JFL is our queen. A+. Icon. She can fly however she wants, people.
In this episode, we discuss Jenna Lyons storylines from Real Housewives of New York Season 14:
⚪Jenna vs Participation & Sharing ⚪Jenna vs First Class ⚪Jenna vs Gifting
Episode Transcript (generated by eddy.headliner.app)
Caitlin: I will still remember my favorite pair and most expensive pair of jeans that I’d ever, like purchased up to that point in my life was this pair of J. Crew jeans, and they were that, like, you know, when they, like, sort of that, like, unrolled look where it’s, like, the color and then had the little. And, like, I was in love with that pair of pants, and I got them in, like, a size four, and I thought they were, like, the greatest thing. So whenever I think of gentle lines, I think of that pair of pants.
Sharon: Oh, my God. I want to wear size four.
Caitlin: I know. Hi, this is Caitlin.
Sharon: And this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing. So, Chicago, hold on your apples.
Sharon: This week, we’re digging into Jenna Lyons from Real Housewives of New York, season 14, the reboot.
Caitlin: This week, the verses are Jenna versus participation and sharing. It kind of sounds like her.
Sharon: Like a report card show and tell.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Jenna versus first class.
Caitlin: See?
Caitlin: Jenna versus guesting. She really did a good job of saying, like, she tried to kind of stay out of the drama, and, nobody’s name is on.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: It’s just all like, she. I think she did a good job.
Sharon: It’s just all people complaining about her.
Caitlin: It’s not like her fighting with people. She’s like, I didn’t do anything. Jenna Lyons was at the helm of J. Crew. She was the president and executive creative director there. She started as an assistant there, which I thought was cute and worked her way up. now she does interior design and collabs. she hates dill. And then she tried hard to avoid housewives conflict, which we just mentioned, but I think that’s important. she explains that a switch flipped when she turned 40, and she realized she wasn’t happy, and realized she was gay. And then that story, the New York post outed her. Like, she didn’t get to out herself. The news outed her. and the women are upset this season because Jenna isn’t willing to say who her girlfriend is.
Sharon: Right.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: And so did she break up with her girlfriend right before the season or was kind of midseason?
Caitlin: Right?
Caitlin: I think it was a little bit season. Yeah. Like, mid those first few episodes, I think.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And it sounded like the girlfriend didn’t want her name told. I mean, Jenna was just going on the show. She probably didn’t know she was going to go on the show when they started dating.
Sharon: Exactly. And it’s like Jenna’s like, well, do I not go on the show for this relationship? That might not exactly.
Caitlin: And also, it’s like, you maybe do respect it because you’re not engaged, like, you’re not married. it is just a girlfriend at that point. And maybe she’s like, if we get serious, then I’ll explain who it.
Caitlin: Okay, so what was our first season judgment of Jenna? Do we like her? Not like her. Where do we stand?
Sharon: I loved her, which is funny. Before I watched we judged a book by a cover. I did. She just looked so weird. Something about her hipster glasses. The hipster glasses just really threw me off, and I did not like. But then I loved.
Caitlin: I was like, wait, person. Because you kept going, am, I going to. Because I watched it before you did. And I was like, no, you’re going to love her.
Caitlin: Just wait.
Sharon: Because I was like, am I going.
Caitlin: To hate her soon? Or.
Caitlin: No.
Caitlin: No, you won’t. You’ll never hate her. She’s amazing.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: even though she doesn’t like Del and I do like, but I know.
Caitlin: Okay, let’s talk about Jenna versus participation and sharing. So the women think that Jenna isn’t into girl things, like girls trips or group mentalities, or that she shares enough about think she’s.
Caitlin: She.
Sharon: They think she others herself.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: That’s a good way to,
Caitlin: Yeah. What do we think about that? And then we can talk about the examples that go with it.
Sharon: But, she kind of does. But that’s just because she’s a little quieter and more introverted. She’s not, like, a be loud in a group. At least she doesn’t appear that way.
