EsophagusGate makes Annemarie a hard pill to swallow in her first (and last) season.
In this episode, we discuss Annemarie Wiley storylines from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13:
⚪ Annemarie vs 8.5 ⚪ Annemarie vs Medical Diagnoses
Sharon: Ten, nine, eight and a half. I did not see that coming. This is my favorite thing that ever happened in a show. Oh, God, we’re losing it. Hi, this is Caitlin and this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your diamonds.
Sharon: This week we’re digging to Anna Marie Wiley from real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Season 13, the verses.
Caitlin: This week is Anna Marie versus 8.5 and Anna Marie versus medical diagnoses. The background information on Anna Marie is, and I don’t know if she didn’t mention this much, but, she’s a nurse anesthetist. She is a fitness fanatic. She was adopted, and she grew up outside of Vancouver, which we’re assuming is in Canada, not the Washington one. she’s married to former NFL player Marcellus Wiley and they have four kids. We first meet her at Kyle’s pot dinner. Great place to enter the equation, I guess.
Sharon: Funny, because I say for some reason I keep thinking pot luck.
Caitlin: Yeah, that’s what it sounds like.
Sharon: Pot.
Caitlin: Well, it’s like luck. Pot.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Okay, so she gets a first season judgment. Do we agree or disagree on her performance this season?
Sharon: I kind of disagree. I feel a little bit sorry for her.
Caitlin: would you say I feel 2.51.5? What’s the math? Sorry.
Sharon: I didn’t hate her like everyone else.
Caitlin: Hated her like me. I’m everyone else. Hi.
Sharon: Caitlin really hates her.
Caitlin: I really don’t like her.
Sharon: She was kind of obnoxious and annoying at times.
Caitlin: She’s Diana Jenkins of the season.
Sharon: I don’t think she was nearly as bad as everyone said she was.
Caitlin: Yeah. I thought she apologized better than I thought she would at the reunion.
Caitlin: That’s the best I can. That’s all I can offer you, right?
Sharon: Kind of.
Caitlin: She drove.
Sharon: Annoying.
Caitlin: I mean, she’s just like a dog with a bone. The whole season she wouldn’t let anything go and none of it had anything to do with her. She was so desperate to get a storyline and be loved and be part of the action that she ended up just being such a caricature of probably her own self. She probably isn’t really like that. She said she filmed so much more about looking for her adoptive parents and her mom died during the season and she was dealing with that. The more we learned about her, I’m sure there were other sides to her. We did not see those. So the animal that we saw, I did not like, yeah.
Sharon: And it was like, yeah, she’s probably embarrassed. She should have just shut up about the whole esophagus. She really should have.
Caitlin: It’s one of those things where it’s not like, well, you didn’t know anything about it.
Sharon: It is your area.
Caitlin: But then when you see this getting out of control, you either need to do some damage control or you need to just stop and move on. But she couldn’t stop and she couldn’t let it go. And that is not a great characteristic in a housewife because sometimes it’s fun, but not when you’re talking about someone’s medical history. all right, let’s talk a little bit about before we get into our first verses. So just briefly because you didn’t know about it until I mentioned it to you, but there is a lost suit. And again, all this stuff came out after filming.
Caitlin: What’s interesting is like a lot of the Kyle Mauricio stuff came out after filming and they picked up cameras, but I guess they didn’t think Anne Marie was interesting enough to pick up cameras on this or they didn’t want to do this. I’d also like to know who does the background checks at Bravo because it seems like they miss a lot from time to time.
Sharon: Well, but he wasn’t charged with anything.
Caitlin: Okay, well, there was a lawsuit in the New York state Supreme Court claiming that her husband Marcus, allegedly, we’re just going to say assaulted even that’s deeper than that. in 1994 at Columbia University.
Sharon: I mean, Bravo shouldn’t not shoot them because of that, because he’s innocent and proven guilty.
Caitlin: But then there was zero mention of any of it.
