Kandi Yams is busy this season and everyone else is busy complaining about it.
In this episode, we discuss Kandi Burress storylines from Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 15:
- Kandi vs Courtney
- Kandi vs Marlo
- Kandi vs Drew
Episode Transcript (generated by eddy.headliner.app)
Sharon: And I did. So I remember I got this, I got something dirty, but then I got this body lotion.
Caitlin: Now I want to know, like, a dirty.
Sharon: But it was, like, vanilla tasting, supposedly.
Sharon: Oh, yes.
Caitlin: But, like, I didn’t no. We once got a strawberry tasting something, and it no.
Sharon: Yeah.
Sharon: And I was like, you know what? I don’t like lotion to begin with. I don’t want people licking lotion. I don’t like licking.
Caitlin: I don’t like and then things get sticky. I don’t want a sticky little sticky no.
Sharon: And then I got these little things.
Caitlin: I don’t like eating in my bed.
Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to real housewives on real housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.
Sharon: So, chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your peaches.
Sharon: This week we’re digging into candy burris from real housewives of atlanta, season 15.
Caitlin: All right, the verses this week are candy versus courtney, candy versus marlowe, and candy versus drew.
Sharon: And Caitlin has been working on her courtney.
Caitlin: I have, but I’m not ready to debut it yet, because it’s just I don’t know how you get valley girl into breathy sex kitten voice. I, don’t it’s really hard. So it’s actually hard to be that annoying. All right, the background on candy is that she is known for the 90s vocal group escape with an x, and okay. She’s a songwriter and has credits on no scrubs, which blows my mind. We grew up with this.
Sharon: I can’t believe I didn’t know. That’s amazing.
Caitlin: I don’t want no and bills, bills, bills by destiny child. And then so she’s got three kids. She’s married to tod tucker. she’s kind of a workaholic, especially this season. We’ll see it. And she wants an EGOT, which I could see her getting.
Sharon: I think she wrote no scrubs. She deserves an EGOT, I think.
Caitlin: Absolutely.
Sharon: Not just I get a grammy.
Caitlin: All of them for one song.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: That good. But it is.
Sharon: It is.
Caitlin: That good.
Caitlin: All right, do we think this is just sort of a side note question? Do we think candy was too busy an mia. This season?
Sharon: I kind of do. I felt like she was a little over it, but then I understood at the reunion when she’s like, well, I bit off more than m chew or whatever.
Caitlin: At first, I think I felt defensive for and I was like, no, she wasn’t. She was just because she kind of said, well, I still want to be on the show. I just like, you said. She said, I bet off more than I can chew. But at the same time, she kind of had said both of her kids complained she was working too much. Todd was complaining she was working too much. And then when I kind of sat and then the other women at the reunion were like, you weren’t there for us. It is sort of hard to I mean, maybe everyone was just jumping on that train, but if that many people are saying it, then maybe you are working a little. You’re gone a little too much.
Sharon: But I also don’t like it that they’re saying it like, instead of, a exactly.
Caitlin: Why do you take it’s?
Sharon: Because she’s a woman that they’re like, absolutely. You’re not coming. You’re not doing this. Exactly. You’re working so hard.
Caitlin: Yes. And that’s why I think I feel defensive about him. No, she wasn’t. Don’t ever ask a woman, leave Candy alone.
Sharon: But I think she just didn’t feel very present. 100%.
Caitlin: I think maybe that’s the word. It’s just like, she had too many, like, what do they say? Pots in the fire. I’m not good with I know something about a glass house. Things on a burner, pots on the stove.
Sharon: I think flames in the fire.
Caitlin: No, I don’t. We’re not going to do this.
Caitlin: All right, let’s start with versus Courtney.
Sharon: Oh, my God.
Caitlin: Courtney.
Sharon: Oh, my God.
Caitlin: Oh, my God. I know. We are going to give her own episode because she’s that annoying.
Sharon: She’s that annoying m I just don’t.
Caitlin: Even think it was going to take a whole episode to get through the therapy.
Sharon: Is she a real person?
Caitlin: I don’t think so. I am pretty sure that she’s something the writers made up.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I just don’t think anyone could be that.
Sharon: I don’t know. She is.
