Dorit has a rough season friendship-wise… but she did get 7 fans in Barcelona…
In this episode, we discuss Dorit Kemsley storylines from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13:
⚪Dorit vs PK… ⚪Dorit vs Kyle… ⚪Dorit vs Garcelle… ⚪Dorit vs Denise Richards…
Caitlin: Oh, my God. She has some video. Denise is on Instagram, and she’s, like, trying to make something, and she’s like, I need some tips or advice. So she has out the kitchenaid mixer, and she was, like, stirring something, but she had the bread hook in it, and so it looked like maybe it was cookies. Yeah, the dough hook. And she’s like, it’s just not working very well. And everybody, like, in the comments, that’s the dough. She was just not going well. And then people were like, maybe we need this cooking show. It’s like, maybe we do. Like, maybe we need a bad cooking show by Denise Richard.
Sharon: There used to be that worst cook cinema.
Caitlin: See, she should go on the celebrity version. Yeah. Then she could get tips.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: She did look like she’d never used that thing before, though. Like, it was probably just right out of the box.
Sharon: I can picture people. It’s like people who know how to do stuff, like yelling at the tv. Like, no, Jonathan, what are you doing?
Caitlin: Don’t do that.
Caitlin: And I’m so dumb that for a brief second, I was like, am I supposed to be using the bread hook when I make cookies? Like, I had a moment of piano. Like, see, this is how susceptible to other people’s opinions I am. I’m like, well, if Denise wheelchair just using the bread hook.
Caitlin: Ah.
Caitlin: Hi, this is Caitlin.
Sharon: And this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold onto your diamonds.
Sharon: This week, we’re digging into Darique Kemsley from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, season 13.
Caitlin: The verses this week for Dorit are Dorit versus PK, Dorit versus Kyle, Dorit versus Garcelle, and Dorit versus Denise Richards. So our background info on Dorit is that Dorit Kemsley is an international fashion icon with a unique accent and is the only housewife to have gone to college.
Sharon: Just kidding.
Caitlin: Dorit went very nineties this season.
Sharon: Yeah, I guess that’s the brownie thing to know.
Caitlin: That supermodel.
Sharon: that she had.
Caitlin: It’s a very different look for her.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: All,
Caitlin: Right, should we start with Dorit versus PK?
Sharon: Yeah. So basically, you know, Dorit still has PTSD from being held at gunpoint, and.
Caitlin: Yeah, it doesn’t just go away. Like PK.
Sharon: Yeah. People hold you at gunpoint and threaten to kill you. It freaks you out, kind of affects you. And PK was kind of. I think he’s, like, impatient with her.
Caitlin: He is I think he thinks she should be, like, in quotes, healed by now.
Sharon: Yeah, I just.
Caitlin: Okay.
Sharon: If someone has ever been held at gunpoint, unless you’ve also been held at gunpoint with them in the same, like, at the same exact moment, then I feel like you just don’t get to say anything ever, even if it’s 50 years later, you know?
Caitlin: And it also felt like. Okay, it’s like, do you think he should be more understanding? Yes. And it also felt like a lot of what he was blaming it on was, like, he didn’t like the way she was handling, like, the schooling with the kids, and she didn’t want to send them and things. But it’s like, then those are things they should have a discussion with a therapist about as to whether that relates to that or not. But it’s like, m she had COVID, then she had this happen. It’s like, I can see why she wouldn’t want to send her kids when she can pay to have a tutor and do things in the home. I can understand that. And it’s like, he does disagree. But also, like she said, he’s been gone so much.
Caitlin: Maybe you don’t have as much of a say because you’re not doing it day in, day out. And if you’re not the one in the trenches, then unless you have a humongous problem with it, which I don’t think he has a humongous problem with it. Maybe let her make a couple choices that make her feel safe, as long as she’s not transferring that to her kids, which I didn’t get the vibe that she was. They seemed happy and fine and.
Sharon: Yeah. So, I mean, I did understand PK’s point about, you know. Okay, you can’t just, like, you can’t keep the kid. Oh, yeah. Keep the kids holed up.
Caitlin: That’s what I mean.
Caitlin: Like, she can’t use that to say like that. Yeah. That doesn’t let her win the school argument.
Sharon: Right. But he could have been nicer about it. Like, he was really all the wrong way.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: like, that’s not gonna convince.
Caitlin: And he just made it seem like it was something she’d made up, and then he equated it with her being high maintenance in the past. Like, she’s always been high maintenance. So therefore she has high maintenance PTSD or something. No, it’s not.
