We fell in love again with Luann and Sonja as they take on the little town of Crappie Lake in this Waiting for Guffman meets Schitt’s Creek series.
We dig into how well the ladies accomplished the tasks the mayor gave them, but ultimately find that the big heart of this series is all that matters.
Episode Transcript (generated by eddy.headliner.app)
Caitlin: It also can be like foolishness, right? Yeah.
Sharon: Um, like Stewart’s folly.
Caitlin: Yes, exactly. Which is Alaska.
Sharon: Look at us.
Caitlin: And our history teachers never use that.
Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel house wipes story threads and keep the tea flowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your follies.
Sharon: Today, we’re digging into welcome to Crappy Lake, a heartwarming romp by.
Caitlin: Hey, when I wrote that, it says.
Sharon: There’S some beautiful words in my sodium Morgan as they are tasked with bringing life back to the town of Benton, Illinois. Caitlin wrote that, and I just love it. I love it. I know.
Caitlin: I think I missed my calling in life.
Sharon: I think you did.
Caitlin: So we decided we’re sticking with crappy, even though technically it’s pronounced croppy.
Sharon: But the fun of it is that.
Caitlin: Exactly. Your husband pointed that out to us immediately. Remember? When we sat down to watch it, he’s like, it’s croppy.
Sharon: We’re like, is it?
Caitlin: And then we’re like, oh, it is. Okay.
Sharon: The only reason it got chosen is.
Caitlin: Because it looks like crappy. So we’re sticking with crappy. All right. It’s sort of a miniseries esque like romp, as I said. Um, but so Russell, who was a reality tv producer from Beton, Illinois, he set it up for Lou Anne and Sonya to come and help revitalize the town after 2020 and everything being in quarantine, it really fell into hard times. Um, so I guess also Luanne and Sonya are originally from small towns. I think it was also a bit of a placate and keep them in the Bravo family since they recast New York as well. So I think that was kind of its purpose. But what are our thoughts on Crappy Lake? I loved it.
Sharon: It was so much big heart.
Caitlin: People say big heart.
Sharon: It’s still a big heart. And I just love that I could watch it with my kids around. I like, mhm. The craziness of housewives. But sometimes it’s nice to have a show you can just leave on and you don’t have to worry anything bad is on because it was really, it was sweet and it had a sweet premise.
Caitlin: It did. It’s like when we were saying golden Bachelor as relates, ah, to the bachelor franchise. Like, we could actually watch that with our kids. Yeah. And so this was the same.
Sharon: This is like. Right, reasons of house.
Caitlin: Exactly. It’s like getting back to the original goal of house. So my favorite movie is waiting for Guthman, which is like, another little small town. They put on a production, and it’s sort of like a mockumentary that follows it. Christopher Gus. I love it. This is that. It’s waiting for Guffman. Meet Schitt’s Creek. There’s even, like, the Dairy Queen, which is a big deal. And waiting for Guffman, too. So it’s like, for me, it was, like, just, like, the culmination of those two, which I love, so it was awesome.
Sharon: I’ve never seen that movie. I have to watch it. You do?
Caitlin: We have to watch it together so I can point out why it’s funny. She’ll make you love it even more. It’s. We have. It was also very, like, I guess, also very, um, Ethel and Lucy, Laverne and Shirley. Like, it’s that kind of female.
Sharon: And I was thinking the simple life, and then I noticed you wrote down the simple.
Caitlin: I did.
Sharon: So it’s kind of like, oh, the fish out of water. Because there are these rich, spoiled girls, and they come to this little town, and they got to do hard, dirty work. Um, so there’s that fun of it.
Caitlin: Um, do you think they really paid for things on their own and called in their own favors?
Sharon: Yeah, that’s the thing. Okay, so the mayor tasks them with these eight tasks or whatever. Six tasks. And I would have assumed that Bravo will pick up anything that wouldn’t get done.
Caitlin: I think so, too.