Sharon: Well, why would you mention that though?
Caitlin: Yeah, I guess not. But I mean, it was in the news and going everywhere. I don’t know, sometimes I don’t understand when this information comes mean and all of this is again, allegedly. Did I say allegedly? But it’s alleged. So we don’t know either way right now because it hasn’t made it through the courts. But it’s weird when Bravo says nothing about any of it. I guess it’s like if this had been anybody else, it would have come up. It would have been a big deal. I think Bravo knew she was on the way.
Sharon: Oh, I think they were just.
Caitlin: Like, I guess why even bother justifying it with a response? Which I think is Bravo’s way of.
Sharon: Saying, do you think that’s part of the reason she’s out?
Caitlin: I think it doesn’t help. They don’t want to have to deal with that. That’s a mess. I think it probably was the tipping point.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Because. Yeah. She just announced on instagram that she’s not coming back next season.
Sharon: Hm.
Caitlin: She had a whole thing that she wrote out, and she said enough of her wasn’t shown during the season. She would have been excited. So it wasn’t her who wanted out. It was Brava who wanted her out.
Sharon: She’s not on pause.
Caitlin: She’s out. She’s not. She was fired.
Sharon: Okay. I actually kind of think sometimes it takes more than a season to come into your own.
Caitlin: Absolutely.
Sharon: And I think sometimes the first season doesn’t always. I think you need to kind of invest in people, and unless they are so horrible, they might be able to come back for a second season and see.
Caitlin: Yeah. I guess I just felt like I can’t think of a single scenario in which her being there made anything better.
Sharon: I can.
Caitlin: Okay.
Sharon: That line where she said to crystal about making her relevant, I loved that moment. Yeah, I guess it really made me happy.
Caitlin: It just felt like she saw that in a movie somewhere and said it like it didn’t feel genuine.
Sharon: Oh, it felt genuine. I loved it.
Caitlin: That’s just because you want crystal to go to Anna. Exactly. Okay, let’s talk about Anna Marie versus the 8.5. So let’s talk about whether this is as bad as it sounds. So her husband Marcellus said she was an 8.5 at everything, and that’s why he married her. I think what he was trying to say, and I think what she kind of mentioned in the after show is that he was saying she’s just across the board good at things, but it’s not like she’s off the charts great in one thing and terrible in other things. Like, he was trying to say, she’s good at everything, but she’s not great at.
Sharon: Okay, sound good? So here’s the thing, actually, when she said it, I thought it was totally adorable.
Caitlin: I did.
Sharon: And then I couldn’t believe she got all this flak for it. I was like, why are people flipping out about this? Because first of all, 8.5 is a really high number.
Caitlin: And I think it’s because I think.
Sharon: It’S a b, though. He’s an athlete.
Caitlin: Do you want a b?
Sharon: He’s an athlete. He doesn’t give out tens unless you are, like, perfection.
Caitlin: You don’t want your husband. It’s not your husband to think he.
Sharon: Settled for a b instead of an a. They’re not snowflakes that everyone gets a nine and a half. So an 8.5 is a really good score. And he’s saying, you are solid. You are a solid woman. You’re solid at everything you do. And I think it’s a compliment.
Caitlin: Okay, so you bring home a report card with all B’s. But that’s what this is.
Sharon: This cannot be translated to a letter grade.
Caitlin: Everything can for me because it’s part of my deep internal struggle.
Sharon: Because, you know when you rate people on looks, right?
Caitlin: Like, oh, hot or not.
Sharon: Yeah. Everything below a seven would be an f. Below a six and a half would be an s. I guess even.
Caitlin: If you think that about yourself, I’m not sure you should say that to them. And I’m not sure they should say it on tv.
Sharon: I would have taken it as a compliment. I wish Thomas would tell me I’m an eight and a half in everything.
Caitlin: Sharon, you’re eight and a half in everything.