Sharon: She’s got the special class.
Caitlin: Yes. Just cause you’re richer doesn’t mean it’s any different. And she said she just wanted him to be there more physically and emotionally. And I agree. It happened when he left.
Caitlin: And then if he continues to keep leaving for travel, then she’s not gonna feel safe. They’re in the same house all the time. Yeah.
Sharon: I feel really scared to be in that house.
Caitlin: I would too. It would take a while to.
Sharon: I think they have really good security.
Caitlin: I would assume that they found something, but yeah, I mean, I agree. Cause I think you would just always have that fear behind you.
Caitlin: Mm.
Caitlin: And you would relive those m. Like, sleeping in the same bedroom would be hard. I don’t know.
Sharon: Yeah, I’d want to move probably.
Caitlin: I would too.
Sharon: But, supposedly they have some financial issues, right?
Caitlin: Yeah. So that might be a problem.
Sharon: Able to move.
Caitlin: Do you think that PK and Dorit can repair, or will Erica’s bravocon prediction be true?
Sharon: I’m gonna say they can repair because I cannot picture them.
Sharon: I cannot picture Durie ever leaving him.
Caitlin: That’s an interesting thing.
Sharon: I think she loves him so much. I think he loves her too. I think so too. He could be the type of person that would get irritated and maybe file for divorce, but, I really think they love each other.
Caitlin: I think so too.
Sharon: I don’t know. And I love pique.
Caitlin: I know.
Caitlin: And we can’t lose both Kyle and Mauricio. And unless that’s not okay, Mauricio and.
Sharon: Pique get their own show.
Caitlin: Right?
Sharon: Then this cannot happen. Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: No, I agree. do you think that. So, like, do you think there’s anything to Sutton sort of hinting that, like, she heard the rumor that PK wasn’t alone in the car when he got pulled over for his DUI? Like, do you think she’s hinting at cheating? Like, do you think?
Sharon: I don’t see him cheating.
Caitlin: I don’t either.
Sharon: It just doesn’t ring true to me. I don’t know why.
Caitlin: I kind of agree, and I feel like that’s not something you could really hide. If there was a, police report, wouldn’t they mention if there was another person in the car?
Sharon: I think so.
Caitlin: I think it would be public knowledge.
Sharon: And I don’t think PK’s, like, rich enough to pay anyone off, you know?
Caitlin: Like, he doesn’t have that kind of extra cash.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: Because we’ve learned that, Jarit doesn’t borrow clothes like, she buys them. She keeps them.
Sharon: So she doesn’t use rent the Runway.
Caitlin: She doesn’t use rent the Runway. They did go after each other a lot, and they’re talking heads. And I didn’t like it. And I think partially it was because of the whole issue with Kyle and Mauricio. Like, that was so uncomfortable that then when they were kind of going, it’s like, don’t go down that same road. Like, we can’t watch that twice. Otherwise it maybe it wouldn’t have seemed like as big of a deal.
Caitlin: But we’re comparing what’s going on with them m to what’s going on with Kyla Mauricio, and therefore it makes it worse. So in that respect, it’s like maybe they can get back together because maybe it’s not as big of a thing. And if we didn’t have this other thing to compare it to, maybe we wouldn’t see it in the same light.
Sharon: Yeah. It’s interesting because, like, Kyle and Mauricio seems to come from an internal problem with their marriage, whereas PK and Durie, it was an external problem that changes. I guess that doesn’t necessarily mean the marriage breakout, but I’m wondering if it’s kind of, but like, maybe the one’s.
Caitlin: More foundational and the other’s, ah, more circumstantial. And if you can get past the circumstance, like, the foundation is still strong.
Sharon: I feel like that just sounded really smart.
Caitlin: It did sound really smart. Let’s put that on a t shirt. I’m gonna get my own book.
Sharon: Foundational versus circumstantial. I like it. Good job. What did you think about pretty woman?
Caitlin: I didn’t like it either.
Sharon: I didn’t like it. Not because of, like, the whole, like, okay, I don’t like surprises either.
Caitlin: No, I hate surprises.
Sharon: But, I just, that wouldn’t have, like, really, I wouldn’t have wanted to do that.
Caitlin: Well, Dorita, how much older than us is she now? I don’t remember.
Sharon: She’s like our age.
Caitlin: Yeah, I thought so. Maybe a little bit older, maybe a couple of years. But I don’t think of that as one of our big growing up movies either. So it almost felt like maybe it was more him. And it’s like, I guess unless that was, like, your favorite movie that you watch together. That movie just doesn’t do it for me. So, like, I think that too felt really cheesy.
