Soft swinging and hard living catch up with Taylor, who is at the center of #MomTok and the scandals surrounding it.
In this episode, we discuss Taylor Frankie Paul storylines from Secret Lives of Mormon Wives:
⚪Taylor vs Scandal ⚪Taylor vs Dakota
Caitlin: There was this beaver that they rescued, and then she would release them back into the wild. But while they were at her house, they would grab, like, all the pillows and cushions.
Sharon: Aw.
Caitlin: Because they needed to make little dams, and they would make little pillow dams.
Sharon: That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I would watch that.
Caitlin: That’s an amazing show.
Sharon: Beaver talk. Beaver talk. Except you know what people would google?
Caitlin: People are gonna lose this out of control. Stop calling it that.
Sharon: Other beaver talk. Like animal beaver with a check mark. Like beaver talk.
Caitlin: That’s not an official beaver talk. Do not click on unofficial beaver talk. Just like you don’t click on hi, this is Caitlin.
Sharon: And this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on real housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the t blowing so chic. Hold onto your righteous indignation.
Sharon: This week we’re digging into Taylor Frankie Paul from the secret lives of Mormon, the new series on Hulu.
Caitlin: So the verses this week for Taylor are, Taylor versus scandal and Taylor versus Dakota. So Taylor Frankie Paul has three first names. She blew up momtalk when she got a divorce from her first husband and went on TikTok and outed herself, her husband, and other Mormons for or soft swinging, which seems to be everything but home base. That’s how we’re gonna describe that. note that none of the TikTokers on this momtalk show have said that they were a part of this. I don’t know. I mean, I guess I kind of believe them, but I don’t know. It’s hard to say because it’s like, clearly this involved a bunch of people. So is it just all friends that weren’t on the show? Yeah, but then that’s a little weird too. She currently has three kids, and she’s dating Dakota. are we team Taylor, Frankie Paul, or nothing?
Sharon: We are. Taylor. Frinkie Paul was actually my favorite.
Caitlin: Yeah, me too.
Sharon: She’s actually the only one I kind of liked. She’s really moments m of me liking the others, but the only one I consistently enjoyed.
Caitlin: I feel like as they’ve taken time after watching the show.
Caitlin: I like more of them. More in the middle of it. I hated everybody. And I thought, how am I supposed to like any of these women? And then at the end of it, the only one I really, really like was rooting for was Taylor. I think that that’s the thing. You’re really rooting for her.
Sharon: Yeah, I’m rooting for Taylor. The other people I’m actually kind of rooting to fail against.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: I think that that’s not always, but sometimes.
Caitlin: Yeah, no, I’m pulling for her. And she is the most real. Like, she has had, actual things that suck happen to her and she’s trying to come out of it.
Sharon: She’s very flawed.
Caitlin: Exactly. And that. I think so it’s like when we were trying to compare it in other episodes that we’ve been talking about to the housewives. It’s the flaws that we wanna see and the flaws that we’re not seeing on this show. But Taylor does, actually. And so that’s what makes her likable.
Sharon: Right. Cause the other women are, they’re not real. We’ve decided.
Caitlin: Do you think that she could fit on a housewife show?
Sharon: I do, yeah. I actually think she is the only one.
Caitlin: I think she might need a few more years on her.
Sharon: Yeah. Like older maturity.
Caitlin: Yep.
Sharon: But I think she could actually be a housewife. A real housewife.
Caitlin: Yep. Okay, so Momtalk is a bunch of influencers who share content with each other to make more money. Somehow. Somehow this works. I started it and she started it. So she seems to be the ogden of Momtalk.
Caitlin: They mostly seem to do TikTok dances and light content on their lives of being moms, which is weird because again, like you said, and you said this in another episode, and it just keeps going back to me in my head. We don’t see them being moms. I don’t understand how you can have a show centralized on mom talk, also centralized on the scandal, which we’ll talk about. And neither things seem to like you didn’t prove your thesis. My thesis advisor would send you back. This is not working.
Sharon: At the time, I kept wondering if some of them were moms. I was like, I don’t think that one’s actually a momentous.
