Episode 1: The Show. We follow up our season 1 watch with the highly-anticipated season 2 of Buying Beverly Hills. The real estate is even flashier, there’s another Umansky sister and a new Hilton real estate company makes a bid for one of the Agency’s agents.
Sharon: It’s kind of like how Kyle didn’t read Mauricio’s book.
Caitlin: You know, Kyle didn’t read Mauricio’s book.
Sharon: And now they’re getting brief.
Caitlin: I’m, not saying it’s related, but just saying.
Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and. And keep the tea blowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold onto your commission.
Sharon: This week, we’re digging into buying Beverly Hills season two on Netflix.
Caitlin: The versus this week are Farrah versus Melissa, Michelle versus the girls, Alexia versus Joey, Ben versus Brandon, Sonica versus Brandon, and Zach versus the agency. So this is our second season covering buying Beverly Hills, which is on Netflix, even though we both searched for it for hours on Peacock every time and forgot. But it is Mauricio show. it focuses on him and the girls and his company, the agency, so the world of real estate. And we’re gonna do this episode about the actual issues on the show, and we’re gonna do a separate episode where we talk about Kyle and Mauricio’s problems, issues, and what we learned based on this show versus the housewives of Beverly Hills.
Sharon: And we do have an episode for the first season, too.
Caitlin: Exactly. So you don’t have to watch that. You can just listen to our episode, and then you can launch into this if you missed the first one. All right, let’s talk about Farrah versus Melissa. So, first of all, I was gonna say I was really excited to jump back into this season. Like, this episode, this show, I missed it, and I was really excited to see that most of the people came back. It was like, the same cast of characters, as we had before. And it was just exciting because I felt like last season, it was like, who’s this person? And we have to keep this straight. And this season, it’s like, I felt like the houses were better, there was better real estate, and it was just really fun to see the characters. Like, there was a little bit of growth in everybody this season. So, yeah, just to start with. So let’s start with Farrah versus Melissa. So Farah is Kyle’s daughter, her oldest daughter, and Melissa is. Okay. Melissa’s her best friend, supposedly. Do you think they’re actually best friends?
Sharon: I am not sure.
Caitlin: I don’t think so either. I think she’s, like, office best friend.
Sharon: Oh, you know that one scene where. Where they’re talking about her, fiance, Farah’s fiance. And Melissa is like, I’ve never seen you like, this. Her feyre’s like, you’ve never seen me like this. You know, this. I’m like, your best friend has never seen this level of, like, confiding in you.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: That seemed very odd to me.
Caitlin: And I just feel like Melissa’s always surprised by stuff, and maybe she’s just always surprised by stuff, but it felt.
Sharon: Like, well, Farrah doesn’t even seem like she likes her.
Caitlin: No. I don’t see what they get out of the relationship, I guess.
Sharon: It seems like Farah is super irritated by her.
Caitlin: I could kind of see why.
Sharon: Yeah, I could. Okay, so last season, I found Maria’s Maria, Melissa super annoying. I did, too. And part of it was, like, her fashion choices and stuff like that. and the fact that she was.
Caitlin: Coming in from Texas or wherever, and it felt like, why are you even here?
Sharon: Oh, I forgot. Yeah, you’re right.
Caitlin: She did mention something like, I need to get a place. So it felt like she was still in transit, which is also weird. She’s on the Texas agency. She’s the agency. The agency. Dallas.
Sharon: Yeah. That’s good. Okay, so let’s launch into the Melissa versus Sofia issue. So, Sophia is the youngest Umanski, newest one to join the team. She’s 23 years old. she’s a little reserved and also a little sarcastic, and everyone says they’re scared of her. she’s very beautiful, and she likes to kind of show off her beauty.
Caitlin: It was funny. Cause at first, when they said she was the one with all the anxiety, I thought, oh, really? But you could see that. That’s why she was so quiet and so pulled back. And she spoke more as the show progressed, but it took her a lot longer to open up. Cause I think at the beginning, we were both like, why is she getting a storyline? What is the point of this? But then you really got to know her.
Sharon: I was not feeling her at first. Then once I kind of realized what her personality was, and that’s kind of a front, I liked her a lot more.
Caitlin: Yeah, absolutely. she had more of a Kardashian vibe at first, and I think that.
Sharon: Was the hobby, was, like, the nails.
Caitlin: And the way she dressed, I was a little bit like, oh, that’s not the kyle vibe. M so it felt too young. Maybe a little bit at first.
Sharon: Yeah. So Adam is the hot realtor. they were all going out in Miami, and apparently Melissa, farah, Alexia, they all told Sophia, hey, flirt with Adam tonight.
Caitlin: Go.
Sharon: Cause Adam’s really hot. I don’t know. He’s like 40 maybe, I don’t know. Late thirties.
Caitlin: He’s at least late thirties.
Sharon: So they all said, hey, sophia, go flirt with Adam. Apparently Melissa had said, yeah, go flirt with him. And that she had no interest in Adam.
Caitlin: Cause earlier on, they were all having, like, drinks or something before they went out. And she had said, like, oh, we’re just like, we’re like brother sister. Like that whole vibe, like she did give the wrong message there for the evening, I would say.
Sharon: So they go out, and sophia does flirt with adam. She gives him like a little kiss on the cheek, and they’re dancing and drinking and, I mean, it’s nothing super intense. But then after that, apparently Adam does go up to melissa at some point, and they start talking and drinking and dancing.
Caitlin: She’d go up to him. M that’s the whole discussion. Yeah.
Sharon: All right. So either way, she still talked to him for like 2 hours.
Caitlin: It looked like she kind of reached for him the second sophia kissed him on the cheek. M which was a little suspect. The other thing, I was just thinking about whether melissa and farrah are close friends. Okay. Depending no matter what melissa said, the thing, if you were close friends, I would know whether you liked adam. It wouldn’t matter what you said. So even if you said at the dinner thing before, like, oh, I don’t.
Sharon: Like, I don’t have.
Caitlin: Yeah, you’d be like, look, you can’t go after Melissa’s loved him for years.
Sharon: Like, you can’t let it go.
Caitlin: Or even just a guess, like, this is not gonna end well.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Which makes me think they’re not that close because she literally was like, oh, well, you said, yeah. You’ve never talked about Adam before, right?
Sharon: Especially if they’re like brother and sister. That implies that they know each other.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: So, Farah and Alexia, and Sophia all get mad at Melissa for flirting with Adam. And I guess kind of like taking him over for the night. And apparently when he leaves, he’s got his arm around Melissa.
