Apples with episode title

Cackle along with us hags as we talk airline points, that up-and-coming Tribeca and what happened in 1492 (Jessel’s version).

In this episode, we discuss Jessel Taank storylines from Real Housewives of New York Season 14:

⚪Jessel vs Erin ⚪Jessel vs Sai ⚪Jessel vs Pavit

Episode 55 on Spotify

Episode Transcript (generated by

Sharon: It’s so sad when you think stuff’s.

Caitlin: Funny that other people.

Sharon: I know. Actually, I don’t know what’s better. Is it more sad when you think it’s funny and no one else does or someone thinks it’s funny and you don’t like what’s worse?

Caitlin: Oh, that’s an excellent question.

Sharon: I guess it’s worse if you don’t think it’s funny.

Caitlin: No, I think it’s worse if you think it’s funny and someone else doesn’t because it’s such a letdown.

Sharon: Huh?

Caitlin: Because you just think you’re so funny, and then the other person’s like, you’re not us, and then you just feel dumb. Whereas if you don’t get it, you feel stupid. but that’s okay because it might still objectively be funny out there, like our podcast. Hi, this is Caitlin.

Sharon: And this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.

Sharon: So chic.

Caitlin: Hold on to your apples.

Sharon: This week we’re digging into Jessel tank from Real Housewives of New York, season 14, the reboot. That’s right.

Caitlin: The verses this week are Jessel versus Aaron, Jessel versus psy, and Jessel versus Povitt. So we haven’t seen each other since Bravocon. I know, which is weird. And we haven’t recorded since Bravocon, which is also weird.

Sharon: Yes. I was out of town.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: So this is. We feel like it’s been, like, so long, which you guys probably haven’t even noticed, but for us, it was painful. So we’re back.

Sharon: Oh, and a lot of people complained on our Bravo con episodes. We got more listeners than we’ve ever had.

Caitlin: That was awesome.

Sharon: And then a lot of people complained that we laughed.

Caitlin: It was just one lady, but it still hurt my feelings. Okay, it was one lady.

Sharon: But you know what? We were just talking at the end of the day.

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: And we did get the giggles because there were some things. And, okay, I’m still mad. Just as an update. Yeah. Danielle Cabral has still not posted the picture of us, even though I paid $50 for the megaphone. So if any of you know her, please reach out and tell her what my picture reposted because I feel cheated out of $50.

Sharon: I do, too.

Caitlin: And next season, her podcast isn’t going to be great. The whole time I’m going to be like, well, who did you it? Well, not Danielle because she didn’t post my picture of her. It’s been a month or over a month. I mean, yeah, you’ve gone. You’ve come back.

Sharon: I want my money back.

Sharon: Yeah, I want.

Caitlin: I have to have a nose job. I mean, so much has happened in the time that she could have.

Sharon: Caitlin. Can’t breathe, y’all.

Caitlin: I can’t breathe. So I’m getting a housewives nose job. So that’s exciting. Yeah. Well, my nose will still look the same, but the inside will look totally. It’s more like a remodel of. It’s a reboot. Hey, what’s a reboot? Okay. All right, let’s do the background information on Jessel. So she is a fashion publicist and brand consultant and mom to twin boys. She’s married to povet, who is president of. Okay, and I just looked this up today. Phone daddy.

Sharon: I just can’t.

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: And it reminds me of what is. There’s like an appliance.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Godaddy or fried daddy. Is that a thing? Oh, yes. That’s what it reminds me. it is a Dallas based telecommunications company. So that explains why they were talking about them possibly being in Dallas and then moving up just for the show as they were.

Caitlin: looked. So when I went on the website, I had a little trouble finding it at first. Then I found kind of like a Facebook page. And then it was a little bit jokey. It was weirder than I thought. Like, not as.

Sharon: Is this, like, a cover for something else?

Caitlin: Do you know Jen shop? She’s in Texas right now.

Sharon: Your job involves leads.

Caitlin: There’s, like, new and used phone deals. And at first I thought maybe it.

Sharon: Was, like, in bulk, but it.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: Doesn’t it?

Caitlin: Yes, because I don’t want to buy it. I mean, I’m super cheap.

Sharon: I don’t want to buy phone from phone daddy.

Caitlin: No, I agree. I’m sorry I laughed. Guys, I know you hate that. Okay, so the reboot is both loved and hated. Where do we stand?

Sharon: I loved it. It is nothing like the other New York. No, I feel like it shouldn’t even be considered a different show. It’s just a different show to me.

Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I think you’re right. Maybe the word reboot was confusing. Like, maybe there’s something else that they need to say there.

Sharon: Yeah, because the old one was more like kind of a stuffy upper crust, whereas this was like a younger, cooler, younger m. So it was different parts of New York.

Caitlin: I guess that’s true. I didn’t think about it. The rules of society are not as applicable to this group as they were to the previous groups.

Caitlin: That’s interesting. The first few episodes we were talking about were kind of like incohesive a bit. So originally there was another cast member announced she left because of all these anti semitic comments about her family and she didn’t want them in the crossfires. So I think they had filmed part of it stopped, kept some of the stuff. So that’s why I think it was sort of weird when we were talking about the rumor with the cheese and the being at the restaurant, but we didn’t see the party. I do think there was some disconnect in those early episodes, which was weird.

Sharon: I agree. When you told me about that, I was like, that makes sense because the cheese thing, it’s like, this isn’t complicated, but it’s not sticking in my head.

Caitlin: I don’t quite get it. Yeah. And it felt like off screen it was like, I mean, I do care about cheese. It’s not that I don’t, but I don’t care that much about cheese. So also of the first season, judgment, it really came out that Jessel, who this episode is about, won the season. It was interesting because for me, I totally, totally disagree. That’s what social media said because she got that article with Rolling Stone. It had really cool photos.

Sharon: See, I don’t let other people influence.

Caitlin: I’m not going to be pushed around by the man. Who are they? Just a little magazine.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: but what I thought was interesting with her, she does kind of have maybe a redemption arc or maybe not. But I really did not like her at the beginning of the season. At.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And I was pulling for by the end, not across the board, but against Erin and Sai at least.

