Erika Jayne on stage with episode title

Your time is valuable… Let us fill you in on the two recent Erika documentaries: The Housewife & the Hustler 2 and Bet it All on Blonde.

In this episode, we take a look at what we liked (Erika’s dog), what we didn’t (the Marco Marco ordeal), and the fun facts you need to know (a Real Housewives reference is cooler to your kids than a Pulitzer).

Episode 70 on Spotify

Sharon: Okay, so she’s wearing, like, navy blue dress, and then she’s got.

Caitlin: Yes, I know who you’re talking about. Yeah, I was confused who she was.

Sharon: For a while because I thought she was. I was for sure she was, like, a stewardess.

Caitlin: Oh, my God.

Sharon: That’s from the airline that crashed. And I was like, did someone survive the plane wreck?

Caitlin: Turns out she just worked for this.

Sharon: She’s just dressed like I was. Like, she dressed like a stewardess. Like, in honor of the plane m crush.

Caitlin: Maybe she thought that was the most respectable choice. I don’t know. That kind of hits. Like, Erica in the earrings. Maybe that wasn’t the best call lady.

Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.

Sharon: So chic.

Caitlin: Hold on to your settlement winnings.

Sharon: Today, we’re digging into two Erica Jane specials. The first is the housewife and the hustler, a hulu original. And the next is Erica Jane. Bet it all on blonde on peacock. So the first one, we’re going to talk about the housewife and the hustler. Per the Internet, the summary is going inside the real life legal drama facing the husband of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member Erica Jane, legal titan Tom Girardi.

Caitlin: That is quite the title for Tom.

Sharon: Really confusing. Basically, we’re looking at Tom’s lawsuits.

Caitlin: Yes, exactly. a lot of people had said online, I would love to know what happens in these episodes, but I don’t really want to watch them. So we did it for you. So just like when we read the books for you, we are going to watch these. We sat through them. We sat through the hour and 35 minutes of Housewife and the hustler. Part two. Yeah, it’s two parts. There’s a part one, but there’s no Eric years ago.

Sharon: Yeah, I think it came out before.

Caitlin: The Jen Shaw one. So there’s been a couple, like Hulu housewives?

Sharon: Yeah, because there was crime trauma.

Caitlin: Because that’s a whole thing now.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: okay, so we’re going to treat this a little bit like how we do our book club episodes and just kind of break down the best part, the worst part, what surprised us, and things like that. So let’s start with housewife and the hustler. What was the best part for you?

Sharon: first of all, I must say, I found this kind of boring.

Caitlin: It was long.

Sharon: It was very long.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: And it’s not that it wasn’t interesting.

Caitlin: It had some really interesting moments. It did, yes. But an hour and 35 minutes is a long time to sit through.

Sharon: It could have definitely been half an hour shorter.

Caitlin: yeah, they didn’t edit well.

Sharon: No, they did not. I honestly don’t think there was a best part. the only part I actually maybe enjoyed was some comic relief when there’s this woman, she’s a journalist, who. She was the one that broke. I think it was the early times story or something about, Erica Jane and all the women on the housewives. They’re showing this clip of the women, real housewives of Beverly Hills, going, did you read the article? No, it’s too long. Did you read it? And how. She was saying how her kids were so excited that her article was on.

Caitlin: The Real Housewives show, even though she won a Pulitzer.

Sharon: She went to Pulitzer for the article.

Caitlin: But nobody cared about that.

Sharon: For a different article. Yeah, for her journalism. But no one gave a.

Caitlin: No, this is the moment about for her. And apparently, Sutton was the only one who read the whole article, so she was trying to explain it to everybody else, which is kind of how I feel like this is going to go. I feel like we’re kind of like Sutton explaining this episode.

Sharon: Yeah. Okay, so basically what this does, it starts. Let’s just get a little summary.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: It starts with Erica, like, meeting with some of the victims whose settlement money was stolen. Then it kind of goes into the whole thing about settlement money being stolen.

Caitlin: Right? And if you’ll remember, that’s what Andy was referring to on the Beverly Hills reunion, when he said, why did you sit down with the victims to Erica?

Caitlin: Huh?

Caitlin: This is what he’s referring to, this documentary, and she does show up, and she’s fairly humble.

Caitlin: But they look like they’re in obviously different worlds. So you’ve got the victims there, and you’ve got Erica there. And honestly, I don’t think it was the train wreck that I thought it might be. But it was interesting because at the very end, the other reporter, the male reporter who worked on this story, he was like, I just don’t know that it could be anything other than awkward or anything other than forced or. It’s like when you’re sitting across from somebody, even though you want to be like, you are the reason my life is ruined, and you’re horrible, you kind of hear their story, you’ve got the TV cameras on you, and it’s awkward, and you kind of back down, and he felt like, because he wasn’t allowed to ask questions, and really, Erica was sort of, she was in charge of the event. I mean, at least the questioning and where the stories went. She was really able to tell her side. Were the other victims as able to tell their side? I don’t know.

Sharon: I feel like the victims, they wanted to say something kind of forceful, but they wanted to be kind and polite.

Caitlin: so they backed off.

Sharon: And they backed off. And maybe that’s appropriate because it’s not her fault. It really isn’t her fault. But at the same time, I feel like for them, it probably was not helpful in any way.

Caitlin: I couldn’t decide. I felt like on the one hand, they probably needed to hear from her and this was actually getting to hear from her. And she did explain how she didn’t know and how really she didn’t like it either. And she wasn’t able to talk for a while because of the things, legal things that were going on. And it’s one of those things where like two things can be true. I do think that a lot of that was true. I think she wasn’t able to speak her piece.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: And she’s also said, I’m in therapy, I’m working on sharing my emotions. I don’t think that’s her forte either.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: So I think it’s a little unfair to expect her to go and be all like huggy and lovey when we’ve never seen her be that way with the other housewives either. That’s not who she is. and I don’t think it’s fair to lump her in the same category as Tom.

