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LeeAnne’s hands may not be knives, but she does have a police report about sandpaper.

In this episode, we discuss LeeAnne Locken storylines from Real Housewives of Dallas Season 2:

⚪LeeAnne vs her reputation ⚪LeeAnne vs Brandi ⚪LeeAnne vs Cary

Episode 91 on Spotify

Caitlin: Do you think you could attack someone with sandpaper? Attack their nails?

Sharon: That’s just such a weird thing. I mean, it seems more like torture. It would hurt.

Caitlin: I think that would hurt. It’s like the worst. It’s like a rug burn you could get.

Sharon: Exactly. It’s kind of cool, the fact that when they were okay, when they were, like, seeing people, I’m like, okay, she got it. Just. But know that she was, like, rubbing the holes on the door. I know, that’s, like, creepy. And then he opened it, and then. I’m sorry. That is really. Something’s wrong.

Caitlin: I think that’s why Marie was scared.

Sharon: I know. Like, that. That’s crazier to me than stabbing someone. Just waiting and sanding the holes that you stabbed in the door. Oh, my God.

Caitlin: That’s terrifying. You say that? I don’t know. Like, now you damp. I hear, like, it’s Leanne in the sand. Leanne back in. Local children will be terrified of this story. The camp.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Hi, this is Caitlin.

Sharon: And this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.

Sharon: So chic.

Caitlin: Hold onto your charitable donations.

Sharon: This week, we’re digging into Leanne, Locken from the Real Housewives of Dallas season two, which aired August to November 2017.

Caitlin: I do feel like she lucked out with the name Leanne Locken. Like, it’s a good name. It is. Like a cartoon character would be like, Leanne.

Sharon: Catchy.

Caitlin: It is catchy. The verses this week are Leanne versus her reputation, Leanne versus brandy, and Leanne versus Carrie.

Sharon: I have something to say. Okay. In the charity world, your reputation is.

Caitlin: Oh, my gosh.

Sharon: I didn’t know if you knew that.

Caitlin: Think about that. Taylor Swift knows that.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: All right. Leanne Lockhan is well known in the charity world of Dallas. She had a carny childhood, and she gets engaged to police officer Rich emberlin this season. At filming time, she was 50. Sharon, just sent me an article today, breaking news on Leigh Ann from Us Weekly, saying that Leann would definitely do a reboot of Real Housewives of Dallas, but she refuses to beg for it. She said something like, she stopped begging on her knees at, like, 35 or something. I like how she had an age choice. I know.

Sharon: I saw it and I was like, what?

Caitlin: But she believes that Deandra and Mama Dee are probably in Andy’s ear, like, bugging them about a reboot, of which I could. I see that. I still maintain that Diandra and Mama Dee should just have their own charity.

Sharon: I think they should have.

Caitlin: Right? Leanne could be a friend of.

Sharon: Yeah, exactly.

Caitlin: All right, so let’s talk about her reputation. It’s not great. Which doesn’t really go with the charity. Yeah, there is a police report. We saw it. We read it. Yeah, I read it to Sharon in the special police language.

Sharon: And what’s cause at the reunion.

Sharon: I almost said Teresa.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Leanne kept saying, it’s not real. And I was like, does she mean that literally? A police report doesn’t exist? But it does exist.

Caitlin: That’s what she meant. I mean, that had to be what it meant.

Sharon: It seemed like she thought it was forged or something.

Caitlin: No, that was a total lie. yeah, because we read it and.

Sharon: It exists, and it was cray cray.

Caitlin: It was really nuts. She chased him with a knife and.

Sharon: Sandpaper, and he locked himself in a room, and she stabbed the door. And then she sandpapers the whole shining. And then he thought she left, so he opened the door and she attacked him.

Caitlin: Yeah. I don’t know whether it was with a knife or the sandpaper, but I.

Sharon: Think it was both. I don’t know.

