a discussion of the best of the rest…

In this episode, we discuss Emily Simpson, Gina Kirschenheiter, Vicki Gunvalson and Taylor Armstrong’s storylines from Real Housewives of Orange County Season 17:

⚪Emily vs her mouth (& Heather) ⚪Gina vs Shannon ⚪Vicki vs divorce ⚪Taylor vs Heather

Episode 54 on Spotify

Episode Transcript (generated by

Sharon: But I can get hulu with, like, 30 different channels for $10.

Caitlin: And you can get our patreon for just one to $10.

Sharon: Yes.

Sharon: And we can get a pumpkin spice.

Caitlin: Late for every six patreon members. We might interact. We’re not asleep, dude, I will interact with you. I don’t even actually, lately I’ve been.

Sharon: Sleeping inside, but that’ll change. Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.

Sharon: So, chic.

Caitlin: Hold on to your oranges.

Sharon: This week we’re digging into Emily Simpson, Gina Kershneider, Vicky Gunvilson and Taylor Armstrong, aka the Best of the Rest from Real Housewives of Orange County, season 17.

Caitlin: Yeah, so we just couldn’t get enough to run individual episodes, but we like all these women and want to talk about them. So this verses for this week are going to be Emily versus her mouth and Heather, gina versus Shannon, vicki versus divorce, and Taylor versus Heather. So let’s start with Emily. Emily, Simpson is a lawyer turned stay at home mom on the side. She and her husband Shane have three kids together, and her daughter Annabelle got into a successful modeling career this time. Also, it was really cute to see that she had modeled when she was younger and they showed some of those images. I loved that. Okay, so let’s talk a little bit about Emily as, like, a larger than life character. Like, there’s just stuff I love about her that I just think we have to talk about. So my favorite is when Emily drinks from the water bowl that Archie drank out of right after Archie, and Archie’s a dog, in case you don’t know. She’s Shannon’s. She archie’s a he.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: she’s Shannon’s dog. And they’re out walking. Shannon brought water for Archie, but I guess Emily didn’t bring water for Emily. And so after Archie’s done, she drinks out of it. And Shannon’s face is, like, tall. So my question for you is, would you drink out of Archie’s water bowl?

Sharon: Probably, because I would let Archie lick.

Caitlin: Me in the you know, here’s what’s funny. I will let a dog lick me in the face. I don’t think I can drink their water, though.

Sharon: If it was fresh water, like she just poured it, that’s different than if it’s been sitting there.

Sharon: I don’t know.

Caitlin: They’re so slobbery in the water for some reason. I’m willing to let them lick my.

Sharon: Face, but I don’t want to drink their water. I don’t want to. But if I was that thirsty, I have a thing against being thirsty. Well, not that anyone likes being thirsty. No, but you I have traumatic thirst issues. I have type one diabetes. We can talk about it another day. I thought I was going to die. I was so thirsty.

Caitlin: Yeah, no, that’s true. I guess that makes sense. I just thought you really liked diet coke. I’m just kidding. Okay, speaking of Diet Coke, so remember when Jen meets Emily and Jennifer lunch, so they both order Diet Cokes with their drinks, and that just felt like something that we would do. But then you said the Pacific Northwest thing would be to order a Diet Coke and a coffee, because that’s what right. And I actually call that the Sharon Special. And David will say to me, do you want the Sharon Special? Which means that you get a coffee and a Diet Coke when they go pick your food. And I do.

Sharon: Yeah. So I used to just get, like, Thomas would go pick up a soda for McDonald’s, and then I would get a coffee, but then I’d drink half a soda. So then he started giving me the soda, too. Now I’m just like, why pretend?

Caitlin: Exactly.

Sharon: I’m not going to drink I’m just.

Caitlin: Like, get me the covered all day.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: You drink the coffee first and then drink the Diet Coke. Or do you sometimes mix it up?

Sharon: I start with the coffee, and then I kind of mix it up as the day goes. A little here, a little there.

Caitlin: But I always start with thirsty, like.

Sharon: Actual thirst, and I drink the soda.