Caitlin: And Farrah does really call Melissa out on the beach the next morning. And Melissa’s surprised by that, and you can tell in her face that she’s embarrassed by it. And I will agree with you, that is the one. Melissa bugs me. But that was the one moment where I was like, okay, I can see, though, that maybe this is, they ganged up on her. I mean, it was three sisters versus one girl who thought she was there with her friend. And it wasn’t really fair.
Sharon: But here’s the thing. If he wanted to be with Sophia. He would have been with Sophia.
Caitlin: And he made the point, too, that, like, Sophia is his boss’s. Like, what was she, 23?
Sharon: Yeah. He said, that’s my m boss’s 23 year old daughter.
Caitlin: That’s gonna happen here.
Sharon: Exactly. And Melissa brought that up, too. And it’s like, it’s much more appropriate that he would date Melissa for both those reasons.
Caitlin: I agree.
Sharon: So, yeah, first of all, if he wanted to be with Sofia, he would have.
Caitlin: Right then.
Sharon: The other thing is, it’s not like he and Sophia kissed and made out and went on a date. They literally danced a little bit, and she pecked his cheek.
Caitlin: I felt like there was obviously something brewing with Melissa and Farrah, too, because there was the whole issue where they went to talk about Farrah’s fiance. And, it was when Ben called him a bozo.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And I’m sorry, just saying that it doesn’t seem that serious. Like, I don’t know if I could really be mad at someone for calling.
Sharon: Someone in my life a bozo.
Caitlin: But Melissa had said, I never see them together. She deserves better. Like, he’s not the one. And, like, was really. She really spoke maybe out of turn about it. It did feel like maybe more like, if you were really close friends, you would probably keep more of that close to your vest. So I just felt like there’s something that they were pissed at each other a little bit before because they were kind of mad at that one open house in Malibu. Like, there was just some stuff going on. Like, I think something had broken their trust. Maybe it was last season even, but they just. Cause it was kind of early in the season where Ferrer was like, I just don’t know if I can trust her.
Sharon: Right.
Caitlin: And then you felt that through the rest of the season, they don’t trust each other fully at this point.
Sharon: one thing I did want to say, going back to the Adam thing, I felt so bad for Melissa where, like, they were both interviewing, like, Adam was talking with his friends, Melissa’s talking with her friends, and Adam basically says. They’re like, would you ever be with Melissa? And he’s like, no.
Caitlin: And Melissa was like, I do have feelings for Adam. M. Yeah.
Sharon: yeah. And then Melissa says, like, why can’t you guys be happy for me? Like, guys never hang out with me, or I never get the guys. Something like that. And then that, with the clip of him just saying, like, no, it really stunned hurt me for her.
Caitlin: Yeah, I agree.
Sharon: I thought it was kind of rude the way Farah said something like. And I think it was in a talking head, like, about Melissa. Oh, you’re lucky I let you in. Like, oh, gee, thank you so much. It’s like, well, maybe you’re lucky you have a friend that. That wants to be trust, you know, that wants to be close with you.
Caitlin: You’re right, because they kind of, like.
Sharon: You’Re doing her a favor. Yeah.
Caitlin: Cause she calls Melissa her best friend, but there is, like, this whole thing of, like. But you have to have, like, the umansky stamp of approval, and then you also have to, like, wait until we invite you.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Like, she’s probably always fighting for that spot.
Sharon: Yeah, that’s rough. Something about it seems weird.
Caitlin: Yeah, there’s something off between them also.
Sharon: Do you think, I think she does have better, what do you call it? Chemistry with, Zach and her fiance?
Caitlin: I actually was going to argue that I think she has better chemistry with Ben than with her fiance. So maybe the answer is she has better chemistry with everybody except for her.
Sharon: Exactly. And when Ben said she has better chemistry, he didn’t mean she and Zach have amazing chemistry. They should date. He’s just saying she has better chemistry with all these other people, with her coworkers than her own fiance.
Caitlin: Like, she’s more comfortable with them than she is with.
Sharon: It’s like they didn’t understand that nuance, or they chose not to. They chose not to,
Caitlin: I think they chose to make it an issue, because even Ben said, I would have married you immediately or something.
Sharon: Yeah, that was sweet, but it was.
Caitlin: Like, that was the point, too. He was just saying, if this isn’t going the way you thought it would go, it may need to just go away.
Sharon: And he was saying, this guy doesn’t want to marry you.
Caitlin: He is a bozo. Did we think Farrah looked different this season? People said, okay.
Sharon: I didn’t think so. Her hair was darker, which I thought looked better. Thomas insists she looks different. He says it’s her cheeks or something.
Caitlin: I just thought in my notes, I said the whole time, like, there were certain episodes where I was like, she’s been crying. It felt like she was covering up really puffy spots under her eyes. And I think, therefore, maybe she was trying some different things, like, she was trying different contouring or different lip. I wondered if she was trying to detract from the swelly eyes.
Sharon: Are they swollen from a procedure?
Caitlin: I assumed it was from crying, but I don’t know. No, I just thought that maybe, like, Alex would call her before she had to go to work and had to film or they’d like talk and then.
Sharon: She had to go and do okay. I wasn’t even m thinking about.
Caitlin: I felt like there was just an underlying mess with that the whole time because she didn’t feel as fully present as she felt sometimes last season.
Caitlin: And I just felt like it’s because she had all this stuff going on in her head about the.
Sharon: Yeah, she didn’t feel as badass this season.
Caitlin: She did not. And I think it was the Alex thing. Like, I think it was taking her down.
Sharon: Yeah, I agree.
Caitlin: Yeah. Okay. Who wins in Farah versus Melissa?
Sharon: I think Melissa because she’s realizing that Farah isn’t gonna be as good of a friend to her, I think, as Melissa is to Farrah. That’s just, I like Farrah a lot, but I just don’t see it being an equal friendship.
Caitlin: Yeah, that’s fair. That’s fair.
Sharon: That’s fair.
Caitlin: I kind of think Farrah wins, though, because I just feel like she took control of everything and she kind of walked all over Melissa. So I just sort of felt like she won that argument. I worry that will Melissa have a spot in future seasons? And because I worry about that, I kind of feel like Farrah won because she didn’t make herself as integral as she did last season. Like last season, I felt like she had more of a part this season. It felt like, oh, and Melissa is over there too.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I don’t know. It’s like she had her sisters to bounce stuff off of, so she didn’t need Melissa to bounce stuff off of. And that was kind of problematic.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Cause even she said that Farah and Sophia are really close. Cause Alexia felt left out a lot of the time.
