Ice with episode title

Apparently you aren’t allowed to yell at your friends during a sound bath…now we know. Also, we feel you, Justin, our wedding rings don’t fit anymore either.

In this episode, we discuss Whitney Rose storylines from Real Housewives of Salt Lake City season 4:

⚪Whitney vs Meredith ⚪Whitney vs Heather

Episode 66 on Spotify

Caitlin: Oh, okay. So something I noticed with whitney, she’s selling her house. You can actually go through it online and look at the pictures.

Sharon: I didn’t look, though I wanted to.

Caitlin: Yeah, well, it always makes me nervous because I assume everything is fine with she, and, like, I’m sure that’s not the issue, but it makes me nervous. But what was fun is when you’re looking at that, if you look at the pictures, you can see in the rooms of the houses where the tv is, they’ve put images of her on Real housewives of Salt Lake City. Like, you see Whitney’s moments on the show, in the house, on the tv. But that’s awesome. Yeah, but I wonder if she’ll show her new house or if they’ll just be, like, in not purgatory. What’s it called when you’re waiting for a new house? It’s not purgatory. Oh, limbo.

Sharon: M. Hi. This is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to real housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing so chic. Hold on to your snowflakes.

Sharon: Today we’re digging into Whitney rose from Real housewives of Salt Lake City, season four.

Caitlin: It is pluralized. On this one, we’re having this whole discussion about whether it’s plural snowflakes or just regular snowflakes.

Sharon: And it’s plural, it holds onto, your snowflake.

Caitlin: I wrote snowflakes plural here, but I guess I said, that’s not an absolute. Okay. I don’t know. People go back, look and tell us that we don’t have to listen.

Sharon: We don’t want to hear ourselves.

Caitlin: We hear enough. It’s in our own heads all the time. You guys get the joy of us just once a week, but we’re stuck with this all the time. All right, the verses this week for Whitney. Whitney is kind of a tricky category. When we went into Salt Lake, we decided that we really wanted everybody to have their own episode. It was a great season. Everybody showed up. We really wanted to give everybody their own. Whitney’s a little trickier. There’s a lot of crossover, and we want to have a pretty good discussion about that. But our two verses this week are going to be Whitney versus Meredith and whitney versus heather. So whitney wild rose, I’m assuming her middle name is wild, is married to justin rose. She has two children. They met in kind of a suspicious way. She and justin, they’re meet cute because they both were married.

Sharon: They both were married.

Caitlin: They got together, but they’re still together.

Sharon: So you know what? They were meant to be together. They were.

Caitlin: And they had a lot of relationship discussion. Like, that was a huge part of whitney this season, was a lot of, external with her, like, what was going on with her and justin and her and her friend. That was sick. So maybe that’s part of the reason that whitney doesn’t show up as much is that had a lot going on to the side.

Sharon: She did.

Caitlin: so let’s talk about whitney versus meredith. here’s the big issue. So it looks like there’s nothing going on with them, but at every turn of the way, whitney’s always pointing out what has gone wrong with meredith, what meredith has done wrong, and whitney is the person who brings angie on the trip to palm springs. So what is going on with whitney? Whitney’s clearly mad at meredith. What is going on with whitney and meredith coming into the season?

Sharon: I don’t know, but whitney definitely does like to stir the pot.

Caitlin: She does? Yeah. Do you think she sees meredith as an easy,

Sharon: Purpose?

Caitlin: That’s brilliant.

Sharon: No, I don’t think meredith’s an easy mark.

Caitlin: I don’t either.

Sharon: I just think maybe she didn’t want to go after anyone else. I don’t know.

Caitlin: She was just sitting next to her at the table. Okay. It was the closest one there. I don’t understand whether, I mean, I don’t like to think of, like, bravo as having a hand in anything. I m don’t know whether they saw whitney, though, as an easy mark, and they were like, she’s the one who can bring angie on the trip. We need angie on the trip. Meredith didn’t invite angie about, like, and I can’t tell whether it’s just that whitney is kind of like that teacher’s pet, like we kind of discussed in our episode or, whether, she genuinely is really good friends with Angie and wanted Angie on the trip. No, but that seems questionable.

Sharon: A little for me, a little for b, I think so.

Caitlin: It’s like, I do feel like whitney this season ends up taking the role of, like, she’s not really the pawn, but she’s kind of like the person that moves things as they need to be moved.

Sharon: She’s like the hand guided.

Caitlin: She’s the silent, quiet hand of mormon God guiding them. But at the same time, she doesn’t bring the drama. She just brings, like, she just, she brings the situation, the situations along silently, which is an OD role for someone to have. So it’s like, I do think she had her place this season. I do think she had a role, but it’s really hard to put into words what it is that she did.

Sharon: Yeah. Because she had a few little tiffs here and there with everyone. She kind of argued with Lisa. She kind of argued with Heather about, like, you took advantage of me, your book or. Which is the dumbest thing in the world.