Sharon: Yeah, I mean, I didn’t particularly, I like her in the beginning. I liked her more at the end, but I still am kind of, and I don’t feel like she, I don’t see in any way how she redeemed herself. She wasn’t that bad to start with. She was just annoying.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: but, yeah, she was still annoying at the end.

Caitlin: I feel like maybe I understood why she did what she did earlier on the season more, though, by the end of the season. No, now I’m like second guessing it because I was like, well, I think I liked her more, but maybe I didn’t actually. I think maybe I let social media push me around.

Sharon: Maybe I think I could be friends with her. I think she might be a cool person as far as watching her. I just don’t care for her as.

Caitlin: Much yeah, that’s fair. I did think she was beautiful, though. And I loved some of the stuff.

Sharon: She wore, and I pretty much hated everything she wore. I even texted Caitlin while I was watching it, and I was like, she is in fashion because she wears, that was true. Ugliest stuff I’ve ever seen.

Caitlin: She does make weird, and she always.

Sharon: Had stuff on her neck, and I don’t like turtle or anything on my neck.

Caitlin: Yeah, I guess I liked her jewelry. I think that’s what it was, because I was obsessed with those dangly earrings all season. So I think I was just like, ooh, the earrings back. That’s where I landed. So then I didn’t notice below the waves.

Sharon: We’re going to talk about povet later. I loved povet. I would way rather hang out with povet.

Caitlin: Initially, I was really mad at her because I liked povet. I was like, would you stop treating him like. But, yeah, we can talk about, we can talk about phone daddy when we get there. Do you think she called him phone daddy at home? Because that would explain why they didn’t have sex for so long. Because if your husband was like, you have to call me, phone daddy. No, thank you. Okay, let’s start with Jessel versus Aaron. So the background information, I think, where everything stems from this is the issue of the cackling hags. So Jenna joked when they were in the hamptons.

Caitlin: And they were at that dinner and Uba was trying to steal the coconut milk from the pantry, which was really funny. It was funny because when we went to the Grinch tea, we went to the Grinch, the stole Christmas tea. So we were in this hotel and we went up my mom’s like, I think that was the service elevator. And I was like, no, sometimes the elevator is just open in the back. I mean, I don’t know, maybe we were in the service elevator, but you could totally see down the hallway and into the kitchen. And it made me think, like, do they have coconut milk? I literally thought that. Which they did return. But, she said, oh, I can hear them to jussell. I can hear the cackling hags. So it a little bit came from Jenna, even though she didn’t want to.

Caitlin: Take credit for it. And then when they’re at Erin’s house, Jenna spills the tea or the boob creamer milk.

Sharon: That was kind of upsetting.

Caitlin: Yeah. Okay, good. she sort of spilled the tea that Jessel had called them, cackling old hags. Aaron and si. So then that info is shared at Bryn’s giving. No one’s ever named a thanksgiving which has problems.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: And then Jessel was awkward with erin about Erin’s grandma’s funeral. The whole thing was awkward. That was an awkward. I guess because Thanksgiving shouldn’t always be awkward. I thought if you were with friends, it wouldn’t be awkward. Yeah, that’s the point of the family was friends giving was fine.

Sharon: Yeah, because you don’t have to do friends giving. You do it because it’s because you like those people.

Caitlin: Okay, so I feel like that’s where they got off on the wrong foot initially because she sort of name called them. Would you be offended by being called a cackling hag?

Sharon: No, I just don’t think that’s that bad.

Caitlin: There’s an Instagram person I follow and they go by cackling hag because I was like, that’s brilliant. That is a great.

Sharon: Name.

Sharon: No, honestly, I don’t think, out of all the insults, that one actually probably wouldn’t hurt my feelings.

Caitlin: I’d rather have a Halloween one. And then she was like, well, it’s british.

Sharon: And again, yeah, once she said that, I was like, okay, it’s a different humor and different.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: So what are you going to do? And really, it’s more funny than.

Sharon: Insulting.

Caitlin: It’s one thing to insult someone deeply, personally about them, but just to be like. And the cackling part is kind of like us. Oh, my God, I’m a cackling hat. I was thinking that’s what we do.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Sorry, I just made the noise. And I’m like, oh, no, but it’s true. I guess, like you said, I’d rather be commented on, like, oh, their joy was so annoying.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Than like, oh, well, they’re pretty dull. At least then you’ve got something to complain about. All right, so then after that, Erin and Jessel. This one is really weird to me. Erin and Jessel went for coffee in the up and coming area of New York. I don’t know if you’ve heard about. I think it’s called Tribeca.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: But it’s pretty new. Did you know Tribeca stands for the triangle below canal street?

Sharon: It’s like tri nobe interesting.

Caitlin: I knew that. I looked that up once a million years ago. I just thought that was interesting. That is. Yeah. Anyway, not many years ago, not like recently, so it’s been around, but. So Erin didn’t know that Jessel had gone back to work, and so she said that she didn’t support women. This is the new insult.

Sharon: I think it is because it was in, one of the other Beverly hills.

Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. Doesn’t support women.

Sharon: What was Jessel’s deal?

Caitlin: I don’t know. This one I found weird. And this was when I initially really was starting to not like Jessel for a minute. Then I kind of ended up not liking Erin sometimes. So then it was sort of hard, but okay. Then Erin said, I think Jessel’s used to being catered to, and Jessel’s feelings were hurt by that. And she’s like, what do you think, I’m a princess? And Erin, said, she does. Do you think she’s a princess, Jessel?

Sharon: I think she might be a little bit of, but no more than any other housewife.

Caitlin: No, I think housewife, normal.

Sharon: I think she’s just normal housewife.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: It’s not like she had a bunch of people in her house catered to.

Sharon: Everything she did, but she lives an upper life, and I don’t think tells I want to do that. Don’t apologize.

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: And I felt like the whole thing of, like, us with the stay at home mom thing, I feel like that’s where Jessel was pissed off about because.

