Crystal found her voice this season with Annemarie… One of us wasn’t sure that’s a good thing.
In this episode, we discuss Crystal Kung Mingoff storylines from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13:
⚪Crystal vs Annemarie… ⚪Crystal vs Ozempic… ⚪Crystal vs Rob…
Sharon: We’re not letting Crystal go. We’re not letting her off the hook.
Caitlin: Okay, there we go.
Sharon: I don’t care if we’re holding ten minutes of me ranting.
Caitlin: This, is our crystal rant episodes. Well, it’s mostly Sharon. Hi. This is Caitlin.
Sharon: And this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold onto your diamonds.
Sharon: This week, we’re digging into Crystal kung Minkoff of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, season 13.
Caitlin: The verses this week are crystal versus Annamarie, crystal versus ozempic, and crystal versus Rob, who stole the spotlight from her this season. Okay, our background information. Crystal is a chinese american housewife who owns a very successful coconut water company, real cocoa, which we tasted and rated last season.
Sharon: It was good.
Caitlin: It was good. She’s married to Rob, who’s best known for co directing the Lion King.
Sharon: It was interesting.
Caitlin: When they say directing and it’s a cartoon, I realize there has to be a director, but for some reason, that feels like not a real job, which I know that it is. Don’t come for me. I love you, Rob, but it’s probably harder. It’s probably harder because you can’t get those stupid cartoon lions to do what.
Sharon: You want them to do.
Caitlin: You have to keep yelling at those drawing people. Yeah, it’s actually probably really hard. Okay, let’s talk about crystal versus Annamarie, because that is her big moment this season, so.
Sharon: Okay. And this is actually for everyone. This is, like, a big moment for Crystal. Yes. For me, this is a big moment for Annamarie. I just like to say that.
Caitlin: Throwing down the gauntlet.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: So, we dig deeper into the Sutton esophagus gate in our Sutton episode and in our Anna Marie episodes. But here, we’re just gonna look at Crystal’s side of things.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: Okay, so Crystal finally used her voice. Do we like it or not?
Sharon: Not.
Caitlin: I did like it. I felt like she finally had a.
Sharon: Purpose this season to be annoying.
Caitlin: Well, I mean, it wasn’t, like, an amazing, like, life altering purpose, but she finally used her voice.
Sharon: Maybe I liked her not using her voice.
Caitlin: Yeah, maybe you did.
Sharon: Maybe there’s a reason she should use her voice.
Caitlin: Background crystal.
Sharon: No, I didn’t.
Caitlin: Well, I’ve hated Annamarie so much this season. Like, she’s lower than an 8.5. She drove me crazy, and I’ve never been a huge crystal fan.
Sharon: Uh-huh.
Caitlin: Either way. But I just was so happy to finally have like, just that for a while, nobody was saying anything to Amory, and she just kept going on and on and on. And after Crystal yelled at her, it finally stopped. So maybe that was it. It was like that moment where you’re not gonna scream and you’re not gonna scream, and then finally you scream and at least everybody stops.
Sharon: Yeah, I see that. Like, the quiet person finally flips out or something. But I kind of feel like, okay, because people didn’t like Anna Marie very much, it made them like crystal, and I don’t want them to like crystal. Okay.
Caitlin: Okay, I see where you’re going.
Sharon: Cause it just really bothers me. You know what’s funny? I bet you if I met Crystal, I’d actually probably really like her.
Caitlin: I see probably all the housewives. She’s probably the one who’d be friends with.
Sharon: Yeah, she’s probably, like the person I would most in common with, and I would probably really love her.
Caitlin: maybe that’s why you don’t like her. She’s too similar.
Sharon: Yes, exactly. I don’t know.
Caitlin: That’s what people say. Okay. She does say, like, what is Annamarie’s endgame with the esophagus stuff? Do you think Annamarie had an endgame?
Sharon: No, no, Annamarie started it, and she didn’t know how to stop it because she didn’t want to.
Caitlin: She wanted a snowball rolling. Yes.
Sharon: And she wanted to sound so smart, and she wanted to be respected and defend her career. Yes. but here’s the thing. This is what really bothered me. Crystal was saying that, like, Anna Marie was, making herself more qualified than she is. But then Crystal’s saying stuff like, oh, well, you didn’t even say, like, you don’t practice. What about the doctor? You practice in her? And she’s like, well, I can practice independently in California. So Crystal was saying these things she didn’t know. She didn’t know there was stuff she didn’t know, and she sounded so stupid, I guess. But I don’t know that anyone else caught that. Because if you don’t, like, if you don’t work in the medical field and you’re like, oh, what are they talking about? I don’t know.