Caitlin: The dumbest thing. yeah, but like, with whitney. With Meredith. Whitney versus Meredith. I mean, who do you think wins?

Sharon: Mean, I don’t think they’re really like Meredith. I guess I don’t even see them as really being against each other, though.

Caitlin: I mean, really, the thing that Whitney did that was really brilliant on the Palm Springs trip was to do that cold and prickly game and get everybody all annoyed.

Sharon: Oh, yeah.

Caitlin: So that Meredith would get to the you can leave and then she would get to the rumors and the nastiness. But other than that, again, she is the moving hand. She’s not the drama bringer, but she’s an she. So she does have her role there the way, like, vicki or Tamara, I think, would fulfill their role. Okay, let’s talk a little bit about whitney versus Heather.

Caitlin: Okay, here’s an interesting thing, and this is what got me thinking about it with Heather. Does Whitney have a place on the show if she doesn’t have someone who’s mad at her to bring the drama? I’m not sure she being mad at someone like that. She’s strong enough.

Sharon: Like, they don’t care.

Caitlin: Yeah, they don’t care that she’s pissed. It doesn’t create a storyline, but they have to be pissed enough for her to have a storyline. So when Heather cared enough and was hurt enough.

Caitlin: All of a sudden, it was a big storyline. It made ultimate girls trip really interesting. The one in Thailand.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Without that, I’m not sure that Whitney can bring the drama on her own. And I hate saying that because I really do genuinely love.

Sharon: Yeah, well, the thing is, Whitney will bring drama because, I don’t know, she’s very sensitive.

Caitlin: Yeah. And she’s very uncareful when she drinks about what she says. Yes, exactly.

Sharon: So I feel like she will always somehow bring drama. but you’re right, she doesn’t.

Caitlin: Her drama to bring.

Sharon: Yes, she will definitely bring up other people’s drama.

Caitlin: She brings others.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: She’s like a library of drama. She just borrows drama and then gives it to the news.

Sharon: Pretty much.

Caitlin: Do you think there was an actual beef between she and Heather this season, or do you feel like that almost came up because people kind of like, it’s almost like they missed it and there wasn’t enough resolution. So they’re really, are you sure you’re not mad? I think Whitney was just like Heather about anything. And then she was like, look, I read a book.

Sharon: Yeah. I think Whitney’s just like, I stepped.

Caitlin: Outside of true crime and I’m mad that I did.

Sharon: I want to yell at someone for something.

Caitlin: because again, that was another drunk thing that the next morning, I think she wasn’t even sure what to apologize. Not even sure she was understanding why. She was like, it just all felt like, it was just like a bad drunken dream. It was so ridiculous. Yeah. Especially when Heather shared that she’d let her proofread it, read the whole story. Look at the chapter about herself when you read it. And then she was like, hey, I took that one word out or whatever, and she’s like, well, yeah, but she’s like, it didn’t change anything. And the Heather was like, well, it made it funnier. And now I’m dying to know what was taken. Like, let’s go back and read that chapter and look for missing parts that were funny. yeah. So does anybody win in Whitney versus Heather?

Sharon: Heather.

Caitlin: Yeah. Let’s talk a little bit about Whitney’s jewelry line, shall we?

Sharon: Yeah, I liked looking, I’ve looked at it online and there was some pretty stuff.

Caitlin: Prism.

Sharon: Prism? Yeah, I saw some, was most of it’s pretty affordable.

Caitlin: My favorite was, and I’ve almost thought about it and I’m like, ah. But, it’s like the half of a sunshine.

Caitlin: So it’s like the sun, like the half circle and then the rays coming out of it. There’s a cute necklace and then there’s really cute earrings. It looks really cute on your earlobe, by the way. So give that a gook when you have a moment. but I love the idea of it because she kind of says it’s this full circle moment of her spirituality because she’s into crystals. And that’s why we have the sound bath. And, I think it’s a great idea and I think it is very utah in a lot of ways.

Sharon: Oh, hey, it’s 30% off their fashion jewelry right now.

Caitlin: Okay, whose is better? We’ve got a couple jewelry lines here. We’ve got Meredith marks plated. Plated.

Sharon: So I’m talking her plated.

Caitlin: Yeah, her cheaper one. Not her, because I love her expensive.

Sharon: I looked at her plated and there was some little huggy hoops. I like, again, the same thing. They were pretty affordable, but I was like, just not really going to buy.

Caitlin: A hard thing for me with Meredith. And we saw a little bit of it at Bravocon when we were at marks booth buying our marks, pride collection hoodies. in case you haven’t ever heard us speak of those, but my problem with Meredith is that there’s a lot of M’s. And I go into that saying that with a person whose last name starts with an m, I actually could probably pull it off. But it’s still very particular to have your own initial on it. Like, if there’s one way to kind of add it in. Do the hoops. Do the huggy hoops.

Sharon: No, they’re just hoops. They were just pretty hoops.

Caitlin: She does have some that’s more. So maybe we’re just seeing the m stuff a little bit more because that’s what.

