Shirt that says ‘Cousins make the best mistresses’

Is Courtney Ralph’s kissing cousin? Can we kiss her goodbye?

In this episode, we discuss Courtney Rhodes storylines from Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 15:

  • Courtney vs Kandi…
  • Courtney vs “Cousins” …
  • Courtney vs Drew…

Episode 49 on Spotify

Episode Transcript (generated by

Caitlin: What does it mean? Spirited influencers, ghost influencers. Influencers.

Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to real housewives on real housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.

Sharon: So, chic.

Caitlin: Hold on to your peaches.

Sharon: This week we’re digging into courtney rhodes from the real housewives of atlanta season 15.

Caitlin: So, our verses this week. Okay, I’m going to try it in a Courtney vice k. It’s courtney versus candy and Courtney versus cousins, and Courtney versus drow.

Sharon: Thank you, Caitlin.

Sharon: You’re welcome.

Sharon: That was lovely. Courtney, who sounds like that? She’s 48 years old. She is a successful brand, marketing expert and jewelry designer. Her brand is Courtney raquel, which focuses on statement jewelry for spirited influencers ghosts. She’s divorced. Apparently a lot of the cast actually knew her ex husband. She’s single now, 25 year old daughter. She is supposedly on the show because she is friends with Charay Through their children.

Caitlin: Yeah. I’m going to read into that and say that they wave at each other at the school pickup line, and that’s all she ever knew or Courtney.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And then once she was like, oh, I like your necklace. She was all like, thanks. I designed them know, they should do a collab. She by sheree Courtney raquel sheep jewelry on that website. Yeah, and I don’t like the raquel because that’s the mistress on vanderpump rules. And it just feels like I kind of have these theories about Courtney being a mistress. So it’s like when you put those two together, it just makes her sound.

Sharon: Even more does sound like a mistress.

Caitlin: Name, kind of, doesn’t it? Maybe it’s like the lack of using your last name just makes you less legit or something.

Sharon: I don’t know. Yeah, a little shadier.

Caitlin: I’m not sure. All right, so, I mean, this is her first season, but she’s a friend of, so we can’t stand the way she can’t I’m just trying to think of but we do like and I couldn’t finish that sentence.

Sharon: There’s just something so weird about her. And I remember when I was first watching, I texted Caitlin, and I was like, this Courtney chick. I was like, I don’t know what it is, but oh, my god. And you’re like, oh, just wait.

Caitlin: I feel like if she hadn’t, like, we’ll talk about it when we get to drew and Ralph. I feel like if it hadn’t ended the way that it had, she would have been written. Oh, absolutely. She gave nothing to the season except for the fact that she kind of fits in with their drama. But that’s the only thing that makes her she nothing on her own is relevant. Like you said, she was kind of clout chasing marlowe because she was offering to help her expunge her record, but at the same time so she’s helping.

Sharon: Marlo get her record expressed because marlo wants to buy a firearm, and marlo says no. One else ever helped me with that before.

Caitlin: None of the other girls. And Courtney did it to get a peach.

Sharon: Yeah, I’m sure Courtney doesn’t know how to do it. The other girls don’t know how to do it. And Courtney probably, like, hired a lawyer.

Caitlin: Herself to a plum because that’s what Drew threw at her at the reunion, because she couldn’t find at first, I was like, that’s weird. But now I’m like, no, I think all she deserves is a plum. I like plums. Oh, I love plums.

Sharon: And if you dry them, they become prunes.

Sharon: That’s right.

Sharon: You can’t dry peaches.

Caitlin: Don’t dry courtney. I, don’t want to keep her.

Sharon: Longer.

Caitlin: All right, let’s go into our first verses, which is Courtney versus Candy. Okay, so the background information on that is that initially it’s, Sanya’s 40th birthday party for Ross. There’s this whole discussion that Candy was calling around and asking about Courtney, and Courtney’s kind of, like, maybe gave the impression that they knew each other, but they didn’t, according to Candy. And even Courtney kind of sort of admits that they didn’t. But it’s almost like, why are you asking about me? Why are you asking about me?

