Eagles don’t fly with pigeons and Kelly doesn’t fly with Kristen, despite having the same astrological signs…
In this episode, we discuss storylines from Ultimate Girls Trip: RHONY Legacy…
⚪Dorinda vs Kristen ⚪Dorinda vs Kelly ⚪Kelly vs Kristen ⚪Kelly vs Luann
Sharon: All right, we are going to redo the best line in the whole show, okay.
Caitlin: Because we missed talking about.
Sharon: Okay, Luanne. It’s not about the words. It’s about the actions.
Caitlin: I am, an action verb.
Sharon: That is the genius of Kelly, Ben.
Caitlin: Simone, m. People I like spent all night thinking about what an action verb means. And the funny thing is, I don’t think I am an action verb. I don’t know.
Sharon: I’m just like a noun. You are a noun.
Caitlin: That’s what I’m m saying. I think I lack that sparkle. That is an action verb. Maybe I’m a preposition.
Sharon: You nerd. You’re nerd.
Caitlin: I’m an action nerd. Hi.
Sharon: This is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to real Housewives on real housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your carry on.
Sharon: This is our episode about the ultimate girls trip, real housewives of New York legacy. So the former housewives who went on the trip are Kelly, Ben, Simone, Luanne de Laceps, Dorinda Medley, Sonia Morgan, Ramona singer, and Kristen, possibly takeman.
Caitlin: Yeah, we tried to look it up. Yeah, we can’t find AI pronounced it so weird.
Sharon: I have no idea. yeah. And they go to St. Bart’s.
Caitlin: Yes. And these are all women who are on pause. Okay. Who else would you have wanted to see on the trip? Because in some ways, it makes sense as a cast, but then the outliers of the cast are a little weird.
Sharon: Yeah. I thought Alex, whoever was going to be on it, because she’s on the other trip.
Caitlin: On the other one. That’s really on pause.
Sharon: Yeah, I was expecting that, and I thought that would have been good, but I was glad she wasn’t there because I think it would have been too stressful.
Caitlin: I think that she and Kelly butted heads. When you think back, to the whole scary island episode, she was there, so maybe that wasn’t good. I also think Tinsley. I kind of wondered if they didn’t ask Tinsley and when they didn’t get Tinsley, they went back as far as Kristen. I don’t know. No offense to Kristen.
Sharon: I liked Kristen a lot, but I think Jill’s Aaron. But she had already been.
Caitlin: She had.
Sharon: On the other girls trip with Dorinda.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: So I kind of feel like that was already played out.
Caitlin: And, you know, they’re not inviting Leah.
Sharon: Oh, yeah.
Caitlin: For. So sorry, leah. She’s out of here. Well, so obviously I am a Dorinda. Hater. I mean, that’s just, across the board. That’s the one thing you can rely on. and then I was really annoyed at Ramona and all of her stuff that came up before the season. So we were at Bravocon when this was announced, and the saddest moment we had was we saw the booth with Avery’s business, and she’s daughter, and she, like, I think Ramona was supposed to be there, and they’d said, you’re no longer invited to Bravo con. And we both just kind of locked eyes with her for a second. Then we were, like, panicked, and then we were like, can we take a picture with you?
Sharon: And she’s like, sure.
Caitlin: And she seemed so glad.
Sharon: And then I just felt so bad.
Caitlin: It was such an awkward.
Sharon: She was standing there, like, alone.
Caitlin: yeah, and it’s not her fault. Her mom is nuts.
Sharon: What was the business? Something about, like, selling career. You can book a courier. I don’t even know.
Caitlin: It was bachelor parties, I think.
Sharon: Something like that.
Caitlin: Yeah. Or bachelorete. parties, maybe, but it’s just a very niche market.
Sharon: We were like, yeah, we just.
Caitlin: Yeah, whatever. Just give us a picture. Also, we’re sorry about your mom. okay. Who from it did you think you’d really like going into it?
Sharon: I always like Luanne and Sonia, so I was expecting to like Luann. Sonia I liked, but she actually got on my nerves.
Caitlin: She got on my nerves this time, too.
Sharon: I was surprised, and I don’t know if it’s just coming off of, what was that show with her and Luanne?
Caitlin: I was going to say maybe she’s.
Sharon: Just better and too much Sonia, even though that was a while ago that we watched it. I don’t know.
Caitlin: I think this time she got real talky, and it just, like, it lingered too much, and it was almost too much like the old Sonia, like when she used to just be so obsessed with her past, the Morgan letters, and it’s like she’d kind of let that go when they did whatever that show is called. We have a great episode. but she didn’t let it go here.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And so crappy lake. But what was that?
Sharon: Crappy lake, I think it’s called crappy Lake.
Caitlin: Okay, let’s just call it that.
Sharon: Crappy lake.
Caitlin: Crappy lake.
Sharon: That’s right.
Caitlin: Okay, so our feuds for this episode are Dorinda versus kristen, Dorinda versus Kelly, Kelly versus kristen, and kelly versus Louan.
Sharon: That just feels like so much.
Caitlin: It feels like we pulled that Dorinda versus Kristen out. Kelly not feel so bad, which really, I’m okay with kelly feeling a little bit bad, to be perfectly honest. Okay.
Sharon: Oh, let’s do our bailey queue first. Oh, yes.
Caitlin: I love a bailey queue.
Sharon: I love a good bailey queue.
Caitlin: I forget we do that with ultimate.
Sharon: Okay, so the bailey queue was from the Cynthia, bailey at her parties does this thing where you say, like, sexiest, prettiest, and you basically vote for whoever you or you say whoever. Yes.
Caitlin: And she did it on the first ultimate girls trip, and it caused massive drama because Kyle.
Sharon: Oh, that’s right. Because you can’t say someone’s pretty.
Caitlin: No. You can’t label people. She raises daughters.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: I don’t know. Okay, let’s start with sexiest.
Sharon: Okay. Luanne.
Caitlin: Luanne. Okay.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And we haven’t talked over the.
Sharon: Yeah, we have not talked.
Caitlin: We’ll either have a moment where we don’t match at all, or they’ll all be exactly the same.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: That was how we roll.
Sharon: Okay, pettiest, I know what you’re going.
Caitlin: To put, but I put Ramona. Oh, Ramona’s pretty petty, too. She was really petty.
Sharon: I think she was more petty than Durinda this trip.
Caitlin: Probably. I just can’t not put Dorinda for those things. But you’re right. She was awful with the staff. I couldn’t stand watching. It was like, see, this is why you’re on big pause. She’s on an even worse pause than the big pause.
