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Welcome to our Land Rover RHODC episode. It has the White House, polo, wineries and someone runs away with Journey! No invitation needed.

In this episode, we discuss Michaele Salahi storylines from Real Housewives of DC Season 1:

⚪Michaele vs her resume ⚪Michaele vs finances ⚪Michaele vs polo community ⚪Michaele vs party crashing

Episode 79 on Spotify

Caitlin: Okay, you know what? I do think it’s funny. I felt like the security to get into Bravocon was more secure than the security to get into the White House. Like, why is that? I mean, and I think Bravocon is very important. That was a lot of celebrities, but there was a lot of celebrities at the White House too, and I didn’t feel like we could sneak anything into Bravo. Hi, this is Caitlin.

Sharon: And this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing so chic. Hold onto your guest list.

Sharon: Today we’re digging into Michaele Salahi from the Bravo vault, Real Housewives of DC, which premiered August 5, 2010. No. Season number two.

Caitlin: No. Which is so funny. And we can talk about that in another episode. But it’s interesting because I think if this had happened nowadays, there would definitely be a season two. Yes.

Sharon: I wish there was a season two.

Caitlin: So we don’t know what is true about Michaele. In fact, I’m not entirely sure that’s her real name, but she’s 58 now, and she was 45 at the time of the show. She was married to Tarek Salahi from zero three to 2012. He is an international polo player. He’s probably played, like, here in Canada or something. And whose family owns Oasis winery. Later, she jumps ship from Tariq and marries Neil shone, Lieutenant Targus for journey. After a brief missing persons report was filed by her husband, she ran away with the lead guitarist for Turney.

Sharon: It does sound like an upgrade. I mean, I don’t know the lead.

Caitlin: Guitarist from Journey, but just, I think any lead guitarist would be an upgrade from Tark. So we really love DC. I watched it originally when it first aired, but I hadn’t seen it in a long time, and I think it totally stands up.

Sharon: Yeah, this is the first time I’d ever seen it, and I was kind of like, oh, you know, how good could it be if there’s only one season? I was like, this is one of my favorite me too seasons ever.

Caitlin: It’s like, it’s only nine episodes and two, reunions, and it packed so much into it, and it’s so interesting. And there wasn’t a moment where I was like, hurry up.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: It just kept going and it kept getting, and I was like, oh, this is so much better. It’s really hard to watch it by yourself. We watched part of it together and then part of it separate, and I kept being like, I need somebody to talk to.

Sharon: About this. We, watched the first five episodes together and it was really fun and it went really fast.

Caitlin: It went so fast. So it’s an easy watch. It’s a fast watch, and it’s a worth it watch. Okay. The verses are Mikael. I can’t say her name, but this is gonna.

Sharon: We might accidentally say Michaele, but it’s Michaele.

Caitlin: Michaele. Maybe it’s like Joel McHale. Like maybe if I remember it like that.

Sharon: I don’t know who that is.

Caitlin: Well, he’s a comedian and he’s actually from Mercer island in Washington state. Okay, so the verses are Michaele versus her resume, Michaele versus finances, Michaele versus the polo community, and the coup de grace. Michaele versus party crashing. That’s what we’re all waiting for. Yes, this is the famous moment. All right, let’s start with her resume. Because to get to the party crashing, which is like the greatest party crashing Bravo story ever, maybe we have to learn about our con man and con woman. So Michaele in her resume, first of all, she claimed she was a Redskins cheerleader.

Sharon: Yes. And so on the show, how they, bring this up is they show her like she’s out with the alumni dancing. Cause they’re gonna go do this like cheerleader alumni dance on the field. And I kind of felt like they were making fun of her dancing a little bit.

Caitlin: They were? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it wasn’t good.

Sharon: Yeah. What?

Caitlin: I mean, it would, you know, you could maybe have forgotten it.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: But she claims that she lied about her year, like her alumni year, because she didn’t want to say her real age, which we were both like, that’s crazy because wasn’t it the first or second episode where she was like, oh, I don’t seem like it at all, but I’m actually, you know, 45 ish or 43 or however old she was. and so she didn’t seem shy about claiming her age then. So at the reunion, she said she went out onto the field for a few games. Now, again, was she invited?

Sharon: Yeah, she went out for a couple games and they’re like, did you cheer? And she’s like, well, we went out, then finally she’s like, well, I don’t know, I was going out for a couple games, cheerleading, I don’t really like.