Caitlin: It’s sort of that thing where you feel like you have to defend it. Like, what do you do all then? But it almost hurt my feelings a little bit more. That just was like, well, I do work. I do have a job. It’s like, you could have been like, I was home with my kids. Now I’m back. But that’s not, not supporting women to not know.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: like a bunch of old friends, people change jobs. I don’t have a clue what half the people that I used to know or I kind of know peripheral anymore. I forget what people do. I mean, I don’t think that’s hurting. That’s just not remembering what people do.

Sharon: I think it’s more supporting women that she’s like, yeah, oh, yeah, you’re staying home. That’s cool.

Caitlin: I can’t give back the job titles.

Sharon: Of most of our friends. She didn’t care either way whether she worked or she didn’t. She was like, whatever works for you.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And it’s like, I felt like, she was like, well, I knew what you used to do. Again, I felt like it was like, you need to tell me quickly what my work title is, and otherwise you’re not supporting me.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: Like our friend Sheila, I can’t tell you what her actual job title is. I know where she works.

Sharon: She’s a genius physicist.

Sharon: I know.

Caitlin: She’s like, she’s like brilliant and in the, but like, I can’t tell you exactly what, I couldn’t tell you what her business card said. And I kind of felt like that just was expecting that from Erin. And it’s like, you just kind of know what people does. I mean, I don’t know our husband’s exact title necessarily. Tongue daddy.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: And you know what? When someone has little twins like that, I would probably be more expecting them.

Caitlin: To be at home.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Than I would at work.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: I would be more surprised if they were at work.

Caitlin: Yeah. And so maybe that’s honestly where her surprise stemmed from. And Jessel read that wrong. she does kind of need to go because then she said, I don’t have time for fake friends. That whole conversation was really, I felt like there was something we didn’t know about behind the scenes there almost. Because it was so weird.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: She must have felt condescended to by Erin.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Because then Erin called her a, like, that was also kind of a leap. I don’t, I could, there was a little part of me that understood why Erin was a little annoyed because it didn’t make sense. Like, she came there, she went there to have coffee and then all of a sudden she really was kind of like, it was like a barrage of.

Sharon: Isn’T that what they always say about Jessel? That is her and size issue. That is true right there.

Caitlin: There you go. That is true.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: But I did think it was nice because then Erin showed up at Jessel’s client event because she supports women.

Sharon: Oh, that’s the one with the bad, right? Hm.

Caitlin: The two buck chuck or whatever.

Sharon: But apparently she had famous people there.

Caitlin: Yeah, there was like the editor of something.

Caitlin: I don’t know, Vogue maybe. okay, so Erin also gets kind of wrapped up with Psy and the Jussell and the origin story and the Bonmi debacle and all of that. But let’s just focusing on Erin, who wins in Aaron versus Jessel. From what we’ve discussed.

Sharon: Thus do think thus far, I’m going to say Aaron. I do think Jessel was overly attacked later in the season.

Sharon: But right now in this part, definitely Aaron. And that’s how coming off as defensive and crazy.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: I think that’s kind of what’s interesting is I sort of like it when someone can win at the beginning of the season and then lose later. I guess that’s kind of what I was trying to say with the redemption arc where it’s interesting, where you can be like, well, up to this point, I’d give it to this. But then what happens later, I switch it. And I kind of like that in a season, it just makes it more interesting, I guess.

Sharon: You know what’s interesting? Now that you say that, it’s like, to me, even when she wins later, she’s not redeeming herself just because I don’t.

Caitlin: That’s interesting.

Sharon: Like her. Yeah.

Caitlin: See it redeemed it a little bit more.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And I thought it wouldn’t. I really didn’t like her at the beginning of the season, but I did by the end. But I think actually I just got more. I can’t decide if I really like her or I got really tired of the other people’s drama. And I was like, well, you know what? She’s driving me less.

Sharon: And they were being mean to her.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: And I don’t like when it does make you want to stick up for.

Caitlin: Her because they were being ridiculous all the time.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: And I’m kind of team Jenna and she kind of ended up more on that side. So I think I was a little bit more willing to give her a little more backing, I guess. Okay, let’s do Jessel versus si. So background info there. They both have a boy named Rio.

Sharon: Which is so weird because we were like, I’ve never heard the name Rio.

Caitlin: If you have a name Rio, just shout it out to us. okay, so psy will not be getting her own episode. She just didn’t have enough. She was too. Interspersed with everyone else and didn’t have enough that kind of pulled directly to her. Don’t tell her that because she’s an influencer and she’ll probably be mad about, but so she’s sort of a non emotional person. Had a rough childhood. She’s very particular about her toilet paper and food.

Sharon: Yeah, very particular.

Caitlin: I totally laughed about the food. She was like, no matter where she went, the food was not good.

Sharon: I know.

Caitlin: It was not enough.

Sharon: She needs to just carry food with.

Caitlin: Her and don’t be friends with, like, what do they call it?

Sharon: Aaron’s like a.

Caitlin: Is it a wasp? Is that what they say? Like, when you’re like, is it the right word?

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: Erin’s jewish. No, but when they say that, like.

Sharon: White inglos, hasks and pride.

Sharon: Oh, yeah. Okay. That’s not.

Caitlin: What is it called when you’re really know? They always say the people are like, they just drink like they’re that upper class level and they don’t eat a lot and they just, at their parties and their functions. Beverly Hills.

Sharon: Okay, well, that’s what it weird.

Caitlin: They never eat. So that’s what it is. So she has like, I didn’t actually know wasp stood for anything. I just thought it was like a b thing or something. You didn’t know that’s what it stood for?

Sharon: No. Oh, yeah.

Caitlin: I don’t want to get it. I’m trying not to get it confused with wap though, Chris. That’s different. Aaron didn’t know what that stood for. Hey, this was supposed to be a clean podcast. It’s just acronyms that your kids will ask you about. Anyway, moving on.

Sharon: Whatever.

Caitlin: Yeah, I guess now they can google without my voice, so that is a problem. Anyway, so Jessel tells this long, long story in Anguilla because they’re very hung up on getting to know each other’s real self. That’s like the thing about New York this season. Yeah, I feel like that’s the goal. We have to know people’s true identities, true backgrounds, like true motivations. Do you know any other, has any other series or season been nearly as like.

Sharon: It’s like they had to prove that they’re to steal from the Bachelor.