Caitlin: I don’t really know, honestly where I land with her in this case, but she’s not.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And there’s a different level of responsibility. And the one interesting thing, probably my favorite part about this, I actually love the LA Times reporter stuff because I was one. So I find that interesting. But the other thing that I thought was really interesting was how they kept saying, tom is not the only fish to fry here. Like, Tom is not the only one at fault. That was probably my favorite part just because that was really interesting. And it’s true.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Like when the one lawyer, like, how is it in the end, after all of this, Erica is the one that sat down and she’s the face. I’m sorry. When it goes over. So a big part of the special was how Tom, there had been complaints about Tom for years.

Caitlin: Yeah, that was interesting.

Sharon: You know, the people at the bar that invested these complaints were basically paid off or bought off by Tom with gifts and friendships and they were invited.

Caitlin: To his annual amazing Christmas office parties. I dying to know what went on at those office parties.

Sharon: So nothing ever came of these complaints. And they’re like, well, why don’t you blame all those people that did it, that turned their eye to these complaints? And why is Erica.

Caitlin: The one who was supposed to keep him in?

Sharon: I, I thought it was interesting. I thought it was just awkward for her to meet with them. She couldn’t do anything. She could say, I’m sorry and I think it was good for her. But I also think she didn’t because she’s not a warm, fuzzy person. she came off defensive, which that’s.

Caitlin: Just who she is.

Caitlin: I mean, it was much better than how defensive she came off to the other housewives. She really did rein it in. Like, she talked with somebody before she went in.

Sharon: It almost made her look bad because she was like, I will help you in any way I can, but she can’t even help herself. No, she’s working on her own stuff. And then so later at the end of the documentary, it says it’s got this text of doom. Like, the ladies haven’t heard from Erica since they spoke that.

Caitlin: It’s like, what did you expect?

Sharon: Yeah, what did they expect? But they expect Erica’s going to call her up and be like, literally, she really can’t do anything for you. And she is still, she doesn’t even have her own.

Caitlin: Yeah. And I almost felt like in some ways maybe that was what was more important for the victims to understand is that her life fell apart too. And she is, also operating from that and not that that makes it okay.

Caitlin: But maybe again, to understand where the blame does need to lie a little bit more, just because she’s the famous one and she was using a lot of the money doesn’t necessarily. I mean, Tom was still the one who decided to take the money from victims, not hers.

Sharon: Yeah, she thought she was rich.

Caitlin: Yeah, she did. And that’s what she was operating under so long. That’s what I think is kind of interesting and confusing.

Caitlin: One of the really fun things was maybe one of my surprise parts was it was really cool to see the Bravo docket women on there because I’ve heard them and it was fun to see them.

Caitlin: I know.

Caitlin: And they were on there a lot. They asked them a lot of questions, they gave a lot of like, that was fun.

Sharon: Okay. So one part that really conflicted me because initially I was anti Erica, then I was pro Erica. And now I really don’t think Erica knew where the money was coming from. I don’t think that means she gets to keep her earrings or anything like that, but, I don’t think she the. So I’ve been a little, Like, what do you call it? Apologizing for Erica. Like, oh, I don’t think she’s that guilty, but with the designers.

Caitlin: Okay.

Sharon: Marco.

Caitlin: Marco.

Sharon: Was that the name of the company?

Caitlin: Marco Morante and Chris Salia.

Sharon: Sally. Yeah.

Caitlin: I don’t know how you say it.

Sharon: I did not like this story. How it made Erica look.

Caitlin: Yeah. So they’ve worked with almost every recent pop star at some point, so it’s not like they needed Erica, but they liked working with her. They said she made them feel like they were her friends and that she never had, like, a cap or a budget. So she had her Erica Jane look. She went to them. Her clothes were on housewives, I think. Marco. Marco. Not Marco. Marco. Marco Morante. I think that he was on housewives.

Sharon: Of dressing her and stuff.

Caitlin: so they worked together for three years and there was never an issue.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: And that was interesting that they said there was never a cap. Like, they’d never had that before with.

Caitlin: A client where they had emails, and she’d be like, I want a fancy outfit. Like, show me three options. And it was like, yep. They just took it and did it. Which I do mean, like, I’m sorry, but that adds up to what we’ve seen of Erica.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: but what’s interesting is, so then all this comes down with Tom, and everything is really difficult, and they’re realizing there’s kind of, like, a strain on the money. And so Erica comes into their, Like a meeting with. Yeah. Wearing a wire.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: This is where it’s weird.

Sharon: Like, she is basically accusing them.

Sharon: Of more clear here.

Caitlin: It could have.

Sharon: It was not very well done, my understanding. Okay. She’s accusing them of overcharging her for $800,000 or basically saying that they stole $800,000 from her. And then they show this email where he’s like, okay, I see there were some overages. Let’s sit down and meet. and they go into a meeting, and Eric is wearing a wire, and he doesn’t know it.

Caitlin: And what’s interesting is the people running.

Sharon: It are secret service agents.

Caitlin: Yes. Which they had said sometimes in really, really big cases, and I’m guessing that’s when they need more manpower.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: And financial.

Caitlin: Sketchy as to why the secret service.

Sharon: Was involved in this. Particular. And, the guys were saying, like, there is no way we would steal $800,000. Like, that is insane. And it seemed to me, I believed them when they were saying that too.

Caitlin: Because they were really upset and it really ruined large parts of their lives. And the guy missed family members and things and had deaths in his family. I mean, it was a really awful.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: Because he was life.

Sharon: He was under this, what do you call it? I don’t know, indictment or, I don’t know, wire fraud claims.

Caitlin: So they had him under, because.

Sharon: He had to get bailed out of jail. He was arrested.

Caitlin: And like they said, the secret service agents came with a warrant gun strong, which sounded very Jen Shaw.

Caitlin: It did.

Caitlin: And, like, he was crying. His partner was crying about mean, they.

Sharon: Were trying to adopt a baby, and they weren’t able to.

Caitlin: It was. It just, I felt really bad for. So what we learn is that Rob Savage was the guy who ran the local secret service, and he’s a friend of Tom’s. So we’re learning this through a lot of the LA Times reporters. They had the really interesting dirt. Tom was doing a civil case for him at that time. M. And so they were saying that then maybe they went after the Marco. Marco, case to try to get money, because Tom was having trouble paying.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: In his, legal shop.

