Lisa was always on play and was mother to Jack and all of us this season… and kept her glam everywhere she went!
In this episode, we discuss Lisa Barlow storylines from Real Housewives of Salt Lake City season 4:
⚪Lisa vs Monica ⚪Lisa vs Participation Award ⚪Lisa vs Whitney
Caitlin: Oh, okay. I have another question. I tried to look on my phone of how many selfies I’ve taken. I don’t think that androids let you look the same way.
Sharon: IPhone thing.
Caitlin: Because I looked, and there’s a folder of selfies, but then it’s just like, anything it thinks is a selfie. And then. So here’s what’s funny. It was so many of my screenshots of, housewives when they were doing their talking head. That’s what came up as selfies on my phone. It’s all of them selfie. That’s about the camera there. And I was like. And then a bunch of pictures of the dogs came up as selfies. Like, they’re not taking their own pictures. Their little paw. So cute.
Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on real housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your snowflake.
Sharon: This week, we’re digging into caitlin’s favorite, Lisa Barlow from real Housewives of Salt Lake City, season four.
Caitlin: She is my favorite, and she’s so nice to us on social media. Like, she is. She’ll repost most of what we say, and she’s always, like, commenting. Little hearts.
Sharon: She was very nice to us at.
Caitlin: Like, yeah, she was so nice at Bravo. She wore my diet coke purse. Just wish I celebrate everything that is Lisa Barlow. There should be a Lisa Barlow day. Let’s invent that.
Sharon: Maybe her birthday, where we all eat Wendy’s and drink.
Caitlin: It’s a no stress day. And that’s Lisa Barlow. Get the Lisa meal, the Lisa drink. It’s amazing. All right, our verses this week are Lisa versus Monica, Lisa versus participation award, and Lisa versus Whitney. So Lisa Barlow is known as the queen of Sundance. She founded Lux marketing, and she and her husband John own vita tequila, which we have tried. And, like, I remember my mom liked it so much, she took it home. Stole it.
Sharon: Oh, did she? I was just going to say. Oh, I don’t remember. Do now. I do remember now that you said, okay.
Caitlin: It’s the gift that keeps on giving. she was originally from New York and was jewish, and then when she was growing up, her family converted to Mormonism. She and Heather, maybe or maybe not, knew each other at BYU. Lisa, I was trying to, like, how should I describe, like, you know, heather kept saying, like, mormon light. Okay, I came up with this. Lisa is Diet Coke Mormon. Like, she’s not full Coca Cola Mormon. She’s like, a little bit of caffeine, diet Coke. Mormon. That’s what we’re talking. Lisa and her husband John got married the same year that I did in 2003. And I wrote, john Barlow is the most patient house husband ever.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: He’s pretty chill, especially this season. She kept going on her phone. If you just was like, okay, whatever. also, I looked at her bio when she was a guest on Shaws of Sunset in 2013. So we need to find this and watch this. All right, so I wrote, caitlin loves Lisa, and you wrote, sharon likes Lisa, too, but we’re not his budy buddy.
Sharon: Yeah. You two are like bffs, and I’m just over here in the corner.
Caitlin: It’s fine. But this season, our favorite thing is probably her improved relationship with Meredith.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: Oh, we dressed up as. Well, you were Lisa’s tequila, and I was kathy’s tequila, but we were Lisa’s tequila for Halloween. Okay. I realized I also, I love Lisa’s names. And I was explaining, but my first son was named Jack.
Sharon: Your dog.
Caitlin: My dog. And then my youngest human is named.