Caitlin: She had one in one hand and one in the other hand.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Like, if you had to grab two weapons, sandpaper would not be the one I would choose.

Sharon: Well, you know what I was just thinking? It’s almost like, you know when you cut something, but then it’s not smooth, and then she smoothed out the cut or something. Like, what is she doing?

Caitlin: She thought she could cover her tracks, you know? This was her, like, backup plan. I’ll snap the door, but then I’m gonna, like, shave it down.

Sharon: They’ll never know what kind of knife did it.

Caitlin: No, they’ll be like, well, no, this is sandpaper. Ruined it. Ruined all evidence. She’s totally safe. So apparently she attacked some, like, former boyfriend after a fight at a bar or a club.

Caitlin: so that was true. So I feel like that reputation isn’t so great. The other thing is, do you think that her friendship with Brandi then, is to save face from some of her bad reputation? Cause I still don’t understand them as friends.

Sharon: But how would that save her reputation?

Caitlin: Well. Cause she and Brandi fought last season, and it makes her look like a lovely person to mend fences. and extend grace. I feel like it gives her the upper hand a little bit. Ah.

Sharon: I hadn’t thought of it that.

Caitlin: Way because I don’t understand. I realize that Brandi and Stephanie are fighting, and we’ll talk about that in their episodes. But, like, why Leanne goes after Brandi, not Stephanie, is weird. And then also the fact that I just don’t see them as friends. They have different lives. They don’t really get along. They don’t seem to really like each other that much. I don’t feel like, see, I just.

Sharon: Kind of feel like she saw an opportunity, so she swept in like, Well, I have an opportunity to be friends here. And I think she’s, strategic.

Caitlin: Yeah. She saw like a weekend brandy and she went for it.

Sharon: And I think, you know, she’d rather have Brandi on her side and against Stephanie. I think she sees, I think she has more in common with Brandi than Stephanie. Stephanie is much more straight laced. I don’t think Stephanie would ever really want to be friends with Leanne very long. Like, Stephanie kind of gave her a chance and then Brandi has these rough edges. So I think she and Leann morale.

Caitlin: Is a little more questionable.

Sharon: Might like, have some fun together being like.

Caitlin: That’s true. I don’t know, loud and crazy. Yeah. Yeah. They might have more fun at like, a club.

Caitlin: Than, say, like if they went to the roundup.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Okay, so this season, Andy likes to.

Sharon: Go to the roundup. Andy, remember, he’s like, I’m going to the roundup.

Caitlin: I was like, yes, I’ll take a tour this season. Leanne likes to give motivational speeches and then turn around and talk crap about her castmates. That’s what I felt like was her most, like, defining characteristic this season. It’s so funny because she calls Stephanie two faced, but she really epitomized that this season, like, thinking of her reputation. Like, you cannot stand up there and be like, let’s all come together as a community women. Let’s have each other’s backs. Let’s beat this disease or whatever she’s talking about. And then be like, so when I heard about Carrie or what I heard about Stephanie and her new house, it’s like the second she put the mask down of charity helper.

Sharon: Hm.

Caitlin: She was back into gossip, tea spilling.

Sharon: Did you even do charity stuff this time?

Caitlin: Not much. At the very beginning, she gave a couple speeches, but we didn’t see a gala, we didn’t see a, She maybe dropped the charity world for the.

Sharon: They maybe dropped reality tv world. Yeah, exactly.

Caitlin: Yeah. Maybe they were like, we watched.

Sharon: The last season, she was very much talking about her. Like, this season. Well, it’s all about identifying when she knows this is because of this. And I know I act like this, and it’s the inner child in me, and it’s like. And I love it when Diandra was at the honesty or I forget where it was.

Caitlin: Yeah, I think so.

Sharon: But she starts talking about her childhood and how no one loved. And, you know, it is the sad story. But then Diandra is, like, so over it. She’s like, oh, my gosh. I don’t want to hear any of this. I don’t care. It just made me laugh that way. Danger.