Sharon: But this is where it’s still not clear, because then Erica’s lawyer says, well, she came and talked once to, the Secret Service dude.

Sharon: Without Tom knowing.

Caitlin: and she didn’t know Tom was on Robin Savage’s case. Like, he was doing that at the time.

Sharon: But I’m like, did she go and ask them to look into Marco? Marco.

Caitlin: I’m also a little confused when he said, I did say to her in the email, yes, I see some overcharges. The admitting of that was a little confusing, too, because then later he said, a lot of overcharges.

Sharon: And I do wonder, because he says.

Caitlin: He might have been like, maybe there was a bodysuit.

Sharon: The customer is always right. Because he says, no, I actually have. Or there weren’t overjoys. I could see maybe him being like, if the person’s mad, you want to be like, okay, I clearly see this problem. Let’s just sit down and talk about it. And maybe he really didn’t. Maybe he saw, like, one tiny thing.

Caitlin: But he did say, upon review, I can account for it all. And then he had all the emails from her saying, yep, just charge it. Yep, just charge it. And sending it back here’s. My American Express card number. They sent it for each outfit. So he took that to me, and it was approved, which I would agree also. And then the other thing was that they just dismissed it all of a sudden because of secret service evidence issues. So that was weird too.

Sharon: So they just dropped the case after five years. I think it’s horrible. I mean, they pretty much ruined this guy’s life for five years.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Sharon: He couldn’t really focus on his life. It kind of ruined his business. But they did come and build their business back.

Caitlin: They did. But that was probably the worst part for me because of all the stories. And, I feel bad, like, ranking who’s. I’m not ranking anybody’s pain. But we’d heard some of the other stories, and those were Tom’s stories. I think those were Tom’s clients. This one involved Erica directly and was sketchy.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And I don’t quite know what to make of this.

Sharon: I don’t either, because they said as soon as Erica needed money, she turned on.

Caitlin: Exactly. And the timing isn’t great.

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: And I’m sure Tom was coming down on her at that time. Mean, like, I’m sure across the mean.

Sharon: Do we think that maybe she really thought that they were over? Just, did Tom maybe convince her that they really did that?

Caitlin: I think there’s a possibility of that. I mean, I think I would have been afraid of Tom. Would you have been afraid of Tom?

Sharon: Yeah. And maybe because I don’t.

Caitlin: I like the way he spoke to.

Sharon: Her on the show.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: And I don’t want to think she would have done m that to her friends or somebody.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: It doesn’t seem like something she would do, but I don’t think they’re lying either. So I don’t know if she thought that it happened.

Caitlin: And like she said, tom always said everything was going to be okay.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: And that he would never admit that he was wrong.

Sharon: And I can totally see.

Caitlin: So I can see him trying to finagle anything on the other side to come out so that it worked out that he wasn’t wrong.

Caitlin: And that these other people were wrong. the other part that I found really interesting. So maybe this is like, the surprise you part.

Caitlin: Okay, so Andy referred to it at the second part of the reunion. He was saying, like, did you keep any friends of Tom’s? And she was all like, the lawyer, the one guy. Yeah. So she has her lawyer, Evan Borges, but then she was referred to him by Jim Wilkes, and he’s her personal. That was the guy with the white hair.

Caitlin: Right.

Caitlin: And he comes on and says that tom consistently lied to this poor woman, and she had no idea, like, tom would forbid her from wearing blue jeans, which. I’m sorry, I’m out the door right that second. Oh, I actually missed that line. I thought I listened to the whole thing and that he was, like, a control freak or a jerk, and, that she had no financial visibility, that she never got to see anything, and that he’s the one that helped her leave. So he gave her, like, $150,000 to, pay for a down payment to get into the place and to get out of Tom’s house. and so he’s the one that they’re referring to at the reunion. I guess they did, like, five or six couples trips together, or he went on a trip. I didn’t get the status of his wife. But what he said that was interesting was he said around, now what’s interesting to me is. And I can’t decide. I don’t know how I feel. This is the one that’s really interesting to me. I don’t know how I feel about the Tom and the competency stuff, whether he’s faking it or making it. Making it up. or not making it up is what I mean. But he said around 2009 to 2010 that tom changed. He got very angry, he wasn’t nice anymore, and Jim was scared that Erica was in this situation, and, I think he said her crime was having an untrustworthy husband.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: Oh, I hate that. I mean, and it’s true, but, like, come. So do you think Tom’s all there mentally, or.

Sharon: No, he really did not look all there time.

Caitlin: He did not. It was interesting seeing the footage when.

Sharon: The paparazzi, he looked completely out of it.

Caitlin: He didn’t look out of it.

Sharon: He’s a really good actor if he’s.

Caitlin: Yeah. I was trying to watch it so I could figure this out. Like, watching him talk to the paparazzi and stuff.

Sharon: I think he looked not all there.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Now I understand how they could be playing it up with, like, the too big, the slippers and the this.

Caitlin: Sometimes I wonder if there’s not. If it’s not as much as they’re saying. I bet there’s some there, though.

Sharon: Some of it, when he was walking at the end there, I don’t think he was all there at all. Who knows with that?

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: You have, like, some days that are better than others or more lucid moments than others. But I get the feeling he probably.

Caitlin: Sure, it does come and go is.

Sharon: Definitely not like, at this point, I don’t even know if it’d be worth prosecuting. He’s 84, right?

Caitlin: And he doesn’t. I mean, he might. Yeah.

Sharon: It’s like he’s not going to live that much longer. I don’t know.

Caitlin: What, I thought was interesting is when they were kind of saying, like, the California bar could have stopped Tom, but they didn’t. And there was all this fraud and things going on in there. And it’s almost like, in a way, I feel like there’s some parts where they might be financially responsible. And I think that that’s kind of what the LA Times was talking a little bit about, too. I’m not sure you’re going to get much out of Gerardi keys.

Sharon: Right, exactly.

Caitlin: But you might if you tried to go for some of these other people as well, or at least try to change how law offices are checked. And if you are accused of all these things, and if there’s all these, lawsuits against you, that maybe those things aren’t hidden, like at least that reform.

Sharon: Maybe if you get more than 100 complaints, you have to have someone go to a class.

