Brynn was our real-life American Girl doll this season, but she was also the first to get blamed when things got rocky.
In this episode, we discuss Brynn Whitfield storylines from Real Housewives of New York Season 14:
⚪Brynn vs Erin ⚪Brynn vs Sai
Episode Transcript (generated by
Caitlin: Oh, did you get anything from John Jansen for Christmas? Did you see that thing?
Sharon: No. Where he’s dating what’s her name?
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: And he got her, like, this Van Clef and Arpel’s, like, ring, and she was all like, I love you, Johnny J. And then later, someone was like, I think it was sponsored by maybe the jewelry company. And so, like. But, like, Shannon had to wake up to that. That’s such an. Yeah.
Sharon: He was to be so private.
Caitlin: I thought he was like, why would you date another housewife?
Sharon: And now he dates another housewife.
Caitlin: That’s awful.
Sharon: So do you think she talked him into it? Because, uh, that means she gets air or he wanted the air.
Caitlin: It’s got to be a clap chaser. There’s no way around it. Hi, this is Caitlin.
Sharon: And this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel Housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your apples.
Sharon: This week we’re digging into Brynn Whitfield from Real Housewives of New York, season 14, the reboot.
Caitlin: The verses this week are Bryn versus Aaron and Bryn versus psy. So this is our first post Christmas episode. We made it through the holidays with our children.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And everyone’s still doing okay. Everyone can tell the story of Christmas.
Sharon: We’re still all right.
Caitlin: Um, so it kind of reminded me, because there is Christmas episodes in our New York thing, so it’s kind of like the same season, almost a little bit.
Sharon: Mhm.
Caitlin: As we go through this, you know.
Sharon: What I was going to say? I was going to say, which Christmas story?
Caitlin: My kids, a lot of times they’ll.
Sharon: Go places, they’ll be like a Jesus thing. And they’re like, yeah, who’s that? And I’m like, you know who that is? You totally know who that is. They know who that is. Yeah, they said they love him.
Caitlin: They’re so funny. They love to pretend they don’t know people. The background info is that, um, Bratvo has labeled Bryn as a communications professional, which they were a little sketchy about the description. Again.
Sharon: Why?
Caitlin: I don’t know. It shouldn’t be that hard.
Sharon: Yeah, why is it so hard to.
Caitlin: If you freelance, you’re freelance.
Caitlin: Uh-huh.
Caitlin: If you don’t work with a corporation or if you’re a business owner, then you own your own. But I don’t understand.
Sharon: Is she marketing?
Caitlin: She didn’t seem to want to say no. And I don’t like the dumping of communications into its own. It’s a giant field.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Caitlin: It’s like we argued my senior year in college, and they took us back into being into different categories because it’s like communications holds every form of communications.
Sharon: Writing.
Caitlin: Exactly. Or just like professors who are doing, like, interpersonal communication. Yeah. And English and writing. And so we were mass communications because we were like newspaper and all of that broadcast. We went out on our own because we were like, yeah, we don’t have the same credentials as the people who are going to be calm professors in general. I don’t know. It’s just weird. So, again, it’s like when she does that, it’s like you’re just taking that whole profession and making it completely generic. Yeah.
Caitlin: Business.
Caitlin: I’m in business. What? What do you do? I don’t know. She’s a flirty socialite. She’s been engaged multiple times and had a rough childhood. So she has trouble. Are we. How do we feel about Brynn in her first season judgment?
Sharon: Um, I really like Brynn. I thought she was fun. I thought she was gorgeous. I thought she was the prettiest one of the group. Um, okay. So it really bugged me. So the whole time I was like, who does she look like? I thought she looked like Mandy Moore. And then Caitlin was like, she looks like Meghan Markle. And then we decided we’re like, oh, my God, she is Meghan Markle meets Mandy Moore.
Caitlin: It’s like those two combined, that’s like.
Sharon: Exactly who she is.
Caitlin: It is. And so, I mean, she’s really pretty to watch. Like, I loved her confessionals because she’s funny.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Caitlin: She’s really pretty. And her fashion was just nutty. Like, she had an american girl doll out.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: I love that she’s Samantha.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: So I thought she’s a good housewife. M for the show. I think so, too, because overall, I think she has good intentions, but she can still bring the drama a little bit.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Caitlin: Absolutely. She still totally stirs the pot when she needs to.