Caitlin: Exactly. All right, so let’s go on to the actual verses. Although now that just seems, like, so dull, but, we’re going to so Emily versus Heather. So we were just talking with Thomas about this, but Heather has an HD network.

Sharon: I just cannot wrap my head around this. I do not know why. Explain it.

Caitlin: Well, can you explain it the way that Thomas explained it?

Sharon: It’s like a channel, but it’s interactive, so you can call in. And I said, like, QVC? And he said, yes, but they’re not selling stuff. And I said, So it’s like a radio show that you call in and talk.

Caitlin: But he said it was more like only fans. Because putting that with Heather dubro together.

Sharon: I didn’t realize people called into only fans. I mean, I don’t know.

Caitlin: I thought they could just message people.

Sharon: Maybe that’s part of it. but it’s really expensive. So Thomas says it’s $200 a year or $20 a month.

Caitlin: Let’s save. And they might as well buy the whole year, I guess.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: And this is just for Heather’s channel, which is three shows a week, right.

Caitlin: A show with and he said not all three are running right now.

Sharon: There’s a show with her where she sounds like she just talks about stuff. A show with Terry.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: And then there’s another show coming up about motherhood.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: And I’m like you’re wrong. There’s got to be more than this, because I can pay $10 a month for hulu and get ten bazillion shows.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: And you can pay $10 a month for our patreon or five or one. Just throwing that out there.

Sharon: I don’t believe it. Just I don’t believe she’s rich enough.

Caitlin: Does she really need to charge this much for her channel? That seems a little bit unfair.

Sharon: I don’t know if I believe this is a thing.

Caitlin: I’m not sure I believe it’s a thing either, but people will pay for things that aren’t things. But you know who else didn’t believe it was a, funny, super drunk at Heather’s HD network party, or living your life in high definition, as Heather kept saying. but so Emily just keeps drinking, and she didn’t eat, and she insults Heather about her initials. She’s like, you should put HD on more things. And then she’s like, I’m surprised we didn’t get branded on our forehead when we came in. But my favorite is then, of course, this is where she eats the cucumber. And she’s eating it like it’s a giant cucumber tongue or like she’s never seen a cucumber before. Now, to be fair, it was shaved.

Sharon: Kind of weird.

Caitlin: I mean, we don’t all eat our cucumbers that way. And then she found sand in her salad. But the golden part is Tamara’s interview about eating the cucumber, because she has that green piece of paper. She just looks like a chameleon or something. I don’t know. For some reason, that may be, like, one of my favorite things in housewives history. It’s on the list, but just she and Heather have issues this season.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: I do agree with Heather in this, though. It was a little bit rude. It was funny, and it was brilliant TV.

Caitlin: And again, it’s free advertising for your show. But Emily doesn’t really apologize. Do you think she should have apologized more? I think she should.

Sharon: She was a little m uncool, but at the same time, Heather should just appreciate it. But that, is so if it’s going to annoy anyone, it’ll annoy Heather. Yeah. Tamara maybe not, but, you know yeah.

Caitlin: And then I do. Even though, again, brilliant and funny. I don’t think that Heather should have called her a snuffelophagus when they were doing aerobics.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: That is not especially when you’re moving.

Caitlin: And I did not realize that snuffalophagus was a woolly mammoth.

Sharon: But that makes okay. And I did not realize snuffelufugus. I thought it was snuffelufagus.

Sharon: Snuffelophagus.

Caitlin: I’m really upset. That’s okay.

Sharon: It’s not okay.

Caitlin: Okay, well, who wins? Heather. Heather.

Sharon: I like Emily, but I like Heather more.

Caitlin: I think Heather has the moral high ground. Yeah, but Emily wins.

Sharon: Emily wasn’t very nice.

Caitlin: Brilliant performance. She wins the funny.

Sharon: She was funny.

Caitlin: She is funny.