Caitlin: Yeah, I guess I just sort of felt like Anne Marie just kind of kept rolling, and it was really nice to have somebody to say, like, stop. And I guess what I don’t understand is I know that she called her out and was probably really embarrassing at the party. People were looking. She called her the b word. Like, it was. I mean, obviously, eyes came off of the homeless, not toothless, and was onto this argument, which is hard to do because, you know.
Sharon: Cause those teeth.
Caitlin: Cause you gotta keep an eye on this. But, I do think that for some reason, I felt like Anne Marie when she came back at Crystal, when they were talking in Barcelona, I felt like that was a little uncalled for.
Sharon: No, that is the best quote ever that made Annamarie worth it to me.
Caitlin: I mean, that was an enjoyable moment as a tv viewer. But I didn’t like when she said, well, Crystal maybe once upon a time wanted to have a medical career. So that’s why she’s jealous of me. Like, that didn’t make. There was a lot. She was. It’s like she was. The thing with Anne Ray is like, she was trying a lot of things.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: To see what would stick for a storyline.
Caitlin: And I just wanted her to pick one and be a little more authentic and not just try how many different directions you could come at Crystal for. Or to have the quotable line of the season. I didn’t want that from her, and that drove me a little nuts. Whereas Crystal just finally lost it. We’ve been waiting all season for her to lose it.
Sharon: Okay, so the line was something like, Anna Marie says, you should thank me for making your relevant. Yeah, but relevant or something. Which is true. Yeah. It is all 100% true, is it not?
Caitlin: She did. She did give her this. I mean, she gave her a. But if Crystal hadn’t stood up for herself, the storyline wouldn’t exist. So, yes, she made crystal relevant, but only because Crystal took the bait. I mean, it’s not like she planned it to make crystal. She was going at Sutton.
Sharon: Here’s the thing.
Caitlin: I feel like she would take whoever.
Sharon: Is Crystal trying to take Annamarie down a peg.
Caitlin: I think she knew that. She said, okay, this is what I kind of think. So when they were at the party and she kind of, like, had had a couple glasses of champs, and she said to Anna Rose, oh, my God.
Sharon: I hate the word chance.
Caitlin: I know you do.
Sharon: That’s why I said I was trying to slip it in. I was trying to see if you’d notice.
Caitlin: You were so mad at Annamarie, Crystal, that you wouldn’t. but I felt like. So she did say those things. Like, she said, the women are intelligent.
Sharon: Oh, I totally believe she said those things. She’s totally said.
Caitlin: And so I think she attacked first, because then when that came out that she did it, she wouldn’t be as, ah, she would be like, well, look, you’ve already been kind of an unreliable wit. I kind of wonder if she sort of knew she did something dumb, and had to kind of like. Or she just didn’t like her because she knew that she’d messed up. You know, like, when you just kind of want someone to go away and it’s not really their fault, but, like, they know something they shouldn’t know, and you’re like, just, I just don’t need. I don’t want you here.
Sharon: Yeah. She just wants to point out how, like, annoying she is or how, you know. Yeah, but it really seems to me. Yeah, it seems like crystal is trying to take her down a notch. I think Annamarie was trying to make, herself seem. I think it came from a place of insecurity, which is weird, because Annamarie seems very confident to me.
Caitlin: But she also. Annamarie was trying to make herself relevant. Like, that’s the ironic part, because she goes for Sutton, and then she kind of goes for all the women when she’s like, well, at least I’m not lonely and desperate. And that, like, was a lot of women. And then she kind of went, that’s not cool, because then Crystal was the next one. It just sort of felt like she wanted so badly to, like, win the game of m Real Housewives that she was just gonna go after anybody. And it’s like, well, you’re angry at someone else for you making them relevant when you’re also trying to make yourself.
Sharon: But she wasn’t going after anybody when she came in. I mean, I guess you could say she was going after Sutton’s esophagus.
Caitlin: Yes. But kind of pretty fast.
Sharon: But I didn’t get any, like, but.