Sharon: It’s kind of like the big pause. The big. What do you call it when someone.
Caitlin: Dies and it’s like a permanent.
Sharon: Pause. The big sleep.
Caitlin: Pause. Okay, smartest.
Sharon: I put Dorinda.
Caitlin: I said, lou Ann.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: My husband really thought Dorinda was, like, smart and funny and put together, and I was like, get out. Get out of my living room.
Sharon: I think she was so much better than the trip.
Caitlin: She only got super drunk once and only did that backtalky thing where, she mimics people. Really? Only the one time she pulled it together better.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: Because eagles don’t fly with pigeons.
Sharon: That’s my favorite line. I just want to say that to someone so badly. I want someone to mess with me.
Caitlin: And be like, you know what?
Sharon: You know what?
Caitlin: Eagles don’t fly.
Sharon: I’ll probably mess it up and be.
Caitlin: Like, probably like, pigeons don’t eat eagles.
Sharon: Seagulls. Seagulls don’t fly.
Caitlin: I don’t know. It was really wise. Okay, who’s the prettiest?
Sharon: Louan.
Caitlin: I said kristen for this one. I did think she was really pretty.
Sharon: I think she’s pretty, I think.
Caitlin: I didn’t think so. I think the reason I did is I’m not sure I appreciated her the first go around. And this time I felt like I was drawn to her face a little bit more. Like maybe she was just like the new pretty thing to watch.
Sharon: But yeah, to me she looked a little generic housewife.
Caitlin: I mean, she is, but I’m not.
Sharon: Sure I could pick her out of a lineup.
Caitlin: I think I could, but I swear I might have that faceline, so I don’t know. All right, who’s the shadiest?
Sharon: Ramona?
Caitlin: I said Dorinda. Of course you did. Of course I did. Who has the best butt?
Sharon: Louie Ann.
Caitlin: I said Kelly because I didn’t give Kelly a spot anyway.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: Also, I realized I didn’t give Ramona a spot at all.
Sharon: I’ve completely written her out, apparently.
Caitlin: Just like, we’re one mine.
Sharon: I thought about Kelly, but I was like, ultimately, I think Luann is sexier.
Caitlin: Yeah, Louan does. I mean, she is, because I put.
Sharon: Louie Anna sexiest number one.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. No, but Lou Ann is just, I mean, she’s amazingly like her body and the way she works out.
Sharon: And how does she look that amazing?
Caitlin: She’s incredible. I think it’s a combination of genetics and I do think she works really hard.
Sharon: Yeah. And money’s got planet somewhere.
Caitlin: Money can’t buy you plastic.
Sharon: Can buy you plastic surgery.
Caitlin: Okay, sweetest.
Sharon: You’re going to lose, it.
Caitlin: Oh, my God, I hope it’s not Dorinda. I said Sonia.
Sharon: No. I said Sonia or Kelly.
Caitlin: No. Yes. Kelly’s not sweet. Kelly’s crazy.
Sharon: There’s a sweetness to, Caitlin’s, like, not even smiling. Like, she’s actually angry.
Caitlin: You can see that wrinkle that I want to Botox away.
Sharon: It’s mad.
Caitlin: Okay, most fashionable, I put Kelly. Okay, I said Kristen for this because she wore the most daring stuff. Everyone else felt like, hm. I’ve just seen it on the seasons before and it’s definitely not like, okay, I don’t know what was up with Dorinda because honestly, I did not mind her as much, but I just, by principle, I have to stand my ground. but what she wore was so old lady, I didn’t understand it. I guess she’s always been that way. But there was something about the hair. And then when she did her makeup, it wasn’t ever dark enough, so you could tell she kind of had those lip wrinkles. I don’t know. I hate picking her down because I feel like that’s really superficial and mean. That’s her job, but it is her job. And she looked really old this time.
Sharon: She did.
Caitlin: She, looks super in with the rest of them. I think it was the juxtaposition. Yeah.
Sharon: Like the old lady robes, silk, stuff like that.
Caitlin: She wore this, like, knitted hat on the beach when they did that John Jansen beach thing, whatever it was called. What? The beach thing, whatever that was called. It’s in my notes somewhere. But she had this old lady knitted hat. I don’t understand what it was. It was weird to me.
Sharon: Yeah. Okay.
Caitlin: I think that leads us into Dorinda. So let’s talk Dorinda versus Kristen, because the main issue is the pause. And as luanne said, she’s sensitive. We don’t talk about the pause, do we? Don’t push her buttons. We don’t push pause, with Dorinda. Okay. But Kristen said, to be clear, we’re both on the same show, and it is kind of an ex wives. This show was given to us to placate us because they were switching casts with New York. So it was like, here’s one last moment with your faves.
Sharon: But Kristen is kind of out of left field, though. Don’t.
Caitlin: She was like she’d been on pause longer.
Sharon: Yeah. I don’t think you can put Kristen and Durinda in the same.
Caitlin: No, I don’t think they’ve done the same catalog of.
Sharon: One. One has, like, more respect. You know what I mean?
Caitlin: Yeah. One’s put in more hours. Yeah, exactly. But she is right. They both were relieved of their positions on the show.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: But to be fair, I think with Dorinda’s, it was a little more that the show was winding down. Not as much as I’d like to blame her. It’s not.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: do you think that Dorinda, like, she kept saying she doesn’t care. Do you think she’ll ever reach a point where she’s got to reach a point where she doesn’t care at some point.
Sharon: Right.
Caitlin: Or, does she just always.
Sharon: She will always care.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: And she will always be on pause.
Caitlin: I guess she’ll be always mad about pause the way I’m always mad about Dorinda.
Sharon: Yes, exactly. I don’t think she’ll ever be able to acknowledge it.
Caitlin: I agree with that. That’s definitely eagles don’t fly with pigeons.
Sharon: Love it.
Caitlin: Okay, so who wins? Dorinda versus kristen?
Sharon: I think Dorinda kind of wins because she overtalks everybody.
Caitlin: Yeah, she does. I mean, I’m going to give it to Kristen because I feel like she did stand her own with an OG and that was kind of nice.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: because everyone else was just like, that’s her thing. Leave it alone. She’s like, no, this is stupid. And I kind of agree with her.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Someone had to finally kind of talk with Dorinda about it, minus all these behind the scenes that we’ve talked about.
Caitlin: So I did appreciate that. Okay, let’s move on to Dorinda versus Kelly. This is a does.