Caitlin: So.
Sharon: And oh, Melissa. It’s like she tried, last time she dressed like super casual streetwear stuff. This time it seemed like she tried to be a m little more professional, but it was still like the really short skirts. I forgot that. I still thought it was m ugly, but it was a definite shift.
Caitlin: It was different. I forgot because I remember now I got those pants.
Sharon: I forgot that maybe it’s because now she’s not in Texas.
Caitlin: Yeah. She’s like, I gotta dress la.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Or Beverly Hills. Okay, let’s talk about Michelle versus the girls or the succession arguments. Yeah. This was the thing that annoyed me probably the most. So Michelle is the queen of the valley. It’s funny cause I grew up in Spokane Valley for high school. So you’re the queen of the Spokane Valley. There was queens of that valley too. but there’s something about, it’s funny. Now that I say it, that title even feels unserious.
Sharon: I know.
Caitlin: And then it’s like the immediate thing we saw with her is the girl boss pillow. Which tells you, I think, all you need to know about Michelle and,
Sharon: She, you know why you’re not a girl boss?
Caitlin: Because I don’t have the pillow. Yeah. Do they, do you buy the pillow or do they just give you the pillow when you reach a certain level? Bossiness. Maybe that’s how you know, I told you I got that envelope that was empty recently. Oh, that’s if someone’s a better girl boss, they steal the pillow before it gets to your house. Like it was on its way to my house, but now it’s gone. Okay, so Michelle, okay, I don’t know how to describe her. She’s really annoying. I feel like she thinks she’s Mauricio’s number two. So she came over to the agency. She left when he left the Hilton in Highland.
Caitlin: So she came with him. But it almost felt like in the discussion was she a realtor when she came with him? Because he kind of said you could be a secretary or you could be a,
Sharon: It seems like he mentored her in some way. Like she was more junior to him.
Caitlin: M definitely. So she wasn’t at his level when she was. So she comes over and what’s interesting is she separated from the agency because she has her own office in the valley.
Sharon: But she’s still part because it’s just like the different agency.
Caitlin: But it kind of felt to me like maybe no one could get along with Michelle. And Marisa was like, you can take.
Sharon: Your branch and put it over there. You get to be nice. You can be queen of the valley. It’s like you’re queen of the valley.
Caitlin: You’re in charge of this room.
Sharon: Look at that. Ah.
Caitlin: Now stay over there in the valley. But she gets this whole, like, nasty attitude toward the Umansky girls. Like she basically says, so she, the big thing is, let’s just cut right to the chase. She walks into, was it Ben’s office?
Sharon: Yep.
Caitlin: And Joey was there. And she starts talking about how she doesn’t think that the girls could ever take over for Mauricio. And it’s interesting, as Lady Mauricio says, too, like, why is everyone putting me out to like, I’m done.
Sharon: Like, I’m ready to retire.
Caitlin: Like, he’s in his early fifties. Like, I’ve got a lot of goals and things I still want to do. It’s like we’re not immediately picking the success successor to the throne. And I’m sure it’s hard for him, too. Cause he likes all his daughters. so anyway, but Michelle ultimately thinks that she should be in this running for the succession. And she says she thinks that it would be business suicide to allow either Farrah to go because Farrah might have kids someday and be a mom, and so therefore, she can’t be a hash girlboss, which is weird because Michelle has kids.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And she thinks that Alexia is no junior Mauricio and that she would never command a room of suits.
Sharon: Command a room of suits? Yep. She said they could not command a room of suits.
Caitlin: Which feels really anti feminist, too. The whole.
Sharon: Oh, my gosh.
Caitlin: To just say, like, well, a girl couldn’t. Why are we even talking about it this way?
Sharon: Sexist.
Caitlin: So sexist.
Sharon: Completely.
Caitlin: I didn’t like anything about Michelle.
Sharon: Yeah. The way she said, well, Farah can’t take over. Cause she’s gonna. Huh? She wants to be a mom. She’s gonna get married. She’ll be a mom. And it’s. Right. Well, you’re a mom. And then you know what I wrote in my notes? I wrote, like, Mauricio built this company, and he has the ground up. While he had a bunch, you know.
Caitlin: While he had kids, could he command a room of dresses?
Sharon: Yeah. Oh, snap. That made me so angry. It’s like, well, that’s how women get messed up.
Caitlin: Pushed to the side.
Sharon: Exactly. Like, not even considered.
Caitlin: Right. And it also, like, it’s what she’s saying. I don’t want to be passed over. I don’t want this, like, nepotism to lead. I don’t want some guy to get the role. I want to be, like, the number two. And then you’re speaking this way, it’s like, well, this is why you don’t get to be that, because you don’t even understand.
Sharon: And it seemed at one point, she said something like, she almost felt like there was only, like, one female spot, and she had to gun for that female spot. I was like, what are you talking about? There’s no, like, girl spot in boys in 19 six. It was so weird.
Caitlin: It was so weird.
Sharon: Like, yeah, she seemed very anti feminist, and it really made me angry. And even Ben and Joey were like, what?
Caitlin: And at first I felt bad because I thought, okay, I don’t want to, you know, like, sometimes we will allow men to speak in a certain way, and we won’t allow the same thing from women. And we’ll be like, oh, you’re so aggressive. And Michelle was aggressive. And so first I felt like I’m gonna kind of give her the benefit of the doubt. Like, she’s being more aggressive. But if a guy was this aggressive, we probably wouldn’t care. But it wasn’t that. She was just. But she’s just kind of a bad person.
Sharon: And it’s her message. If a guy was saying that, though, we would even be more magic.
Caitlin: Because the thing was, she was rude.
Sharon: If a guy was saying, she’s gonna have kids, she can’t. You know, can you imagine?
Caitlin: Cause it wasn’t aggressive. It was rude. It was untrue. It was uncalled for. It was like. It was nasty.
Sharon: And the other thing is, she’s acting like he’s gonna get, like you said, like, he’s gonna do it tomorrow. Like, Alexia’s gonna suddenly, tomorrow, take over the company. It’s like, no. Everyone acknowledges she’s young. Exactly. She needs to grow into her own. And who knows what that will look like down the road. You’re like, do you think she was.