Sharon: However, I’m not so sure, because Luanne actually had her brother.
Caitlin: I love.
Sharon: Wait, was it Luanne or Sonia?
Caitlin: No, it was Luann.
Sharon: Her brother is a contractor come in and work on the hotel room, and he actually came. He’s not a celebrity. He worked.
Caitlin: They didn’t just bring in fancy furnishings from all. They went to Walmart.
Sharon: They went to Walmart. It wasn’t like, oh, and sponsored by wayfair.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: Uh, things did look like they probably actually did it themselves.
Caitlin: Yeah. The only moment that felt a little bit sponsored to me was at the Christmas celebration. They brought in, like, it wasn’t scissors, but it was a bunch of, like, I don’t know.
Sharon: It was.
Caitlin: What do you cut trees with? Like, they were trying to. They were joking. They didn’t have whatever. And so that was, like, sponsored by, like, fisker or something, but it was something. It was a scissor company. I don’t know if I wrote it down even, but that was the only time where they were, like, they just kept pulling out boxes of whatever brand of scissors that was. And I felt like, okay, that was the only time I felt like, uh, yeah, there they asked somebody to give a bunch to help the town. The rest of the time, I didn’t.
Sharon: See that, because the playground, I mean, it’s not like it was so crazy over the top. It was a nice playground, but I kind of see that they did that and didn’t they? They put their money out for what was it? Was it the dog run or was the playground.
Caitlin: I think it was the dog run. Something. Yeah, for the fence, maybe it’s a dog run. So I do think there were times or else were just like, you can cut our salary a little bit, or something like that. So I do kind of feel like they didn’t. I guess either way, I kind of want to think that that was true, because it makes it better and makes it sweeter.
Sharon: I think they actually did more than.
Caitlin: I thought they would. Yeah.
Sharon: Because I think it would have been better.
Caitlin: I think that’s an excellent.
Sharon: I’m trying not to be mean.
Caitlin: No, but I know what you’re saying. So my other favorite moment was that when they were at the testicle festival, isn’t that what Sonia kept calling it? But that the pig that the guy brought his pig, his pet pig. The pig got a bottom third. It was like pig Wilson wet. That was my other favorite.
Sharon: Oh, God, that festival thing with all the. What do you call.
Caitlin: I don’t want to eat that.
Sharon: Okay. Thomas actually was laughing the whole time. He thought it was hilarious.
Caitlin: And that one couple, maybe you could start this tradition, because that one couple celebrated their anniversary there every year.
Sharon: Yes. I think you guys have missed your calling, too. Uh, bad on your.
Caitlin: Not in the summer.
Sharon: Rocko oysters.
Caitlin: Yeah, whatever. Let’s not start that. Um, okay, let’s look at the goals met, because there were, let me count. 12345 goals. And we’re going to give them letter grades as to whether they were accomplished or not or how well they were accomplished. Everything got accomplished. Um, so let’s just go through and do it that way. Oh. The only other thing that doesn’t fit into the list here is that royal high tea in town. What did you think about that? That place was way bigger inside than I thought it would be. There were moments where the town was bigger than I thought it should be. Oh, my God. Yes.
Sharon: I was just going to say, I kept thinking, wait, why don’t all these people know each other?
Caitlin: Because this, huh?
Sharon: Town is tiny. Why don’t you know that person?
Caitlin: I kept picking like that. We always go to that little Christmas kickoff in this little town near us. It’s like an hour away. There’s one street. Yeah. This had, like, a circular area. I think it was bigger than a circle. There was a circle.
Sharon: So I’m like. I was like, shouldn’t they all know each other? How do they not know that this is here? Or how does everyone in the town not know that? This person.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: So I kind of think it’s bigger or it pulls m from far.
Caitlin: I think so, too.
Sharon: We thought. Yeah, um, I got that. What were you asking me?
Caitlin: Oh, it was about the royalty, because inside it just looked bigger. And it’s very Bridgerton. There was a lot of people there. No, you go ahead.
