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In these mini Extra Tea episodes, we will give our hot takes on what’s on the air now and spill our personal tea. Is the first Golden Bachelorette Joan Vassos here for the right reasons? Is this franchise Chock full of good suitors?

Episode 98 on Spotify

Caitlin: M supposedly, these aren’t as good as the ones from. Oh, oh.

Sharon: These are dark chocolate. They’re gonna be better.

Caitlin: They’re gonna be better. They just had those at the store.

Sharon: Oh, my God. I didn’t mean that today already.

Caitlin: I even had a Tim Tam today.

Sharon: That’s like. That’s what I said my face should say. Well, I only have a Tim Tam one set, and I only have a box of Sarah.

Caitlin: Exactly. I mean, I did have two pumpkin.

Sharon: Spices, and I only have a pumpkin.

Caitlin: M. Well, I didn’t have breakfast.

Sharon: You know what? I had two Starbucks, but one was a caramel macchiato.

Caitlin: It’s a totally different category.

Sharon: It is.

Caitlin: Hi. This is Caitlin.

Sharon: And this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing.

Sharon: So chic.

Caitlin: Hold on to your roses.

Sharon: So today we’re just gonna do our quick little discussion on the golden bachelorette, because we do really like it.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: We love bachelor franchise.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: So this isn’t a recap or anything. We’re just gonna kind of talk about the season so far.

Caitlin: Yep.

Sharon: Just a little impressions. Yep, yep. So we are both big golden bachelor bachelorette fans. We think it’s good. It’s right reasons we love it.

Caitlin: I know I do. I feel like it’s revamped the show. I don’t know. It just. It lost the original spirit. I kind of feel like. And I feel like Golden Bachelorette and Golden Bachelor is the original spirit, even though things didn’t go great with Jerry. But we can talk about that later.

Sharon: Gary.

Caitlin: It’s spelled Jerry, and that’s how I wrote it in my notes. And I don’t like that. The first thing I don’t like how Gary Jerry spells his name. How about that? Let’s talk about that.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: I could do a whole five minute spiel. We’ll just talk about Joan.

Sharon: Yeah. We really want everyone on the show to find love. Yes. There’s very few people to hate.

Caitlin: No. And I think Joan’s a great choice because I do feel like we’ve spent too much time going, you’re the runner up, and now you can have this. But sometimes there’s a reason the person’s a runner up. Maybe they’re not really ready. And you could say, maybe they just didn’t click, but they clicked enough to get that far. And so sometimes I think it’s almost smarter to pick someone who was eliminated much further back before they got really messed up by the whole system, because otherwise you’re picking someone who just had a terrible overnight date, who, like, got, left at the altar, you know, like, of the proposal. And I just feel like that’s really rough and really harsh. So I like that.

Sharon: I mean, I get that that’s kind of the consolation prize, but I also think it’s nice for us as the viewer because we kind of know them, but we don’t know them as well, maybe. So maybe we get to learn a little bit more.

Caitlin: I think you’re right. I think there’s more for us to get out of it. And honestly, I kind of miss the original days of bachelor, when it was, like, these rich bachelors who, like, they just pulled them out of thin air. And, like you said, we didn’t know enough about them for them to be a problem. Yet now we have more problems, and I think we need to address that somehow.

Sharon: Restraining order, Gil.

Caitlin: Yes. Let’s talk about that. Last week, Sharon said they should just put that under his name. So we don’t know when that’s gonna take a turn. But it’s really hard watching him every week knowing that.

Sharon: And I didn’t. You know, honestly, to be fair, I guess I didn’t fully read the thing. I don’t know. But,

Caitlin: Do you like Joan? Do you think she’s a good bachelorette so far?

Sharon: I do, yeah, I think she’s. Yeah, I think she’s good. I think she has a sympathetic backstory. She seems like a nice person. I kind of don’t like the whole I’m not gonna do overnight days.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: That kind of turns me off from the beginning, because I’m like, come on. The whole point is to show that it doesn’t matter how old you are, you can still be vivacious. But I get the whole point.