Caitlin: That was funny. It made me think of. There’s this episode of Friends where it’s like, so Phoebe’s mom died, and she, like, is. She’s trying to use that because she wants to get the cute guy. And then Monica’s like, you can’t use it to get the last muffin and the cute guy. And Phoebe’s like, oh, did I already use that today? I’m sorry. But it, like, it felt like Leigh Ann. Like, have I used that yet today? Something bad? I did.

Sharon: And we met her mom. We did that.

Caitlin: Yeah. How do you think that? like, added up to her reputation.

Sharon: Her mom seemed significantly nicer and more normal.

Caitlin: Way more normal than I expected, which.

Sharon: Doesn’T necessarily mean anything. So at first I was like, yeah. Which then it’s like, okay, you know, normal people can come across normal.

Caitlin: Absolutely.

Sharon: and they can be horrible people or they can be put on a face, whatever. But I got the feeling she and her mother saw things very differently. And I understand as a kid, you can take maybe your mom thinks she’s doing something out of love and you don’t understand that. However, I still get the feeling when she talks about her childhood, she makes it sound way more shady.

Caitlin: Yeah, shady sketch. Yeah. And sketchy.

Sharon: Sketchy?

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Like, I think she did have people that loved her.

Caitlin: I think she did. Cause, like, when her mom said, I’m bringing you the tiara, and she had, like, a bunch of the stuff from her accomplishments, it’s like someone who doesn’t care about you hasn’t been walking around for 30 years with a box with your tiara and your high school diploma and your. That’s. No, there’s some level of caring there.

Sharon: Exactly. And she went out on the. Maybe she shouldn’t have gone out because it sounds like some bad stuff happened on the carnesia.

Caitlin: I think that was baby.

Sharon: Maybe she shouldn’t have been around, but I don’t feel like her mom just threw her out there.

Caitlin: Cause it sounded like her mom was trying to leave her at home when she couldn’t take care of her, but then she maybe probably wanted some time with her.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And then Leanne said that too. I begged my mom not to leave me and my grandparents, so she wanted to be with her mom too, which was confusing, I’m sure, as a kid. But, yeah, it was interesting when her mom said, well, I’m afraid to tell Leanne things because it’s like, I thought when we met the moment she’d be such a strong personality.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: That I’d be like, oh, I understand why Leah? I couldn’t tell her stuff, but she was just sort of seemed like this meek woman who was also afraid of Leah.

Sharon: I know, exactly.

Caitlin: And again, that doesn’t mean anything, but it was not what I expected and it was a little bit interesting.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Like, she just didn’t know what to do with her mom.

Sharon: But I just did feel like her mom was really villainized in season one. She was like, you would have thought she was a horrible person because she.

Caitlin: Keeps saying I was abandoned.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: And yeah, I get that if your mom isn’t taking care of you and you aren’t living in, like, a home together all the time, I get how it feels that way to Leanne. But then also, and I don’t want to say it cause I don’t like judging people’s circumstances or children, but it also feels like Leanne uses it wherever she can use it. Exactly. And over the years, maybe the story’s gotten worse.

Sharon: Exactly. Totally agree.

Caitlin: her one good reputation part, I think I would say this season, is that her engagement was really sweet.

Sharon: Oh, it was so sweet. Where the pop. The blue. Oh, my God.

Caitlin: He redid all the carny memories for her. He fixed it. He took her to the state fair and they were playing pop the balloon or whatever. And then when she shot the one, there was like a little ring box in there. It’s like he had to have planned that.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Like you said, I had to drive out here twice today.

Sharon: That was so sweet.

Caitlin: That was the sweetest moment.

Sharon: He’s such a nice guy. He’s such a nice guy.

Caitlin: I don’t understand that.

Sharon: And even was it like, Carrie Duber and Mark Duber, someone, they were like, we knew someone said, like, because.

Caitlin: Richard Mark went to the party or whatever after all this stuff.