Sharon: No, you say it. You say it.
Caitlin: The owner of the tea shop, I said to Sharon, I was like, don’t you think she’d actually be really difficult and, like, a. Like, wouldn’t you not want to be friends with?
Sharon: I was like, oh, my. Yes. Like, I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Caitlin: It was just something. I was like, that lady’s difficult.
Sharon: I didn’t want her to annoy me.
Caitlin: No, but she didn’t do anything. No, she didn’t.
Sharon: She just feel bad.
Caitlin: I know.
Sharon: I feel bad, too.
Caitlin: Sorry, Mrs. Bloom, or whatever it was. A cafe Bloom.
Sharon: But see, that’s the type of thing. It’s like, it’s cool. But if people weren’t going to high tea in your town before, I don’t think they’re going to go now.
Caitlin: I, for one, went to a high tea in our town. Right. We went to the Grinch high tea, and it was not so high.
Sharon: Yeah, you didn’t see.
Caitlin: I know. And our town’s bigger than this town is. So if we couldn’t pull it off, I’m surprised this lady can pull off Richardson tea.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Because we couldn’t pull off Grinch tea.
Sharon: Much lower bar.
Caitlin: Much lower bar. Okay. So they go to the city hall to meet the mayor, and he has a list of tasks. So here they are. Build a park. Christmas in July. Increase tourism, upgrade, animal rescue, and end of summer performance. So let’s start with build a park. Yes. So the playground is missing, and there’s a part of the town, and it really looks like there’s a lot of houses. There’s this empty lot, and they could really use a play area for the kids. So Craig in the public works, he’s a rodeo clown on the side. I love stuff like that. They’re going to help plan, create, and fund the park. So they tell the mayor that they might not have a play set initially because they’re having trouble finding one. And he’s sad because he’d been lobbying for the playground for eight years now. This is where it feels like small town.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Because it’s like, if you couldn’t get a playground put into place, that is problematic. Um, but then they get it, and it’s really cute because it wasn’t just a house. It was like this little fancy thing with windows, with mosquito netting. It had, like, ac and solar panels. And Luanne gets really long winded on the ribbon cutting, though. It was very reminiscent of real Housewives of New York. And when Erin had her vow renewal, it was like, okay, like, wrap it up, Luann. Yeah. Um, but how do we feel they did about building the park?
Sharon: I’m going to give them an a and a plus because me too. They got it done, and that meant so much to them. And I’m just. Kids need a place to play. They do.
Caitlin: And this was where they ran into a little bit more, um, trouble because they were having trouble getting it done. And remember, all the supplies coming in, especially building materials around that time, was difficult. So I feel like that was a big. I would agree with a. Okay, what about Christmas in July?
Sharon: Is this where the whole foam thing was?
Caitlin: This was where the foam. I thought that was clever, but that was the only thing I liked. So Christmas in July, they have a big tree they can reuse, which does make sense. But again, it’s not the most creative thing. They had drinks for adults and a suds machine for the kids to kind of look like snow. Um, but this is, I guess, why it was almost more disappointing, too. They said that event planning was their sweet spot.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So I think I expected a little bit more. And they had their really slutty Santa outfits from mean girls, and that just felt like, because is this is like our big heart moment. This is our funny. Cute. And that just took it to this level of, like, did we really? It’s like, there was one that point when Sonia said the little girl, like, well, you can have the outfit. It was really more meant for you than me. It was like, well, yeah, thanks, but that is true.
Sharon: Well, I guess I don’t know if my issue was with Christmas in July at all or how they executed it.
Caitlin: Yeah, I guess maybe it’s both.
Sharon: But granted, if they’re good party planners, they could have made any silly thing you would think.
Caitlin: Yeah. I just wondered if we didn’t get a good enough filming of it because we were so invested in getting to the end of your performance or what but it was the.
Sharon: Okay, the foam absolutely irritated me, to be honest.
Caitlin: But you had to have something for the kids.