Sharon: So this is where I get confused, and I know basically it kind of comes off like Courtney was trying to make it seem like she knew Candy.

Sharon: Right.

Sharon: But Courtney told people that Candy was asking about right.

Caitlin: Because I think that Candy was saying, have you heard this girl talking about me? Because I have friends that say she was asking about me. And then I almost feel like maybe and maybe I’m reading this wrong, but maybe that Courtney flipped it to be like, no, you were asking about me. Like, I’m so important. But at the same time, Candy’s like, just because we know people that run in side by side circles, it doesn’t mean that we know each other. Yeah, it’s a weird fight, but Candy gets really super mad and wants to head butt her.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: She actually says, yeah, headbutt. And I think the whole reason that that has any purpose is that I found a little valley girl there as I started. I can’t say Courtney things now, but I think the only reason that it matters is it just sort of proves how annoying Courtney is and how she kind of, like, latches. Like, she’s trying so hard to make herself relevant the whole season, m that she’ll just take any fight to get herself on the screen yeah.

Sharon: Because she says she doesn’t have to clout chase.

Sharon: Right.

Sharon: This is your it’s absolutely this is your first fight.

Caitlin: And no offense, but if you kind of want to be on the housewives, there’s a little bit of clout chasing, and that’s, like, kind of how you prove yourself to get on the show. Like, you have to prove your clout.

Sharon: Yes.

Sharon: She very much latches on because she latches on here. To this Candy thing, and then she’s latching onto Marlowe by helping her find a lawyer, which she’s a jewelry designer. I have no idea.

Caitlin: What jewelry law really close to ex felon.

Sharon: And then she kind of latches onto Drew and Ralph.

Sharon: Right.

Sharon: She, like, gets her closet people.

Caitlin: She totally does, because, I mean, when we get it into the cousin thing, it’s like just throwing that label on it. And they say 8000 times she’s trying to prove Her legitimacy. Yes. She also says that she looks down on ghetto things, and she makes it sound like she thinks Candy’s really ghetto, which also like, come on, what are you yeah. You’re trying to pick a fight where there doesn’t need to be one.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: So, I mean, who wins?

Sharon: I’m and I’m assuming everyone thinks Courtney’s wacko, right?

Caitlin: I would think so. I mean, I only think Marlo’s hanging out with her to get the lawyer to get free, so okay.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: I’m just making sure that it’s not like when you go online, there’s actually a group of Courtney huggers or, tree huggers.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Not that I know of. I don’t think anybody likes her. I haven’t run across anyone who’s just she’s so fun. She adds so much to the show. All right, let’s do Courtney versus cousins. Okay.

Sharon: This just makes me stabby. It really makes me angry.

Caitlin: Cousins are confusing anyway.

Sharon: Okay.

Sharon: It makes me angry when people act like they’re more related than they yes. Like, unless you’re someone’s half brother or half sister.

Caitlin: It’s kind of like when all that ancestry stuff came down. If you would be like, I’m, like, ten spaces removed from the Queen of England. Unless she invites you to her parties, you’re not that close. It’s like so are like, 10 million other people. And I felt like whenever we read whatever it was, I can’t even re explain how they’re related, because it’s really all I know is weird. And marriage is involved.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: And they spent time at the same aunt’s house.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: It’s like so you’d been in you and I have been at the same McDonald’s. We’re related. We’re in the room right now together.

Sharon: Are we related? And it’s like, who cares? A cousin to me a cousin is.

Caitlin: Not like I have cousins.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: And they’re my first cousins. These are like I don’t even know.