Sharon: So it seems like everyone else likes rich.

Caitlin: Like, what happened?

Sharon: How did he get, how did he get stuck with her? I don’t know.

Caitlin: Maybe he’s confused. Maybe he’s lost.

Sharon: Like, maybe there was a good side to Leanne, and then he kind of got in it, and now we can’t get out of it. And you know how guys are kind of like, yeah, Leslie. Yeah, exactly. Like, now he’s just there.

Caitlin: Yeah. He’s like, well, we live together. I don’t want to lose the dog. Super cute. I say that.

Sharon: I love the dogs.

Caitlin: I think it’s the dogs.

Sharon: Her dog, Carly, is adorable.

Caitlin: That’s what’s keeping her there. And they did wear those matching hot dog outfits.

Sharon: I thought it was cute.

Caitlin: Yeah, it was a costume season. Okay, so who wins in Leanne versus her reputation? I mean, maybe it just sort of evens out.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Like, Leigh Ann is her reputation. It’s not like she’s better than her reputation or her reputation.

Sharon: Her reputation got m worse. Well, it’s weird it got worse, but then it seemed like it was getting weird. Cause she was. She was trying to fix herself, but then she clearly did it.

Caitlin: She feels like one of those people who goes to therapy and learns all the words.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: And then uses them against you. Like, she could be on the bachelor if she was younger.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh.

Caitlin: Like, a younger Leanne would offend the.

Sharon: Baby on the bachelor.

Caitlin: She’s a golden senior.

Sharon: Whatever.

Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t want to watch the bachelor junior.

Sharon: Oh, my God. She would be the most amazing villain.

Caitlin: Exactly. They should just break up with rich for a little while just to go.

Sharon: In and be honest. Oh, my God.

Caitlin: Yeah. And even, like, in her age, before she was, like, a, grown up, she would have been amazing to me.

Sharon: And she was like a beauty queen m. Oh, my gosh.

Caitlin: They would have put it on there.

Sharon: She could have worn the.

Caitlin: It would have been like, beauty queen carny child.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: And then anytime something went wrong with the bachelor, she’d be, like, a terrible.

Sharon: Child, and then she could take him on a themed date to a carnival.

Caitlin: Exactly. Do the balloon.

Sharon: She needs to be a bachelor.

Caitlin: Yeah. That’s what she was meant to be. She really did miss her calling. It wasn’t charity.

Sharon: Sorry.

Caitlin: I hate to tell you. Okay, let’s talk about Leann versus Brandi. So it felt to me a little bit like this friendship was kind of a desperate attempt to be relevant this season or to have more people on her team. I think she knew she was losing Tiffany, but she was gaining Diandra.

Sharon: D’yandra’s, like, a big name. For real. Like, I think she’s, like, a legit person to know.

Caitlin: It almost makes me think now, because I was kind of thinking like, what was the purpose? I kind of feel like maybe it was to hurt Stephanie. Like, well, you lost your friend. I picked your friend up.

Sharon: I could see that.

Caitlin: It’s like, well, we’re trading. I don’t know. Okay, let’s talk a little bit about how Leann isn’t allowed to come into Brandy’s house.

Sharon: This is so weird.

Caitlin: This is so weird. I feel like this is maybe a Brian thing more than a Brandi thing. But again, why are you friends with someone you won’t allow in your house?

Sharon: It’s weird.

Caitlin: Also, you don’t tell that person that they’re not allowed in your house, which is weirder.

Sharon: Honestly, it’s like I would never. I would just be like, okay, if I didn’t want my kid. Okay, first of all, what is she gonna do if you’re scared she’s gonna say something? First of all, it sounds like she would just come in for a few minutes to get you.

Caitlin: I know that it was Leanne that hurt her feelings. Like, was she coming home and saying, I hate that Leanne. Are they watching the housewives? They shouldn’t be, right?

Sharon: And it’s like, why don’t. If Liam comes in for five minutes before you’re going out, why don’t you just tell him? Tell the kids, get upstairs. You know what I mean?