Sharon: I don’t even know if you give me an eight and a half in one thing, let alone everything. I guess people think really highly of themselves, and they shouldn’t. You think you’re big over an eight and a half?
Caitlin: Oh, no, I don’t. But I didn’t say it on tv.
Sharon: I’m getting really mad about that. You are?
Caitlin: I just love that everyone called her 8.5.
Sharon: I was on some forums and they were calling her 5.8.
Caitlin: I guess it’s just like, you have to know that you should never rank yourself in your inaugural season because everyone’s just going to then give you a ranking. Like, you just walked right into a very bad online scenario for Instagram.
Sharon: I thought it was a cute little thing between them.
Caitlin: I think the part of the problem was I feel like that the information about the assault had come out, and then this comes out. It was like they were pretty close together, I feel like, in my head, or at least when I learned about them. So I guess it just sounds. Again, I wasn’t so sad for her, but it just sort of makes him sound even more like. I don’t know. I don’t know. I guess I was looking at him sketchily at that point a little bit. Maybe I was unfairly judging him.
Sharon: I wouldn’t give Thomas a ten in anything. I wouldn’t give you a ten in anything.
Caitlin: I’m done.
Sharon: And I wouldn’t give me a ten in anything.
Caitlin: No, I wouldn’t either. I would definitely not give you a ten. But except for grades, I wouldn’t grade.
Sharon: Oh, God.
Caitlin: Do you get a trophy for getting an 8.5. Yeah, but where did this conversation come from? M. You’re sitting at the table, and do you say to somebody like, honey.
Sharon: What, do you rank me?
Caitlin: Or do you think you just offered it up?
Sharon: I think you just offered, you a solid. I was like, you know what?
Caitlin: You know why I married her? She’s an 8.5 and everything.
Sharon: you’re just, like, good at everything you do.
Caitlin: Yeah, we’ll just say that.
Sharon: Solid 8.5.
Caitlin: No, that’d be one step too far.
Sharon: Just rewind, take it.
Caitlin: Just kept your mouth where you’re ahead. I mean, I think that was the problem. It’s just like, you’re good at everything you do.
Sharon: period.
Caitlin: Done. Okay, who wins, Anna Marie or the 8.5?
Sharon: I think Anna Marie, obviously, the 8.5.
Caitlin: Everyone’s calling her that online. She gave herself a terrible nickname.
Sharon: You guys are so mean.
Caitlin: I know. I’m sorry. I’m not sorry. Okay, I’m 8.5. Sorry. Okay, let’s talk about Anna Marie versus the medical diagnoses. So she is a nurse anesthetist, which. Okay, and this is the part where I think. I think you’ll have a really good point to make in a lot of this, because I can’t speak on a lot of this, but she really does have a lot of education and a lot of knowledge. But because she’s only 8.5, she’s an expert. I don’t know what to say. So at Sutton’s store party, Anne Marie said she shouldn’t drink on Gabapentin to Sutton.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: Everyone googled that, and I don’t know why she said that again. I feel like she just kind of. She was trying to back Kyle so strongly, and Kyle and Sutton, were fighting, and so she was trying to catch Sutton in something.
Sharon: She’s a nurse. Does she even deal with Gabapentin? M she’s not prescribing people Gabapentin to take on daily and advising them. Right?
Caitlin: And that’s the problem. This is not your patient, and unless she’s doing something dangerous, it really is not the time.
Sharon: Every drug, they’re like, yeah, don’t drink.
Caitlin: You know what I mean? Most people are like, well, this is my experience, drinking.
Sharon: And then you’re like, everyone tests the water. Can I drink on this?
Caitlin: Yeah, it’s a little weird. Like, so then we parlay that into esophagus gate, and I think the problem with this was that Anna Marie was.
Sharon: Here’s the thing. I think she was trying to find a specific, more medical. I think it was about the words and whatever. Anna Maria got. stuck because she had never heard of this, which doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: But she’s not familiar with it, so she felt like it couldn’t exist because she didn’t know about it.
