US Capital with episode title

The cattitude is off the charts. We wanted Posh Spice, but we got Tacky Spice.

In this episode, we discuss Cat Ommanney storylines from Real Housewives of DC Season 1:

⚪Cat vs her own attitude ⚪Cat vs wine ⚪Cat vs Charles

Episode 80 on Spotify

Caitlin: I wonder if anybody likes cat, because her husband didn’t. Her daughter seemed to talk about this. Yeah, fine. Save it for this.

Sharon: We actually have a cat episode.

Caitlin: Oh, okay. Well, cool. Well, then I’m ready to go.

Sharon: Instead of saying everything, you know, save.

Caitlin: The good stuff for the air.

Sharon: M. Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel Housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing.

Sharon: So chic.

Caitlin: Hold onto your guest list.

Sharon: Today we’re digging into cat from the brown world, Real Housewives of DC, which premiered August 5, 2010. There was no season two. It was a one hit wonder, and we loved it. Anyway, her last name is something like Omani, but that’s what Caitlin always says.

Caitlin: I can’t pronounce it.

Sharon: Caitlin always goes cat.

Caitlin: A lot of m’s and a lot of n’s people. It’s like the om nom cat. You know, that little om m nom nom, like that little meme. She’s an omnom cat. What’s. What I’m calling her now. All right, om nom cat is 51 years old now, but she was 37 when it aired, and we don’t believe this. Like, there has to have been a mistake with her birth certificate. There’s no. I mean, she’s a smoker voice, so maybe we can blame it on smoking. She looks so old. And it’s not just british people. I’ve seen british people. They don’t look like that.

Sharon: No, she literally. Shit.

Caitlin: Looks nuts. It’s nuts.

Sharon: she’s,

Caitlin: Like, had a lot of.

Sharon: She’s gotta be alive.

Caitlin: She’s a vampire.

Sharon: I think she’s just lying.

Caitlin: I think so too. Well, speaking of things she might have lied about, she claimed she slept with Prince Harry when he was 21 and she was 34.

Sharon: That was only three years ago. Wait a minute. That means it was only three years prior.

Caitlin: So, like, in the space when her marriage was. Oh, like, not good, she thought, what should I do with my free time?

Sharon: I’ll just go through.

Caitlin: She had a fling with Prince Harry.

Caitlin: She’s allegedly. A lawyer’s gonna come after me. An interior designer. So she’s on the show with her second husband, Charles. Why?

Sharon: Didn’t know she was an interior designer.

Caitlin: I know. I read that in.

Sharon: Okay, so it doesn’t.

Caitlin: It wasn’t real clear when you looked at her house, so. Charles, her second husband, was her high school sweetheart, but, he was the newsweek beat, white house beat photographer, from, zero one to zero eight. So he had access to George W. Bush and Obama. They were sort of adjacent friends. Ah. He took that amazing. He took really amazing pictures.

Sharon: Yeah, his pictures looked amazing. I was like, oh, wow. He’s a real, real deal.

Caitlin: Exactly. And he was traveling all the time, and he goes on Air Force one. He was a big deal. I wrote he and Kat don’t really like each other.

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: It was just a really awkward season to watch. He thought Kyle and Mauricio were bad. Wait, TC, Kat and Charles?

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: I don’t know how they ever got married. Like, maybe it was a Vegas thing.

Sharon: Maybe.

Caitlin: Okay, let’s talk about our, verses. We’ve got cat versus her own attitude or her catitude. Oh, my God.

Sharon: You know what’s funny is I was thinking that, and I was like, I won’t say that.

Caitlin: That’s too stupid to say. Cat versus wine and cat versus Charles. She always said it like that.

Sharon: Charles.

Caitlin: Okay, let’s talk about her catitude. Do we like her cat attitude to the side?

Sharon: Okay. I couldn’t stand her.

Caitlin: Yeah. I didn’t like her the first time I watched it. I didn’t like her this time.

Sharon: I couldn’t stand her. Like, the first seven episodes. Then I saw. I even told caitlin. I was like, I know I should hate Michael more, but I hate Kat more. But then by the reunion, I did hate Mikael more. And I softened a little on Kat, I think I still don’t like her. I just hated Mikhail so much.

Caitlin: She wasn’t as bad at the reunion. She’d be real mouthy and annoying, and she’d kind of calm down.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: I feel like she was trying to take on a real tough girl Persona, and maybe the problem was she just didn’t. Okay, listen to my other question. Why did they pick her? Did she fit in? I don’t think she fit in. And that was a huge part of the problem. No one knew what to do with her, and she wasn’t really anybody’s close friend.