Caitlin: Uh-huh.
Caitlin: And it felt like, forced, like he wanted a certain, like, thank you and response out of her. And she kind of, like, wasn’t ready for it. She wasn’t ready for the surprise. She wasn’t ready to leave the house. She didn’t want to do any of it.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And so then it just made the whole thing awkward.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: It’s like that date I told you I went out with my husband where they played that awful movie, some movie with a dog. And I was so worried that the dog wasn’t gonna make it home that I couldn’t pay any attention to the date. It felt like that, like she was just so worried about all this other stuff. She’s like, I can’t be present in this. I can’t enjoy it. Plus, you didn’t get to keep the jewelry, so. Yeah, that’s not as fun as people think it is.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Oh, here’s something you have to wear for two minutes, and then you have.
Sharon: To pretend like you really like the whole thing, because he did put in a lot of effort and try sometimes.
Caitlin: That’s a lot of effort.
Sharon: Yeah. And you’re like, well, maybe I would’ve just wanted to sit and watch a movie with you at home.
Caitlin: Yeah, maybe she just wanted a nice evening in. I get that.
Sharon: She just wanted some quiet.
Caitlin: Yeah, well, he’s gone so much. She didn’t want a big gesture. She just wanted, like, him to be there. She wanted time.
Sharon: I agree.
Caitlin: Maybe they have different love languages.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Good. Do you think he’s just mad that she bought seven painted fans in Brussels? Is she on a budget? Do you think she’s on a budget?
Sharon: I don’t think Therese knows what the word budget is.
Caitlin: No, but I bet he’d like her to be on a budget. I don’t think she’s on a budget, but I think it might be a good idea.
Sharon: Yeah, it’d be a good idea if I was put on a budget. I mean, everything she wears has major designer labels, so probably.
Caitlin: Okay, so who?
Sharon: I mean, how long. How much money does boy George still make?
Caitlin: I don’t know. And why does he have to be gone so much? Yeah, like, is that still really a real hands on job?
Sharon: And I mean, I assume he does other stuff, but, like, I think he does.
Caitlin: We don’t know why.
Caitlin: We don’t know.
Sharon: What.
Caitlin: Because that soccer player he was in charge of, he’s not around anymore, so.
Sharon: Soccer.
Caitlin: Wasn’t he in charge of, like, pele or somebody?
Sharon: Oh, that really famous dude?
Caitlin: Yeah, I thought. Oh, because I thought they talked about it on the show.
Sharon: I thought he died a long time ago.
Caitlin: Well, I think so. And so, like, that’s why I don’t understand why he’s so busy. Oh, okay. Who wins?
Sharon: Dorit.
Caitlin: Dorit? Yeah. I just think PK needs to step it up a little bit. Like, he needs to be there for her because she had the trauma.
Sharon: Right.
Caitlin: It’s not easy, but, you know, you gotta do it. Okay, let’s move on to Dorit versus Kyle. So Kyle really seems to distance herself from Dorit this season. What’s odd to me is that they’re going through similar hard times with their husbands. So you think that since they’re both having these growing pains, they would understand each other, and it’s the exact opposite.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So why do we think that Dorit and Kyle had the space this season?
Sharon: No clue.
Caitlin: I don’t know either. Cause Dorit says it’s Kyle who distanced herself, and I got that vibe too.
Caitlin: Kyle does say she was disappointed. The only thing she gives us at the reunion is that she was disappointed in how Dorit didn’t stand up for her with Kathy. But when they showed that clip back, it was like 1 second, and all she did is say, maybe you should hear what Kathy’s saying. Okay.
Sharon: She was just.
Caitlin: I mean, it wasn’t premeditated. Like, she just threw a comment into me.
Sharon: Part of the, story. And Doritos always been supportive of Kyle.
Caitlin: Exactly. And she always says stuff that kind of stirs the pot to everybody. But I don’t think it’s just Kyle focused.
Sharon: Yeah. I mean, yeah.
Caitlin: Why do you think, also, like, Kyle said, that they aren’t close friends. Like, she said, they don’t eat lunch together outside of filming, and they’ve only been on one couples trip together. Just one.
Sharon: That’s so strange.
Caitlin: We’ve only been on one couple’s trip together. You’re still good, right?
Sharon: But, you know, I find that that’s like, that’s a really hurtful thing to say.
Caitlin: I think it’s really hurtful.
Sharon: It’s really mean to say, there’s no.
Caitlin: Reason we’re not friends.
