Whitney doesn’t play well with others and her husband Connor isn’t allowed to play with others.
In this episode, we discuss Whitney Leavitt storylines from Secret Lives of Mormon Wives:
⚪Whitney vs Connor ⚪Whitney vs #MomTok
Caitlin: Disclaimer this episode is a little more risque than our usual mom edit.
Sharon: Take note. Okay. If I was having a porn or sex issue, I would not go to Hawaii, where good looking people are naked all around. I would go to, like, Alaska.
Caitlin: For Connor. This is such. He was, like, so full of it. I think if we go to Hawaii, I could really get it out of my system. Like, they don’t have Tinder there.
Sharon: They don’t have it on the islands.
Caitlin: The Internet’s spotty there.
Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold onto your righteous indignation.
Sharon: This week, we’re digging into Whitney from the brand new Hulu series the secret lives of mormon wives, season one. And Whitney is the one who the Internet has labeled the villain of the show.
Caitlin: Doesn’t it sound like a book? The secret lives of mormon wives. It does. I read that Heather gay wishes she came up with that.
Sharon: She does.
Caitlin: Oh, my God.
Sharon: That would have been a good idea.
Caitlin: That would have been great.
Sharon: Damn it.
Caitlin: Sorry for her. All right, our verses this week for whitney are, whitney versus her husband Connor, and whitney versus hash momtalk. That’s how I have to say it. I’m legally obligated to say it that way. The background information on whitney is that she’s vying for leader of momtalk with taylor. She thinks she is part of the cast of mad Men. Like, seriously, she does this. She is just as scandalous as taylor. Like, she wants everybody to know that having an issue with her husband’s loyalty and with a TikTok that wasn’t well taken by the audience, as we can talk about that. She just returned from a hawaiian exodus. She runs away from her problems, literally, hawaii and homesteading. She has two kids and is pregnant with her third on the show. All right, so what are our general thoughts? Yeah, are we team whitney or not team whitney?
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: No. I mean, she’s meant well, I don’t think she thought she was meant to be the villain. Yeah, but she clearly is 100% the villain of the show. She is. And she’s a self made villain.
Sharon: She is? Yeah.
Caitlin: I don’t think she did it to.
Sharon: Herself, and I don’t think she intended to be the villain.
Caitlin: She’s a narcissist. I mean, she can’t see it. She absolutely thinks she’s right. She absolutely thinks everyone else is wrong, and she doesn’t understand why.
Caitlin: Anyone cannot see what she sees, which no one else sees. She’s very unaware.
Sharon: I agree.
Caitlin: And all Mormon Whitneys have to have bob haircuts, apparently because Whitney had one for a while.
Sharon: She’s giving Mormon Whitney’s a.
Caitlin: She is. She needs to go to Jessie’s salon and fix the hair.
Sharon: I agree.
Caitlin: All right, let’s talk.
Sharon: Maybe. Maybe Jesse doesn’t like her, and that’s why she has.
Caitlin: Maybe she did, you know, great on you a bob, because you’ll notice she gave all the other women long extensions and wavy hair. Okay, Jesse, let’s be honest about what you did to Whitney. Okay, let’s talk about Whitney versus her husband, Connor.
Sharon: Oh, God.
Caitlin: So Connor was on Tinder because of his porn addiction. Porn addiction, which, yeah, last time I.
Sharon: Checked, Tinder was not a porn site.
Caitlin: No, but so, what they did is they ran away to Hawaii. Now, initially, I thought maybe there was, like, a program there. I don’t think there was a program there. Right. Like, did you get the vibe that he went to some sort of rehab for people? Yes.
Sharon: Hawaii has a program for people addicted to searching for porn on a dating site.
Caitlin: Maybe what he actually needs is to understand how to use the Internet. Maybe he’s not good at the Internet.
Sharon: Someone could have just sent him a link.
Caitlin: Maybe he didn’t want to tell her about the porn, so he just said it was Tinder, and then he didn’t know what to do from there, and it just like, it all got out of control.
Sharon: But here’s the thing. If you have a problem with sex, do you go to Hawaii?
Caitlin: No. That’s where all the bikinis live.
Sharon: That’s where all the good looking and.