Sharon: See, I almost feel like what they were trying to do, because DC is a very international city. They were like, oh, well, we’ll bring in this kind of like. But it did. Was she actually friends with any of them or.

Caitlin: I don’t think so. at least not close, anyway. And that works. But on a five person cast where they do seem to have a history and she doesn’t, then they needed to, like, sell her differently.

Sharon: Agree.

Caitlin: Because she was just fighting to get a spot, and then she’d stick her foot in her mouth, and she was really awkward, and she was rude, and, you know, she was one of those, like, I call it, like, I see it, girls.

Sharon: And no one actually liked her.

Caitlin: No.

Sharon: Like, did anyone. No, I don’t think anyone really.

Caitlin: I think they kind of put up with her. Exactly. She was really awful with, Stacy’s friend Erica. They had a huge beef. Okay. Do you think it’s just like, is it a british thing as, like, you know, coffee drinking Americans? Do we not understand her britishness and we don’t appreciate it?

Sharon: No, I think it was just her.

Caitlin: I think so, too.

Sharon: Cause there was something. There’s something where someone can be a little sarcastic, but they’re charming, about it, and then there’s something where you’re so mean about it.

Caitlin: And I like dry british humor. Like, we were talking about. We used to both watch keeping up appearance.

Sharon: Oh, I love keeping up appearance.

Caitlin: And it’s like, I love dry british humor. So I think it’s just cat, she. She just. She didn’t fit in. This is sort of mean to say, but, like, she didn’t fit in fashion wise, either. No, she dressed like she was going to some sort of british, like, punk club or something half the time, and so she kind of. Oh, and then she. Remember she wore a costume. Oh, she wore the Sarah Palin and went to this, like, oh, God. Thing they had with a, like a.

Sharon: It was like, a fundraiser or, I don’t know, some kind of information.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Oh, God.

Caitlin: And it was awful. And it was so awkward.

Sharon: It was.

Caitlin: And she claimed her husband helped her dress like that, and I don’t think so. I don’t think he saw it till he got in the car.

Sharon: I don’t think so, either.

Caitlin: He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t approve that. He works at the White House.

Sharon: I know, exactly.

Caitlin: So she just, like. She took everything too far. Like, she’s just an awkward human. It doesn’t matter where she’s from.

Sharon: She wore. I don’t know if she actually wore a feather boa. Ah. But she wore, like, ugly things that I would put on par with feather boas.

Caitlin: She had, like, a couple in her closet.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Oh, and remember her wedding dress? Her daughter showed it, and it was really tacky, that.

Sharon: Tacky. That’s the word I was looking for. She looks really tacky, everything about her. I don’t know why. Yeah.

Caitlin: and for, like, this being our nation’s capital, I think it was cool to have an international aspect. Just. She wasn’t the international aspect.

Sharon: No. I feel like, they should have had someone a little more posh, maybe.

Caitlin: I think her husband’s career, like his position, got her.

Sharon: I agree.

Caitlin: The spot. Because they thought, oh, he’s gonna have access to the white house. Nobody else has. But they didn’t. Little did they know that anyone can have access to the white house.

Sharon: Yeah, exactly. And I guess like hearing his job.

Sharon: I would have thought like, oh, wow, they’re like major power couple. But then it sounds like she’s bored at home writing a crappy book.

Caitlin: And yeah, probably self published. Woohoo.

Sharon: Publications.

Caitlin: Publications got a hold of it. Okay, let’s talk about cat versus wine, because I don’t think cat or her cattitude wins. There’s no winning in that. so the worst thing is cat at Stacy’s aunt’s house.

Sharon: It’s awkward, it’s awful. So she comes in, Stacy’s little elderly.

Caitlin: Aunt, who she’s gonna have the birthday party at. Her aunt. Yes.

Sharon: And so she makes this wonderful home cooked dinner, and, wine is served there. And apparently maybe I don’t. Okay. Caitlin knows about wine. I don’t. She says she tells Paul in a very, like, kind of mean girl way, like this wine might have been sitting here for a hundred years, and she just. So does wine go stale?

Caitlin: I mean, it can’t go bad. Yeah, I can turn on you, but. So maybe she was saying the wine doesn’t taste good, but either way, it’s like she was just, whether she was rude or uncomfortable, m her uncomfortableness made her seem rude the whole time she was there. It’s like she didn’t want to be there. And then they were talking about the race factor, like, was she not comfortable in a room of African Americans? And then that made it seem ungrateful and rude. And it’s just like this.