Caitlin: Like with the part time nanny, they kept saying part time, just to be clear.

Sharon: Just so you know, it’s only part time.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Sharon: But like, I. Yeah, I think that’s stupid. If you’re gonna have a friend.

Sharon: I guess you have to level up with some place too awkward to be.

Caitlin: Like Brian said no, because he hates fun.

Sharon: I agree. Oh, yeah. God. I do not like Brian.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Sharon: If there’s a house husband I do not like, like, he’s just a reign on someone’s parade. It’s Brian.

Caitlin: He’s the worst. I don’t even think they should allow him to be on the show.

Sharon: I agree.

Caitlin: They should just be like, Brandy has a husband, but we don’t talk to him anymore because if you see his.

Sharon: Face, he doesn’t want to wanna punch it. Yeah, he’s got a punchable face.

Caitlin: He does have a punchable face. so Brandi, Carrie, and Stephanie finally meet for lunch, and they come back together again because Leanne has been the wedge. But really between Brandi and Stephanie because they had this fight. We’ll talk about it. In their episodes, they break up being they were real life best friends. They have like months where they aren’t speaking Leanne does not help with this at all. and it’s really Carrie who notices that almost more because she is the one who kind of says to Leanne, like, back up, stay out of it. Leanne’s not gonna do that. so then when they kind of meet for lunch, they realize that Leigh Ann is. Do you think she’s. I mean, I think she’s purposefully manipulating the situation there. I mean, do you think she just cares about Brandi and she just doesn’t want her to get back, or do you think she has kind of making it worse on purpose?

Sharon: I think she’s making it worse not necess, because she likes Brina to be her friend, and she doesn’t want, Stephanie will talk her out of it. And I think she just likes the drama, and she just likes to be in the drama.

Caitlin: This situation is one of the most high school of, like, all the housewife situations.

Sharon: And it even brings in Carrie. It brings in all of us, because Leanne is being friends with Brandi, and Brandi is mad at Stephanie, and then Stephanie starts hanging out with Carrie, and then Brandy’s jealous. But honestly, I blame this all on Brandi. Oh, I think so. I. 100%. This is all on Brandy.

Caitlin: Yeah, we can talk about that in her episode. But I agree with you. I wrote in my notes, like, leanna’s really bad with her comedic timing, because at the engagement party, she leans over to Brandy and says, like, don’t f with me or I’ll slit your throat. And it’s like, after all this stuff that she’s done this season, stop. Stop saying it’s not funny. You can’t. The latest I’m gonna slit your throat out of my friendship, or whatever she.

Sharon: Said with, when you say, I’m gonna slit your throat, and when I say, I’m gonna slit your throat, something totally different.

Caitlin: I meant, I’m gonna slit your throat out of being my friend.

Sharon: Yeah, I’m m gonna slit your throat out of my life.

Caitlin: It’s a very common phrase where I.

Sharon: Come from in the kearny world.

Caitlin: I mean, maybe in the kearny world.

Sharon: They were just left and right, knives, throwing knives everywhere.

Caitlin: I. She doesn’t have knives. She has hands. But we’ll talk about that later. Okay? at the next day, after the engagement party, at the engagement brunch, Leann says that Mark seemed uncomfortable at the party. I mean, probably because of everything Leanne said about it for two seasons. But that’s where Brandi really loses it, and it kind of feels a little convenient. That’s the last episode where all of a sudden she loses it. But she takes Leanne to task, calls her a liar, says, ftu m, good luck at your wedding. And then she ends up crying to Cam.

Caitlin: do you feel like that’s really where Brandi had lost it with Leann or do you think. I don’t know. It’s a weird progression because I thought she kind of already said to Leanne, I’m back, I’m friends with M, Stephanie. And you’re kind of out. Did she have to put a big flourish on it at the end? I don’t know.

Sharon: I think so. I think Brandy.