Caitlin: The mankinis live, right? Yeah. Okay. The other thing, I feel like. Okay, I feel a little uncomfortable bringing this up with him, but I don’t like outing people who don’t want to out themselves. I feel strongly about that. However, I feel like we’re not the only people seeing it.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And it’s one of those things where it’s like if you’re not gonna give us enough information, we’re gonna connect some dots.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: I do feel like what he’s calling porn addiction and what he’s calling Tinder is actually grind and that the porn addiction, because they made it sound like he needs to. The way the wording was and the way I felt about it was it was like he needed to change something.
Sharon: Not.
Caitlin: Just, it was an addiction. But it was like, you need to fix this. And it feels like within the Mormon religion. And you guys can correct me if I’m wrong, but it feels a little bit like that is not an allowed thing.
Caitlin: I mean, I have seen other things with certain people where it’s been really hard, if they’ve had children who are gay, for the church to accept that. So I don’t think that this is, like, out of left field, but I think that they would maybe see that as something that needed to be fixed, like an addiction. So is it an addiction or is it a conflict of interest?
Sharon: It doesn’t make sense to me that it’s an addiction that doesn’t fit the story.
Caitlin: No. And that’s that. Exactly.
Sharon: Yeah. It doesn’t fit. You don’t have a porn addiction and go on Tinder.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: That might be a sex addiction, right?
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: And maybe the two are go hand in hand, but it’s not.
Caitlin: And I feel, like, a little bad. But I felt like when she went to tell the girls about it, one of the girls was like, oh, did he get naked photos? And she was like, yes, from a woman. Yes, a woman.
Sharon: She was.
Caitlin: So she jumped on that detail so fast that I felt suspicious about it.
Sharon: Yeah. And then, okay. His one quote where he said, okay, I had a presence on Tinder, but it really stemmed from an addiction. I wanted to clarify that I wasn’t looking for anything. I never met with anybody on the app or in person. I never had any meaningful conversations with anybody. I was just seeking something deeper.
Caitlin: Yeah. And this was from, like, a thing that they deleted. I guess this was a TikTok that they did explain it, then they deleted it, and then people were, like, reposting what they remembered from it. That’s more offensive to me.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Than I wanted to sleep with a hot lady.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: Because what you’re saying is you’re not good enough for me. That I’m actually. I’d really like something deeper.
Caitlin: That’s so mean. Like, I feel like that’s the meanest thing you could say in this. I mean, I appreciated that he said, like, I don’t want to make myself the victim. I thought that was a nice thing to say. Well, but at the same time, you can’t with Whitney. She’s not gonna let you. She’s the victim. Like, you know that, you don’t even have to say that to her. She understands that. She knows she’s the victim.
Sharon: But see, that would never even cross my mind. If I went on Tinder and had a porn, I wouldn’t. Why would I even say I don’t want to make myself the victim. Like, how can you make yourself the victim?
Caitlin: No, I don’t. Like, maybe he meant being married to Whitney.
Sharon: That would make himself the victim.
Caitlin: I don’t know. See, that’s the thing. There’s so many starts of an explanation that then get dropped. It’s like, can you just explain the whole story? Because it’s. We’re, like, filling in the gaps and we’re making it worse.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And that’s the point at which you do have to be really honest. I did feel bad because I read in that same article that I was looking at that he did, he was saying he’d been to mental health professionals because he did have some sexual assault as a child, and that that may have, like, caused him to feel differently about how he went about, you know. I mean, I think the thing, with mormonism is that I think all probably, like, sex is kind of, if it’s anything overtly, is sort of maybe seen as an addiction. Like, isn’t it maybe possible that, like.
Sharon: Like, the fact that you want to have sex.
Caitlin: Yeah, I mean, it’s an addiction. It seems like all of it is kind of, like, not wanting to be talked about.
Sharon: Maybe he just wanted to have sex and Whitney didn’t and, like, you have an addiction, right.
Caitlin: Get out of here. Good.
Sharon: Hawaii.
Caitlin: Yeah. You know where you could fix that? In Hawaii? Their Internet’s real spotty.
Sharon: You actually have to go to, like, a video store.
Caitlin: Go get some. Get m some mai tais and you’ll come back. Fine. It’s interesting. I’ve never heard of somebody just moving to somewhere for two months to avoid something.