Sharon: Right? Reason?

Caitlin: I think you’re right because they’re the new cast, so they had more to, they had to be interesting. Real New York. They’re the real real. Yeah, the real real, which I invent.

Sharon: But they were. This is what’s weird. When someone tells you their story. This is where it’s weird.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: I do understand that. There can be something with somebody where maybe you just feel like you’re not getting the whole story. But Jessel really didn’t do anything wrong.

Caitlin: And it’s like, well, because they kept saying it to and we’ll talk about it in the Jen episode. They kept saying it to her too. And she did share an awful lot.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: But, okay. I did laugh when she was out, there at that dinner outside. And so Jessel’s like starts sharing and then sigh is like, in 1490, I was like, oh, my God, I laughed so hard. That was hilarious.

Sharon: Family.

Sharon: But at the same time, I’m like, you asked her, you talked about your.

Caitlin: Family just because you don’t like this.

Sharon: It was an interesting story about all around the world where her family came from. so I actually found that kind of interesting.

Caitlin: No, it was actually one of the coolest things about this cast is that there is so much diversity of background and where they’re from, which seems like a very New York thing. Like it’s a melting pot. And they did a good job of that, I think. but yeah, I think the problem for Jessel, she’s not a good storyteller. She tends to ramble. It’s like someone needed to jump in and be like, oh. And instead they just, like, they let her go.

Sharon: Yeah, well, I think it’s more that she’s relaying facts and they want to see maybe like a vulnerable.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: If you don’t cry, then they want to see your true emotions.

Caitlin: Not just makes sense, because that would explain the issue with Jenna too. That’s interesting. I never thought about it that m thinking. So after she sailed the ocean blue, well, then there was the issue of like, was she rich or was she poor and that whole thing. And again, I don’t think that was stupid. She never said she was richer. She never said her story was worse than Si or Brent. She never said she was poorer than she just said. Especially, I guess, when you’re in this environment, like you.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Like if you plopped her into Beverly Hills, she would probably be the poor one.

Caitlin: And so I think it’s like she was just trying to say, I didn’t grow up in money. We didn’t go to the Hamptons every weekend. We didn’t do these things. And just because her parents paid for a nice college.

Caitlin: It didn’t mean that they had a ton of money either. Sometimes people just prioritize that. But I do think, for some reason that just went off the rails and they grabbed that whole story, the uncle and the money and the.

Sharon: She got too offended by it, though. She did, because she was being apologetic.

Sharon: You’re right.

Caitlin: She fed into the problem where she.

Sharon: Should just be like, this is what I said. This was my life. This is what it was like.

Caitlin: Yeah, if you don’t like it, whatever.

Sharon: I’m really appreciative for what I have. I didn’t have like this kind of stuff. I’m cool that I have it now.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: I don’t understand. Why is she apologizing?

Caitlin: No, you’re right. She put more fuel on the fire by making, it more of a deal. Yeah.

Sharon: And apologizing.

Sharon: It was the suffering olympics.

Caitlin: I hate that. I hate that too. And that does not have a place.

Sharon: Don’t we all want goods for our kids?

Caitlin: Well, and also, like we’ve said, the housewives is that escapism and so it’s good to hear the backstory.

Sharon: Oh, yeah.

Caitlin: because it makes you realize where people came from. But I also don’t want to argue about the $20 that much.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Where you’re sitting in Anguila at this mansion overlooking.

Sharon: The water. I think she’s just trying to say she feels like people don’t think she works hard.

Caitlin: I guess I think successful.

Sharon: That seems where it’s coming from. Same with the thing with Erin.

Sharon: Exactly.

Sharon: Because why is she so obsessed with.

Caitlin: Well, I do work. Yeah, there’s a lot of low self.

Sharon: Esteem in that area. It’s like she doesn’t feel confident, and I totally believe it. I think what she’s saying, I. This is kind of how I grew up and I worked my butt off to get to this level, which is absolutely.

Caitlin: I believe it.

Sharon: No, it’s totally. I don’t know why she thinks.

Caitlin: People don’t think that.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: I don’t know. Because before I had the kids, when we were trying to have kids, we’d just moved here. And I felt so defensive because I felt like, well, I’m not working right now, m but, I kept thinking, well, I’m going to have kids. And then I would have to quit. But I remember, so I said to a friend, I was like, I’m not worried. And I was really down on it. And she was like, don’t be down on it. If your life works that way and you have the money to do that, don’t feel bad. Everybody wants that. And I was like, oh. And then I felt better because I was just beating myself up about it left and right. And it’s kind of, like, hurt just because you took time off to be with your kids again. Everyone’s journey is their own journey. Like, you shouldn’t have to defend what you do or what you don’t do. Unless it’s, like something really weird. And then maybe.

Caitlin: So I also was beginning to feel like that it was like psy kept wanting. She kept saying that Jessel was trying to one up for them, but I felt like it was the other way around. I felt like it was a reverse one upmanship.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: Which was OD because it was like, you obviously win. You had a horrible child.

Sharon: You had the worst.

Caitlin: Agree?

Sharon: We agree.

Caitlin: So stop trying to make.

Sharon: Actually, I don’t know.

Caitlin: Maybe Brynn. Yeah, Brynn’s was pretty bad, too. But again, why are we.

Sharon: Both of your lives suck.

Caitlin: and that’s what so much of the middle of the season was. Yeah, it was like, that was the weird thing. How much do we have to argue about who had it worse?

Sharon: And this goes into the whole supporting women thing. Why can’t we say, like, wow, you guys both came out of these situations. And hey, even though Jessel didn’t come out of this horrible situation, she still worked hard and did. Yeah. Why can’t we all support each other from where we came from?

Caitlin: I think that’s a good point.

Sharon: And what we’re accomplishing.

Sharon: I agree. Yeah.

Caitlin: It seemed unfair. It felt like there was no room for Jessel to tell her story if it wasn’t bad enough.

Sharon: Yes, I agree. It’s kind of like, well, your story isn’t worth hearing.