Caitlin: I know I had to look whether they all had kids. It turns out they do, but, we didn’t really see them. And I’m fine with not showing the kids, but you can show the mom stuff. Make a lunch while you’re talking. I don’t know, pick up a shoe that doesn’t have another shoe from a different part of your house. So according to Reddit and Distractify, you know, the two sources on the Internet, there were two other women who started off with Taylor and they declined to join the show. So one says she wasn’t involved in the swinging, but she got divorced right after it. And then Reddit detectives kind of found photos that seemed to maybe prove that she was involved. It’s all kind of hearsay, but it’s interesting. The other was sort of, a Heather gay, Mormon royalty type situation. And so she declined to be on the show. And she’s the one that Taylor said wasn’t involved in the swinging. And she didn’t really comment on the others, which is interesting. Sometimes a lot is said by not saying something. So Taylor goes on TikTok. She then calls out and shocks people first with her divorce, then goes on to say, hold my 40 ounce Diet Coke. It gets worse. We’re involved in soft swinging. It sounded like it’s some sort of parties. It does. The more I try to describe it, it sounds like a high school party that went really, really weird. So it’s like you get to play like, what is that? How many seconds have happened? Do you get?
Sharon: Seven.
Caitlin: Seven. You get seven in the closet with other husbands. That’s what it kind of sounds like to me. Yeah. but anyway, she goes on to say that she cheated all the way. Like, she stepped out on the agreement of the soft. She went hard swinging.
Sharon: That’s what happened with her full swing.
Caitlin: Full swing. She took a full swing.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Why is Taylor so likable? Because really, she has this scandal. We’ll talk more in Dakota about scandal number two, which is her domestic abuse. What’s the word?
Sharon: Arrest, I guess. I think it’s because she’s the only one that’s honest.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: And because she is the only one that is flawed, you can kind of relate to her. And it’s like, you’re kind of. You’re like, man, she’s dumb. And even her mom, it’s like, why’d you get pregnant? You shouldn’t. And you’re saying the same thing to her. You’re like, why did you do that? But then she’s so adorable.
Caitlin: She is just something so cute about her. She is adorable.
Sharon: And I think it’s cause she. I don’t think there’s anything mean about her.
Caitlin: I think so, too. I do think she, like, she likes to party. She’s maybe not very good at reining herself in. Yeah. She kind of, like, lets the sin take over.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: But she isn’t a bad person. Yeah. And that’s actually a really nice thing to see, because you tend to go, bad people do bad things. Sometimes good people do bad things, too.
Sharon: And I think that she could be a good friend. Like, you know, she would be a good friend.
Caitlin: I do think she’d have your back. Did you expect more scandal of the show I did, because it felt like all the social media leading up to it was like soft swinging scandal. These women were all involved in it. They weren’t. One of them was. And everyone else was like, eh, not involved. Yeah.
Sharon: I thought that there was gonna be some crazy cause, especially when the soft swing thing, I thought that they were all. And then I spent a lot of episodes thinking they were all involved in the swinging stuff, and then until finally I was like, I actually don’t think that’s the case. And then I was like, oh, yeah.
Caitlin: It’S interesting because it kind of seems like maybe they brought some of the other women in because the ones involved couldn’t or didn’t want to film. But then that was like the idea that they’d pitched in the pitch meeting, so they kind of had to start with it, and it almost felt like they were going along. This is what they thought the show would be about, and then it wasn’t. And then there was this huge break. There’s a huge break in time between the first episode and the second episode, and it almost feels like then when we pick up in the second episode, what we’re dealing with is not the soft swinging, we’re dealing with Taylor and her domestic abuse arrest and all of the things with Dakota. So it’s interesting because it just feels like the focus changed.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And so it’s a hard show to describe to people.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Because the secret part isn’t really very. There’s no secret. And also, it’s like we’ve said before in some of our earlier episodes, because.
Sharon: The swinging scandal is the.
Caitlin: That’s the secret.
Sharon: There’s nothing they’re doing behind closed doors.