Caitlin: She’s like a play persona. Like someone on stage with a bad accent that doesn’t match whatever they’re doing.
Sharon: No.
Sharon: And the way whenever she comes in and sees people.
Caitlin: She so there’s a lot of problems with Courtney.
Sharon: We have a lot of issues with Courtney.
Caitlin: We did. But the big one with Candy is that she comes in at Sonya’s 40th birthday party for Ross, and Candy’s sort of asking around because she’s heard that Courtney was telling everyone that they were friends. Now this feels like an argument I think I had in the third know, like, well, she said she was friends with her, but you know what? They’re not. At first, I was kind of, okay, like, this is going to get over really fast. But it didn’t. And so it’s like, Candy’s like, well, I don’t know Courtney, and Courtney’s like, well, maybe we were traveling in the same circles. I love that one. And then Candy’s like, well, why do you have this crazy energy about it? Which she did.
Sharon: She did. She was a little weird about it.
Caitlin: Yes, she was. A lot.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: A lot. But so it doesn’t make sense. They get into this huge fight about whether or not they knew each other in advance or didn’t know and were friends and whether someone was claiming that they knew each other. Were they friends?
Sharon: No.
Sharon: I mean, the answer is no, they weren’t. And, like, who cares?
Caitlin: But Candy gets so mad.
Sharon: She does. And, they’d almost gotten, like, a fight.
Caitlin: I mean, like a big fight. Doesn’t she say, like, I want to head butt her something anyways? And, like, Courtney gets all up in her face. It’s like the oddest like, we’ve never met Courtney before. Candy, according to what she says, has.
Sharon: Never met Courtney before.
Caitlin: And yet they’re like, this upset at each other.
Sharon: Can you imagine someone coming up to you and they’re like, this girl said she was your friend.
Caitlin: And then you’re like, where’s your head, butter? Like, what? That’s how goats fight.
Sharon: I guess I’d be flattered if someone really wanted to be my friend. And that was like, a thing that.
Caitlin: They I mean, I guess Candy thought it was like yeah, like she was tying her name to her fame. I guess. And I guess maybe I could see that annoying problem.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And especially, like, maybe if Courtney was acting, like, annoying, then that would come back to you.
Sharon: Actually, I could see that because Courtney is so annoying. Probably 2 seconds after Katie met her, she’s like, no.
Caitlin: Also, like, how Charay’s friend? Sheree brought her around. I don’t think so. I think she knew nobody and they just were like, pretend like she’s your friend. All right, so who wins that fight? Obviously, candy. Yeah, well, and Candy also didn’t like that Courtney kept saying she didn’t like ghetto.
Sharon: Yeah, because she said oh, because she was there. She said the crowd that came out ghetto.
Caitlin: It was very judgy of her friend that she thought she said she was.
Sharon: Yes, exactly.
Caitlin: We’re friends. But also I don’t like the things that she does.
Caitlin: All right, let’s get into the next one. I just feel like all of these are fairly petty fights that we’re kind of heading into here. So just bear with us.
Sharon: This one is, like, a serious matter. But it, also makes no sense.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: I guess that’s the thing. It’s such a serious, like I guess.
Sharon: What we should say.
Sharon: We’re talking about the shooting thing with Marlo versus Marlo.
Caitlin: Okay, so Marlo’s triggered by this shooting that happens in Candy’s restaurant, Blaze. But she’s triggered about a past event that happened with her own nephew. Now, the nephew was not an employee at the time.
Sharon: He had a previous employee.
Caitlin: Previous employee. His name was Quentin of Candy. He used to work at Old Lady Gang. but he was not at the time of the shooting. And Marlowe alleges that it was with somebody he met at Candy’s restaurant. But then Candy clears that up later because I thought they met, like, another coworker.
Caitlin: That’s not what they meant. They meant just like someone I don’t even met out front, he met as some patron who was eating inside. It’s not really very clear.
Sharon: But this guy murders him.
Caitlin: Right, but this guy kills him. And that part absolutely I understand why she would be triggered. I do understand why she’d be triggered by the idea of a shooting coming up that relates to a restaurant. Because I get why she’s triggered. The thing is, I don’t get why she blames Candy. so what happens is she says that Candy never really cared enough to send flowers or ask the family if they needed any help or acknowledge that her nephew was killed.