Sharon: I don’t even know how this mean.
Caitlin: Yeah, it’s slightly better than Kelly versus Kristen, but not by a lot. Okay.
Sharon: I don’t even know what was the problem. How did the problem start?
Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t even started.
Sharon: I don’t even know. But then it turns around and Kelly loves Dorinda.
Caitlin: Right. And so the problem is, I guess there maybe isn’t as much of a problem as we think. But it did feel like it was out of left field. It was on the yacht when we discovered it was like really a big problem. And I think the problem was that that night before, Dorinda had been really on everybody. Like she’d been kind of talking about everybody, but what we didn’t see, because we didn’t see the thing in the car, did we? So she thinks that Dorinda called her a bad.
Sharon: Oh, that’s right.
Caitlin: I think, though, what really made her angry is that Dorinda stood up for Kristen because Kelly was sitting there and talking about, and we’ll talk about it more in the Kristen one. But she kept saying that again, over and over. She kept saying, kristen’s a fan. She has this encyclopedia of knowledge of the show and she’s only here to be like, well, in episode two, part four, five minutes in, you did this. And I didn’t get that vibe at all. But I do think that she was so mad that Dorinda stood up for Kristen that then when Dorinda both stood up for her and then called her maybe a scene next Tuesday, maybe a see you next Tuesday with a y on it. That was apparently british.
Sharon: Don’t pull it to reach. Exactly. You are from the Berkshire.
Caitlin: You don’t get to use that. I don’t care how good you are at the bob tape, which was interesting that she was like the expert on taping everybody up. I mean, she really did do a good job with Sonya.
Sharon: Yeah, that was bizarre.
Caitlin: So I’m going to give her that. So I think that that’s why Kelly was so mad. And so when they’re on the yacht, she’s just, like, refusing to talk to her. And it’s just like, the tension.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: Dorinda calls the chef a jiggle. Does anyone say jiggle anymore?
Sharon: Dorinda.
Caitlin: See, I’m sorry, but it does sort of set her apart. Age. Hate to say it, but it’s true.
Sharon: Okay, my favorite part, you know when Dorinda apologizes and Kelly just suddenly loves Dorinda? What was that was so bizarre. And then my favorite thing is later on when they’re at the pool and when Kelly’s talking and she’s like, to Kristen, she’s like, you’re not the right tool for the job. I need Dorinda to nurture me.
Caitlin: Dorinda holding her and hugging really good friends.
Sharon: Yeah. It was like, what is with her and Dorinda?
Caitlin: I don’t know. She almost looks up to her because she said, I fell in love with you. It was very romantic in a way. And they don’t mean that in like a swarm ways, but that’s the word she used. Like, it was such an all encompassing.
Sharon: She really, really likes Dorinda.
Caitlin: Yeah. It’s because she’s like head over heels for her. Sometimes you just. Sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants.
Sharon: Maybe Dorinda in person is just like this overwhelming presence, and sometimes it just sucks even.
Caitlin: It’s just like.
Sharon: It’s a whole universe.
Caitlin: Okay. I love it when Luann gave advice to Dorinda and she was like, you can’t. Just to work it out with Kelly, you have to use your words and give Kelly, like, a word hug. You can’t tell her what to do, but you have to use your words and give her, like, a word hug. it just felt like something a therapist was. Let’s use it as a word hug.
Sharon: That’s her love language. But she said her love language is giving gifts, actually.
Caitlin: That’s right. Which is funny, because back on scary Island.
Caitlin: Bethany gave gifts and she lost her absolute living. But then this time she showed up. It’s weird. I’m sorry. She’s weird. She’s weird to me. There’s something weird about her. What I did love was that Dorinda had never seen the scary island episode, and she was watching it while putting on her.
Sharon: I know, that was fun.
Caitlin: And then the other women came in and like, did you watch it? What do you think? And then it’s like. Then it was interesting because that did sort of color how Durinda saw Kelly, and I think that the night that she watched it, I think she watched it. She went upstairs, she defended Kristen. She was probably also feeling kind of negative about Kelly. Like, whoa, I just watched this, and this was a little weird.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So now I don’t know whether you’re being serious with me or not. I guess sometimes I would wonder what Kelly’s intention was.
Sharon: Well, I feel like with kelly, I feel like when they all went there, they were, what, do you call it? Like, they saw Kelly in one way crazy Kelly, and they were totally biased.
Caitlin: Yeah, totally biased.
Sharon: Later on, she did start acting a little wacko, but they were on her from the beginning. Yeah, she would have been crazy Kelly no matter what.
Caitlin: Self fulfilling prophecy.
Sharon: Like, interesting.
Caitlin: Like, they’d already said scary island, like, four times before.
Sharon: She, like, morphs.
Caitlin: Then she was fine. Give you scary, huh? Okay, so who wins in, Who was that? Dorinda versus Kelly?
Sharon: I don’t know. Who wins?
Caitlin: Well, there’s no winner.
Sharon: I think Dorinda both win. They’re both happy in the end, right?
Caitlin: Is Kelly happy?
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Well, she’s actually getting married.
Sharon: She’s probably happier than she has.
Caitlin: Like, actually.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And everyone knew, like, really married. Dorinda’s like, I didn’t know. Is he here? Are we gonna have the wedding right here on the beach?
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: Dorinda actually was okay in the, talking heads. I can’t believe I just.
Sharon: Words.
Caitlin: I feel like lightning’s gonna strike me down. Okay, let’s talk about Kelly versus Kristen, which is the real train wreck of the trip.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Now, just to start out with this. Let’s start out with this. The astrologer. Is that what she was? Yeah, she said that they were so alike because they were the same star sign. So they would either be amazing friends or, like, terrible enemies. Do you think they’re so alike? I don’t think so.
Sharon: I don’t think so.
Caitlin: Okay.
Sharon: And I always think that’s a little.
Caitlin: Bit of a cop out because I think so too.
Sharon: Because throughout, your friends are enemies, right?
Caitlin: Those are kind of the two choices.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: Well, you’re either awake or you’re asleep. Which is it? I don’t know.
Sharon: I don’t think they’re alike at all.
Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t either. I really don’t. I mean, maybe it’s like. Maybe they have similar buttons that can get pushed or something, but I don’t think so.
Sharon: I think the only reason they’re alike is in this cast, they are both the not, like, they’re not really the considered.
Caitlin: The more recent. Most recent.
Sharon: You were going to consider the Og ladies, right.