Caitlin: And there’s even like there’s that level of, like, you have a few cousins. Those are your fun cousins. And then there’s Courtney, who’s a not fun cousin, but you have those cousins that are, like, once removed or whatever, but those are often, like, your mom’s cousins. So you can see the like, if you can’t see the relationship and it involves somebody marrying somebody, then you just say, we grew up in the same town, or whatever.

Sharon: We knew each other. We’re peripherally related.

Sharon: Yes.

Sharon: You don’t actually act like you’re actually cousins.

Caitlin: And they kept saying cousin Courtney’s coming over. Why can’t we just say Courtney’s coming over?

Sharon: And they said she said something once, like, well, how could you do that to family? It’s like you don’t even know each other. It’s really, really it really makes me angry.

Caitlin: Me too. I hate too. Like, every time she refers to Ralph, she’s like, how’s my cousin? Like, stop. Just, how’s Ralph?

Sharon: How’s your baby? There is a theory that they’re kissing.

Caitlin: Oh, that was good. No, I kind of believe it. So, like, some people were saying that she had lived in Tampa, and that’s where Ralph went for those few days. Unknown. Okay theory is that she and, like, she’s his mistress and that they’re messing around and that he got her on the show so that she would get to be on the show, and they just came in as cousins.

Sharon: But wouldn’t someone know?

Caitlin: You would think someone m of semen, but at the same time, it’s like, it made me question every single glance. And, like, at the reunion, when she comes in and they hug And he kind of like his hand kind of lingers. And sometimes when they see each other across the I don’t know, I just got so suspicious. I felt like I was like somebody’s wronged wife, because I was like, what? Did you see the way he looked at her? Does that mean she’s not really sheree’s friend? No, I don’t think so either. I think she’s just full of it across the post. I mean, they didn’t even know they were cousins before Ross’s party. Also, which, again, that feels very convenient to me, because it’s like, come on.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: And how would you find that out?

Caitlin: And also, Drew says that he was coaching Courtney all season. I’m not sure. Maybe coaching is the right word, but they were clearly hanging out on the side, and he was telling her everything. And she got all the dirt on their relationship and everything that was going on.

Sharon: She had all of it. Maybe she pretended like she was this cousin so she could infiltrate and get the dirt from him. Seriously, that makes more sense to me.

Caitlin: Than she’s a mystery. Yeah, she kind of does.

Sharon: Straight up liar.

Caitlin: That’s hilarious.

Sharon: Undercover cousins. She probably, like, stalked him or something and went through the whole ancestry family tree thing.

Caitlin: I found a really tenuous relationship to one of the members of the cast of Real Housewives of Atlanta coming in as cousin Courtney. it’s like a drinking game. Like, every time they say cousin, you’d be trashed. Okay, we have a who wins on this? But I don’t like Ralph. I don’t like Courtney.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: This is so ridiculous.

Sharon: Nobody it makes me angry.

Caitlin: It’s a draw.

Sharon: It’s a buy.

Caitlin: They don’t even play that.

Sharon: Yeah. Yeah.

Caitlin: All right, let’s do Courtney versus Drew. And this one I don’t understand either. Yeah, so this is going to coincide a little bit. With the Drew episode. So the big issue, I guess, just to lay out, is that obviously Ralph and Drew are married. They’re having a lot of troubles in their relationship, and so this whole time, there is this tension, and it is kind of like, whose side is Courtney on? And so when we get to they’re in Portugal, and Marlo is filming all this footage, as is Mungetta at Night And it’s interesting because when they replay the footage, they show that the person in front of Courtney speaking is actually Sanya and not Drew. But at the same time, she’s saying something, something that Batch and Munietta claims that she is talking about Courtney, which I kind of am inclined to agree, because what does she have against it’s? Really confusing.

Sharon: It’s really confusing. You can’t like, unless, someone explains it to you, you have to believe, like, there’s no way just listening, I would know. Yeah, that’s what she’s saying, that she’s calling Drew.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: But what I hate is they talk about it at Drew’s event, which is the mental health retreat for her sister Allison, and Courtney’s all like, I just never that’s not even a word I would say, which is, like, my favorite new housewife thing. Like, you know me. I don’t say that. I don’t say that word. Well, maybe you got mad and mean.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: That’s not an argument. Just say, I didn’t say it. Not that’s not a word I would.