Sharon: And because okay, if it were, like, Tamara versus Heather, I’d say Heather.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: I might give Emily more because she’s not as mean.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: And she doesn’t have, like, a past history of it. She just kind of got into it with her this season a lot. it was almost worse when they got into it in Mexico. That’s almost where I felt like, okay, now Emily went too far, because before you could kind of blame it on being drunk. But then after that, it was like, well, now you’re kind of doubling down on what you said and that’s a little rough. All right, let’s go into Gina next. So, Gina versus Shannon. This one’s a little more uncomfortable. We do discuss it in the Shannon episode. but so Gina this season is working to be a real estate agent. She’s in a long term relationship with her boyfriend, Travis. and they’ve merged households and kids. She’s getting along well with her ex husband Matt, but it wasn’t always the case. So Matt cheated on her and there was this domestic abuse issue. and then Gina ends up with a DUI that’s kind of related to that whole year. So Gina is triggered first by Jen because of the divorce. we’ve talked a little bit about that.

Sharon: And how triggered by Jen’s cheating because.

Caitlin: She doesn’t like cheating. Yeah.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: Which is what again?

Sharon: Do you not watch TV or read books?

Caitlin: You’re not allowed to judge. I mean, deal with your like, if it bothers you and it makes you think about it. Like, okay, well then remove yourself. It’s not like Jenny or don’t talk to about it’s not like Jen is.

Sharon: Like, going around like, hi, can we talk about my divorce? No, you guys are the only we’re talking about.

Caitlin: Like Jen does say in an interview, like, it’s not my job to make you feel good, Gina. And it’s not yeah, I do appreciate that.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: But the big versus is versus Shannon, because Shannon makes this comment that if she hadn’t helped Gina with her DUI, that CPS could have taken Gina’s kids and that is just like a really crappy thing to say. Because, a, I don’t think that’s not true.

Sharon: Stupid, I would hope, because it’s always like, well, they don’t take away people’s kids for things they should. But then sometimes you hear about these random things. I think every martin wants it to the mailbox and CPS takes our kids.

Caitlin: Is, terrified of accidentally making that mistake. And so I think to point that out is really rude. And Gina would have so maybe she would have, like, if she’d gotten picked up for not I forget what was going on, but with her, like, she needed to be in court, and then she wasn’t in court, and then there was, like, some confusion, and so there was a warrant out, but Gina had people she could have left the kids with. There’s just no scenario in which this is really an issue. And so there’s nothing to it except for Shannon being a jerk. Yeah, and then it’s even worse, because.

Sharon: Then Shannon now ends up with a Dy. Shannon end up looking like such a jerk because she brings up how she helped so much. At least we know Shannon has access to good DUI lawyers, right?

Caitlin: She has a name. Gina can just give it back. Have Gina be like, in case you lost the contact.

Sharon: Very good.

Caitlin: Here you have well, the worst thing is it also felt like Shannon didn’t even really remember saying it.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And it’s like, okay, you do have a problem if you’re not remembering saying these awful things to people. Like, if all of a sudden you’re hearing that you’re saying terrible things to people when you’ve been drinking at a party, that’s a problem.

Sharon: Believe her that she didn’t remember saying it.

Sharon: Possibly.

Caitlin: It kind of seems like she drinks because you think she was just drinking. Yeah, but also, I think she does like to play dumb, because I think if she doesn’t mean something in a certain way, she pretends like she doesn’t remember. Mean she obviously crossed a line. I think it’s really easy. Who wins there? Jen.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: Gina just comes out as a wacko.

Caitlin: With that whole thing.

Sharon: Jen. Oh.

Caitlin: Jen versus Gina.

Sharon: Jen.

Caitlin: But who wins in Shannon versus like I just want to talk about oh, wait, no. Who are we talking about?

Sharon: Gina.

Caitlin: The answer is Gina.

Sharon: Gina.

Sharon: Shannon looks cray.

Caitlin: Cray. Shannon hasn’t won much this season. Shannon is having a rough season. She is. Let’s move on to Vicki. I think we need a dose. We need a dose of, whooping it up. Okay, so this is the, in case you’ve been living under a rock. She is the OG of Housewives. Like, she’s like the OG of the OG.

Sharon: The aug of the AK.

