Yellow flower with episode title

If in Dallas, you are guilty by association, what does Tiffany being LeeAnne’s lapdog say about her future in Dallas or with the Real Housewives franchise?

In this episode, we discuss Tiffany Hendra storylines from Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1:

⚪Tiffany vs LeeAnne… ⚪Tiffany vs her husband…

Episode 86 on Spotify

Sharon: M. Okay, I hit record, so I’m crying. See, I yawn.

Caitlin: I just want to say, stay fresh.

Sharon: Stay fresh, cheesebags. Stay classy, Sandy. Like, if, Walter had that.

Caitlin: You know, he would have said that.

Sharon: He said, skinny wedding.

Caitlin: Good luck. Stay fresh, cheese bags. Great. Really plays.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: Hi, this is Caitlin.

Sharon: And this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing.

Sharon: So chic.

Caitlin: Hold onto your charitable donations.

Sharon: Today we’re digging into Tiffany Hendra, aka Fee, from Real Housewives of Dallas season one, which aired in 2016. She’s a, one hit wonder. She’s married to musician Erin Hendra, and she’s currently a life coach.

Caitlin: Makes sense.

Sharon: Yep. At the time of this show, she was 44.

Caitlin: So I’m confused about the fee thing. I want to talk about that. I thought at first that just Leanne was saying fee to Tiffany, which makes sense because it’s short for Tiffany M. But Tiffany also says it back to Leanne. So does it mean something else like that? I don’t understand.

Sharon: Maybe like it’s supposed to be Lee. But then she said Phoebe. But then it was a joke.

Caitlin: I’m cuz it reminds me of that. I think I told. It reminds me of the friends episode where Phoebe says to them, ah, pheebs. And they’re like, no, you’re pheebs. She’s like, oh, I just thought that’s what we all call each other. Like, that’s what it felt like with this. It’s like that maybe like Tiffany didn’t understand that V was just for her.

Sharon: Like, she didn’t know what it meant. She knows from tip she should have.

Caitlin: Like, come up with something for. Or did they have, like, a band called the fee? Or is it something you have to pay to join their group? I don’t know.

Sharon: To try maturity.

Caitlin: Exactly. All right, so the verses this week are Tiffany versus Leanne, her bff.

Caitlin: And Tiffany versus her husband Aaron.

Sharon: And they weren’t married on the show, were they?

Caitlin: They were.

Sharon: Oh, they were.

Caitlin: But that really confused me because it didn’t seem like.

Sharon: Yeah, they didn’t act like they were married.

Caitlin: No. And they felt so tentative, like one of them could move and the other one wouldn’t. It felt like they were just on an absolute, like, thread. So maybe I’m wrong, but I felt like they were. All right, let’s talk about versus Leann. So Tiffany and Leanne had been friends for, they said, 20 years. They were very loyal to each other allegedly that the fact that Leann lived in Dallas is why Tiffany moved back.

Sharon: Yes. I didn’t know. Okay, so for the past, like 16 years or something, she’s lived in LA.

Sharon: And then she moves back to Dallas. She says, because of Tiffany or because Leanne, she moves back because of Leann. And I’m like, because Leanna’s on a tv show.

Caitlin: They were like, now, who will film with Leanne? Because she’s really difficult to work with. Do you have any friends you could have, moved?

Sharon: We need someone to defend her.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: But the weird thing is, like, for some reason, the whole time I watch this, until the rewatch, I thought she was a friend of. She doesn’t have a house at the reunion. I’m like, oh, my God, she is an actual housewife. And probably because she’s only one season, but doesn’t. Her only role is Leanne’s friend. So she really comes across as a friend of.

Caitlin: And she doesn’t even. It’s interesting because I think she was originally from that area, I guess.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: But it also feels like she doesn’t know the area because she’s lived in LA. And she constantly says, well, I’m from LA. Yeah, you could be my friend from LA. I can’t find a yoga studio that’s like, in LA. There’s no hiking, like in LA, there’s no smoothies like in LA.

Caitlin: So it’s like, okay, well, should you have been on a different housewives? Because you don’t know Dallas, you don’t actually have a house here yet. It’s like, so she really does just lift out. It’s very confusing because she just doesn’t fit any role except for supporting Leann.

Sharon: Yeah, it’s like she’s, what she does is she supports Leann and she supports her husband’s music career, which how does moving to. Maybe because it’s country music, maybe he.

Caitlin: Wanted to go to Nashville.

Sharon: I got the vibe, which makes a lot more sense.