Caitlin: At the pop party, which is where she got introduced, which is a weird place to start her journey. Like, she did immediately kind of, like, jump on the other women who were coming for Kyle. And, I mean, Kyle was our friend.
Sharon: And from her perspective, I can understand what she did because she’s an athlete. And a lot of the things they were telling Kyle, like, why do you work out so much and eat healthy? A lot of those things to her.
Caitlin: Like, why do you bring. What on earth?
Sharon: Like, why wouldn’t I do those things? You know? So I think.
Caitlin: Do you think, okay. I was really surprised that, they weren’t better friends after the whole blood pressure thing, because it seemed like, for a moment.
Caitlin: That really was the peace making.
Sharon: Yeah. I thought that they could kind of.
Caitlin: Be like, okay, didn’t really last, I don’t think.
Sharon: Yeah, like, I think Crystal comes off Annemarie screwed up, but Crystal comes off as being very disrespectful towards her. Like, I get the feeling of fake socialite. Would you say.
Caitlin: Oh, I’m sorry, crystal’s the only real son?
Sharon: Yeah. I think that she. I just think that Crystal doesn’t have any respect for Anna Marie, and Anna Marie knows that, and it’s frustrating. Yeah.
Caitlin: But I don’t think Annamarie showed, and I think it’s because of the other women. I think it’s right out of the Kyle thing, and was just like, well.
Sharon: See, I didn’t take it that way. I think it’s because she’s snobby.
Caitlin: Crystal is snobby.
Sharon: She’s snobby. She totally thinks she’s smarter than them. I totally, 100% believe all the things and. Yeah, like, I don’t think. I think Anna Marie is. Maybe she’s trying to catch someone on something.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: But she’s not.
Caitlin: That’s what it was. But I don’t think it’s obvious, though. You gotta catch someone. She’s like, you gotta wait for the moment, and then just be, like, so happy you got handed to you. And she was, like, forcing the moment.
Sharon: She’s trying to force a storyline, but I don’t think she was, like, being disrespectful. She’s saying, like, Sutton, you don’t know about. Okay, I don’t know. This is making sense in my head. M so, like, she’s like, you don’t know about yourself, but she’s not like, your person.
Caitlin: That’s true. You just have a terrible swallowing problem.
Sharon: You just don’t understand. Yeah, I don’t know.
Caitlin: But then doesn’t that come off as it does? Because I don’t know. What’s funny is I’m actually the first person to think that I actually don’t know anything about what’s going on in my body. Like, I’m the first person to be like, I have this thing, and I’m probably totally wrong about it, but. And so I’m kind of surprised that Sutton wasn’t a little bit like, oh, well, I’ll just talk to my doctor about that or something. Like, and just write it off. Like, oh, I’ll check into that, or.
Sharon: Well, Annemarie was being obnoxious.
Caitlin: Maybe she could have invited her to the doctor’s appointment, like, they’ve gone together or something. Yeah, Annemarie just can’t let go.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: And crystal kind of can’t either.
Caitlin: And I think that’s the problem. Like someone had to. It’s like a game of chicken. Like someone had to veer off first and neither of them was gonna do it.
Sharon: And here’s my problem with Crystal. She just, I just don’t think she ever adds anything fun.
Caitlin: Yeah, she, ah, the fact that we’ve had her this long and I can’t tell you what her main storyline has ever been. She is really reaching for a storyline.
Sharon: And like, the thing with her brother, it’s like, okay, I understand there’s family dynamics there that are, you know, different. in the fact that, like, you.
Caitlin: Feel like you ruined.
Sharon: I’m still confused. If she feels like she ruined his life and wished she had.
Caitlin: I don’t know. And if she was trying to say it’s kind of a cultural difference, like, that could have been an interesting, like with Carcelle, like, that could have been an interesting, like, learning point.
Caitlin: But it wasn’t really used for that either.
Sharon: It wasn’t. It was more like her guilt or she’s scared of losing her brother still and. Yeah, I didn’t think that.
Caitlin: I don’t understand that it was crossed the border.
Sharon: I’m pretty sure people get married in all cultures, right? I mean, I’m pretty sure this isn’t like a weird thing, like your brother would marry someone and that you might.
Caitlin: Have to, like, deal with that. Yeah, maybe take a step back.
Sharon: Seems more like a crystal problem.
Caitlin: Yeah, probably is, Marc. Okay, who wins in crystal versus Anna Marie? I think we have different answers.