Sharon: It’s like, what are you talking about? It’s kind of like you’re in school and someone, like, pretends that they didn’t.
Caitlin: They.
Sharon: I was friends with you.
Caitlin: I was second grader about this. I was like, you can distance yourself from somebody without saying to them, yeah, I don’t want to be your friend anymore. I can’t be your friend. That’s hurtful. M. Just go play somebody else. Like, you don’t have to say it. It’s mean.
Sharon: Yeah, yeah, that’s. It’s, yeah.
Caitlin: I think if Kyle’s on this, like, I’m a new person vibe, like, then just give. Put some space and just be quiet about Dorit. Noticed there’s space. She doesn’t need it, like, thrown in her face.
Sharon: Yeah, I didn’t like you much anyway.
Caitlin: And they haven’t spoken since we were filming till the reunion. That is weird.
Sharon: That’s super weird. Do you think Kyle’s just fucking everybody except for Morgan?
Caitlin: I think she wants a whole new life, and she’s just cutting everybody out. That reminds me, I wonder if she’s, do you think she’s maybe afraid that PK will take stuff back to Mauricio? Oh, that could be a fair.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Cause I could picture Dorit not keeping stuff in confidence.
Caitlin: Yeah, she’s got a big black.
Sharon: I mean, yeah. It just made me sad, because I like their friendship. I like Dorit and Kyle and I.
Caitlin: Like, seemed like one of the genuine side of the show friendships. Those are nice.
Sharon: They really had fun. Laughing. I like seeing the couples together. This kind of bums me out.
Caitlin: Breaking the vibe. I know Dorit thinks Morgan took her place. Did she?
Sharon: Sort of.
Caitlin: I think so.
Sharon: Except also yes and no, because Morgan, also took Mauricio’s place.
Caitlin: That’s true.
Sharon: Well, she’s a lot of people’s place.
Caitlin: She’s been working really hard.
Sharon: She’s very, what is it? Multi use?
Caitlin: Multifaceted.
Sharon: Multifaceted. Thank you.
Caitlin: She has many sizes.
Sharon: She wears a lot of hats.
Caitlin: Do you think the fact, so Dorit met Morgan, like, two years ago, and she said that Morgan stuck out like a sore thumb, but she was very nice. And Dorit said that that was one of the last times that she and PK and Kyle, mauricio hung out together as a couple. Do you think that Dorit then was like, I don’t really like Morgan. And do you think that maybe that’s, Kyle was like, well, if you don’t like Morgan, then I’m distancing myself. Like, do you think that was part of the distancing?
Sharon: See, I would think that if Dorit.
Caitlin: Doesn’T like her new favorite toys, but.
Sharon: If Dorit didn’t like, like, I can’t imagine Kyle really spending time with them together. M so I could see Dorit being her if maybe Kyle’s suddenly just like.
Caitlin: Oh, she and Morgan are just like, they’re running up that hill, exercising and slow. She’s tired. She’s at the bottom of the hill. She’s like, you guys, I didn’t, ah, wear the right shoes.
Sharon: I don’t think she would be hurt just because Kyle was friends with her. I think she would be hurt that Kyle was suddenly ignoring her.
Caitlin: Yeah. And telling her the things she might have told her.
Sharon: Yeah. Like if she kind of just ditched her as a friend.
Caitlin: I feel like it was weird how little. I mean, it was addressed during the season, but it was really addressed then at the reunion.
Caitlin: So it was almost like it just built and built and built and like they didn’t show us all, all of it. I feel like it’s, or there wasn’t enough to say on it. And then at the reunion, Andy kind of got to be like, okay, this was weird to all of us all season.
Caitlin: So Dorit says Kyle tried to silence her and because she sent her this, like, we were going to read the text, but then we read it to each other and it was so confusing and made no sense.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: That we’re not going to do that to you. But pretty much Kyle kind of just wanted, I felt like she wanted to reboot everything. Is that the right word? Rebut pre. But like a rebuttal. Like a rebut?
Sharon: Yeah. Yeah. You say rebuttal, but can you say.
Caitlin: Rebut as a verb?
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: That’s what she was trying to do, but it felt like she was wanting to go through everything that she didn’t, like the dirty did for the season and like, try to put it all randomly in the text, you know, like when I’ll send you, like, a total, like, brain dump. That’s sort of like, you don’t actually have to understand this. I just had to get it all out. It felt like that, but then at the same time, it was mean. Like, it wasn’t just like, these are the things I’ve been thinking of. It was like, and don’t tell anybody about it and don’t talk about it. And you don’t need to bring it up. And also, you did all these things wrong, by the way.