Caitlin: Yeah, she lives for the drama too.

Sharon: I think she does.

Caitlin: I guess that’s their friendship moment, is that they both live for the drama.

Sharon: I agree.

Caitlin: And the overreaction. That’s interesting. Okay, so who wins in Leann versus Brandi? That’s hard.

Sharon: That’s hard. I actually kind of feel like Leanne. Cause Brandi got pulled along in this.

Caitlin: Hm.

Sharon: I don’t know, because it’s like Brandi’s fault. But she didn’t.

Sharon: She wasn’t. She didn’t know what she was doing. Leanne knew what she was doing.

Caitlin: That’s true. Yeah. Okay, that’s interesting because I was gonna say Brandi. Cause it felt like Brandi got her friend back. Brandy got her life and stuff back.

Sharon: That’s true.

Caitlin: but then Leann didn’t lose that much either because they really weren’t great friends before.

Sharon: Right? They didn’t even like each other before.

Caitlin: And you’re right, Leigh Anne had more control. Like, Brandi just always looks out of control. And Leigh Anne doesn’t seem like she’s spinning out of control in the same way.

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: So yeah, maybe Leanne. Okay, let’s talk about Leigh Anne versus Carrie. So we’ll talk more in depth about this in our Carrie episode. But, Leann is mostly mad that Carrie called her plastic surgeon a vagina doctor.

Sharon: This is too stupid.

Caitlin: We’ve been using this all week with each other. All week we’ve been like, before you call, make sure your doctor’s not just a vagina doctor. this was actually Brandi’s word, to be fair. I feel like it’s really unfair that Carrie got labeled with us because she is a medical doctor.

Sharon: Yes. She is a nurse. She did not say vagina doctor. She said ob gyn of a lot of things.

Caitlin: I don’t always believe everything but this. I believe she did. And she was really? Only pointing out that he was board certified in gynecology.

Sharon: Right. He was not a board certified plastic surgeon.

Caitlin: Not a surgeon surgeon. Yeah. But Leann calls Carrie the c word over, which felt too far for me. The c word is always too far for me. And then I don’t like, the fact that leanne then also tells Brandy that she has to point out on air that Carrie may or may not have said unfair things about, brandy’s mommy makeover doctor saying maybe he killed people on the table. How do you feel about that? We can talk about that a little more in the Carrie thing. but do you think that le. I can’t decide. Do you think that Leigh Ann is kind of right about how upset she is about Carrie, or do you think she’s just coming out of left field and attack? Like, she doesn’t like Carrie?

Sharon: So here’s the thing. I don’t get why she. This whole doctor thing is so stupid.

Caitlin: It is. You can go to whatever doctor you want to go.

Sharon: You can go whatever doctor you want to go to. And of course, of course Carrie’s going to be a little snooty.

Caitlin: It’s her livelihood.

Sharon: It’s her livelihood. She works for a, plastic surgeon. And, you know, it’s kind of like if you’re a plastic surgeon and someone else just does plastic surgery and they’re not, so you’re like, okay, I’m the real deal. This is what I do with. So I totally get that.

Caitlin: If you were gonna get anyone’s advice, that’s you’d go to is Carrie and Mark.

Sharon: Exactly. So she’s gonna tell you who the best is.

Sharon: She’s gonna tell you if a doctor sucks and you’re lucky to have that insider knowledge.

Caitlin: So Vulture magazine said that, or website or whatever they are, but they said that Leanne was in a commercial for the doctor that, like, advertising a cheaper job.

Sharon: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I have to see this.

Caitlin: Did they link it? I don’t know. We should go back and look.

Sharon: But free flushing.

Caitlin: Exactly. Right. His name was like, doctor true. Oh. so they kept putting it.

Sharon: Well, her doctor’s office just didn’t look to them.

Caitlin: I don’t remember what it was, but they said to something, you can get it at, like, a drugstore, which, I mean, it’s often, she can get more gauze. You can get. But it was something sketchy. I remember about how they had her put something on her where I felt.

