Inside of church with episode title

Mayci is actually a girls’ girl… She has Whitney’s back (for some reason?) and goes to bat for Taylor with Dakota.

In this episode, we discuss Mayci Neeley storylines from Secret Lives of Mormon Wives:

⚪Mayci vs Whitney ⚪Mayci vs Dakota

Episode 101 on Spotify

Caitlin: Hold on to, like, this. Index nation. Perfect.

Sharon: Hi, this is Kaitlin and this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing.

Sharon: So chic.

Caitlin: Hold on to your righteous indignation.

Sharon: This week we’re digging into Macy Neely from the brand new Hulu series, the secret lives of Mormon wives, season one.

Caitlin: The verses this week are, Macy versus Whitney and Macy versus Dakota. The background information on Macy is she is the loyal friend. She manages to build a bridge between the sinners and the saints. She stays pretty drama free. And, she owns business, baby mama, which sells gummies for moms. Vitamins, I assume. I assume that’s what they are.

Sharon: Oh, I assume too.

Caitlin: I mean, right?

Sharon: I guess vitamins initially thought about, as.

Caitlin: I said it, I thought gummies, but.

Sharon: You know, they’re fatal vitamins, remember?

Caitlin: That’s right. she currently has two kids and she’s married to one of the rare normal seeming men on the show, Jacob. But so what’s interesting is when I was googling about the spouses, because again, we only really see the spouses that are in the sinners category.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: she and Jacob share one child, but she has two kids. And she had a partner before him named Eric with an a. And he died while driving. And, okay, he was texting her like they’d had a fight, I guess.

Sharon: Oh, God.

Caitlin: And he was texting her and driving and then, like, she saw it on, I think it was Facebook or something. Someone said, I’ll miss you. And she was like, what happened? And she discovered that, like, he died in this car accident and she’d been pregnant and he wanted her to stay with, but she went back up and stayed with her parents. And so, like, it’s like this tragic story. Yeah. And I think what’s weird about this show is it’s like, those are moments on housewives that they really would have paid attention to and like, given some treatment to.

Caitlin: But they don’t do that on this show. Like, they don’t care about that. It’s like, we can talk about it in the episode with Mikayla, but, like, they don’t talk about her skin, they don’t talk about the things that are, like the human moments. It’s like, only the drama.

Sharon: Yeah, that is like a huge thing. It kind of almost reminds me in, crossing streams here, the bachelorette, which reminds me, remember the girl that Emily and the race car driver and her husband when she was pregnant? So she wasn’t married.

Caitlin: No.

Sharon: So she was a sinner in that regard. And obviously, you know, I don’t care. Right. But I’m just finding that interesting, loving women here. Yeah. Yeah. It’s like a theme we see here.

Caitlin: Right? Cause she was in college and I think she had to go back and finish after she’d had her child. She played tennis in college. I guess she was a big tennis player, which I think she kind of looks like a tennis player. She has like a tennis player vibe for some reason. I kind of get that from her. do you think that she would fit on a housewife show as an actual housewife? No, I don’t think so either. I like her, but she’s not.

Sharon: I don’t think she’s got it, man.

Caitlin: Hm. She doesn’t have that spark.

Sharon: She’s just. She’s not. She, doesn’t bring enough interest. And even if they gave her backstory, like, her commentary, I think it just. This show shows us how important the commentary.

Caitlin: I didn’t think about that till you just said it and it was like light bulb over my head. They are not good commentators. and you really have to have it. It’s like part comedian almost.

Caitlin: But then you also have to be serious when you need to be serious.

Sharon: Exactly. And you have to have good insight.

Caitlin: M. Yeah. It’s like maybe none of these women have had enough therapy, whereas the other housewives have. Because I feel like if you can help the therapist, then you can do the interview role. I swear that I think that’s how that works. Just like they pretend. Our producers, your therapist. Okay, let’s talk about Macy versus Whitney. So they seem to be real friends. I put a question mark. Do you think that they are real friends?

Sharon: I think that they are real friends. I’m not sure how close they are because, macy was the one who knew and told Taylor how whitney was coming back from Hawaii and bought that house.