Caitlin: They’re not ogs, and they’re older seasons. Like, they’re way back. They’re pre. A lot of people. And Ramona won’t remember them either. Exactly. Okay, so the big issue with Kristen is that, right when she comes in, Kelly is sure that she’s a fan, that she’s watched all the episodes because she’s going to be an encyclopedia.
Sharon: Like, you did something. I don’t even remember what it was, but she basically, Kristen identifies something that someone did.
Caitlin: And then.
Sharon: So Kelly’s like, okay, like, she’s like this encyclopedia. Like, she’s cataloged all our mistakes and she’s ready to bring them up.
Caitlin: Yes. And she probably did watch some stuff, but isn’t that just good planning? I would. I wouldn’t go into it.
Sharon: I would, too. And I think Luan or someone said that I think she should have been like, yeah, I rewatched it. I’d be stupid and not to. And I also think it’s okay to say, yeah, I’m a fan. I like the show.
Caitlin: Right. Also, the difference.
Sharon: Why would I want to be on a show I don’t like?
Caitlin: Exactly. And the difference is Kelly was like, what? The early she, Kristen came in the middle, so there’s a high possibility that she watched it before she ever thought.
Sharon: She was going to be a housewife.
Caitlin: Which is also fair.
Sharon: Okay, this is my huge pet peeve.
Caitlin: It’s like, I’ve watched the bachelor, so I can’t be on the Bachelor.
Sharon: Why do they all housewives always say I’d never seen the show, and then they came to me? Why do they think they’re somehow better or cooler that they had not seen the show?
Caitlin: It’s not a jury. It’s not like they’re like, have you had any information on this? We’re only going to hire you if you know nothing.
Sharon: It’s like, I don’t care if you’ve seen the show. That doesn’t upset me as a viewer.
Caitlin: It’s like not breaking that wall. Like, they’re afraid if we think that they are like us, then they can’t also be housewives, but they’re rich. They just have to genuine. Yeah, I agree, because I’m like, I.
Sharon: Know you’re lying, right? I had no idea.
Caitlin: Is this a show?
Sharon: What?
Caitlin: Is this a television show? I just thought it was a box.
Sharon: Of being a fan.
Caitlin: Would that have made you mad, though, if you were kristen? I would have been super pissed.
Sharon: I think I would have been mad, but I think Kristen didn’t handle it right. I think she should have been like.
Caitlin: But she cut her off every time she went to talk. It’s like, I just did you.
Sharon: Right. I think that Kristen took offense when I don’t really understand why there was any offense to be taken.
Caitlin: She maybe took offense too early, but the thing for me is that she just kept bringing it up. Like, kelly just kept pointing it out, and it’s like, you got to stop at the same point. No one’s going to be on the same team if you’re going. It’s a complete us versus you, all us versus you.
Sharon: And then Kelly does that thing where she acts like she’s looking out for her, like, I want to help her because she might like, yeah, gaslighter.
Caitlin: Or she’s just stupid.
Sharon: I think she’s just stupid.
Caitlin: I can’t decide.
Sharon: She’s not a gaslighter. She’s not smart enough to gaslight.
Caitlin: Yeah, that’s fair.
Sharon: That’s a higher level of.
Caitlin: You’re right. Okay. I’m convinced.
Sharon: I take it.
Caitlin: I also love how kristen kept getting stuck with Kelly in moments like they were at the neon party. And it just, like, the conversation just. And they both are looking off, willing someone else to enter the room. They kept leaving them there. Like, production’s like, wait, just wait a minute.
Sharon: Just wait. Okay, so I might as well get into my Kelly discussion here.
Caitlin: Okay.
Sharon: You’re gonna hate me.
Caitlin: Let me have it.
Sharon: I like Kelly.
Caitlin: I don’t like Kelly.
Sharon: I like, her.
Caitlin: I feel like I might have liked her more in the earlier days.
Sharon: I don’t remember the first three episodes until she did that weird toast at the dinner where she just cuts Louan off. That was weird. That was so bizarre. Before she did that, were you still talking?
Caitlin: Yeah, she was.
Sharon: Before she did that, I actually thought she was normal and they were all giving her way too much.
Caitlin: I actually felt like up until then, it was just a problem of personalities with she and Kristen, and so I wasn’t putting that much weight on it. I was like, we’re not going to get another scary island.
Sharon: And then kooky her be working by the pool. She was just standing there talking on her phone. What do you care if she’s working or talking to her?
Caitlin: Like, yeah, I was surprised the women switched. I wondered if I now am now feeling like, as we kind of did the dorinda talk, I am feeling like Dorinda watching scary island and then discussing it with those women again. Just m all of a sudden made everybody flip on her. Like, maybe had that not happened, I would feel differently about kelly. She just started to bug me as we.
Sharon: I thought she was fun. Honestly, the other ladies bugged me so much more. She was wacko. Like the dinner where she cut m ran off. That was all very socially unaware. and awkward. Super awkward. And rude. But you could tell she wasn’t intending to be rude. You could tell she’s just not right.
Caitlin: Yeah. No, but what I guess I don’t get with her is there does seem like there is some real disconnect from reality. It’s like there’s a whole conversation that happens, and I remember happening m with bethany and scarring. There’s like a whole conversation that happens and something else happens to her and it is really confusing. And then in that way, I guess I feel bad because what do you do with that?
Sharon: I think you just go like, okay, Kelly.
Caitlin: Yeah. And accept kind of what Luann was saying until she got cut off and she was like, you’re on your.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Like, I don’t know.
Caitlin: I thought, for example, not a good drunk either. I mean, like, maybe when she drinks, she gets weird. That could be. Remember Leah was kind of that way.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: A lot of people, a lot of housewives are.
Sharon: That’s true. Because I don’t really think Kelly intends to be mean at all. I don’t think.
Caitlin: No, I don’t.
Sharon: Intentions. Whereas I think Dorinda likes being nasty, which, okay, I’m, not saying that’s like we like making fun of people.
Caitlin: Oh, absolutely. But.
Sharon: I don’t think Kelly is going after anybody.
Caitlin: No, I agree. She just can’t get her words out in anything that makes sense. And therefore, it’s like she can’t be a part of the group because she can’t have any shared. She can’t share a joke. She can’t share a, critique. She can’t share the stuff.
Sharon: That’s right. But she told Kristen that Kristen couldn’t share.
Caitlin: Right. The only thing that I don’t like that she does. And I think, again, I don’t think she’s conniving.
Sharon: I don’t think she’s mean.