Sharon: Hawaii is an expensive place.
Caitlin: It’s an expensive place. What did they just. And did they stay? Ah. What did they get? Airbnb.
Sharon: That’s what I’m wondering. I’m like, he doesn’t appear to have a job. Right, right.
Caitlin: Well, okay. None of the men appear to have a job. I’m sure that they do, but they were. I don’t know, they were just so unclear about it. Again, they thought we didn’t care about the husbands at all, so they didn’t explain about the husbands much at all. They gave us no background, no information, no. Like, whether they’re interesting people, nice people, funny people. We know nothing about them. But then also, we’re supposed to hate them because they’re misogynistic men. and sure, there’s a lot of instances of that as well, but I feel like we got a real one sided view of the husbands. That probably isn’t fair.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: I mean, it was fair for the ones I really don’t like.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: But the other ones, it’s like they didn’t show us the ones that maybe.
Sharon: Weren’T, that might have been normal. Like the ones that could have normal. They just. Yeah, we didn’t see.
Caitlin: Maybe it might have been nice to have seen a little bit of a balance. Yeah, because nothing is all. Or, I mean, nothing’s all or nothing except how I feel about Whitney. That’s all.
Sharon: Except how I feel about, Zach.
Caitlin: Exactly. The other thing is, when she went to tell the girls about her secret. No, at least she actually had a secret. She’s really the only one that did, because Taylor’s secret was already out. So this was the secret. I guess she was really upset because then it was like, it was a victim off or what do we.
Sharon: Call that suffering of the.
Caitlin: Right. The suffering olympics. Because Taylor had had a miscarriage, and she had the nerve to bring that up right after Whitney brought up her issues with Connor.
Sharon: And dead baby is a little more sad than, what do you call it?
Caitlin: Like, my husband was on Tinder. Yeah.
Sharon: So she kind of stole her thunder there. She stole Whitney’s thunder.
Caitlin: A little rude.
Sharon: He’s like, how dare you talk about your miscarriage. I’m talking about my cheating.
Caitlin: We can talk about that later. Also, why does Connor have 80 different looks? I realize the first episode, there’s a time difference. Like, I think this was over a couple years almost, that they filmed. Because there’s the first one, there’s a huge gap. They pick up filming again. So it makes sense that he had a different look there. It’s also possible he went to a different hairdresser in Hawaii. So, I will give you two different looks. But he had, like, ten. Sometimes I didn’t know who he was.
Sharon: The mustache. Oh, my God.
Caitlin: Well, that’s a porn stash he learned.
Sharon: Yeah. Nice.
Caitlin: That’s what proves the addiction.
Sharon: Sometimes I got the weird. Like, I got the weird hipster thing.
Caitlin: It’s such a hipster.
Sharon: I’m trying to look like a parrot.
Caitlin: I want to buy a homestead look.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: She needed those mutton chop things.
Sharon: Oh, God. Like. Yeah.
Caitlin: And then he had a grease.
Sharon: But then with the hair grease, with the black thing with the chain. Do you know what it reminded me of? You know, Napoleon dynamite, the uncle.
Caitlin: It’s exactly like him. Oh, my gosh. He kind of. Or. No, not the uncle.
Sharon: The brother.
Caitlin: The older brother. Yeah. When he’s, like, trying to be all. Yeah, cool. maybe he. Well, that movie. Didn’t. They filmed that in Idaho’s.
Sharon: Idaho? Yeah, Idaho.
Caitlin: So that’s kind of close to Utah.
Sharon: There’s a lot of Mormons in Idaho.
Caitlin: Similar area. Okay.
Sharon: Yeah. He needs to get off my screen.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: I wanted. I just wanted him off.
Caitlin: He was awful. I thought he was the worst thing on the show until I met Taylor’s boyfriend, Dakota, and then we met Zach, and then Zach. So it, like, went in that order. Who I thought worse.
Sharon: I’m not sure.
Caitlin: I think it’s Zack. He’s just a nasty human, and he’s so m. She’s such a nice girl, and he’s awful to her.
Sharon: I agree.
Caitlin: He’s just really icky to me.
Sharon: He is. And he’s gross.