Caitlin: She wasn’t on the roster as far as we know.

Sharon: Apparently she was out there on the field for two games, supposedly, but we.

Caitlin: Know she can get into anywhere. Yeah, she paid alumni dues.

Sharon: And she did go out with the alumni.

Caitlin: Yeah, in 2009 when they cheered and.

Sharon: There was this quote, that this one other alumna said, oh, yeah, I saw her, and she fit right in. She’s kind of like this tall, skinny blonde chick. And then she said, I saw her dance in no way.

Caitlin: It’s a big, like, I think. I think she gets through everything if she looks the part. So if she looks like a tall, blonde cheerleader, then she’s a tall, blonde cheerleader. But this is a professional NFL team. This isn’t like your college, tiny community college cheerleading alumni. This is a big deal thing. The other issue with her resume is her makeup artistry career. Now, she had said that she. That when they went to the White House, she said, oh, it was really fun to see it from both sides because now she was a guest. But she used to work with vice presidents and first ladies. We never get anything that backs up that information.

Sharon: And she never says, any other time, oh, I was a makeup artist, you know, for the vice president. That’s kind of a big deal.

Caitlin: Mary on the show keeps pointing out that she worked the makeup counter at Nordstrom.

Sharon: Yes. Trish mcAvoy.

Caitlin: this seems the most realistic to me that does. and she mentions a lot, like, I used to buy. When I used to buy makeup from her when she used to sell me makeup. she is credited with a PBS documentary episode, though, but just one episode as a makeup artist. So who knows if she was even supposed to be there that day either. It’s hard to say that’s true.

Sharon: You know, honestly, like, I’m not sure.

Caitlin: She was meant to be anywhere ever. Except for maybe, like, once at school. In 2011, she released a pop single, and this was a. I was shocked because this is a Bravo song. Like, I thought I knew all the Bravo songs.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: Like, I thought I knew the whole catalog, but I didn’t. It’s called bump it. It was released online, with dj ups who looked like he had some sort of brown uniform, which was just amazing. And there is a clip of her on. It was just a local tv station. Like, it was Miami. NBC Miami. that’s where they debuted it. They wouldn’t even let her be on the national DC stage.

Sharon: You should see. She’s in this little dress, lip syncing. I wonder if she even sang the original or. It’s not really singing. It’s talk.

Caitlin: It’s not even rapping. Yeah, it’s talk singing. Like, maybe she invented talk singing.

Sharon: I don’t know.

Caitlin: That is a thing. Sounds, like toxic. The more I. It’s the worst song, but give it a goo.

Sharon: Yeah. And she’s, like, just prancing around on her little heels. Talk. Sinking.

Caitlin: Good, bad. she also. Your husband was telling me she got kicked off of the celebrity rehab show as well. Yeah.

Sharon: Either she got kicked off, or they wouldn’t let her on because they termed. She wasn’t actually an addict. She said she addicted to anything.

Caitlin: She’s just so on brand.

Sharon: And they said there was nothing neurologically wrong with her, aka. No.

Caitlin: I feel like. Did you ever watch the show white collar?

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: Oh, okay. Well, so it’s like this show, and he was, like a con man for, like, the art industry and.

Caitlin: It is kind of like, if you look the part, if you do all these things, you can get into it. I feel like this is, like a real life version of that. Like they’re gonna pull off a heist like they were gonna Bonnie and Clyde it, if you’d like, let it get that far. The other question that kept coming up was whether or not she had Ms. They’re, I’m gonna say sketchy charity, but because it is, they did donate to Ms and leukemia lymphoma organizations who do claim that they actually got money in 2007. So later when she says she has Ms, it’s like, well, I guess that adds some.

Sharon: But do we know how much money they got? We don’t, because she could have donated, like, $50.

Caitlin: Yeah, they said that it wasn’t enough to actually itemize it on the taxes, so, you know, that’s not.

Sharon: Yeah, they said the amount was so low.

Caitlin: Yeah. So who wins? Mikayla Michaele or her resume?

Sharon: I think her resume speaks for itself. Whatever you want that to mean.

Caitlin: I love that. I love that for her. Okay, let’s talk about her versus finances. So there’s two main categories here. One is the winery. Now, the winery is Oasis winery. It belonged to Tarek and his family. His dad was in charge of it. It seemed like this big family business, but not that the sons really had much of a hand. So it kind of felt like the dad was in charge of the whole thing. But dad then got. We looked up dementia.