Sharon: Mhm.
Caitlin: Um, she didn’t really have anyone to be with at. Like, she had a rough childhood. She was raised by her grandma. She had Gideon, who I love. Like, he was the cute British.
Sharon: He was guy in the holiday character from a movie.
Caitlin: Yes.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Caitlin: I feel like Jude Law, if Jude Law was a little bit less of a jerk.
Sharon: Don’t they seem like they are a Hallmark movie?
Caitlin: They do. I would watch that movie. Maybe they should have a side special. Bravo.
Caitlin: Yes.
Caitlin: Um, she was really open and honest about sharing about her background. So it’s interesting. Because I feel like we didn’t learn as much about current Brynn, like, her job. We don’t understand. We never filmed inside of her apartment. That I can recall.
Sharon: When you told me that, I was like, you’re right. And that’s really strange.
Caitlin: Weird. I’m not sure if we’ve ever had that.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: I can’t think of anyone else that we had. Was it really small?
Caitlin: They couldn’t get the camera. Is it messy? Did she not clean? But Bravo would pay to clean.
Sharon: Yeah, well, they could have even just had a picture of her, like, waking up in bed.
Caitlin: Did they not do that at all?
Sharon: I don’t recall.
Caitlin: I don’t recall anything. That’s weird.
Sharon: It is weird.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: All, uh.
Caitlin: Right, let’s talk about Brin versus Erin. Okay, so the issue here is cheese based. It’s a dairy based problem.
Sharon: I still don’t get the cheese thing. Oh, my God.
Caitlin: So, again, I think that this all gets caught up in that.
Caitlin: What?
Caitlin: We kind of talked. Did we talk about it in the very.
Sharon: We did. We think we’re missing that we’re missing.
Caitlin: Something because they cut a cast mate out or a cast left. They didn’t cut her out, but she left. So I think they weren’t showing us a lot of things. So my favorite deep dive on the Internet was, like, trying to figure out. They kept bleeping that one restaurant.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And Brynn said the Olive garden was cooler than. But, like, she didn’t want to go to that, so she and Si went somewhere else. The restaurant, by the way, is called catch.
Sharon: I looked it up. Uh, at first, I was like, oh.
Caitlin: Are we allowed to say that? Then I was like, wait, we have no advertisers. We’re not held to anybody’s standards.
Sharon: Right?
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. We can say, catch.
Caitlin: Catch. Catch. Catch. Catch. Catch. Catch.
Sharon: Apparently, you’re pretty lame.
Caitlin: Apparently, you’re the Olive garden.
Sharon: We would probably be the cool people at catch.
Caitlin: No, we’re the cool people at the Olive garden. I felt proud because my son, we were, like, out about. We were in the big city, and he was all like, do you know? It’s like, amazing. Fine dining turns to his cousins. He’s like, the Olive garden. And they didn’t know about the Olive garden. So they were like, oh, is it really? And Matthew’s like, they have amazing bread. I felt like, should I tell him it’s not fancy? But I was like, no, I’m proud that we do.
Sharon: You know what? I love that you call it.
Caitlin: The fancier. I didn’t call it the cat.
Caitlin: Okay.
Caitlin: So Erin says that Brynn makes stuff up and that Brynn stirs stuff and that Erin, uh, thinks that Bryn’s, like, joking and doesn’t take them seriously. So she didn’t show up to dinner because she didn’t want to go to the not cool restaurant. But I think that Erin thought it was about her personally and that she.
Sharon: Was offended because she found out via somebody else Instagram or something, wasn’t it?
Caitlin: I think so, yeah.
Sharon: And she’s like, oh, they went out here instead.
Caitlin: And I think it also hurt her feelings because psy went to dinner, too. But psy was honest about it with Erin, and Bryn wasn’t like, Bryn was kind of like, oh, I think she just sort of pushed. Well, because, again, I guess I wouldn’t be super forthcoming about it either. What are you supposed to say? It’s hurtful.
Sharon: I would be hurt if I found out that the person lied and did.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Sharon: That I’d also be hurt if the person was like, no, that’s not cool enough. I don’t want to hang out with you. You’re not cool.