Caitlin: But don’t let I don’t talk about it. It made no sense. And it was a really stupid move on Kyle, who’s done this for so many years, to take someone you haven’t talked to since filming and then throw something at them at the reunion and expect that it’s not gonna come up. Everyone’s just gonna be like, oh, sure, we don’t need to talk about it.
Sharon: Yeah. It’s so suspicious. It’s like you brought more attention to what you were trying to remove attention from.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Dorit barely had a storyline in a lot of places.
Sharon: Yeah, you gave her. That was a big article about that text message.
Caitlin: Before the reading.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: It almost like made it so that I feel like she will have a spot. Whereas it might have been a little.
Sharon: Iffier before because Dorit doesn’t really have any friends.
Caitlin: No, she really doesn’t. It was Kyle and Mauricio and Kay. I mean, that was kind of the thing.
Caitlin: Mm
Sharon: It’s kind of, yeah. Sad. I don’t think Kyle was a very good friend to Dorit.
Caitlin: No, I don’t think so either. Cause she did say something like, well, I guess I just need to not, you know, assume that everyone’s being nice to me and. Yeah. Cause I feel like Kyle wasn’t. I mean, maybe she wasn’t being as like, sniping in the talking heads as Dorit was.
Caitlin: Uh-huh.
Caitlin: But that’s kind of Dorit’s thing.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And sometimes I think you can’t take everything in a talking head at 100% face value because you are being kind of prompted and they know, like, the funnier you are and the more smart then you get your talking head on.
Sharon: And I think, you know, you’re supposed to make funnier friends and the talking heads.
Caitlin: So I think you have to put that.
Sharon: I don’t think you would get too mad. You know what I mean?
Caitlin: It’s like also then Kyle said that Dorit wanted to be on the audience side. Do you think that’s true?
Sharon: Well, doesn’t everyone want to be on the audience side?
Caitlin: First of all, that’s kind of a.
Sharon: Dumb comment in general. No one wants to be the bad guy.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Caitlin: Everyone wants the public opinion to go toward them. It was interesting, as online people were saying, well, that doesn’t make any sense because Dorit’s the one who has the least social engagement. She posts her stuff, but she doesn’t have commenting and she’s not. So many of the housewives will comment back to us and our DM’s and talk to, and there’ll be some discussion back and forth on things and you’ll see them actively talking to people. Dorit doesn’t do that. So it is true. She’s not out there garnering the support some housewives. So it just felt like a deflection, I think.
Sharon: Yeah, I, think Kyle, Kyle is just trying to draw attention away from.
Caitlin: Her weirdness too, because, like, blaming Dorit for the Morgan thing and Dreet’s like, well, it was already out there. We were talking about it. The whole, I mean, the whole season opened with that look.
Sharon: Kyle was annoyed. You know how like when we saw Kylo with Mauricio, she just seemed annoyed with. Yes, it was the same with Dorit. She just seemed annoyed with her.
Caitlin: That’s what it is.
Sharon: Like, she’s annoyed that Tariq can’t run with her and Morgan. I like what that, like if someone told me that I was like, I’m trying to, to exercise and do better and you’re like, shaming me and saying, I can’t work out with you, you’re at the same level workoutiness that I. Gatekeeping worker outer.
Caitlin: I’m not going to the gym with Kyle.
Sharon: Isn’t that horrible? Can you imagine that?
Caitlin: No.
Caitlin: It would break your spirit.
Caitlin: Yes.
Caitlin: It’s probably why she was like, you know what? I don’t work out and I’m not gonna know. Do you think that Kyla, I’m really mad about that Dorit can repair. I’m a little worried.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: I’m worried that it’s gonna be part of the baggage that goes with Mauricio.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: I don’t know. Because the way, if someone you thought you were friends with said, we’re not friends, what are you talking about?
Caitlin: What are you gonna do? Yeah.
Sharon: I don’t know. That’d be hard to trust them ever again.
Caitlin: You almost rethink the whole friendship in a way.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: You’re like, oh, I guess that’s not like a misunderstanding. Exactly. That’s like, oh, by the way, I never liked you the way you liked it. That’s a huge, that’s a big deal.
Sharon: Stab in the back.
Caitlin: Yeah. It almost feels like the only way it would be possible is if she were to completely throw mauricio and be like, I hate that mauricio. I’m not 100% team kyle.