Caitlin: Okay, let’s take a little side John on Lisa. So that’s not really a versus, but Lisa, as a mother, this, like, she’s saddest. Jack’s senior year, she realizes that maybe there’s a bit of a miss and connection, and she’s so open and honest about. And I. The more I thought about it, because at first, I thought, well, she just loves showing her family and cares about her kids, but that is a really hard thing to show. When she showed that, there was a bit of disconnection when she was joking. Like, the girl who worked at the candle store knew about Jack’s mission before she did. But Jack kept saying, like, you and dad are just a different kind of Mormon. And, yeah, I didn’t want to tell you guys, and I just thought that was actually really brave to air, because anything as a mother, when you feel like you’re not enough.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I, would probably hide it. I would be like, no, I got it. I’m totally in the loop. I was just kidding. I would be defensive. I don’t know that I could have shown it in the honest way that she did. I thought that was actually impressive.
Sharon: That’s a good point, because now that you say that. Oh, yeah. I’d be like, yeah, I totally.
Caitlin: Yeah. Because I kept thinking I couldn’t have done it, that, Really? I think it was impressive. Well, she kind of mothers Monica in Bermuda, too, which I thought was interesting.
Sharon: She went out after her when Monica was upset. And that’s what makes it all worse later.
Caitlin: Yeah, it does. Exactly. But she said all the right things and it was like, this is Lisa as a, like, I thought it was a really sweet because we’ve seen a lot of her and it felt like a whole new side. And I love that in a season. Also, I just love anything Lisa does. And you can’t convince me. All right, let’s see who wins all of these.
Sharon: I think Lisa’s going to.
Caitlin: This episode is a little biased, guys, but I’m just going to state that up front. My journalistic etiquette, totally biased. Okay, let’s go into Lisa versus Monica. Lisa, we are going to have. Okay, let’s move on. So Monica thinks that Lisa is materialistic and out of touch, especially with the middle class. Except Monica seems irritated by Lisa from the beginning, though, which I kind of know she said, I used to be on the phone with her, with Jen, and Jen would have the phone. So she’s. I think she’s had something kind of against Lisa from the get go. I think so, too. It does get worse when Lisa initially says that Monica should treat her mom better at Easter, and then it really goes wrong at the sound bath. Oh, God, that was awesome. And then also that the pioneers.
Sharon: Okay, so the whole thing about the out of touch. Okay, so Lisa loses her $60,000 ring. Actually, it’s Caitlin pointed out to me. So it’s actually $58,000 ring. And then Monica gets super mad at her for being upset about it. Like, she’s out of touch. Okay, here’s what I was saying. If you were super rich and out of touch, wouldn’t it be more out of touch to not be upset?
Caitlin: That’s a really good point. Insurance. But that doesn’t make me feel better about it. Yeah, and you’re right. Like, if she had insurance. So again, if it wasn’t sentimental.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: if I were, you should have.
Caitlin: Been able to let it go. If I were super rich, I’d be.
Sharon: Like, whatever, $60,000 ring. I don’t care.
Caitlin: Like, when you lose your $5 sunglasses and you’re like, whatever, I’ll get another pair of sunglasses.
Sharon: So that’s what I don’t get. The fact that she’s upset about it shows me that she realizes it’s something of value. Okay, so let’s say for her, $60,000 for her, maybe that’s like 5000 or $10,000 for us. If I lost, like a $5,000 ring, I would be extremely upset.
Caitlin: I would be going.
Sharon: Even if it wasn’t sentimental, I would be, like, sick to my stomach upset. I don’t know.
Caitlin: No, I agree. And I think also, like, how it happened, traveling is incredibly stressful. And you’re there and, you know, you’re in a place that you probably. So many people are coming and going, and you really are never going to see it again. It’s not like, well, maybe where you hold out that hope. Maybe I dropped it in the car. Maybe it’s felt it come off and.
Sharon: She knows it’s there somewhere. Like, that’s got to be infuriating.
Caitlin: I wonder if it fell down the toilet.
Caitlin: Oh, God.
Caitlin: I don’t know what happened.
Sharon: Some fish.
Caitlin: Well, Mary said it wasn’t worth 60 G’s. And then Monica says someone stole it and Monica was upset. I guess I’d be upset if I had my hand in the toilet. And then the tampon box, too. I think when they asked her to let it go, they literally just took their luggage to the sprinter van. She just talked to the mean, like, I think she has every right to be upset about it. To be perfectly honest, I do.