Caitlin: But she’ll take what someone does to her and she’ll turn it back around and say the other person did it, which I guess is gaslighting way. Describe it. It’s like if something happens to her, like if they say, you’re this way, uh-huh. She will turn it around and pretend the other person is that way. And I think maybe it’s just a confusion with her, but it is a little weird, because when you’re constantly doing that, there’s a part of me that’s like, what’s going on? I’m not sure it’s on even a conscious level, but that’s her deflection. And it’s like, it’s not purposeful gaslighting, but she’s like an accidental gaslighter. It’s like she just acts so confused that everyone’s like, well, I guess it didn’t happen, even though we all have the footage of seeing it happen.
Sharon: Wait, so do we think given what we’re saying about Kelly maybe not being the brightest she’s, is she as successful in real estate as she says she is?
Caitlin: I feel like she has to have a partner or something.
Sharon: Is there something else going on?
Caitlin: She can’t be in charge of the money.
Sharon: Like, is she just like, show a couple of houses? Is she lying? Or she just has, like, this really minor role.
Caitlin: She made it sound like she sold a lot of the things in her own building, which is sort of like, if you had a building and then you were in charge, like, in the building had like a board, and maybe you were in charge of procuring the sales for that board or having your name as the person who sit. But it felt like it was all within a building. And I don’t know whether that’s better or worse, but I’m not sure. She’s like, going out, creating open houses. It’s like maybe she’s just facilitating.
Sharon: I don’t still for her to facilitate.
Caitlin: Yeah, you’re right.
Sharon: I’m curious.
Caitlin: No, you’re right. I don’t know how she has any job that isn’t like model. Yeah, just the whole, like.
Sharon: But she’s really stressed out.
Caitlin: Uh-huh ah, you’re right. She stresses really easily, and she breaks down when she stresses really easily. She has to move at a much. I guess maybe that’s part of it too. She has to move at so much of a slower pace than the other women. And I think if I were a housewife, there would be times when I felt the same way. It moves so fast and it’s so confusing, and I’m not good in fights that way. Yeah, but hers is like even slower than where I would have to be, and there’s just not enough room for everybody to catch up with that.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I don’t think this was scary island, too.
Caitlin: But it was like, maybe the prequel, it was, like, leading up to it.
Sharon: Well, there was the whole. We didn’t talk about this either. The, Madison Ashley. Ashley Madison m. Yeah.
Caitlin: Because honestly, so, like, Dorinda kind of brings that up, but Kelly’s the one who later says, like, well, kristen doesn’t share anything about herself.
Sharon: Yeah. Kelly’s like. And then she’s like, well, I shared the whole Ashley Madison. Yeah. Which they only shared it because I think Sonia or someone brought it up.
Caitlin: And I do think it wasn’t completely fair. I mean, obviously they’re going to do it. But then here’s where my argument with Kelly is. She’s saying that everyone needs to not have an encyclopedia of the show and not talk about all these things. Well, she wasn’t there for Ashley Madison and really was. I guess Sonia was, but I don’t understand why they’rehashing that. If that’s like, don’t. We can’t talk about and say, well, Kelly didn’t. No, but I guess. But she kind of used it against, And that’s my thing with Kelly. She didn’t bring it up, but then she does kind of use the stuff, and I can’t decide if that’s just because it’s out there or because there’s, like, a little bit of something where she’s kind of trying to take the blame off of herself.
Sharon: It could also be sometimes, like, let’s say you tell someone you’re not sharing. It could be just because this is so bachelor, you just feel like an emotional. Not emotional disconnect.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: And I wonder if it’s that. So it’s like, you’re telling me stuff, right, but you’re not, like, sharing your emotions.
Caitlin: Yeah, that’s interesting.
Sharon: I feel like.
Caitlin: And so you’re not reading the language because it’s almost like a different language, like the emotional language versus maybe Kelly.
Sharon: Because maybe going into it, Kristen doesn’t like Kelly and, isn’t really trying to be friends with her. I’m kind of wondering. Kelly’s sensing that.
Caitlin: Yes, that could be because I would probably have a hesitation. So I get that. I think I can understand that.
Sharon: And wait, did you know that Kristen’s husband, he only got on because it.
Caitlin: Was a group all of his friends were doing? It was boys night.
Sharon: It was a group joke thing with his friends because.
Caitlin: So funny. Yeah, guys are bad with jokes.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And I kind of like when the other women kind of kept saying, well, she’s going to believe what she wants to believe. And I agree. I mean, don’t make her. They’ve made a choice, and they made it this far. I guess it did feel like a little late to bring it up in a way, but I understand she had to have some sort of controversy attached. She knew it was coming up and.
Sharon: She said, but, well, I think otherwise she didn’t have any, like, everyone had to be taken down a little bit.
Caitlin: Yeah. You know what? I was surprised because they showed that footage where Ramona threw the glass at her on the boat and it kind of, like, caught her a little bit and stuff. And, why wasn’t there more? Well, I guess because Ramona didn’t remember her really, or anybody ever that she’s. But, like, I was wondering why there wasn’t almost more of a focus on she and Ramona not liking each. And, like, I guess Ramona didn’t even care. She was just so busy yelling at the staff and forgetting everybody’s names that she couldn’t be bothered. Yeah, but I thought that was interesting. It’s like, well, if they were the ones who fought back in the day when they were on the show together, why weren’t we kind of, like, seeing more anger between. Maybe they worked it out on the show, but it looked like they hadn’t by that one reunion footage that they showed, so.
Caitlin: I don’t know, that was kind of interesting. Like, why was it Kelly that was the problem and not Ramona?
Sharon: Because they all problem. They all went into it in their heads with Kelly being a problem.
Caitlin: Yeah, I do think that’s true. I do think it fulfilled what they like. They put it out there and it ended up that.
Sharon: Yeah, for sure.
Caitlin: I did like Ramona’s bond girl orange bathing suit. I love Ramona because I was like, there’s anything I liked about Ramona.
Sharon: I really, really like that. otherwise, Ramona. Yeah, I don’t like her fashion choices.
Caitlin: A lot of sort of. They pushed her to the side a little bit. They weren’t showing as much. And I don’t know if it’s kind of because of everything that happened when.
Sharon: They went to edit it, they were.
Caitlin: Like, we can’t cut her out, but we can also m not give her a huge dragon roll.
Sharon: And I feel like, for being rich, her hair should look better. It doesn’t look. Yeah, it looks nice. It looks way better than mine. But when she gets dressed up to go out, I’m always expecting something a little more.