Sharon: Annamarie crystal, no, crystal.
Caitlin: You love crystals. You have, like, crystals on your wall. I do love crystals. Okay, let’s talk a little bit about crystal versus ozempic. Not so much to talk about the crystal part of it. Yeah, but just to kind of talk about the ozempic housewife crazy current culture. So crystal is someone who has dealt, with bulimia and body dysmorphia. She says early on in the season, like, watching everybody just disappear into these teeny tiny bodies is really hard for her.
Sharon: Again, this is a crystal problem. Then get off the show. Yeah, sorry, am I being too harsh here? I don’t know. Maybe a little. But you don’t like crystal, so I’ll give it.
Caitlin: How do we feel about the whole ozempic housewife current culture moment that we’re in? I mean, it’s ozempic across the world. We’re in a zempic world right now.
Sharon: I think it’s awesome.
Caitlin: I mean, I think it’s a great.
Sharon: If there is a drug that can.
Caitlin: Help you lose weight. Exactly. Well, and I think honestly, so like for a lot of people, if you didn’t watch the Oprah special on it, like I think that that really made a huge leap in understanding it because it is like there’s just all this food that is noise in our heads and it’s like those, you either have it or you don’t have it. And it’s like when we kind of first saw, I think it was Emily on OC who was kind of really honest about being on it and she was sort of explaining like, it just quiets like that issue for you, like that addiction in a way. And so I think that I completely understand why it’s a trigger for Crystal.
Caitlin: But at the same time, like, I just think it’s something that I kind of wish Bravo would have a little discussion about instead of just joking about it on the housewives. Because I think it would be a place where you could really have an honest discussion about it. Kind of like Oprah did. But because it is, I mean, everyone’s using it except for Kyle. She’s not using it. She said multiple times she’s not, she’s working out. which I do believe maybe she’d.
Sharon: Be more fun if she maybe just took me.
Caitlin: Maybe she’s really hungry because when I’m really hungry, I’m grumpy. But I just think that honestly, Bravo’s at a place where they could really have, they could use this on one of the seasons.
Caitlin: As a discussion point. And I think maybe Emily will do it. Honestly, when we get back to OC.
Sharon: That could be interesting. And I kind of feel like, okay, we live so far away from our natural state and this industrial thing that has this industrialized way has affected our health positively and negatively. I’m like, hm. It’s kind of like, well, let’s pretend.
Caitlin: We’Re all cake dwellers and you don’t.
Sharon: Have to sit on the Internet where that’s not natural. So if I can be skinny unnaturally, sure.
Caitlin: You know, I think you’re right. Because honestly, you’re right. There’s so much like, why are there.
Sharon: Some things that you have to be exactly natural? And other things, it’s like, well, I.
Caitlin: Can see women things.
Sharon: Yeah. But you know, oh, it’s okay to get like a blood transfusion. Well, that’s not natural, you know?
Caitlin: Exactly. No, I mean, I think, yeah, it doesn’t really bother me either. So it was Empic wins.
Sharon: It was empic wins, dude. No. You know who wins? is it novo neurdesk? No. Who makes those MPEG? I’m not sure which company I remember. Lily. Whatever.
Caitlin: The stockholders.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: Okay, let’s talk about Crystal versus Rob and his stealing of the spotlight this season. So Rob was a moment this whole season when he told Crystal to let her brother go. And she’s like, who has your opinion? I don’t know. For some reason, he just was so funny this season. He was. I want them to use him more, especially if we’re kind of losing Mauricio. And PK’s really busy. Yeah, like, you need the kids really busy. He’s in London. He’s out of town.
Sharon: Talk to boyshard.
Caitlin: Yeah, he’s busy. Okay. Like, my favorite moment was when he said, I think Morgan planted the People magazine article about Kyle and Mauricio’s separation. And Crystal just looked at him like she didn’t even know what to do with Rob. And I don’t know.
Sharon: So it’s funny because giving a Rob makes me like crystal.
Caitlin: exactly.
Sharon: When she’s with Rob likes Crystal, so.
Caitlin: There must be something.
Sharon: And I like Rob, and when Rob’s with him, like, I just. I like seeing them together. I like her a lot more when.
Caitlin: She’S with him, so I love him for some reason. Like, he’s grown on me this season, and I’m crazy about it. Why do you think it is so hard for Crystal to get a good storyline? Do you think she. I mean, she has things going on in her life because she’s anybody else interesting.