Sharon: Because she’s making it sound like, yeah, Candy knew him more.
Sharon: Right.
Sharon: And I don’t know if she misunderstood maybe, or I don’t know, because she said it was sad when she said, oh, like a picture at his funeral with him in a chef jacket. And that did make me feel sad too. So I think she knew how much he had enjoyed working there.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: I’m not sure Candy got that same right.
Sharon: And Candy does a million things and it didn’t happen while he worked there.
Caitlin: Tod’s the one in the restaurant floor on a day to day, not her. And it’s like, just because they had a group picture or even pictures together doesn’t mean that she knew him personally. But either way, what I think is interesting is they show the footage back and, they show previous seasons back when it happened. And Marlo comes and talks to Candy the next day and she’s explaining that she’s sad about it. And you can see there’s like an interview where Candy says, well, Marlo’s nephews and nieces are like her kids because she doesn’t have kids, they’re very important to her. And Marlo gets upset and she’s like, oh, I’m sorry, I’m crying. And Candy goes over and gives her a hug. so I guess I don’t understand why Marlo feels like it’s not she didn’t care at all.
Sharon: Yeah, it was weird because the way they showed clips initially, they showed these clips that made me think Candy looked bad. And then they played the whole thing.
Caitlin: And I was like and I don’t think it looked I didn’t think it.
Sharon: Looked bad at all.
Caitlin: And like, she said she got a text and she was like, oh, I’m sorry. And then the next text, apparently this is where it gets a little weird. The problem is it gets really convoluted. And I think the issue is you can wish all you want that someone would have responded a way that you wanted or needed. M you can’t go back and time and fix that. And you also can’t force someone to have emotions that they aren’t going to have. it’s like, I think Marlowe needs to deal with the issue of her nephew’s death. I don’t think blaming it on Candy is going to fix anything. And I don’t even think that Candy going, well, I could have done things differently. Is that really going to fix it for her? I’m not sure that it will.
Sharon: Yeah, I guess maybe she just probably feels in general that, his death was like maybe not. I don’t know. Maybe anytime a young person is killed like that, you just feel like yeah.
Caitlin: You don’t want them to be like another statistic.
Sharon: So I can see why people forget or exactly.
Caitlin: But yeah, I think that is the issue. I just think that blaming it on Candy and I can understand where Candy’s coming from a little bit. It does make her look bad as a business owner. because Marlo isn’t really clear about the details. And I think that that’s the problem. Like, I feel like Candy’s just more know, come to me and say, like, you didn’t handle this right. But instead it’s like she’s sort of like, well, these things keep happening at your restaurants. Yeah, because Drew kind of brings it up and calls it like an incident. And everyone’s like, HM, well, she’s like, I’m from Chicago. We don’t say shooting. And everyone’s like, well, that’s nobody nobody thinks that’s a thing.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And so I think Marlo’s also upset that she sees it as everyone treats Candy with kid gloves. Do we think that Candy gets treated with kid gloves by the show?
Sharon: By the other women in this situation?
Sharon: No.
Sharon: I mean, it got brought up exactly what happened, so it’s not like we didn’t find out exactly. I don’t know.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: What do you think the problem is? I think we spend so much time in the past with this argument, like, everyone goes back to Marlo’s past, like, oh, she cut a girl in the face 23 years ago, or something like that. And again, Candy we’re talking about this event that again, Marlowe claims she doesn’t quite realize it affected her until it did. But then if it did, I don’t think you bring it up. First of all, she started out yelling at Drew about it. I was so confused, which was really confusing.
Sharon: I didn’t understand.
Caitlin: And then she kind of explains, no, I’m upset at Candy. And Candy just always gets a special treatment. And, I could see where that might be true. It does seem like everyone’s a little more gentle with Candy. However, she’s like the OG of the show. She has all these other show spinoffs on Bravo and I think all around. She’s a pretty genuine person. She’s shown her life on the show. I think maybe she’s earned like I think she works so hard that she’s earned and not have things be smirched and maybe to be given a little more of the benefit of the doubt, whereas the new housewives have to kind of earn. so like, I’m not sure that she’s treated necessarily with kid gloves because they show unfavorable stuff about treated with respect. But that’s what I’m saying. Exactly. Much better.