Caitlin: I kind of wonder if she has other people do her hair more, although she doesn’t. Here’s what’s weird, though, on that season three, the reason I’m saying that, because I kind of let it run. She went to that Oscar, Blondie, that name. It’s like a familiar, famous New York hairstylist. She went to his salon, and she took Avery there, and she’s like, I always have him do my hair, and he’s, like, a big name. So it’s kind of surprised that in that in season three, she put so much episode into so much episode, so much effort into her hair, and it doesn’t seem like that. Like, was it just like that, one time thing she had to show.
Sharon: Up how rich she didn’t carry forward?
Caitlin: No. She’s kind of had the same haircut for a really long time.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Okay, so who wins in Kelly? versus Kristen?
Sharon: Sadly, Kristen.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: I want Kelly to win.
Caitlin: Sadly, Kristen.
Sharon: For me, Kelly wins. I like Kristen.
Caitlin: She’s, like, the winner of your heart.
Sharon: Yes, she won my heart. I actually like Kelly more now as far as, like, caring a conversation about something important.
Caitlin: But would you want to hang out if Kelly. To work with someone, you had to work with Kelly? Imagine Kelly was in charge of your office.
Sharon: I could not work with Kelly.
Caitlin: Thank you.
Sharon: I could work with Kristen, and I’m sure Kristen is lovely, and I’d probably like her, but I would just like Kelly, and I would just go like, here’s a jelly bean. It’s okay.
Caitlin: Yeah, I guess you could buy her off of candy. So you’re saying she’s like, my.
Sharon: And if my blood sugar ever gets low, she’ll have candy for me.
Caitlin: That’s true. She had candy on, season three, too. She was like, I always travel with my own jelly beans because I never know if they’re going to have candy.
Sharon: I love that.
Caitlin: Okay, let’s talk about Kelly versus Louie Ann, which is kind of a smaller thing, but still is a weird thing.
Sharon: and here I’m going to defend. So that’s a shocker. Yeah. So the big thing is like, okay, Luanne’s talking. I don’t even know how it comes up, but they’re talking about stuff. And Kelly says, oh, I should hang out with you more, which I think is something we have all said to other people. And then Lulanne is like, well, you never invite me to a.
Caitlin: Especially when you’ve been drinking, and all of a sudden you’re like, why do we never.
Sharon: It’s like, yeah, let’s go. They’re like, no. So then Louien just keeps bringing up that Kelly never got her tickets to the Rangers game. And I like one of the ladies that’s like, how much are these? Damn.
Caitlin: Like, I will get you a ticket.
Sharon: Yeah, but it’s like, people say that and they’re like, well, she doesn’t always follow through. I don’t know. I feel like Luann was being really harsh. And besides, isn’t Kelly acknowledging the fact that she doesn’t follow through? She is acknowledging the fact that you don’t hang out. That’s why she’s saying we should actually hang out.
Caitlin: And she was know, maybe now that.
Sharon: You drink a little bit more, we.
Caitlin: Can go to a. Like, maybe she felt bad before about taking her places with alcohol. No, I actually, as much as Kevin’s weird to me, I agree with you that it was completely unfounded by, like, it made no sense. And basically, as we kind of unravel it, it’s like, Lou Ann just wanted a date. She didn’t want to go to the ranger game.
Sharon: I don’t think she wanted to be.
Caitlin: Hooked up with a ranger, which is a different question. Exactly. She wanted a ranger to date and have a long proposal story with a ranger. Because we never got to hear her proposal story because Sonia talked so long. Sonia went on and on, and everyone else was really bored at that. Yes.
Sharon: And they all left him into the bathroom. They did.
Caitlin: They were like, enough. I did. Like, when everyone just said, oh, I.
Sharon: Have to go to the. Yeah. I actually felt kind of bad for her.
Caitlin: See, you know what?
Sharon: In that case, I would be the one person that feels bad, and I’d probably be the only one that actually has to pee, and I would still. You wouldn’t be stuck at the table.
Caitlin: Being like, okay, so I’m really sorry.
Sharon: About all of this.
Caitlin: Okay. I do think that’s just. It’s, like, a quick thing. And, I mean, obviously, the winner for that is not Louie Ann is Kelly. Yeah. Okay. let’s talk just briefly about. Because I feel like we need to. So there’s a few extra things that don’t fit in the verses, but let’s talk about Janzu.
Sharon: That looked amazing.
Caitlin: It looked amazing, and it is so not our thing. Like, if I saw that on an itinerary, I would be like, gotta be kidding me.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: No, thank. But is there yoga to do, too, while we’re there?
Sharon: Like, I wouldn’t want to be near someone touching me up, but, oh, my God, that looked amazing.
Caitlin: First, when they described it, I was like, so it’s like baby swim for adults. Because I swear that is what we did with our infants in the mean, it looked exactly like when we used to take Henry around in the little circle. So first I was like, okay, so it’s baby swim for adults. But then I was like, no, I want to do this. I do too. It looked so amazing.
Sharon: Do you think that, what’s her name, Louie Anne and Dorinda had such a spiritual experience?
Caitlin: I do kind of think her mother.
Sharon: Held her or like, she was a little weird in her mother.
Caitlin: That was too far. I felt like it was like, I wish someone had kind of said it was sort of like a mother earth hug. It was like the experience of being held and supported by nature and the trust with the person swinging you around. And I felt so free and floating. And you could say, like, maybe that’s what a baby feels like, because when have I been had? someone else moving me around or something interesting to be like, I saw my mom in the light of heaven. That got a little too far. But the fact that they both experienced it similarly, I couldn’t decide if that was one of those things where someone has an experience and it shapes your experience or. I kind of think they’re both sort of similar in the way they were raised and growing up, so maybe like, maybe there’s some things there. Do you think Kelly’s experience was true? Because she said she had an sex?
Sharon: She was very turned on. I think that was true. I think she’s being honest.
Caitlin: It was uncomfortable for me how many times she used the h word.
Sharon: I think she was being honest, though. And actually, I thought it was funny.
Caitlin: It was funny.
Sharon: In contrast, Dorinda’s crying about her mom.
Caitlin: I mean, I have wonder if she just said it to me.
Sharon: Screw you guys.
Caitlin: You know what? I had a really fun time.
Sharon: And then Sonia does it, and Sonia’s, like, angry.
Caitlin: Sonia had decided before she stepped foot in there that she wasn’t going to have a good.
Sharon: Yeah. And because her neck hurt, I.