Caitlin: And then they would have been like, we didn’t share she, I think, was it Uba at one point who said, there’s no way Jessel can win? I agree. And there was no way Jessel could win. There was. Yeah.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: My favorite thing we learned in Anguillo, though, was that Jessel, is that how you pronounce it? We were talking about it earlier. I should have googled it. I don’t know.

Sharon: Okay, well, that’s how we’re, we’re pronouncing it.

Caitlin: Going to call it, if not shout out. we learned that Jessel keeps notes on her phone about the arguments, which was kind of brilliant to me because I’m such a bad memory. Like, I’ll just remember my feelings were hurt. I won’t remember what people said.

Sharon: And, you know, I was wondering, does she always do or because she’s on housewives? Yeah, because if she does this because.

Caitlin: She’S on housewives, that’s genius.

Sharon: Genius.

Caitlin: And that is smart. I want to know. That would have been a great bravocon question. Does anyone else keep notes about what, happened?

Sharon: I have never thought about this, but if you’re on the show, you really would want to keep a journal so you could catalog exactly how you felt and go back to, ah, get that rage back in case you felt happy.

Caitlin: I got to get mad. Also, I think there’s a part of you that forgets that they don’t get to go back and see the footage, right. So you’re thinking, how come they can’t remember it? Ah, you don’t get to go, hey, can you take me back a good three days ago, middle of the afternoon, somebody said something.

Sharon: I was really hangry.

Caitlin: Yeah. What happened there? it was weird that they kept saying it was like Al Capone because after we did jersey, I kept thinking.

Sharon: Like, that’s a vault. And then I wrote my notes.

Sharon: Arsenal. Yeah.

Caitlin: It’s a vault or an arsenal note. That’s a totally different thing. I don’t think Al Capone took notes. I think he had a vault or an arsenal. So after Anguila, Jessel invites Psy to lunch to meet and she wants to apologize. Psy is 20 minutes late, which pretty late.

Sharon: You know what’s funny? I read that you wrote that. I didn’t know she was 20 minutes late.

Caitlin: No, I went back multiple times because I was like, wait, something’s wrong here.

Sharon: Yeah, I didn’t know she was 20 minutes late.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And then Jessel was 40 minutes late.

Sharon: Which is a lot.

Sharon: 40S.

Sharon: So did Psy text her that she was going to be 20 minutes late?

Caitlin: I don’t think so. And that’s what gets me because I.

Sharon: Think I don’t remember that. Are you sure that happened?

Caitlin: I went back, I looked at the.

Sharon: Timestamp, because now I feel a little differently. M. Okay, Jeff, 40 is different than.

Caitlin: 40 is a lot.

Sharon: And I wonder, in New York, but.

Caitlin: She was only 20 minutes late from where Psy was.

Sharon: That’s true. Psy was also late in New York.

Caitlin: Is 20 minutes like a normal, normal? I don’t know.

Sharon: I wonder if that’s like a city thing. Yeah, that could be because for us it’s not.

Caitlin: No, it’s not. I would be like, did you die?

Sharon: Are you. Yeah, where.

Caitlin: Are you? But also, why couldn’t psy, did psy try to call Jessel? Because sometimes I get mad when people do that. Like, she’s injured, princess.

Sharon: She wants to be mad.

Caitlin: She wants to be mad because, you still have every right to be mad. I would have been mad too. 40 minutes is a lot. But at the same time, did you call her and go, hey, are you on your way?

Sharon: But I think it’s because you want to see how bad that person is.

Caitlin: Going to Teddy, Beverly Hills, just sitting there and sitting there. Who was she waiting for? Oh, I don’t remember. I don’t remember. But she sat there for. She’s probably still sitting there waiting.

Sharon: But, yeah, I think it’s just because you want to find out. Exactly. You’re like, I know you’re a jerk. I’m going to prove what a jerk.

Caitlin: You are, especially if you’re on tv. You’re probably just like, well, I’m being.

Sharon: Paid to sit here anyway.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Also, okay, that restaurant drove me nuts because it was called champagne. There was no champagne flutes when they set the table. They were all regular wine glasses. And if this is New York, and if your restaurant is called, like, heather Jubro would not have stood for that. She would have thrown it and walked out of there. The guy had like, champs on his shirt or champers or something.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: And then they had like, no champagne glass.

Sharon: Wasn’t champs.

Caitlin: That would have been funny. ma’am, we’re not supposed to, I did not understand the store. I’d like to leave now.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: This is the moment where she talks to her about speaking about her uncle.

Sharon: And comparing it to her mother.

Sharon: Lord.

Caitlin: Oh, God. I understood a little bit when Jenna said, well, you can’t compare a mom to an uncle.

Sharon: But okay.

Caitlin: I feel like, I guess I don’t understand the rules of empathy because I think maybe I do it all the time. If somebody has something happen and I have something similar, I sometimes go, I don’t know, that makes me feel better. And I guess maybe it doesn’t make everybody feel better. M but I guess if somebody was like, well, I had an alcoholic in my life too, and I’d be like, oh, well, then you kind of get it.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: She’s not saying it’s more important. She’s just saying, I kind of get it.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: I don’t know. I like it when somebody kind of gets it.

Sharon: But apparently, okay, so I could see, I totally understand where Jessel is coming from because I do the same thing.

Caitlin: Where this is where I flipped on Jessel and liked her more.

Sharon: She was just trying to connect and say, oh, I know that feeling. Or watching somebody like that, it’s hard. Whereas, for example, for me, I have no idea.

Caitlin: I’ve never had to watch that.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: I can’t really relate.

Sharon: No. but I can also see how psy is already irritated at Jessel. She already thinks that Jessel is, like, being overly dramatic.

Sharon: Right?

Sharon: Which I don’t. and then she says that she’s like, well, this is my mom, so I understand the difference.

Caitlin: But at the same time, Jessel really.

Sharon: Was just trying to connect on some level.

Caitlin: That’s what I think. And again, it’s like, just give her, maybe just give her a little bit of slack and say, that was annoying to me, but I know you didn’t mean to be annoying.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: What she said, jessel should have said, I’m sorry. I wasn’t minimizing coming. I just wanted to share, connect with you in some way. She wasn’t trying to minimize it. That’s how.

Caitlin: Si.

