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Stephanie cries a river over her broken friendship with Brandi, and her husband tries to put that river right in their new living room!

In this episode, we discuss Stephanie Hollman storylines from Real Housewives of Dallas Season 2:

⚪Stephanie vs Brandi ⚪Stephanie vs LeeAnne ⚪Stephanie vs Travis

Episode 93 on Spotify

Caitlin: But see, if we get all of these done tonight, we can shop tomorrow.

Sharon: That’s true. That’s true. Yeah. Cause there’s only an hour left. Marshalls and TJ Maxx. Ross is up, until eleven. But they’re kinda scary.

Caitlin: Yeah, they can be a little sketchy. They’re like the leann of the retail world. Stephanie’s kinda like not Stephanie. Stephanie’s like the Macy’s. Brandy’s like the marshalls. And then Leanne is kind of like the Ross.

Sharon: Deandra is the sax.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Let’s see who else is there.

Caitlin: Yeah, there’s.

Sharon: Tiffany is like the hot topic.

Caitlin: Yeah. What’s Carrie? Cause I mean, she’s like one of those really trendy new things. Yes. She’s kind of like, what’s trendy but expensive? I can’t think. Cause I don’t know, anything trendy.

Sharon: I know, I’ve got to think of something. No, she’s like the lululemon.

Caitlin: She’s a pyramid scheme. No, that’s not. Oh, that’s right. I get them confused. She’s just fancy leggings.

Sharon: She’s just fancy.

Caitlin: She does like yoga.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Yeah. Okay.

Sharon: And then Cameron.

Caitlin: Mm Oh, is she something pink?

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: What store is pink? You know, like Target’s red. Yeah, she’s like, is Paris Hilton have a shop?

Sharon: Hi, this is Kaitlin and this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel Housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.

Sharon: So chic.

Caitlin: Hold on to your charitable donations.

Sharon: This week we’re digging to Stephanie Holman from the Real Housewives of Dallas, season two, which aired August to November 2017.

Caitlin: The verses this week are ah, Stephanie versus Brandi, Stephanie versus Leanne, and Stephanie versus Travis, her husband. So Stephanie Holman is an Oklahoma native, a podcast host, a former social worker, and is married to wooden locker mogul with Travis Holman. They have two sons. She was 37 when this season aired. so this season is like one of the hardest because we thought it was later on, like this is a rewatch. We thought it was later on when she and Brandi had their biggest breakdown. But it is this season. It is a season and it is tragic and hard because they were real life best friends. Like they were the first. I mean, they were friends first and show second. And so I just felt like there was nothing that could break them apart. They were like, sisters. And we start out just all of a sudden discovering that the reunion aired, everything ended and they haven’t been friends for like months.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Like, not even speaking, not talking on the phone. There was some really awkward. I don’t know if it’s like 4 July or the golf event, father’s day or something. Father’s day. That’s what it was. And they didn’t talk to each other. And Stephanie seemed really uncomfortable and asked Travis to leave. and we’re not quite sure why at first. And then we learn that Brandy is upset about things that Stephanie said about her marriage.

Caitlin: Okay, what do we think about that? It’s just such a huge break.

Sharon: It is such a huge break. And I blame Brandi.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: And I don’t know if it’s cause I like Stephanie Moore, but it just seems like Brandi got irritated, then read into what she wrote, and then, like, flipped out. And it seems like when Brandy gets mad, she just cuts you off.

Caitlin: I think so. And that’s like, my personal trauma is. And I think we. Because we both were always like, let me know if anything’s wrong, because I don’t want to say or do one stupid thing right. And have somebody be like, that’s it. We’re done. Never talking to you again. And like, that’s exactly what Brandy did. And then she said, like, I was surprised Stephanie went to therapy. Like, I’m not surprised. Yeah, that’s traumatic when someone just cuts you off like that.

Sharon: And she wouldn’t. Yeah, she wouldn’t talk to her. She wouldn’t tell her. And Stephanie’s left thinking, like, what happened? I don’t understand, you know?

Caitlin: M so my takeaway from this is that I read the blog, and I’m gonna read the blog to you because this is what Brandi made it sound like she was most upset. And I thought, okay, there’s gotta be like a two way to read it thing.

Caitlin: I’m not really sure there is. So she talks about a little bit more about, like, first in that episode they went on, the anniversary date, she and Travis. So Stephanie talks about that, but then she gets to the part about meeting Brandi’s grandpa. So that’s what happened. And this is where she’s going to use the line that comes back at the reunion where she talks about the slow motion car crash.