Caitlin: You’re right, exactly. And even the stuff that was kind of a secret isn’t really a secret. And like we said, do we think that they’ve changed people’s outlook on mormonism?
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: No, because again, the ones that are really out there don’t seem to be Mormon. They just, grew up Mormon. And it also feels like they show the men as so controlling and awful.
Caitlin: That I don’t see that there’s been growth and that it’s more feminism or more women centric. It’s still very a male centric, male dominated culture. It’s just that maybe they let them have caffeine. Now. That’s what I understood.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: What is also interesting in the formats, if you compare them, housewives doesn’t seem to have a central girl, but this does. Everything does revolve around Taylor. Taylor’s the center.
Sharon: Yes. There were no show without Taylor. Yeah, absolutely.
Caitlin: It’s like there’s no point. Like she’s the focus, she’s the continuity.
Caitlin: And she is like the queen of it. Like she’s in charge no matter what Whitney would like.
Sharon: Yeah, it is interesting that she’s in charge, but sometimes she doesn’t seem. Sometimes I don’t even really understand her relationship with all the women because she’s so focused on her pregnancy most of the time, which rightly so, you know.
Caitlin: And I wish they had shown how the collaborations worked because it tended to just be parties where they all complained about each other.
Caitlin: It’s like if someone didn’t completely understand what makes housewives work, it’s like if they didn’t understand that, it’s the relationship and it’s the friendships along with the fighting and it’s what they do in their lives. Like it’s the whole picture. And instead it’s like they took what they thought was the recipe.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: And instead they just did one of those, like 15 minutes hacks.
Sharon: It is. It is. It’s like a wannabe housewives. It’s a low budget housewives.
Caitlin: It’s a low budget housewives. Would you pick this or Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, which returns 918?
Sharon: Did you even ask me that?
Caitlin: Yeah. Did you literally just have wanted to promo that? It’s returning. So very excited about it.
Sharon: Real Housewives of Salt Lake City is.
Caitlin: This helped us get over our little drought of Salt Lake City.
Sharon: It helped me realize how much I love housewives.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: And it helped me realize that, you know what? Reality tv people might knock it.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: But there is. There is art to producing it, to putting the right people together. Like, it’s not just as easy as. You know what I mean? That’s what this show, it does matter who you put on there and what.
Caitlin: I agree. Do you think she actually brought more focus to Momtalk with her scandal? Is there no such thing as bad press?
Sharon: I guess not.
Caitlin: Kind of with Taylor. You know, some people, it’s just like things slide off of them.
Sharon: Yeah, she’s very.
Caitlin: Not that. Like, she hasn’t served her time literally in metaphorically, but it does seem like I wouldn’t have known what Momtalk was without this show, which wouldn’t have happened without the scandalous. So, yeah, I do think she’s the only reason it’s famous.
Sharon: Agree.
Caitlin: do you think the other reason. Okay, this is another thought that I had, and I’m kind of like, going off a little bit, but. So polygamy as an issue in the Mormon church is such a thing that I think it’s what makes the scandal worse in a way. which I kind of was realizing when I was thinking about sister wives and all of that, because I was thinking, well, that was, sister wise was kind of the start. And then real housewives of Salt Lake City and then this. Do you think that it’s because of that that almost makes them not seem like more modern women? Because we still can’t get away from the polygamy? Like we’re trying to say, women are in charge and the men respect the women and the women are these bosses. But at the same time, the whole scandal is, again, that mormon men would still like to sleep with more women. And that’s not true. And I think that that’s a, I mean, and the Mormon church is trying so hard to get away from that.
Sharon: But then again, she’s the one that really went out.
Caitlin: It’s true. but all the men were swinging, and it’s a two couple decision to go to these parties.
Sharon: See, I didn’t think of it that way because I just sort of felt like if I feel like swinging, I feel like the woman has allowed as much. Yeah, freedom is the man.
Caitlin: Which, I mean, that’s a good point.
Sharon: Which maybe they weren’t. Maybe it was. I, don’t know. Was this an equal swinging opportunity?