Caitlin: Other thing that they weren’t clear about. And again, maybe it’s the way they cut it, but it sounded like she had this sort of, like, checkered past where she partied too much.

Caitlin: I wanted to go back and look. Was she drinking on the show? I never really caught it.

Sharon: I don’t remember her drinking.

Caitlin: M I kind of wondered if maybe she was sober in a lot of ways. And so it was interesting to kind of see it was the fact that she moved back because she felt like her life was just in trouble. And she needed to go back here. And then he kind of did that for her as well, and then thought maybe he could launch a country career because Dallas probably isn’t the worst to do that in.

Sharon: It did seem like he moved back for her. Cause he’s like, okay, kind of like, I’ll stay. And she’s all happy, right?

Caitlin: Like, she didn’t think he was gonna.

Sharon: Yeah, exactly.

Caitlin: Like, I’ll stay if you get a contract for season two. But she didn’t, so. Spoiler alert. Okay, let’s. Let’s get into the vibe of Tiffany and Leanne together. It’s a weird relationship. Is she just Leann’s lap dog?

Sharon: I don’t know. She does fight with Leanne that one time.

Caitlin: She does. They won fight on the streets.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Is that real? Is that just what they do with each other?

Caitlin: Yeah. I mean, is it like that? Oh, we’re just sisters, and we always make that.

Sharon: She says that she’s known Leann, and I just don’t know about her.

Caitlin: You know, when Leann came in and apologized to her. So they fought after. we’ll talk about it more in our episode with Brandi. But they fought over something relating to Brandi and how Leanne was acting. They run out on the streets, and Tiffany kind of gets all up in her face and, you know, she doesn’t even have recognize that part of her, and neither did.

Sharon: That’s my favorite thing, is when people watch the show and they don’t recognize it.

Caitlin: It’s like an out of body experience. and they fight, and then they meet later to kind of make up. And you can tell that Tiffany’s, like, legitimately nervous to meet up with Leanne, which I thought was interesting. Like, you could tell, like, she was talking with her husband. She was repeating things, like, there was an anxiety there. But then when she got there, it was Leanne who came in first, stood behind her, and then apologized. I’m so sorry. And it was interesting because then Tiffany didn’t have to apologize. She kind of does, but it’s like, I wouldn’t have expected Leigh Anne to apologize to anybody else. She sure as heck doesn’t with Marie, her other friends.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: She doesn’t with any of the other women on the cast. So there is something there. It’s like a, codependent mess, I guess.

Sharon: They do seem like close friends. I do believe that they are.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Yeah. Yeah.

Caitlin: I don’t feel like it’s a showmance.

Sharon: Right. And I think it’s probably due to the history. Because if they came together right now, would they be friends?

Caitlin: I don’t think so. Because, you know, for one thing, Tiffany’s just too new in the charity world, so she’s never gonna catch up with Leigh Ann’s world.

Sharon: I don’t think they have enough money.

Caitlin: Do you think their friendship is healthy? Do you think it ever was healthy?

Sharon: it doesn’t seem as unhealthy as other relationships to me.

Caitlin: Yeah, that’s interesting.

Sharon: I mean, honestly, I think it could be a lot worse, because I didn’t see, okay, like, Marie, seem much more beaten down than Tiffany. Tiffany will stand up for herself. I think she recognizes Leann’s crazy, and she just chooses to accept it.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: And maybe she shouldn’t, but she does.

Caitlin: I mean, I got the vibe that she did turn a blind eye. Like, did she really hear nothing when they were on the cast? Oh, that was a huge fight with Marie, and there was.

Sharon: She was just tired of defending her and didn’t want to have to do it again.

Caitlin: Oh, I missed that. I must’ve been in the bathroom.

Sharon: I know.

Caitlin: why do you think that Leanne is so much more willing to defend and apologize to Tiffany over, like, Sainte Marie? You think it’s just the history behind it?

Sharon: I think it’s the history. I don’t know if I imagine this, but did they at one point say, like, they have dirt on each other or. I guess that’s what I’m imagining in my head.

Caitlin: I think I would imagine if they’ve.

Sharon: Been friends that long. Maybe she doesn’t. She has stories on her. Vice versa. Yeah.

Caitlin: Because if Tiffany had, in fact, been a party girl, and obviously Leanne probably.

Sharon: Although Tiffany seemed to own her past, like, her racy movies, she did. She didn’t shy away from that at all.

Caitlin: She said, I expected that stuff to come up, which was kind of refreshing, because people often on the show were. They have no idea. Do you think? Because I was so excited to see that. Later, cast mate Deandra comes up at the reunion, as mentioned.