Sharon: She’s like, people respect.
Caitlin: Yes, the Candy respect the Candy don’t respect the yeah, yeah.
Sharon: And Marlo, she noticed she was big on flowers. I can’t even remember what the other events are, but I was like, she was so Marlowe sent flowers. Marlowe sent flowers. There were, like, multiple.
Caitlin: She was trying to show that she’s flower.
Sharon: I was like, man, she’s really harping on the flowers.
Caitlin: Her flower budget was.
Sharon: Blown.
Caitlin: It felt like this old argument, at least to us on the show, it felt like this old argument that I’m not sure really had a place in this current season. And this season was kind of confusing enough in that none of the fights seemed real deep.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And so then here’s one more thing that also you have to have all this past knowledge To make it relevant, and that made it more confusing. It was I think Marla needed to just have a real one with Candy, and instead, she kept talking about it behind her back to everyone else getting mad at Drew. She just went about it in a really wrong way. And I understand that sometimes when you’re triggered by something, it’s not a real straight line to figure out what it is. But once she did, I think they just needed to sit down and talk because they have that huge blow up at Courtney’s escape room night, mhm? And that’s where everyone is just, like, screaming, and they’re kind of, like, holding everybody back. And then half the girls are out in the parking lot talking about it, and half the girls are inside talking about, like, it does have my favorite moment, because Courtney was trying to ask Sonia, like, oh, how are the talk about this right now? I’m watching the fight. I love that Sonia wasn’t even pretending to not now.
Sharon: I got better things.
Caitlin: I got to watch this. I’m really, really busy. This is important.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I mean, I guess I’m not sure that there’s really a winner in this, but do you think there’s a who wins?
Sharon: Candy wins. Because she really just took the brunt of her grief. She did.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I’m just not sure she could have done anything to fix it. I guess she maybe could have apologized more.
Sharon: She could have sent flowers. That would have been nice, but at the know, maybe none of us would have.
Caitlin: Or maybe we because when Marlo said, this happened to my nephew, I can’t remember if she even pointed out that he used to work at Candy’s restaurant.
Sharon: I think he said, didn’t she say something like, didn’t he used to work there?
Caitlin: Yeah, and she wasn’t on the current.
Sharon: Roster like she probably used to, and.
Caitlin: Maybe she should have sent something to Marlowe, but I guess her thought was, I don’t know. The family.
Sharon: Yeah, I guess.
Sharon: Would you send it to the funeral if you don’t even know? maybe to card.
Caitlin: And also, like, Marlo was not a full housewife at this time. She was kind of a friend of I don’t know how close they really i, mean, I just think she didn’t think about it. She’s busy.
Sharon: I mean, it would have always been nice I’ve appreciated, of course, but I.
Caitlin: Don’T exactly I’m not sure you can demand flowers from someone. It’s nice when someone does it.
Sharon: I think you can.
Caitlin: Well, they’re writing that down.
Sharon: There are some people, like, for example, I would expect you to send me flowers or something. You know what I mean?
Sharon: Yes.
Sharon: No, I would well, people that are I wouldn’t be like, well, sorry,
Caitlin: I didn’t really quite understand. We weren’t working at the same place.
Sharon: But as far as that level of relationship, what do you call it?
Caitlin: Degree of separation, I think you could really be hurt by close people not acknowledging that something important had happened in your life. I’m not sure that you can be hurt by peripheral people. You can be hurt. You have every right to be hurt.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I’m not sure you can hold it over their heads, though.
Sharon: Yeah, but I think she’s just more hurt at everyone.
Sharon: Exactly.
Sharon: Because his life was kind of gone in vain. Made me so young.
Caitlin: And I also kind of wonder and she never mentions it, but I wonder if the fact that she’s raising her other nephews now, if this is causing that to really sink in, because all of a sudden, she kind of realizes what it is to be a parent and maybe what the other parent went through when they lost their child. And it just hit her a lot harder because now she is Monty. Okay, let’s see.
Caitlin: Let’s go now on to Candy versus Drew. So we will do a whole Drew episode. This gets kind of convoluted in everything.