Caitlin: The aug of the OC. Yeah. So she was in the very first season of Orange County, which, again, is also the first Housewives franchise. Started in 2006. I had to look it up just because I was curious, like, how long ago was that? She was fired, aka put on pause in 2020. But she is going to be presented the wife Time I said Wife Time Achievement Award at Frofocon, where we will be. She’s the founder and CEO of Kodo Insurance. And she has two kids and four grandkids. Just four.

Sharon: I know.

Caitlin: I took those two little boys who yeah, Brianna had another kid, so she had the two little then she had another baby boy, and then they just had a girl fairly recently. There is an age gap kind of between the first two and the second two, but yeah, I thought it was three, and then I was like, I better look it up. And it’s four. So her return basically reignited the Trace amigas, which is Vicki and Tamara and Shannon. And so that was worth it.

Sharon: Anyway.

Caitlin: Vicki’s just iconic. I think one of my favorite things about Vicki is she has this way of acting confused.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: And then dropping giant truth bombs. She’ll just be like, I don’t understand. So your husband is a complete and utter, like, I thought you didn’t understand. And I can’t tell if that’s I do think that’s just it is. Like, I don’t think there’s malice in Vicky, except sometimes when she gets pissed and responds to something. But I don’t think she starts it. She just kind of I love Vicky, gets into it. I do too. she got into it this season. This is our verses with Jen Pediantry about thinking that Jen shouldn’t get divorced.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: So many people were triggered by Jen’s relationship.

Sharon: I was thinking, aren’t all these people divorced?

Caitlin: Right? Yes, but Vicky regrets it. But let’s take just a quick look at Vicky’s requirements for a guy. Oh, yes.

Sharon: Sharon, what are those? Okay, vicky’s requirements for a guy. She listed these on the show. Age 58 to 63, christian, owns a home, independently wealthy.

Caitlin: That’s my favorite. Wealthy owns a home.

Sharon: Yeah. Entrepreneur, forward thinker, has a passport, loves Mexico. I guess those go hand in hand. Love it.

Sharon: Travel. Also hand in hand.

Sharon: Be divorced, not in the process.

Caitlin: I think that’s an important thing to.

Sharon: Say in the OC, but no, I also wonder which is funny because she keeps telling people not to give a divorce.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: And then also, can they just be never married?

Sharon: Okay. Yeah. Oh.

Caitlin: M, she didn’t mention that. I guess she’s assumed that would check.

Sharon: Off everybody must have children.

Caitlin: Country western. That’s not on my list.

Sharon: Loves country music. Not m on my list. Compassionate adores.

Sharon: Vicky.

Sharon: I love that. Makes Vicki laugh. Finds Vicky funny.

Caitlin: I love that she separated these because David and asof’s argument for a while that I thought I was really funny and he didn’t think I was. Well, he said he thought I was, but I didn’t believe. Like, I just didn’t think he thought I was funny enough. So I like that she separated. It not just makes me laugh, but also thinks funny. I agree. I enjoy that.

Sharon: I do like that that they have fun together. M. And the bonus, he has a boat, to which I say John Jason.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Also, I’m sorry, but her ex husband Don is it Don Gunvilson? Yeah, he must have don gunvilson. He had a boat. I really liked him. It bothers me that they broke up and I kind of wonder if that’s where Vicki where the hang up is. She doesn’t exactly say who, but I feel like Don is maybe the hang up. Like, maybe she was know, I should have just waited that bad period out. And so maybe she’s like, telling, like, make sure that this isn’t just about, you know she did this back to Gina a couple seasons ago when Gina was getting divorced. Before we knew all the stuff that had gone down with Matt, she was like, divorce is so know, really make sure you I mean, she’s very like this is a thing that she really is clinging to.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: I guess it’s good that she’s trying to make sure people don’t make the same mistake as her. But she needs to recognize different situations.

Caitlin: And maybe it is like kind of a I’m going to call OC its own culture. Like it’s a cultural thing where there is just so much divorce in the OC. M. That it doesn’t apply to as many other situations, that she’s seeing so much more of it, and so therefore, she feels the need to comment on it more. M maybe. I don’t know. Did you love when she went parasailing and thought she was going to.

Sharon: Die?

Caitlin: That was awesome. Now, my question is, can you go to Mexico without Vicki?