Caitlin: I mean, Connor’s kind of icky, too. But I think. I do feel like Connor has problems. He’s at least trying to work through stuff. He says they shouldn’t be a victim. These other guys are like, I’m a victim.
Sharon: Right. I feel like. I mean, Connor could be a nice person.
Caitlin: He might be a nice person.
Sharon: I feel like Dakota. Super dumb, but he could be cute if he wasn’t a total moron.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: And then Zack is.
Caitlin: But I feel like Zack is not redeemable. Like, Connor could be redeemable. And really, he may be going through issues, like, he may not understand his sexuality or he may not. I mean, he may have an actual addiction. We just didn’t quite see it, and it’s confusing.
Sharon: I think if it wasn’t. If he wasn’t attached to Whitney, I think we wouldn’t be able to feel sympathy for him. Absolutely. I can speak 100% true.
Caitlin: She’s a really bad representative of this family. Do you think whitney’s as bad as the men on the show? Like, would you put her in that category or she stepped down.
Sharon: Oh, I think she’s. No one’s as bad as zack. No, I think her obnoxiousness level is up there.
Caitlin: It is. It’s kind of on that same plane as the men.
Sharon: I think she’s worse than her husband. Whitney is worse than her.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: Dakota. Dakota’s so dumb that I almost can’t. Like. Yeah, I don’t know. I just can’t with Dakota. Cause he’s so dumb.
Caitlin: He is.
Sharon: Whitney, I feel like, has a brain, but.
Caitlin: Yeah, but you know what’s funny about her? On the one hand, I wanna think she’s more conniving than she is, but then she’s got a real stupidness to her too. You think it’s like she’s so mean that you think what she should be calculating, but, okay, here’s a question. Do you think she could make it on real housewives? Oh, I think she’s smart enough.
Sharon: I would love for her to go on housewives.
Caitlin: She’s not just like she would get nuts. 2 seconds. She does not. She could not stand up to it.
Sharon: I want Heather gay to come after her.
Caitlin: Yeah. She couldn’t handle any of it. I mean, and that’s what’s interesting, because it’s like if she really was as conniving, it’s like she’s the worst they have.
Sharon: Can you imagine even that smart, her against Monica?
Caitlin: Monica eat her for lunch. I know.
Sharon: Wouldn’t that be amazing?
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: That would be so funny.
Caitlin: And I think that shows you the levels of the show.
Sharon: It does.
Caitlin: Because they’re just as. Not as much. I know they’re new to reality, and I know it’s kind of like, oh, first season. But all the salt lake women were on a first season not, that long ago, and they seem to handle it much better.
Sharon: Yeah, they’re the real.
Caitlin: Exactly. And they don’t even own the pillows. They’re. That.
Sharon: They don’t need the pillows. They don’t need the pillows.
Caitlin: Okay, here’s where Whitney is not smart, and I can prove it. The pregnancy test and the cake.
Sharon: Oh, my God.
Caitlin: It’s awful.
Sharon: Her sister was like, so gross out. Her little sister.
Caitlin: Oh. Cause I was saying, okay, I got a little, like, superstitious about mine with Matthew, with my first kid. And I kept it for a while, but it was like in my bathroom in that little, like, drawer thing that goes above the toilet. Like, it wasn’t where anyone could touch it. It was in a baggie. Like, I didn’t leave it and I didn’t put it in anybody’s food. And I didn’t ask anybody else to hold it. I just wanted to keep it until I had a baby. Like, I just felt like I needed to keep it.
Sharon: I kept the triplets for a while, I think.
Caitlin: But you don’t put it in food?
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: What circumstances did she think that was? Okay? And, you know, she didn’t make that cake, so. Did she beautiful cake or did someone agree to put that. I guess if you pay someone money.
Sharon: I think they put it in there and then they frosted it.
Caitlin: Yeah. so someone else went along with.
Sharon: This plan, and the stupid thing was we knew that, like, did they all know? Or was the alcohol thing, like, just more natural? And they just pointed it out so we knew she was about to say she was pregnant. Like, I knew. I knew initially, I’m like, oh, yeah, she’s pregnant.
Caitlin: I had a feeling, but I wasn’t.
Sharon: Cause she was like, oh, I’m gonna have a drink that’s not alcohol. And she’s like, I have something to tell you.