Sharon: I have to take my kids home in this soapy wetness. They’re going to get it in my car.
Caitlin: Okay. That’s true. Yeah. I would have hated that. Now that you say it, in the moment, I thought, well, at least it’s.
Sharon: Something, because did they ever.
Caitlin: At least there was something for the kids, though, because sometimes they plan events like that and there’s nothing for kids. And they could have been like stand.
Sharon: Around like that kind of stuff.
Caitlin: And it might have been really funny to see Luanne and Sonia face paint.
Sharon: That would be funny.
Caitlin: They actually could have really gotten on board with that.
Sharon: What else did they do at the.
Caitlin: Right. The suds machine, I guess, is a little bit like a club. So we have the short skirts and the foam machine. I mean, I guess that maybe it wasn’t.
Sharon: They could have had elves dancing and.
Caitlin: Then they were so meticulous about where the lighted reindeer stood and the tree. And it was like that really didn’t matter. It was all going around the gazebo. Yeah. I don’t know. That was the weirder thing. I guess I appreciated the reusable Christmas tree, but I don’t know, we didn’t have that already.
Sharon: Going to give it a c minus? What are you going to give it?
Caitlin: Yeah, I was going to say just a regular c. Yeah. Balance it out. C middle. Okay. The third task was to increase tourism. So this is harder because they just kind of crammed a lot of things under that umbrella. Mhm. And so it’s a little bit trickier. So, um, they want to make a crappy hour space, which I love the name for that.
Sharon: I thought that was really awesome.
Caitlin: So they’re going to make a crappy hour space with bars and couches outside in a fireplace, a fire pit, and then they’re doing preparations to the hotel as well.
Sharon: Now, was the crappy hour at the hotel.
Caitlin: I think it was sort of.
Sharon: Wasn’t it, like right near?
Caitlin: I think it was near. So what’s confusing is that there was that little outdoor space as part of the hotel that had the hot tub and the chairs and the benches and stuff.
Sharon: Mhm.
Caitlin: And the mural. Okay. My favorite moment in the hotel was when they were preparing for the crappy hour and renovating their two suites. So they each renovated their own room. Luanne and Sonia. And the guy got his toenail kind of rip.
Sharon: Oh, God.
Caitlin: But I forgot that Luanne was a nurse. Yeah, I know. Me and like, I loved seeing her jump into action, and it was like, lou Ann, nurse.
Sharon: Ah.
Caitlin: Just, it’s like sometimes you forget that they’re real. Like, real lives before the housewives. And it was like, hey, Luann has skills. I forgot about these skills of hers.
Sharon: It says, it made her so much more real.
Caitlin: It really did. I loved it. Not the tone out part, because that’s gross. But I loved every other part of what it brought out in her because Sonya freaked out, and she was just like, I got this. And then, uh, like you said, I loved her brother coming to visit. So they renovated the suites. Luanne kind of added. Okay, who did better on the room renovation? Luanne.
Sharon: But, like, Sonia, when she’s showing off the room, it looked like crap.
Caitlin: No, you pointed out she didn’t make the bed.
Sharon: The bed was, like, made horribly. Like, I am horrible at making bed.
Caitlin: I feel like we need to show.
Sharon: This to our children and be like.
Caitlin: Which room would you pick? Yeah. And is it because the bed is made?
Sharon: She could have done so much better showing. And then she was showing us, like, this little crappy eight that says $8 from Walmart. One of those little gray cubes that you can use to store stuff. And she had mayonnaise in it. And we’re like, I’m not going to.
Caitlin: Sonia’s suite for the mayonnaise.
Sharon: Yeah, it was vegan a’s, I think.
Caitlin: Oh, that’s right. That’s even worse.
Sharon: And the quilt she picked.
Caitlin: Oh, I did not like her bedding.
Sharon: I mean, honestly, you can of Walmart and get, like, cute stuff. I have stuff from Walmart.