Sharon: Should you? No, that is correct. You can. You should not.

Caitlin: You should not. Absolutely.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: Should Vicki come back full time? Would she fit in with this cast? I don’t care.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: She is a cast. They need to fit in with her.

Caitlin: You’re right. They should actually put her and then just build the cast around her. I agree. Yeah. I agree. Because, again, she’s given so much. I mean, I feel like it’s sort of like a matriarchy situation, but she has she’s given so much to the show, and every time you bring her back, it’s enjoyable. So, stop playing this game where you’re trying to, like I’m not sure the OC needs modernizing the way some.

Sharon: The other franchises I agree.

Caitlin: It is the old original one. Stop messing with it.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: Some of them just need to stay the way they are and be classic. I legit feel happy every time she comes.

Caitlin: Me too. And I think Bravo needs to take note of that. oh, we have plans to read her book.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: I’m really excited.

Sharon: Maybe it was like, self published.

Caitlin: It’s one of early days of know that old. Okay, why was Vicki not at the reunion? That’s my other question. But I hope she’s fine.

Sharon: I know.

Caitlin: I feel like that was an awful flight by Bravo, and I get that she maybe didn’t have enough to argue about separately because we couldn’t.

Sharon: But then again, I think it’s respect.

Caitlin: That’s what I think, too. That’s what I was going to say. I think you’re exactly right. She just needed to anchor it and be there and just comment on everything.

Sharon: My kids, their word of the month last month is respect. And everything they say, that’s not respect.

Caitlin: Well, they’re not respecting Vicky.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And I think also, it’s like sometimes there is somebody who kind of takes on that role of a narrator to the housewives, and when you’re missing that, the cast fall apart. That’s kind of Vicki’s job. It’s like, I feel like something should go wrong and we shall be like, Vicki, how do you feel about, like, I want to know. And that’s where this all right, so but Vicki versus Jen and the divorce. What do you think?

Sharon: Jen.

Caitlin: Just leave Jen alone.

Sharon: Alone?

Caitlin: Vicki, you’re divorced. Get over. Leave Brittany alone. I feel like that about Jen.

Sharon: This.

Caitlin: Leave Jen alone.

Sharon: Yeah. Yeah.

Caitlin: So, I mean, I want Vicki to win everything, but she needs to leave. And Jen’s just so just not okay. Also kind of felt a little bit like maybe Tamara put her up to it. Like maybe Tamara kind of told her some stuff beforehand. I bet you she did. Yeah, totally.

Sharon: HM.

Caitlin: Now that you say so for that reason too, it’s like you got to think on your own. 2ft Vic all right, let’s do Taylor. So Taylor Armstrong, comes to us originally from Beverly Hills. She was an original cast member there. I kind of didn’t realize she was in that very 1st, 1st season. I don’t know why that didn’t dawn on me, but it did.

Sharon: That’s right. Horrible husband.

Caitlin: She was the first housewife to transfer franchises. She’s one trailblazer. She’s a trailblazer. she was in an abusive relationship on the show Beverly Hills with her husband, M. He had sort of deaths with surrounding you wrote tragic deaths.

Sharon: It really wasn’t tragic.

Caitlin: I mean, I didn’t know what they were. Well, like, whatever. Yeah, she was in an abusive relationship with him and ended she’s from Oklahoma.

Sharon: Yay.

Sharon: She’s actually from where I’m from. She went to like, the rival high school.

Caitlin: Oh, interesting. I forgot that. So Taylor’s focus this season is kind of on being an actor. She has that really weird scene with the acting coach. She was a Broadway actress, but it was kind of like an OnlyFans okay.

Sharon: What do you think about Heather’s reaction to the whole Taylor inviting her for this part?

Caitlin: I think she was a bit haughty and Snoppy about it. I do.

Sharon: So here’s the thing. I think Heather kind of was yeah. I also get the feeling Heather maybe felt a little scared to jump back in and not ready.

Sharon: Okay.

Sharon: Have you ever done this where you’re like, I’m going to start doing this tomorrow, but I need to think about it and get my head so it’s almost like she’s like, well, I’m not ready. Well, you have to submit an audition tape and you have to talk to the director and you have to do all this. You don’t just agree and do I think she didn’t feel ready or something?

