Oranges with episode title

Heather’s pants are almost too fancy for OC…

In this episode, we discuss Heather Dubrow storylines from Real Housewives of Orange County Season 17:

⚪ Heather vs her villian era/being left out ⚪ Heather vs mo’ money mo’ problems

Episode 52 on Spotify

Episode Transcript (generated by

Caitlin: That’s our nose boop. That’s our new hello.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Oh, you know, it’s like Jillian pencil. Patrick Heinz.

Caitlin: Boop boop.

Sharon: Caitlin.

Caitlin: Our names are Edgar. Is it because they’re too short? Because they got, like, pensavale, all kinds of short.

Caitlin: Patrick Heinz.

Sharon: Because there’s a long one and a short one. Caitlin mons. Sharon. Edgar.

Caitlin: Our names are kind of short.

Sharon: Sharon. Edgar.

Caitlin: Caitlin month.

Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real housewives on real housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.

Sharon: So, chic.

Caitlin: Hold on to your oranges.

Sharon: This week we’re digging into Heather debroe from Real housewives of Orange County season 17.

Caitlin: Okay, our verses this week are heather versus her villain era mingleffed out and Heather versus mo money, mo problems. And then we have, like, a little fun question at the end, but we’ll save that as, like, a teaser of interest. Yes.

Sharon: heather Dubro was an actress. She’s married to the famous plastic surgeon Terry Dubrow, who I just love.

Caitlin: I love I love him.

Sharon: they are crazy rich. even more so now that they sold their house this even for $55 million.

Caitlin: I believe they weren’t rich enough.

Sharon: But I love the fact that they acknowledge they’re like, oh, my goodness. They’re like, that’s so much money. We’re crazy rich. so sometimes they call her fancy pants, which I think is cute. she loves champagne. She calls it champs, which I never like that.

Caitlin: That’s a little weird.

Sharon: she’s gone before off, and then she’s back. Ala. Tamara, she keeps saying she has an emptiness, but she doesn’t really, because she still has some kids at home. but she’s moving into some posh.

Caitlin: I think she’s, like, seeing the writing on the wall for her career, and so she’s trying to decide. I think she really thought her because it’ll be more an. Yeah, it would be like, her maybe returning to her acting career.

Sharon: And you know how they’re like, she doesn’t know where stuff is. I don’t know where I actually don’t.

Caitlin: Know which one’s higher.

Sharon: OC is la in?

Caitlin: M the OC.

Sharon: Because that’s a county, right?

Caitlin: I have no idea.

Sharon: I have no clue.

Caitlin: M. I don’t know. Maybe someone should take us on a tour of it.

Sharon: Agree.

Caitlin: All right, let’s talk about Heather versus her villain era and being left out. So the background on that is I think it kind of comes to a head when they’re or at least starts when they go on the trip to Montana, they’re dressing up, and all of a sudden, Tamara and Shannon are good now. And so Heather begins to say, like, I’m starting to feel left out. Yeah, I guess I feel like, again, she’s just owning the honest part of her life. But that was kind of her first mistake in coming off as the villain, because Tamara kind of jumps on that. And I think that heather really thought she and Tamara would be friends because Tamara was fighting with Shannon And then when they worked it out, I think Heather didn’t know where she was supposed to fit into this. Like, now Tamara’s back changes the dynamic, but she’s friends with everybody again. Jen was also her friend, so where does that leave Heather?

Sharon: And it’s kind of sad that it has to be that way, like, oh, if she’s friends. But then at the same time, Heather was just being honest.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: And I think a lot of us have felt that way at some point in our lives. And it’s like, even if, you know, you shouldn’t feel that way or whatever, it’s like human emotion.

Caitlin: Yeah. What I think is really funny this season is that I think Tamara and everybody was trying to make it out to be like, they’re so rich, and they’re so above everybody else. And yet, in a funny way, heather was more relatable this season than she’s ever been.

Sharon: That’s very true.

Caitlin: She was warmer. She was like a mom. She wasn’t just constantly like, these are the only rules at my party. And she was just sort of like, I feel left out sometimes. I feel hurt sometimes. I just felt like we actually got to see her emotions. Maybe that’s what threw everybody off, because they weren’t used to that.

Sharon: Yeah, maybe. And you know what? They’re all I mean, okay.