Caitlin: Some of my bathroom stuff is from Walmart, actually, and it’s fine. No, I think that’s really weird. I did, like, when Luanne was like, so it all came from my favorite new store.
Sharon: Luanne looks like she had a nice coffee maker.
Caitlin: Yeah. Yes.
Sharon: I was like, is that an espresso machine?
Caitlin: Maybe they let Sonia have the drinking. Oh, so then they let Liu and have the coffee budget, because Sonia was like, okay, cups.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: That’s right. Okay. I wrote down that the hotel got new carpeting, new paint, new gutters, and the Sonia and Luanne suites and the mural. And the.
Sharon: Here’s what I was thinking. That mural outside was really cool.
Caitlin: It was really cool.
Sharon: Why didn’t they paint a mural in the room?
Caitlin: Oh, I would have loved that. Then they wouldn’t have needed, like, the wall art. And you could have covered up that awful wood paneling, which nobody likes. That would have been.
Sharon: I think they could have done some really cool, like with a local artist or something. It would have been really fun.
Caitlin: That would have been really cool and unique. Yeah, that was amazing.
Sharon: Not just the picture of a chicken or whatever.
Caitlin: Exactly. Because I actually enjoyed the home renovation parts. Like, a lot of us love that kind of reality tv, too.
Sharon: And I love.
Caitlin: They should have done a little deer. I thought that was beautiful. Yeah, no, that was a missed opportunity because I think that is actually something that would increase tourism too, because people love photos with murals that are really fun and cute. Uh-huh like when we’re in Walla Walla, often there’s that one with the little paper cranes. I love taking my picture in front of that, and it’s just a small, little thing, but it always draws me to it. And you’re right, so many photo ops could happen, which would increase tourism. Yeah, we love a photo op. Okay, I don’t know what I want to do on this. What is our letter grade for increasing tourism?
Sharon: Before I answer that, can I say one more thing?
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: I hate baths. I never take baths in my own bathtub. They’re the worst in a hotel bathtub.
Caitlin: No.
Sharon: Oh my God. I want to vomit just thinking about it. Unless it’s like a five star. It’s disgusting. Four seasons or something.
Caitlin: Yes. Sorry, Meredith marks, but no. The only time I think you really ever need a bathtub is when you have little, like really little kids. Because standing kids can still take a shower. They don’t love it, but they can do. I think. I think hotels should have the option for bath for people who need it, but everyone else should just be able to have a shower.
Sharon: Agree. Um, anyway, for their rooms, I’m going to give Luann a b minus. A b plus for effort. Actually, I’m going to give her an a minus for effort. A b or a b minus for total execution.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Sharon: I’m going to give Sonia a c minus. What do you think?
Caitlin: I would agree with that. What do you think about the overall, because now that we talked about whether we think the town’s tourism is increased by that, I think the hotel’s revenue is probably increased by people like us who’d be willing to go, like, I would take a girl’s trip there with you or something.
Sharon: I mean, I think there’s definitely going to be a boost initially.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: I guess it’s up to them to sustain it.
Caitlin: But if all you’re boosting is the hotel suites.
Sharon: Yeah, I get what you’re saying.
Caitlin: So now I’m worried and I feel like overall, I guess I would go c minus, maybe even d. I’m not sure. They did a great job with increasing tourism.
Sharon: Yeah, they did.
Caitlin: For the hotel.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: What about for the rest of the town? Yeah.
Sharon: Maybe they should have focused on like, okay, come to the hotel and then do this. Maybe they should have had like, they should have developed a crappy lake package. Mhm. That’s how come to crappy Lake and here’s like a two day itinerary of.
Caitlin: What you can do here. That’s what I would want if I went there. I wouldn’t know what to do once I got there.
Sharon: Right. So maybe that would have been a better idea for mhm.
Caitlin: Them or like visit the sites that you saw in the show or something like that. Maybe they did do that, but even still, it’s like you’re not necessarily going to want to go to, I mean, and you can’t, there were so many festivals. There is no follies. There is no testicle festival. There is no, yeah, you can only.
