Jen chooses Ryan, fashion sense, bad texting skills and all.
In this episode, we discuss Jennifer Pedranti storylines from Real Housewives of Orange County Season 17:
⚪ Jen & Ryan vs the World
Episode Transcript (generated by
Caitlin: It.
Caitlin: What do you think makes Ryan get up in the morning and, like, choose the outfits that he picks? What makes you say, like, I feel like we should discuss I think we should.
Sharon: I think he looks back to, like.
Caitlin: 80S music videos or something. Which 80s music video do I want to be today? And like, where does he go? Like, is this, like, designer vests or is he like is Ryan like, getting his stuff from like, you know, like, thrift stores? He’s like, he’s no McLamore. Like, you can’t pull that off.
Caitlin: I just thought of that. For some reason.
Caitlin: I always think of McLamore.
Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your oranges.
Sharon: Today we’re digging into Jen Pedantry from Real Housewives of Orange County. Season 17 okay, so our verses this.
Caitlin: Week for Jen is just Jen and Ryan versus the world, which has a.
Sharon: Very love bubble type feeling.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: And I said don’t say love bubble to me.
Sharon: Sorry.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Let’s Talk about Jen. She’s the new girl, and I’m inclined to like her because she’s an Okie. She’s from Oklahoma.
Caitlin: That’s right.
Sharon: not too far from where I’m from. she has trained for fitness competitions. She worked out at Cut Fitness. And I don’t know if she met Tamara there or she started working out.
Caitlin: Because she knew yeah, I’m unclear on that.
Sharon: They definitely had a connection through the gym. And that is where she met her new boyfriend, her current boyfriend, Brian. she was married to her husband at the time. She claimed she had an emotional affair. She got ah, divorced. And now she is with Ryan. she has several kids. She has a child that she adopted. She’s got a bunch of pets. She’s a really cute dog. she owns a yoga studio. And she makes rotel dip.
Caitlin: That’s the greatest dip in the world.
Sharon: It’s such an okie thing.
Caitlin: I think it’s an amazing well, maybe there’s people out.
Sharon: We have a couple of people from other countries. I don’t know if they do this.
Caitlin: That’s true.
Caitlin: Let’s tell you how it goes.
Caitlin: Block of velveeta.
Sharon: You take a block of velveeta into little squares.
Caitlin: Yep.
Sharon: And then you take a can of rotel, which is tomatoes and some jalapenos peppers and stuff. And you put it in a crock pot so good.
Caitlin: And it melts together until it’s amazing. Perfection. Tortilla chips.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: And then she also makes spaghetti casserole, which is funny. She made fun of herself. But spaghetti casserole is good.
Caitlin: It is good. I mean, I think guinea casserole is probably not too bad.
Sharon: Exactly. Can’t mess up a casserole. Carbs and cheese. Exactly.
Caitlin: But I kind of liked seeing someone in the OC. Well, it was like thin yoga woman. Yeah, like that. This is what she’s making. And then also in the like, it was just a great juxtaposition.
Caitlin: What’s their first season judgment of Jen? How do we think she handled her first season?
Sharon: I really liked her. I felt horrible for her, how she was treated.
Caitlin: I agree.
Sharon: I thought she was treated horribly.
Caitlin: Yeah, no, she just seems like a really sweet person, and I don’t think she kind of deserved to be put under the microscope as much as she was. And she kind of said a couple of times, could you guys get to know me outside of all the rumors or outside of person that with, like, what about me as a person?
Sharon: Everything is just about the fact that she got a divorce. News with Ryan.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly.
Sharon: It’s like, nothing about the fact that.
Caitlin: She didn’t get to steer her narrative at all. It was all Tamara steering it.
Sharon: It’s like she’s restarting her life. She started a business. She’s kind of taking on her whole she’s taking on her life all by herself. Now she’s got all these, like,
Caitlin: Do you think it’s fair that everyone seemed to think like they had a right to know when that relationship started?
Sharon: Does it matter?
Caitlin: Exactly.
Caitlin: She’s with him now. You could not like him.
Sharon: That makes sense. And it’s just, everyone felt so much better than her.
Caitlin: It was like she was on trial. Like, they were trying to figure out then it’s like, whose side were you on in the trial? Like, the ex husband’s. Why does this matter?
Sharon: Why did they all want her to be the bad guy?
Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t know. Was it she was so nice, they had to figure out what was wrong with her.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: It’s like they all wanted her to be hurt. They wanted to hurt her.
Caitlin: I don’t get it. And she was really honest about m I mean, maybe she wasn’t 100% on the start of the relationship. I don’t know.
Sharon: Doesn’t even have to be.
Caitlin: She doesn’t have to be. She’s not legally mandated to let yeah, you know what?
Sharon: They don’t know her ex husband.
Caitlin: No, they don’t.
Sharon: They don’t know what was like, she said exactly. You know, whatever.
Caitlin: Yeah, but she said the relationship wasn’t working, and they left.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: It’s like I think it was maybe one thing to kind of say, well, I’ve heard some rumors about Ryan, and maybe you should be careful, but to kind of demand to know how they met, when they met, when they started sleeping together, and then also just to spread those rumors if you aren’t 100% sure. Tamra, I don’t think that that’s fair at all.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: I also think it’s weird. So there was a Jen last season, like, the doctor Jen, and she had that husband ryan. I think his name was Ryan, but he tried to make it some sort of fancy, weird name.
Sharon: Oh, God. The Ryan makes me cringe.
Caitlin: Yes. Anyway, but we traded it for a jen and Ryan, and I think that’s kind of funny.
Sharon: Are, we going to talk about Gina now?
Caitlin: Yeah, let’s just talk about what everyone did to her. Okay.
Sharon: What irritated me most was how Gina was so triggered by Jen’s possible affair, maybe emotional relationship, I don’t know.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Again, I think she had no ownership over that.
Sharon: It’s like, you know, how can how many people in the world have affairs?
Caitlin: And this also, she wasn’t, like, using her as a confidant, so I don’t understand why that was a problem.
Sharon: It’s like, Jen wouldn’t have talked to anyone about this.
Caitlin: You guys were the ones bringing it up. And also, it’s like she did legitimately have an answer for every time. So they kept accusing Ryan of cheating or of, like, pictures that he shouldn’t have sent and messages he shouldn’t have sent. But there was confusion for a couple reasons. One, they had sort of like a Ross and Rachel from friends situation. Like, they were on a break. Yes, he slept with someone when they.
Sharon: Were on a
Caitlin: Okay.
Caitlin: Now, whether again, whether that’s true or not, that’s how Jen wants to accept it. And you’re allowed to accept people back who cheated on you. That’s her call.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Caitlin: And she says it was during a break.
Sharon: She has answers for all these things. Then they’re saying, well, would you want it? It was only two weeks. It’s like, for her, she said, yeah.
Caitlin: We were on a break. And when he sent that bad photo, like, I guess it went to multiple people. It does make me feel like it was a mistake if it went to.
Sharon: Multiple people, especially the content
Caitlin: Of the photo. If you sent it to one person, that’s a problem. Or, like, she said he was getting texts from other women, but she didn’t know about. So, like, he is being at least transparent about what’s going on, and it’s her call whether she wants to accept that or not. It’s her relationship, not his. Exactly. Well not his, not their so I.
Sharon: Felt like Gina was it’s like, take it out on your why are you taking it out on I think she.
Caitlin: Doesn’T know how to take it out on her ex husband.
Sharon: Yeah. And so actually, in the beginning of the season, I couldn’t stand Gina because of this. In the end, I like, Gina m, but oh my gosh, I wanted off my screen.
Caitlin: No.
Sharon: And it was fine because it was.
Caitlin: Really bothering about it.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: I was like, would you guys just leave Jen alone? Poor Jen was just constantly being attacked. I’m like, she did nothing to you guys.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: And it kind of seemed to come out of the woodwork. Like, they’d be sitting like, when they were sitting at the table when they went to Mexico, and they were just, like, all outside after they had the water aerobics, which I loved by the like, I loved those man themed swimsuits. I loved that guy who was like, where’s the like, that is the aerobics I want to take. we should ask your mom and dad, since they did water aerobics, if their guy was excited about pointing at things. Was there a lot of pointing? I want to know.
Sharon: I just assumed it was an older woman.
Caitlin: Yeah, probably. You don’t think she was, like, yelling about the barn and stuff?
Caitlin: It could be. Yeah. You never know.