Caitlin: The only unrelatable thing was when she was packing the kids off to college, and she had, like was like, her basement, just like a Bed, bath, and beyond. But let’s face it, okay?

Sharon: A lot of them are rich.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: That’s why they’re on the show. Right. They’re not all rich, but, they’re all certainly richer than we are. Lifestyle.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: See, those extremes?

Sharon: It’s like, why are you begrudging her that? That’s the whole point of this show.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Sharon: It’s like this aspirational living.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: What I felt was a little sad and I didn’t completely understand was the fight sort of between she didn’t want to be left out, but at the same time, she’d kind of taken a step back from know are both from New York. They were really close together, and I don’t understand. Gina was sort of like, well, you don’t want to go to parties with me. And then Heather was kind of on her about don’t tell Travis things about your relationship.

Sharon: I actually was with her on that.

Caitlin: I didn’t disagree because I don’t think he needs yeah. Have you moved past her? Have you not moved past it?

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: And you know what? If she hasn’t moved out, fine. But you just don’t need to keep bringing it up to your boyfriend. It does seem like kind of a buzzkill for your relationship, and I think Heather was just trying to help her out as a friend there. I really do think Heather was looking out for her yeah. Not in any mean way.

Caitlin: Nothing.

Sharon: I think she was trying to help her.

Caitlin: It was sort of weird. I’m thinking about the being left out thing. Why do you think that Gina was so I mean, she was just as much angry almost at Heather as Tamara was this season, and I don’t understand why. I know she sort of felt left out, but then Heather was saying she felt left out. So isn’t that the time to she didn’t like Heather’s advice, and that’s okay. You don’t have to like it. She can go talk to her boyfriend. She wants to, but she turned all of that against i, don’t know. If you want to be friends with Heather, then why are you acting like you’re creating the space you’re blaming her for creating?

Caitlin: Right.

Caitlin: And I didn’t understand that.

Sharon: Is it jealousy?

Caitlin: I kind of think so.

Sharon: Does it just come down to jealousy in the end?

Caitlin: Especially for Gina? I mean, there’s a huge financial difference.

Sharon: And she’s trying to be a realtor, and, she found it dismissive when Heather was like, oh, my son is really okay. I can kind of understand where Gina’s coming from. I do understand where Gina’s coming from. He is literally doing the.

Caitlin: Same.

Sharon: I guess I feel like that would.

Caitlin: Be like if you were going out for your career and broadcasting and you were like, oh, I just got, like, a hosting job at a national level. And then your friend was like, oh, my kid just got started a podcast. So it’s like pretty much the same thing.

Sharon: Wait, but she was literally just starting.

Caitlin: To be a realtor. That kid wasn’t doing it for his career. He was probably just doing it as, like, a side. I don’t know.

Sharon: But they’re doing the same job.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: She was studying for the test.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: And they’re probably selling houses in the.

Sharon: Same mean I guess what I’m saying is they are literally doing it’s not like it’s a smaller version of it. They’re literally passing the same exam.

Caitlin: Right.

Caitlin: Is her son going to get the commission, like, the same way they did with Mauricio and his daughter? She’s going to be like, I wonder if it’s going to be just like that.

Sharon: I feel like, okay, I understand because it’s her kid, she took it that way. But her kid is old enough to do it.

Caitlin: Yeah. Okay.

Caitlin: I see what you’re saying. It did feel a little dismissive. I don’t think she meant it in any ill will, and I don’t even think she thought about the way it would sound.

Sharon: I also think if you’re starting a new career late in life, you have.

Caitlin: To kind of oh, that is true sometimes.

Caitlin: Okay.

Sharon: Like, when I was in nursing school, there was a girl in there who she did the running start program, and she was like 18 or something, right?

Caitlin: No, that is a lot of times.

Sharon: She knew more stuff and I had to learn from her. You know what I mean?

Caitlin: It’s like a little weird.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: and also, it’s not that kid’s fault or like you said, the nurse. Because I remember in grad school, too.

Sharon: There was a lot of people who.

Caitlin: Went back to get their master’s or PhD in history. And because I’d just gone straight through it’s, like I wasn’t as old. And they always felt like so like they had to say, well, I’ve done things in my life. I have. And I always felt like it doesn’t matter to me. But sometimes I felt like they were like, oh, well, I have to make myself I have to explain why I took a break or why and I don’t think you owe people that. But you’re right. They’re just doing the same job and really shouldn’t be an issue at all.