Caitlin: Think that was a big part of can’t. And she kind of said as much, like, when you can’t let go of the stress.
Caitlin: Then you’re just not going to.
Sharon: I felt a little bit bad there.
Caitlin: Because it was like, at that point at which Sonya kind of went down in the show, and it’s like she did kind of go in a tailspin. Like, they kind of talked about in the beginning, like, she’s traveling so much. She’s working, she’s not returning calls. She’s like, sleeping from couch to couch. And that felt a little sad. And then it was like, she needs to sell the townhouse. She’s in a tailspin. That was a hard part because I feel like that’s just where Sonya kind, of fun Sonya, she was being.
Sharon: Like, mean at that lunch, and like, no, I just said opportunist.
Caitlin: You can’t say, like, whoa, she was cutting everybody off. Yeah, she’s pulling a kelly.
Sharon: She was being mean.
Caitlin: She was being mean.
Sharon: And I like Sonia. Sonia, I like her because she’s fun and she’s crazy. Yeah, she was an extra hot mess. She, did.
Caitlin: As the episodes progressed, she fell apart more and more. And not just literally when the chairs fell over.
Sharon: What the heck?
Caitlin: You know? I love a chair falling over.
Sharon: Caitlin loves it when people fall. And the other day, I fell at Fred Meyer.
Caitlin: I didn’t get to see it.
Sharon: She didn’t get to see it. I was walking. a lot of other people got to see it, and it was really embarrassing. Fell and rolled, kind of. She.
Caitlin: Her foot really hurt my foot.
Sharon: Caitlin had to, like, it still hurts, but I can drive now. Caitlin had to drive because that’s my right foot.
Caitlin: It was bad.
Sharon: Drive my kids to.
Caitlin: She had a nasty bruise.
Sharon: It was not nice. Yeah. Then Caitlin fell down the stairs.
Caitlin: Funny, but when someone comes out and is not hurt, right? Oh, I know. And then I fell down the stairs.
Sharon: That was called karma. Yeah, but anyway, so Caitlin and not.
Caitlin: Our friend Karma, but the actual.
Sharon: But, like, I think, yeah, falling backwards on a chair like that, that terrifies.
Caitlin: So embarrassing.
Sharon: Oh, my God.
Caitlin: At least they fall in the sand. I guess the part of the reason it was okay to me, that wasn’t like, there are times when someone falls and they hit. If something makes a sound, it’s not funny. But when someone just gets back up and it’s just embarrassing, there’s no. And it was just kind of a slow fall. I guess it’s that it’s like when it’s normal and everyone’s just talking to.
Sharon: Like, bam, someone’s just gone.
Caitlin: Okay, what was the worst part for us of this show? You said, you’re going to know. I can’t handle this episode.
Sharon: The toenail.
Caitlin: Toenail.
Sharon: Oh, my God.
Caitlin: That is a trigger for us. This has been a warning. At the beginning of that episode, I.
Sharon: Texted Caitlin and I said, I can’t watch. I’m going to throw up.
Caitlin: And it kept going. I couldn’t handle it. I closed my eyes, and I kept closing my eyes, and then I kept thinking, it’s done.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And it wasn’t done. And they even took, like, a little commercial pause thing. And still there was more toe.
Sharon: And I felt bad for her because Kristen was clearly, she was freaked out. She was like, no, I felt so bad for her. Oh, my God, help her back to the van. That was funny when she’s like, no, I’m okay.
Caitlin: And they’re all, like, hobbling.
Sharon: I know. I can’t believe they were so, like, they wouldn’t help her. So I wrote in the notes, I’m like, when Luan’s around, people’s toenails fall off. Because, remember the guy, on crappy Lake, the hotel dude’s toenail came?
Caitlin: Yes. She should have jumped in and been more helpful because she was way more helpful that hotel.
Sharon: Oh, God. I feel nauseous thinking about it, too.
Caitlin: I really can’t. I hate toenails.
Sharon: Oh, God.
Caitlin: That’s the real scary island, if you ask me. It’s the island where toenails come to die. It’s terrible.
Sharon: Can you get like a. Because it doesn’t necessarily grow back, right?
Caitlin: Yeah, I guess it might. I guess.
Sharon: Depends how far.
Caitlin: Yeah. When she was like, I noticed it was loose the day before.
Sharon: Oh, no, I want to tape that down, man.
Caitlin: That was awful.
Sharon: Oh, I want to vomit.
Caitlin: Okay, so that was our least favorite moment. Our favorite moment was a very, very end. And I told you I didn’t think they would release who it was that Luanne slept with. And so I went back. I rewound. I was pausing. I was, like, looking at pant colors from the party. I was looking at haircuts. I was looking at like. And then I was like, he has.
Sharon: A tray of food. She just.
Caitlin: One more. And then it was like, one more minute, we’re in the credits, and Lou’s like, it was Manu.
Sharon: And he was so, he was cute.
Caitlin: Good on you, Luanne.
Sharon: Go, Luann. I was happy for her.
Caitlin: Do you think she slept with a pirate back in the day?
Sharon: Probably.
Caitlin: I think so, too. I mean, it could have been a little iffy, but once the menu thing happened, I was like, yeah, you did. You just don’t want shock to feel bad. And I think that’s okay. She doesn’t have to.
Sharon: No, I totally think it’s fine.
Caitlin: But I think she did.
Sharon: Yeah. But I’m really happy for her. She had fun.
Caitlin: Go, Louie Ann. I just feel like she deserves all.
Sharon: The good things I do.
Caitlin: She’s probably my favorite in a lot of ways. Just because she’s lasted so long, she’s lived through such messes and things that she’s gone through on the show and bad things that have happened to her and multiple marriages that have fallen apart and all this stuff. And she still comes out like, she looks beautiful, she has a good attitude, she picks herself back up. She does things that she genuinely loves, whether people are like, whatever about the singing and the cabaret and all of that, she’s always been like, I love it.
Sharon: She produced I want to do it ever it is.
Caitlin: I mean, we think about all the other housewives have pulled out this stuff and it has not lasted. Like, money can’t buy.
Sharon: Money can’t buy a class.
Caitlin: What’s the other one she say? And then the Giovanni song, God M. She has a whole CD.
Sharon: But one thing I noted was they showed her smoking several times. Yes.
Caitlin: That was interesting.
Sharon: I feel like you don’t ever see that.
Caitlin: No, they almost never. I mean, like I was saying to you earlier, I’ve seen paparazzi shots of people smoking.