Caitlin: Was there any part that really surprised you?

Sharon: M I was just really sad when her dog died.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: I mean, her dog was old.

Caitlin: Her dog was old.

Sharon: Was that this one or the other?

Caitlin: No, that was the other one. But it’s sad in all of them.

Sharon: Honestly, I don’t know. Some things just irritated me about this documentary. They showed the victims, but they didn’t tell us what they were victims.

Caitlin: To have really watched the first episode. Which one?

Sharon: Remember years ago.

Caitlin: Years ago.

Caitlin: And I did watch half of it. I noticed I never actually finished because.

Sharon: I don’t want to go back and I want to watch the new stuff. So I’m not going to go back and rewatch something with Erica in it.

Caitlin: The first episode has no Erica in it.

Sharon: So that was a little frustrating that they didn’t do that. Yeah, they, ah, didn’t explain things well.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: Like the whole Erica going to the guy from the secret service.

Caitlin: Right. Some of this stuff, I felt like, ooh, this is such, like a piece of something so exciting, and it’s just not. And then they kind of like, wouldn’t finish the piece. And again, I know they don’t have the answers, but I just needed it.

Sharon: Like, I kind of feel like, okay, if they would have given that woman and that man m those two reporters and let them done this documentary, it, would have been a lot better.

Caitlin: And I think they should have let them narrate instead of jumping around. They gave them as much, like.

Sharon: They were the most interesting.

Caitlin: They were. And they gave them about as much space as everybody else.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And they just used them to segue, into the next part. And that was kind of confusing.

Sharon: I feel like this whole thing was like a missed opportunity.

Caitlin: I think so, too, because there was some really interesting information. Like the stuff with the designers was really interesting. The stuff with, what’s it called? The California bar. That was really interesting. and honestly, some of the hot tea about Tom was interesting because it’s just m we’re all trying to figure out whether we think he can stand trial, which they’ve deemed that he can, like, he’s been deemed competent to stand trial. He’ll stand trial probably in May. They were saying, will he cut a deal?

Sharon: Okay. If he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s, he might have it by then.

Caitlin: If you’re going to drag this out that long. There was only one part where I wasn’t so sure about it because there was something, and I’m trying to find out my notes, but I couldn’t find it when he was talking to one of the paparazzis, and they were kind of asking about something, and he was kind of like, he threw something at Erica, like, ask Erica or something. And there was one moment where I just saw, like, this flash of him get a little bit mad, and it was interesting. But at the same time, people who have this also, do get really angry, and it is hard to control your emotions. And it’s like the one guy, Jim Wilkes or whatever, said anger was a symptom.

Sharon: M that was interesting where he said that he changed, and it’s because it’s kind of like what you do kind of wonder, did something kind of start going off there? Okay, so if 2010, that was 15 years ago. So he was 70.

Caitlin: That’s a lot younger.

Sharon: Well, it is, but you could start having some.

Caitlin: You can. But I mean, when you think about. That’s a long time for that to go.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: Now Crystal was saying at the reunion, but that’s too long.

Sharon: Okay, but this is what’s irritating.

Caitlin: She almost went to medical school.

Caitlin: She did. Yeah.

Caitlin: You know, so that is her.

Sharon: If Anna Marie, you don’t talk to her. She almost went there, has healthcare training.

Caitlin: She didn’t qualify.

Sharon: Crystal is not qualified. And the other thing is, she works.

Caitlin: On the board that raises money for it.

Caitlin: Okay.

Sharon: And the other thing, this really irritated I was getting really mad. The other room was happening because crystals. I think she’s specifically talking about Alzheimer’s, and there’s different kinds of dementia. They are not all. Exactly. There’s not one thing.

Caitlin: I think that’s a really important point.

Sharon: Not all memory loss is like, Yeah, there’s more than one.

Caitlin: Is mom brain one of.

Sharon: So. And guess what, Crystal.

Caitlin: You don’t know. She doesn’t like that answer. She’s going to be mad at you. Do, you have any lingering questions coming out of the house of the hustler? I mean, I guess we do, kind of in the fact that there was a lot of unfinished. Like, we just wanted a little bit more.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: It’s not like we needed to be overloaded. It’s funny, because going into this, I kind of said to you, I’m not sure how to do this because there was so much information, and when I look at the notes we took from it, they jumped through the stories so much. Like they went back and forth between the victims and stuff. And I understand as a tool that that can be interesting, but overall, it’s like the thread that was telling the whole story. I don’t know what thesis was.

Sharon: Yes, good point. There was no focus.

Caitlin: Right. It’s like we started out with Erica and the victims, and it was very long time before we got back to finishing with Erica and the victims.

Sharon: And even the description where it’s, like, legal drama facing the husband of what.

Caitlin: We talked about Erica.

Sharon: Yeah, it’s like we didn’t talk about Tom as much.

Caitlin: No, we talked about the victims and Erica, which, I mean, the victims needed to focus. I’m not saying that, but they had a lot of that in the first episode, too. So there was a lot, I felt, because I can’t remember the first episode real well. I felt like there was some rehashing of some of the stuff, though, too. I kind of wondered for a second. I thought, did I see this before? I had that feeling a couple of times, and maybe not, but it was confusing because there was so many kind of cast of characters, and I would get confused who they were jumping between. It was really interesting seeing Erica’s legal team, though, because that’s something we haven’t seen before. So seeing her lawyer and her personal lawyer.

Caitlin: Yes.

Caitlin: How do you get a personal lawyer?

Sharon: I don’t know. Do you think he loves.

Caitlin: Don’t.

Caitlin: I kind of think so, because why.

Sharon: Is he doing this?

Caitlin: Yeah. I mean, he seems either that or he really doesn’t like tom either.

Sharon: Yeah, exactly.

Caitlin: Tom said something really mean to him once, and he was like, that’s it. I’m taking you down, and I’m taking your wife.

Sharon: Like, he really feels bad for Erica, or he really loves Erica, or he really hates Tom, or there’s something there because it’s just weird because people are.

Caitlin: Nice, but that’s, like, really nice.

Sharon: And Erica’s lawyer. First of all, I want to know what happened to his hand was broken or something. Carpal tunnel or broken.