Sharon: Like, hold it up or like, just.

Caitlin: Yeah, like, just go get a flotation, stay in a pool for a couple weeks. It’ll be fine.

Sharon: But, like, okay, if I go to a plastic surgeon’s office, it better look nice clean because they are clean. And it better have, like, nice furniture, because if it doesn’t look nice, then they don’t know how to. They have to make me look nice.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: If I go to, like, a ear, nose, throat doctor, I mean, I’d like it to be clean, but even if it’s got an ugly painting, I’m like, okay, he still might be the best ear, nose and throat doctor, but it.

Caitlin: Is true because, like, didn’t mark say that at some point you want your plastic surgeon to appreciate beauty and, like.

Sharon: You know, and I totally. When he said, I’m like, yeah, absolutely. He’s like, you want your plastic surgeon to like beauty and to look at things like symmetry. Yeah.

Caitlin: Especially if you’re getting a boob job. Yeah. No, I think that’s a really good. It did. Okay, so when she gets the boob job, she gets weird. We can talk about this more in Carrie’s episode as well, but she thinks that Carrie’s gonna judge her, and she doesn’t wanna be naked around Carrie ever. I would feel the same way.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Carrie’s beautiful. She’s all yoga y. Like, I don’t wanna be naked around Carrie.

Sharon: And she’s probably had the perfect. If she did have plastic surgery, which I’m sure she is probably perfect.

Caitlin: It’s good. Yeah. but she threatens that she knows Mark gets favors at the roundup, and she knows the boys who did it. And then she says, and this is the weirdest thing. I grew up with a lot of things in my hands, and they’re not knives. They’re just hands, but they work quite well now, to be fair, she’s sedated at this point.

Sharon: She said she had taken valium or something.

Caitlin: Yeah, she had had valium, which makes me go to sleep, but I’ve learned from oral surgery. But apparently it makes Leanne get stabby.

Sharon: So she said, I grew rid of a lot of things in my hands. I think she meant to. I didn’t think she meant to say, like, they’re not knives. I think she just meant to say, I have just hands, but they work as well as knives. I don’t know what she was going for. It didn’t.

Caitlin: Cause she said, like, carrie’s gonna come for me one day and she’ll regret it.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: So I guess she was saying, like, she’ll regret fighting with me.

Sharon: And I think she was saying, like, even though she’s got carny skills. Yeah, yeah. It doesn’t matter if I have. I am strong enough on my own. I can take her down with just my own hands.

Caitlin: I like, later when she also says to Carrie, like, I wish you were the only person I threatened to kill or something like that. It’s like, maybe you should stop doing that, first of all. That’s awesome. Yeah. And m then, yeah, she does. She gets that flesh eating bacteria from. I mean, I do feel bad for her. she made the choice was that.

Sharon: From swimming, though, in the ocean?

Caitlin: I feel like it might have been more related to that. Cause I’m not sure you should have such a big surgery and then go right on a vacation where you’ve got, like, sand and water and bugs.

Sharon: Yeah, exactly.

Caitlin: Who knows what where. Like, maybe you should stay home and have a clean shower.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: They’re also on carry about being the nanny, which Brandi told Leann, and then Leanne had to bring it to the whole group. This m is the thing that this was the one moment that I felt was scarier, that the whispering and the scary thing under sedation was more funny. I mean, it is scary. Like, if I was Carrie, I wouldn’t think it was funny.

Sharon: I was. Honestly, I wouldn’t be scared.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: I would be scared if she was drunk and I was alone with her.

Caitlin: Yeah. Right.

Sharon: I would do that. Otherwise, if we were in public and she. I wouldn’t actually be scared.

Caitlin: If you were in, like, a home depot where they have sandpaper.

Sharon: Yes. Then maybe then I’d run, and I would be scared. She would try to hurt me in some way. Not physically, but I’d be scared. She would, like, start rumors.