Caitlin: Do you think that Erin both takes things too seriously and Bryn doesn’t take things seriously enough? Yeah, I kind of think that’s part of the problem, too. Like, the personality clash of, like, Brynn flies by the seat of her pants. Erin has things more, like, planned and laid out.
Sharon: What she should have done, um, is she should have come up with a lie. Like, I’m supposed to go here to meet this person, or I have to. She could have gotten out of it gracefully, and she just.
Caitlin: That’s what I think was. Yeah, the absolute disregard for anybody’s feelings when you blow them off.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: And you’re filming, so you know it’s going to come up. I mean, even as a first season person, you have to understand that’s the deal.
Caitlin: Okay.
Caitlin: So Erin calls Bryn a liar. They go to talk in Jenna’s room. This is where they break the, uh uh-huh huh. And then they walk out pretending to be mad at each other. And then they hug. And the sequence on the lake, Caitlin.
Sharon: And they go, my favorite part.
Caitlin: But I hate that because it just makes me sad for Jenna. Jenna has amazing museum of clothes, and they’re, like, lying about fighting, and then they hurt the clothes.
Sharon: Why does Jenna have to suffer?
Caitlin: I know she didn’t do anything. She just hosted this event.
Sharon: I know.
Caitlin: And no one wore khaki and black, too. Wasn’t it khaki and black?
Sharon: I just remember the khaki part was.
Caitlin: A black, and she was like, nobody understood khaki.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And they did not. Um, so the other issue with Erin is that it’s just like, it seems to pile on. So when they go to the Hamptons, Brynn shows up and kind of, like, at least to the camera, not straight to Aaron, but kind of makes fun of where Aaron’s house is in the Hamptons, shows up late. She shows up for the workout and kind of, like, takes over.
Caitlin: Uh-huh.
Caitlin: And then Bryn gets mad at Erin at the restaurant because Jenna had had also issues with Erin, like, leaving her house. Not without saying goodbye.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Caitlin: And yet Brynn’s the ostracized one. And I don’t know how I feel about that, honestly.
Sharon: Okay. I think Brynn really didn’t need to bring up the stuff with Jenna because it’s not like Bryn also left and she did call Jenna out.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: So that thing, you’re just.
Caitlin: I don’t like that when you go, well, who cares what I did? Because the other person. Because she also kind of threw Jessel under the bus. Well, why did Jessel get. Yeah, that’s who we do with your problem. Like, you’re not Jessel and you’re not.
Sharon: Jenna because they were different infractions or whatever.
Caitlin: They were different levels of upsetting.
Sharon: And, I mean, as far as her little comments about the location of the handsome. Yeah, it was a little snarky, but that’s what housewives is for. Um, I would probably be a little irritated if that were my house. I’d be like, who do you think you are?
Caitlin: But she completely read that.
Sharon: But that’s part for the course, just.
Caitlin: Because it wasn’t in, like, the good zip code of sag harbor or something.
Sharon: I didn’t know there was a bad one.
Caitlin: There was either. I think if you have maybe some.
Sharon: Up and coming area, should be.
Caitlin: That must be what it is. I’ve never heard of it before.
Sharon: Just give it ten years.
Caitlin: It’ll get there. It’ll get there. It’s okay. Um.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: So Brynn’s mad because she’s held to an unreachable standard. So when they go to Erin’s anniversary party. Okay, my favorite little side note is that Erin has all those sponsors at the bottom of her thing, and everyone is just like, sponsors. The level of sponsors. And that is such a New York thing, because I’m not sure we’ve run across that anywhere else. I’ve always assumed that a lot of these things are sponsored, but they were the first to kind of peel back that curtain and, um, see that that was the case. And to have it written.
Sharon: Surprised.
Caitlin: Do they always have to write it on the invitation?
Sharon: No, but that was probably the agreement they had.
Caitlin: Couldn’t you agree to just have, like, a banner at the party?
Sharon: Right. Because. Okay, I do think it’s tacky. I’m not saying I wouldn’t do it.
Caitlin: No, I’m not saying I would do it either, but I would be more.
Sharon: Forthcoming to be like, guys, I want to have a party that I can’t afford.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: I’m going to sponsor.
