We think that we are like the Stephanie and Brandi of the podcast world… if you exchange potty humor for Bravo humor.
In this episode, we discuss Stephanie Hollman storylines from Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1:
⚪Stephanie vs LeeAnne … ⚪Stephanie vs Travis … ⚪Stephanie vs Brandi …
Caitlin: Your cherry water’s gonna go down the toilet. Hi, this is Kaitlin.
Sharon: And this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your charitable donations.
Sharon: Today we’re digging into Stephanie Holman from Real Housewives of Dallas season one, which aired in 2016. Stephanie was 36 when the show aired. She’s 44 now. She’s married to Travis and was a social worker. They have two boys. She’s from a small town in Oklahoma, and Travis makes wooden lockers.
Caitlin: I mean, I feel like that has to be an interesting point of discussion when they go to a cocktail party.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: What do you do? I’m the largest retailer of wooden lockers.
Sharon: Especially wooden lockers.
Caitlin: They’re wooden ones.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Not this. Not the silly metal they have in schools. That’s crazy. These are sports lockers.
Sharon: Quality.
Caitlin: Maybe. It’s like, you know, isn’t it like, you can keep moths away with certain woods? It’s like cedar.
Sharon: Whatever.
Caitlin: Yeah, it’s like, is moth locker a huge issue? Okay, our, verses for Stephanie are Stephanie versus Leann, Stephanie versus Travis, and Stephanie versus brandi. Not really versus, but more of a discussion of their friendship. Okay, let’s talk about versus Leann, because she’s our trouble pretty much the whole season one of Dallas.
Caitlin: Leanne comes for Stephanie, kind of backing her up against a brick wall at Marie’s cocktail party, and says her charity world is going down the toilet.
Sharon: That’s my favorite line.
Caitlin: I mean, huge threat in Dallas. Then there’s a whole issue. She kind of fights with Stephanie. She fights with Brandy. She runs out, she tries to punch a trolley cardinal, and she tries to punch the Bravo.
Sharon: Right. She’s yelling at Stephanie for, like, being friends with Brandy.
Caitlin: Huh?
Sharon: Cause she’s so disgusted by Brandi that she’s yelling at Stephanie.
Caitlin: Yeah. Why do you think that is? Like, do you think she thought Stephanie was the easier target? Like, why go for poor Stephanie?
Sharon: Oh, it was weird.
Caitlin: It was weird.
Sharon: Yeah. I think maybe just she could yell at her, and Stephanie kind of cowered a little bit.
Caitlin: Cause I don’t think it was motherly. Like, I don’t think she was like, oh, Stephanie, my dear friend. Like, I have to save her from this, crazy, inappropriate, poop wearing brandy. I mean, and that’s what we’re angry about here. Like, we’re talking about the pooh hat at the charity event, the mad Hatters.
Sharon: She’s trying to save her charity game.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: You know what?
Caitlin: And so I guess what that means is, like, for charity hat events, Stephanie’s just in the dark, dark corner. I mean, do you think that Leanne sees something that we don’t see in their friendship? Because, like, we know ahead that in season two, there will be some difficulty.
Sharon: But Leanne is involved in that difficulty to some degree.
Caitlin: She, is.
Sharon: It makes me wonder how much she played a role.
Caitlin: I mean, I don’t think she’s smart enough to engineer, do you?
Sharon: Oh, no, absolutely not.
Caitlin: But I do think she’s smart enough to take an opportunity.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly. She might have gotten lucky and kind of been at the right place at the right time.
Caitlin: But it’s interesting to me. Okay, if you were Leann, would you try to befriend? I mean, I guess let’s keep your enemies closer. Would you go after Brandi and try to make Brandy your close friend, or would you have gone after Stephanie?
Sharon: I think Stephanie would have been easier to be friends.
Caitlin: I too. But maybe Stephanie’s so much more loyal that it’s actually harder. And maybe Brandy’s a little more, like, fickle. I m mean, it’s interesting because. Why? Why would you. Brandi seems like, it seems like a lot of work.
Sharon: Well, Stephanie seemed like she was coming around on Leanne. Remember when she went to that event?
Caitlin: She looked at the apology when they were at the little cafe.
Caitlin: So I don’t understand why she went then for Brandy.
Sharon: And we’re trying to assign reason to Leanne.