Caitlin: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Cause I can. Absolutely. What I didn’t like is when she got in her face at, Brandy’s white party, and she called her, like, f a f, which you can google what she meant by that, but. And then Carrie says, your breath smells. And then Leanne says that whole thing about.

Sharon: I have to google that.

Caitlin: Oh, yeah. You look it up. I didn’t want to say it out loud on the thing, but, she. I think she said f a f. That’s not it. I think it was a special leanne made up word.

Sharon: Okay. We’re gonna have to figure it out.

Caitlin: I’ll talk.

Sharon: I’ll have to tell you that later.

Caitlin: Send us a message.

Sharon: That was, like a business message acronym. And I was like, oh, that’s nice.

Caitlin: Find a fire.

Sharon: You gotta look at the sun. I’m sorry. It’s hot pink. Can you see?

Caitlin: Cameron would love it.

Sharon: Cameron would love it.

Caitlin: But so Leann says about, like, I hope my breast smells bad and you can look it up. Which, again, I thought last season she was all over people saying, you know, no dog poop jokes. And then she really is, she’s not so classy herself. I just, I just want to, oh.

Sharon: Yeah, I forgot about that. I forgot that she was classy.

Caitlin: Exactly. She did too.

Sharon: That’s why she and Cameron get a one song.

Caitlin: That’s right. Cause she’s, the social grie system.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: But I did not like the moment where Carrie rolled her eyes and then Leann picks up that glass, breaks it, and then kind of, like, goes at Carrie. Yeah, she has these moments that she just isn’t funny anymore. It’s like we’re excusing her and excusing her, and then she really isn’t funny. She is scary. I do think. I mean, I guess maybe she wouldn’t follow through, but when you have a police report where someone tried to stab at their boyfriend, that scares me a little.

Sharon: That’s the thing. Sometimes I feel like maybe I, too much. Don’t believe that people actually do that. I think I give people too much of a pass. I’m like, well, no one would ever actually.

Caitlin: But when you add some of the stuff up, it’s kind of not funny.

Sharon: Would, and, like, I shouldn’t put it past her.

Caitlin: I mean, Marie seemed.

Sharon: Cause sometimes I’m like, okay, she’s all talk.

Caitlin: She’s just, but I think a lot of it is. But she can get scary. And I guess the problem is you don’t wanna be there when she really flips.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: And you don’t. Like, I wouldn’t always feel safer.

Sharon: Yeah. Like, I mean, in the south Pole, who would think some scientists would kill the other scientists over spoiling a book?

Caitlin: But they didn’t, like, I’ll kill you.

Sharon: If you spoil this book. I wouldn’t.

Caitlin: Leann would totally do that. She was in Antarctica. My favorite part, though, is Cameron says to brandy, like, earlier, she was like, why do we have plastic glasses? And then Leanne breaks that real glass, and then she’s like, well, okay, I.

Sharon: Guess I see why you have plastic glasses.

Caitlin: So it’s good to know it for a party. Okay, I guess I can’t fully decide, but I think we know the answer. But who wins in Leanne versus Carrie? I mean, she does scare Carrie, and she does ruin Carrie’s, husband’s. Reputation, but Carrie has the moral victory.

Sharon: Yeah, agree.

Caitlin: So I guess.

Sharon: And I think Carrie ends up looking fine. Carrie and Mark look fine.

Caitlin: She does.

Sharon: I mean, their marriage is fine. The only thing that looks bad is Mark looks a little m m jerk.

Caitlin: Yeah, I want to talk about that.

Sharon: In our Carrie episode, because I think Carrie kind of wins overall versus Leann.

Caitlin: I think so too. Okay, that is our episode on Leanne, season two.

Sharon: Remember?

Caitlin: you can always go find us on Patreon. You can find us on Instagram.

Caitlin: We’re super fun.

Sharon: We are.

Caitlin: All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.

Sharon: And we bring the receipts.

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