Sharon: Would.
Caitlin: Like she said it was given to her as kind of like when she had a rough delivery with Henry. I mean, let go. Monica.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Here’s a big million dollar question. Did Monica steal it? Everyone online thought they did. And initially when it came out, I was so pissed because my favorite was slighted that I was like, yeah, she took it, probably. Did I? Now I don’t really feel that way.
Sharon: I don’t think she did.
Caitlin: It would be stupid, but it would.
Sharon: Because she’d have to sell it and she’d be found out. However, I could see her being the type of person that would steal it.
Caitlin: What if she just, like, pocketed it and thought it would be really funny for the prank? It just went too far. That’s when you just drop it back into somebody’s.
Sharon: Actually, I’m sorry. I am actually really mad on Lisa’s behalf about this.
Caitlin: Yeah. I think it’s the worst thing to blame somebody over.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And to just keep. She doesn’t let it go. Yeah, she talks about it at dinner and says it’s her, like, cold and prickly hot and spicy or whatever that was. Yeah, she keeps bringing. She yells at her about it, too.
Sharon: She’s the one that keeps bringing up how rich they are. No one is like, Monica. You’re poor, Monica. You don’t have nice stuff like us. No one is saying that Monica’s the one that’s like, you guys are super rich and I’m not.
Caitlin: It’s almost more on her shoulders. That’s interesting because you’re right. The other women aren’t like, oh, you don’t have a Prada backpack.
Sharon: Because you.
Caitlin: Don’T have a Prada backpack.
Sharon: I don’t get the feeling Whitney’s super rich. No, we never really hear her.
Sharon: say anything like that.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. No, you’re right. I think it’s a chip on her shoulder that she lets completely get out of control.
Sharon: And I love it when Lisa’s like, everyone here is materialistic. It’s like, yes. Do you not know what show you’re? Yes, we don’t want you on the show if you’re poor. Yeah, I want to watch a bunch of rich, rude, awesome old women yell at each.
Caitlin: Also. So Lisa had this tweet after the episode aired and she was like, I hope everyone’s having an amazing day with the exclusion to the effers who think I overreacted to losing my ringless at 8 hours prior to that amazing dinner at cary grant’s estate. 8 hours. I mean, that’s not much. I’d still be upset she didn’t bring it back up at the dinner table. She was talking about her second set of piercings. Yeah. Which I would have been talking about too. I still talk about all my, I.
Sharon: Still talk about the one on my 40th birthday.
Caitlin: I know. Bravocon one. And I refused to let them take it out when I had nose surgery. I was like, you can’t touch this brand new.
Sharon: I love you said Heather says she feels sentimental over anything. Over. Okay.
Caitlin: I like that. She has a number. I love. Do I have a number about what I attached to? Yeah, I just think you’re right. Monica can’t let it go. And I think based on what we know about being realities on t’s and everything, she has this dog with a bone mentality when she gets a lead on something. Uh-huh to make it out to be this big clickbait type thing. And I think that’s what she’s doing here.
Sharon: Yeah, I think that’s a good point.
Caitlin: She could be a perfectly lovely person and everything, but I’m afraid she’s like, trained herself to make everybody look really bad because that’s what she.
Sharon: And, you know, we’ll talk about more in Monica’s episode because, initially I really like Monica and I still kind of do, but she’s just not fair to Lisa. All this season.
Caitlin: Lisa, really?
Sharon: I mean, Lisa’s kind of Lisa. And maybe the whole mom thinks she could have been a little nicer, but.
Caitlin: Lisa.
Sharon: Especially for someone who works for Shaw, like, you think she’d have thicker skin? I don’t know.
Caitlin: You would think she’d been, like, torn down enough. Yeah. All right, so who wins in that? Lisa.
Sharon: Lisa. Okay.