Caitlin: I know I kind of call, like, I think I disagree with all of that because she’s open and honest about the fact that she hasn’t done girls trips before. Like, kathy Hilton hadn’t either, and nobody raked her over the coals about it. And she’s honest about a lot of things about herself that I think m normally she would have waited to share, but she did try to trust them and share the things, and then it kind of jumped back and got her. So I kind of understand. So when they’re in the hamptons. So Jenna had never been on a girls trip. She was nervous that she’ll be awkward and stupid. Her mom had died six weeks before she started filming, too, which is a big deal. and she immediately tells them that her mom had, like, an asperger’s type. Was it asperger’s straight up or something else? On the spectrum.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: And that she’d had a diagnosis later in life and that as a kid, she didn’t really know what her mom had, and her mom didn’t know what she had. And then Erin’s like, well, it makes sense. Jenna can kind of be cold. And I’m like, she came right out of the gate explaining her history and her background. And then she also shares that she has this genetic disorder, this hyperpigmentation. And so she really has areas of her skin that are just scarred, and she’s really uncomfortable about it. I feel like that’s another big share. And then, they get mad at her because everyone kind of partied loudly and late, and she had an appointment in the morning. And here’s what I think, too, and we’ll talk about it a little bit more later on. But Jessel had made fun of the lingerie that she brought, and I thought it was really cruel in the moment that she did it, think that Jenna’s feelings were hurt. So when she left, it was loud. She had her feelings hurt. She had her own place to go to. She just wanted an escape. And so she left. And they are on her about, like, it’s this big, big deal.
Sharon: Yeah, it probably get, okay, but you’re also new friends.
Caitlin: It’s not like these are people you’ve known forever. I’d think it was weird if you took off.
Sharon: And because it’s Jenna, I’m like, and because you’re right, her feelings, and she was probably already uncomfortable. But I do agree that on a girls trip, I don’t think that’s cool because you knew you were going on a girls trip. So this meeting the next day, you.
Caitlin: Should have exactly dealt with, dealt with or you knew or maybe planned initially. I’m not going to spend the first night there.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly. Because it does make yourself seem like you don’t want to be part of the group. M. but she already said, like, I’m a little different.
Caitlin: I don’t know.
Caitlin: She did.
Caitlin: And I would like this coffee in the morning and her different things. Like, she’s at least honest about it.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And then the thing I didn’t like, too is it’s like, that doesn’t show her how great a girl’s trip is if you come down that hard on her.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Instead, just say, we were all so sad that you left, but don’t make her, like, they just made her feel terrible. And I didn’t think that was a great way to be. Like, don’t you want to spend more time with us so we can beat you up more over things like, no, thank you.
Sharon: So this is what I wonder. Did she just book a hotel immediately?
Caitlin: She has a house.
Sharon: Oh, that’s right.
Caitlin: Thank you. Maybe or maybe not. Has an ocean view, but it’s actually very small in Sag Harbor. I don’t know if she’s in the better part of it, because, remember, Brynn kind of made fun of the part of Sag harbor. So maybe where Jenna is is, like, the really good part, and maybe where Erin is was, like, the up and coming area of. So also, with the sharing she shared about her coming out. She told that story. She talked about her divorce. She talked about her senior art project at Parsons. She showed her house, she showed her businesses. She talked about her genetic disorder. She talked about her teeth surgery. Like, her brother came to visit, and they talked about their childhood. And, I just think that’s a lot when you list it all. So I just wanted to list it all. Yeah.
Sharon: I don’t know. Maybe because she shares kind of nervously. I think it is not sharing, but she did share.
Caitlin: I think it’s one of those things where it’s like, if you’re quiet, it doesn’t like. And if you’re loud, you’re like, yeah.
Sharon: Because we got a ton of information about her. Maybe more so than, like, think. Actually, I don’t know much about Erin.