Caitlin: What I didn’t like was she needed.
Sharon: To let it go.
Caitlin: Did she make the confusion or did other people make the confusion? But it made it sound like she was talking like, I deal with esophaguses.
Sharon: Esophagus.
Caitlin: Esophageal areas. And I think it got kind of confusing because I don’t know whether people were making it sound like that’s where you intubate. So that’s why she knew about it, and that’s not correct. So at first, it almost felt like maybe she was explaining that incorrectly, but I think that was maybe more people putting that on her.
Sharon: Well, I mean, I hope she has a really good, knowledge of the anatomy, but I think that she was.
Caitlin: Kind of saying, like, I work in that area. But I think she needed to be a little more clear, because it almost made it sound like she didn’t like that. She was saying, that was her area, and that is not her area. She shouldn’t be dealing with that. We got a problem.
Sharon: Yeah, she just needed to drop it. She needed to look it up.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: And like Sutton said, why am I having a doctor’s appointment right now?
Sharon: That’s the thing.
Caitlin: Okay, doctor, it’s too much. There’s a point where people. I’m sure that. I mean, I know for a fact the doctors get asked a lot at parties and everything. Look at this weird thing and talk to me about this weird thing. But it was like. This was like the reverse where the patient didn’t talk about it, and the doctor was like, I really want to talk about this weird thing of yours. And I think the other problem was she kind of just made it sound like it wasn’t a thing.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And it’s like, okay, I think you’re right. Sutton wasn’t explaining. It’s like sometimes you have something, and as a non medical person now, you being a nurse, you probably might be better at describing it, but I might sometimes be like, I have this really weird thing, m. You know, my weird toe. But you don’t explain what’s wrong with.
Sharon: The toe or whatever. But even then, she should know. Even if she’d never heard of it, even if she couldn’t find any information on it.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: I have patients that come in with this weird stuff, and I have to tell them, like, oh, I’ve never heard of that.
Caitlin: What is it?
Sharon: And they tell me about this condition they have that I have never heard of. I didn’t know it existed because I don’t know. I work in diabetes, right? So, I mean, I don’t know everything.
Caitlin: I think it’s almost like you’re saying she has such a sense of pride that she can’t admit when she’s wrong, which I think we’ve seen, because it takes her all season to finally really give an honest apology.
Sharon: I agree. I think she wants to be taken, seriously, and for some reason, she feels like maybe lesser. I feel like she has to feel. She feels like she has to fight.
Caitlin: To be taken seriously.
Sharon: She does.
Caitlin: She wants to be a tenant. She wants to be a tenant. She can’t because she doesn’t know about the esophagus. And, you know, it is.
Sharon: It’s one of those things where you should just admit you don’t know.
Caitlin: Yeah. You should just say, well, you know what? I’m not your doctor, but I hope you have a good doctor. I think what gets worse is that first thing happened, and everyone was kind of, like, jumping on the Gaba Penton wagon of, like, I drink on mine and let it go. And why are we talking about the esophagus? I have trouble swallowing, and I do, too. So, honestly, I get it, because I’ve kind of explained my swallowing things to my doctor before, and they’ve been like, that’s reflux.
Sharon: Let it go.
Caitlin: And I’m like, I’m not always sure that it is, but okay, whatever. So it’s like, again, I think you can also go through things that don’t really have a name, but they’re weird, but they’re not a huge problem, but they are there. The problem for me was when we got into the celebration of life event that Kyle had, they clocked it. How much time she spends talking about it and talking about it and talking to Garcelle about it and Crystal about it, and again, talk to Sutton about it. If you have a problem, you’re talking behind her back, which is the first problem. It’s driving everybody. Exactly. Do not talk behind your back. Nobody wanted to talk about it, so she needed to stop. And then she’s talking to Sutton’s BFF on the. So, like, you know, it’s going to get back to. And like she says, I can’t find it. And like Google for hours or what? Like, I don’t understand. Like, that was an od thing to say.