Sharon: And especially because now that people change careers and go back to school later in life and do things yeah.

Caitlin: It’s not as weird as it was.

Sharon: Yeah, I think it’s totally like you can just start over and be like, I’m going to do this at this age.

Caitlin: It made me think, though. There was this poor old gang when I was an undergrad. And we always call him Mean. His name was Brad, liked non trad Brad. But I was just thinking, yeah, because there is some judgment there. Now I feel bad about everybody. We had this older guy, but he.

Sharon: Deserved this because he would get on the bus.

Caitlin: So it’s all George Brad can be a little creepy.

Sharon: So this guy would wear a robe on, the bus.

Caitlin: Okay, non tread brad wasn’t that bad.

Sharon: So, I mean, I feel like if.

Caitlin: You wear a robe, you get to be the weirdest. No, that’s weird. I mean, that’s like that’s just like weird robe guy.

Sharon: Oh my God. Whoever thought of that?

Caitlin: They deserve something that your name rhymes, silly. At least Heather didn’t have like, a nickname.

Sharon: You know what? Non trad Brad is listening to this.

Caitlin: Hey, Non trad Brad.

Sharon: I hope you’re doing well now.

Caitlin: Yeah, I hope you made it through your stuff. I don’t know what he’s doing. I don’t even know what his degree was.

Caitlin: Nobody.

Sharon: Cares.

Caitlin: He was just there. It’s like a.

Caitlin: Mascot.

Caitlin: I can’t decide who wins. Except that I think it’s Heather. Because the problem is everyone tried to.

Sharon: Make her look like a villain and she didn’t.

Caitlin: And she didn’t. So I do think that she won because at first I was worried while everyone threw all that stuff down on her.

Sharon: So did she.

Caitlin: But, ah, I think she came out looking fine at the reunion.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: And I think everyone was like, leave her alone.

Sharon: And even Gina at the end was kind of this was this was stupid.

Caitlin: It really doesn’t make a lot of sense. And when it doesn’t make a lot of sense, there’s not a lot to right.

Sharon: Because we’re trying to figure out what did Heather do? Okay. She kind of alluded maybe that she knew stuff or stuff was but as far as housewives go, we already decided.

Caitlin: It was also really what about her being hottie is new. Like they call her fancy pants for a reason.

Sharon: That’s who she is. That’s like her thing.

Caitlin: Yeah, she’s the mo money lady.

Caitlin: Yeah. All right.

Caitlin: Do you think it’s true? Mo money, mo problems. That’s our next verses.

Sharon: No?

Caitlin: Yeah, I would love to have problems with mo money.

Sharon: I mean, I can always like if it’s really that big of a problem, I can trade one pound, give it away.

Caitlin: At least you can have some really nice shoes with the problem. But I do think it’s a problem in the house size world, if you’re the one with the most money, you’re going to come under the microscope a little bit more. People seem to there’s going to be a jealousy there just because of her money kind of became the top dog, but also because she’s kind of the classy one and she takes on a motherly role too. And I don’t think that that comes from a haughty place. I think she just is one of.

Sharon: Those kind of people who is.

Caitlin: Kind of at the top of a group and kind of takes charge.

Sharon: I think as far as houses go, she’s definitely more refined because you have a lot of these wealthier women, but some of them are more like they’re.

Caitlin: More bells fight and they’ll do this. You’re not going to see her punching anybody.

Sharon: Right. Or flipping a table.

Caitlin: Right.

Caitlin: For example.

Caitlin: Okay.

Caitlin: So I guess the other thing that comes with momentum problems is that Teddy and Tamara have this podcast and Teddy says the paparazzi don’t come to Orange County. You have to call them. So the whole issue about how much they sold the house for, there was like some sort of rumor about whether mean, I’m sure there’s always cheating rumors. None of this is founded at all. And it’s total crap. But so, they were alleging that they were trying to show them as extra united and Disney.

Sharon: Yeah, they were like looking at the.

Caitlin: Castle together wistful way.

Caitlin: Really?

Caitlin: You have to call the paparazzi? I don’t think so. If there’s a celebrity, there’s a celebrity. now are we saying you have to call the paparazzi whenever it’s like a real housewives celebrity? Because that’s not the same thing celebrity is. Celebrity don’t TMZ show up for anything. I kind of thought so. Opening of an envelope, someone would show up for 55 million.