Caitlin: I don’t know. That’s a good question you’d have to ask. But I wonder just if that’s kind of what made us also feel like if that’s the foot we’re stepping off on, and I’m not saying that, like, polygamy, like the Mormon church has said, no, like, polygamy is not our thing. Like, we’re separating from it. But then it’s like, oh my gosh, they still can’t shake it. That is still the premise of this show. It’s like it was the premise of sister wives. It’s the premise of this. So, like, I guess at least real housewives of Salt Lake City does a better job, maybe, in making Mormonism, Seem more modern because it isn’t a, a premise of, again, oh, look it, we’re coming off of something polygamy based, we’re coming off of something cheating based, we’re coming off of something. It’s like, at least Salt Lake City real housewives was able to step out of that mold. This show, again, was not able to step out of that mold. And then they showed all these controlling men, again, not able to step out of that mold. It’s like, what we want to see is these women be. Maybe that’s because girl bosses.
Sharon: That’s maybe because that’s what that it is. I mean, maybe if it is a sexist, controlling institution.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: You’re not gonna step out of it. You’re gonna try to pretend it’s not what it is, but, that’s what it is.
Caitlin: And do you think it’s kind of like, you know, there’s sort of like that pattern on housewives where it’s like the women who are really close to a divorce, like Camille Grammer, will go.
Sharon: In and then they get.
Caitlin: Show how awful their husband is and then get the divorce and at least have a job.
Sharon: Yeah. And then they get the self confidence and they get the bump of money, and then they’re like, yeah, let’s see.
Caitlin: How many divorces come out of this next season. That’s what I. That’s what I wanna know now.
Sharon: I don’t think Jen would stay with Zach.
Caitlin: Oh, she will.
Sharon: You think she will? Mm
Caitlin: It makes me sad, but, yeah, I think she will. It made me so sad for her just watching it, because it’s so easy to stand on the outside.
Sharon: I know.
Caitlin: It’s the same with Taylor. It’s so easy to sit on the outside and watch how awful something is and to think about the times you’ve been in stuff and you just can’t see it in front of you. And it’s like you saw that so many times with a lot of these women.
Sharon: She’s got little kids. I hope she doesn’t wear kids.
Caitlin: Yeah, that would be harder to leave. That would be a smart. Be a smart choice. Okay, who wins in Taylor versus scandal?
Sharon: Taylor.
Caitlin: Taylor. And she made the scandal make everyone relevant, so she wins. Okay, let’s talk about Taylor versus Dakota. I don’t like Dakota. Dakota. I’m just gonna throw it out there.
Sharon: He’s so stupid.
Caitlin: He’s the worst. I m mean, he’s not the worst. We’re gonna get to the worst, but he’s, like, the runner up.
Sharon: He’s just dumb.
Caitlin: So after her divorce, Taylor dates Dakota. He’s a recovering fentanyl addict. They have a pregnancy scare, which they then fix by getting actually pregnant.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: Taylor goes drinking on one night, and she’s arrested for domestic abuse. I mean, also, the amount of drinking we see from these women was a little shocking to me. And the partying, it was interesting to see. We see the body cam footage. She’s on parole all season. Has to do check ins. Can’t go near a bar. That was sort of interesting. They’d be like, oh, you can’t come. Oh, we can’t go in a bar. Oh, we have to find a restaurant without. It was kind of interesting to see that. Like, the ramifications of that. Like, you don’t always see that.
Sharon: Oh, that’s okay. Two and two together. Okay.
Caitlin: Yeah. That’s why she couldn’t go in the bars. That’s why they said she just had to stand outside. No. Okay. So she reportedly threw. This is what Vulture said. She reportedly threw a metal chair at Mortensen, who then felt, quote, scared for his life. And I’m kind of reading this directly from. I’m totally plagiarizing vulture. apparently was next to one of her children, who was also hit by the chair. I think that was a big problem. Yeah. That I hadn’t heard. A detective said there was, like, a goose egg size bump on the child’s head.
Sharon: Oh, no.
Caitlin: So she did plead guilty to aggravated assault. And this was in August of 2023, and now she’s, like, sober, and that’s kind of maybe part of her mom talk genre. Then she accidentally. I’m air quoting it, guys. Gets pregnant again. And then she and Dakota are on again, off again all season. Do you think the pregnancy was an accident?