Caitlin: Um, and maybe the fact that it’s your anniversary seems a little worse than just like, a regular.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Ah, it was just like Erin’s Christmas.
Sharon: Party sponsored by tier one. Exactly. And they’re like, oh, Christmas.
Caitlin: Yeah, you’re, uh, right.
Sharon: Like, if it’s like, a holiday party and we’re going to sponsor it by these people.
Caitlin: My love story, personally sponsored by.
Sharon: It’s kind of like their wedding.
Caitlin: That’s who Lisa Barlow would have.
Sharon: Yeah, it was kind of tacky, especially because you’re trying to show on this show that you’re, like, this wealthy person.
Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t know. I think so. Yeah, you’re right. It kind of counteracts that because especially coming from the old, real housewives of New York, where we were talking about a lot of old, old money, they would never. Talking about Instagram influencers and ads, apparently. So Brynn comes in and jokes with Abe. She’s always been really. Well, okay. Do you think it writes off your personality when people flirt with people a lot and then they just go, I’m just a flirty person.
Sharon: I think she is just a flirty person. To be honest. I think she would flirt with any guy that’s there.
Caitlin: Yeah, but does that make it okay?
Sharon: I don’t think Abe should be that flattered.
Caitlin: Yeah, I guess maybe that’s the problem. Do you think he not reads into it more, but takes it to mean more than Aaron would like him to take it to mean?
Sharon: I’m sure it’s an ego boost for him, and maybe Aaron doesn’t like that. I kind of wonder it makes him feel so good. I don’t know.
Caitlin: That’s interesting.
Sharon: I personally think they were just joking around, and I think that it’s just that I took it as they’re all friends enough that they could totally.
Caitlin: I guess that’s what I thought, too, is that they’ve reached a level of familiarity.
Sharon: Yeah, I didn’t see, uh, anything because.
Caitlin: Brynn jokes that she’s available when Abe and Erin get divorced, and it is their anniversary, like vow renewal. And she says the friends joke, like, don’t forget and say, I take you, Brynn. Like, when Ross accidentally says, am I a terrible person?
Sharon: Because I honestly see zero problem with that.
Caitlin: She did.
Caitlin: Okay, here’s what I think.
Sharon: I don’t think it’s a big deal.
Caitlin: Just in the retelling of, like, again, we have to remember that Erin can’t see the footage right away.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So it’s like, I don’t think she understood how jokey it was, the fact that Jessel was standing there, and I think maybe even someone else was standing there. I don’t remember. But I think if once she watched it, maybe she would see that it wasn’t as big of a deal. But when all those people went to her and then said, uh, she was totally talking about you getting divorced, I think when you hear that word at renewal that pisses you off, it’s like, well, you’re at my thing, and you’re talking about divorce. I think maybe that was where she maybe crossed the line. Uh, only in the retelling of it.
Sharon: Plus, we know part of it. Abe would leave if he had to, and Brynn’s gorgeous.
Caitlin: I kind of wonder if Erin’s a little insecure about her relationship with Abe. That’s not fair to say, because I think a lot of people are insecure.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Well, if that’s what it is.
Caitlin: But maybe she is.
Sharon: Yeah. Or at least around Brynn.
Caitlin: Um, because then Bryn also joked that she’d marry Erin’s dad, too, so she was really just hitting on everybody.
Sharon: I would just be like, oh, that’s Bryn.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: I don’t.
Caitlin: Like Erin felt like she was, like, ripping on the party and hitting on her husband.
Sharon: Yes. So I would be way more upset about calling my party boring and trying to steal my husband.
Caitlin: I guess it was part of the whole thing. The party’s dull. Also, I think your husband’s cute, and I flirted with him, and you had no appetizer.
Sharon: And you know what? Honestly, if she felt secure in her relationship, she’d probably be like, yeah, I got a hot, like, yeah, exactly. Aren’t, you know, kind of like that.
Caitlin: You’D almost be proud to have?
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: Because in jersey, I kind of feel like they’re a little bit more that way.
Sharon: I feel like they’ll be like, oh.
Caitlin: Yeah, my husband’s hot. Yeah. And not as, like, insulted, but they’re way more insulted by everything else.
Sharon: Yes. Very true.
Caitlin: Okay.
Caitlin: So they have the best guests, though, at the party because there’s a house.