Caitlin: You know who I hope he didn’t have sue. Whatever. I hope he didn’t use Tom Gerardi.

Sharon: Oh, here’s the other thing. Okay. The thing where they had the guy. Okay, so Giardi Keese, they sold the building that his law firmed because they’re trying to recover. It was a beautiful building, but then downtown, they interviewed a lawyer that bought it.

Caitlin: Yeah, that was weird.

Sharon: It was really weird. There was, like, no purpose for interviewing this guy. Basically, this guy just wanted. He was like, kind of one of those showman billboard lawyers that’s like, hey, and you know what? I wanted to take him down. I bought the building, and it’s like, in your face. We were like, who?

Caitlin: Thanks for airing your personal. Yeah, it was weird.

Sharon: That was really weird.

Caitlin: did this change your view of Erica by watching it?

Sharon: Yes. And mean. Okay, so like I said, I still feel bad for Erica, and I don’t think she’s guilty. The thing with the designers is what upset me, because. I don’t know, I would like to think that there’s an explanation, and she did not purposefully do anything to hurt them. What?

Caitlin: I’m hoping. That’s what I’m hoping too. But you’re right at that part. Made me uncomfortable, and it made me worry that there was something that maybe.

Caitlin: Because I think they are countersuing her. Yeah, that’s what it’ll be. That’s the case to kind of keep an eye on, I think. Not the earrings.

Sharon: Oh, and the other thing was the earrings. Because didn’t Erica then get another judgment?

Caitlin: Since I was a little confused on that? Yeah.

Sharon: Dude, you guys suck.

Caitlin: Whoever did this, seriously clear. Or at least present a cliff notes we can have whilst we watch it.

Sharon: Why don’t you just have ask Caitlin edit it for you?

Caitlin: Exactly. Somebody did. Somebody needed to tighten this piece up. It was a mess. It was all over the place.

Sharon: Hot mess.

Caitlin: That’s my biggest complaint. Okay, would you say thumbs up or thumbs down? Like, I don’t regret watching it, but I wouldn’t go tell somebody else to watch it. I would say listen to a podcast about it.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Sharon: I’d say thumbs sideways.

Caitlin: I would say thumbs sideways, too. I’m not mad that I watched it, but I wouldn’t recommend anyone else watch it. It was really long, and I wanted out of there.

Sharon: I hit pause. I was folding laundry, my kids watched it with me, and my daughter was like, that guy’s really old. Your daughter today was like, oh, my gosh.

Caitlin: Watch some documentary all about stolen earrings.

Caitlin: I was like, wait.

Caitlin: Oh, yeah, Erica. So there you go.

Caitlin: That’s.

Caitlin: I guess that’s the summary of it.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: All right, let’s talk about Erica Jane. Bet it all on blonde on Peacock.

Sharon: Do you want to hear the summary?

Caitlin: I do.

Sharon: The summary is the run up to the premiere of Erica’s residency in Las Vegas.

Caitlin: Okay, my biggest question about this, and I said it before we went to Bravocon, and I’m going to say it again. Why on earth? When she was performing in Las Vegas and they even stopped for a little while and they were starting back up in December or whatever, why didn’t they run a show while we were all there at Bravocon and charge to see it? I just think that’s the biggest miss, because that is your audience right there. I would have paid to go to that. All they needed was a spot for it. They even could have used the convention center probably at night to have done it. They had the costumes at that point. They had the stage. I mean, I don’t understand.

Sharon: I didn’t even think of that.

Caitlin: I think it was a huge miss. I agree.

Sharon: Okay, here’s what I want to know. Do you think. Okay, so the whole premise of the show.

Sharon: Is, oh, Erica’s kind of lost her spark.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: Can she do it? And then she does it, and in the end, the show’s great.

Caitlin: Yay.

Sharon: Like, that’s essentially it, right?

Caitlin: Okay.

Caitlin: I don’t think you should be doing the PR for this show, but do.

Sharon: You think she was that all fake?

Caitlin: No, I don’t think so.

Sharon: You don’t think so?

Caitlin: I don’t.

Sharon: But if that didn’t happen, if Mikey hadn’t been going, this isn’t going well, you suck. This isn’t working, there would not have been a show.

Caitlin: Okay.

Caitlin: The only thing that I thought was interesting about it and the thing that I thought saved it and made it different was how much they talked to her directly about Tom. Because when we watched the housewife, well, I got really tired watching it. When we watched the housewife and the hustler hulu original. we never got to talk to Erica directly. She was never a talking head. Right.

Sharon: Well, when they asked her about going with the which, did they not ask her directly?

Caitlin: I don’t think so. I think she was only at the table. I don’t feel like we got her to the side, like we did her lawyers, or we got. I don’t think she agreed to that. so I thought it was interesting because Bravo was able to ask her those direct questions about Tom. it’s like, okay, so a couple of the quotes I had that she said was, she said, it gets hard. I remember the warm, sweet Tom. She said she once asked him why he wanted to be a plaintiff lawyer. And he said, I don’t like people getting effed over.

Caitlin: and now he’s being sued for allegedly effing over everybody. It was interesting to kind of hear her speak that way because she was kind of saying, like, this is what he’s getting sued for. I felt like we saw her dodge so much. It was kind of fun. Not fun, but it’s not the right word. It was interesting to, see her finally almost admit to the fact that charges existed because it felt like she kind of was gaslighting us a little bit in the other episodes. Like, nothing is wrong, look the other way. And it’s just that she didn’t want to talk about it. I don’t think she really believed that. But she said, I was not prepared for what happened with Tom. I’m not asking for people’s empathy. None of this should have happened. I feel terrible about the clients. And it’s like, oh, my God. That’s what we needed her to say the whole season.

Caitlin: And that they didn’t receive what they were entitled to receive. It’s like, this is what someone should approach you to say so much longer ago, these people were wronged, and they want answers from a law firm that they put their trust in. I’m not part of that law firm. I’m not indicted. And I think that was really important too. And I kind of wish they’d said that on the housewives and the hustlers. But it was interesting to finally see her say the charges exist.

Caitlin: Tom was wrong. The people were wrong. It’s wrong. I’m not Tom.