Caitlin: So Stephanie in her blog says, I felt so honored to be invited to meet Brandi Redmond’s grandfather. This was a special moment for her, and she was including me in a huge milestone for her family. Her grandfather’s a big man with a sweetheart. I loved visiting with him. And his wife, they were precious people. As I watched the clock and saw my dear friend becoming more perplexed, my.

Sharon: Heart broke for her.

Caitlin: But then when Travis called saying he was with Brian, a, Part of me panicked. I kept asking myself if I had told Travis how important this was and that this was the first time Brandi would see her grandfather. Did I explain to him that she was too young when she last saw him to remember him? We were waiting on Brian, and I just wanted them to get there as fast as they could. When they arrived, I realized that they had had some drinks. I felt uncomfortable and awkward. I wanted the experience to be an amazing family memory for Brandi. I could tell that Brandi was hurting and felt awkward in the situation. It was like watching a slow motion car crash, and there was nothing I could do to fix it.

Sharon: That is, to me, is nothing.

Caitlin: It’s not about her marriage at all.

Sharon: At all.

Caitlin: It’s about the situation which Brandi aired. Her husband showed up drunk, and, it was obvious.

Sharon: Erismyn was a huge jerk.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Sharon: It’s like, be mad at him.

Caitlin: Exactly. That’s what I was gonna say. This is all Brian’s fault.

Sharon: Mm

Caitlin: Everything is Brian’s fault. I don’t like Brian’s fault.

Sharon: I do not like Brian at all.

Caitlin: And it’s like, maybe this is why it just animated. But maybe this is why the friendship had so much trouble being repaired. Because I kept saying, why can’t Travis and Brian fix this?

Caitlin: Well, maybe they can’t fix it because Brian won’t admit that he’s the problem.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And so he was like, well, it was on Travis, or it was on Stephanie, or it was on. Look at the awful things Stephanie said about her marriage. And it’s like, well, look, about the awful things you did in your marriage.

Sharon: Yeah. And it was interesting because I kind of forgot or didn’t realize, okay. That Travis and Brian were such good friends.

Caitlin: And that’s what makes it seem even weirder that they can’t fix it quickly.

Sharon: Exactly. Oh, so how do they finally get back together?

Caitlin: Yeah. So they meet and they make up at Brandi’s house.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: And I think it’s more the show pushing them back together than anything else. It’s like, I’m not sure Brandi would’ve met to talk.

Sharon: Right. Because Stephanie had tried, was trying in the beginning, and Brandi, like, wouldn’t.

Caitlin: She said, I have unread texts. I call, she doesn’t pick up. I mean, there really isn’t anything you can do when someone just throws a door in your face?

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: so they do come back together, and then it feels weird, too, because all of this seems so fast, I think because it’s like we know that they haven’t been talking for months, but to us, we’re just finding out as the season opens and then within, I don’t know, a few episodes, they’re kind of okay again, but they’re still trying to trust each other. And then you’ve got Leigh Ann coming into the mix, and that’s kind of a mess. let’s talk. Well, I guess let’s say who wins, and then let’s talk about Leigh Ann because she makes a mess for Stephanie. who wins in Stephanie versus Brandi?

Sharon: I feel like Brandi. Cause Stephanie got so hurt.

Caitlin: I think you’re right.

Sharon: I think. Cause Brandy was the one hurting her. I know Brandi felt hurt, but she was the one. Her cutting her out.

Caitlin: No, I think you’re right, because I think Brandi didn’t get what she wanted, but she did get what she was doing. I mean, her part worked.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Okay, so let’s talk about Leigh Ann. So, Leanne, it really inserts herself because she and Brandi are now besties when Stephanie and Brandy break apart. But the big issue with Leann is this whole she thinks Stephanie is two.

Sharon: Faced, which I don’t understand. Stephanie does not come across two faced at. Ah, all.

Caitlin: No, I don’t think so either. There’s an issue with a text that Stephanie, sends, and we’ll talk about that a little more in the brandy episode. But Leanne is mad at her because she’s decided that Stephanie is just someone who she can’t trust and that she has two faces. So she shows up, literally, in a two faced costume at the Halloween party. Half angel, half devil, which. It was funny. Cause you said if this wasn’t supposed to be about somebody else.