Caitlin: Lisa versus the participation award. So our explanation of this is that Lisa sort of has a. Especially this season. It’s, a. I don’t know. I can’t think of the way to describe it. But she doesn’t really always want to do the thematic things that the other women want to do when it comes to her looks.
Sharon: If she feels like she won’t look as pretty or as hot as she would if she had done it the normal way.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: So let’s talk about drag night, because that’s the big one. She didn’t want to dress up about glam night. A glam knight. She didn’t want to dress up for drag night because they said you have to do your own makeup. No glam. Which is all taken here. I picture it reverberating in her head. No glam. The catch was that you had to cancel your glam, and Lisa loses it. She doesn’t like theme nights. Now, to be fair, the night before, she let them dress her up in that thing, that awful outfit inspired top that Meredith said was like. And then the bottom, which looked like a belly dance.
Sharon: Why did meredith do that to her?
Caitlin: And mary was like.
Sharon: Meredith was kind of mean.
Caitlin: It was meredith’s idea. You think she would have had more time to be kind of, like, thinking of a way to be nice than she was because lisa was nice to. Don’t. I feel like she does. She does.
Sharon: Try on one was. It was wit who came up with the drag.
Caitlin: She.
Sharon: And says, no, actually, I don’t know if she’s younger than Monica, but she and Monica are the youngest, I think theoretically needs glam the least. So it’s a little easy as the young one to be like, no glam for you.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: Like, I don’t have as many wrinkles to hide.
Caitlin: Yes, exactly. And so we learned that Lisa spends $60,000 a yarn. Glam. She uses it daily. The glam is on retainer, and even when she goes to the grocery store, she calls her husband John, and on the phone, it pops up. JB husband, boss.
Sharon: I love that.
Caitlin: John field is, like, lame. I mean, my phone, nothing. I use people’s real name. Even my mom. I use her real name.
Sharon: Oh, that’s right. You do have. Because my mom is mom.
Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t. My mom has her real m. It’s too weird. She has a name.
Sharon: My husband is ice. Okay, I know.
Caitlin: I noticed that whenever I thought you’re supposed to put that. And then you just put that in parentheses next to it or something.
Sharon: Oh, well, why would you put it in parentheses? Because then you’d have to look for the name and look for the ice next to it.
Caitlin: But then you just call him ice. Sometimes you get confused. Anyway, Lisa says she’s a good sport for the most part, but she’s over it. Meredith hugs her.
Sharon: Wait, $60,000 a year? That’s just for the cost of one ring. I plan for a year.
Caitlin: I know. Everything costs. If it’s not $60,000, this is not worth it.
Sharon: Yeah. How much is it? $60,000.
Caitlin: $60,000. so let’s talk. Can we just really quickly run through the drag personas?
Sharon: Yes. Tell us.
Caitlin: Whitney is a little girl. Monica is Jersey Mariah, which what did seem very real. Houseless.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Angie is Anita invite.
Sharon: I like that.
Caitlin: Heather is Dolly’s pride. She was very dolly parton. And then I wrote, meredith does nothing. Lisa does super nothing. Mary does nothing. But with tall shoes and Monica.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So then when they go to the other theme night, the pirate dinner, Lisa’s like, no, but I bought hoop earrings. Yeah, but at the pioneer days. I love how both she and Meredith are like, no, we’re not doing themes. Like, they talked about it before. They were like, if this comes up, we’ve got each other’s back. But they end up putting the bonnets on.
Caitlin: And I don’t know. The only thing that surprises me is that Lisa is so okay. Do you know how she jokes? Mary’s like, could you be quiet? Could you be on pause? And she’s like, I’m always on play. But I don’t understand in some respects why she’s so hesitant, considering that she is really pretty and she’s always ready to go. She is ready to try anything and do anything and jump into things. So that is why I feel like the women need to back off of her a little bit, because I think there’s something more to it. I think there is something like deep seated maybe when you have insecurities that you just can’t get over. It’s not like she’s not trying. She tried with the night, she tries with the things. But that is the line for her. And that’s where she draws the line. That’s her boundary.