Sharon: yeah.
Caitlin: And then where she crosses the line is to say, now, I’m not saying that she has an eating disorder, but like, crystal, are you saying she has an eating. Did she did hint that? She did say it honestly. And then she, like, through crystal. Well, Crystal said you have an eating. Like that was. Yeah, no, now you’re really stepping over like a medical line, I think. And especially knowing what Crystal had been through.
Caitlin: This isn’t the person to talk about it with. That’s not okay. I don’t also like. So Garcelle goes up to Sutton and says, anne Marie is coming for you. And people like, they shouldn’t have said it, but I would have told you. Wouldn’t you tell somebody?
Sharon: She said it wasn’t like in a serious way. Yeah, it was kind of like a joking type.
Caitlin: Yeah. Crystal says, what’s her end game with the esophagus stuff? Do you think she just got out of control?
Sharon: I think that she brought it up.
Caitlin: Everyone just took on a life of its own.
Sharon: Well, no, I actually think she brought it up.
Sharon: She wanted to start, then she felt dumb. she felt like everyone was acting like she’s dumb. so she felt the need to double down.
Caitlin: Right. Because your profession was, no, I am smart.
Sharon: And I feel like that she just should have just, it would have been so much better if she was like, oh, I was wrong.
Caitlin: Because ironically, it’s like we maybe should have had the discussion a little bit more about her career, because then all that stuff came out where anesthesiologists were like, she can’t be calling herself anesthesiologist, which she didn’t, but she didn’t really. And it almost like we could have had a discussion about that. And it might have been interesting because, there’s so much schooling that goes into it, but it is not the same thing. And Crystal didn’t understand at the reunion, and really none of us left a lot wiser about it. And we could have actually had interesting medical discussion about some of this stuff and her career and why she was so, because I think maybe had she said, I am really sensitive about people calling me out on my medical knowledge because I get called out all the time because I’m not a doctor, but I also do have a lot of training and I am really smart because.
Sharon: There is this major political, which she said, I think she’s absolutely right. There’s this major political thing, between mds and nurse practitioners, a lot of times anesthetists, but that is, ah, an issue that’s debated. So maybe that’s why she felt the extra need to.
Caitlin: She never really said that.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And then she kind of dug in on the side of her profession, which obviously she would, but I kind of wish she’d said when they came for m me. she kind of tried to explain at the reunion, but it was a little too late at that.
Sharon: And here’s the thing, they didn’t explain it for anyone who’s not in the medical profession. And even on Bravo’s website, they’re like, she’s a registered nurse. Which she, ah, is a registered nurse. However, she, has years of training on top of that. Like, I would never say she’s a registered nurse. I would say she’s a nurse.
Caitlin: Right. When I had my nose job, I think I had a nurse anesthetist, and I don’t think there was an anesthesiologist think, she was the one who did my whole, and that was annoying.
Sharon: When Crystal was like, oh, what about the doctor who practice a nurse? I and crystal, you don’t know, in not all states, you don’t have to practice under an MD. You can be independent in certain states.
Caitlin: And I didn’t know that until, mean, there’s like, there’s information we all could have had that might have made us understand why she came the way she came.
Sharon: I think it would have been more interesting and it could have helped people understand better the medical profession.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: Because it is confusing for patients. If you’re like anesthesiologist, nurse. Anesthetist nurse.
Caitlin: Yeah. Andy could have asked that maybe better at the reunion a little bit, honestly. because the problem with her during the season is that I just don’t think any of her apologies really counted at the reunion. She apologized well, but right before Spain, she was kind of like, she just deflects so much. She just needed to own the apology. But I think she was afraid that if she did, it would make her seem bad at her job and maybe that her job could be on the line. And I do understand that fear. That is the one thing I will give her.
Sharon: I agree.
Caitlin: Yeah. who wins?