Caitlin: Trying to stir the pot amongst the sisters to create almost, like, competition between them? And then she could be like, oh, I’m the calm, level headed one. How did she think this was gonna play out?
Sharon: I don’t know. I think she likes to be, bad and tough in your face. Cause you remember when Mo.
Caitlin: That’s what girl bosses do.
Sharon: Yes, they do. When Mo asked her to mentor Alexia, he said, don’t be a beep. Just to be a beep.
Caitlin: Oh. And what is the number one rule at the agency? No a holes.
Caitlin: I love that. Because they mentioned that so many times, anytime someone was being a stinker, and I was like, maybe I need to have this rule at my house.
Sharon: Yes. Anytime I mentioned Michelle, someone had to bring up that rule.
Caitlin: And if they’re bringing it up that much, then you are one.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: If so many people are asking about the rule, then that’s true.
Sharon: And the commanding room of suits thing really made me angry. That’s stupid, because, you know, I feel bad for Alexia because she’s younger and she looks younger. She looks younger than Sophia. And that’s so no matter how smart she is, how good she is, she’s gonna have to play against that.
Caitlin: She has Kyle’s kind of short, tiny stature.
Sharon: and plus, she’s got a more bubbly personality. So I guess I feel bad that you’re acting like she can’t go and be a serious player in her room with a bunch of men. Would you say that to Joey?
Caitlin: No, she wouldn’t. And I also thought it was interesting because it was like, when she said she wanted to mentor her, it was also uncomfortable, too, because it wasn’t her first, like, season. This wasn’t her first year. And she knew. It’s like, no one offered to mentor Joey.
Caitlin: But Alexia needed mentoring. And it’s like, that felt weird, too.
Sharon: Because Joey started his own group.
Caitlin: Yeah, he started his own group. But Alexia needs a mentor at this point. And the way she went about it, it was just very, like, evil stepmother.
Sharon: Yes. Do we even think she’s a good realtor?
Caitlin: No.
Sharon: okay, we got it.
Caitlin: I think she sells the houses because she scares people. I mean, it’s like, I’d be like, fine, whatever you want. Just go away.
Sharon: That was funny where they were like, oh, that look. Where’d our hair out?
Caitlin: They’re like the sun, the light coming down. You can see the red in her eyes. Oh, let’s talk about the dancers.
Sharon: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Caitlin: So they had this event at this house that was being co listed between Mauricio and Michelle.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And that’s where they were using this, like, mentorship of Alexia. Anyway, so they planned this party because also Alexia also. And she will talk about it in the Joey thing, too. But she gets labeled as the party planner, which isn’t fair either. It’s like the men are like, oh, let’s just bring her in to plan the party, but not to sell the house or do any serious business stuff. And that’s what Michelle did to her, too. And it was kind of crappy. Like, will you be in charge of the party? But then here’s the problem. Michelle can’t ever let anyone be in charge of something completely. So she hired dancers.
Sharon: Oh, my God.
Caitlin: Like burlesque style.
Sharon: Okay. I put, like, knock off seventy’s horrified secret Runway models. Cause weren’t they, like, angels or something?
Caitlin: There were feathers.
Sharon: They were like the feathered angel burlesque dancers. They were wearing white, and they came.
Caitlin: Around and they danced all over. So they just came out out of.
Sharon: The blue, like four of them.
Caitlin: Like, they’ve been hiding in the bushes or something.
Sharon: And they kind of, like, grab a guy, kind of, like, in a sexy way. and thank goodness.
Caitlin: Okay.
Sharon: They are so lucky. They picked Zach. They picked Zach, and he played along and everything. Can you imagine if they had picked someone else and they just made this awkward face?
Caitlin: Finn would have been rough. John Grauman would have been rough.
Sharon: It was already so awkward, that if he hadn’t played along, I can’t even imagine die.
Caitlin: It was so weird. It was like, you don’t know what you’re doing all the time either. Maybe you need a mentor.
Sharon: It was so bad.
Caitlin: It was so bad.
Sharon: I just want to know what she thought.
Caitlin: Like, I think her job is at risk, but I guess Mauricio’s too nice. She’s lucky Mauricio’s a nice person because he was sort of able to set aside what she said about his daughters when they told him in Aspen versus who she is and her history at the company and her loyalty and.
Caitlin: A lot of people would be like, get out of here. It was not okay. And even when she tried to apologize, she’s never really sorry. She’s one of those people.
Sharon: Oh, yeah.
Caitlin: When she was speaking my truth, when.
Sharon: She went and was like, tried to smooth things over with Farrah and Alexia, and then she’s like, oh, yeah, sorry about. She pretty much kind of apologizes, but then yells at Alexia for not staying to clean after the party.
Caitlin: Remember, she didn’t know, Tyler’s name. She called her Taylor.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: She was like Taylor when she tried to apologize to Taylor because she also yelled at Tyler one time about cold calling.
Sharon: Yeah, she, like, went off on time.
Caitlin: They met and she just.
Sharon: Oh, my gosh, I forgot about that.
Caitlin: Yeah, I mean, she’s rough and not just like in a. Ooh, I’m scared of her because she’s such a strong boss. Like, she’s just a mean person who hides behind truth when she’s not. Sorry.
Sharon: Right.
Caitlin: She will not take over.
Sharon: Mauricio said 100% no. And I really appreciated that. She’s talked about how when she meets with Mauricio, how bold she is in this. And Mauricio said, you know, like, being a CEO is not about being bold. And that made me so happy as a not bold person because people think only that personality, it’s like, that doesn’t necessarily make you smart or socially capable.
Caitlin: And, Racia said pointedly at her, sometimes it’s about learning when to hold your tongue. Yeah, that tip’s for you, Michelle.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Okay, so who wins? The girls?
Sharon: yeah, the girls.
Caitlin: Totally.
Sharon: Michelle came off bad in every way, shape or form.
Caitlin: She was the villain of the season.
Sharon: She is.
Caitlin: Okay. That’s because I think it kind of segues. Well, let’s talk about Alexia versus Joey.
Caitlin: Joey Ben Zvi.
Sharon: Yeah, it got confusing.
Caitlin: To me, I can’t use the Ben part because there’s another Ben and it’s.
Sharon: Just too much for me, but too many bens.
Caitlin: So Alexia and Joey went to high school together. Sounds like not their whole schooling. They also have sort of a romantic relationship that got hinted at last season, but it wasn’t clear this season. It was really clear that they’d hooked up a couple times that they, you.