Sharon: But what everything is convoluted. Everything fights where I was like, yes, wait, I kind of know what the fight’s about, but I kind of don’t.
Caitlin: It was really hard to pull, and.
Sharon: Because there were always other people involved.
Caitlin: M m. Yeah, well, and then it’s interesting, too, because there were, like, people where it’s like I couldn’t find enough within that person to really give I mean, there were just people who didn’t seem to add to or detract from the event. I don’t know. And yeah, you’re right. All the issues overlap.
Caitlin: So, Drew the big thing that in Know drama of Drew is that Drew calls Candy a liar. Like, let’s just focus on that. So Marlo has her phone out, like, an hour after production wraps. I always love these, like, hour after production. I know.
Sharon: You’re like? OOH.
Caitlin: Something good?
Sharon: That’s our favorite thing.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So they’re reminiscing about nights past, and so they had, this Bachelorete party night. And allegedly, Drew made out with this other woman who was on the show at the time, LaToya. So Drew said she didn’t make out with her in an interview. Candy in the interview, like, that we’re seeing the past footage. Candy said that she did. LaToya said that she didn’t. But then at the reunion, she said that she did. So it’s like she said, I think that Kenya was on the side of having sort of seen it, but she came down to get something for her daughter and then go back up. I don’t know. And then Marlowe said she’s, like, 80% sure because she was sure. But then Drew was so, convincing that she didn’t do it that Marlowe was like, maybe I didn’t see it. So okay, I don’t know.
Sharon: Whatever.
Caitlin: I guess we’re not here to judge whether she did or gas. That family has some issues with gas in the Drew family. so Drew says well, LaToya told me that Candy said that she should say that, and that’s why she said it. And candy’s like I saw it. All I’m saying is that I saw it. And then Drew’s like, well, you went back later in like, ah, I don’t know whether it was when they did the reunion online because we had COVID or whether this was like, another show, but she was on Zoom, and she kind of said, like, okay, I didn’t see it. But it didn’t seem like she was really she thinks she saw it.
Sharon: Yeah.
Sharon: Do, you think she saw it?
Caitlin: I guess maybe they could have just been talking, really.
Sharon: I mean, I guess you could kind of miss see maybe, or maybe they weren’t.
Caitlin: I mean, I think we can talk about in the Drew episode whether this relates to her whole relationship with Ralph as to whether the answer is a yes or a no. Like, whether it being a no is really important to the divorce or not. Yeah. but either way, what we’re focused on is the fact that she called.
Sharon: Candy a think, I think, given the following information.
Caitlin: Do you think?
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: What do you think? I kind of go back and forth, because sometimes when someone’s really adamant, I feel bad. I know I do want to call someone guilty when they didn’t do.
Sharon: When someone insists, I just bleed them. Because I’m like, there’s no way they could insist that much if they did it.
Caitlin: But again, it’s like, Candy does have the respect in the background, and I’ve never really seen her lie, so why would she lie about this?
Sharon: I mean, did she ever what does.
Caitlin: She gain from lying about it?
Sharon: She’s not really anti Drew or even.
Caitlin: LaToya or even like there’s nothing she can gain from lying about it. I guess so I don’t understand. And the fact that she’s so adamantly pissed and didn’t just go, well, okay, I guess Like, if she wasn’t sure, I guess she’d just be like, Fine, I didn’t see it. But she’s so adamant that she did see it. So I love the part where Drew says, well, maybe because they’re making the movie The Pass, which is and it involves the woman and her passes, that she gets a night with another woman and she’s like, well, maybe it’s really convenient. She tells, like, wants to kind of promote the show and get me into the mindset of this character.
Sharon: And get me into the mindset. That’s a long game. Yeah, exactly. It’s like, no, she wouldn’t want to make you angry and this and that.
Caitlin: Yeah, it’s a great theory. It really, really well, it’s fun. It’s a fun theory.
Sharon: Drew, you should just be thankful you’re on.
Caitlin: The let’s not let’s not argue about that. I don’t know.
Caitlin: So Drew gets Toya on the phone and Toya says that they didn’t kiss. They talk at, the bedroom, Candy party. And again, she’s like, I didn’t do it. I didn’t kiss her. I don’t guess I guess I reach a point with Candy where it’s like, I think you’re just going to have to say okay and let it go. I think she just has to let it go.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: Maybe I didn’t say I don’t think she’s lying.