Caitlin: When they were sitting at that table, it’s like they’re just talking. Then all of a sudden, Tamara’s like and to bring us back to the thing about Jen, it’s like, again, she was just sitting down to enjoy her croissant or let let it go. Yeah, I guess she wasn’t that bothered by it. So why was everyone else that bothered by it? Yeah, I just don’t understand.
Sharon: And we don’t really even know how her ex husband felt, come to think.
Caitlin: About we didn’t talk to him at all.
Sharon: Maybe he’s, like, really happy.
Caitlin: Yeah, he was like, I wanted to get out of here.
Caitlin: I don’t know.
Sharon: I didn’t like her. That’s why I wanted to go out with her or something.
Caitlin: And I felt bad for her because it seemed like her her family really liked her ex husband, and he worked for the business, her family’s business, and.
Sharon: Seemed like she was trying to protect him from her family not liking him. I think I feel like she was doing everything she could.
Caitlin: It kind of felt like maybe her family even inadvertently, sort of sided on his side, the ex husband’s. So again, and now her friends won’t even side on her side. and then Tamara, I think we said in the episode with Tamara, but Ryan initially came to the, cut Fitness. It was like, I just want to sleep with all the women. Oh, I’m going to Tamara first. Or again, like, maybe there was some joking around. And if he wasn’t with her at the time, does that really matter?
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: I don’t know. And especially because from what Jen said, jen and Tama were themselves making jokes about the guy, which I could totally see happening in that mean.
Caitlin: Do you get the vibe? I do feel like Ryan is committed to her. I don’t particularly like Ryan. There is something about him that rubs me the wrong way. I’d be suspicious of him too.
Sharon: I’d be suspicious. I could see him maybe straying because he apparently has this history of it. However, I do think he loves her. I think so too. And I think he genuinely wants to be with her.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Caitlin: And it’s like, I kind of had originally had thought that, but he’d been married before too, so first I thought he’s just like, this guy who’s never committed to anybody.
Caitlin: But again, maybe right?
Caitlin: Weren’t they? Yeah, but again, you just need to sometimes find the right person HM. And maybe he was in an unhappy marriage, and maybe he did mess around for a while, but then who’s to say? Maybe he didn’t get out of his system and now he’s ready to settle down. Think again. I don’t think it’s the call of these other house women.
Caitlin: House women?
Caitlin: They’re housewives, but I don’t think it’s their call to maybe say whether he is ready or not or they just met.
Caitlin: Jen.
Caitlin: They just met.
Sharon: And you know, it’s interesting that you say that, because I don’t particularly care for Ryan.
Caitlin: I don’t either. But when you say there is something about him, I don’t like to there’s.
Sharon: Something weird about him, but he’s really actually done nothing right.
Caitlin: Especially on the show or the weirdest.
Sharon: He’s been a nice guy on the show.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: And he’s actually handled everybody treating him pretty terribly.
Sharon: Yeah, he really has.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: He sat nicely at the dinner and with Tamara and Eddie and didn’t complain. I don’t know. Yeah, it’s really weird. I mean, the one thing I will give them is that he’s a terrible dresser.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Oh, God, I hate the way he dresses. I don’t even know what the issue is. Weird, 80s. It’s so dated. It’s like, do you think did he grow up in some sort of private school where he had to wear uniforms and never got to wear the awful vests turned inside out that the rest of us it? And he’s, like, recapturing that moment or secretly, like, he wants to be a painter. So he’s like, oh, I got paint on all my clothes.
Sharon: Accidentally bleached my clothes.
Caitlin: I can’t decide if it’s that or if he thinks he could be a fashion icon. And he thinks he’s, like, on the edge of something. He’s just on the verge. He heard the 90s. We’re coming back. Yeah.
Sharon: So he’s like, I totally feel like that’s it.
Caitlin: He’s do you think that Tamara has an actual reason to be worried for Jen, or do you think she’s just.
Sharon: I don’t think she’s worried about Jen. Yeah. Okay, look, Jen is a big girl.
Caitlin: That’s what I think.
Sharon: She made this decision. Clearly, she feels like it’s worth the risk to leave her marriage and try.
Caitlin: And think it’s not like she left the marriage just for Ryan. And I think she says that, like, she was unhappy in the marriage.
Caitlin: Right.