Sharon: She left early.

Caitlin: She left early and she didn’t even say goodbye to Stacy or the aunt.

Sharon: Which is a huge, you know how I get about it.

Caitlin: And she said, like, this isn’t my scene, which was family.

Sharon: Someone’s aunt’s house isn’t your scene.

Caitlin: My skin is everyone’s scene. Okay?

Sharon: If someone wants to feed me that, it’s my scene.

Caitlin: This little old lady had to make food for all these people and be on a tv show. It’s like, just sit there and eat your biscuits and be quiet.

Sharon: Yes. She didn’t even need to say anything. All she had to do was smile and be polite.

Caitlin: And it was so snobby because it was like a house. Like your grandma would have.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: She had, like, wallpaper that little, like a border. Border that had pies all over it. It’s like, it was, it was just like that old nostalgia american. And maybe she doesn’t understand that, but it, was just. It was so rude. It made me really not like her.

Sharon: I know.

Caitlin: And then they go to Oasis winery, which is Mikhail and Tarek Salahi’s family winery. And they get into it over. Because it’s just amazing, though. But so, you know, like the I love Lucy grave stomping Tarek has decided this is gonna be an amazing thing that only the women are gonna do.

Sharon: And, oh, you know, I didn’t even know. Oh. Cause, oh, I never even thought about that.

Caitlin: That was a little weird, too. And I think Kat noticed that, well.

Sharon: His feet are probably gross.

Caitlin: Well, I wouldn’t want him to. But what’s interesting is I was saying to Sharon’s like, those aren’t wine grapes. And I was small.

Sharon: It’s funny, I didn’t want to believe it. I was like, are you sure? And kid was like, yes, I’m sure.

Caitlin: Those are bold grapes. And then Mary’s like, what are those? Those are table grapes. Like, I paid. I have those in my fridge. Like, that exact brand. So, like, they didn’t even have grapes to stomp because it wasn’t harvest season. And you just can’t do that on a show that’s gonna, like, people who are wine snobs are gonna know this stuff and be like, this isn’t okay. And then he almost tried to force Kat to do it, and he was really mean. And then her friend called Kat a not nice name.

Caitlin: And they just got into it. And then after that, you could tell she just hated the slaw. I will give her that. He was really rude to her.

Sharon: Uh-huh.

Caitlin: She was a guest on his property. But she gets this attitude where she gets real snarky.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: And you can tell that you’re gonna piss somebody off and they’re gonna say something to you, and she’s waiting for it.

Sharon: It’s hard to be sympathetic towards her.

Caitlin: Yeah, she left that early, too. And she left the party at Stacy’s house when they were gonna talk to the salahis about their breaking into the white house. She left that early? Oh, she does not stay through a party.

Sharon: Oh, yeah, right. And she tried. Remember at the reunion, she got up and walked around. She did come back and sit down.

Caitlin: She can’t stay at a party.

Sharon: I don’t think she understands the show.

Caitlin: She wants out of this you’re not allowed to situation.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Interesting. She also was awful, although she was awful to her too, but she didn’t get along with the friend of which was Stacy’s friend, Erica.

Sharon: So that one scene was so weird because I think Erica came off bad. She did, because she kind of went after, however.

Caitlin: But I felt bad for her.

Sharon: I felt bad for Erica. Cause I think this is what happened. I think Kat was annoying and rude and mean for a long time, and it got on Erica’s nerves. And that was just the point where Erica kind of, like, lost it on her. But you don’t see all that leading up to it. So it looks like Erica just flipped out on her, when really, Erica’s probably has, like, good reason to be.

Caitlin: Probably like, this was a seven hour.

Sharon: Dinner, like, so it came off bad.

Caitlin: Yeah, I completely agree that. I just think she was pushed to her limit because you could tell there were other little moments in other scenes when they were at the winery. No, Erica was at the winery. But when they were at other dinners and other events, and you could just tell she was like, she was pushing. She was needling her.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: So I would say Erica wins that.

Caitlin: Or Stacy’s aunt wins. Wouldn’t say oasis winery wins nothing. Salahi wins either. No.

Sharon: And they had to auction off all their stuff.

Caitlin: They did. Probably even the thing that they stomped on. They had to sell that pipeline. They probably.

Sharon: They probably had to go sell those grapes.

Caitlin: Yeah, well, grapes are expensive. I have, like, a seven dollar bag in my fridge right now.