Sharon: It’s a really cool costume. It was really nicely done.

Caitlin: It wasn’t bad. I don’t understand why Leanne hates Stephanie as much as she does. Do you think it’s just that she’s friends with Brandi?

Sharon: I have no idea.

Caitlin: Cause it feels like her only response as well. Stephanie hurt Brandy. Well, you didn’t care that much about Brandi until three months ago, so I really don’t know. Yeah. I almost wonder if it’s just because she is more like Leigh Anne can’t get to her as bad as she’d like to, because even when she wears this costume and she’s in their house at Stephanie’s party, telling everybody she’s dressed as her. Travis hears he wants to throw her out, and still Stephanie takes the high road and says, no, I don’t want to give her that ammo. I don’t want to let her win. Just let it go. Because even Diandra says, I would kick someone out of my party who did that.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: So fast. And Leann didn’t tell Diandra what she was doing, which means she knew what was wrong too. when they talk about it at the honesty, Leanne reminds everyone that her own mother didn’t want her.

Sharon: Oh, that’s. Oh, my God. Yes.

Caitlin: So deflect, deflect, deflect, deflect. Who wins, Leanne or deflection? I mean, who wins in Leanne versus Stephanie?

Sharon: Stephanie.

Caitlin: Yeah, she just looks.

Sharon: Yeah, because Stephanie didn’t. It’s not like it’s hard to be mad at Stephanie.

Sharon: Isn’t it?

Caitlin: It’s like, it really is. I love Stephanie, and I just feel like she could do no wrong.

Sharon: I don’t know why there’s like, we were talking about it. There’s nothing mean spirited about Stephanie.

Caitlin: No, she really is a kind soul.

Sharon: Even if she says something, it’s usually jokingly. It never comes across as really me or anything.

Caitlin: It’s funny because I think Leann sometimes in the reunion, and I’ll say, well, Stephanie and her talking heads, it’s like, yeah, she’s still pretty gentle. Still some gentle comedy. You’re telling people you’re gonna, like, hurt them and cut them, and your hands are, like, worse than knives.

Sharon: You’re like.

Caitlin: But,

Sharon: You’re, killing them. But I don’t really mean it. And then she says something mild, but.

Caitlin: Stephanie might have been a little too faced in a text.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Ah, same level. Okay, I wanna talk about this. Cause I just think it’s really fun. I mean, it’s not fun. Cause Travis doesn’t look great in it, but let’s talk about Stephanie versus Travis. So Travis buys a house.

Sharon: Oh, my God.

Caitlin: Stephanie doesn’t want him to. Do you want to tell us about that?

Sharon: Oh, my God. This house, it has a pool when you walk in.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: You walk in and there’s, like. It’s like, tile. Tile floor and a pool. And it’s actually. How are you gonna range your furniture? No, it’s just like one or 2ft deep. It’s like, actually.

Caitlin: Cause when that piece went in it, it was deep.

Sharon: It’s so ugly.

Caitlin: What would you do if your husband bought a house with a pool in it.

Sharon: Oh, my God.

Caitlin: With little kids.

Sharon: Like, there’s nothing around it. You could walk and just walk into the pool.

Caitlin: And I would, I would probably.

Sharon: You could just slip and fall into the pool and hit your head on the tile.

Caitlin: Like, kids would have been playing in it. They would have made water on the tile.

Sharon: They put a big duck floaty or swan.

Caitlin: Swan. Because they have the black swan in the back.

Sharon: Oh, in the backyard they have swans.

Caitlin: Yeah. Now they have to deal with Swan poop too.

Sharon: Yeah. And then the kitchen was like, off to the side. When you walked in, it was so small. The island took up so much of it. It was so ugly. This is like, this house was so bad.

Caitlin: How would you describe the aesthetic of the house?

Sharon: I came up with eighties mansion. What would you say?

Caitlin: Yeah. Cause it is kind of hugh Hefnery. I always came up with monastery, bachelor pad, cathedral chic.

Sharon: I like it perfect.

Caitlin: But it is. It’s like Travis missed some sort of bachelor phase.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And is trying to get it back with his house. Oh, God. With his wife and two kids.

Sharon: But she’s gonna renovate it, which is good.

Caitlin: Yes. He said that she could be in charge of the remodel. But then I did not. Like, when he wanted to put in the glass elevator, and he said to her, well, I’m the one who makes the money. So it’s like. And then I was worried, like, how much does she get to choose in the remodel?