Sharon: Know, but it was never, like, exclusive.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. So he puts her on his co listing of this ranch because it was like a high school friend that they knew together or something like that. But he doesn’t. Again, she’s there to party plan.
Sharon: Like, he, hm.
Caitlin: Brings her in to throw the party, but he doesn’t allow her the courtesy of bringing any of her own materials. He sets up his hats.
Sharon: Yeah, he puts out all his company stuff in the house without. She doesn’t have anything for the Umansky team. He’s got all his.
Caitlin: What’s the problem with that?
Sharon: All his hats and this and that.
Caitlin: And in a way, like. And the only thing that, where I could have seen him, like, standing on something might have been to say the Umansky name carries so much like, you don’t need, you know, like, you don’t need people to know who your company is. But I am starting out on my own and my name doesn’t carry the same weight. But he never says that. That’s the only thing I felt like might’ve had a little bit of truth to it, is that, like, maybe he needs the bump more than she does. Yeah, but he doesn’t say that. Instead, he just kind of makes her feel bad.
Caitlin: And then he jokes later. So he, like, he was just really awful. And I think the problem is, like he said, I don’t know when to stop. Like, I don’t know how to edit myself. And he doesn’t. He thinks he’s really funny. And he is a lot of the time.
Sharon: Yeah, he is a lot funny sometimes.
Caitlin: But he can go too far. And so he says. What was the wording they kept using?
Sharon: Knock it back. Knock it back.
Caitlin: He put her on the listings to knock it back.
Sharon: My favorite Google knock it back.
Caitlin: Is that an actual phrase? No, I kind of thought it was. I was taking it at face value.
Sharon: Me too.
Caitlin: Then that part where everyone was like, what does knock it back mean? Does knock it back a thing? And then I was like, wait, we’re all upset about something that isn’t a thing.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I mean, that just proves even more. He doesn’t even know what he’s talking about. But he also, like, he hints about their relationship and how her current boyfriend maybe overlapped with his timeline, which was. He really was trying to just be funny, but he ended up being really sexist and really ruining her relationship. I mean, not her relationship, but her reputation.
Sharon: Yeah. And I thought Brandon said it best when he said no. No one doubts that you were joking, but it just went too far.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: And Alexia was very mad. Yeah.
Caitlin: And I think she has every right.
Sharon: And especially because it’s not just the fact that he said that. The fact that he said that and then put her in the party planner role.
Caitlin: Yes, exactly.
Sharon: It was like, just. He didn’t respect her.
Caitlin: He does not fully respect her.
Sharon: And actually. But it’s weird.
Caitlin: Cause when he was with Michelle, uh-huh.
Sharon: I got the feeling he was kind of defending her with Michelle.
Caitlin: Yeah, he was. It’s kind of like, I feel like with outside people, he’ll defend her, but with.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: Within their own dynamic. He doesn’t see her as m amazing as he is or agree that he has to work so much harder, so therefore, he deserves it more. And I don’t think that’s fair either.
Sharon: Yeah. I felt bad for Alexa because they.
Caitlin: Were more friends last season, and they were more versus each other. She cried when they were in Aspen and playing the party games with him. And I think then he finally realized how bad he’d been.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So I think he can learn.
Sharon: I do too. I think he’s a nice guy.
Caitlin: I was proud of her for taking her name off of his mouth.
Sharon: So what do you think of that?
Caitlin: I mean, I felt like. I’m not sure it really serves any purpose. She loses out on the commission.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: But, it makes a statement for him, I guess. She doesn’t need it.
Sharon: I think it.
Caitlin: But, I mean, I feel like if you really were hustling and you weren’t your father’s daughter, you wouldn’t want to take your name off of it.
Sharon: I understand that.
Caitlin: I made a point.
Sharon: I made a really point. I’m really torn because for her, it’s about self respect. And I think maybe if she hadn’t done that, he’d always look at her that way. I think so. I think. Cause she’s like, you know what? I don’t need you. I have my own career. So I think for that reason. But, she’s lucky she has the flexibility.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: Cause she has a house and all, you know, I felt like.
Caitlin: I’m not sure other people would have been able to, make that stand or take that stand.
Sharon: Yeah, I think it was strong of her.
Caitlin: I think it was really strong. I was surprised by it.
Sharon: I was, too.
Caitlin: It was a real power move.
Sharon: Girl boss. Girl boss. That was a girl.
Caitlin: Send her a pillow.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: Who wins?
Sharon: Alexia.
Caitlin: Alexia obviously agreed. She was a hash girlboss. Okay, let’s talk about Ben versus Brandon. This is a very modern argument. So how do we feel if someone unfollows you on Instagram? Is that a big slap?
Sharon: I don’t have an account. Well, I do, but I think I only follow us.
Caitlin: and what I mostly do is share in a ton of screenshots or links of all the things that were funny on Instagram that day that she does Caitlin.
Sharon: Okay. Caitlyn curates the Internet for me, and it really, it enriches my life.
Caitlin: So good at the Internet.
Sharon: So, I mean, I guess I can’t. I’m kind of with Ben in the fact that I don’t understand the effect. But at this time, why did he unfollow him? Did he unfollow, like, a thousand people?
Caitlin: Or was it just, like, did feel pointed?
Sharon: Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: Because it is your work colleague. And I think, like, in this business, your Instagram is such a big. I mean, he’s like, the king of. What does he call himself?
Sharon: The, I don’t know. He was, like, super real, talking about super realtor.
Caitlin: But, yeah, but he sells things on YouTube. And, yeah, he uses his Instagram so pointedly. And so it’s like, if you wanted to have a personal account that you curated and then said, like, oh, I got rid of all this other stuff. Cause I didn’t want the noise and I didn’t want the other things, and I didn’t want your selfies. But, like, just, if you’re not interacting with Brandon much, you’re not gonna see his stuff.
Sharon: Yeah, it’s like, you don’t have to go look at his stuff.
Caitlin: Exactly. You don’t have to look at his stuff. Even if it scrolls by. You just keep scrolling, man. It’s not that big of a deal. But to Brandon, it was a huge deal. And he is trying, like, so hard in the company, and it’s like, tyler. So Tyler is Ben’s number two person. And I loved her. She was one of my favorite.
Sharon: She’s cool.