Sharon: See, I don’t know, because the clothing thing, like, where she was upset, how Meredith dressed her. Okay, Meredith dressed her kind of ridiculously. Well, ridiculously.
Caitlin: She still wore the,
Sharon: Who cares? You know, you’re hot. It’s not like she has fat thighs. She has to hide. You know what I mean?
Caitlin: Okay.
Sharon: so I can see maybe with the glam, maybe she feels like she doesn’t look as pretty with makeup, so maybe I could go with that one.
Caitlin: But she could have done such crazy makeup.
Sharon: You know what I mean?
Caitlin: Yeah. I think it’s also when you think about, you know, how they overglam you for tv and movies and stuff, I think also you get to the point where you’re so used to seeing yourself, over made up, that to have to see yourself normally on tv is probably pretty jarring.
Sharon: Yeah, I agree.
Caitlin: And it’s not what she signed up mean, I guess, honestly, it’s just like, maybe Whitney could have given everybody a heads up.
Sharon: Yeah, I think so. But here’s what I would have done if I were.
Caitlin: It comes off a little ungracious sometimes, but at the same time, I just think there’s something deeply rooted with her there. She gets upset about it, and I just think it’s know she is a good sport about other stuff. Let it go.
Sharon: And maybe her skin doesn’t look as young. So what I would have done if I were her, I would have made the makeup up so over the top, like, essentially just like a completely painted face kind of crate, because that would.
Caitlin: Just hide anything, even though it’s meant to be silly. And that way, you don’t have to.
Sharon: Worry about some imperfections being seen. And I guess it is one of those things where we’re like, you’re pretty. Why does it matter? But to the person, who’s self conscious, it’s like they don’t see it. That so?
Caitlin: Yeah. Somebody on Instagram pointed out, and I thought it was really interesting that on real Housewives of Beverly Hills this week, a lot of them had their glam. The glam was all there. Kyle never brings glam. She legitimately knows how to do her own face, which is interesting. But it made me think with Lisa, I wouldn’t. I missed all that again. I had a. I. My mom always wore, like, light. Like, I don’t have a huge understanding of how to do my makeup. I was always really sensitive at my eyes with glasses. I couldn’t really do it, and I couldn’t see, like, if I take my contacts or glasses out, I can’t find my face in a mirror. So I do kind of understand that maybe she just can’t do so she pays somebody to do.
Sharon: Like, I have never, been good at makeup. I’ve never really made a huge, concerted effort to learn. I mean, I can do basic makeup, but maybe, oh, Kyle did say, like.
Caitlin: I’ve always had somebody do that’s I didn’t learn, like, so I don’t want to do it.
Sharon: Kyle did say in her book that she does all her own makeup. Remember, she does, yeah.
Caitlin: And she’s still on the spain trip. She was doing it. Everyone else had glam. It was interesting.
Sharon: Yeah. I wonder, because remember, I think back in the day, not everyone had glam.
Caitlin: No, this is a newer. Let me meet up for lisa. But frother.
Sharon: Here’S the thing. If I could have glam, dude, I would have and I would want to use them.
Caitlin: I feel like, you know what?
Sharon: I also think you’re on a trip. So I think it’s the thing where the emotions, they’re with each other all the time on a trip where maybe if she could have calmed herself down, she had to do it. She had to do it. Then she didn’t have time alone to calm down. So sometimes it just kind of comes out. Maybe she would have been fine if she had been given, like you said, a heads up or she had had a day to think about it.
Caitlin: And she may have also thought, there is no way for me to ask for this without coming out looking bad because Monica made me look terrible about the ring yesterday.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: And now she’s going to make me look terrible about. So in a way, I do appreciate that. She just owned it. She’s like, this is what I pay for it.
Sharon: Okay. Yeah.