Caitlin: I had that exact when, I got asked to do some freelance editing when Matthew was a baby. I remember thinking like, why can’t I have a baby? And then I was like, well, that’s not a reason. But then I was just scared and I wasn’t ready. And it took me a while to say yes to it. And finally I was like, well, there isn’t a reason to not say yes to this and I should do. But like, I felt the same way. I didn’t feel ready. I was worried that I lost all my skills and it would suck. And then I would be like, why did I put myself in this situation?

Sharon: And like, I get that and I think especially because Taylor was kind of looking to her for advice, she didn’t want to go in and then not.

Caitlin: Be as good as Taylor, maybe. I mean, I think that’s true too. And you don’t want to get yourself in a situation that you’re not prepared for. She didn’t have enough information for it, so I won’t give her that. But she should have said I think.

Sharon: She could like to learn more or.

Caitlin: Like, you know, I’m actually not really acting right now. I know I want to get back into it, but I’m busy with my.

Sharon: HDTV or whatever, or I’d love to talk to the director, but I just.

Caitlin: Felt like the way she handled it wasn’t good. I don’t think she was necessarily wrong and not wanting to do it at the same time.

Sharon: I did agree with Heather when she told, Taylor. She kind of said something about how Taylor was being mean to women because Heather had taken all this time off of her career for raising kids, and I thought that was a really valid point, I think.

Caitlin: So just across the board, like, I’m not saying that Taylor really suffers from that problem, but it was a good thing. But I know that what she said hurt Taylor’s feelings. And then I didn’t really enjoy that she and Tamar kind of joked about the IMDb a little bit. because at first, I really didn’t think much of it. But don’t bring that to her at the event and point like, that really was it. Maybe talk about it behind your back and let it go.

Sharon: Especially because, again, because she does seem a little sensitive about it. A little, not confident and ah, then you bring it up and you’re making fun of her.

Caitlin: And I think every mom who’s taken a hold at all for their, like, I don’t think you should call other women anti female. That kind of bothered me. But the point she was making, you have to be kind of sensitive to that, because that isn’t something that is an experience that men like, even if they take a little bit of time, their careers keep going.

Sharon: Ours don’t.

Caitlin: Like, we have to make these choices that are really and so it’s like, we do need to support each other in that. do you think that Tamara threw Taylor under the bus with Heather about the IMDb thing? Because she went to the bathroom afterward at dinner?

Sharon: I don’t know why she did that. I don’t know why she was stirring the pot.

Caitlin: She was stirring the pot a lot. it was interesting, though, that Taylor was the one who got to have like I really enjoyed that she got to have an event at the oh, like, she surprised everyone with camping. But if you ever do that, I’m coming for you. Do not ever surprise everyone.

Sharon: I go camping.

Caitlin: Yeah, but that’s fine. But I need to know, and I need to mentally prepare for it for like, a year. I need notice.

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: She did say, believe it or not, growing up in Oklahoma, they do not require camping. Sharon, is that true?

Sharon: That’s true.

Caitlin: Okay, well, there you go.

Sharon: I have rarely ever go camping. And when I did go camping, I wasn’t in Oklahoma.

Caitlin: That’s even weirder.

Sharon: It was in Michigan. We’ve been camping in Michigan. They have bears there.

Caitlin: That is a little scary because you spend all night thinking everything that moves is a bear.

Sharon: You know what I loved when we went to Hawaii and we hiked in the national park there.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: I didn’t feel scared. Every time we go hiking and, we went hiking in any of the national parks in Washington state, it was always terrified of bear.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: No, and I feel like, great about it in Hawaii, too, because I never predators and there’s no snakes. Like, sometimes I’m walking and I think a snake’s just going to run across my feet.

Sharon: Yeah, because we’re we live there’s.

Caitlin: Ratlesnakes.

Sharon: Exactly. Oh, my God.

Caitlin: And, in Hawaii, you don’t have to worry about that either. So it’s like you can just dance through that.

Sharon: Forest.