Sharon: Dementia.

Caitlin: And so he really wasn’t running it. And he died soon after the show started. So there was an issue, I think, of, like, who would take his footsteps, who would follow in the winery. So it looked like Tarek and his mom were fighting.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And so every time they were at the winery, all these cop cars would show up. And you made an interesting point. Do you think the mom was calling it, or do you think Tarek was calling it for attention.

Sharon: I think he was calling it for attention.

Caitlin: it’s kind of interesting that you say that.

Sharon: Is the mom literally just standing there?

Caitlin: Like, I know she lives across the street. Exactly.

Sharon: Like, what?

Caitlin: And did they live in that house, or was that house completely for the.

Sharon: Purpose of the four seasons? right.

Caitlin: But then sometimes it looked like they were having. But I think all of that was just a work residence.

Sharon: But then they would.

Caitlin: The mom lived upstairs, and that whole time they were filming.

Sharon: Oh, maybe she was just. But here’s the thing. If she called the cops. Yeah, they talked to Tarek that one time. But, like, most of the time, there was just security guys standing there.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: Who were they defending them from? The cops. Like, why did Tarek have security?

Caitlin: Because he’s very important.

Sharon: Like, you can’t stop the cops from. I don’t even know. Like, if you actually start to think.

Caitlin: About it, none of it makes sense.

Sharon: It doesn’t actually make sense.

Caitlin: And that’s the thing. It’s all like, these little things that are thrown out to distract.

Sharon: You’re like, oh, police, security. Oh, lawsuit.

Caitlin: You know, that’s how the con works.

Sharon: Exactly. They just, like, confuse you with these big things.

Caitlin: So in 2011, the winery property or not the property, the equipment and parts of the reserve of wine was auctioned off. It’s unclear about the property, but it doesn’t look like it’s currently up and running and making a product.

Sharon: The last time I saw something, which it looks like it was years ago, but it was like some former employee was like, the grapes are dying on the vines. It was really dramatic.

Caitlin: Very grapes of wrath. So the other sketchy financial detail was they go house hunting.

Sharon: This is one of my favorite parts.

Caitlin: I wish it was an episode on House Hunters.

Sharon: Oh, my God. This has been.

Caitlin: So if I were to say to you, hey, we’re gonna go out and look at houses. Hey, what’s your budget?

Sharon: You know, I think somewhere, we’re so funny, we could even do that anywhere from, like, a tent in a homeless encampment, like Bill Gates’s mega mansion. She was like, I could go from.

Caitlin: Like, $100,000 house to, like, a $12 million. It doesn’t matter. It does matter. And so their realtor. Yeah, yeah.

Sharon: So Stacy. And Stacy’s like, oh, my God.

Caitlin: And you can tell the whole time, she doesn’t. She’s not buying any of this.

Sharon: So, you know, when Michaele is like, oh, you know, 100,000 to m 12 million is our budget, kind of. Then Tarek’s like, we can go up to 8 million.

Caitlin: Yeah. Because currently they’re living at the Four Seasons.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: Yes. In DC. In the. Like, the presidential suite.

Sharon: Yeah. We don’t know if it’s the presidential suite, but I was looking online at the suites, and based on what I saw, it is maybe the presidential suite.

Caitlin: Or at least upstairs to get to the second part of it. Was it Stacy who said, well, I’ve never seen a suite so fancy.

Sharon: So I think it’s gotta be, like, the presidential suite, and it’s at least four. Nowadays. I couldn’t get an exact price. It’s, like, at least $4,000 a night, which is crazy. So back then, maybe it was $2,000 a night. That would mean in one month, it costs $60,000 to live there.

Caitlin: They just have something.

Sharon: Do they get free breakfast?

Caitlin: So much money. I bet they do.

Sharon: But, you know, usually the expensive hotels don’t have the free.

Caitlin: True. They probably just put it on their tab.

Sharon: That’s true. Who pays this tab?

Caitlin: I don’t think anybody.

Sharon: You know who does? The polo association charity.

Caitlin: It says, like, it’s an Ms. Leukemia thing.

Sharon: But you know what the cure is? It’s curing their housing crisis.

Caitlin: I hope they find a cure for it. I know, but they never go into any houses because Stacy’s like, you have to have an appointment for this cost of a house to go into it. And they never provide financials. Yes, because, well, they’re having some issues with winery.