Sharon: Oh, my God. No.
Caitlin: No, not on either side.
Sharon: Yeah. If you have an accidental pregnancy, especially when that ended so, like, painfully, you’re not gonna just, whoops, you know what I mean?
Caitlin: Do you know what else was interesting? Looking when I was kind of looking up how many children each of the women have. Almost m not the majority. A lot of them. Maybe the majority, I don’t know, now. Had got pregnant and then got married. Like, that was incredibly common.
Sharon: Was that. Was that Michaela that said she.
Caitlin: Mikayla was one? I think that happened to Macy. M. I don’t know if that happened to Taylor, but it was a bunch of them where it was like, well, we were. I got pregnant, and then we got. It’s like, again, the Mormons are having a little trouble with that. Again, we have to completely not have sex. M. Then kids are having it anyway, so maybe we’ll have that birth control talk. the men give such a bad look to mormonism. Do we like Dakota at all? Is there anything redeemable in him? No, because we came to a better place with Connor.
Sharon: Okay, I will say this, Dakota. There were times where I don’t think we saw the whole thing because I was confused about what they were fighting about. It was very confused because at first.
Caitlin: I’m not sure they know.
Sharon: Right. I was like, is he basically saying like? Cause I kind of got the feeling she was sick of him and didn’t want to be with him anymore, but he knew that, and he wanted to be with her. And he’s like, why don’t you want to be with. You’re acting like you’re not in this.
Sharon: And I kind of felt like what he was feeling, like, I could see why he felt that way. The way she acted towards him.
Caitlin: Absolutely.
Sharon: But I didn’t know what started it.
Caitlin: He felt like she was self sabotaging too, which I thought was interesting, because I’m not sure she was self sabotaging. I think she just wanted out.
Sharon: I think she just doesn’t like him. And then. Cause she was saying, like, oh, it’s. Cause he cheated in the beginning. And then he was like, well, she told me we weren’t together.
Caitlin: I thought this cheating thing was really weird.
Sharon: Cause he made it sound like they weren’t together.
Caitlin: And even she had kind of said they weren’t together. I don’t think she was arguing about the fact that they weren’t exclusive yet.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: But it’s like she felt hurt that they’d been together and were sleeping together. And then he said he was going to do a boys night, and instead he went and maybe, or maybe not slept with this girl. She thinks he did, and she wants him to fess up. And she is obsessed over that, I think.
Sharon: But as soon as he does, she’s gonna leave. So why doesn’t she just leave then? She thinks he did.
Caitlin: Oh, and she said without a fact, like, if he slept with. What was her name? Jenna, that she would be out. But this is. She’s looking for an excuse.
Sharon: This is before she was pregnant, right?
Caitlin: Yeah, that was the time to run. Cut and run. I mean, yeah, they were really together.
Sharon: Right. The way they’re telling the story. Unless it’s completely.
Caitlin: It’s weird. It does feel like there’s more that.
Sharon: She doesn’t trust about. It feels more. That doesn’t make m sense.
Caitlin: And initially, I thought, this is never gonna work, because he said, I can’t be with someone. Like, I’m in recovery. I can’t be with someone who’s, you know, I think it was alcohol was her thing, but. And then she went out that night, partied, got really drunk, and then she had the aggravated assault charges. So then I thought, well, this is never gonna work. He can’t be with someone. But then it’s almost like he thought it would work because now she was forced to be sober.
Caitlin: Like legally.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And I think she did kind of turn it around. But that it’s like you didn’t have to be stuck with him just because of all of that.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And also huge red flags all across the board. Like, she doesn’t maybe have the same sobriety idea that he had initially. She maybe does now. And then also, you know, the assault.
Sharon: Like, I didn’t get the feeling they tried to make him out to be like, super controlling in this. And apparently there was some stuff that.
Caitlin: I feel like it got worse as the season went on, though, because I didn’t.
Sharon: We didn’t get that vibe from him initially.