Caitlin: That’s true.

Sharon: Right?

Caitlin: She was in the know about that. Yeah. So she’s at least in the right chat.

Sharon: And maybe M. whitney had made a TikTok about it or something, but I kind of got the feeling she.

Caitlin: That’s a good point.

Sharon: She and they were friends.

Caitlin: Yeah. I kept thinking that she seemed kind of okay when whitney stepped away from all the events. And yet with taylor, I wondered if maybe they were better friends because she really mixes it up. We’ll talk about it with versus Dakota. But it’s like she really cared to point out how bad he was for her. And it’s kind of like with whitney, she stepped back and was like, well, yeah, if you need the space and whatever your problems, like, go ahead. So then I kind of wondered whether the show was making them seem closer because no one else would film with whitney. She was like the only one that could kind of get to, be in a scene with her. Like, we’ve got one nice person. She’ll go over there. I don’t know. But also, I felt like it was a really one sided friendship because it seemed like Whitney asked a lot for Macy.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And didn’t offer much back.

Sharon: Kind of a theme with Whitney.

Caitlin: Yeah, I think across the board. But I felt like if there was one person, maybe she would have, like, extended a friendship, like offering to, it would have been Macy. And it wasn’t like she didn’t go to the baby mama vitamins. And then she just constantly said that Macy didn’t have her back.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Like, did you get that vibe? I felt like Macy did have her back.

Sharon: I think Macy did have her back. Cause we really didn’t see anything otherwise.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Sharon: Because even on housewives, it’s usually like, you said this behind my back. There wasn’t even that. It was like she was mad that she didn’t, like, go out of her way to start a fight. Whitney actually wanted Macy to go out and start a fight on her behalf, like, defend her honor. I think she wants people out there not just coming to Whitney and being like, hey, I’m with you. She wants people out there being like, no, whitney’s great. And Macy didn’t go out there and like, what do you call it? Stump for? Like when you’re a politician?

Caitlin: Exactly. She didn’t go out there and do that.

Sharon: Yeah, exactly.

Caitlin: No, that’s really interesting because it’s like, you know when people say, I don’t understand why drama finds me, and yet it’s like those people who always pick boyfriends who are really dramatic and who get in actual altercations and fights and they pretend like they don’t like it, but yet that’s actually how they think that love is.

Caitlin: And maybe that’s kind of Whitney. It’s like, if she isn’t in a fight, if she isn’t so mad that she’s moving somewhere and picking up and going, then the person doesn’t love her. That’s, kind of sad. Yeah. The more I think about it. Why do you think Whitney didn’t go to Macy’s business launch? I really didn’t understand why she couldn’t muster the strength to go.

Sharon: Do not understand that because she never actually gave a legitimate excuse.

Caitlin: No. It kind of felt like she forgot almost. That says something about your friendship.

Sharon: I just needed a break. And you know what? She wasn’t even apologetic is what bothered me. It wasn’t like, you know what, I know that was important to you. I’m so sorry. I was in this bad head space. She was like, oh, I needed a break.

Caitlin: Yeah, I said I was taking my space. Yeah, it’s like, oh, oh, well, fine then.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: I mean, Macy kind of tried to tell her she was upset, but she got a lot angrier with Dakota than she would get with Whitney.

Sharon: She’s a little afraid of Whitney, do you think?

Caitlin: I think so. She was madder at Dakota, she was less afraid of him. And I would have been a little afraid of Dakota.

Sharon: But maybe that’s cause she cares about.

Caitlin: Taylor more m. I mean, I kinda think that’s true too.

Sharon: It’s funny cause now that you say.

Caitlin: That, if you don’t have something to lose.

Sharon: Macy did not get housewives level mad at Whitney for the baby mama missing.

Caitlin: She really just kind of was like, okay, yeah, well, I’ll forgive you, but I’m still a little bit mad.

Sharon: Is that just cause their Mormon upbringing, they’re raised to be like.

Caitlin: It is interesting cause the other women really screamed. Yeah. Do you think Macy just wanted to stay drama free on the show and have that image?