Sharon: Like, you have just Caitlin with her camera there at Disney. Like, oh, there’s Heather to bro. Take a picture, post it.

Caitlin: I mean, if they had Dorian photo studio in the corner, then, okay, maybe you hired somebody. But I also think that’s unfair too. And again, it’s all unfounded, like, all this stuff.

Sharon: First of all, you guys are all, do you not have an instagram account where you post a bunch of pictures of yourself?

Caitlin: Kind of a thing that we do now.

Sharon: It’s just kind of funny when it’s like, you’re somehow better or above that.

Caitlin: Yeah. Okay.

Caitlin: The other thing is, do you think that everyone’s feelings should be hurt that she didn’t tell them about the house? She was afraid to tell them about the house because she knew this was.

Sharon: Going to happen exactly the way she thought it was. I understood why she didn’t.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: I understood why she did say that there was, like, when you’re under contract and stuff, you don’t want to jinx it, for one thing. You also don’t want to brag before there’s something to brag about.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: What, are you supposed to send a group text? Hey, guys, I sold the house for 55 million.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Because then they would have been like.

Caitlin: Oh, she’s so braggy about it. There was no way for her to win.

Sharon: There really.

Caitlin: Wasn’T.

Caitlin: And I didn’t like it when Shannon was like, well, you criticize me for not sharing important things, and you didn’t share, but this is different.

Sharon: This isn’t, like, an emotional thing. It was uncomfortable. It was a business transaction. so I kind of can see her being like, okay, well, this is different.

Caitlin: No, it wasn’t a personal thing.

Sharon: And when she shared her emotions about.

Caitlin: Feeling left, they were like, you don’t have a problem. Yeah, no, I think it was really unfair, and I didn’t like when she almost left on the trip in Mexico, they were just on her and on her and on her, and they gave her no breathing room.

Sharon: It definitely was gang up. It’s like one of them. So then they all started kind of like, you know, where you kind of get caught up, and that’s what I think. I think Gina got caught up in it, and then she realized, oh, I just got caught up in the group, and it was mean. Yeah, I shouldn’t have done it. I respect Gina for that. The fact that she kind of realized that yeah.

Caitlin: And backtracked a little bit, I think.

Sharon: Too.

Caitlin: That, it’s funny because I’ve always liked Heather, but I’ve never felt like I was team Heather, but this time I was really team Heather. And when she and Taylor finally sat down and talked about it, I was just like, this is a really nice, honest moment for like, she just really showed us a different side of her amidst all this crap, which makes me, like, her even more because, I mean, they just jumped on her, and Tamara was trying to pick a fight. When they go to the circus party at the mean, tamara was looking for some giant blow up to end the season.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: And Heather refused to give it to her. And I was like bravo to her. That was amazing. That was really impressive. Because the amount of, I don’t know, self worth that that took and self calm and all of that, I thought that was really impressive.

Sharon: She really won’t stoop.

Caitlin: She really level class, which, I mean, she is make fun of her, but.

Sharon: She is like I couldn’t hold it. No, I would have, like lost it.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: Because it wasn’t just one they were just all coming at her. I mean, if nothing else, it’s like when your kids are all yelling at you and you’re just know, like I felt like she just deserved to be able to scream that. She was just like, anyone have a glass of champagne I can have I need some shamps. Give me some shamps. And I, guess who wins in that? Heather. Yeah, I think so too. There just isn’t much she can falter for. She got thrown a lot of stuff and she handles it.

Caitlin: Really?

Caitlin: I didn’t her driver, Pete would have been proud.

Sharon: I didn’t understand the whole Emily Heather thing either.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: Because okay, I like Emily. And so it was really upsetting me that she was treating Heather that way. She was the same thing. She just wanted to be mad at Heather. And I think when Heather even said something like that to her, emily was kind of like, yeah, you’re right. She, even kind of acknowledged it at one point. I think that was at the house, the party where Shannon was flipping out.

Caitlin: And I remember now, I’d kind of forgotten about it, but Heather said to Gina, I think that did she say Emily’s going to the school of Tamara or something like the friendship school of Tamra? And it kind of was it kind of felt like maybe because Emily had repaired things with Tamara, she didn’t want to. So she kind of took on Tamara’s.