Caitlin: And then she made that model feel better when she was telling the story about her name.
Caitlin: Unless she was.
Caitlin: I was like, nobody knew you were Judith. And then they were mad at her about that. Like, you should come out immediately with your legal name.
Sharon: It’s like, yeah. Like, you show up, you’re like, hi, guys. I like Jenna Lyons, by the way. My birth certificate actually said, let me alien.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: It’s like when you’re finally friends with someone long enough to learn their maiden name.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Caitlin: But you know them as their married name. And then you’re like, oh, by the way, I do have a name.
Sharon: I was born with Caitlin Krapp.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Caitlin: It was like, let it go. So, I liked where the story of the name came from because her brother always called her Jenna genitalia, so she panicked at school, and that was, like, the first name. Anyway, so I guess I can’t figure out whether there’s a. Who wins there.
Sharon: They were mean girling.
Caitlin: They were mean girling her.
Sharon: I really want to know more about her genetic disorder just because it’s interesting. I’m interesting like that. Like, the toll teeth aspect of it, because.
Caitlin: Yes. Was it like, yeah, I don’t understand how that’s related to the skin the teeth thing. Exactly.
Sharon: Does she have continuous problems with the teeth?
Caitlin: I think so. It sounded like she’d had a bunch and she was finally replacing. I think most of her teeth are not her huge problem. Yeah, no, that’s a lot, and that’s painful.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: The one thing I thought was interesting is that both Jenna and Uba don’t drink, and I thought that was kind of nice to see because there’s so much of know, especially in Beverly Hills.
Caitlin: Right.
Caitlin: Like, it’s. It’s interesting to see that the housewives really can function when not everybody’s drinking. All right, let’s talk about Jenna versus first class. So she, tells her brother how worried she is about her genetic disorder and how she looks. So she’s worried about her skin. She says she does the thing where you can see. She constantly wears her shirts where she kind of leaves it open in the center.
Caitlin: Because that’s a way she can kind of keep it on trend and modern, but not show off the parts of her skin that she’s uncomfortable about.
Caitlin: And I guess it looks better if she gets some tan on her.
Caitlin: And then also right before they go to Anguilla, she’s, like, having. So she’d had six years of surgeries I wrote down. And so, yeah, this is, like, the culmination of a lot of them, I guess. She’s also, like, she’s coming off the surgery. She wants a little time. She had trouble on the girls trip before. Yeah. She wants to be in the sun so that her skin looks better. And then she jokingly says to Erin, when Erin brings super better teeth, she’s like, and I just. I really want to go. She was also probably, like, high on pain meds, and so she goes, I just don’t really want to. I don’t want to fly coach. And that is the part, the only.
Sharon: Part that, and it’s like, that was a happy up. It was like, what do you call it? The icing on the cupcake or something?
Caitlin: Like, is that a good deal?
Sharon: Yeah, I think that’s a very housewife thing, actually, to not want to fly coach anymore.
Caitlin: They often don’t all fly. They’ll often show there’s separate flights and.
Sharon: Someone M will fly here. first class and others. Exactly.
Caitlin: So I don’t see the big deal. And it’s not like Erin had to go by, like, it’s one thing if it was like, well, we were going to fly together and I have to go by myself. Then I could see being a little sad. Like, I don’t want to go by myself. But she was going with everybody else. Else. What I did not like is I felt like Erin just jumped on the moment to tell everybody. That was her tea to spill. And she was so, like, I don’t know, mean girl.
Sharon: Here’s the thing about it. Jenna was going early. It’s like she was actually taking time to plan for this trip. It’s not like she went late to avoid showing her, you know what, I’m.
Caitlin: Going the same day, but by the way, I’m taking my own flight.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: It’s like she went ahead of time. She was, like, going to be there.
Caitlin: Wanted the break, and maybe her kid was with her ex husband. And she was just like, I don’t want to be by myself around Christmas.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: This was ridiculous. It was ridiculous. I just felt like in the reunion, they kind of backtracked a little bit, but maybe not enough.