Sharon: And we’ve met one of them.
Caitlin: We have. We’ve met both of them.
Sharon: Oh, yeah, you’re right.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Oh, no, I didn’t.
Caitlin: Both.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: But anyway, um, our dear friends Meredith and Brooks marks were there, and Aaron’s like, oh, you should go over Shabbat to my house. And I’m like, make this happen. So we have another scene that would be. But, like, I love that they were there.
Sharon: I know.
Caitlin: And it just sort of shows Mara’s New York side, which is kind of fun because we’ve joked about, like, oh, she’s not like, she’s New York. And it’s like, it was kind of fun to see her New York.
Sharon: I think she should definitely make some appearances. I think that’d be really neat.
Caitlin: That’s really fun. And they didn’t ask her to leave. She wasn’t flirting with anybody’s husband.
Sharon: Do you think the party was boring?
Caitlin: It looked boring.
Sharon: Because of the speeches.
Caitlin: Because of the length. Because of the speeches.
Caitlin: Okay.
Caitlin: Because I’ve been at weddings where I thought enough, and I think it was the same thing. And also, people weren’t expecting it to be a wedding like they were expecting it to be a vowel renewal.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Caitlin: But I don’t think people were expecting it to be a wedding. And if it was a weding, maybe you should have had tables for people because everyone was standing, and that makes people grumpy, especially in those nice shoes.
Sharon: You’re right. Especially when you’re listening, huh? You don’t want to stand.
Caitlin: You’re hungry. And you have to think at New York, like, andy Cohen is always like, everybody gets at eight.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So what time was it? By the time they were done with everything, everybody was hungry. Everybody was think. Because I thought the venue was gorgeous. That old bank or whatever it was.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: But there was all the meet and greet time at the beginning. Then m. There was about. Then there was the speeches. So then in Anguilla, they get more upset at each other because, again, Uba kind of says, like, I’m taking Erin’s side. I’m taking the side of the married woman. Don’t defend Brynn. Like, Bryn needs to apologize. And Brynn does apologize that she calls the party boring. But then she flips it on the flirting with the husband because she says, I’m not. The problem is she had some drinks and she got upset. And then she’s like, you’re calling me like a loose woman. And it’s like nobody was. That was not.
Sharon: And then she says, like, I never did it. When really she did.
Caitlin: But.
Sharon: Sorry, it was a joke.
Caitlin: I think that’s what you should have just. Yeah, I think you should have been like, I’m joking, and I’m sorry I made you feel bad.
Sharon: I’m sorry you’re so insecure.
Caitlin: Yeah, I’m sure that would have totally fixed that. Okay, side question. Brynn keeps shamelessly flirting with Jenna. Do you think she’s half serious?
Sharon: I do.
Caitlin: I think so, too.
Sharon: Who wouldn’t want to be amazing? We love Jenna.
Caitlin: I think Brynn should have tried harder on that.
Caitlin: Okay.
Caitlin: Brynn also gets sad at lunch. And then this one, I think, maybe I’ll give her a little more credit. She gets sad when they’re talking about freezing her eggs and embryos, and she said something about, like, they’re more viable, which is, I think is true. They’re more viable as embryos than they are as eggs.
Caitlin: Uh-huh.
Caitlin: Is that what Erin didn’t believe?
Sharon: So it’s like Bryn was saying, like they wanted to know, who is the person you want.
Caitlin: That’s what it was.
Sharon: Who is your partner? Or, like, writing down a name and they really want it, and Erin’s like, no one would make you write that.
Caitlin: Yeah. But again, maybe Brynn didn’t ask and she just saw it on the form and it hurt feelings.
Sharon: That’s kind of what I was thinking. I was thinking maybe it said, um. Because I know there’s probably stuff. There’s signatures and stuff that they need if that person’s going to be involved for approval. Yeah.
Caitlin: Um, so they have it on the form.
Sharon: So, I mean, I don’t think they’re like, we won’t freeze your eggs unless we know that you have a man in your. And I think Erin took it to mean that Brynn was saying that, and Brynn wasn’t really quite saying that.
Caitlin: Yeah, it was probably just, like, I looked at the form and it reminded me that I don’t have a baby. I’m not married. I’m here alone.