Sharon: Well, a lot of it is. Well, she’s got some of this like modern the link kind of stuff. That’s pretty.

Caitlin: But you like the link? I agree.

Sharon: The m m is kind of not my favorite.

Caitlin: No, I agree with, what do you, you know, I don’t feel like Whitney showed up real well at the reunion either, except she was very, very cold. But again, she was pretty quiet at the reunion. You know what’s weird with Whitney is I do think there’s some really interesting stuff within her family. Like when they talk about the stuff with her dad or the stuff that is kind of her personal trauma, but it is almost too personal in a way for it to be a storyline. And so it’s interesting seeing Whitney deal with those things, but I think that they think, and I’m not sure that they’re right, I feel like they think that that is not interesting enough for us to necessarily see. And so they were real kind of quiet about it more this season. They talked a little bit about the death with her friend, but I think where they could use Whitney because like, spirituality is a part of the show. M she’s dealing with trauma, she’s dealing with family things, she’s dealing with death. I think instead of just showing all the bad sides of mormonism and talking about those things that they did, it might be interesting to show Whitney dealing with what she’s dealing with and how she’s dealing with that without the religion that she was born with. Like, religion’s a part of this show that would be interesting. But I feel like they want to show us the drama and I get that, but I feel like there’s got to be a way to kind of include that because I think that’s maybe the interesting thing that Whitney brings.

Sharon: That would be interesting. And you know what I’m wondering because there was this focus on her childhood.

Caitlin: In the previous season.

Sharon: Did she not want it focused on.

Caitlin: As much as time or did I want to know? Because I feel like they kind of drew us in and then dropped where’s your dad?

Sharon: Right. Because she seemed open to talking about. She did.

Caitlin: So that’s where I’m confused too. Did bravo kind of go in like.

Sharon: It just didn’t kind of, you didn’t get a black, eye?

Caitlin: But I do feel like it was such a part of previous seasons and I think they did us a disservice.

Sharon: Yeah, it is weird. That’s all of a sudden it’s like this huge part of her life and then it’s suddenly.

Caitlin: It’S. And that’s why I have wonder if Whitney didn’t film a lot more that they just didn’t show because, I mean, Monica kind of took over everything in the season and I don’t think whitney and Monica had a lot going on between each other. So in that way, whitney got kind of moved to the side. Do you think whitney did enough to earn her snowflake?

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: For the next.

Sharon: She’s, I don’t think she has to do much.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: You know what mean?

Caitlin: Like I felt like that was more negative.

Sharon: No, I didn’t mean it. I mean, like she’s like.

Caitlin: Exactly. No, I agree.

Sharon: Like, I can’t picture her not being there.

Caitlin: What’s interesting about this group is I feel like there’s such a core and especially because we took Jen out, which obviously we needed to do, and that’s been so refreshing. I mean, that was good. That was much needed. So I do think I don’t want them to mess with the core anymore.

Sharon: Yeah, I want Meredith, Lisa, whitney and, yeah. Have to stay.

Caitlin: Exactly. And rumor has it that Mary’s signing on as a full time role and I don’t know what to do with that.

Sharon: Is she going to do stuff? Because then she has to do, she.

Caitlin: Has to get off the don’t. She’s got to know that she can get off.

Sharon: Go do the little trust falls and whatever else shaving.

Caitlin: Bravo’s got the budget she’s going to need for like oat milk lattes and fish filets.

Sharon: Fileto.

Caitlin: Fish filet.

Sharon: Fish.

Caitlin: I was scared to say it. you saw the panic in my. I mean, I do think that, yeah, whitney does bring stuff to the table. She just wasn’t really allowed to bring stuff to the table this season. And maybe we’re being whitney apologists. I don’t know. Let us know online whether you think whitney has done enough to stay. I just think she is pivotal to it. And again, the fact that she and Heather are related is interesting. It is interesting to have family.

Sharon: Okay, but in Utah, like, everyone’s related. I’m really not that impressed.

Caitlin: They’re all related. They’re all mormon royalty.

Sharon: When you all have 38 siblings.

Caitlin: That’s true. It makes it easier to.

Sharon: It makes it easier to be related. Can’t throw a dart without hitting somebody.

Caitlin: Really, at every party, you got to watch your back.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: You never know where your family’s going. And then they might write a book about you and then they might talk about your boudoir photoshop.

Sharon: I might exploit your, other regions for this. Exactly.

Caitlin: All right, well, that is our episode on Whitney for Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, season four. go on our social media. I want to know what people think about Whitney. I really am curious to see whether people think as fondly of her as we do or if we just have a soft spark for Whitney and Justin in our heart, which might be.

Caitlin: For Whitney wild Rose. That’s what I’m calling her now. I’m legally changing her name. Whitney. It’s probably like Tiffany or something.

Sharon: Whitney, Tiffany, wild Rose, whatever.

Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. She could hyphenate if nothing else.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.

Sharon: But we bring the receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both at RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us at rhonrhpod Thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.