Sharon: I don’t know. They said that they were hard on her.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Psy said that, right?
Sharon: I think so. I don’t know when we’ll talk about this, but the reunion, there was a lot of apology.
Caitlin: There was so much it was left.
Sharon: And right that I just didn’t even believe them anymore. That’s the thing.
Caitlin: I stopped paying attention to it.
Sharon: Yeah, I didn’t like the reunion for that because it was like, you want people to. But then at the same time, I’m like, this is so fake. Oh, my God, that’s so housewives. That was. That apology is so fake.
Caitlin: I’m not accepting that. Don’t accept that.
Caitlin: Jenna.
Caitlin: I also liked when Brynn was like, oh, I’ve never looked at Jenna’s red carpet pictures or whatever. And Jenna was like, I bet she has. Okay, so who wins on Jenna versus first class?
Sharon: Jenna.
Caitlin: Jenna.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: All right, let’s talk about Jenna versus gifting, because this one really gets me.
Sharon: Oh, this one drives me crazy.
Caitlin: So Jenna likes to give gifts. Jenna brings lingerie from her friend’s line. Jesse gets a teal one. And she’s so mean about it.
Sharon: She was so rude about it.
Caitlin: My gosh. She’s like, I look like a Christmas tree and I look like a grinch and I look bad in.
Sharon: It’s hideous.
Caitlin: It’s awful. And it’s like, again, just go tell one other. Don’t say it in front of, you know, this person’s awkward. They brought a guest. This is like, one of the first times you’re really overnight hanging out. Like, zip it.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: That was awful.
Caitlin: That drove me.
Sharon: She should have just said like, oh, you know what? I don’t think this is my color.
Caitlin: But that was the moment she had.
Sharon: To say anything, like a robe over it or just be like, oh, you know what? It didn’t fit right.
Caitlin: Yeah, just say that.
Sharon: Sorry. So I got to wear my pajamas.
Caitlin: Yeah, sorry. Let it go. And, then the wreath making party. They’re mad because Jenna brings, like, jenna’s favorite things and the women are complaining about and they don’t want her Jenna stuff. They want Jenna. They don’t want Jenna’s stuff.
Sharon: I want Jenna stuff.
Caitlin: I want Jenna’s stuff.
Sharon: Like, this is driving Jenna stuff.
Caitlin: Jenna.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: I don’t also, okay, I think we talked about this with something else, but if you had a line of something and you gave me none of it.
Caitlin: Yes.
Caitlin: I would actually be a little insulted. Me too. So I don’t understand. wouldn’t they be more insulted if she was like, what? I can’t get you any of that. You’re going to have to go buy it at target like everybody else.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: I mean, she has to love seeing eyelashes somewhere else.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: She’s like, well, I collect this stuff, and she’s like, I have this stuff I want to let people share with me. She just wants to share the cool.
Caitlin: Stuff she has because she has, like, oh, she wants me to put it on my instagram. There was no expectation. I didn’t think. I think that’s your interpretation of it.
Sharon: And I think it’s funny that psy is being judgmental about this whole gift giving thing.
Caitlin: When you’re job getting influence, your job.
Sharon: Is to get free stuff and show it off.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Caitlin: So you’re mad that your people pay.
Sharon: You to free stuff, so you’re mad that she’s not paid.
Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t go pay for all those shoes and everything we saw you getting because that’s not fair, I guess.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: I don’t know. And then they were just like, it’s too many collabs. And they were very, conscious of brands because they were mad at Erin about her. It’s like they were jealous. I think so, too.
Sharon: I think they’re jealous maybe that she’s awkward but so successful. Yeah, I think so. I don’t know, that might be it. Or they’re like, how did she get so successful when she is, she gets.