Caitlin: Oh, and that story earlier on in the show. no, that was really clear.
Sharon: That’s why I was like, we really didn’t need the test. And then I thought she spent all.
Caitlin: That time going, ew. Ew. As her mom was cutting into it, like, trying to be dramatic.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And it really was. Ew. Ew. Yeah.
Sharon: And I don’t think her mom, like, and I know this is gonna sound so bad.
Caitlin: The mom licked frosting off of her finger.
Sharon: Oh, she did?
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: But this is gonna sound even worse. When you have that many kids, do you stop getting as excited, like, for your kids?
Caitlin: Cause I imagine the mom, I don’t.
Sharon: Know how many kids they have.
Caitlin: I just imagine she has ten kids.
Sharon: And they all have ten kids.
Caitlin: So it’s kinda like we’ve only both been pregnant twice, so we don’t really know.
Sharon: So when we did it, you know.
Caitlin: Yeah. And you didn’t stick anything in a cake?
Sharon: I didn’t.
Caitlin: Rude. Well, I wonder.
Sharon: Cause then she said that was her last one and that’s like three.
Caitlin: I think she has an agreement with.
Sharon: The only sex three times.
Caitlin: If he can get three kids out of it, then he can go on, girl.
Sharon: He doesn’t have to do it anymore.
Caitlin: And I’m really, honestly, I’m happy for him. I think he could really live a better life if he just embraced himself and ran away.
Sharon: Agree.
Caitlin: Maybe they want to go to the farm because there’s more land and they can have, like, his and her houses that actually he shed and a she shed.
Sharon: I don’t think you need to be a,
Caitlin: You don’t need to shovel manure to get that. Okay. Who wins in Connor versus Whitney? Like, who comes out looking? But nobody wins here because again, it’s kind of God.
Sharon: Okay. As we were talking.
Sharon: I slowly started to feel bad for Connor. I did not start this conversation feeling bad for Connor.
Caitlin: I didn’t either.
Sharon: But now I actually kind of feel terrible from him.
Caitlin: Now he might be a really nice guy.
Sharon: Changed. In this conversation that we just had.
Caitlin: As we worked through it, we just realized that where all the evil lies, Connor probably didn’t even want any of those haircuts. She probably buys his clothes. She tells him what to do with his hair.
Sharon: Right. Because she’s influenced her. She makes himself look a certain, like.
Caitlin: A really attractive, nice guy who just wanted a normal dude haircut like the other dudes.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And he tried to escape her in Hawaii, and he couldn’t get away. She followed him. She followed him. She wouldn’t let him sit at the pool, have a mai tie. Look at the nice people in their swimsuits. Yeah. she ruined it.
Sharon: Okay, I’m sorry, Connor.
Caitlin: Connor went. All right. We’re not gonna put you up there with,
Sharon: We take you. No more. You’re not exactly.
Caitlin: And I’m Brandi Redmond, and no, we take it back. Look at us. That’s growth.
Sharon: That’s gross.
Caitlin: See? And that’s where we’re above these women. Righteous indignation for the men. But I feel like that’s part of the thing on this show that we’re missing. And again, maybe it’s a second season thing. It is only eight episodes, so it is small. Well, good.
Sharon: Cause it got boring, by the way.
Caitlin: But nobody grew as a person, really. Nobody had an epiphany. I mean, okay, Taylor did a little bit. She did kind of change, and she did kind of, but then she kind of went back to old ways, too. I don’t know, but I feel like.
Sharon: Yeah, and you know what? It was only eight episodes, but there was actually a year.
Caitlin: Between the first. That’s true. It’s a lot of time.
Sharon: Did we see all the women on the first one?
Caitlin: Someone online was saying we didn’t see Jen and that maybe she was added later. Okay, I don’t know if that’s true or not. I’d have to go back and watch.
Sharon: Oh, and then what do you think about them buying that house? I didn’t see. I know people do that sometimes.
Caitlin: Well, when you’re in Hawaii, okay, that’s how the Hawaiians do it. Does it have a lanai? She asked. They bought the house.
Sharon: It’s all like, city. City. I don’t know.