Sharon: And not saying that in a mean way, some people are not good tv. I think that would not be good tv.
Caitlin: No, I wouldn’t either.
Sharon: She is not good tv. But the other thing is because she’s not fun. Yeah, well, she’s always unhappy. She’s like a wet blanket.
Caitlin: She’s unhappy a lot. That maybe that might be it.
Sharon: She’s really dour.
Caitlin: Because I feel like, okay, then for the first time, she really did.
Sharon: She’s so mean. I’m really being mean.
Caitlin: Let me list a few more things. You would not have been one of those friends that got glued into the cart. Remember when she lost was like 14 friends all at once. But I feel a little bit bad for crystal. And then I feel like. So she spoke out on. I feel like this would happen to me a little bit. She spoke out on the Anna Marie thing, and everyone was like, we don’t like that. Don’t do that, and then she probably spoke out with the friends and lost 14. And like, I do worry. It’s like, what did she say that, like lost? I don’t know. Like, I feel like in some ways she’s a little bit like she can’t do right and she can’t. I mean, she can’t do it right either way.
Sharon: Well, maybe she really. If you piss off 14 people, that’s a lot of people, man.
Caitlin: It just feels like then you’d really be set up for success as a housewife if you lost 14 friends.
Sharon: Yeah. It feels like you’d be able to make a good storyline. I don’t understand what you need your brother.
Caitlin: Do you think she’ll be back next season?
Sharon: Yeah. Yeah.
Caitlin: Cuz she attacked her, so. She attacked Anna Murray so much.
Sharon: I just don’t think she’s. Some people just, Like Erica. Erica is born to be on tv.
Caitlin: She was right. Doesn’t have that it quality maybe.
Sharon: And, it’s that je ne sais quite.
Caitlin: You can’t learn it. You’re either born with it.
Sharon: You’re either born with it.
Caitlin: Maybe she’s born with it, maybe she’s not.
Sharon: I mean. Yeah. What makes one person sparkle? Do you think so? Never let them take your sparkle. Yes.
Caitlin: Like a lot of the other half legs are like in their fifties and she’s just turned 40.
Sharon: She’s a baby.
Caitlin: I mean, do you think she’s too. Do you think she’s too young? I mean, but there is a point at which the younger housewives don’t always. It doesn’t work as well. No, she’s using all the weird lingo. Nobody knows what to do.
Sharon: Weird linga.
Caitlin: Cause she’s too young.
Sharon: No, I’m trying to think who the.
Caitlin: Age is of the other housewives.
Sharon: I don’t think it’s an age issue because, look, she and Garcelle are good friends.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: And Garcelle’s fifties.
Caitlin: She’s in her fifties.
Sharon: I think Garcelle’s gotta be in her fifties. I can look it up.
Caitlin: I hope so. If we’re wrong about that, I feel really bad because Garcelle does not look like she’s in her fifties.
Sharon: Yeah, no, I think it’s just her. Okay. Garcella’s 57.
Caitlin: Oh, my gosh. Wow. She’s gonna say like 52, so. Wow. Okay, well, there you go.
Sharon: Yep.
Caitlin: All right. So who wins in crystal versus Rob?
Sharon: Rob.
Caitlin: I would like Rob to have a like. I do think so. You know, Jersey seems to be the one with mostly of the like, where the husbands have much more air time.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I really think that they could do that with Beverly Hills, but now I’m worried with Mauricio. But, like, Rob would have fit in really nicely with PK and Mo.
Sharon: I think they would have had.
Caitlin: A lot of their psychiatrist. Yeah. And it’s like, I think they maybe should have tried to. Cause now the moment has maybe passed.
Sharon: Yeah. There’ll never be that moment again. That PK Mauricio show.
Caitlin: I’m sad.
Sharon: Let’s take a. Take a moment of time.
Caitlin: All right, coming up next for us, we are going to go into, buying Beverly Hills. So I just want to say we’re going to watch that. We. I think, I feel like we were the first people to really bring it.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: To the Bravo world, because we did first season.
Sharon: We did the first season and go back and listen.
Caitlin: We actually got a lot of likes from the cast of, buying gravely hills. So I kind of feel like they listened maybe.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Shout out to those guys, hey, peeps. Soon we will be doing that. So look for that. coming up. All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.
Sharon: But we bring the receipts.
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