Caitlin: For her, it’s religious, and I get not wanting, like, maybe your kids to see that, but I don’t understand why you can’t see, say, we’re doing them and then just not do them. Like, if it’s just for your own personal thing and it’s just your own, like, I think you can just say, when it comes to overnight dates, I may have my own personal reasons. I may not decide it, but, like, maybe you just kind of leave the magic quietly off camera. Like, I’m not sure we need to make a big discussion about it.

Sharon: That’s true.

Caitlin: I was a little sad. Cause I kind of wanted the lady who was local who’s closer to. There’s one from, where we live, so that’s okay. Though, who is your favorite? We’ll talk in a minute about who we think is gonna win it all. But who’s your favorite? Do you have a personal favorite on the show?

Sharon: Well, I just love Charles L. And I totally teared up and cried when he was talking to the ER doctor.

Caitlin: And about the wife. I knew what happened.

Sharon: Yeah. And how that just brought him peace. Like, he finally just realized, okay, she just bit her tongue.

Caitlin: She probably did. now, I think Jesse called him a national treasure, and I agree. He is my favorite person. It just, he makes me so happy to watch. Like, I know she’s not gonna pick him, and I’m not even sure he would necessarily be his own lead of a show. I don’t know if he has the outgoingness to do it, but if he isn’t the nicest person they’ve ever had on the show. I adore Charles L. Yeah.

Sharon: And that’s one thing I really like. The camaraderie between the men.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: It’s nice seeing them being supportive of each other.

Caitlin: It used to be more like that, I feel like.

Sharon: And, I mean, I know there’s gonna be drama, but at least, especially because so many of them have experienced loss of a spouse. It’s like they all really, they’re all rooting, I think, just to the whole idea that they can’t find love again. I think they all like that idea. Whereas young people are, like, they feel entitled to love.

Caitlin: Kind of like, you’re right.

Sharon: Whereas they’re like, man, I really hope people our age get another shot.

Caitlin: Exactly. Because maybe I thought that that wasn’t a choice.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: I think it’s also interesting to think, like, when you’re in that younger age, you’re so social. You’re out with friends, you’re maybe living with a broom mate. And that a lot of them were kind of, like, lonely and so excited to, like, be together and hang out and talk and, like, have that social, because I think it is hard at that age. Like, if you don’t have a workplace, you’re going to or, you know, your friends have all kind of moved and you’ve moved for work and you aren’t near people or you moved for family.

Sharon: Or especially, like, if your spouse passes away, a lot of times women are the one who make their men’s, go out with people, so maybe they lose touch or they don’t go out as much.

Caitlin: Yeah. Like, I hope this group is, like, as cohesive as the women were on the bachelor’s season.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: what are some of your least favorite moments. Or people.

Sharon: okay, so chalk for some reason.

Caitlin: Okay, first of all, chalk full of nuts. Hate the name. Don’t like how it’s spelled, don’t like how it sounds. Sounds like sidewalk chalk. Sounds like chock full of nuts. And I think he’s chock full of.

Sharon: Nuts, so I cannot put my finger on it, because at first I liked him, but then something just not to like him. And then last time, there was just something. The way he said something or cut her off or bad.

Caitlin: Wait,

Sharon: I just got a vibe.

Caitlin: Yep, I agree with you.

Sharon: It hit me in the stomach, and I was like, something’s wrong.

Caitlin: When you said that, it was like I had just been thinking, what is wrong? Why can’t I. Why can’t. What is wrong? Why can’t I get behind this guy?

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And then when he said that, I was like, that’s what it is. It’s something. There’s something I can’t put my finger on. And that makes it scary. Yeah, because he’s not restraining order, Gil. But there’s still something.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Okay. I also was pulling for the guy from Seattle because he’s a Washingtonian and he was in the navy. I wanted Kim. I know, but Kim’s songs, it was so bad. Were painful, and then he forced them on. If you can’t push them on everybody, this isn’t a dorm. I know. It’s not rush week.