Caitlin: Like, if she jumped on that, I love morgan, let’s handle her more. But it feels like it would have to be really dishonest on her part because she does care about mauricio and she doesn’t really like Morgan. So it feels like if she does that, it’s just more people pleasing to keep Kyle in her pocket than actual repair.
Sharon: So I really loved Dre. I think I do too. So she’s always been someone I’ve liked. I don’t know that she needs to be on much longer.
Caitlin: I agree.
Caitlin: I’m worried that her, I’m worried that.
Sharon: She puts her on because I like her outfits.
Caitlin: It’s so fun to watch.
Sharon: I just like watching her and her outfits and that kind of stuff, but, and I think, you know, her family’s sweet and I really like PK.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: But I’m not sure. And especially everything that’s happened with the robbery.
Caitlin: And it may not be good for her. And she’s had a lot of seasons where she’s been trying really hard to make a story.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: But I guess they probably need the money.
Caitlin: Yeah, I think they do.
Sharon: Cause boy George isn’t paying any more.
Caitlin: Somebody’s gotta pay those bills. should we move on to.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: oh.
Caitlin: We didn’t say who won. The moral victory goes to Dorit. Yeah, but Kyle got to control the narrative. And Kyle got to say, like, our friendship doesn’t matter.
Sharon: Yeah, you’re right. Kyle got to be m the one hurting her.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: And Dorit got hurt.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: So I feel like Dorit didn’t really win.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Public opinion. Okay, let’s talk about Dorit versus Garcelle. This one’s a trickier one to deal with.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: This one made me sad.
Caitlin: This one made me sad, too, because.
Sharon: I really like both of them. I do too.
Caitlin: And they’re both I mean, Garcelle just has so much like, to teach us honestly on the show. And it felt bad to see Dorit be the one that just frustrated her.
Sharon: So badly this season.
Caitlin: Garcelle doesn’t trust Dorit to be a safe place for her. She thinks Dorit is clueless when it comes to what Garcelle has been through as a black woman. And Garcelle calls it Dorit’s unconscious Karen behavior. Okay, let’s go through just a few examples so we kind of know what we’re talking about here. When they’re having breakfast in Vegas, Garcelle’s like, I don’t know if I trust you guys when it comes to my family. And Dorit was, like, the most offended by that. and Garcelle’s like, I just don’t think I trust this group. When they go to Crystal’s taco Tuesday, Dorit says attack when she’s talking about Garcelle. And Garcelle’s like, you can’t say attack. it’s a different connotation when it’s about a black woman and she feels like she’s explained that to Dorit multiple times. When they meet for lunch, it’s really awkward. Dariet gets defensive. Garcelle calls it unconscious Karen behavior. Dorit’s like, but I’m jewish. Garcelle’s like, so the way she did it, the way she said it wasn’t good. and then Dorit’s like, well, I’ll be more careful. But Garcelle’s exasperated. in Barcelona, they finally kind of find some peace when Dorit tells her story about being the only jewish kid growing up. That was a nice moment.
Caitlin: do you think Dorit is an unconscious Karen?
Sharon: I just think Dorit’s unconscious.
Caitlin: Yeah, I think so too. I think across the board. I mean, even Erica said, I don’t think she means any harm, but yeah, she’s stepping in it.
Sharon: I, think she’s, She doesn’t have any ill intent. I just think she’s, Yeah.
Caitlin: Think she’s like horribly unaware.
Sharon: Yeah. Yeah, probably. She doesn’t seem to pay attention. And even some things like, just emotionally unaware. Almost like when Doris said, or, I’m sorry, when Garcelle said, I don’t trust you around my family.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Like, if someone said that to me, that would hurt. And even if they’re, they’re right, they’re wrong. But you just have to, at that point, that person’s hurt and you just have to accept it. And to be like, yeah, I’m sorry, what can I do to like, make you feel safe?
Caitlin: She just said she was mad or hurt. She was hurt and then she made it about her.
Sharon: Exactly. So she keeps turning it around instead of just listen and be like, yeah, okay.
Caitlin: Yeah, she’s a big, like, this is my story. And she thinks that’s gonna help. And it really does. So how do you think she can, or can she, I guess, repair things with Garcelle?
Sharon: I think they could. I don’t think they’ll ever be best friends, but, I think. I think they could like slowly ease into something.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: I mean, I think Garcelle will always be guarded with her.
Caitlin: Mm
Caitlin: Like she said at the reunion, do you want to have a friendship with me? And Garcelle was like, I’m not sure.
Sharon: And that was harsh.
Caitlin: That was harsh.