Sharon: Yeah, exactly.

Caitlin: It’s like that’s all you needed to say from the get go. Ain’t hand over the. It was just. That was refreshing to me. And I was interested with how much they spoke directly to her about Tom.

Caitlin: I think that was the saving grace of it. And I do think that she had lost some of her energy because you see it in the previous season. I mean, she was a fraction of herself. And I’m, ah, not like saying that this was my favorite special or anything, except I do think watching theater is.

Caitlin: Fun.

Caitlin: From that standpoint. But I do think it was really interesting to see a different Erica. And I think that the problem was, and it’s not that she lost her sparkle, I think it’s that she grew as a person. Like she wasn’t this naive housewife who tom paid for everything, and she didn’t have to care about the bills, and she didn’t have to care about the house, and she didn’t have to mow the lawn, and she didn’t have to do any of that stuff.

Sharon: Interesting.

Caitlin: It’s like all of a sudden, it’s like she grew up a little bit like she wasn’t the little kid in theater.

Caitlin: Uh-huh.

Caitlin: So I don’t think that she lost her sparkle. I think it’s like she gained the life crushing understanding that the rest of us have. But, in a way, I liked that because I felt like it wasn’t just like, it’s expensive to be me and I love all that stuff. I mean, that’s what we love about the housewives. But it was also kind of nice to see her grow up a little bit. But Mikey was just trying to make her go back to that old Erica. She couldn’t be that old Erica anymore. And I think the problem was, and I love Mikey. Like, mikey minden is one of used. I watched when he did the whole pussycat doll show when they picked the new pussycat doll. I’ve always loved him, but I think he was trying to get an Erica that didn’t exist anymore.

Caitlin: And that’s why they couldn’t get mean. Interesting that Erica wasn’t available.

Sharon: Erica’s not home right now. She’s dead.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Sharon: yeah, that’s really fascinating because what you say makes so much sense and I feel like I see it in a different light now.

Caitlin: Yeah, you’re welcome. I try, but.

Sharon: Yeah, actually now suddenly I feel really depressed.

Caitlin: I know. Well, because that’s the thing. I kind of felt bummed watching it more than I felt like they were making it up. It was interesting to see how much he was able to be really honest with her and tell her, like, this is horrible, you’re doing a terrible job, and how much he cared. I mean, they really are good friends.

Sharon: And I love him and I loved her and I loved their friendship, and I felt.

Caitlin: I think it’s, like, one of the R1 things in Eric’s life. And that was nice.

Sharon: And he did stick by her.

Caitlin: He did.

Sharon: So how does he get paid?

Caitlin: I was wondering how that works. I bet there was a time at which he just stood by her. I also bet he’s, like, involved in the contracts of stuff that she gets. she said she wouldn’t take the show without him being on as director, I think. Okay, so I think he got a salary for that. I think that when she does stuff, he gets a portion of whatever.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: So I think he is kind of going in with some level of faith there.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: but I do think that he’s, like, part of the deal.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Would you say that the worst part was just kind of feeling like it.

Sharon: Was a little forced at did because. Well, honestly, without that.

Sharon: There wasn’t a show. So I do kind of wonder. I guess I felt like the show.

Caitlin: Was kind of an excuse in a.

Sharon: Way, to kind of deal with some.

Caitlin: Of the Erica stuff.

Sharon: You’re right.

Caitlin: My other complaint was, why the heck didn’t we air this before Beverly Hills started? This was a long time to air it because people said Peacock tried to automatically roll through to bed it all in blonde. And I was no, like, people were saying that online, and it was like, this wasn’t the time because the reunion was so boring, and so dull, and we got no answers and none from Erica. And the season with erica was a little bit leh m and so it’s like, this was just not the right time to run it. Whereas we had a lot of questions when last season ended, and it’s like, to have led into the season with this, I think, would have set Erica up better for the season and maybe set everything up better for the season.

Sharon: I agree.

Caitlin: But it wasn’t about kyle, so I guess, yeah.

Sharon: I thought it was interesting. This is totally on the side, but looking back and seeing how different she looked now that she’s on hormones.

Caitlin: Oh, my gosh. Yeah.

Sharon: In the old things, she was so much curvier than right now. M she just looked a lot older. She is a lot older.

Caitlin: She is.

Sharon: I mean, some of the stuff they were showing us was 20 years old.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: But it was just.

Caitlin: I know there were some pictures. I almost was like, oh, my gosh, that’s Erica. I didn’t even recognize.

Sharon: Weird kind of.

Caitlin: Her face looks so different, too.

Sharon: And maybe you do kind of what you were saying. Like, she did grow up. I think you do kind of get to an age where, at what point are you bouncing around on a bed, and it’s just kind of not as.

Caitlin: Hot as it used. No.

Caitlin: And not that she’s still hot, but.

Sharon: She is the way you feel it. I wonder at some point, do you kind of get tired? Are you kind of, like, a little over it?

Caitlin: Sure.

Caitlin: I want to play that game.

Sharon: That’s not my life anymore.

Caitlin: Exactly. That’s what I think.

Caitlin: It’s like.

Caitlin: She had a lot of hard truths. Exactly. Kind of hit at her.

Caitlin: No, she’s like, oh, shit, it is expensive. To me.

Caitlin: It is.

Sharon: I got to pay the rent.

Caitlin: I couldn’t believe that this whole thing was in 30 days. I mean, the rush of what she didn’t know and how she had to get all the choreography and stuff.

Sharon: Was it 30 days?

Caitlin: That’s what they said. Because when they started out, they were, like, 30 days earlier from when Mikey was sort of crying at the beginning and saying, like, she’s lost her spark. Also, the worst part for me was watching the was Tiago. I did not like that he died at the end because I don’t watch shows for the dog died. They should have warned me. Guys. spoiler alert, but also a trauma alert. Yes. But he seemed so old, and he was sad, and he was slipping and little booties. But it was lovely seeing her taking.

Sharon: Care of something, too.

Caitlin: And in that way, it was really good.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And then he did kind of, like, represent her old life, which is kind of sad.

Sharon: And then at the end, the show, I watched the beat, like the excessive pigs to Mimi. That’s my favorite of her songs, because, I mean, let’s face it, they’re really not that good.