Caitlin: Not initially. I agree.
Sharon: Cause Macy was saying she heard him being horrible towards her.
Caitlin: What scares me about him is that maybe he’s that kind of narcissist where he’s so nice on the outside that we don’t see it.
Sharon: Cause he did seem like he legitimately.
Caitlin: He was pissed at Macy. And that scared me a little. The way he acted toward Macy, it felt like he was letting a bit of that facade slip and it scared me a little. Yeah.
Sharon: I think I’m being.
Caitlin: Initially, I thought I might come around on him. I thought I might like him. There’s something. I feel like Macy. There’s something that bothers me. And I can’t quite put my finger on it. And it’s not just that he’s kind of stupid.
Sharon: I just think he said they’re last.
Caitlin: No.
Sharon: No way.
Caitlin: They’re still together, though.
Sharon: I got the feeling she just really doesn’t want to be with him.
Caitlin: I know. Why are they still together?
Sharon: She seemed like. Like he gave. I hate the phrase, but he gave her the ick. Yeah, that’s like, totally the feeling I got.
Caitlin: Exactly. And what I don’t understand is it’s like she was so. I can’t get married again. I don’t want to do it. I don’t feel good about it. And then she’s just stayed like, it’s like, now was your chance. Like your first marriage went and this. You have a bad feeling about this. What are you doing? Like, run. It’s okay.
Sharon: Why did you get pregnant? I think what happened is they got pregnant, then they got so excited and.
Caitlin: They’Re like, so too.
Sharon: You know what? Let’s have a baby.
Caitlin: And it’s what brought them together. And it was a connection. And I do think there’s, like, a thing, you know, in the mormon culture about having a lot of kids. Right. And I do think sometimes women get freaked out and you think, this is my chance to have a kid. These are my childbearing years. If I want another kid, I just need to have the kid. Yeah. All that she wants. It’s very ace of base.
Sharon: It is.
Caitlin: Are we surprised that they’re still together? I am.
Sharon: I am. I can’t imagine they’re gonna be together much longer.
Caitlin: Do you think it’s better to stay together for the kid?
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: No, thank you.
Sharon: I don’t know. Not with Dakota.
Caitlin: Is religion to be blamed for how the men like Dakota act on this show, or do you think it’s just somehow.
Sharon: Yeah, I do think it is. In part the religion. I think the religion it gives more power is their culture. I mean, so that’s what. That’s where it stems from.
Caitlin: Yeah, absolutely. Do you think that Taylor does just want to ruin a good thing because she doesn’t feel like she deserves it? That’s what he keeps telling her. And I feel like that’s kind of the line he’s feeding.
Sharon: I think he’s just. I think she doesn’t like him. do you think he is the.
Caitlin: Kind of person, though, who does kind of, like, secretly have low self esteem and kind of doesn’t think she deserves things in her life?
Sharon: I don’t think so. I don’t get that vibe. Do you?
Caitlin: I don’t. Except for that’s the only way I can explain this relationship. Like, that she doesn’t think she deserves better than Dakota.
Sharon: Maybe she was drinking a lot. She thought he was hot.
Caitlin: Right. But why isn’t she running now? Why is she letting him talk her into it so much? Like, why is pregnant? Yeah.
Sharon: I mean, when you’re pregnant, you’re pretty.
Caitlin: I was pretty crazy.
Sharon: She doesn’t. I mean, and I don’t know how much money she’s making off her influencer stuff.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: She’s not dancing anymore. No, but I mean, does she still, like. I don’t know, does she make as much money or this and I.
Caitlin: And, you know, she was the one. I mean, she was the one who, like, monetarily, the scandal probably affected her, like, brands probably.
Sharon: Or made her drop. Oh, yeah, I guess.
Caitlin: But then some other brands might have wanted to go in, but initially, there was probably a drop. Now with the show, there’s probably an up.
Sharon: I don’t get the feeling Dakota works.
Caitlin: Yeah, I couldn’t figure out what.
Sharon: He must have a job. But I just got the feeling it probably wasn’t anything.