Caitlin: She kind of tried to mediate, and she’s like, look, you have to see how this. He’s a junior agent. M. We say there’s the no a holes rule. Like, we’re trying to create a family environment. He is a minority here who’s struggling in this business to get a leg up. And then when you unfollow him, what does that say? And that’s who I agreed with the way Tyler explained it.
Sharon: I agree, too. There was no reason to unfollow him.
Caitlin: No.
Sharon: Because I did feel like he probably.
Caitlin: Had a moment where he got pissed and he did it.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: Kind of petty.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I like him a lot, but he’s.
Sharon: I like him a lot, too. And I was bummed that he did that. Cause I really liked Brandon. Yeah.
Caitlin: Brandon was so nice this season because he was, like, our comedic relief. He was our ally in the show.
Sharon: Yeah. And then you know what he could have done? He could have been like, oh, you know, he could have made some. And then m went and refollowed him. Does he ever, like. Because he tried to make it. They tried to, like, clear it up at the end, but does he ever.
Caitlin: I don’t know. We should look. We could look.
Sharon: There’s a way to tell. I guess. There’s a way to find out.
Caitlin: There is. We should look.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: Who wins?
Sharon: Brandon. Brandon.
Caitlin: He’s in the right.
Sharon: Yeah. There’s just.
Caitlin: There was just no reason. It’s the dumbest argument.
Sharon: It is.
Caitlin: It was.
Sharon: Yeah. It was unnecessary. It was unnecessarily hurtful.
Caitlin: Yes, exactly.
Sharon: It seemed like a mean girl thing to do.
Caitlin: It was a mean girl.
Sharon: It was very real. It was very real housewife.
Caitlin: Ben would always do so well as a real housewife. He would be an amazing real housewives.
Sharon: He didn’t realize what show he was on.
Caitlin: He didn’t. He could have made a bank on the Real Housewives. Okay, speaking of things that are stupid, let’s talk about one of our least favorite people from last time, too. Okay. Sonica.
Sharon: Oh, God.
Caitlin: So she wasn’t even around at the beginning, and then they brought her back in, like, the third or fourth episode, and I thought, oh, is she back?
Sharon: I know. I was so bummed. I just.
Caitlin: Because she was told last time by the passion lady that this wasn’t her passion and she needed to get out. She broke up with Kevin, and I think she was only in real estate because Kevin, her boyfriend, was literally there because of him. Yeah. And so then here’s what happens, and it is the dumbest thing ever.
Sharon: Wait, first, say she gets fired.
Caitlin: Oh, first she gets. Well, she gets let go from the groundling group, but she’s not fired from.
Sharon: The agency because she never comes to work. Hardly. No.
Caitlin: And she said she felt like they were icing her out of the group. And Brandon was so funny because he was like, you can’t know if you’re iced out or not if you never show up. It’s like she’d been in Boston. She wasn’t coming into the office.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Oh, and did you see what she did with her coat? The thing you hate?
Sharon: Multiple times. She kept wearing it over her shoulders without her arms in it. Numerous times. It. Oh, God. You know what? Just wear a cape. Why have sleeves?
Caitlin: Yeah, well, maybe that was what she was going for. She’s gonna bring the cape back.
Sharon: But she didn’t. She brought a coat that she just put on her shoulder. Yeah, it makes me uncomfortable looking.
Caitlin: It was her, security coat. So when she almost got iced out of the group and wasn’t showing up, she left the grauman group. And then she ends up going to speak to Mauricio, at which point I thought she was just gonna get fired.
Caitlin: And I was really looking forward to it. Then I was really disappointed he could give her another chance. Cause he’s really nice. Cause she’s still in the agency, right. But she’s like a rogue agent. Like, she doesn’t have, like, no one was claiming her.
Sharon: Would you? No.
Caitlin: I mean, I felt the only people who didn’t get to be in a group was like, Zach.
Sharon: Because he’s so good at such a higher, level.
Caitlin: So she’s just like. And Mauricio’s like, well, I’ll give you a couple weeks to see if you can try to start being a realtor.
Sharon: Yeah. And she comes back and she’s like, I made, like, 150 phone calls and this, and I got three something. And she was so excited with herself.
Caitlin: But which was like something in her everyday life. Like, I found. I can’t remember what it was. It was like I found out my dentist needed to sell a house, you know, something like.
Sharon: And she’s like, yeah. Cause. But it basically made you. She said she did more in those three weeks than the past years. It’s like, so you realize she really didn’t work at all.
Caitlin: Exactly what Brandon said.
Sharon: Which kind of makes me mad that she gets another chance.
Caitlin: I think so.
Sharon: Cause there’s other people that would love to be in there.
Caitlin: And it’s like, I think maybe she’s on the way out. But it’s like, why are we extending this? It’s just gonna be more painful. I think it would have been better if John Grauman had said to Mauricio, I’m letting her go and you’re letting her, like, we need to just let her go. Let’s both meet and I’ll tell her anytime. She should have just done it together. It’s m just extending the pain. Yeah, maybe they felt bad and they thought she should get some tv time.
Sharon: I want her to get. I feel bad.
Caitlin: I feel bad, too. This is not her passion. She likes singing and she shouldn’t be doing this. And her boyfriend’s not doing it anymore. She lifts right out, pull her out, okay. And then she gets worse. Like, you think this is bad. I mean, I was annoyed by all this, but I thought, well, maybe we’re done with her now, but we’re not done with her because her ex boyfriend, Zach, goes to sell his house. He brings Brandon in, which I loved, because I felt like they were giving Brandon a chance. And I really want to see Brandon succeed in this. So it’s like, it felt good that Zach was like, hey, I’m going to let you sell my house. So Brandon’s like, ooh, I wonder if I should have mentioned this to Sonica, because at, one point, her name was on the title and she removed herself from the title, so they were.
Sharon: Going to move in together. And she designed a lot of.
Caitlin: She designed a lot of it because they remodeled the whole place. It was funny because when they said, was it Brandon who mentioned it to Ben, that she took her name off of it and he was like, what?
Sharon: Does she know anything?
Caitlin: And I was like, are you sure.
Sharon: You want her to be a real estate agent?
Caitlin: She doesn’t actually understand how this works. So the problem is she should be getting, like, a 50% cut of the house if she’d left her name on it when they separated. But they weren’t married. They, I guess, don’t even have common law at that point. I mean, I don’t know what the rules are, but she has no stake in the house. M so where she decides that she has a stake is that she should have been asked to sell the house or be the agent of the house or whatever. So she goes up to Brandon at the party and basically demands part of.