Sharon: You know what? I think it’s unfortunate. She looked really bad. She was wrong on esophagus Gate. However, I do think she’s probably good at her job and she’s probably at least an 8.5 at her job.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly.
Sharon: And I think she probably invites providers.
Caitlin: You want the 8.5 nurse and that sort of thing.
Sharon: I want the one that’s paying attention and not dozing.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. I want the awake. Yeah, I think what you said is true. I mean, obviously I’m going to say Sutton one here, because I’m happy that finally Sutton is in the right.
Sharon: No, Sutton was. And I think she was also wrong about the gabapentin. M. Yes, she shut up.
Caitlin: Yeah, I felt like it was after the gabapentin that she should have seen the writing on the. Yeah, but I guess it’s her first season and she didn’t understand. But at this point, we kind of know that the fallout for a lot of these things are a big deal. And she’s following in Diana’s footsteps and she made lesser mistakes even, and know really taken to task.
Sharon: How long she’s been a nurse, a nemesis for.
Caitlin: That would be a good question. I don’t, know, like, is it.
Sharon: Something like where she’s newer, so maybe she feels a little more defensive? That would not as like she’s been a nurse for years and years and years before did she go back?
Caitlin: I kind of feel like it would.
Sharon: Be more of a newer thing. Whereas if you’re Benny for years, you’d.
Caitlin: Be like, oh, that might be true. She felt like she had something to pray.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: And that would accept what it felt like. That’s exactly what it felt like.
Sharon: That is. Put her finger on it. Yeah.
Caitlin: That’s interesting. So she’s not coming back, we learned. Of course. I’m happy for that.
Sharon: But the only thing is we have.
Caitlin: Had it stuff I do. Yeah. The only thing I did think is that we’ve had two one seasons back to back and that’s hard. So now we’re going into it again.
Caitlin: And I don’t know, they just cannot find the right fit for this cast, for the extra person. It’s like maybe you don’t need and maybe we just need to stop. But I think they’ll probably try again next season.
Caitlin: So it’ll be interesting to see who they get. Yeah, as long as Diana’s not coming. Okay.
Sharon: Who’d you rather have, Diana or Anna Marie? Anna.
Caitlin: That’s a great question. Anna Marie, probably Anna Marie.
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: Diana was at least interesting, though, and.
Sharon: She had the way younger husband.
Caitlin: She did. And she had really fun clothes. And so I don’t know, she was interesting. She was really rich and I do love the really.
Sharon: I know, me too.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: We need some good, really rich people.
Caitlin: Back you know, I’m thinking, too, the other problem with Anna Marie this season is that because Kyle brought her on, and she spent all this time kind of trying to back Kyle, which then got her into this whole mess that she got into. I think the problem was that Kyle was such a hot button issue this season two. It was like, okay, well, there’s a whole mess around Kyle. So she completely got lumped into the whole mess around Kyle. Like, oh, here’s another mess that Kyle.
Sharon: And I also think, okay, because Kyle brought her on, Kyle was so, what do you call it in her own world and self absorbed, she didn’t help her. She couldn’t help Anna Marie, and she couldn’t really in any kind of, like. So Anne Marie, she really was on her own.
Caitlin: She was. Because Kyle kind of fed her the set and stuff. Yeah, I mean, we saw them kind of talking. Were they on the tennis courts or something? They were sort of, like, out in the backyard. And we saw her kind of feeding her that. So she kind of set her up a little bit. Not on purpose.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: But she kind of was walking her into a story and of this side of this person, and then she just didn’t realize that really, Sutton knew how to handle herself more than she used to.
Sharon: Also. Yeah.
Caitlin: All right, well, bye bye, Anna Marie. Bye bye. 8.5. Did we spend 8.5 minutes on her?
Sharon: That’s what we’re supposed to do.
Caitlin: I don’t know. We may have to edit that so that it’s exactly eight. All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.
Sharon: But will you bring the receipt?
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