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: Or she just doesn’t actually get that loud.

Sharon: Or she didn’t care about Whitney.

Caitlin: I think it’s that. I think the more we talk about it, it’s that because, I remember thinking I couldn’t understand why she was inserting herself in the Dakota drama quite so much. And I also think it’s the way the show pitched it to us. I think that Macy and Taylor were close, but they had to have Whitney be close to somebody.

Caitlin: So they kind of told us that like, oh, these two are really good friends. But I don’t know because she kind of said like, oh, it’s so much easier to navigate when she’s not. Like, I miss her. But also when she’s not here, I don’t have to be in the middle of everything. It’s like, well, yeah, so either that or she realized how one side of the friendship was when Whitney wasn’t there. Like maybe she couldn’t see it when Whitney was there.

Sharon: I’ve actually been in that situation and I can’t think of it, but I feel like I’ve been in that situation where, like, I’m, the only one that’s, like, kind of going out of my way to be nice to someone.

Caitlin: It kind of feels like middle school.

Sharon: Because no one else is. You’re like, I guess I will. You don’t like, like,

Caitlin: Yeah. And you feel like an obligation because this is like with Whitney. If she didn’t have Mikaela, she didn’t have Macy, she wouldn’t have anybody. Nobody really liked her, but they did.

Sharon: So why do they need her?

Caitlin: So they say she must be an amazing TikTok dancer.

Sharon: Yeah. Because then they’re like, mom talk can go on without her. Can it survive? So did they really feel that they needed her?

Caitlin: I don’t know. She must have a lot of followers or something.

Sharon: Yeah, she must have, like, so many followers that they didn’t want to.

Caitlin: Maybe she’s the one who, like, cleans up the mom talk house or something. They were like, well, without her.

Sharon: They film at her house.

Caitlin: Yeah, they film her.

Sharon: She does all the video equipment.

Caitlin: She paid for that. She paid for the really good camera. And if you don’t have her, you’ve got nothing. She’ll take her toys and go home.

Sharon: Yeah. So one thing I was thinking about the natal vitamins, and it’s for any stage of motherhood. aren’t there enough vitamins on the market?

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: Like, there’s gummy vitamins.

Caitlin: There’s many of them.

Sharon: There’s so many gummy and regular vitamins. How I get that you have followers, how long does that last? How much do you really sell make?

Caitlin: I also feel like there’s a real time frame, and I guess for Mormons it’s longer because they have more kids than we do. But I feel like there’s a time frame where you are, like, pregnant or nursing or something, and you do kind of feel this, like, guilt that you should be taking the vitamins.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: But then you just can’t remember to take the vitamins at all. You can barely remember to take your allergy medication. So then I do think that even if you’ve got a client, I don’t think that the staying power is there at all.

Sharon: I agree.

Caitlin: And you’re right. Do we need one more vitamin? The name is good. I was kind of shocked that there is no, baby mama. Other products are like line, and it could be a lot of the other things where we’ve been, like Cameron and the pink dog food. Like, maybe again, she just wants to have a mom talk brand where she can do merch and t shirts and all of that stuff. That’s a good point. And then also, the vitamins are there. Yeah.

Sharon: Like, I started with the vitamins, and.

Caitlin: Then I went, yeah, that’s, like, kind of. So, like, maybe if she can do that. But you’re right. I don’t think on its own, the vitamins are. I don’t know. I’m actually shocked you’d find someone who would bankroll more vitamins.

Sharon: Yeah. And it does feel like it could. Into one of those MlM yes categories, because it doesn’t feel full size and Mormons and vitamins. I feel like this could totally go MLM.

Caitlin: It probably is, which is, like, my.

Sharon: Favorite thing I was telling caitlin today. I love a good MLM scan.

Caitlin: She does. I mean, like, maybe if she can get into target, she’ll be okay, but otherwise, no, I think no target, no deal.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And I think if you don’t have the latest baby craze and you aren’t in target, you can’t do it.

Sharon: She needs, like, a. Ah, no, it’s not sloths. I don’t know what animal it is anymore.

Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t know what. All the rage. You’d think they would know. Yeah, but, mom, Doc won’t tell us because they only dance.