Sharon: Knowing them, they’d, like, squat there and then claim it’s theirs or whatever. They start getting mailed there, and then it’s theirs.

Caitlin: This is our new residence, ma’am. you were just here on a tour. We need you to leave, by the way.

Sharon: That’s one of my nightmares. Every time you hear those squatter stories where people don’t leave.

Caitlin: And this is the couple that would do it.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Okay, let’s talk about Michaele versus the polo community. So, you know, her husband, he’s this international polo player, and he really wants to make it bigger in our country.

Sharon: He looks super athletic, doesn’t he? He looks like he is out man.

Caitlin: Poloing, not water polo. This is land polo. Yeah, to be clear. So they have an event with America’s Polo cup in 2010. It was called the Land Rover America’s Polo cup, billing itself as the world’s most prestigious and largest charity polo event.

Sharon: Oh, my God.

Caitlin: It benefits their self made charity. Journey for the cure. I’m gonna repeat that. Journey for the cure. I think that someone’s been in love with journey for a very long time. That’s like, if I named it, like, matchbox 20, for sure.

Sharon: Matchbox 20.

Caitlin: So they claim that it has been, in quotes, patroned every year by the president of the United States. Oh, my God. Maybe just up. maybe the band, the president.

Sharon: Oh, they just forgot the s. But.

Caitlin: In the 2010 event, there was, like, a Cartier level of membership that, you know, Land Rover has their name on the event, but many sponsors, including Land Rover, Cartier, St. Regis Hotel, and the Ritz Carlton, said they were not sponsors.

Sharon: Can you imagine, like, saying, we are the Land Rover Polo cup and Land Rover?

Caitlin: It’s like, so, guys, just so you know, this is actually now going to be called the Land Rover.

Sharon: Real Housewives on Real Housewives.

Caitlin: There’s a Cartier level on our Patreon.

Sharon: If you’d like to go, oh, God.

Caitlin: Then they go back to all this 2007. Cause that’s what they have the taxes and the paperwork for. They didn’t pay the caterer in zero seven, a representative for journey who performed. So they weren’t paid.

Sharon: Shock her. Then why did she run away with him?

Caitlin: Wasn’t she like, she had to pay him?

Sharon: She’s like, you coming in, you’re either.

Caitlin: Gonna be my wife, or you’re gonna pay me for that charity event. No, son. The choices in 2010, they lost the official endorsement of India, and that’s who they were playing.

Sharon: But, you know, this is so sad, because Michaele and Tarek, they’re big. They were keeping our India US relations on track.

Caitlin: I know. And now they’re just all over the place. So, just so you know, the official, or seems like the most official that I could find is the US Open polo championship. That one has, like, actual tournaments.

Sharon: Wait, does Land Rover sponsor them?

Caitlin: You know, I don’t know. I didn’t. I didn’t ask. They don’t even need a sponsor. They’re that famous, probably. Yeah.

Sharon: And even. Cause Kat was, like, making fun of their polo event. And at first I was like, oh, maybe she’s just being kind of snotty. No, no, she was legit.

Caitlin: She’s like, what is this? So this sets us all up for the party crashing, which is the one of the greatest things that has ever happened.

Sharon: It’s unheard with receipts group. I put it up there.

Caitlin: I would. I think absolutely. Like, it’s one of a kind. It can never happen again, and these people are just nuts. Okay, so we start with, like, a little practice party crashing. So they practice crash the black caucus dinner.

Caitlin: Which is this big event. Obama and his wife Michelle were there, so they maybe had an admit one. There was a back and forth as to whether there was an invite that possibly admitted one. Yeah, but they had four in their party because they took their hairdresser and his husband.

Sharon: Yeah, they invited them. They specifically invited them and said that they, had tickets.

Caitlin: Right. So they take these poor, unsuspecting couple in, and then we don’t know how they got in. So maybe they got in through the caterers.

Sharon: So they said. They made it sound like, we don’t know what happened with this one invite.

Caitlin: Uh-huh.

Sharon: Because they didn’t have four. But then the husband of the hairdresser hairstylist said they snuck in, like a back door, like where the bus boys.

Caitlin: And stuff like that sounded like they just. And then when they got in, they had no seats. They were asking people, like, if someone’s sitting there, if you see that someone’s not sitting there, like, take the napkin off so it looks like someone’s sitting there, and then we can sit there. They were ultimately asked to leave. And then we also learned that. Who was Ted, the hairstylist for? He’s a famous client.