Sharon: Yeah, they’re asking me. M right. And they’re asking me who the guy is. Who am I going to do this with?
Caitlin: I don’t have an answer.
Sharon: Yeah, because why would she lie and lie about this one really weird thing seems weird.
Caitlin: She already had the issue with the cheese.
Sharon: She’s not going to lie about it would be such a stupid. There is no benefit to this. Think it just.
Caitlin: Again, I think it just hurt Wren’s feelings. And it hurts anybody’s feelings when you’re being truthful and someone just refuses to believe you, especially for no reason, and.
Sharon: Especially with something really, um, sensitive like fertility and having a baby, potentially.
Caitlin: And she probably just wanted people to be like, it’s hard. I’m sorry you have to go through, like, that’s all she was looking for. All right, who wins in Bryn versus Erin?
Sharon: I’m going to say Brynn, because I think Erin came off looking a little m harpy.
Caitlin: Yeah. I think Brynn looks wise. I think Erin won, though, in the argument. Part of, like, she did seem to come out on top, and she did seem to take Brynn down more. She got the other women to believe a lot about her from time to time. She would kind of turn everybody against Brynn. And I’m not saying that that’s fair, and I’m not saying that that necessarily makes Erin the winner.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Caitlin: But she did flip the fights in her favor. Now, what’s interesting is public opinion, though. She didn’t come out winning.
Sharon: Right.
Caitlin: And I think Erin thought she would have. And I think Erin was surprised when this aired.
Sharon: That’s what I was thinking as a viewer. My takeaway was Bryn won.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Erin’s a little bit of a pain in the butt.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Sharon: I think so, too. That’s why I think Bryn won.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: But I do see what you’re saying now where Erin did a good.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Like, she played the game maybe better in a way.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Caitlin: But unfortunately, she didn’t come out as the favorite, so therefore she didn’t win our opinion.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Caitlin: And if people had to pick, I think they’d pick Brynn to stay over Erin.
Sharon: I agree.
Caitlin: Yeah. Okay, let’s do Brin versus si. It’s just sort of a little side note from the reunion, but I think it’s worth bringing up because we want to talk a little bit about the reunion, sort of, uh. Because it’s unique in the fact that.
Sharon: It’S so bitter about this reunion.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: Worst reunion I’ve ever seen.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Sorry, Andy.
Caitlin: Bryn and Psy both had rough childhoods. They go into the room.
Sharon: Whose was worse?
Caitlin: That’s the thing.
Caitlin: So.
Caitlin: God, sigh’s whole, like, no, yours wasn’t.
Sharon: As bad as mine.
Caitlin: Goal is to win every single argument about which sucks.
Sharon: Life.
Caitlin: Mine’s worse.
Sharon: My life sucked more.
Caitlin: Everything was worse than your everything.
Sharon: That’s her whole vibe.
Caitlin: So this issue isn’t more about who was worse at spilling the beans, I guess.
Sharon: Uh, yeah.
Caitlin: So Uba tells Psy that she’s dating someone, a man in Connecticut. And Uba got mad because psy spilled beans, and she told Brynn. But Bryn started yelling about the guy in Connecticut at Brynn’s birthday party that last episode of the season.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Caitlin: And the problem there is that that made it part of our knowledge. Like, it became on camera at that point. Up until that point, it wasn’t on camera. So then Brynn is like, well, why are you mad at me? Because Si is the one who spilled the beans. Um, and Si was like, well, everyone’s harder on Brynn. And it is kind of true because we sort of learned that with Erin.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Again, Brynn does get blamed for everything. I think Bryn was the one who put it on camera.
Sharon: I think Brynn deserves the blame here.
Caitlin: I think so, too. She put it on camera.
Sharon: She put it on camera. She said it in front of a big group without any.
Caitlin: Because.
Caitlin: And, you know, you’re the second level. If Uba told her directly, you’re the first teller, and that’s not good. But when you’re the second one told, like, uba didn’t even know that you knew. Probably.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: So you really have to zip it.
Sharon: Erin said that, uh, erin, brynn, M and Si were sitting around. They said, this is a little circle of trust. So that is. I’m telling you stuff I shouldn’t be telling you. I think she knew. She wasn’t supposed to know. Otherwise she would have talked to uba freely about.