Caitlin: I do it every year. I mean, again, I think the thing that it’s, like, not lets her off the hook, but the thing that makes it work for her is she’s never tried to be anything else. She’s never said, I have the money. I use the money how I want to use it. I’m working hard for. It’s my money. What are you going to do about, like, I think that’s almost the better. Yeah. It was an Od dynamic with Monica this season coming in and kind of messing with that. And it’s almost like that peak behind the curtain.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I don’t know if I want to peek behind the curtain. I want them to be rich because I’m not rich. And I’d like to see how that.
Sharon: I like it when Lisa said something. Really? Maybe when you can afford it, $60,000, you’ll be sad.
Caitlin: I like what too. That’s true. Okay, so who wins?
Sharon: Lisa. lisa. Usually I’m going to give it to Lisa because I like Lisa, but I.
Caitlin: Wish she would have just been a little more participating.
Sharon: Participating.
Caitlin: But she wasn’t like mary.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: Mary, who, like, sat in the, like, we’re talking about this while there’s a woman who won’t even step outside in the rain. She still does the stuff. She just wants the makeup on while she does it.
Sharon: Right.
Caitlin: It’s not like she’s like, I’m not going to do this, or I’m not.
Sharon: Showing up, or I just didn’t want to do her own makeup. She could have.
Caitlin: Which, in the grand scheme of things, and, I mean, she did fly the woman out there. I guess I’d be kind of pissed, too. I’d be like, I paid for her ticket. Yes. I want to use her.
Sharon: So the person just stays there in the Bahamas and just does their makeup, like, twice a day.
Caitlin: That’s like, yeah, I think they get rooms, too. And then they come over or maybe they have their own little house or something.
Sharon: That’s cool.
Caitlin: I know. I love it. I want this. I want a nanny on trips, and I want glam.
Sharon: I guess I’m surprised they don’t just, well, they’re rich, so they don’t have to, because I was going to say, like, they don’t hire someone there, but they’re rich. They can just fly their person down.
Caitlin: Exactly. Okay, let’s talk next about Lisa versus whitney. So they started out this season as new besties, but it didn’t really last. they were hanging out with the charcoals at, whitney’s house, and whitney was upset about Lisa arguing at the sound bath. lisa gets really loud and swears at whitney, gets mad at her, and kind of shuts down. it was an awkward scene. Lisa kind of blamed not Lisa. Whitney kind of blamed Lisa for yelling in front of her kids and making her kids uncomfortable.
Sharon: That whole Whitney was being super weird.
Caitlin: I thought she was being so weird.
Sharon: Because she could have been like, hey, language. My kids, they just think we’re fighting at our house.
Caitlin: Also, why would you invite her over there and know you’re coming at her about how she acted? The sound bath. Let’s rewind a little bit and talk about the sound bath. We probably should have talked about it under Monica, but let’s do it now, because it’s just such a brilliant piece of film.
Sharon: It really was.
Caitlin: So Lisa and Monica are at Whitney’s party arguing during the Zen sound bath. So Lisa sees the GK and said she was irritated after Bobby’s birthday party because Lisa and Monica had been arguing about Monica’s relationship with her mom. Angie’s saying that, you know, a bad daughter. And Monica’s saying, like, you don’t understand that my mom and I are in an abusive relationship.
Caitlin: so they are upset about this. They’re going to talk about it some more, and then all of a sudden they’re sort of yelling. It’s sort of out of the side of your mouth, like they’re facing forward. They have nice looks on their face. And Monica and Lisa have Angie just sort of, like, stuck in the middle and they just can’t let the sound bath happen. so Whitney even shushes them.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And, Monica’s like, you should go because old people need it. Angie Kay says one of my favorite things, which is like, monica, that’s effing low because I’m older than Lisa. I loved Angie Kay for that. And then my favorite thing.