Caitlin: Yeah. And your wife. That’s just crazy talk. okay, so then who wins in Leann versus Stephanie?
Sharon: Stephanie?
Caitlin: Yeah. Stephanie comes out looking.
Sharon: Yeah, she always, I think she always looked good on the show. I don’t think she ever really looked bad.
Caitlin: She is. I mean, it’s ironic because she’s the one that Leann says, like, her charity is game, you know, is going down the toilet. But, like, Stephanie is the most composed person, really, on the show. Like, she really keeps up that. I mean, it’s funny because she tells the silly jokes and she gets fart humor and all that. It’s so funny cause there’s this extra side of her, but that just makes her seem more real when she holds her proper and prim mask up. I think for some reason that doesn’t work. She should have taught that to brandy. Okay, let’s talk about Stephanie versus Travis. I like them as a couple.
Sharon: I do too. I really like Travis. I think they tried to make him look like a bad guy, but I.
Caitlin: Think they did too.
Sharon: He just like lists. He likes lists.
Caitlin: I also like lists.
Sharon: I love lists. So I actually did not find any of this weird. And even when Stephanie brought up the list thing, and he’s like, my mom made us lists, and we just always had lists.
Caitlin: And it’s like, I think lists made him even cuter.
Sharon: I know I make lists, like, after I do stuff so I can dress stuff up.
Caitlin: That’s my favorite. Because when you write a list, you have to, at least the first two things have to be something you’ve already done. That’s very, so I think Travis knows.
Sharon: That we should probably, I think he really, really loves her. I think you can tell he loves her.
Caitlin: I mean, and she says he treats her well. Do you think he treats her like a child, though? That’s kind of her complaint. I can see moments where she, I.
Sharon: Can see maybe, yeah.
Caitlin: I think she feels not second guess. Like, she says, like, he doesn’t trust me to make decisions, but I don’t think that that’s it. I just think he’s kind of organized and controlling a little bit. Not in a bad way, but just in. That’s his personality type. Yeah, he needs to, he needs to check that she’s done it. He needs to not second guess her, but, like, check her.
Sharon: Yeah, it’s kind of like he does. I’m sure he does. Kind of like he’s at work, I bet, in charge of all this stuff, and he checks everything. Make sure he does. I don’t know.
Caitlin: There’s a real line for him between those two worlds. I did not like him with the decorator, though. When they were redoing their son’s bedroom, though, that was awkward. Him second guessing the decorator, was, like, borderline, a little bit rude. Like, why would you, what’s up with the comforter? That comforter looks uncomfortable. And then, oh, why would you put up curtains? Or. No, great idea putting up curtains. And then he’s like, she’s like, we don’t have curtains in our bedroom. He’s like, no, I’d hate curtains. Like, that was an odd moment. It was like, it was like they brought him up there with Bravo to film, and he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. Like, was he supposed to be, like, work Travis and, like, figure out what they were doing wrong with the decorating? Like, I couldn’t figure that out. do you think he’s better than Brian Redmond? Oh, yes.
Sharon: I had to ask in every single way.
Caitlin: Yes. do you think I feel like there’s so many Bravo couples that, like, I feel like, could stand the test of time. Do you feel like they’re one of them?
Sharon: Oh, absolutely. And they’ve been together a long time already, so I think that they’ll stay together.
Caitlin: Okay. One of the sadder moments was, I did not like, when Stephanie said that. It was when they went home with Brandi and they visited her parents. And she said, her parents probably think that she hasn’t worked for the things that she has. Meaning. Like, they’re Travis’s things.
Sharon: Oh, yeah. That was sad.
Caitlin: I felt so bad for her. Cause I feel like when you are a stay at home mom and you don’t, like, quote, work, you do have this feeling of not being good enough because you aren’t bringing in the money. And I saw that in Stephanie. That made me really sad for her. I’m like, I bet your parents don’t think that. But she really does second guess herself a lot, too.
Sharon: Yeah, I don’t feel that way. I can’t relate.
Caitlin: Next. Okay, here’s my most important question. Why doesn’t Stephanie have an actual poop or scooper? Can we talk about how she picked up dog poop before the golf event?
Sharon: I know. Like, he bought her that pretty bracelet.