Sharon: His commission, which is bizarre.
Caitlin: Is she gonna do the work to sell it?
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Or just, he just needs to hand over some money.
Sharon: Or just because she designed the house and made all those choices and worked on the house, it’s like, well, does.
Caitlin: Everyone should have paid you for your work?
Sharon: Does go and get part of Burgundy’s cause he put the toilet in, he might as well.
Caitlin: Now I think he should ask.
Sharon: And it’s like, she wasn’t offering. Like, I will do half the work with you. Cause I know this house so well. I could sell.
Caitlin: Please put me on, assignment.
Sharon: She’s like, no, I should just get part of your money.
Caitlin: Why does she go Zach?
Sharon: For part of the sale. For part of the house.
Caitlin: That’s the person she needs to sell? Yes.
Sharon: Instead of asking Brandon for part of.
Caitlin: His commission or go to Zach. And is it Zack? I think so.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: Go to him and say, no, not Zack.
Sharon: No, it’s not Zack.
Caitlin: I get them confused.
Sharon: I told you this is what happened to me.
Caitlin: No, it isn’t.
Sharon: What is it?
Caitlin: It’s Kevin. Ah, Kevin. It’s like we’re naming Jonas brothers.
Sharon: Nick, Kevin.
Caitlin: The agency’s just like a fancy band, so, yeah, that’s the person she should have asked the Jonas brothers?
Sharon: Yes. For.
Caitlin: Like, she should have said, I put a lot of money and time into designing this. Also, I don’t think she did put in money because he has money either. It felt to me like if she was like, I purchased, okay, she bought the sinks and she bought the, like, hand towels, and she bought the chairs or whatever. Then you asked her, but you can’t just be like, I gave you my intellectual time. This is like when Meredith and Angie were fighting at the table in Salt Lake. And then Meredith was like, I’ll pay you for your time. Like, if he’s gonna pay her for a time, great. And if not, then she moves on. M. It was the most awkward moment. Brandon’s like, I was so proud of him. Cause I was afraid he was gonna, like, feel some level of guilt or something. He was like, no, no. Like, get out of here.
Sharon: Yeah, I know. I was so glad.
Caitlin: Then he told Melissa, and she was like, what? And everyone was like, I can’t believe she’d do that. And then I felt better. Like, that’ll endear him to them, at least.
Sharon: Yeah. That was so dumb.
Caitlin: Who wins, would you say?
Sharon: Well, I don’t know if it’s Sonica. She. Because she’s so delusional. Exactly.
Caitlin: She’s so spoiled and that. It’s like, what’s so annoying is I feel like all the Umansky girls get accused of nepotism, which clearly they’re benefiting from. I’m not saying that. But it is the family business, and they are doing the work. And Mauricio is a tough boss. Like, he’s not letting them off the hook. He’s making them work.
Sharon: Yeah. And then Sonica comes in.
Caitlin: Sonic comes in and she’s like, I don’t know. I was in Boston. I lost the sleeves of my coat.
Sharon: I don’t know, I can’t even put a coat on. Yeah, I mean, Brandon clearly wins. And Sonica just needs to get off the show. Please don’t come back.
Caitlin: I know.
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: Season three for Sonica.
Sharon: Yeah, I don’t care.
Caitlin: There’s nothing she can do at this point to make herself relevant. And Kevin actually seemed weird during the first season because she was so weird about him. And this season, it was like, we actually got to see who he was as a human being, and I’d rather see that as a human being. Yeah. Not as, like, the thing that sonic took over. Also, doesn’t her name, all I can think is sonic hair.
Sharon: Really? Uh-huh. That’s funny. Now I will.
Caitlin: It’s not that it’s not a pretty, it’s a pretty name, but it’s attached to her, so it reads it for me.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: All right, let’s talk about zach. I think that’s his name versus the agency. So he comes over from hilton and highland. Yes, I think he had, had, didn’t he have a moment on the show of season one when he’d been hanging out with ben a minute? I kind of feel like. I feel like that’s true, but maybe I’m wrong. But anyway, he’s been friends with ben for forever. Ben was kind of trying to get him to come over, and in this season, he comes over and joins them at the agency.
Sharon: He’s like, a top level. He’s a top, like, he sells in.
Caitlin: Like, the 20 million level and not, you know, and even Ben hasn’t even done the 10 million yet. So he’s a big deal. He doesn’t even have his own group. He just, he is, does it himself. But what happens is, so we know from reading mauricio’s, book and everything, he left. When Mauricio left Hilton Highland, it was a big deal because it was the whole issue with the sisters. And he was like, you, know, turning his cheek to the family and being really awful. But the one deal that Mauricio made was that he wouldn’t poach anybody when he left. Now, when he left, some people on his team left with him, but he did not offer anything to anybody. And he has never gone after the agents there. He’s only spoken kindly. So here’s what happens. Rick Hilton is now separating from Hilton and Highland to just make his own. Just Hilton or something?
Sharon: Something like that, yeah.
Caitlin: And he wanted Zack to come back and then as a slap in the face to Mauricio because what Mauricio wanted when he left the agency originally was equity. They offer Zack equity.
Sharon: And this was just such a, it’s.
Caitlin: Such a slap in the face.
Sharon: It was. And that’s how he did it.
Caitlin: Don’t you think? I mean, I think so. Do you think Zack was just a pawn? Well, I mean, I’m sure they would have liked him.
Sharon: He’s a good realtor, right?
Caitlin: I’m sure they want him back.
Sharon: I’m sure part of it was that.
Caitlin: But the offer of the equity.
Sharon: Oh, yeah, I think that was, yeah. Pointed at Mauricio.
Caitlin: I think so too. And so it’s like when they, they kind of drug it out. And I kind of wonder how long Zach was really trying to decide what to do. But he’s open with Mauricio. Initially, he says, this was offered to me. I have to decide. I have to think about my family.
Sharon: And I actually kind of felt bad because, yes, loyalty is important. However, if you are offered something that could set your family up for so much success, that would be, I mean, you gotta do what’s right for you. At the end of the day, that’s.
Caitlin: What happens if, like, the things that you see don’t go as well. He’s new there and he knows he.
Sharon: Doesn’T really owe them anything. So, I mean, I understand it doesn’t.
Caitlin: Look good, but, I liked Zach a lot.
Sharon: I did too.
Caitlin: He was just a really fun person. And he’s really funny with Ben.