Sharon: Oh, wait, you got to say the favorite. No, my favorite thing is the Monica quote, where, she’s telling Lisa, you do realize that there are actually several forms of intellectual capabilities in the brain, and street smarts is number one, and you don’t have that. And the fact that I do challenges you and you hate it be.
Caitlin: Several.
Sharon: Forms of intellectual capabilities in the brain.
Caitlin: Do you think when you get to that part, there’s like a little sign that says, welcome to street smart? I don’t have street smarts, so honestly, I don’t either.
Sharon: but apparently I have other intellectual capabilities because I don’t say stuff like in the brain.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. And I don’t think Lisa doesn’t have is number one.
Sharon: Number one what?
Caitlin: Number one of what exactly you got to specify. Yeah, we should ask, that new nurse anesthetist.
Sharon: Actually, we should write in to number one. What?
Caitlin: Yeah, give us a list, please. So Whitney tries to get them to kind of move out of the way and they just can’t leave each other alone. and they do sort of make up at Meredith’s jewelry event later. But it’s just the juxtaposition of this sound thing and then the arguing, arguing, arguing, arguing. It’s like our kids a little bit in the background.
Sharon: And it was also when Lisa goes and is kind of complaining to whitney later. And Lisa cannot see on Whitney’s face that whitney is about to murder much.
Caitlin: Yeah. back away, Lisa. Back away slowly. I mean, I understand why whitney was upset, because it was her business event, and we then also learned that she’s going through it with her friend, and her friend is still okay at the moment, but then later, she’s dealing with the death of her friend, so she’s going through a lot, and Lisa gets sort of unfairly caught up in the middle of that. Okay. When they get to Bermuda, Heather says that whitney hanging out, that whitney told Heather that whitney hanging out with Lisa makes Lisa Barlow a better person, which makes Lisa mad.
Sharon: That would make me mad, too.
Caitlin: Yeah. Did you think that?
Sharon: Okay, I guess.
Caitlin: Here’s my question. Do you think whitney said, like, was whitney making Lisa a better person, or was she just trying to convince Heather to give Lisa another chance? And then did Heather bring it up because she legitimately was, congrats for being a better person, or was she just in a jealous moment because their new friendship. She’s in a jealous moment.
Sharon: Heather knows what she’s doing. She’s smart, Cookie.
Caitlin: Smart. Some might.
Sharon: Heather has both smarts. She’s number one in a lot of ways.
Caitlin: Books on the New York Times and.
Sharon: Streets, where the book and the streets meet.
Caitlin: That’s Heather. I love, though, that, Whitney didn’t completely let Heather off the hook. And so then when they go to dinner, she’s kind of like, what are you trying to do, Heather? What’s her perspective? Because, honestly, I liked the Lisa Whitney friendship, but I loved how they were like, ah, fighting both, Heather and Whitney. And then the weather turned, and it was, like, legitimately came because of their fight. do you think that Lisa’s a good enough and supportive enough friend to Whitney? Like, at the jewelry party, they get into it because whitney’s upset. But I think you said she would have been upset no matter what happened, don’t you think? Yes.
Sharon: And I think where they were, like, I kind of get how Lisa was saying she was worried. Like, if I saw you and we’re in a public place, and I know you’re really upset about something, I might be worried that if you start talking about something, you start sobbing. So you’re like, I just need to hold it together. I would have been maybe worried to act like something was wrong, because maybe you’d rather not deal with it. You’re trying to separate it.
Caitlin: No, I think that’s an excellent point. And I think you’re right, too, because she knew they’d already talked about it. Yes, they talked about and talked about it. So for her to bring it up at the party, I think that’s brilliant what you said, because for her to bring up at the party is a essentially just like, oh, look, I care for the cameras. That’s almost like, we know we talked about it. We don’t need to now talk about it again in front of the cameras.
Caitlin: She was trying to. Yeah. And maybe he said, I don’t want to make this about me. I don’t want to talk about. I mean, she could have said that to Lisa, too. We don’t.