Sharon: Took more. Yeah, but again, that was Jessel coming in and trying to defend herself when she should have just shut up.

Sharon: Yes.

Sharon: Now I say this all as a.

Caitlin: Viewer because would probably, maybe that’s why I understand Jessel a little bit. I sometimes have, trouble letting that.

Sharon: It’s like she’s trying to fix it. But you didn’t do anything wrong. You have nothing to fix and you can’t probably. And it was one of those things like you said, she can’t win. She went in to try to fix it to be better.

Caitlin: Nope.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: She’s like one of those people who. She just thinks she hasn’t found the right answer.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: And she’s trying to find it.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: and I could actually relate to that.

Caitlin: Yeah, me too.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: So the other thing, that side. And also Syed just doesn’t believe anything justicel says, which is not fair. Yeah, I think we talk about it. I think I put it under the brin episode. So we’ll talk about it later. But there’s an interesting thing where like Syed just doesn’t believe people and she’ll just sort of say, well, like, you lie all the time and you don’t tell the truth. And I guess I don’t understand that. So it’s like she projecting maybe. I don’t know. Because again, does it matter whether psy believes whether or not Desel and Povitt did the deed on their staycation? Because she’s like so upset that they hadn’t done it. Which again, okay, it’s like, whoa, you haven’t done it. But how does that affect your everyday life, psy.

Sharon: Okay. I think the fact that she said I don’t think they did it because I agreed with her. I don’t think they did either. But I think she had already brought up that storyline. So now it’s kind of like in court where you bring it up and now you can talk about it.

Sharon: Exactly.

Sharon: Well, we already brought up this story is already in our case, so now I can comment all on it.

Caitlin: That’s true. I guess I just felt like, why even say I don’t believe they did it at that point, though?

Sharon: Because you’ve already talked about how messed up the situation is.

Caitlin: I guess I would.

Sharon: Ah, you know what? I don’t know, actually.

Caitlin: I don’t think they went all the way. So you don’t think they did?

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: I am like torn at first.

Sharon: No, I think they probably have since then. But that staycation, I absolutely do not know.

Caitlin: You think they just got too drunk.

Sharon: And didn’t.

Sharon: Do it?

Sharon: I think they love each other. I don’t think they should be married to each other.

Caitlin: Yeah, that’s an interesting point. I was trying to think about the reunion. They kind of backtracked a little bit. and they were saying, like, they didn’t understand how serious all the IVF stuff had been for Jessel and that they wish that she had said that was the reason why. I guess. I don’t think she needed a reason why or why not. It’s her life of how to say that. I don’t know that it matters. I guess it makes you look more like a jerk side for complaining about it.

Sharon: Well, I think it’s like they feel like they look so cool because they’re like, we do it all the time.

Caitlin: Just was like, well, I actually have a real hang.

Sharon: Up about, she’s too, she should have just been like, if she’s going to admit that on tv so she’s obviously not too embarrassed.

Caitlin: To talk about it.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: Then I would have thought she might.

Sharon: Have been on, then why doesn’t she just go with it and be like, yeah, this has been weird.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: That’s what I don’t understand.

Sharon: I guess if I was so embarrassed about the whole thing, I wouldn’t have, wouldn’t have brought it, up.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: You just lie or not say anything.

Sharon: Exactly. Yeah.

Caitlin: I guess I believe it’s almost more authentic because it’s such an awkward thing to talk about.

Sharon: And I also think that she didn’t know that it was the ivf stuff.

Sharon: Right.

Sharon: She kind of, like, had that light bulb moment.

Sharon: Yes. Yeah.

Caitlin: And that’s what I think. So I think that, I guess maybe then she was like, well, maybe I was too hard on her.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: But it was just sort of an odd, it was an od part of it, because I also feel like it could have been a really great moment for the fact that so many people do have kids and your body hurts and you’re in pain and you don’t really want anybody to touch you or come near you for quite a while. You’re tired, you’re not sleeping. I think a lot of women have a story like that where it’s like, it was a really long time. M so I think they really could have, and instead they turned it into.

Sharon: This weird circus almost about it, more into the, it should have been a girl’s chat. your life is not real and.

Caitlin: Deep and it’s not that bad.

Sharon: Suck it up.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: It’s very, just into this how they think of her.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: I agree, because I just felt like that would have been a girl’s trip, like, moment to be like. And they turned it into something weird.

Sharon: And I understand that to try to help her more, they were, like, mocking at her instead of trying to be like, oh, my God, you know what? Let’s do this. Let’s do, like, a blow up or something. You know what I mean?

Caitlin: Let’s go get, like, let’s go. I don’t know.

Sharon: Let’s do something that makes you feel really good about yourself.

Caitlin: They didn’t do that.

Sharon: No, it was very od.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: All right, so who wins in, Jessel versus psy?

Sharon: I have to say.

Caitlin: Jessel.

Sharon: Me too. Psy in the 19 1492.

Sharon: Just.

Caitlin: Yeah, that was one of the moments. Honestly, I’m not a huge psy fan.

Sharon: So here’s the thing. I liked Psy in the beginning, and then I did too.

Caitlin: And then she went way down. I was like, oh, gosh, same stuff over and over. And she’s very, I mean, I think I can be kind of closed off, like, emotionally too. So I get that. But she was really unempathetic. I don’t know. Well, she just was really wrapped up in her own stuff.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: And that’s fine, but it’s kind of hard on a show like this. You can’t just be wrapped up in your own stuff.

Sharon: Well, she clearly thinks very highly of herself.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And she’s just so busy and so important, and that gets a little annoying. Old.

Sharon: It’s like no one else is important. As important as her. No one else is as tough as her.

Sharon: Exactly. You’re right.

Caitlin: She had to win. Everything she stepped into is.

Caitlin: The boss.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And she’s so, like, street tough. Yes. But also, what does that mean in relation to this? Try to be a friend.

Sharon: Exactly.

Sharon: It’s like, well, that doesn’t mean I want to spend time with you if you’re going to be mean to me.

Caitlin: I do think that’s how you judge housewives. Would I want to be friends with them?