Sharon: Go that one week. Christmas in July.
Caitlin: Christmas in July.
Sharon: Right. Oh, we looked at the motel website. Mhm. And the picture that they show, it’s got like different comforters.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: Wasn’t Luann’s or did they take the comforters with them? Is it different comforters? Is it different room? I have no idea.
Caitlin: I don’t know. I’m a little confused by it.
Sharon: I was confused because they looked kind of old school motel, the comforters. And then it did say like, okay, so the rooms for like a double queen bed were like 90 a night. The rooms were somewhere between 90 and 95 a night. But it said for Louie Ann and Sonya to book call. So I don’t know how much they cost, if they’re a different price.
Caitlin: I m think they are probably. I think they are. But I’m wondering also. Yeah. Why you have to call. Do you have to answer some housewives trivia or something to get in?
Sharon: Maybe they don’t want you just booking it online, although they could just charge your credit card and say no.
Caitlin: Yeah. Maybe they’re afraid people would book it who didn’t really care about housewives. You have to save them for the fans. You can’t just pick it because it’s the most expensive room. They’re like, let me talk you through it. It’s not the best room, it’s just the most kitchen.
Sharon: It’s just that Sonia slept here. Yeah.
Caitlin: And to some people that means everything.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Okay. So the next thing they’re tasked with is upgrading the animal rescue. So they help out at the animal control place. This is actually one of my favorites because I think they do the most good here.
Sharon: Maybe this in the playground.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Mhm.
Caitlin: They wash the dogs and they make a dog run outside and they want to have an outside adoption event. And what I love is, and this is where I do feel like, of any of the things, this is where their money went. Like maybe this and the kids playground, uh, too. But they put in the fences for the dog run because they couldn’t get those funded through something else. And they said she and Sonia will pay for it. And they were super clear about that. So I really do think that they paid for the dog fences because, um, they just couldn’t get them coming fast enough with donations. So they were like, we’ll put it through. Oh, they joked. They do a few more cameos. Oh, there’s a great scene in the upcoming ultimate girls trip where they’re all doing cameos in the van and they’re like, it’s okay if we do it at the same time. People love knowing we’re all together or something. That would be cool. You buy one. Exactly. And now that I know that their cameos help things like dog adoption centers, I mean, why not? They, um, do a dog adoption event and they can actually have all the animals outside. There’s more space. I don’t know. This one I love a plus.
Sharon: Yeah. And it’s good. I mean, they definitely got something tangible. They got like a capital cost covered or something, whatever.
Caitlin: And the people seemed really happy. Like, it wasn’t like they just put a coat of fresh paint on it. It seemed like they really gave them things that they needed and that helped and that they got dogs adopted. So that one I loved.
Sharon: Okay, a.
Caitlin: A plus. End, um, of summer performances. Number five. Okay. The auditions are some of my favorite parts because Luann is so, like, prim and proper. And then they get, like, initially, like, they get that interpretive horror. There’s like a kid on a unicycle and a violin and guitar singer that are like, a little bit like, woo. And you’re like, okay. Anyway, they also want to write their own song for it. Um, here’s what they had a lot of creative differences.
Sharon: How many people got rejected because it.
Caitlin: Seemed like, oh, I thought they wouldn’t be able to reject anybody.
Sharon: They were going to be just begging.
Caitlin: For anybody town in the surrounding area.
Sharon: Because they actually acted like they were in a place to reject people.
Caitlin: Right. And it looked like because a lot of the people we saw in those early, and they had multiple sessions of rehearsals.
Sharon: Well, no one came to the first one.
Caitlin: Right. Well, that’s true. But some people there were still a couple. And then they have that poor piano player they’re working with, Courtney Cox, not the actress. Not to be confused.
Sharon: He was a man.
Caitlin: Well. And they had to sell like 500 tickets. Yeah. And then they bring in Paula, um Abdul.