Caitlin: Otherwise she wouldn’t have emotionally cheated. She wouldn’t have been looking for somebody else. I think all the women think she left this great guy for this other guy, and if it doesn’t work out, this other guy, she has nothing. And I don’t think that’s true. I think she wanted out of the relationship. So even if it doesn’t work with Ryan, she still got out of a relationship. She wasn’t happy.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: She would have got divorced anyway, and.
Caitlin: Now she’s with this guy. So I guess I feel like in that sense, it doesn’t really matter it’s.
Sharon: Like Tamara just wants to hate her.
Caitlin: Yeah, she does. And I don’t understand what that’s I wonder if we’ll secretly find out there was something feel or is she jealous of her? I don’t know.
Sharon: I do kind of get the feeling.
Caitlin: They’Re all jealous of her. Yeah, I do too.
Sharon: Maybe because they’re not. But Tamara should be happy.
Caitlin: She should be happy. We actually like Eddie.
Caitlin: We like Eddie.
Caitlin: And he’s cute too.
Sharon: It’s not like he’s John J.
Caitlin: Actually.
Caitlin: Way.
Caitlin: Cuter.
Caitlin: Wait till we get in that episode. I just don’t mean okay. Because when you think about I was thinking too, like, was she just mean about that? But she’s also mean about the fact that Jen doesn’t have as much money. And you’re right, that’s a jealousy thing. Because when she says, like, the fake Chanel and she’s making fun of all of her bags and everything, it’s like that you would do to knock to take somebody down a peg. Because it’s like your mean girl in high school is like, oh, she can’t afford the nice shoes and the nice purse and the nice and you know.
Sharon: Think okay, so I think Jen is absolutely gorgeous. I think she’s so beautiful. And every time I see her and ah, my husband and I were doing this because I don’t think he thought she was as pretty because I think he thought her lips in her mouth were a little too much.
Caitlin: It’s very OC.
Sharon: And so I don’t know if I’m just immune to it now.
Caitlin: I didn’t notice because I thought she was gorgeous.
Sharon: I wonder if she’s gorgeous and she’s got this very sweetness to her.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: And that yoga vibe, in a way.
Sharon: But she’s still down to earth, like with her spaghetti casserole. Is that why they want to hate her?
Caitlin: I think so. Maybe it’s like she can just everything is sort of effortless in those respects for her. But you can tell that she’s had trouble with her relationship and with other things and money and all. You can tell she’s struggling. So I guess I don’t understand. It’s not like sort of like we’ll talk about in the Heather Dubrow episode, but it’s like when you have so much money, you’re just like, oh, I have everything. Jen does not have everything and she is struggling to make, ends meet and to like, her studio off the ground and all of that. I do wonder was it Emily who pointed it out that Jen had posted the thing that day about like, oh, I’m so thankful that my yoga studio is doing well. And it was on the day when they went to the Cut Fitness party, which was like the closing of Cut Fitness. I wonder if there’s some do you think that maybe they feel like they sort of trained her and now she’s like, opening sort of a fitness studio? It’s not the same thing at all.
Caitlin: Right.
Caitlin: But maybe it’s like her studio is working and theirs isn’t. And maybe there’s like some business jealousy there. That’s possible. Their heart and soul wasn’t cut.
Sharon: I could see that actually, anytime you’re in the same industry.
Caitlin: I could actually really see, however, that jealousy makes more sense.
Sharon: That makes the most sense. But she did say none of them are taking a salary, right?
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: She doesn’t even make money off it.
Caitlin: She can’t afford a Chanel.
Sharon: She couldn’t even afford her $5,000 lawyer that she needed for a divorce.
Caitlin: it makes me think of that ten Things I Hate About You where she’s like, I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack. And the other girl’s like, I love my Skechers. And she’s like, that’s because you don’t.
Sharon: Have a Prada.
Caitlin: Backpack.
Caitlin: It made me feel like that’s like Tamara. Oh my God, I love my Chanel bag. You don’t have a Chanel bag.
Sharon: I have prada shoes.
Caitlin: Oh, you do? Do you love them?
Sharon: I like them.
Caitlin: Yeah. I wish I loved them more.
Caitlin: They’re nice.
Caitlin: Okay.
Sharon: They’re secondhand. I bought them on the real, real Caitlin website that she thought that she made it.
Caitlin: Yeah, they’re nice. They’re nice. Okay, now I’m going to have to see them, I guess they’re.