Caitlin: Awesome.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: I would camp there, I guess. Okay, let’s go camping. Although, I don’t know, there’s a lot of really nice hotels we could stay at.

Sharon: All right.

Caitlin: The other thing that you loved about Taylor this season involves food. Do you remember what I’m talking about?

Sharon: No, I don’t.

Caitlin: Taylor says the food is beautiful, but sustenance.

Sharon: She was not feeling the charcoals. She was not feeling the charcuterie. When they had it at that event.

Caitlin: That was so much charcuterie. It was like down that whole giant edge.

Sharon: You’re still hungry?

Caitlin: Like, why would you go charcuterie? Then you put, like, a little plate in front of us and we’ve already had dinner and we’re having, like today.

Sharon: I pretty much had candy charcuterie and, I’m hungry. It doesn’t matter what kind of charcuterie you have. You’re hungry.

Caitlin: Yeah, it’s true.

Sharon: Because it just doesn’t feel the same as, like, putting something and you still eat 10,000 calories.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: Do we think that Taylor would fit in better on OC than she did on Beverly Hills? Like, should she move to the OC permanently?

Sharon: I think she should. Just so we can get Heather on Beverly Hills. I think she could do okay in Beverly Hills, but I don’t think she’s as fancy pants. Here’s the funny thing. In the beginning, her initial season, she seemed much more fancy, a lot of money, and she had that fancy tea party. And I don’t know if she actually had more money or I kind of feel like she was just putting on think, whereas now I think she’s more comfortable with herself, more confident and being more herself.

Caitlin: Yes. And she’s more embracing of her past. I’m from Oklahoma, and I do like things that. Aren’t as necessarily maybe as like, she.

Sharon: That means that, Taylor and Jen are from very close. They grew up in very close same area, and they can eat rotella.

Caitlin: They should get more time together. That’s interesting. I kind of like, forgotten. I’m thinking that would be a cool next season thing is to try to get Taylor a storyline with Jen.

Sharon: Interesting.

Caitlin: All right, well, so who wins in that? Did we, who is Taylor again?

Sharon: So sorry.

Caitlin: So well organized. Taylor versus Heather. Oh, that’s kind of a hard one.

Sharon: Yeah, I guess Taylor. I don’t want to see Taylor. For some reason, I really like Taylor.

Caitlin: But I’ll say Taylor. I think so.

Sharon: Think.

Caitlin: But at the same time, making fun of Heather and she kind of makes didn’t yes.

Sharon: And I felt bad for Heather this.

Caitlin: Season, so I think I’m going to give it to Heather.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Or a draw. That’s fair. I think a draw is fair. It was interesting. Taylor came out as bisexual this season.

Sharon: Yes, she did. Well, actually, they say she came out as bisexual, but she had a five year relationship with a woman. Yeah. So I kind of feel like oh.

Caitlin: Like maybe that well, a five year relationship.

Sharon: You think people would have noticed.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: I was a woman for five years to Bravo.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: But it is interesting that never came up before.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And I think it’s her other stuff.

Sharon: Her relationship with her husband was so tumultuous.

Caitlin: Maybe she didn’t want any more focus on her relationship.

Sharon: Probably.

Caitlin: Which I think is totally fair.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: But I wonder if that’s kind of why she wore the rainbow look at the reunion, which if so, well placed.

Sharon: Yes, Taylor. I loved her rainbow look. I thought it was just because everyone else had one color.

Caitlin: I know. I think it was part of it. But then I kind of wondered if she brought it all together. She was like, I’m the.

Sharon: Flag. All right.

Caitlin: I’m, trying to think if there’s any future business that we have. And the one thing that I can think of is now we’re done with OC. This is our last episode. So, we will be heading to New York next, but first we will be doing our yearbook episode of OC, which is on Patreon. So if you’d like to join our Patreon, then you’ll get those episodes. We, have a couple yearbooks on there. And we also have our Teresa,

Sharon: Book Club episodes on there.

Caitlin: That way you don’t have to read the books.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: You don’t want to listen to us complain about. All right. Remember, Housewives, bring the drama, we bring the.

Sharon: Receipts.

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