Caitlin: And they fought because, you know, he did this roast and brought up Ben’s girlfriend and that upset him. And so then they were fighting for a while. But they have this podcast together.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: And they have to, like, walk between their office.
Sharon: Oh, it had a cute name, but I don’t remember.
Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t either. But I remember thinking it was cute, too. But they had to, like, show up at the same time.
Sharon: I know.
Caitlin: It was like fighting. And then they would just start the podcast and then they were rough with each other, but in a fun way.
Sharon: Yeah. I liked watching the guys make fun of each other on this show. I don’t know, it made me smile, like, the way, like, Ben makes fun of Joey. Like, every time he shows up, how he’s dressed or, you know, all those things.
Caitlin: It was funny because at first there was a part of me that thought, like, is this. Not as professional. but then when I was thinking about it, like, when we were saying, like, oh, who would you pick as a realtor? I realized that, honestly, that is. But that’s what I want. Like, you want somebody who kind of does act like your friend when they’re your realtor and who says jokes and who, like, keeps you on. Like, you want to be a team, and you have to figure out that team thing really fast, and it is kind of surface level and jokey.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And, like, that is what you want. So it isn’t as professional as, like, some other worlds are.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And that, honestly, what Zach and Ben have is that kind of, like, it factor. Like, that ability to kind of, like, tease and joke, but also be really good at their job and take it seriously when it needs to be. And, like, they walked that line, and it was fun to watch. It was, yeah. I enjoyed them. So ultimately, Zach chooses not to go over to Hilton Highland and stay with his family at the agency.
Sharon: So they both win.
Caitlin: They both win. Everybody wins.
Sharon: Overall, I really love this season. I thought it was so fun, and I don’t know if it’s because I saw the first one, so I loved seeing the characters back.
Caitlin: That’s why I felt, a little bit.
Sharon: The real estate was fun on the first one, and it was even more fun on this one.
Caitlin: Much better on this one.
Sharon: And I think this one, they focused on it a little more, which was really nice. Like, they told us about, like, this is hard to sell this house because of this, even though it’s a really cool house, you know? So I like that a lot.
Caitlin: Yeah. And I felt like last season, the houses sort of existed to the side of everything, and this season, and it’s not like they didn’t do this last season. They would have the events where they would all get together, and it was the reason the people would come together to talk, would be at the events, but for some reason, they did a better job this time at tying, like, the drama of the houses and the drama of the selling, like you said, to what was going on with the people. So it’s like, I would equate the house with the drama that happened. Like, remember this thing that happened at this open house? Remember this? That was at the house with the weird levels, or this was at the house with the, Malibu or, like. And it helped you.
Sharon: Like, the house was almost a character.
Caitlin: It was. It was its own character. It’s part of the drama, and that was really clever. They handled it more cleverly.
Sharon: This season.
Caitlin: So, like, it did feel like they learned from season one.
Caitlin: And they’d taken a step up. Like all of the people as, like, talking heads was a step up and the locations were a step up and how they tied it together was a step up. And they didn’t have to deal with as much of the, like, silly things of getting to know people that we had to last time.
Sharon: So, like, we got right into the.
Caitlin: Meat of everything and that wasn’t too.
Sharon: That’s really good. I can’t wait for another season. I loved it.
Caitlin: I would definitely say it’s worth a watch. And I think you wouldn’t have to watch season one necessarily. You might be a little more confused about the people initially.
Sharon: It’s hard initially, especially because the names. They’re all Jonas Brothers names.
Caitlin: Exactly. You’ll be a little confused. But if you can, like, you know, get a list of the names, put them next to you, just.
Sharon: It’s like those first addicts. Not John.
Caitlin: Exactly. It’s like those first few episodes of the Bachelor when you can’t keep any of the contestants.
Sharon: Then you’re like, okay, got this.
Caitlin: But beyond that, none of the drama is so weird that you couldn’t, you know, you really could just listen to our season one podcast.
Sharon: Yeah, it’s. The drama is not that hard to navigate. It’s not like real housewives where sometimes you need to, like, go back seasons. Exactly. Listen to our old episodes, see what happens.
Caitlin: Exactly what happened. There’s no nightmare dinner quite yet here for us to, like.
Sharon: God.
Caitlin: sorry.
Sharon: I want that.
Caitlin: I know. Denise Richards. They should try to sell her house. That would be a thing.
Sharon: Oh, one funny thing is they had someone was selling a fans that an only someone made a lot of money on Onlyfans. And they’re like an Onlyfans artist. Yeah. I love her. Like, Denise would have really appreciated that so much.
Caitlin: Oh, and they sold a house. They sold Paul Nassif’s house.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And that was really, really interesting because they did it as an auction.
Sharon: Uh-huh.
Caitlin: With no, base level.
Sharon: Like it was just completely no reserve. No reservoir.
Caitlin: That’s what they were calling no reserve. I was like, what do you call it?
Sharon: So, like, it could have sold technically for a dollar, which obviously was stressful, though.
Caitlin: I mean, oh, I was stressed watching that. I couldn’t do that.
Sharon: I was too.
Caitlin: But it was interesting because you could see Paul as the kind of guy who’d be like, sure, let’s do it.
Sharon: But you could tell Mauricio was kind of like, no, because he had that offer at one point and they’re like, yeah, yeah.
Caitlin: That’s why I felt like Paul just felt like he wanted to gamble. Like he had enough money and it was just worth the fun. See? Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever feel that comfortable.
Sharon: I loved, oh, I loved it when he was picking up Mauricio’s m face. He’s like, we should put some fat here. You’ve always been a little hollow here. Oh, crack me up.
Caitlin: I do love them. See, this is where the house husbands are fun. And that, like, I think that’s what you’re saying. There’s something fun about buying Beverly Hills because you do. You get both the girls. You know, you get the real Housewives kind of side of it.
Sharon: Uh-huh.
Caitlin: But you also get the house husband side of it, sort of, you know, not that that’s exactly what it is, but, like, you get that. You get both teams, and that’s fun. Yeah. All right, well, that is our episode on buying Beverly Hills, season two. We’re going to do a separate episode that goes through the Mauricio and Kyle drama because that’s its own separate dramatic incident.
Sharon: That’s right.
Caitlin: And there’s less real estate tied to that. All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.
Sharon: But we bring the receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both rh on RH for fun pictures and polls or email uspodcastmail uh.com. Thanks again. And remember to stay out of the shade.