Sharon: They only dance.

Caitlin: No one seems to show us, like, what’s. Trying to interpret how to make a dance casserole.

Sharon: This is how you add spice.

Caitlin: Exactly. You could. You could be dancing, like, shaking the salt and pepper and. I mean, I think that’s a missed opportunity. Okay. Who wins in Macy versus Whitney?

Sharon: I don’t know.

Caitlin: It’s hard. So, I mean, I think, again, Macy’s probably my second favorite, and we were joking. Like, what does that even mean? Because we barely like any of them.

Sharon: So it’s like.

Caitlin: It’s like, your second least worst person or whatever, but. So it’s like, she came out, image wise, better than Whitney. But Whitney didn’t have to apologize. She didn’t have to go to the event. She still gets to keep her friendship. She’ll probably still be around season two.

Sharon: Exactly. I don’t think anything’s gonna change for Whitney.

Caitlin: So probably Whitney wins a. She just doesn’t look good.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And it’s probably really bothering her about the villain thing, but she’ll lean into it.

Sharon: Or do you think she’s just gonna use that more as, like, I’m a.

Caitlin: Victim they portray, but I bet initially it really hurt her feelings. They probably went to another state for a good one to two months. After, this.

Sharon: Yeah. Where they don’t have hulu. Yeah, there’s no hulu in Hawaii right now.

Caitlin: Okay, let’s talk about Macy versus Dakota, because this was interesting. Of all the women, I don’t think that I would have thought Macy would be the one to come for Dakota. So she does not like Dakota. And he’s Taylor’s. Well, baby mama.

Sharon: Yeah, there we go.

Caitlin: Oh, look at the title.

Sharon: Oh, baby daddy.

Caitlin: Baby daddy. That’s right, she’s his baby mama. But she seems to be the main person who sees the red flags in Dakota, which we as the viewers see. But she was in an abusive relationship before she said so. She’s maybe more sensitive to it.

Sharon: And did she say that on the show or was it.

Caitlin: I think she said it on the show.

Sharon: Oh, did you? Okay.

Caitlin: But just sort of in like a, like she kind of in like one of the times when she was saying Taylor. Well, maybe I’m judging him too harshly. She was kind of trying to be nice to Taylor. You could tell. but she really does not like Dakota.

Sharon: No, she hates Dakota.

Caitlin: I loved when Dakota accused her of self sabotaging. Self sabotaging his and Taylor’s relationship. I love it. And you could tell, like, I felt like she was just trying to hold it together. Like, she’s a little bit smarter than, some of them, I think.

Sharon: I think so too.

Caitlin: It was like, yeah, I’m sorry, I’m self sabotaging your relationship. I think that Dakota loves having Macy to blame. Like she’s the fault for him. Like, as long as she’s there and she doesn’t like their relationship, he can blame it on her.

Sharon: You’re right. That’s a good point.

Caitlin: Like, she’s the scapegoat without her. Yeah, their relationship might have died a lot faster, sadly. Like, she’s trying to stand up for them, but also she’s the thing that he gets to blame.

Caitlin: do you think that it was right of her to come for him as much as she did? Yes.

Sharon: Yeah, I mean, that’s her friend. And okay, there was, the only thing was like, I kind of defended Dakota on the whole going to Vegas thing. So sometimes I feel like they, like they picked a little too far, but I. But. And what she. Cause what I saw, some things were concerning, but maybe not. But then when they told us what she had seen, that was off camera, then I was like, oh, well, that sounds like really bad, you know, so, yeah, I think it’s nice that she did that Taylor didn’t seem to like, you know, you would think if Taylor might be really upset with her for doing that, but she wasn’t. It’s almost like she was happy. I almost feel like maybe she was happy Macy did it.