Sharon: Plus now you threw me off.
Caitlin: I did. Because now we’re just talking about brand label Prada.
Sharon: I like a lot of parada.
Caitlin: What is that? I don’t know.
Caitlin: It sounds good. I’ll pretend you made it up.
Caitlin: It’s not.
Caitlin: Do you think? I guess let’s just jump into another area. Like, I’m thinking of she and Ryan versus the world. If they get married, do you think that that would add an element of legitimacy to their relationship? Like, people will be like, oh, they’re not just messing around. This isn’t just like they’re serious now, or do you think they’re still going to be in the same mess?
Sharon: I don’t think so, because I think in the OC, marriages probably come and go so much and then the fact that they are talking about engagement and Ryan has pretty much said, like, he wants to get engaged and she seems a little more she seems like she’s husband.
Caitlin: Well, she’s not fully divorced yet, is she?
Sharon: Oh, that’s right.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Although in the OC, that also doesn’t.
Caitlin: Seem to be a huge problem.
Sharon: So I don’t know. I kind of feel like they’re still going to be mean about it. Yeah, maybe a little bit. I think if they’ve been married a few years yeah. Then it’ll be like, let’s all get over it.
Caitlin: Jump on board.
Sharon: I know what I was going to say. What does he do for money?
Caitlin: Oh, I think I looked it up once. I feel like it’s a really generic business lead. Is it leads to lead generation or.
Caitlin: Something?
Caitlin: Yeah, give it a goo. I feel like it’s something very just like i, don’t know, like he’s a businessman in town. And business.
Sharon: Ryan Boyagian.
Caitlin: Oh, there’s a name. Does she want to be Mrs. Boyajian?
Sharon: What is that name?
Caitlin: I don’t know.
Sharon: Vice president of operations for Boyajian Brokerage.
Caitlin: See?
Sharon: Oh, LinkedIn. Should I friend him on LinkedIn?
Caitlin: Oh, yeah, totally. Oh, but then what if he says he wants to sleep with oh, then Tamara will be.
Sharon: Mad.
Caitlin: Tamara will be.
Sharon: He went to Florida State University. Bachelor of Science in Economics. Sociology, and oh.
Caitlin: That’s a is that like that’s not one degree?
Sharon: That’s like, three separate degrees.
Caitlin: I feel like there’s different careers in the OC than exist in I am totally agree. That might not exist in Oklahoma.
Sharon: It’s not a thing.
Caitlin: Oh, also, can we mean I’m pretty sure Jen’s back next season. Would you say?
Sharon: I would.
Caitlin: I think so. And I would say, if nothing else, she earned her spot. Because she did that. Citollonic. Shannon citollonic. Oh, my God. Live television in someone else’s bathroom.
Sharon: Yes, I laughed.
Caitlin: I mean, I really hard.
Sharon: Her salary should be like I agree.
Caitlin: she gets a bonus.
Sharon: I always feel super immature for laughing. Poop thing.
Caitlin: I know, but I totally got that. They were all laughing.
Sharon: they were all laughing so hard. And she was a good sport about it. I can’t believe she did it.
Caitlin: I can’t believe she did it either.
Sharon: The whole thing is so stupid.
Caitlin: I can’t believe that Shannon’s gotten, like, two people to try colonics on this show. That just tells you something about the.
Sharon: Actually after her bad experience. The one episode I remember is where something broke off in there. I was like, oh, my God, I blocked that.
Caitlin: That’s awful.
Caitlin: I don’t guess. Do you think that anything came out of the reunion that was helpful? Do you think they made peace?
Sharon: I think Jen was willing to give her Tamar another shot, but I think she’s probably willing to give her a shot.
Caitlin: She was very forgiving, and I don’t know how that’s going to work for her as a housewife.
Caitlin: I don’t either.
Caitlin: There’s a point at which you’re going to have to draw a boundary.
Sharon: Do you think she’s probably can she ever really fully forgive Tamar at this point? I feel like she really took a lot and was really getting frustrated m towards the end.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: I think she’ll either explode at one point, or she’s just the kind of person who will never explode on TV because she can hold it together well enough. And maybe she’ll just like maybe it’s like one of those keep your enemies, keep your friends close, your enemies closer. And maybe she’s learning that Tamara is kind of a fickle friend and she’ll just always be really careful. But maybe she’ll I don’t think she’ll tell her as much stuff. I think if nothing else, she’ll create some sort of level of distance.