Sharon: Yes. She’s like. Deandra is mentioned as, like, elita, Dallas.

Caitlin: Yes. She is a charitable family with a name.

Sharon: Mama Dee.

Caitlin: Mama Dee. Who follows us or liked our picture. I think she follows us. She’s one of the celebrities that follow us. We love you. do you think that Leanne is as good of friends with Tiffany as she is with Diandra or vice versa, or do you think it’s a separate thing? Obviously, Leann’s getting a little more from her friendship with Diandra right?

Sharon: Yeah, definitely. I think she cares more. I’m sure about Diandra.

Caitlin: She mentioned that she stood up in her wedding. She didn’t mention that with Tiffany, which I thought was interesting. I wonder if there have been periods where she and Tiffany have fallen out.

Sharon: I could see that.

Caitlin: I could see that.

Sharon: You know, I’m curious to watch the next few seasons and compare their friendships. Yes.

Caitlin: I think that would be a fun thing to do. I love this rewatch because it’s, like, the layers of depth that we now have on these characters.

Sharon: So deep.

Caitlin: Okay, who wins in Leigh Ann versus Tiffany?

Sharon: I don’t know. Who do you think?

Caitlin: I think Leigh Ann.

Sharon: Okay. Because she got the second season.

Caitlin: She did. Tiffany just kind of, at least through the edit and everything, she seemed irrelevant.

Sharon: You’re right. You’re right. She really went. She was like I said, she seemed like a friend of,

Caitlin: Yeah, I think she easily could have been. In a way, the fight that Leanne had with Marie was more interesting. It’s almost like maybe they just didn’t film enough on Marie, but maybe Marie should have been the housewife and Tiffany should have been the friend of, because then she could have just been, like, the yes girl and the, like, oh, I’m. You’re my friend, and I love you no matter what. And it’s like, what did you bring to the show exactly?

Sharon: I’m telling you, I think there’s something a little crazy in Marie’s ice queen eyes. I really do.

Caitlin: Maybe Bravo could sense that. And they were like, you know, we don’t want to dig into that like this.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Okay. Let’s talk about Tiffany versus her husband, musician Aaron Hendra. Okay. The whole debate this season is, will they stay in Dallas? Yes. My personal debate. Is he a good musician?

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: No. My October song he wrote. I mean, it’s about October.

Sharon: You know, October is one of my favorite.

Caitlin: Me too. And so if you’re gonna ruin it in a song that says a lot, what’s so funny is I was, like, copying down really bad lyrics at first to send to you, and I was gonna send them all and be like, let’s make fun, of his.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And then he did this really sweet moment when he was at house of blues.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And he dedicated a song to Brandy’s brother. It was really nice, was a veteran, and, like, the way he introduced it.

Sharon: Was really, really good.

Caitlin: It was beautiful. And, like, brandy’s brother had been having trouble.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: You know, and it’s like, then I felt bad because I was like, well, okay. He may be a terrible musician, but he does have a good heart.

Sharon: I think he’s, like, a nice guy.

Caitlin: He’s australian, I think.

Sharon: Yeah, I think so.

Caitlin: If I’m reading the accent right. and it does seem like he and Tiffany really care about each other, but again, for a musician and a former party girl to be this boring, I don’t know.

Sharon: To me, she seems like a sugar mom at him, but I don’t think she actually has money, and I don’t know that she’s actually older than him.

Caitlin: That’s a really good point.

Sharon: I don’t know how old he is.

Caitlin: I don’t know how old he is either. Okay. Why do you think. Do you think there was any way that she could have gotten a second season? I guess it was unclear whether she pulled herself from the show or Bravo pulled her. I assumed Bravo said, eh, okay, I.

Sharon: Think Bravo probably said it. However, they could have brought her back as a friend of just to play against Liam.

Caitlin: I think she does show up some. I feel like we see her in.

Sharon: Some small capacities, because I think if she had brought back, she could have made herself relevant.

Caitlin: Right. Especially if she and Diandra were, like, fighting for Leann’s attention. That might have been interesting. okay, so who do we think wins in Tiffany versus her husband? Now, she does get to stay in Dallas.

Sharon: Well, he hasn’t had an album in, like, ten years, according to Spotify.

Caitlin: We looked just my October song, which is the name of the album, and.

Sharon: Then he stays in Dallas, which is what she wanted.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: She wins.

Caitlin: I wonder what he’s doing now. Maybe he’s, like, teaching guitar lessons.