Sharon: Hairstyles for Kate Gosselin.

Caitlin: They have invented the Kate Gosselin.

Sharon: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Caitlin: Which is like the thing we promised each other we wouldn’t do anything.

Sharon: Yes. I remember telling Caitlin, I was like, we can never do this. We’ll never go here.

Caitlin: But he invented the cake.

Sharon: Or he. Or he perpetuated it. We don’t know.

Caitlin: Kept it going.

Sharon: It’s just as bad.

Caitlin: Yeah. I mean, maybe he didn’t want to do it. The hairstylists are sometimes forced to probably do haircuts they don’t want to do.

Sharon: You know what? Don’t. That’s like one of those things, being an artist with integrity.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Sharon: Like, I don’t care how much you pay me, I am not gonna.

Caitlin: Like. They paid him. Oh, exactly.

Sharon: Well, that was Kate.

Caitlin: That was Kate as far as we know. Okay, so this doesn’t go well, and it’s kind of. The rumors are now getting around in the friend group. They’ve been sketchy, and, I mean, we’ve met, m listed how many things now? I mean, this is not a good track record, but now they’re going to attempt the biggest con of their career. Yes. So, in 2009, the Salahis attended the White House state dinner for their favorite country, their adopted country, India, with the indian prime minister. Okay, this is just an interesting side note, there’s another guest who crashes it. It doesn’t look like he’s in collusion with them. But there was another uninvited guest. His name was Carlos Allen. He seemed to cooperate with people, and it wasn’t, is nearly like he wasn’t taken, up against the whole, like, grand jury and everything. but, okay. So the salahis are able to pass through two security checkpoints, one m requiring a positive id. Now, what we see on Bravo is we see them spend 7 hours at the salon. M the salon. Hair cutter or makeup person? It was the hair cutter. She says, can I see your invitation? Go show it to me.

Sharon: Which actually, I think I would have asked, too, like, because I’m sure that they probably send some beautiful, probably really, you know, on housewives, how they always do fun invitations. I can’t imagine the way he has these mutations.

Caitlin: But according to, her husband, you don’t actually need it. It’s more of just like a. Ah.

Sharon: Well, I understand that you need more than this. Here we go. I get that they’re a little more secure. Apparently not, actually.

Caitlin: Let’s find out. But she finds, she’s, like, searching through a bag in the back of the van.

Sharon: Yeah, she’s, like, looking in the back of the van. Like, I look for my kids little Chuck E. Cheese invitation.

Caitlin: I can’t remember what time it is or something. She’s like, oh, I forgot it. And I forgot my bra. Do I need either?

Sharon: Yeah, she has to tark.

Caitlin: Yeah, you do need your bra.

Sharon: Do I need either of those?

Caitlin: I think you should wear your bra when you go to the White House. Now she does wear a sari.

Sharon: It’s so beautiful. Oh, my gosh. I was jealous.

Caitlin: Yeah, it’s red. It’s really pretty. She doesn’t know how to wear it, though, so she has to make her makeup artist because, of course, she, this is interesting because she called the White House in advance to find out if this was an appropriate thing to wear, allegedly. I’d like to know if that was true or not.

Sharon: She might have talking to that one lady who was trying to get her tickets. So I believe she could have asked her.

Caitlin: Yeah, that makes sense.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: like, she, so they get into the White House, but what’s weird is we see them roll up in the car. We see the police saying her, you need to get out. Like you’re blocking the street because they’re on whatever that famous street in front of the White House is.

Sharon: Pennsylvania.

Caitlin: Yeah, that’s probably the one. Good memory. what’s interesting to me is I thought they would make the Bravo cameras stay there. They don’t. They get out, and the bravo cameras follow them to the first little checkpoint where the lady says, I can’t find your name on the list. Could you please stand to the side until we figure it out? It sounded to me like, stand to the side while I radio in and figure this out. But they walk down and around the side. So did they just.

Sharon: I think they just, like, walked in.

Caitlin: Like, skip that checkpoint. They didn’t get past her, but they went to the side.

Sharon: It looked to me like they walked past. Like, had she let them in, I think they would have gone that way.

Caitlin: so then that was the way. I think she’s stopping them from going that way.

Sharon: I think she was maybe being like, wait there, I’ll deal with you.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: So she clearly wasn’t kind of watch.