Caitlin: But, I actually like that song. That one’s good.

Sharon: I zoned out with the other songs, and I was like, oh, my God. They’re, like, actually giving us the whole show.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: And I zoned out completely. I was folding laundry. I was looking at stuff, and I was like, oh, shoot. It wasn’t that good. I mean, what was interesting, it wasn’t really that good.

Caitlin: They were making it feel like in the rehearsals that it was going to be this whole dancing choreography spectacular. And it was really more like a concert of her songs, and the backup dancers just had to really do their part, and that’s fine, but I don’t feel like that’s what they were making it out to be at.

Sharon: The lip syncing was so do you think she was lip syncing? Oh, she wasn’t.

Caitlin: I don’t know.

Sharon: It looked so fake to me.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: And so she said it was interesting.

Caitlin: Because they changed some. I mean, okay, say that you didn’t grow up as a performer, being, like, your thing. She said they changed a lot of the beats of her song to make it match some of the stuff.

Sharon: Match some of what?

Caitlin: Like how the dance moves needed to go and how the entrances needed to come in and also just the live aspect. Like, they wanted to bring in bands and other sounds.

Caitlin: Okay.

Caitlin: So they changed it up a little bit, and I think that would be kind of terrifying because if you know the song, you know.

Sharon: But there’s been her songs forever.

Caitlin: I know, but then they change them on her. I don’t know. That was just interesting to me.

Sharon: I just thought the performance wasn’t that good, at least from the camera. Maybe if you were in the crowd and fart, but up close, I thought it did not look very good.

Caitlin: What I also didn’t understand is, again, it does just like, it fits the Bravocon crowd. I mean, it’s housewives. I’m not sure anybody else would really be super jazzed to go to it. I almost felt like they needed to make it more of, like, a dance club thing or something. Like, people needed to be able to be really dancing and moving and not.

Sharon: Just like, because I kept concert.

Caitlin: It wasn’t like a concert.

Sharon: They kept showing this one old lady like me in the crowd, and I was like, but they just needed, like, all of us.

Caitlin: Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. It should have just maybe been, like, a big extravaganza for that or something. The other thing that was weird is they tried to give us titles of things, and maybe they should have gone through, like, the stages of grief or something. I don’t know. But they weren’t. Instead, let’s see, they did distrust, privilege, betrayal. I think it was like childhood something, or it was like child performer and competency. But none of those go together. Line them all up and it’s like, you can’t. Who laid that out? That was really od to me. I didn’t quite understand that. Okay, so it was interesting when she talked about the earrings a little bit, because Eric said none of them would survive in the environment that I’m in. I do kind of believe that. I actually believe that, too, when she said, really? I probably would have had to leave the show.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: and it was interesting when she said none of them cared, that she was grieving a marriage and a person she was married to and her idea of that person, and that is true because he was already a bad guy at that point and nobody really cared. They were like, you need to be over it.

Sharon: Yeah. Like your husband’s evil.

Caitlin: I do think that that was unfair, and I think, unfortunately, that’s what she made. Ah, not everybody else, but that’s what she made the earrings to mean. It was like the last gift from this person that she remembered and the life that she remembered.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And that’s what it meant to her. Should she have handed them over?

Caitlin: Absolutely.

Caitlin: Without hesitation. She had said by life and handed them over. But I understand a little bit more and I kind of wish again, I just sort of wish some of this stuff had gotten explained better in the show. That was an awful season for her.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And the fact that she can bounce back from it and be as calm as she had. I mean, therapy has worked for her. I do think she’s put in the work, as they say.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: It was interesting, too, trying to see her procure the loan.

Sharon: Yeah, she tried to get a personal loan.

Caitlin: They’re not going to give you a personal loan.

Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. Sure.

Caitlin: I could get a personal loan for.

Caitlin: $100,000.

Sharon: And you don’t have millions of dollars of lawsuits against you leaning, yeah, exactly.

Caitlin: And then I think for some people, less so for us. But for some people, I think watching the child performer part where she talked about things with her mom and her childhood growing up and her distrust of men and her dads and that whole situation. So a little shout out for us. But we read her book in our book club episode. Go back and listen to our Erica Jane Book Club episode because honestly, we were shocked. It was a really good book.

Sharon: It is a really good book, and.

Caitlin: It really explains her and her life better. And so I do feel like one of the reasons we can be a little bit more understanding of some of the Erica stuff is that we’ve kind of read through that and we understand some of her from a background. So hearing about her childhood was.

Caitlin: yeah, yeah. They also talked a little bit about the competency and him calling her, and that’s the stuff where I get uncomfortable because I can’t decide how I feel about Tom’s competency, and I’m not sure Erica can either.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: But it was kind of hard hearing.

Caitlin: She seems upset when she talks about it.

Sharon: Yeah. And I kind of also wonder if people just the reason why they’re like, you’re married, you just need to get over it is because they’re just assuming because he’s 20 years older. It was just, it was what do you call it? Like a sugar daddy situation. So she never actually loved it. Well, they were married for 20 years.

Caitlin: They were married for 20 years.

Sharon: She did love him. I mean, even if.

Caitlin: And she said in a lot of ways, he was like a mentor to her, but that’s still a really important role. She didn’t ever have a father figure. I mean, obviously there’s issues here, but the reason she married him and the reasons they were together fulfilled something for her. And that got taken away and she got thrown out. I mean, she was so rich. She was really, really rich. And then they just sort of threw her out in the world with nothing. It was interesting to see her that first season when she asked them that she wanted to completely redo her, intro, like her first, interview.

Caitlin: Uh-huh.

Caitlin: She was like, that didn’t go well. I didn’t like the thing. And she made them redo it. And she has this big, like, you have one chance to, impress people. She has this big thing about it with her. And it was interesting watching her be like, no, I’m doing this back. I mean, she does have a high standard for herself, and that’s really interesting to see because sometimes you kind of think, especially with the way the show kind of was a little bit quick and difficult and put together, but she did want it to be at a good place. She was trying.

Sharon: Yeah, I m don’t think she’ll do any more shows, do you?

Caitlin: Or, like, any big shows might have been traumatic for her. I feel like maybe she’s a smaller venue.