Sharon: And it was funny when the other guys were like, well, this song is really from you?

Caitlin: Yeah. The way they tried to get out of it. Well played, guys. The guy the ER doc got on board. Do you think that’s just because ER docs just think they can do anything? Probably. I was liking guy, but now I’m not sure because he sang with Kim, I can’t decide. He’s either the nicest guy in the world, yeah. For going through it with his friend, or he’s a little bit chockful enough. Instead of the two chickens.

Sharon: Maybe he really likes to sing. He likes show tunes or singing.

Caitlin: I don’t know. Maybe. But that wasn’t my least favorite moment. I didn’t like that they brought Gary back. How did you feel about that?

Sharon: Yeah, I don’t. I,

Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t like. I mean, I just feel like sometimes when something goes wrong, they kind of distance themselves. And it’s nice that maybe they didn’t after his divorce and everything, and it didn’t work out. But then to bring him back when he was her ex and have him go like, are you sure that your person’s here? Are you saying it’s you? Do you want another shot? What’s going on?

Sharon: It’s like, well, clearly, dude, you didn’t know whether your person was or wasn’t.

Caitlin: And then he made it sound like. And again, I’m sure that everything happens so fast, and it is kind of that, like, Stockholm syndrome type thing. That’s how the bachelor works. But then for him to say, well, I think you have a better shot than I have. So were you saying you made a horrible mistake and that you shouldn’t have picked her? I mean, I didn’t like her. I didn’t think you should have picked her. But Teresa.

Sharon: Caitlyn didn’t.

Caitlin: Caitlyn did not. Like, I told you, Teresa wasn’t like, you can’t trust Teresa’s from Jersey. what do we think about Mark? Who’s Kelsey’s dad? Kelsey and Joey are still together.

Sharon: Okay. So I think that he’s adorable. I think that they’re just gonna be friends.

Caitlin: I think so too. I get a friend vibe from them.

Sharon: I get a friend vibe. And I think they’ll be kind of likely close to each other.

Caitlin: But I do like him. He seems, like, stable. He seems to not be a problem.

Sharon: He seems like a nice guy.

Caitlin: He does.

Sharon: He also has sympathetic story and the whole thing. And you’re rooting for him too.

Caitlin: Exactly. I also really like Jonathan from the riding horses date. This last thing, he was great.

Sharon: He looks good. All these people are in better shape now at 60 than I have ever been.

Caitlin: They were all really moving, and they look good. what happened?

Sharon: I’m running on the kickball field. I’m like, I can’t run.

Caitlin: I know I could never play kickball. And then if you asked me to play kickball in my sixties, I would probably break a hit because we played kickball.

Sharon: Now I’d, like, pulse them.

Caitlin: That was a little terrifying.

Sharon: I was glad that they got massages after. Cause I was like, oh, my gosh.

Caitlin: My only question with Jonathan was, I did not understand when he said, my wife, just out of nowhere, asked for a divorce. And I was like, there were signs.

Sharon: I know. Cause she was painted as the villain. And it’s like, okay, dude. All the women are sitting there going.

Caitlin: No, there was no where.

Sharon: She probably said it a million times to you, and then one day you’re like, what? You want a divorce?

Caitlin: I might have written him off for that. I appreciate. It’s one thing if you say, that was a long time ago. I don’t want to air somebody else’s dirty laundry on tv, but to act like you just had no idea. You woke up one morning and she’d packed her luggage and was gone. I don’t think so. No.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: What do you think about Pascal? The French I enjoy.

Sharon: I don’t see him win, but I like him.

Caitlin: I do.

Sharon: I think he’s fun. I like his style, you know, the whole thing.

Caitlin: Okay, I think. Let’s make a prediction. How fun would it be if we were right? We’re never right.

Sharon: But let’s see.

Caitlin: Who do we think is gonna win it all?

Sharon: I said this earlier, and I think you agree with me.

Caitlin: I was surprised we both came to the same person. So now I feel like maybe you were right.

Sharon: Jordan.