Caitlin: Do you know what it had, though? It had the green cabinets with the, poles. And it was like. So we just went through the parade of homes in our area, and we were in love with, like, the green cabinets. And I thought, man, what? Does Utah just set all the trends in houses? Cause, darn it, they could make good houses. I don’t know. Sight unseen is really scary, like, my anxiety. And that would be really high me, too. Because what if your husband picks a house with a river in the middle? Just like what happened on Real Housewives of Dallas callback. Go watch those episodes. Cause listen. Nobody’s listening to them.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And Sharon. Sharon’s husband can’t be right. This is not fair. Thomas cannot be right. And tell us we shouldn’t have done.
Sharon: Dallas, because we love saying we shouldn’t do Dallas.
Caitlin: So, please, could you guys go listen to our Dallas episode?
Sharon: Just download it.
Caitlin: Just put them on in the background, you know, like, while you’re taking a shower. My sister in law’s. Yeah.
Sharon: Sister.
Caitlin: That got confusing. Her dog doesn’t like to be alone. And they put. They put on our show for Winnie, and Winnie listens to it. Sometimes if she meets us, she’s gonna go crazy. So that’s. That’s a thing, too.
Sharon: Shout out to Winnie.
Caitlin: Yeah. Ah.
Sharon: Hi, Winnie.
Caitlin: Good girl. Dogs love it. Dog talk. We should be on dog talk. Okay, let’s talk about Whitney versus mom talk. Okay, so Whitney needs to be number one, and she needs a lot of attention. So TikTok is, like, the perfect career for her.
Sharon: Okay?
Caitlin: She also claims to set boundaries, but do you think that’s what she does? Or is she doing something else?
Sharon: Boundaries.
Caitlin: Because that’s why she doesn’t want to see any of the other women.
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: And even Connor. Come on, Connor, man. We’re now team you, and you can’t do this. He says to her how brave she is for setting the boundaries, okay? She’s just not showing up to events. I don’t show up to events all the time. And no one says, you’re so brave. They’re like, why didn’t you come to my party? And I was like, I was that what?
Sharon: I don’t show up?
Caitlin: Well, they just don’t invite. But if I left you at Marshall’s, you’d be sad.
Sharon: I would.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Like, here’s the thing. So Whitney, okay, like, for example, with Taylor, you know, she didn’t go to the baby shower, and then she’s talking to Taylor, and she’s like, well, I just didn’t feel the need to tell you that we weren’t. I was cool with things where. And I didn’t feel the need to tell you. And then later on, but you were invited. It’s like she’s upset that no one, like, comes and asks her. It’s like, why didn’t anyone come and talk to me when she unfriended it? Well, they didn’t feel the need to.
Caitlin: Come tell you that’s what drives me the most crazy about her.
Sharon: And then when she went at the skating party and she’s talking to Macy and she’s like, well, I just needed a break.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Like, just not like, I’m sorry I was such a. She’s like, I just needed work.
Caitlin: Like, I was gonna support you and your most important.
Sharon: Okay, I couldn’t.
Caitlin: Business launch. But I came to the skating party.
Sharon: The whole point is that if you have a friend and you care about them, you kind of do m stuff that’s not convenient for you.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: Like, that’s the.
Caitlin: Because that’s part of the deal. It’s just easy for people.
Sharon: Then you’re just doing it for you. You’re doing something your friend, not.
Caitlin: You don’t understand. Friendship. It’s a two way street. Whitney, now, my favorite thing is she’s like, well, I don’t. People. I don’t need people to ask me if I’m okay. Like, they don’t need to check on me. But also, why did no one call me and see if I was okay?
Sharon: I know. And, like, she’s serious, and I kind of have a fear of missing out.
Caitlin: Kind of m. Oh, yeah, I have fomo about not being on the trip, but also, I really needed a break. Well, if you needed a break, then you’re gonna have to let the FOMo go. Watch it on mom talk later.
Sharon: Do you think she said she’s done with mom talk?
Caitlin: Yeah, I hope so.
Sharon: But then she shows up. is that her way of trying to not be done, or is that her way of.
Caitlin: I think the producer better show up one more time. Paycheck.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: I kind of feel like it.
Sharon: And do you think she really is done in that? They’re done with her.