Caitlin: I don’t know what I think about Drew. But again, it’s like I hate Ralph so much that as they kind of go through their issues, I don’t want to give him any ammunition. So I guess I’m also unwilling to say, well, maybe Drew’s wrong. Like, I just I don’t right.
Sharon: But does that really mess her up in the divorce? If she made out with us?
Caitlin: Yeah. I don’t know.
Sharon: I thought states weren’t into that kind of stuff anymore. Or is it? I don’t know.
Sharon: Yeah.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Sharon: Georgia. Yeah.
Caitlin: Maybe it’s still a fault state.
Sharon: I feel like in Washington.
Caitlin: Yeah, I think we’re in no fault.
Sharon: They’ll be like, yeah. Doesn’t matter.
Sharon: Yeah.
Sharon: I don’t know. I don’t know. I just can’t see it’s.
Caitlin: Like, well, just look at Ralph.
Sharon: Yeah.
Sharon: You know.
Caitlin: What I didn’t like at the reunion then? When Candy was like, well, now maybe I understand what Ralph was like. Maybe you’re the gaslighter to Ralph. And I was like, okay, this is too far. Like, again, this is too far over such a small thing. Also, and I thought about this when I was driving over, why does Drew want to make Candy mad with all of her music connections? Like, Drew wants to go into music. Why are you pissing off Candy right now? She both has acting connections, which she does, and music. They both need to just let it go. It is not that big of a deal.
Sharon: Yeah.
Sharon: I would think she needs Candy more than Candy needs her.
Caitlin: I think so too. So I don’t understand why she’s calling Candy a liar.
Sharon: HM.
Caitlin: And she’s got other issues. I just feel like maybe let this one well, then maybe she is being honest. Maybe that is and that’s why she’s so mad. Yeah, because I guess I don’t know, but then I feel like you’d be madder when it’s a lie. But then again, is this that bad of a lie?
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: It’s like kissed a girl and she.
Sharon: Liked it who kissed Katy Perry did too. Exactly.
Sharon: Yeah.
Sharon: It could have been like a non event.
Sharon: Yes.
Sharon: She could have just been like, yeah or no. I don’t know what I talk about.
Caitlin: Yeah. I don’t know who wins. I really can’t decide. I kind of know. I wish I’d decided in advance, because I don’t know that I have an answer for who.
Sharon: I think Candy wins just because I feel like Candy, for some reason seems more credible.
Caitlin: She does. She has more credibility, for sure.
Sharon: Yeah.
Sharon: And it’s not that Drew doesn’t seem not credible.
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: And I don’t think it’s fair when they keep saying, like, oh, she’s an like, Candy even apologized.
Sharon: Oh, I guess maybe for music stuff, but maybe the Oscar’s not for mean.
Caitlin: Production or I just you’re right. I just think that in the past, candy is more believable. And also I just don’t understand. I don’t know. It’s a really dumb it is. Especially in this day and age, too.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I don’t know. No one said you cheated. You and Ralph were falling apart anyway.
Sharon: Who cares? Did Ralph even really care about that?
Caitlin: I don’t think so. He seemed all happy about the movie when they were making it.
Caitlin: It was all up in that, so I don’t think so. Yeah. Well, that is our Candy episode. Again, nothing real deep in a lot of the fights this season.
Sharon: Yeah, it’s like I enjoyed it, but there just wasn’t much to say.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So it’s like I do kind of I would like to see a reshuffling of the Atlantic. Definitely going to say.
Caitlin: All right, well, so for kind of for our future business, we’re going to wrap up with our Atlanta episodes. we’re going to gear up for OC and, New York and Salt Lake City. Those are all coming up down the pipeline. So, let us know your thoughts on that and who and what we should cover, because sometimes we go back and forth on who really deserves an episode and who doesn’t. So if you have really strong feelings about that, get on our Instagram or Twitter and let us know. All right. Remember, Housewives, bring the drama, but we bring the.
Sharon: Receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also, visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both at RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us at rhonrhpodcast@gmail.com. Thanks again, and remember to stay out of the.