Caitlin: Where that person might be.

Sharon: Like, she was not a very good security person. She was not, she should probably not work, learn their security. Yeah.

Caitlin: So Obama was the president. They posted Facebook pictures with Joe Biden. She’s got her hand on his chest, like, their besties.

Sharon: She’s, like, hugging Joe Biden. They’re super close, me and Joe.

Caitlin: They later appear on the Today show with Matt Lauer saying, like, they were invited and this is just a misunderstanding, but they end up being subpoenaed by the Department of Homeland Security. And they go. And it is the most awkward thing. I mean, we’ve seen a bunch of these now with recent political events, and they just refuse to answer anything.

Sharon: They just plead the fifth, every question.

Caitlin: And the one, the one, I guess, senator gets really frustrated and says, like, are you here right now? Are you even here right now? Can you even admit that you’re here today?

Sharon: And then she’s like, I plead.

Caitlin: And he’s like, I plead with her. And they tried to get to her, like they said to her, even, like, you know, let’s not worry about what he said. Are you willing to talk to us? No, she’s not. and it was really interesting watching the whole cast of housewives watch them. Yeah, I love that. And, like, any of their thoughts, like, really famous people couldn’t get in, and they were saying, and, like, you know, politicians and people really wanted to be in.

Sharon: Oh, my favorite part. Tarik said that former presidents of the United States were turned down to go.

Caitlin: That’s right.

Sharon: First of all, how many former presidents of the United States were alive at that point? See bushes, two bushes. And, like, M. Carter, maybe. So. Maybe there’s three or four former presidents who are still alive.

Caitlin: Oh, Clinton’s didn’t get it.

Sharon: Maybe so. Yeah. There was no room for those ten people. No, but they had room for Tarth.

Caitlin: Because of the work they’ve done. Between amazing work and fabrics.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Okay, this is my question. Who is in control of this ship? Like, this whole thing? Because we’re focusing on the Michaele of it all. There’s less information on Tarek online, which is interesting. There’s more on her. She’s more visible.

Sharon: We can’t even find Tarek’s birthday.

Caitlin: Yeah. For all we know, he wasn’t even born. Yeah, maybe he’s a vampire.

Sharon: He is, I would believe. Yeah.

Caitlin: Yeah. He’s probably been around the block a few times.

Sharon: Here’s the thing. When they were driving to the, white house dinner, you know, and they were like, oh, so this is it. We’re going. Could you see that in their face? It was like, kind of like they’re. I really felt like they were. Yeah. I felt like they were both equally in on it. In that moment, I felt you could feel they’re talking to each other.

Caitlin: I think there’s some times at which he probably spins her up. Like, I bet there’s stuff that’s less important to her that she’s willing to kind of lie about and go through. But you’re right. I think they’re even partners on this. I think they’re both nutty, and they both want to be, like, the most important thing in the world. Sometimes I wonder if she thought she was conning him, and she ended up getting conned because they didn’t have the money that she thought they’d have or the prestige or the winery or the, horses or the whatever they thought they had. What if his polo horse is just a rental polo horse?

Sharon: Oh, what if it’s a, Sutton’s horse?

Caitlin: Santos. Santos had a former career as a polo horse. A fake polo horse. I mean, he was a real horse, but the polo itself was a little fake. All right, well, that is our episode on Real Housewives of DC. Michaele. I said it right? I think Salahi. I mean, that name just sort of has, like, this coat of mystery around.

Sharon: It does, Michaele Salahi. Dude, this season. Oh, I loved it.

Caitlin: It’s so good.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: All right, we’re gonna follow up with an episode on Cat, and then we’re gonna do an episode of sort of, like, everyone all together and give our general impressions, but that is our plan for DC. Go watch it and catch up if you have it.

Sharon: Yeah, it’s on peacock.

Caitlin: That’s right.

Sharon: I think that’s the only place you can watch it.

Caitlin: I think so. And it’s sponsored by Land Rover.

Sharon: That’d be hilarious. And so are we.

Caitlin: And so are we. Go check out land rover today. All right. Remember how.

Sharon: Tell them. Tell them real. That’s what we lost, I said.

Caitlin: And that we’re totally legit. Yeah. Oh, and Cartier sent you. All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.

Sharon: We bring the receipts.

Caitlin: Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. And if you’d like to help support the podcast, please share it with others or leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and threads both at RH on RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us at thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.