Caitlin: They’re done with her. She’ll be back. I kind of wish she wouldn’t. I kind of wish they’d find a new villain and move on. She’s driving me nuts. I don’t.
Sharon: Yeah, I would be happy if she was done, and I would be happy to see her fail.
Caitlin: Yeah. Because I would like to see the women fight about something other than Whitney.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: I just don’t think. And again, it’s like, it’s one thing to have a villain. Like, even Monica, though, showed up for stuff. She went on the trip even though she didn’t want to. You gotta do this stuff. And she’s, like, even too lazy to show up for stuff.
Sharon: She liked Monica to agree Monica had redeeming qualities.
Caitlin: No, I wouldn’t put her on the same level as. But I’m just thinking, like, she was uncomfortable in situations and she still showed up. do you think Macy’s really a good friend of hers, or do you think that was a convenient showmance?
Sharon: They didn’t seem.
Caitlin: They didn’t seem. Because she kind of behind her back was like, yeah, she’s exhausting. Yeah, she, too, wasn’t real happy about it.
Sharon: Yeah. Cause then when they were doing the whole sinner saints thing, I was confused about the saints. I was like, oh, I knew Whitney.
Caitlin: I’m not sure.
Sharon: I was like, wait, Euris. I was like, wait, leila’s a sinner? I was like, maybe because she’s getting a divorce, but seemed like, really? Like in a snow. I have no idea.
Caitlin: I wouldn’t have labeled the categories the way they labeled the categories. Let’s talk about the sick baby dance TikTok.
Sharon: Oh, this is, Yeah.
Caitlin: So, apparently, so many people were like, oh, my goodness, I can’t. Like, she, in a way, was almost. Okay, this was interesting. I feel like her scandal was almost more famous than Taylor’s. I hadn’t heard of this Mormon thing, but, like, some people had referenced, like, that they’d heard about the Whitney dance thing. Like, it was so, like, people were really offended and just thought it was tacky and, oh, my gosh, uncalled for. When she explained it, I could see.
Sharon: okay, my daughter was hospitalized last year for three or four days with RSV. granted, she was older.
Caitlin: You didn’t send me any dancing videos.
Sharon: I did not send you any dancers.
Caitlin: So rude. That’s why we didn’t go viral.
Sharon: I don’t think I danced once.
Caitlin: I can’t believe that now.
Sharon: Granted. So I actually texted Caitlin. I was like, I could kind of give her a break if maybe, like.
Caitlin: It’S kind of her job.
Sharon: Sure. This is what she does as she dances and she posts.
Caitlin: She didn’t want to leave the hospital, and she probably needed to post. You have to post every few days.
Sharon: Yeah. And she. That’s what she does. And the baby was getting better, so she thought it was, like a happy thing.
Caitlin: Yeah, but explain it better.
Sharon: Yeah, it looked. It did just look weird. You know, it looked like.
Caitlin: I don’t think she was really using the kid for clout, the way people were saying. I don’t think that was fair.
Sharon: I don’t think. I think she was just.
Caitlin: Yeah, had her, but for just some reason, really backfired.
Sharon: Whatever stupid thing is going on in her life, she’ll dance about oh, yeah.
Caitlin: I mean, I just think she’s stupid.
Sharon: You know what it’s like? What is that one with that fish and the mermaid fish? And they’re like, let’s sing about it. Bubble guppies. Oh, bubble, bubble, bubble guppies. They’re like, let’s sing about it. And she’s like, let’s dance about it.
Caitlin: That’s how mom talk works. I do like that lineup. Everybody line up. Line up. That’s on bubblegum. It’s a great rap. You guys go listen to it.
Sharon: See, we should be mom punch. We talk about more mom stuff than they do. We do.
Caitlin: That’s the thing. You’re right. There wasn’t a discussion of, oh, my gosh, my kid colored on the walls. There wasn’t like, this is what you do when you’re a mom and you’re super tired, right? Who’s just drinking 84,000 of those Mormon Diet coke things or whatever. They were well dressed. Their hair was done. They looked great. And that happens on the housewives, too, but just nobody seemed. I do feel like it’s like a facade of Mormon wives. Maybe that’s the secret thing, to just constantly look like everything’s fine, but then they make, for me, good tv.