Caitlin: You know what it feels like so bad? It feels like there was, like, the summer house where he was upset with her because, well, she, as a woman, made so much more money as an influencer, and he, as a man, couldn’t make as much money. It feels like that. Like, he’s probably also an influencer, and it’s like, but I can’t make as much money because I’m not a woman. Like, I get that vibe from Dakota for some reason.
Sharon: Oh, I need to throw this out there. Did Dakota dance in some of the videos with her? Some of the men danced with the women in the ball, and I hated it so much. I was like, I could never be with a guy that did that. Could you. Could you marry a man that danced in the video with you like that? Did the little dance with you? not dance like the man like that, but, like, not if he was like, what? Dance? Yes.
Caitlin: I don’t think I could do the dance, so I probably couldn’t. Yeah. I mean, just in general, I think.
Sharon: Across the board, I just would not.
Caitlin: Yeah. Not doing.
Sharon: Could not allow this.
Caitlin: I mean, I think I could have a gay best friend who danced with me on TikTok, but that’s different.
Sharon: Very different.
Caitlin: Yeah. Do you think mom talk will survive this? I have to ask.
Sharon: I think Taylor will.
Caitlin: How will mom talk?
Sharon: Taylor will somehow survive it.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: She will come up with another talk. Taylor talk.
Caitlin: Do you know what it’s upsetting about now? I’m thinking about the guys dancing on the TikTok. I guess I maybe have less of a problem with it, except that.
Sharon: No, I.
Caitlin: It’s called mom talk. And again, now, here are the men that we’re saying are controlling.
Caitlin: And insert themselves into everything. And now they’re also like, oh, let me be on the tick tock, too. Like, back off. Like, stay in your lane, bro.
Sharon: Sometimes we ask Thomas questions on this podcast.
Caitlin: Oh, we do. But that’s because he’s.
Sharon: He’s our sound engineer.
Caitlin: Yeah, he’s. And he has. He has good points.
Sharon: Sometimes we’ve discovered Dakota.
Caitlin: No, sometimes we’ve discovered he pays better attention to the episode than we did. Remember when he was like, oh, in that one episode, Lisa Vanderpump said we were like, no, she didn’t. And then we found it. We were like, oh, we had to go apologize. Yeah. So that I don’t mind. Plus, he doesn’t really want to be on the air, even though we’ve asked him to be. And there you go.
Sharon: There we go.
Caitlin: We asked him and he said no.
Sharon: That’s why I love Dakota. But if you marry to him.
Caitlin: Exactly. But if you asked these other guys, they’d be like, yes, yes, yes.
Sharon: I’m not after some cloud chaser.
Caitlin: No, absolutely not. Do you think Dakota’s a cloud chaser?
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Yeah, I think so too. Now that you. Once you said that, I felt like that’s on brand for him.
Sharon: Cause, yeah, I mean, that’s because he didn’t know her before, remember? Didn’t he, like, meet her on Instagram or something?
Caitlin: Probably on Tinder. Mormons love Tinder. Do you think that. Okay, this is kind of a mean question, but do you think. I know. He wanted to be a dad so badly. For some reason, that should make me feel like I like him more, and it didn’t. Why is he just so.
Sharon: He’s gonna be so bad at it.
Caitlin: Yeah. I mean, he didn’t seem to do super great.
Sharon: I feel like he might try, but I just feel like he’s not good at anything.
Caitlin: I feel like he’s gonna get bored of it.
Sharon: I feel like he’s just not smart.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: And I just have a limited patience.
Caitlin: There is something icky about him, and I don’t know what that is.
Sharon: If he were not smart, but he were, like, the nicest guy in the world. But he’s just got a lot of bad qualities.
Caitlin: You’re right. Cause when it’s like a Joey on friends where they’re stupid, but they’re really, really sweet, Then it works. Okay. But he doesn’t seem sweet, and there’s something underlying there that’s not okay. And I think some of that kind of came out in Vegas. Because when he was acting the way Zach was acting, and I thought Zack was the worst, it was like, well, now what are you doing? You’re sending nasty texts to him.