Caitlin: I kind of think so. I think, again, it’s one of those, like, housewives things where they’re hoping the men can watch it back. Like, I think that’s what Jen was really hoping with Zack. And I kind of think it’s the same thing here, because I think she wanted him to see and, like, she wanted Macy to say, taylor’s right and you’re wrong. And she kind of did say that to him. and she was so loyal to Taylor, but she wasn’t wrong. And I think that that really, like, that helped Taylor be a little bit stronger. Like, otherwise she might’ve fallen forward a little bit faster. It was really uncomfortable when they were arguing, though, when Macy came over to talk to him, and then they just, like, had the fight in front of her. That was. I just wanted to, like, crawl into the garage. Like, you could tell she was like, how do I, like, crawl to her at the door?

Sharon: And when he showed up at the photo shoot, and then she’s like, I paid for this photographer.

Caitlin: That was so awful. Like, that, I felt, like, kind of summed up Dakota. Like, that’s. He’s, like, clueless and also takes more than he should take. Yes. Okay. At the very end, like, our cliffhanger, she’s calling that Jenna girl to find out if. Yeah. If, in fact, Dakota slept with Jenna in that timeframe when Taylor thought, like, when she’d said to the girls, if he, in fact slept with her, I’m 100% out. Do you think she should have called her at the end, do you think production made.

Sharon: I think she would have called anyone. Cause she could have posted on TikTok. Even if she wasn’t on the shows, she could. Anything to generate views. I don’t think it’s her place at all to call, like, in real life.

Caitlin: I think that she should call.

Sharon: I think that’s something if Taylor wants to do. Taylor or Taylor could ask her. Please go call.

Caitlin: I think it might have been like, I have her phone number. Do you think there’s any reason? But just because, I mean, I know that girl reached out, or was it Jenna? They weren’t sure who reached out because Macy has that Q and A.

Sharon: It was, like, anonymous.

Caitlin: And there was, like, an anonymous tip. It’s like, I don’t think she needed to. I think she could have given Taylor that information, been like, you do with this what you want to do with it, which she did.

Caitlin: And she also could have been like, I have her contact info. If you want to call her, you can call her. Or like you said, if you want me to be there and I make the call, but I don’t think to do it behind her back.

Caitlin: Like that’s gonna create a problem, especially.

Sharon: Right before she has a baby. I mean, nothing good is gonna come out of it.

Caitlin: Yeah, do you think so?

Sharon: Only bad can come out of it.

Caitlin: Yeah. I don’t think she’ll admit to it on the.

Sharon: I think. Oh, I think she might. Just so she could get embroiled in drama grin. I have no idea who she is, but if she wants to be on tv, that’s true. That’s a good way to do it.

Caitlin: Jenna. Jenna. Jenna. Maybe she wants to be part of Momtalk.

Sharon: Ooh.

Caitlin: Maybe they should get rid of Whitney and replace her with whoever this Jenna chick is.

Sharon: Oh, yeah. Cause then there’ll be, like, more fighting.

Caitlin: Cause we don’t know who she is. Like, she’s an actual secret.

Sharon: Right?

Caitlin: There’s a secret. we found another secret. We found two secrets so far this season. yay for us. All right, who wins then with Macy versus Dakota? I think that’s easier to call.

Sharon: Yeah. Obviously Macy, however, Dakota is still with Taylor.

Caitlin: I know. Which I just don’t even know how to deal with that. I hope the second season answers that question, because I can’t handle that at all. we are going to finish up our secret lives of Mormon wives, and then we’re gonna move on to real Housewives of Dubai.

Caitlin: Sharon’s very excited about it. I’m having to drag her into Dubai.

Sharon: I don’t know why.

Caitlin: The first season was hard. This one’s better. This one’s better.

Sharon: Okay. And I know when I believe you, it’ll be better.

Caitlin: They have a lot of money there. I think you’ll like it better because we’re coming out of this. Remember, they’re poorer here.

Sharon: Oh, that’s right.

Caitlin: So when we get to Dubai and you see them just like.

Sharon: And you know, you know, I hate poor housewives.

Caitlin: Exactly. These are very rich housewives. Big property dealings going on. All right, remember, mormon wives bring the.

Sharon: Drama, but we bring the receipts.

Caitlin: Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. And if you’d like to help support the podcast, please share it with others or leave a rating and review. Also, visit us on Instagram and threads both at RH on RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us at rh on thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.