Sharon: Oh, yeah.
Caitlin: Which was really cool.
Sharon: I couldn’t believe the girls knew who she was.
Caitlin: I felt like they were.
Sharon: Do you think they were?
Caitlin: Yeah, I think so. But they don’t know because she was initially on American Idol. Maybe that’s. I was thinking, like, how we know her from.
Sharon: Those girls were like twelve years old.
Caitlin: They were. It’s true. Yeah, I agree. I think they were.
Sharon: I don’t know, maybe people still know who she is.
Caitlin: Uh, I mean, she’s the big deal choreographer.
Sharon: Maybe if you’re into dance, maybe in.
Caitlin: Dance you’re like, oh, this is a Paula Abdul thing.
Sharon: But I thought they did a really good job. It didn’t seem fake. They seemed legitimately.
Caitlin: No, they did. Mhm. Yeah. And she did breathe new life into the event, which I thought was nice.
Sharon: And I did think that she actually coached them. Like she was actually going to work.
Caitlin: And she didn’t just show up to be like, oh, my.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly. She was like, working with them.
Caitlin: Yeah. No, and it’s always fun when you can see someone in their actual element like that. And I do think that’s cool. So then Luann also brought in a Broadway producer that she’d worked with, which I think it was to get another vote on her team because she and Sonia were having their creative differences. I think she brought that guy and didn’t be like, you have to tell Sonia she’s wrong.
Sharon: Who do you think was winning in the creative differences? I had no idea.
Caitlin: It’s got to be. But it ended up not. I mean, we can talk about how it ended up, but the way it ended up, maybe Luanne didn’t win. There was a point. It’s like you’re working with what you’re working like. There’s only so much you can do.
Sharon: Burn.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. Okay, so in the end, they end up with, like, a really talented, fun show. What did we think?
Sharon: Wait, what was the one where the girl was at the national anthem and it was like, not sung well? Yeah.
Caitlin: Was that in the microphone?
Sharon: Wait, was that in the show or was that in the tryout?
Caitlin: That was in the show.
Sharon: Okay. Yeah. I, uh, feel bad because it’s kind of like they were acknowledging that it was.
Caitlin: I know. And it’s like, honestly, because everything else did turn out pretty well.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Okay, so they do the song at the end. Was it just me? Okay, this is what shocked me. I actually felt like Sonia sang a little bit better than Louan at the.
Sharon: End and I was shocked by that, was so disappointed.
Caitlin: It was like.
Sharon: I mean, I knew it was going to be like kitschy.
Caitlin: And cheesy and I expected. But.
Sharon: It wasn’t even like a little bit clever.
Caitlin: No. And it wasn’t even like you could hum the tune later.
Sharon: Yes. I kind of thought like it was.
Caitlin: Like the same six bars over and over.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And then it was like they just talked about some of the people in the town, but not even all the people, just a couple of.
Sharon: They just threw out some names, which is fun for those people.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: But it wasn’t fun for us. Yeah, they could have been much more clever. Mhm. It could have been more catchy. If it wasn’t clever, it could have been more catchy.
Caitlin: And I feel like if anything, where Bravo should have thrown their hat into the ring, it should have been the song. You bring in that producer earlier, you bring in a writer for the song. I mean, everything else can happen, but we know that nothing is 100% authentically unfed. And so it’s like you bring somebody in for the.
Sharon: Paula Abdul could have come in there.
Caitlin: She would have done a better job. Just let Paula sing.
Sharon: Let her do it. I was so disappointed.
Caitlin: I was in cold hearted snake and let’s all go home.
Sharon: When I watched it, I was like.
Caitlin: Yeah, that was awful. It wasn’t the culmination that I wanted it to be because. Especially because so many of the acts were really good. Yeah. And then to end with that, it was like, well, maybe I should have started. Yeah, exactly.
Sharon: It was not good.
Caitlin: I mean, again, I think they wrote.