Sharon: I agree.
Caitlin: Which I think she rightfully should 100%.
Sharon: Well, Tamara doesn’t seem to value her friendship.
Caitlin: She does not. No, she tosses them and picks them back up. I think she values history, But I don’t think she values people in the moment as much as she should.
Sharon: She doesn’t seem to value Jen at all.
Caitlin: No, she really didn’t. I mean, I got no feeling like I couldn’t believe Jen would keep saying my friend.
Caitlin: Right.
Caitlin: Like, I know you care about me.
Sharon: Do you?
Caitlin: I don’t think, like, people make mistakes all the like, I’m a huge proponent of forgive people for mistakes. Like, nobody’s perfect. But the thing she was like, if someone continued to say, that’s not a mistake anymore.
Sharon: Did Tamara say or do anything kind or nice?
Caitlin: No.
Caitlin: And did Tamara apologize behind the scenes at all, like, in any of her talking m heads? I don’t think so. Because I might be more willing if some because sometimes people will say, really shouldn’t have said what I said. Like, Heather said that a couple of times. Like, I should not have said what I said this season, or whatever. And now I am inclined to believe because you got drunk and you said something or trying to fix something and you made it worse. But when Tamara just keeps like, well, I do think he’s like, a man slut. And then it’s like, okay, well, then you’re not sorry you don’t like him, and you’re continuing to not like him. I.
Sharon: Don’T. Yep.
Caitlin: And she said that Jen ruined her family. That hurt my heart. That was cruel. That’s where I’m not sure you could.
Sharon: Forget that was really cruel.
Caitlin: Especially because she’s I would never tell someone they ruined their know.
Sharon: And I almost wonder if that’s coming from place of jealousy because Tamara has her own family problems with her children.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: Is she jealous that Jen’s kids like her? Maybe Tamara has problems with her kids. that could be. Oh, why did I swear to her kids like her when she got that.
Caitlin: Might be part of it. She left for a guy, and I left because I didn’t like my husband either.
Sharon: And my kids, because it seems like she’s a really amazing mom.
Caitlin: I don’t know. I think so too. I know I did too.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: I don’t quite know what it is. I’m curious to see next season if.
Sharon: Something more comes up.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Okay. Jen had the cutest dog. I don’t know if there was a scene with a golden retriever or something, and she and Ryan, like, hug on the couch or kind of like yeah. And the dog jumps up and gets that. Oh, my God, it was the cutest thing ever. Like, he just had to get maybe.
Caitlin: They should get a dog that eats the thing, the fashion items of Ryan’s that she doesn’t like. But then he would feed them to the dog.
Sharon: He would probably just has holes and.
Caitlin: He think it’s cool or something.
Caitlin: Oh, my God. I normally pay so much money for these.
Caitlin: Henry.
Caitlin: My Henry is always really proud of his pants because he’ll run and then play, and so the knee always at one point, I must have said, some people pay because I think he felt bad the first time it happened. And at one point I said, some people pay a lot of money to have pants that look like that, and you got yours. You just wore yours and made them that way. And so now he’s always like, I’m really cool because I just make my pants. So I could see Ryan being like, yeah, I just saved myself.
Sharon: There is something kind of, what’s the word? It feels good when you made a hole in your pants yourself.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: It’s like you wore them and out. Like, you got your money.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Caitlin: You’re like and you’re rough and tumbled. I really wore these things.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Caitlin: They’re M, not my yeah, I broke them in. That’s what Jen’s doing to Ryan. She’s just breaking him in.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Caitlin: All right, well, we lived through Jen and Ryan. Now, whether they can live through their next season with all the girls, I hope that that’s true, because I’d like to see Jen get a storyline that isn’t just about M. It feels really sexist to just be about her husband or not husband, but, like, her ex husband and her boyfriend. Could we learn something about yeah. Yeah, that’s what I’m hoping, and I think Jen was hoping for that too. So I feel like next season, we might actually get to see who she is behind all this other stuff, and that would be refreshing.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: All right, well, remember, Housewives, bring the.
Sharon: Drama, we bring the. Caitlin: Receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both at RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us at rhonrhpodcast., thanks again, and remember to stay out of the.