Sharon: Charge a little bit.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: And got drunk.

Sharon: And it’s like I can understand maybe Heather comes across a little fancy piss, but I honestly don’t think she ever seems malicious about it or anything.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: Don’t think she’s ever unthinkful or ungrateful for it or rude about it or shoving at people’s faces.

Sharon: Like, if anything, I just want to be her friend so I can hang out of her fancy house.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Caitlin: And she can kind of be like, okay, I have all the silverware and I’d like you to know how to use it. Exactly. Okay, maybe that’s a little like, whatever. But again, it’s her house, her rules, her party.

Sharon: Poke fun of her for it.

Caitlin: And she seems to take that pretty well. I think the whole thinking of fancy pants as like a nice she lets them call her that. She doesn’t let that hurt her feelings. So yeah, I don’t get it. Okay, our magical extra question should Heather change cities? Should she exchange an orange for a diamond? Who would she go from orange county?

Caitlin: Exactly.

Caitlin: When you put it, that mean no contest. Okay, so this she fit in better in Beverly Hills.

Sharon: So Beverly Hills is I wrote it all.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: So it’s Kyle Dorit, garcelle sutton crystal erica.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: And there’s just going to be a new girl this season, but I don’t really know her.

Sharon: I kind of think it would be interesting because Dori and Garcelle and Sutton.

Caitlin: Are all pretty classy fancy pants.

Sharon: I think it might be an interesting dynamic where maybe who has the fanciest pants?

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: Or maybe there’s some more passive aggressive stuff there because

Caitlin: She might finally meet her match. Not even in a bad way, but exactly.

Sharon: Because OC, they might call her out and be more, what’s the word? Like low brow or yeah.

Caitlin: Yeah. She’s never had the chance to try.

Sharon: To play at that level.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: And I think they bought a house in Beverly Hills, so technically they could.

Sharon: I think it’d be interesting.

Caitlin: I think they should just make the switch and take Taylor to the Think.

Sharon: And Heather to Beverly Hills. I think it actually is a really good switch.

Caitlin: I’d really like it’s. Like, we can do housewives trades, like, a football.

Sharon: Yeah, exactly. I will trade you a Taylor for.

Caitlin: A Heather and one fight.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: I’d really like to see it.

Sharon: I’m totally for that.

Caitlin: I think it’d be good. I think it would be a really shakeup.

Sharon: Beverly Hills is richer.

Caitlin: I think so, too.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Because I mean yeah.

Caitlin: I just think she’d fit in that bracket. Yeah. Real estate wise, maybe her stuff wouldn’t she wouldn’t have to argue. She wouldn’t have to fight all the time about her wealth. She could actually have another storyline and not just like, I’m the rich one because yeah.

Sharon: Ah. Like Jen has the fake bag on this. And we know Tamara had to close Cut Fitness, so it’s not like they’re all, like, rolling, rolling in the dough.

Caitlin: Whereas Beverly Hills, they’re richer and like and maybe it is hard for her to relate, and therefore harder. For her to have a storyline that works because anything that like she said, anything that she wants to bring up, they’re just going to go, okay, well, no one can relate to that. Then what is her purpose on the show?

Caitlin: Yeah, I’d like to see it. All right, well, that is our episode on Heather. I think she wins this season, and I think yeah. I think because she has the hand up, she can exchange that diamond. Plus, it’d be really fun to see that. I mean, they kind of tested the waters with Taylor.

Sharon: It’s kind of interesting.

Caitlin: I like it’s.

Sharon: Like, let’s do do.

Caitlin: I think they should do it.

Caitlin: Bravo.

Caitlin: Do it and then say it was our idea. I mean, sure, it’s not our idea, but let’s just say it wasn’t.

Sharon: We just claim we have so many.

Caitlin: Good ideas we do now, whether other.

Sharon: People anytime there’s a good idea, we’ll just pretend m it’s.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Because we don’t get credit for our actual good ideas, we’re going to take.

Caitlin: Credit for otherwise, it kind of seems like we’d fit in Housewives world pretty well.

Caitlin: Thanks.

Sharon: There’s a reason we like Housewives. Exactly.

Caitlin: Far alley. All right. Remember, Housewives bring the drama, we bring. Caitlin: The racism. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both at RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us at Thanks again, and remember to stay out of.