Sharon: I just felt like it was the end of.

Caitlin: It’s interesting the way this show made it. It did feel that way. It didn’t feel like, let’s wait for the next coming back. Yeah, you’re right.

Sharon: And they were crying at the end, like, it was amazing, but it didn’t. It just felt like, because she’d.

Caitlin: Always kind of said, like, I’m a small clubs person, and it’s like, maybe that is kind of what it is. She is dropping that like the new song. What, was it called?

Sharon: Drip. Oh, did they play it? I didn’t play.

Caitlin: Yeah, that’s, ah, when she had all the neon stuff on, I did kind.

Caitlin: Of like the neon look.

Sharon: Oh, actually, I specifically put a note that it was. I thought at the end it was a little ill fitting. It wasn’t interesting.

Caitlin: I didn’t notice. I just was trying to. I wanted them to turn off the lights and let it, like, glow, skeleton dancing. And that didn’t happen, so I was just let down by that. That’s how I felt. Yeah. I mean, I think our show looked fun for fans.

Sharon: I don’t know.

Caitlin: but again, you kind of have to hit that bigger audience and I don’t know.

Sharon: Is it true that the tickets were selling for $7?

Caitlin: They didn’t make it sound like that on the show at all. No, but they did online, and that’s. Doesn’t Sutton say that, too? I don’t know. I mean, it’s hard to say because you can sort of. I don’t know.

Sharon: And is it like someone bought it and resold one for $7?

Caitlin: That’s what I don’t know. Or is it just that they were trying to fill up extra space and way up in the back because it.

Sharon: Says, being sold for as little as.

Caitlin: Right, but what was as much as. Yeah, I’m not sure that you can say it that way.

Sharon: According to resale website Stubhub.

Caitlin: So that was.

Sharon: I don’t know.

Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t know how that’s.

Sharon: Hold on. Another resale company listed between $14 and $22, but Ticketmaster said the least expensive one is $69. So that’s like, people that bought it and were just reselling them.

Caitlin: Maybe.

Caitlin: That’s kind of what I wonder. Or, like, at the last minute sometimes they did say. Because at the end, they said, betted on blonde, opened a rave reviews and was a commercial success. So, I mean, that means she at least made the money back that they put into it, right? I assume that’s what that means.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: But did they ever admit that they didn’t?

Caitlin: I don’t know.

Sharon: Because doesn’t that sound really bad if you didn’t?

Caitlin: I guess so. I don’t know what the legal.

Sharon: But you wouldn’t say commercial success. I don’t think there’s a.

Caitlin: No, they didn’t say how much of a commercial.

Sharon: Yeah. That could mean, like, one guy liked it.

Caitlin: I mean, I felt better about it because I was really worried the whole time. They were just talking about money a lot, and it was a little scary to me that the whole thing was going to.

Sharon: But we knew it happened.

Caitlin: Well, yeah, we did, but I was really invested.

Caitlin: Okay.

Caitlin: It was late, and I was just really. Erica and I were going through it together.

Caitlin: Okay.

Sharon: I don’t know. I found this kind of boring, too. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

Caitlin: It was better to me than it wasn’t better. To me, there was a lot more depth and information housewife and the hustler, but this one was easier, was more palatable, like, it was prettier, and there was better colors, and the storyline was more.

Sharon: And it was her, and it was Mikey, and I like that.

Caitlin: And it felt more like just an extended real Housewives episode. And that I enjoyed. It felt like similar producers. It felt like similar talking heads, the way we’re used to, like, it was our format. And that was comfortable.

Sharon: Yeah, it was comfortable.

Caitlin: All right.

Caitlin: Would you give it a thumbs up? Thumbs down?

Sharon: Yeah, I guess I give us thumbs up. I would probably regret watching it. I don’t know that you need to go watch it again.

Caitlin: I feel like with both of these, just listen to this and you’re. I’m not sure. You really need to spend the time.

Sharon: I’m not sure.

Caitlin: Unless if it had been an opening to the season, I think we would have all liked it more because it would have answered a lot of questions. It would have set us up to be excited for because we knew that’s what she was building toward and that those early episodes were in Vegas.

Caitlin: But instead, they just kind of dropped,

Sharon: It just kind of like. It was like, well, we’ve already heard all just.

Caitlin: It was a bad time to drop it.

Sharon: Nothing burger.

Caitlin: It was a nothing burger. I don’t know why they did that. Do you think they’ll do a third housewife in the hustler? When Tom? For which trial?

Sharon: Maybe. I was trying to think if there would be any other housewives. Because they have the Jen Shaw one.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Now they have Erica. Could they do like,

Caitlin: I don’t know. Who else is in major legal trouble?

Sharon: There’s a lot of them, aren’t there?

Caitlin: Probably, but not quite at this level.

Sharon: This is a big level.

Caitlin: Federal trial. You have to be on a federal trial.

Caitlin: Okay.

Sharon: I don’t know, but it would be.

Caitlin: Kind of fun to see maybe more of that genre of a documentary that explains some of the things going on, but it has to actually explain it.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And I don’t think this is the series to do it. So if they do it, maybe another platform. I feel like Disney plus needs to.

Sharon: Get bravo, docket girls. Their podcast does a good job. Maybe they could let them be in charge.

Caitlin: Yeah, because maybe that. I mean, they seem to break it into bites, like chunks that have.

Caitlin: An actual purpose.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Which I do appreciate. All right, well, that is our episode on the Erica specials. I feel like we waited through them so you don’t have to. You’re welcome.

Sharon: Yes, you’re welcome. 3 hours of. 4 hours of my life today doing this m. 4 hours of my children’s lives.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Caitlin: Scarred for life, actually. They’re going to want to grow up and be Vegas show.

Sharon: During Erica’s, Zoe was dancing like they like music. And then the housewife and the hustler came on, and Olivia said, mommy, where’s the singing in this one? There’s no singing. And I said, that was the other one.

Caitlin: And she’s right. That was missing from that. There was no singing. There’s just people complaining about how much it costs to have a career of singing.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Caitlin: Yeah. All right. Well, remember, housewives bring the drama, but.

Sharon: We bring the receipts.

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