Sharon: And, yeah, I kind of think that maybe she even tried to just give her a smile, you know what mean? Like some kind of look like, oh, I’m sorry, but we’ll talk about it later. I don’t know. Yeah, I feel like that was not fair to Lisa, because I could see how someone would act like Lisa did, thinking that they were, doing the best thing for the situation.
Caitlin: I completely agree. so who wins there? I’m not sure. Anybody? I mean, I think Lisa’s not in the wrong.
Sharon: Yeah. I think Whitney was weird with Lisa at her house. She was acting like she was some pure moral. Oh, my ears. But I don’t know.
Caitlin: That was really.
Sharon: My poor children who are like, I know. I’m like, get over it.
Caitlin: I thought Lisa kind of thought that she didn’t take it seriously at first, because I think she thought she was kidding. I think she thought they were playing, like, a little game, and then she was like, oh, God, you’re really mad at me. You brought up the issue at your house. I don’t know. Weird.
Sharon: I’m actually going. Lisa, all these things.
Caitlin: Yeah, see? Lisa wins all of them. Lisa’s a winner. She should win a boat, because you know what? She loves anything. I feel like I want to get a shirt that says anything married. All right, well, I hope that Lisa listens to our episode. Wouldn’t that be cool down? M to my very core. But she knows that we.
Sharon: Lisa, if you listen, and then if you tell Caitlin how much you liked our episode, you’d probably make her year.
Caitlin: Probably.
Caitlin: Because, honestly, this is probably the nicest we’ve.
Sharon: But actually legit. I would not hold back anything.
Caitlin: Yeah, you wouldn’t. And I normally wouldn’t, but I wouldn’t. No, but really, like you said, there isn’t anything to hold back. I mean, I just think that the brilliance of Sabarlo and the reason that she works so well is that she really adapts to modern things. Like the way she’s taken on Wendy’s and the way she’s taken on all of, like, she’s taken on Instagram and she understands how to use it and how to use it properly. And she just understands that she is who she is, where she’s comfortable. She’s comfortable and where she’s not. She’s not. But she doesn’t try to. She’s not lying, she’s not pulling the wool. She’s just out there and she’s like, these are my flaws. And you may hate this about me, but it’s me. And that’s really refreshing, because sometimes with the housewife, you’re like, I don’t know what I’m getting and what’s under the surface. And with her, it’s like, we may not know what we’re getting, but we know it’s not like a hidden under the surface conniving thing. It just. It is what it is. And she bounced back from things like that. You’d think the rant that she had, like, the garbage whretis like, you’d think that I can’t. But it’s like, again, she just owned it. And she moves forward. And it’s a really good life lesson, honestly.
Caitlin: Because I’m not good at owning anything.
Sharon: Or yell stuff if you have a microphone on, that is a great.
Caitlin: Oh, can I also say I was crazy about that purple Versace outfit that Lisa had on in Bermuda.
Sharon: I thought it looked pajama esque. I don’t know.
Caitlin: Did. But for some reason, that color on her was like, I don’t know. And it matched Angie’s giant glasses. We saw that whole Versace collection between those two women. We saw the bikini, the regular suit, the pants, the glasses. I mean, it was like a whole.
Sharon: I did like the bikini. I did the bikinis hot.
Caitlin: I remember liking it was a whole thing. We didn’t even have to leave our.
Sharon: Seats, and we saw it was a fashion show.
Caitlin: Yeah, the summer collection. Okay, that is our episode on Lisa. Remember to go on our social media, to our Instagram or our threads. I always forget that’s what it’s called. And give us a shout out about what you liked about this episode, what you didn’t like. Who are your favorites, who you think’s coming back next year, all of the jams of Salt Lake. Because it’s an amazing season. We still have our Monica episode, Heather episode to get through.
Sharon: Uh-huh.
Caitlin: It’s exciting.
Sharon: It is.
Caitlin: All right, remember housewives bring the drama.
Sharon: But we bring the receipts.
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