Sharon: I was just gonna say that.

Caitlin: That’s what I see him doing.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. I had a patient today. Tell me. I said, we were talking about guitar. I said, oh, well, I don’t play guitar. And he said, I had you pegged as a guitar player. And I was like, oh, you have a vibe? He said, yeah, I was thinking something like, something jazz later, and I.

Caitlin: Was like, oh, you do not have jazz.

Sharon: I cannot have a jazz vibe.

Caitlin: That’s kind of insulting. I don’t like jazz.

Sharon: Oh, jeez.

Caitlin: I think you could be a musician. I think you could play a guitar, but I know you’re a piano player. I cannot play guitar, but I think you could. I just don’t see you jazzing it up.

Sharon: I don’t either.

Caitlin: I don’t think you give off the jazz vibe. You don’t have a hat like one of those weird hats over your eyes. Did you want to be a jazz player?

Sharon: No, but it was kind of cool.

Caitlin: I just would see more as, like, rock and roll or pop or, like, I’ll take that. I just. Not jazz children’s songs. I don’t see that. Yeah, I wouldn’t do that to you.

Sharon: Making a library.

Caitlin: No, it’s not that you’re not a good enough mom. I just wouldn’t make you do that. In your free time.

Sharon: Thank you.

Caitlin: In your free time, you want to go play music to kids? That sounds a little rough. No, thanks. Okay. Do we think that Tiffany added anything to season one?

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: No. I think she gave Leanne someone to film with. But she would have fought with the people anyway. I just don’t.

Sharon: She would have fought with Leanne, would have fought with Marie. Yeah. Yeah. I think, actually they could have, I thought, found those scenes with her husband really boring.

Caitlin: So dull.

Sharon: So it would have been better without her. There was that one fight out in the street, but again, I didn’t even find that fight that interesting.

Caitlin: And anyone else could have gotten that level of anger out of Leigh Ann, too. I mean, she was a loose cannon.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: All it took was Brandi to follow her out to the street, and she had the same blow up.

Sharon: Exactly. Yeah.

Caitlin: okay. It was interesting. When she left the show, there was. The Dallas observer had this whole article about how she was warning women not to go on the show.

Sharon: Oh.

Caitlin: So clearly there was some sort of issue with her and her breakup. She said in a Facebook post, sounds so old, saying, I’m getting texts and seeing Facebook posts that Bravo casting is looking for new women for season three of Real Housewives of Dallas. Hear me, ladies. If you want to be famous and willing to jeopardize your marriage, family, and brand slash mission, go for it. Bravo is a bottom feeder. People worship Andy Cohen.

Sharon: Ha.

Caitlin: what a crack up. He’s laughing at these women as he’s purchasing his next piece of New York real estate. Be mindful of who you worship. Yeah, I am, and I enjoy it.

Sharon: Yeah, exactly.

Caitlin: And then Andy said back that he doesn’t agree with her post and believes the housewives franchise is about friendship, sisterhood, marriage, and motherhood. I think it’s interesting that you would say it wasn’t about women because, okay, sure, reality tv is gonna exploit things.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: But I think at the heart of it, it does. It is about friendship, and we get so m few options in reality tv of seeing when people are actually friends and of seeing women of a certain age.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: Relating to one another. And it’s m like, okay, sure, obviously there has to be something interesting for us to keep watching. But at the same time, that is what the basis of this is. And I think the fact that she didn’t understand that just proves that she really wasn’t right for the franchise, too.

Sharon: And I’m wondering why this jeopardized her. Anything.

Caitlin: I know. Did it really jeopardize her?

Sharon: I guess just some people didn’t like her after, and she got, I mean, everyone gets, like, everyone gets bad feedback, but really, she wasn’t super controversial.

Caitlin: Maybe she lost her blog.

Sharon: Oh, oh, that’s right.

Caitlin: She had that, like, closet block.

Sharon: Oh, then she had Carrie. and Mark. I forgot.

Caitlin: Right, because she’s forgettable.

Sharon: Yeah, sadly.

Caitlin: I mean, I feel bad saying that. The end of this podcast that you guys just listen to, who are you talking about? I don’t know. It’s interesting, but we’ll get to the other people.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Well, that is our episode on Tiffany Hendra, wife of famous musician Erin Hendra. All right, keep tuning in. We’re going to finish our season one of Dallas and then head on to the other seasons because it just gets better from here. But this is the beautiful foundation that is Dallas. All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.

Sharon: But we bring the receipts.

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