Caitlin: It’s Jordan. Sales manager from Chicago.

Sharon: Something sweet about him. Something nice and cute and fun.

Caitlin: And we haven’t seen enough on him yet, but I think you’re going to.

Sharon: He seems laid back.

Caitlin: He’s laid back. I agree. here’s the fun facts from the bachelor website about him. He misses the days when visitors would stop by unannounced. Now, that I’m a little bit worried about.

Sharon: But I still think Caitlin will. Don’t ever go to Caitlin’s house. Cause she will not answer the door.

Caitlin: And I have a ring camera, so now I really don’t have to answer the door. You’re not legally mandated to answer the door. I just want you to know that.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: It’s okay not to answer the door.

Sharon: It’s not, but okay.

Caitlin: I think it used to be from when we had dogs, and they weren’t great about the door, so it was like. I was just like, ugh. I’d just rather not answer the door and scare the mailman. But, Jordan won two mister legs contests in college. How do you enter two of them? I mean, that just must have been his.

Sharon: Maybe one for each one.

Caitlin: Right leg and the left leg. Jordan loves Thanksgiving. For the food, family, and football. That’s your favorite holiday. Jordan m. I like Jordan. I think we’re putting our money on Jordan.

Sharon: I think so.

Caitlin: He likes playing ping pong. He likes deep dish pizza.

Sharon: I love that ping pong. Well, he has French Chicago.

Caitlin: He has a dog. His name is Mickey.

Sharon: Oh, cute.

Caitlin: He’s close with his family. He’s a glass half full kind of guy.

Sharon: Oh, I like that.

Caitlin: Yeah, he just seems stable.

Sharon: He does.

Caitlin: For some reason, I feel like he and Joan would look really good in photos together.

Sharon: I think so, too.

Caitlin: I don’t know. What about it. But there’s a vibe there.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Yeah. He’s 61.

Sharon: Oh, so she’s 59, I think, at least.

Caitlin: Yeah. So see, they’re closer.

Sharon: They’re, like, just about the same age. Yeah.

Caitlin: I can’t tell. It doesn’t say from here whether they’ve been married before or not. I kind of wish it did. Like, I’m kind of curious to know. Yeah. Was hedgesthemethere real bachelors on the show who just never got married? Cause then is that a sign when you’re in golden bachelor, like, do you say to yourself, cause I feel like in Gary’s season, everyone had been married, but that must not be true. I think I’m just assuming that probably incorrectly.

Sharon: Yeah. I think it’s actually interesting if we have a few lifelong bachelors.

Caitlin: I think so.

Sharon: Because they’d be like, they think maybe now they’re like, you know, I thought, I want to be a bachelor, and now I realize that, I really.

Caitlin: Want someone, and in a way that might make for a really stable relationship because they’ve kind of done the other thing and they don’t have, like, a bunch of baggage from the other things as much, maybe. So that’s interesting. Yeah. Now I’m curious. I feel like we should google that. All right. If you want to hear more of our discussion on the bachelor, let us know, because we’d like to give you some little tidbits of the things we’re watching. And we may also do this a little bit with some of the housewives we’re currently watching, too. So it’s not always just after.

Sharon: Yeah. But I know you guys can’t wait.

Caitlin: I know. Because it’s like, how am I going to feel about something if I don’t know how they feel about it?

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: I mean, how can you make those personal decisions without discussing it? Cause I can’t without discussing it with you.

Sharon: I don’t know if I like this person. Yeah.

Caitlin: Sometimes I’ll be like, Caitlin, like, when we said we were gonna pick our person, I was like, I think I’m picking a weird person, and I think I’m wrong. And then we were the same person. So see, you just, you have to have that kind of verification in your life. Validation. All right. Bachelor brings the roses. We bring the. No.

Sharon: Bachelor brings the love.

Caitlin: We bring the roses.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: Aw.

Sharon: Bye.

Caitlin: Bye.

Sharon: Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also, visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both rh on RH for fun pictures and I holes. Or email us at ah rh on thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.