Sharon: Right? But here’s the thing that really bothers me, okay? There is that facade of everything’s fine. I’m perfect. Deaf or white. Yeah, but then they’re saying that they’re breaking out of that, right? But then they still look perfect and fine. I’m like, I need you to show up, looking like crap.
Caitlin: I almost appreciate Makayla for that, because she did look bad, and I bet it was really hard for. No, but I actually feel bad for her. Like, there is something.
Sharon: She has a disease.
Caitlin: She has a disease. But I.
Sharon: No one knows what it is.
Caitlin: She has some sort of skin thing. I appreciate that, because that made in a way that I wish they’d focused on it more. It made her the only real one who, like, showed up and was like, I’m falling apart. My body’s falling apart. I don’t know what’s going on. It’s like, me with my hair, and I’m like, ever since I had Henry, my hair. Something is wrong with my hair. And it’s like, I appreciate that because that’s the only person who showed up and was like, something’s wrong with me. Everyone else is like, I’m great. My mascara is great. It never goes under my eyes. I have hair extensions. Like, I don’t have time to put in hair extensions. I don’t have time to wash my hair. Let’s show that. It’s just that they’re so used to whitewashing it for the TikTok that, they can’t.
Sharon: That they can’t not.
Caitlin: And everything’s so white.
Sharon: They can’t be real.
Caitlin: It is.
Sharon: Oh, my God, it is.
Caitlin: The house is white. The couch is white. No, mom has this much white. What the heck is that about? Yeah, I don’t like that they’re trying to.
Sharon: They’re saying that they’re real, but they’re not.
Caitlin: But they’re nothing. I agree.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: I think the thing about Whitney is that she lifts out like she’s so disinterested in. It’s interesting because you know that she was the most hungry to get this job.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: And yet she acts like it is the least important thing to her.
Caitlin: And she cares the least about it and she doesn’t. But she’s also disinterested in every single co star. And you have to have some connection with some people. Like, she couldn’t film with anybody. Monica made it a whole season film with people before they refused to film with her. Whitney refused to film with anybody.
Sharon: Really? Just cares about herself.
Caitlin: Yeah, it’s a quiet think. It was her show.
Sharon: Any concern for anyone else about anything?
Caitlin: No. In fact, she told Macy that she didn’t have her back enough. And I wanted to be like, all this woman has done is trying to go to bat for you.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And she’s like, if you could have had my back a little bit more.
Caitlin: Like that was the problem. Not what you said. Not that you talked behind somebody’s back. Not the problems that you caused that Macy didn’t do enough. She’s fine. Get it together. Okay. Let’s talk about her fashion.
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: Okay, well, that’s our.
Sharon: Prayer.
Caitlin: Do you think it was because she was pregnant?
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: Okay. I just want to get that out there. Well, when I looked back, I thought maybe that’s why some of the choices were weird.
Sharon: Well, but clearly that’s why she didn’t appear any larger.
Caitlin: No, you’re right.
Sharon: You know, I mean, maybe she was a little.
Caitlin: I was wondering if she was hiding stuff. And, she thought maybe she was like not as thin as the other women and so she was, making odder choices. But I do think that’s just her look in general.
Sharon: Like she’s going for a big sleep.
Caitlin: She likes to do the mad men look.
Sharon: Mad men, homesteader.
Caitlin: Exactly. Mad men meets Lauren’s wife. That’s her look. Okay.
Sharon: Yeah, it’s really bad.
Caitlin: Who wins in Whitney versus mom talk?
Sharon: Mom talk.
Caitlin: I can’t say it without it. Sound like mom talk to me now.
Sharon: Yeah. And you know what? You know what, Whitney? Momtoc can survive without you.
Caitlin: Whoa, that’s deep. There’s just nothing more to say. I feel like that’s a mic drop right there. All right, that’s our episode on Whitney. We’re gonna do some of the other big names in secret lives of mom and wise coming up. And then we also did an episode on just a general information on the series as well with our thoughts. Yeah, we had a lot of angry. We had a lot to get out. It was like a therapy session.
Sharon: It was.
Caitlin: All right. Remember, mom talk brings the drama, but.
Sharon: We bring the receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both RH on RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us at rh on rhpodcast@gmail.com. thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.