Caitlin: Right. And then to spill it on the.
Sharon: Last filming, I think Bryn was totally at fault there.
Caitlin: What was weird is that cyan, Brynn didn’t speak for, like, six months. So going into the reunion, they hadn’t spoken at all.
Sharon: That’s crazy. That’s a long time.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: And then they said that they didn’t like how they spoke about each other in the interviews. They broke each other’s trust. Yeah, I think they don’t. I can’t think of minus bonding over their rough childhoods. I can’t think of any moment, really where Brynn and Si were close in anything except at the very beginning. She said she was super close to the kids. She loved going over. She wanted Psy’s life. She loved her husband. But beyond that, I never really saw, like. I just don’t know if we didn’t see them in the. Who was Bryn close with? I don’t know. She’s kind of aloof. M. She seemed closer to Erin in a way.
Sharon: She’s going to.
Caitlin: Mhm.
Sharon: Erin. I feel like Erin is more of a motherly figure to her.
Caitlin: Yes, I think so, too. And I don’t think Erin likes that either. Uh, she thinks of herself as younger.
Sharon: Right?
Caitlin: Because they’re, uh-huh.
Sharon: About the same. They’re probably the same age, but Bryn, definitely there’s something younger about her. There’s something more mature about Erin.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: M. What was your favorite part of the reunion? By favorite, I mean, least favorite.
Sharon: I hated the whole stupid reunion. It was horrible.
Caitlin: I mean, our biggest complaint was that everyone was just like, I’m mad at you, I’m mad at you, I’m mad at you. This was an amazing season. Cast rolls. Okay. It really could have been a one episode reunion. It could have also let us know on our social media. We were trying to figure out, was anything ever a one episode reunion? Maybe really early on in certain episodes, like, maybe Jersey early on, like, at what point did we switch to two.
Sharon: Episodes and then three?
Caitlin: And then three? Okay.
Sharon: You know, it’s bad if they only did two, because they always try to do three. So if they only did two, it’s.
Caitlin: Like you didn’t pull your weight.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: You guys, my favorite, too, is that.
Caitlin: Bryn kept getting lower and lower in her seat at the reunion. Like, everyone else was, like, up and sitting and she kept. And it would be like, me at the couch, like, as the night goes on, she was just like, that’s how, you know, she was, like, done. She’s like, I’m sorry I said anything about anybody’s anything. Let me go home and take a nap. All right. So we were calling Bryn the winner there.
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: Oh, no.
Caitlin: We’re calling Psy the winner there.
Sharon: Yeah, don’t want to.
Caitlin: The winner of bringing the drama.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: So sigh the winner. So Bryn didn’t win anything.
Sharon: No, I thought Bryn won the first.
Caitlin: I do think she won public opinion because I do think she’s a favorite of the group.
Sharon: So she kind of won.
Caitlin: So she kind of won. And she’s fun. Like, she’s really fun. And I think that you need a character that’s really out there, really fun and really kind of like, you can’t guess where they’re going to go in the situation. And that’s because I’m curious.
Sharon: Who’s she going to date? Will she get with Gideon?
Caitlin: Mhm.
Sharon: What kind of guy would she marry? I’m really curious.
Caitlin: I want it to be Gideon.
Caitlin: All right, well, that is our episode on Bryn Whitfield from Real Housewives of New York. Um, we’re going to do ultimate Girls trip. Legacy coming up soon. And then we also are going to finish up New York. We have crappy Lake, and we have a couple books that we’re going to get to. Oh, God. We’re reading one right now. It’s not good. Dude.
Sharon: You guys better listen to our book episodes because these books are so hard to get.
Caitlin: No, you will never read them. You will not read.
Sharon: You will, uh, get this information.
Caitlin: So, apologies, uh, in advance to Victoria Gunville. He could turn around.
Sharon: You know what?
Caitlin: You never know.
Sharon: When you said Victoria.
Caitlin: I love when people call her that. Instead of Vicki.
Sharon: Who’s Victoria?
Caitlin: Maybe if she’d put that on the title of the book, it would have been, oh, well, it’s meant to be fancy.
Sharon: Yes, exactly.
Caitlin: All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.
Sharon: But we bring the receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both at RH, um, for fun pictures and polls, or email us at Thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.