Sharon: But Garcelle’s honest.
Caitlin: But she is honest. And I kind of agree with her because I think they’ve lost some trust.
Caitlin: So they either have to find something in common, like the kids or some fashion or something where they like have something in common that they can like put in the hours, build up the time. but I don’t know that she can trust. Dorit’s always gonna run her mouth.
Sharon: And also the way Garcelle brought up the thing about, like saying dari lie or possibly really wasn’t attacked, I don’t think darike could ever. That was like, if someone told me, like, I thought that was harsh, that was really strange. I don’t understand why Garcelle did that. That was really weird to me that she did that.
Caitlin: I feel like it was like online rumors. And I half wonder if a producer or something didn’t say, like, have you heard the online rumors? And she’s like, oh, I’ll just say the thing about the jewelry or whatever.
Sharon: Because it seemed like ourselves to me.
Caitlin: It was hurtful. Yeah.
Sharon: Like, if someone was really had their life at risk and their kids lives at risk, I feel like Garcelle wouldn’t joke about them. I don’t understand.
Caitlin: That’s what made me almost feel like Dorit had said more and done more than we have been privileged to seeing on the show. And, then that Garcelle was really hurt by Doritos. I mean.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: And she didn’t like when Dorit said, the only bubble I live in is a love bubble, Teresa. I didn’t like it because of the Teresa. Exactly. But, like, then to read again was just, it’s like, oh, my gosh, you just have to stop because it’s not making it any better. Like, okay, I put the question, like, how can she do better? Like, how can we all do better? I mean, one of my favorite things about Beverly Hills is that I think we get to have this conversation and we get to have it with someone like Garcelle, who is so knowledgeable and who’s so willing to share how she feels.
Caitlin: And she is so kind and understanding that it is weird that she’s lost so much patience with Dorit, of all people, which worries me that there isn’t much that they can repair. Like, maybe they just will never see eye to eye.
Sharon: Well, I think she kind of thinks Dorit’s a lost cause when I think she likes.
Caitlin: Rich.
Caitlin: I don’t know, maybe. I mean, I don’t think she needs to break off ties with her, but I do think that they definitely need space and they need something else to connect them that isn’t this constant, like, not understanding each other. Right.
Sharon: I agree.
Caitlin: Yeah. Dorit said she should be less naive of people being nice to her. Is naive what she is?
Sharon: I don’t know. I don’t think she can.
Caitlin: At this point in your life, I’m not sure you can say you’re naive about things. I think you can say, these are the things that I do, and this is the background I come from. So I do these dumb things and I do them over and over. And I won’t learn. There’s just some mistakes you’re just gonna make over and over and, like. But I’m not sure you can call yourself naive at this point. M. You have a show you can watch back even, and, like, see what you did and hear what we’re supposed to do. I don’t think naive is the right word.
Sharon: She’s trying to defend herself.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Which I under. She just needs to, like, just stop.
Caitlin: Like, she makes it worse.
Caitlin: She does.
Sharon: She just makes everything worse.
Caitlin: And I think, like, on top of the Kyle thing with Kyle being like, we’re not friends anymore.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Then the Garcelle thing’s even harder.
Caitlin: And so I think she’s handling it it even less well than she might have. She wasn’t gonna handle it well anyway. I don’t know why I’m saying that. She’s clueless.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: She just needs to wear her pretty dress.
Caitlin: That’s the head toe logo. Okay, so who wins?
Caitlin: Garcelle.
Sharon: Garcelle.
Caitlin: Yeah. Okay, let’s talk about. We’re gonna switch and have a little more fun.
Sharon: Dorit versus Denise Richards.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: I got to say a verses. so yeah, this is basically happens at the pot dinner.
Caitlin: Yep.
Sharon: my favorite. Yeah, I don’t really know what the verses is. It’s kind of like, Denise Richard hates everyone.
Caitlin: Yeah, she does. And Dorit seems to, like, lead us into all of the Denise moments. Okay, what do you think is better? The thank you. You’re welcome that Denise does to herself or the upside down coat?
Sharon: Upside down coat.
Caitlin: Yeah, I love that.
Sharon: And what I love about it is it like this little reenactment that they did. I’m not sure what happened live. These two actors, two famous actors.
Caitlin: Who was it? I don’t remember.
Sharon: Yeah, but it was,
Caitlin: Yeah, yeah. Oh, my God.
Sharon: Love it. It was just such a great moment. That whole coat thing was just genius.
Caitlin: Like, maybe you’re.
Sharon: That couldn’t have happened with anyone else. Could it have?