Caitlin: But rarely do they show that. So either Luanne was more okay with it, or they thought it was interesting.
Sharon: Do you think it’s because they were in another country, maybe. Do you think if they were at the Berkshire’s, I don’t think she’d smoke.
Caitlin: I bet you’re right. It just feels vacation.
Sharon: It feels more european to me.
Caitlin: I don’t know. Yes, well, Luann’s very european. She got that know, they had to go get that hat because she got it somewhere in Europe.
Sharon: Oh, that’s right.
Caitlin: She’s very european. She speaks two other languages. She does eggs. I’ve wanted eggs all week because of that, too. I loved how she just kept saying it. My eggs de la Frances are getting cold.
Sharon: She just couldn’t just say, my eggs.
Caitlin: Like, just visit their eggs.
Sharon: Louienne, how do you say eggs in French?
Caitlin: Isn’t like, no, that’s spanish. Oh, my gosh. My Spanish is. It’s. Yeah. I mean, why didn’t she just, Yeah, you’re right. That’s weird to combine to franglay it.
Sharon: Because she speaks French. She kept speaking in French. Right.
Caitlin: And so maybe she forgot, but I.
Sharon: Really loved listening to her speak French.
Caitlin: I do.
Sharon: So that was fun.
Caitlin: And it was so easy. It wasn’t just like a real fit. Like, you could tell she legitimately speaks. Yeah, no, it was fun. All right, so that is our episode on, ultimate Girls trip.
Sharon: Romi legacy. So what are your thoughts on this one compared to others?
Caitlin: My least favorite.
Sharon: Really? Yeah.
Caitlin: even over the Berkshires, which I really hated, but there were so many great moments in it, I still think. And it had Phaedra. And then I was trying to think how I feel about. I mean, the first one was just kind of iconic because it was what it was.
Caitlin: And then, honestly, I really like Thailand. I like Thailand and I liked having the. This was hard for me and I don’t know why. I watched half of it and I stopped up for months. Like, this is us picking it back up. I tried to watch it in December and I let it go. And even this time I had to push myself.
Sharon: Yeah, I had a harder time getting into this one midway. I thought it found its kind of groove and I liked it midway, but.
Caitlin: Then it kind of lost at the.
Sharon: End because it kind of got a little. There wasn’t anything new and the verses weren’t real verses.
Caitlin: And I think that weren’t real versey. They weren’t real versey. I think that’s okay. You don’t have to fight all the time.
Sharon: Right.
Caitlin: But it just didn’t have a magical spark like the other ones. I don’t know. There was something missing. Yeah, the Genesis qua, it was missing. What do they call it? The Exala francis. And it has a toenail, maybe.
Sharon: Yeah, maybe that toenail, like, can’t.
Caitlin: Ruin the Jan zoo.
Sharon: Yeah. Because I think, like, the Sonya and Luann show had a sweetness to it. That’s not right. There was not a sweetness. Girls trip was. I don’t know, they kind of liked each other at the end, but I don’t get the feeling they’re going to all hang out and be friends.
Caitlin: I guess that’s true. It felt like there wasn’t any real close friendships, except for Luann and Sonia are tied together because of the girls trip. Then also, we had just seen them together, so I didn’t appreciate their dynamic.
Sharon: You know what? I think that’s right. I think it’s because we had just seen a whole show, I mean, not that long ago, kind of ruined it a little bit.
Caitlin: It wasn’t like, oh, my gosh, we haven’t seen these people together.
Sharon: And we had just seen Dorinda in the Berkshire talking about the pause.
Caitlin: Yes, that’s true.
Sharon: And so we had seen a lot.
Caitlin: Of these m things, and Ramona was on the first girl. I mean, it’s like maybe they should have picked a much more different cast in a way.
Sharon: But then they are the are. So for what it was, they kind of had to.
Caitlin: Exactly. I just think. I don’t know. I can’t decide if it was casting or where they were like, maybe it shouldn’t have been somewhere they’d been before because maybe it wasn’t funny enough.
Sharon: Oh.
Caitlin: I was thinking, though, the one thing I did love, that scavenger hunt. I love the scavenger hunt, too.
Sharon: That was super fun because at first when they were, I was like, oh, my gosh. But then I was like, oh, they.
Caitlin: Did a great job to objects was a really good way of remembering stuff because I can’t remember now, but there was a couple of things where I.
Sharon: Was like the leg.
Caitlin: Yeah, there was some really great moments in that Alex shoes, that was.
Sharon: And the kids, then they went back and they showed the clip and it’s.
Caitlin: Like, oh, I liked that. That was smart. That was maybe my favorite part, honestly.
Sharon: And I liked, oh, so every time they have like, a host person, like, this time it was Martin or Martin, I don’t know.
Caitlin: I do enjoy the host.
Sharon: And it was Pepsi in Thailand. so I really liked him and I felt so bad for him.
Caitlin: I felt bad for him too. He was just like, Ramona was me m. And she was bossing him around. She couldn’t find her underwear, and she.
Sharon: Was like, I have to pack. I’m like, dude, it’s daytime, right? I’m sure you have lots of time to pack. I bet you people there could even help you if you need, like, and.
Caitlin: Maybe you don’t need to yell at him while the cameras are running.
Sharon: That’s really awful.
Caitlin: Because if she’s doing that when the cameras are on, it always makes me think, how awful is she when they’re this thing?
Sharon: I don’t know if she said it’s ridiculous. But I have this thing when people say things are ridiculous and are not.
Caitlin: Oh, yeah.
Sharon: It’s kind of like you can’t find your underwear. That’s not actually like, it just makes me angry.
Caitlin: Ramona is ridiculous, though. All right. and just don’t call people the wrong names and then pretend like you think that’s funny either. That’s also not cool.
Sharon: That’s special to me. I don’t care that you’re not so rude. It’s hilarious.
Caitlin: All right, well, that is our episode on Ultimate Girls trip legacy. I can’t remember the name of this thing. I want to give it a number. I want to call it four, but everyone’s calling Morocco four. even though it probably will never air, so it’s confusing.
Sharon: Real Housewives of New York legacy.
Caitlin: It’s Roni Legacy. Oh, remember at had? that’s where they had the IV lounge because it was the legacy trip IV lounge.
Sharon: I was like, we should get it right.
Caitlin: So we missed that. But maybe they’ll be like, next time. Maybe they really need the IVs for the Morocco trip. Yeah. Okay. All right. Remember, hassle’s bring the drama, but we bring the receipts.
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