Sharon: Say, unless it’s, like, a regional word.

Sharon: Right?

Sharon: There you go. This is a word used in like.

Caitlin: If someone said and she ordered a Pepsi, and I would be like, I did not.

Sharon: And you’re from Oklahoma, and you never say spendy.

Sharon: Exactly.

Sharon: And then you could say, that’s not a word.

Caitlin: I would and you’re like, I don’t say it that but, like, I don’t think you could say that about the B word unless you’re like, I’m a person.

Sharon: I’ve never swears. Yeah, and then she says it on.

Caitlin: Her way out, right? Like, literally a couple minutes later, as she’s leaving, she says it, and then they’re like, I thought you never said, like well, clearly she I mean, the argument with them is basically that Courtney I mean, we always complain that Ralph is kind of a gaslighter. Well, Courtney kind of is, too. Like, they’re on the same you know, she’s, like, saying all these things, like, Drew’s a liar, and Drew does all these things, and she’s kind of in Ralph’s ear, and he’s in her ear. And I think the whole problem is that Drew just feels like nobody has her back. And no matter what it seems like, Ralph always has Courtney’s back, which is, I think, why it’s also suspicious that whether she’s his mistress or not, he’s got her back, and he doesn’t have Drew’s back.

Sharon: You know, the more we talk about this, the more I agree. I think she is just somehow infiltrated and he’s being manipulated by Courtney.

Caitlin: I would believe it. I just feel like she’s the kind of person who, A, likes her claws and things and B, yeah, such a clout chaser that she’s trying to get on the HM a, it’s a good try, but I don’t think there’s any way she’ll be back next season because Ralph won’t be back next season.

Sharon: Oh, yeah.

Caitlin: Because they’re getting divorced, so I don’t know what she thinks she’s doing. Unless no, please don’t bring her. Please, please. I can’t stand her. Oh, God. Every time she’s on the screen, I just want to put the pillows on the couch over my ears.

Sharon: Oh, I thought you were going to.

Sharon: Be like, I want to hold them.

Caitlin: Up to the screen. Yeah, well, we can throw them up there, but I like my TV. I don’t like all right, so who wins there? I mean, Courtney kind of wins. Courtney kind of wins because she gets to call her names and she gets to kind of, like, gaslight her. Yeah.

Sharon: And Drew just feels crazy at the end.

Caitlin: I don’t like this because I felt like Courtney was going to lose everything, and now, as we’re saying it, it’s like, no, she’s actually she kind of came out on top. Played the game pretty well.

Sharon: She did.

Caitlin: I mean, nobody likes her, though. That’s the only thing, though, is, like.

Sharon: You said, sometimes that’s not a problem.

Caitlin: No, that isn’t, because everyone needs a villain. Oh, I don’t like her, though. She’s the worst. And then I don’t like it when she kind of gets breathy either. That drives me crazy. We just whispered, so Thomas is going to be annoyed because he’s always like, you say the funny stuff and you guys whisper. Don’t whisper. Sorry, Thomas.

Sharon: Sorry.

Caitlin: We didn’t mean to whisper. All right, well, that is our Courtney episode.

Sharon: That was fast.

Caitlin: It is a quick little wrap up, but we don’t like her. I can’t spend that much time on her for a follow up with this. Definitely listen to our Drew episode too, because that will, explain a lot. Yeah, they really go hand in hand. And then after Atlanta, we’re going to be heading into the OC yay. It’s one of our beloved, franchises. All right, remember, Housewives, bring the drama.

Sharon: But we bring the receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also, visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both at RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us at Thanks again, and remember to stay out of

Sharon: the shade.