Sharon: That’s why you like somebody is. I actually probably would like to be friends. Coming around a Jessel.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Okay.

Sharon: I would want to be friends with. I feel mean about everything I said earlier.

Caitlin: Could we go back and delete that?

Sharon: This is why I can’t.

Caitlin: This is why you have to talk it out. Then you leave and you’re like, you know what?

Sharon: I guess how she handled the stuff annoyed me.

Caitlin: That I think is completely fair.

Sharon: But at the same time, I would have done the same thing.

Caitlin: Yes, exactly. I think that’s where I kind of.

Sharon: That’S probably why it annoys me.

Sharon: Probably.

Sharon: I probably see myself in her and I’m like, oh, my God.

Caitlin: Do the right thing.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: This is so cringey.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: That’s what I would do. And she did get involved in a lot of cringey moments. I think that was part of it too. They weren’t fun fights, which she was in.

Sharon: Do we talk about the lingerie at some point?

Caitlin: Yeah, we will. I think, actually probably more under Jenna’s, section because it’s kind of under the present category. okay, let’s talk about Jessel and povet. So they were, roommates to friends story. I feel like roommates to friends. So that’s how like, oh, I wrote that wrong.

Sharon: You know, it.

Caitlin: Oh, my God.

Sharon: It’s like so freudian.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: I was like, that’s how they, oh, I see what you mean.

Caitlin: They, were a, friends to roommates story. Friends. But also they were kind of lovers to roommates to friends.

Sharon: Well, the way you said it when we were talking about it the other day, Kate, and like, you were roommates and then, let’s see, you’re kind.

Caitlin: Of running out of time.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: Maybe you were just like, you felt like you were running out of, time. I was like, oh, my God, you are 100% right. That is.

Caitlin: What happened? I think because she was also kind of like, well, he really liked me. So then you do kind of go, well, he really thinks I’m kind of amazing.

Sharon: And he’s there.

Caitlin: he’s there. He’s a cell phone king or no.

Sharon: Phone daddy.

Caitlin: Phone daddy.

Sharon: That’s right.

Caitlin: Sorry. Cell phone king is better, actually.

Sharon: Maybe he should.

Caitlin: I don’t know.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: The things I did not like is that Jessel can be kind of mean to povitt, especially early on.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: And she kind of recanted that at the reunion.

Sharon: She did. And she realized and she could tell she was embarrassed by how she triggered. But I think that’s because he annoys.

Caitlin: Her because she doesn’t want to be married to. I could see how he could push buttons.

Sharon: Yes.

Sharon: I could see how he could be annoying.

Caitlin: He’s always coming home with his weird street truck food.

Sharon: Yeah, exactly. And he’s on like, those association.

Caitlin: That was a little dig where she was like, street food association presidency.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: She wants one more kid. He’s not sure he wants one more kid.

Caitlin: we learned that. What’s sort of interesting is that it’s kind of taboo in indian culture to talk about IVF. So it was interesting when she sat down with her mom. Yeah, I kind of liked that better too because honestly, I disagree with Sai. But we hadn’t seen any real great flashes with Jessel up to that point. And when she really sat and talked about it with her mom there was a more authentic moment than she’d had maybe up till that point.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: do we think they’re a good couple?

Sharon: Romantic?

Caitlin: How do.

Sharon: We feel about them? I think that they’re probably, like a happy family night. I just think that she wants someone else.

Caitlin: Yeah, that’s interesting. I, feel like on different days, she is annoyed.

Sharon: I feel like she loves him. Yeah. But I feel like maybe she would.

Caitlin: Rather not be married to him. Maybe family wise she’s okay, but, like, romantically wise, she’s not as, like.

Sharon: Because he just annoys. Yeah, there’s no other word.

Caitlin: He just annoys her. What was interesting is I felt like halfway through the season when they kind of had a shared enemy when there was, like, team them versus team bon me or whatever. it felt like in those moments that they really could work together as a team. And they came together and then I liked them better. So I was hoping that maybe they’re just like a couple you have to warm up to.

Sharon: Maybe we’ll get it later. Yeah, but I don’t know. And I really like him. He cracked me up. I thought he was probably. But again, sometimes it’s like, oh, you’re like, he’s awesome. He’s funny. It’s like, well, yeah, he’s funny that we would be his friend. And you see, him once every two.

Caitlin: You have to live with Chandler. Too soon. I probably was. After I said it, I thought, sorry, Chandler. No, he wants to be remembered in funny ways. You know? That’s true.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Okay, let’s talk about. I think this is a Chandler thing. I feel like this is actually an episode of friends that could have written the bon me for points controversy. Talk about that. So povet wants to go to Vietnam for airline points. He got a great ticket price and it keeps his airline status up. He bought, like, three tickets before COVID He’d used some of them, but not all of them.

Sharon: so you buy tickets, but you don’t choose the dates till later.

Caitlin: I think it’s kind of, like voucher. I think what happened is that he got this great price on them and then Covid hit so he couldn’t go. I bet he picked times initially and then when Covid hit, I bet airlines did something like, I don’t know, I didn’t have any outstanding tickets at that time, but I bet they were kind of like, well, when we know that we can fly again, and then you can’t get everybody on the same flight. So then it probably was like a voucher, like an open situation. So I think that’s why it was weird, because all of the COVID stuff. And then it was weird that he was like, I’m going for a day or two. And then again, he’s joking, which makes. They don’t understand his joking. So when he says, I’m going for a bon me, they’re like, But I thought it was really awful that they did suggest that he was going for some other reason.

Sharon: But that just ties into what she said earlier. So I kind of get, okay, I’m not going to lie.

Caitlin: My brain went there, too, because of the whole storyline.

Sharon: Yeah, that’s true.

Caitlin: I guess what they’ve given us is.

Sharon: Background information, feeds that totally fed into that story.

Caitlin: I don’t think he’d have to go that far. Now, see, it didn’t for me because my husband is obsessed with his airline points and his hotel points. And there was a point at which he was, like, a day short of a hotel, and he was like, we need to go stay at a hotel just for one day. And I was like, what the heck? That’s so dumb. But he’s like, it’s really important.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And it is, because when you travel with people that have points, like, you don’t have to pay for luggage, you can get upgraded.