Sharon: The more we’re talking about it. Cause initially, I thought Zach probably talked him into it, but the more that you’re saying, you’re right, he probably does have this more.
Caitlin: Hm.
Sharon: Hidden behind his blue eyes.
Caitlin: Exactly. Cause at first, I felt like he was the only legitimate person who should have been allowed to go with the women to Vegas.
Sharon: I actually did.
Caitlin: She was having the baby, and you can’t say, we’ll just fly 4 hours.
Sharon: I actually didn’t think him going was that weird because she was so pregnant. I remember I didn’t want Thomas traveling.
Caitlin: Travel. So, yeah, I remember he left like, three months before and it freaked me out.
Sharon: And she couldn’t fly, so I had to drive.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: Was she just gonna drive with Jen and Zach alone? You know what I mean?
Caitlin: She’s pregnant.
Sharon: Of course. That actually.
Caitlin: Do they let women drive?
Sharon: Okay, I am not driving that many hours when I am.
Caitlin: No, I just meant in the. They would just. Do the men let their women drive? Maybe they.
Sharon: That’s a good question.
Caitlin: Just. Did we see that? Yeah, we saw them.
Sharon: I actually wouldn’t mind. Yeah, I would love it if they’re like, you cannot drive your one because I hate driving.
Caitlin: You may drive me. I would love to have a driver. If I was rich. That’s the thing. I would get. I would get a driver. I would love a driver. They park. You just get out. You don’t have to deal with a parking lot. I hate parking lots.
Sharon: And men, like, drives.
Caitlin: I’m like, yeah, I don’t know. You’d have to ask to come. He’s a good representative of men.
Sharon: Thomas, do you like driving? He’s not there.
Caitlin: He’s not listening. He’s there.
Sharon: Oh, he’s there. He’s just not listening.
Caitlin: That is so, The Mormon has been song. That’s exactly what they would do. Good way to act out the part. Very good. Righteous indignation. I say, all right, who would win in Taylor versus Dakota?
Sharon: Taylor’s gonna survive no matter what. Dakota. I don’t know.
Caitlin: About how many years do you give the marriage? Will they have a second child? I’m, like, just peppering you with questions.
Sharon: I don’t know. I’m worried she’ll marry him. I could see them having another kid.
Caitlin: I think they’ll have another kid. I’m not sure they’ll get married. I think she might get the number of kids she wants and try to avoid the wedding. Like, I can. I’m pregnant.
Sharon: I can see that. Yeah.
Caitlin: And then kind of be like, got.
Sharon: At least the baby. Wait, first, oops.
Caitlin: Yeah, I gotta get out of this, like, fog. I mean, when you think back to being pregnant, it’s like, at the time, I kind of didn’t, like, give myself enough credit for all the hormones and how crazy some of that makes you, and everyone just kind of thinks you’re nuts, and you’re just like, yep, I’m crazy. And then later, you’re kind of like, I wish I’d been cut a little more slack. That wasn’t fair. And I kind of feel like that’s the thing with Taylor, which she’s going in all this out, and then she had miscarriage, and it’s kind of unfair. Like, I’m not saying the assault thing was. I mean, that’s completely uncalled for. But a lot of the other stuff, and maybe her decisions with Dakota, I mean, like, that may just be pregnancy. Yeah. You know, and then postpartum brain, and it’s just. It’s exhausting. And you’re tired, and maybe you don’t want to do it alone. Maybe you do want someone else to change a diaper or be there in the middle of the night.
Sharon: Even if she doesn’t really like Dakota man to get an extra hour of.
Caitlin: Sleep, it may just be worth it.
Sharon: You know what I mean? Exactly.
Caitlin: I don’t think she’s purposeful.
Sharon: At least until the baby m sleeps through the night. Exactly.
Caitlin: And I don’t think she’s purposefully stringing him along. But it’s just like, maybe this can all be written off later when she’s thinking more clearly. All right, well, that is our episode on Taylor Frankie Pauldenne. It’s just kind of a fun name to say. It’s very rhythmic. Yeah. All right, remember, Momtalk brings the drama.
Sharon: But we bring the receipts.
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