Sharon: It in like ten minutes.
Caitlin: It wrapped it up for the show, but not in a way that they could have wrapped it up. It wasn’t even funny.
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: Like I thought in the very least it would be funny.
Sharon: I’m still mad about it.
Caitlin: Yeah, apparently.
Sharon: I didn’t realize I was mad at repressed emotions.
Caitlin: Yeah, that was just a bummer. Do you think they still have the billboard that says there’s no place like Benton that has Sonia and Luann on it?
Sharon: Probably.
Caitlin: I bet that’s one of the tourists draws. Yeah. I would leave that up forever.
Sharon: Even when it’s like that were in our town. I would like, rally to have it. It’s like a national historic monument.
Caitlin: We’re going to need this stamped to never be removed. Exactly. Very important. Okay, what is our vote on end of summer performance? M. I don’t know what to say. A b plus. I feel like a b is fine. Yeah. And mostly just because of their song. If it wasn’t their song, honestly, it was much better than most talent shows I’ve ever been to. Yeah, those people really had some talent.
Sharon: And I’ve never even thought about a community talent show. It’s kind of a neat idea. Yeah.
Caitlin: I’m not doing one, though. That sounds like my nightmare. No. If you had to force. No. Do you even know? No, I do not handle public performance as well. Uh, no. I’d panic.
Sharon: We could do a podcast.
Caitlin: Okay. That I could do. That I could do. I would do that live from the stage. No. When I was in high school, I used to have this hatred for bananas because my flute teacher would make me eat a banana. She said, like, if you ate a banana before you performed, it would like, settle your nerves and stomachs. What? It had the opposite effect because I started to be like, I would get anxious around bananas. Is that a banana? I’m going to have to perform if I had a banana.
Sharon: The weirdest thing I’ve ever heard.
Caitlin: Probably worked for somebody, but it did not work for me.
Sharon: Maybe someone put like a banana thing.
Caitlin: Maybe if you doped up the banana now I just had regular bananas and.
Sharon: They did not help.
Caitlin: They did not soothe my nerves, so don’t. Hm. Try that. All right. Um, so I mean, overall, what is our overall grade of crappy Lake?
Sharon: Overall, I loved it.
Caitlin: Yeah, me too. Despite the fact that we took down a few notches of the goals, overall, it’s an a plus. I love it. I think it’d be a great rewatch around the holidays. It’s just a great rewatch. Anytime you feel sad. I remember feeling like there’s like a little doldrums when I watched it, and it’s just like, it raises your spirits. It’s a beautiful thing.
Sharon: And the people in town were really happy, like seeing the mayor get.
Caitlin: Do you think there’s kind of rumors they might do another one? Would you want another one to be with Sonia and Luann? Or would you want another one to be with two different.
Sharon: That’s ah, what I was just thinking. Sonia and Luann do a great job.
Caitlin: They’re great together.
Sharon: Would it be too much the same?
Caitlin: That’s what I kind of feel like. I wouldn’t be against seeing them.
Sharon: I think it might be fun. Like, um.
Caitlin: It might be fun to.
Sharon: Marisol. I think they could be a.
Caitlin: They’d be amazing together.
Sharon: Um.
Caitlin: Oh, I would love them. Um, that would be fun.
Sharon: Oh, like Vicki and Tamara.
Caitlin: Oh, they’d be.
Sharon: And Shannon, the migas.
Caitlin: That would be fun. Yeah, you just have to find, like, who are the friends, like, the actual genuine friendships, and put them together.
Sharon: I think I’d like to see different ones.
Caitlin: M. I think so, too, especially after you listed those people. That would be my vote. All right, well, that is our episode on Crappy Lake. I don’t know why I always feel like I have to say it. Weird.
Sharon: Like a vampire.
Caitlin: Like a vampire.
Sharon: What is that?
Caitlin: All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.
Sharon: We bring the receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both at RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us at rhonrhpodcast@gmail.com. Thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.