Sharon: I actually do understand why he actually. I totally believe the points thing. Like, my dad had. That’s right, gazillion miles, and he’s m gotten us tickets so much in hotels, it makes a big difference. And I know it’s like, you manage it and you can do smart things to maximize your points.

Sharon: Yes.

Sharon: And if he wants to take a vacation anyway, if he truly does, like.

Caitlin: Flying in first class.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Some people do like the airport. And what’s interesting about that is I kind of think it proves the point that Jessa was saying they didn’t come from a lot of money. So where Erin was like, I don’t understand this. But then it’s like, didn’t Erin and her husband’s family, didn’t they both grow up going to the Hamptons and stuff? So it’s like, they did grow up in money and old money. And I do think that there’s a difference between that and newer money where you’re like, well, we might want to maximize the point. We might want to save. We might want to pay attention. This isn’t like a family legacy of money. We want to pass the money on to our. Like, I do think it kind of proves Destell’s point because it’s like they are still careful enough about the money that he wants the points and the status.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Which I thought was interesting. the thing I didn’t like. So she was like, well, you got a girls trip, so I’m going to go do this. And then she’s like, what am I supposed to do? My mom’s not here. And he’s like, well, you go figure that out. That made me, I was really mad.

Sharon: About that for like two days.

Caitlin: Did you really not have any other help? I don’t know.

Sharon: I’m curious about that.

Caitlin: I’m really curious. I was wondering if they were finding somebody during that time. I don’t know. I kind of feel like it was like they moved and they were all working from the house, but there had to be a point at which, yeah, if she wants to work, unless he worked, stays and she works nights, and I don’t know. Yeah, I don’t know. But both cy and Erin just thought it was so weird, and I just didn’t think it was that weird.

Sharon: It was weird, but I think I could see it.

Caitlin: Yeah, it makes sense.

Sharon: And the way they latched onto them about the dumbest details because he was like, oh, next week. Well, it was next week, and now it’s this. A lot of times I say stuff.

Caitlin: Just like, oh, absolutely.

Sharon: You know what?

Sharon: I’m off.

Sharon: A lot of times I say a couple when I really just mean some.

Sharon: And the people are like, no, two.

Caitlin: You said a couple.

Sharon: And I’m like, oh, just like, several.

Sharon: Whatever.

Sharon: People are like, no, you said a couple, too.

Caitlin: Yeah, people get on these weird things.

Sharon: It’s like you just say stuff,

Caitlin: To get the point across. It’s like when you’re like, I will be there in 2 seconds.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And then my kids are like, one, two. And I’m like, I just meant like, I just need a break. Just give me a second.

Sharon: And then when she gives you details, you guys say she’s boring, right?

Caitlin: Do the 1492 face. She probably was just, like, shortening. Yeah, he kind of said that to her because he was like, I’m going next week. You figured out. I think he was also just sort of like, I’m going whenever and you’ll have to figure it out. Okay. But then it’s like he did.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: Do you think he went too far, though, when he called psy bipolar when they were talking?

Sharon: Yeah, that’s, where I felt. And especially because he was really. This is where it’s annoying.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Because that’s not even being moody.

Sharon: Right.

Sharon: And being angry and then not angry is not being bipolar, which is a mental illness.

Caitlin: And it just feeds into that whole. And it’s got kind of turning that.

Sharon: Into calling women crazy thing a little bit.

Sharon: Yeah.

Sharon: That is pejorative.

Caitlin: Is that the right word? That might be the right word. I don’t know. It was interesting on watch what happens live, Uba said, well, he did retract it almost immediately. And she said, he said. What he meant was that psy is real hot and cold.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: And I’m like, yes, I’ll give you that. But that’s what you say because no diagnosing people.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Especially on a show, like, you got to know better than that. That’s silly. This day and age. I don’t know. But it did really set up Jessel and the whole erin and si thing. Okay, so who wins there? I mean, we have it Jessel versus povet, but is there Jessel versus know? Okay, I guess. who do you like better, Jessel or fun?

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Who do you like better? Initially it was. I think it’s though.

Sharon: No.

Sharon: Do you think we’ll stay together?

Caitlin: Yeah, I do. You do? For some reason, I feel okay about their relationship at the end. I didn’t at the beginning, but I think when they worked together, they were like, I think they can come through it. You know how some people, you see that there’s like a valley and you’re like, I think they can come out the other side. I think they can come out the other side.

Sharon: I think they can if they do it right. Because she wants another kid. They have those embryos.

Sharon: And they have the young kids. I kind of feel like if they had older kids that were Morgan, I.

Caitlin: Could totally see them getting divorced.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: That’s the thing. I feel like they can kind of legitimately put it on the fact that they have little kids and they’re tired and they’ve moved and there’s all these stressors.

Caitlin: And that if they can make it through that and come out the other side, then they’ll be okay. But if it continues down that path of arguing, then no.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: All right, well, I think that’s our episode on Jessel. I almost forgot her name for a minute. It was not embarrassed. What’s her name? All right, so I was for future business.

Sharon: Well, that’s funny.

Sharon: Isn’t that the whole thing where they’re.

Caitlin: Like, she’s so forgettable?

Sharon: I did. Guys, I’m just tired.

Caitlin: So true. I can’t breathe out my nose. okay, so let’s give a little shout out. So we’ve got our Patreon up and running, and we’re putting our yearbook episodes there and our Teresa book club and our Teresa book clubs on there. And so we want to give a shout out to Netmich House Bear, who’s.

Sharon: One of my bffs on Instagram. He’s amazing.

Caitlin: You sound awesome. Yeah, I’ve been telling. Sharon Alley told me all about you. I do. We talk about you all the time. Anyway, he’s on our Patreon, so we’re giving him a little shout out and give him a follow on Instagram and TikTok and, threads. I always forget the name of threads, but we’re trying out threads instead of Twitter. I’m a little mad at Twitter. Yeah, whatever. I’m not calling it that. That’s stupid. All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.

Sharon: We bring the receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both at RH for fun pictures and polls. Or email us ah at rh on Thanks again, and remember to stay.