Sharon: Go stomp on it.

Caitlin: Seriously, they gotta do something with it. Okay, let’s talk about cat versus Charles and their mess of a marriage.

Sharon: Now, Charles was really cute.

Caitlin: He was really cute.

Sharon: I liked him.

Caitlin: And he, like, had such an interesting job.

Sharon: I know. Like, I seemed like he’d be really cool to be married to him, but, man, they did not go together at all.

Caitlin: I couldn’t tell if she forced too much on him too fast. Like she said, you know, he left and he didn’t even say goodbye to his stepdaughters, but she kind of kept throwing out, like, why are you leaving me alone with the kids? And again, I don’t think it’s fair either. It’s a partnership.

Caitlin: And you agreed to marry someone who had kids, but he wasn’t their dad. And you could tell, like, there wasn’t much of an adjustment period, I think, for him or for the girls. They didn’t seem. She kept saying, oh, they’re so excited. When he gets home. But they probably weren’t either. Like, that’s a big growing pain. And those were older girls.

Sharon: It was only a couple years.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: It hadn’t been very long. Cause remember when she was 34, she was with Prince Harry.

Caitlin: That’s right.

Sharon: And she’s only, what, 37 now?

Caitlin: And they were only married for, like, two years before the marriage dissolved, so.

Sharon: It wasn’t very long. And here’s. Okay. She knew he tried. I know. She said. First she said, like, she was upset about him traveling, but then didn’t she also say something like, I thought he was more of an at home person, or. No, I thought he was more of a going out person.

Caitlin: Yeah. Like, she was upset that he wouldn’t. Like, he didn’t do parties.

Sharon: Yeah. Like, I think she didn’t understand. Like, he went out for his work.

Caitlin: Right. And she said, like, he kept. He wanted me to stay at home and not go do stuff. And she didn’t really like the american people walking their dogs and their leisure.

Sharon: Oh, yes. Okay. That’s right. Karen bags.

Caitlin: That was just. That was upsetting to her british sensibilities.

Sharon: I feel like I was directly attacked.

Caitlin: I think we were Oreo. And I run past the cat in Charles house. So they end up. We know at the reunion that they’re getting a divorce. And she’s just out at that point. She hates him. She’s never liked him. Not pretty.

Sharon: And what’s, her name, Mikhail was rude about it. She was like, oh, maybe if you’re. I don’t even know. Maybe if you’re, like, nicer, your husband will come back, or if you open your heart, your husband will.

Caitlin: And she was kind of like, oh. I could just see from the beginning that they weren’t gonna make it. It was like, okay, that’s lovely. Thank you.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: What’s sad about this whole series is that none of the couples make it. Every single, literally none of them all divorced. So that’s.

Sharon: Yeah. Which is. Cause I thought Stacy and Jason seemed solid.

Caitlin: I thought that was the biggest shock to me.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And even Mary and what’s his face. Just. Cause they last.

Sharon: They’ve been there together for so long time. They’d have 26 years or something. Had lots of five kids.

Caitlin: I think he tried to get into her closet, and that was just the last straw. Just like, not you two.

Sharon: Linda and Eibong. I could see because, like, he’s a lot younger, but I could tell she.

Caitlin: Wasn’T ever gonna get married.

Sharon: Yeah. She said she never wants to get married again.

Caitlin: That means her relationships will run their course if she wants anything more.

Sharon: It seemed like they were just having fun.

Caitlin: Yeah. Yeah. I didn’t expect much from them, but.

Sharon: Stacey and Jason, Mary and Rich were surprising.

Caitlin: Yeah. Cat not surprising.

Sharon: Cat not surprising.

Caitlin: Charles comes out looking better than that.

Sharon: Yeah. I really like Charles.

Caitlin: I did too. Cat didn’t, but the rest of us thought he would.

Sharon: We like you, Charles.

Caitlin: I wonder why he didn’t get invited back to the next White House after Obama. all right, that is our episode on Cat in her many relationships with America. In her book, we are going to delve into her book. Yes, I have purchased it and we’re going to read it. There’s two books.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: And it’s like in box full or something like that. Yeah. So look for that. We’re going to read it and beguile you with all of her amazing british stories. We’ll finally get to bottom line about the cat and what makes her tick.

Sharon: And we’re going to do all the math with her ages and her stories.

Caitlin: Yeah, I know. We’ll have a time. We can make like one of those boards with the strings and the time. All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.

Sharon: But we bring the receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both h on RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us at, thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.