Caitlin: I mean, even, like, gold. I bet Cameron Westcott has a pink one.
Sharon: Probably. Why didn’t she sell that?
Caitlin: That would be amazing.
Sharon: That’s better than a pink dog. So you can pick up the pink poo.
Caitlin: Exactly. You’ve got to have matching accessories. But, like, she went out with the paper towel. Yeah. And she picked each one up and then put it in the bag. Like, why wouldn’t you even think of.
Sharon: A scoop as, like, a thing, even just a shovel.
Caitlin: That was the weirdest moment. That felt so real.
Sharon: Well, maybe she doesn’t usually do it or something.
Caitlin: Yeah, you’re right. What if. What if she’d actually never done it before?
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: She’s like, well, this is how I pick up poop inside the house, so there’s an emergency. So why wouldn’t I do it outside that way? That’s funny. Like, it was sweet. It was her dog before she got married, though. Yeah, like, it wasn’t Travis’s dog. It was her dog.
Sharon: You like that? okay.
Caitlin: Does anyone. Do we need anybody to win in Travis versus.
Sharon: No, they both win.
Caitlin: It’s a draw.
Sharon: Each other.
Caitlin: It’s a tie. Okay, let’s talk about Stephanie and Brandy’s friendship. Because I like their friendship.
Sharon: I do too.
Caitlin: Would you say that friendship is good, or would you say their friendship is toxic.
Sharon: I thought it was good. I love watching them laugh. They have fun. It makes me really sad later on when it starts to struggle.
Caitlin: I really thought they were unflappable.
Sharon: I did too. I was shocked that whatever came between them, came between them. I still don’t even understand fully.
Caitlin: I don’t either.
Sharon: And I don’t think Stephanie understood fully either. Stephanie’s like, I don’t exactly know what I did, you know?
Caitlin: I mean, it’s like they had the same sense of humor.
Caitlin: They felt like they were sisters. Do you think? The only thing I can maybe think of a little bit. Do you think that their friendship was a little more one sided? It felt like Brandi came to Stephanie a lot for things. Did Stephanie go to Brandi for as many things? Like, Brandi came to her when there was issues with her brother. And, like, I think Stephanie knew that Brandi had a very unsupportive husband and that she kind of filled that role. But I don’t think she felt like it was unfair. Did you get that vibe?
Sharon: No. Oh, you’re feeling like maybe Stephanie felt like it was too unsafe.
Caitlin: Like, maybe it was too one sided.
Sharon: See, I never got that vibe.
Caitlin: I didn’t really either. That’s just the only thing I can think of. That’s the only place I saw, like, some unfairness.
Sharon: But that’s also just that year too. Who knows? In prior years, it could have been different, you know?
Caitlin: Yeah. And I also got the vibe that if Stephanie had more things to really complain about, Travis, besides the surface level things, that she really kind of wouldn’t do it on the show.
Sharon: Mm
Caitlin: Yeah. You know, I’m m thinking just kind of like, as we’re looking at these two, like, they’re my favorites, and yet they’re seeming even a little more difficult than Tiffany to, like, m polish dress. And it’s funny because they are the only two that make it through all five seasons. So is it just a friendship? I mean, I don’t know. Like, there is something. It’s interesting. You can be drawn to someone who doesn’t have the main, main storyline, you know, like, that’s actually true of a fair amount of housewives, if you think about it. But it’s interesting.
Caitlin: Okay. Is one of us more like Stephanie and one of us more like Brandi? I think we’re like them. But if you change potty humor for Bravo humor, yes. But I feel like we’re gonna fight everything, Stephanie. Cause I think Stephanie, I think that’s okay. Everybody wants to be the Stephanie. Yeah. I like brandy, but not me too Stephanie. Okay, does anyone win? Okay. Do you like one more than the other?
Sharon: I like Stephanie more.
Caitlin: Me too. Okay. Sorry, Brandy, but that’s just the way it works. Okay, well, we’ll be seeing more of Stephanie and Brandy in season two, which is gonna be our next, season that we’re delving into.
Sharon: Yep.
Caitlin: So this is our Real Housewives of Dallas Rewatch. Remember, housewives bring the drama, but we bring the receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. And if you’d like to help support the podcast, please share it with others or leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and threads both at RH on RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us at rh on rhpodcast@gmail.com. thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.