Caitlin: Like, I don’t think so. If I was her, I’d probably only wear my coats like that now. Just be like, this is how I wear them.
Sharon: No, I totally missed it.
Caitlin: She should have shown up at the white party with an upside down. Like, she m missed a moment. Dorit also kind of, she’s the one who sort of starts talking to Denise at the pot party that goes awry when she’s like, oh, it’s been so long. And then that’s when Denise launches into Erica, why did you treat me a certain way.
Sharon: That was so weird.
Caitlin: And it was like, well, that was six years ago, and Erica wasn’t sure what she was talking about.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: And I loved how even the waiter was just like, Denise Richards is messed up. Cause she just was.
Sharon: She was. It was bad.
Caitlin: It was really bad.
Sharon: I was embarrassed for her. It was cringy watching us.
Caitlin: So bad. Do you think that Erica owed Denise an apology? No, I felt like she apologized before.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And I feel a little bit bad saying it, but Denise Richards lives her life in a way that I’m not sure that it was really relevant.
Sharon: This was so old news.
Caitlin: So old news.
Sharon: And it was like, not like it came back up organically.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: It’s not true. Like, she brought it up right. And then I just don’t feel like she’s,
Caitlin: Maybe I’m wrong. Like, maybe I’m reading this wrong, but I don’t really feel like Erica was the first one to bring these topics up to Denise’s kids, and that is Erica’s fault of everything that follows after it.
Sharon: This is such a minor thing.
Caitlin: It’s like, I can kind of see why Erica threw out the onlyfans thing at Taco Tuesday.
Sharon: Oh, I actually thought that was hilarious.
Caitlin: It was funny because that’s sort of the point. Like, this is how you’re choosing to live your life, and you’re mad at me for saying that you signed off on your daughter’s OnlyFans account, but you’re mad at me for bringing up threesomes at a dinner party a lot of years ago. Yeah, maybe it was embarrassing to her kids, I’ll give her that. That the old ladies were talking about stuff, but then go inside her.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly. But no one would have even noticed. It would have all blown over if she wouldn’t have made a thing.
Caitlin: You don’t think it’s worse at Charlie Sheen’s dinner party?
Sharon: Okay. Oh, exactly. And have people never heard their parents talk about embarrassing things? They’re like, oh, we’ll just leave.
Caitlin: I think you’re have a childhood if you didn’t have family.
Sharon: People are too protective of their kids.
Caitlin: Well, it was funny because on taco Tuesday, again, it was Dorit who kind of, like, says, like, oh, did you talk to Erica, to Denise, and then leaves. Like, she has this thing about stirring the pot and.
Caitlin: Just walking away.
Caitlin: Well.
Sharon: Cause she didn’t have. She needs a storyline where she’s not in trouble.
Caitlin: That’s true.
Sharon: So that’s like her trying to like.
Caitlin: Well, guys, I’m out of here. Did you guys talk? Yeah.
Sharon: Let me just set the scene, get it going so I’m in the scene. M. Yeah.
Caitlin: So one of my, one of our most likes liked memes on Instagram this time. So it was, right after the coat thing happened, and it was Erica and crystal sitting to the side, and she was all like, we look like primary colors. And I was like, no, that’s not true, because green’s a secondary color, and, like, pink is a hue. And I was like, is anyone else bothered by this? And so many people were like,
Sharon: This made me so, like, the people.
Caitlin: Were just outraged by it. Do you think Dorit will make it back next season?
Sharon: I think she will. Especially if there’s. If there really are problems with her and PK. I think she will.
Caitlin: And if they. If Kyle comes back and there really is the discussion of the fact that they’ve never been friends. Right.
Sharon: If there’s not gonna be anything with her and PK or Kyle doesn’t come back, I think she’s out.
Caitlin: I agree.
Sharon: Cause she’d be just. Yeah, nothing.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: On her own. I do have a. I do have a picture, a fridge magnet of her.
Caitlin: You do?
Sharon: That’s right.
Caitlin: I gave her the Dorit magnet.
Sharon: That’s awesome.
Caitlin: All right, well, that is our Dorit episode from season 13. yeah. Go follow us on Instagram. Go follow us on threads. You can see some of those memes that people think are hilarious. Caitlin, self small, self entitled hilarious. They’re hilarious to me, so they will be hilarious to you.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: All right, remember, housewives, bring the drama.
Sharon: Will you bring the receipts? Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave our reading and review. Also, visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both h on rh for fun pictures and polls, or email us at rh on Thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.