Caitlin: To give away all this stuff. And I don’t have all the stuff to give away. It also drives me nuts, because I feel like gift giving is kind of one of my love languages. I love giving gifts, and I think I’m kind of awkward receiving gifts. So I feel like I could see Jenna being that way too. some people just like giving gifts. That makes them happy. It’s a way of saying, I thought about you, m, without having to say the words because it’s awkward. But it’s like, I saw a thing. It reminded me of a thing that you have or a thing that you like, or when I’m always like, oh, look at this. You have one of the. Because you’re pointing out that you paid attention to something in somebody’s life, and you’re like, here.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: I don’t know. I don’t know. I would never.
Caitlin: Weirdest argument.
Sharon: Upset at someone for giving you take your gift back. gosh, maybe I’m just easy to buy.
Caitlin: Maybe.
Caitlin: So what we’re learning from this, guys, is if you’d like to be in our favor, we’re great gift acceptors.
Sharon: Gift accepting is our love.
Caitlin: Language.
Sharon: I’m a gift taker. How we receive love, literally.
Caitlin: We literally.
Caitlin: You could buy our love for only.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: A patreon membership. All right. so really, that’s kind of. I mean, the funny thing about Jenna is it’s almost hard to put into words, I think. Why I love her as much as I do. She’s just so uniquely her. She is so unique. And that’s why it’s funny that they’re like, oh, she didn’t share enough. She didn’t, she’s an icon.
Sharon: I think she’s just hard to understand. Because you didn’t understand her doesn’t mean she didn’t share.
Caitlin: Exactly. That’s on.
Caitlin: You.
Caitlin: Okay, so this was awesome because I was looking at the vulture article. and, okay, you know what’s interesting? The guy who writes the write ups on those is Brian Moylans, and he’s the one who wrote erica jane’s book. Co ghost wrote that we loved, and we were like, oh, we should read his real housewives book, which we should. But anyway, he’s the one who writes the vulture articles. And he was like, I love Jenna for so many reasons, but the biggest two are her dedication to a theme and that she’ll do everything within her.
Sharon: Power to avoid housewives drama. I love the dedication to a theme.
Caitlin: I was like, I think that is so. Yeah, because he said, she always wants to get an a plus on every assignment. She wore her mask the whole time.
Sharon: Bryn’s party.
Caitlin: I thought that was awesome.
Caitlin: He just loved it.
Sharon: Brynn didn’t even wear her mask.
Caitlin: No, nobody did.
Sharon: And then they’re like, was.
Caitlin: I was terrible. Let’s not go to mask party. Plus, any party that says bring a mask is too soon.
Sharon: It’s too soon.
Caitlin: We’ve had masked parties. They’re not. Huh?
Caitlin: Puns.
Caitlin: We’re not a mask generation, I think. Stay away from the mask.
Caitlin: Yes.
Caitlin: Instead of having, like, a mass party.
Sharon: It’S a no mask party. Just come with your regular.
Caitlin: Face.
Caitlin: Because we didn’t for years, guys.
Caitlin: Remember.
Caitlin: All right, well, that is our history on Jenna. I love her. we have two more New York episodes, and then we’re actually going to do one on Crappy Lake and one on ultimate girls trip for when it drops.
Sharon: Yeah, I can’t wait.
Caitlin: I can’t wait to. I love girls trips.
Sharon: They’re, like, my favorite thing.
Caitlin: I feel like I need to just mark that whole day off in my calendar and not do anything.
Sharon: And they’re dropping all the episodes at.
Caitlin: Once, as far as I can tell.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: So I want. Caitlin and I. I want us to just get together and just binge.
Caitlin: It’ll be awesome.
Sharon: I just want to get some coffee and some, candy and just sit in front of.
Caitlin: We’re going to refuse to move.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: It’s like you go around us.
Sharon: Sounds perfect.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: And if there’s any. If Jenna wants to give us some gifts, that would just make it even better.
Sharon: We love you, Jenna.
Caitlin: You too. Remember, housewives bring the drama.
Sharon: We bring the Receipts.
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