Sharon: I think she probably gets to choose a lot, I think.

Caitlin: Would you pull the pool completely out or would you just like, cover it?

Sharon: I would pull it. Well, what do you mean? Just glass?

Caitlin: Like glass overs.

Sharon: You could, but there’s water in there. Like algae. All that swiss algae. That’s gonna work. If you can harvest the swiss algae.

Caitlin: In there, look at the money, you can make it.

Sharon: But seriously, wouldn’t it just be like.

Caitlin: That’s what I would think. Because, you know, my whole thing about not having fish because I refuse to clean a fish tank. Cause they’re so gross.

Sharon: I just think mold.

Caitlin: That’s all I can think of.

Sharon: Too smelly.

Caitlin: Exactly. Cause either that you’d have to have a special floor pool cleaner. But what you could maybe do, as I’m thinking this through, is pull all the water out.

Caitlin: And like, maybe you could have a glass portion of the floor and put like some sort of cool tile or I mean, like something. What could you look down and see.

Sharon: Like tile under the glass?

Caitlin: so that it sort of, like, maybe looked like water but wasn’t. Or, like, I guess you could do.

Sharon: Some kind of meat m or something, like your collection.

Caitlin: You could put your pyrex down there, and everyone could look at it. See?

Sharon: You know what I was just thinking? They should have really good storage since he owns the locker thing.

Caitlin: You would think.

Sharon: You would think they’d have, like, really amazing closets.

Caitlin: I know. And actually, in his kids room, you know, they did have the one locker, but, like, why. Why wasn’t that just, like, all of their furniture? Yeah. I would be like, you get in here and you make me lockers. Pottery barn does it. You can do it.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Oh, also, they live too close to Heidi.

Sharon: Oh, yes, that’s right.

Caitlin: Gothic state fair fame. So that’s a huge problem.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Yeah. The other problem for Stephanie this season, just to mention, but she has terrible mom guilt over her son Cruz’s dyslexia.

Sharon: And that’s sad to watch, because she didn’t really realize he was struggling. And it sounds like her husband has dyslexia too.

Caitlin: it was interesting to hear him talk about it because I felt like they’re both such pretty people, and they look like they were popular, but they both sound like they had kind of troubles in childhood.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And I think that’s why they’re sweet people, because I think they actually are empathetic human beings.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And that’s rare sometimes.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Okay, who wins in Travis versus Stephanie? I can’t decide. I mean, he clearly wears the pants.

Sharon: Yeah. I just like them both so much.

Caitlin: I do too.

Sharon: I like them, and I like them together. I like them a lot. I’d wanna be friends with them.

Caitlin: They don’t not seem like a team.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And again, it’s good to see people disagree and come back together. Like, I think that’s important for all of us to see, just because sometimes you just feel like everything is like everything’s an argument and no one can get back. And it’s like, especially in the housewives world, where m divorce seems fairly common. It is kind of nice to see some of these couples work through some stuff.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Although, what would you do if your husband just came home and was like, I just bought this house that you told me you didn’t like? It had the fish bathroom in it. My friend group, we have this issue. Sharon saw a fish bathroom once, and that’s how we now judge every house.

Sharon: Every house. If it has this fish map.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: I don’t know. Because she can remodel it.

Caitlin: Uh-huh.

Sharon: There’s more leeway.

Caitlin: It sounds like it’s in a fancy zip code.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: And it’s close to the schools.

Sharon: If it could not be remodeled.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: I would have lost my mind.

Sharon: The fact that she can remodel it.

Caitlin: Because it is a lot of space.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: But it is one of those things where it feels like the space is so big that. What do you do?

Sharon: Exactly? Yeah.

Caitlin: But I guess if you got the money.

Sharon: I know. If you got the money, then I guess I’d be like, yeah.

Caitlin: Leveling. I might have just started over, actually. Like, great property, great thing. Like, let’s just start again. I think that’s honestly what I would have tried to do. I wouldn’t have cared about the bones of the house, I guess.

Sharon: Good bones.

Caitlin: I don’t know. All right, that is our episode on Stephanie Holman, who we love. to get the other side of the Stephanie Brandi debate, listen to our brandi episode, because we’re gonna go a little bit more into that as well, because it is kind of. It’s just a weird storyline. It’s very odd to, But that is our episode on Stephanie. Remember, housewives bring the drama.

Sharon: We bring their seats.

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