Ice with episode title

Mary teaches a master class in boundaries by saying ‘no’ to almost every activity and still staying on the show! Bring her a hot oat milk latte, double shot.

In this episode, we discuss Mary Cosby storylines from Real Housewives of Salt Lake City season 4:

⚪Mary vs Comedic Relief ⚪Mary vs Whitney ⚪Mary vs her Defense of Monica

Episode 63 on Spotify

Caitlin: What would be your McDonald’s order in a sprinter van late at night if you could let production go get it for you?

Sharon: Oh, my God.

Caitlin: It wouldn’t be a fish witch.

Sharon: Fish witch.

Caitlin: That’s what Mary gets. Remember? She gets a fish witch and fish filet. Okay, what do you mean?

Sharon: What do you mean?

Caitlin: That’s what I always call it. And McDonald’s yells at me too.

Sharon: Fish fillet. Well, so where did I get fish from? No, fish filet is my go to McDonald’s order.

Caitlin: But not late at night. It’s not a late night order. It’s like a dinner order.

Sharon: I love. Fish fillet is available past like eleven. I think there’s like a certain time.

Caitlin: Yeah, there is. Don’t you think? They were probably really close to that.

Sharon: Cut off my late night. Like, I’ve been up and we’ve been drinking or partying.

Caitlin: I just feel like that’s not a fish fillet.

Sharon: That would probably be like. Definitely need the salty fries.

Caitlin: It has to be fries.

Sharon: And probably a big Mac. Yeah, I was going to say not a burger.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Mcnuggets with hot mustard.

Caitlin: Or I was going to say mcNuggets. M. But it’s sweet and sour sauce. That’s where we fight.

Sharon: I’m upset about this whole fish.

Caitlin: Okay, so is McDonald’s. Because they act. This is the funny thing. I say it wrong every time and they, act like they can’t figure.

Sharon: Out what it is.

Caitlin: There’s one fish item on your menu. Even if I called it a fish m, you should be able to figure out what it is.

Sharon: Respecting the fish fillet.

Caitlin: I think fishwich is a much better name, though. What? Fish fillet. It’s a fish filet. Well, you think it sounds more french?

Sharon: Isn’t that actually like fileto fish? Maybe I should fileto fish.

Caitlin: Well, I’d rather call it that. That’s even more fun.

Sharon: You guys, I think it’s fileto fish.

Caitlin: Is it irish?

Sharon: Okay, do you know why I like the fileto fish? Hold on. Order. I got to look.

Caitlin: Is it the omega three?

Sharon: It’s because it’s the only time. Fish and cheese.

Caitlin: Oh, okay. You’re going to hate me for more. I hold the cheese. Cheese and fish don’t go together.

Sharon: Fileto fish not available after midnight. Hi, this is Caitlin and this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to real housewives on real housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.

Sharon: So chic.

Caitlin: Hold on your snowflakes.

Sharon: This week we’re digging into Mary Cosby from real houseplays of Salt Lake City, season four.

Caitlin: Okay, the verses this week for Mary, are Mary versus comedic relief, Mary versus Whitney, and Mary versus her defense of Monica. So Mary’s fun because she’s crazy. So Mary is the first lady. Apparently, she does not like the term, like, pastor or minister being added onto her.

Sharon: Uh-huh.

Caitlin: At the faith temple pentecostal church, she married her grandma’s second husband to so that she could essentially take over for her grandmother, who founded the church in 1968. So she’s been a housewife, she’s been off the show, and she’s been a friend up. So she’s done all the roles in the cabinet, and she cut everyone out last year except for Meredith. so it’s interesting because she and Jen Shaw just hated each other. And that was part of the reason that she kind of came and went and left. And ultimately, she reigns the praise.

Sharon: I know. It’s like she wins in the end.

Caitlin: Yeah, she does. And I’m okay with that.

Sharon: And Mary is responsible for the iconic you smell like hospital.

Caitlin: That’s right. Which I saw someone dress their baby in, a onesie at the hospital. This is the magic that is Instagram. Okay, so let’s talk about Mary versus comedic relief. So Mary gave us so many amazing diamond gems this season.

Sharon: She did.

Caitlin: And we weren’t sure quite what to do with them, but at the same time, we have to talk about them. So Andy and Angie at the reunion alluded that Mary served the role of comedic relief. Mary seemed kind of offended by this, but that’s exactly what she did. Right? I mean, I don’t think there’s any argument there. so I wrote loose cannon. Mary Cosby is back. Buckle up. That’s what I wrote in our. So she initially, she doesn’t know if her son’s married or not. That was like, what? Where she’s. He lives at home, and he lives at home. It’s not like he lives in Cleveland.

Sharon: And when she asks him, and he’s just like, yeah, like, smiling, kind of like, what?

Caitlin: I mean, it’s weird. He lives there.

Sharon: She lives there.

Caitlin: The wife lives there.

Sharon: It’s all very weird.

Caitlin: And then initially, she’s like, I haven’t had a chance to ask.

Sharon: I know.

Caitlin: And it’s episodes later, like, the second that even popped into my brain, I would be running down the hall and banging on that door.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Although that’s not good because she discovered in that cutout scene that you shouldn’t be just walking into married people’s rooms.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: And then making it sound like your son is bad at certain things that married people do.

Sharon: Well, I think what she.

Caitlin: All of it quiet down.

Sharon: Yeah, maybe that’s what she said.

Caitlin: Pipe it down. Or maybe she was trying to make it sound like he was so bad that the wife should leave. like, maybe she was trying, like, a reverse psychology Mary Cosby plan.

Sharon: It was all kinds of weird.

Caitlin: It was awful. So they start out at the fresh start party. Everyone’s, like, in their big coats and snow suits. But as we both predicted, Mary will not be going outside. Everyone else is going outside. It’s very on brand for her.

Sharon: I know.

Caitlin: She abstains. She stays inside. She’s watching it through an open door down the deck.

Sharon: It’s amazing, because, see, for me, you know, when people want to do stuff, and I’m like, people think you get fun, and I don’t want to do stuff, but she’s just, like, sitting up there. I’m not going outside eating nuts.

Caitlin: There’s a time where I feel nuts enough that I think maybe I am, the Mary cos be of our show. But then at the same time, I’m like, no, she’s so much braver than I.

Sharon: She is brave.

Caitlin: Like, she’s so stupid. She’s brave.

Sharon: She’s a trailblazer.

Caitlin: She’s a trailblazer. She doesn’t like Angie Kay because Angie keeps touching her food and then touching her designer outfits.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: She doesn’t like that because, remember, she doesn’t like when the chips are handed over her in the sprinter van coming on the first trip. Everything I look at, I’m just like. And I love this and I love this and I love this. So Lisa reads this awful slew of texts that Mary sent her, and it should be horrible.

Sharon: I know, but it’s terrible.

Caitlin: You’re an awful person. But again, it’s just like, well, yes, that’s Mary.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And then Mary calls the Trixie Hotel and she wants to know they have a 2003 Dom Perignon. And then when they’re like, no, she looks horrified. And that has become, like, a meme that is all over the Internet. And what’s interesting is I watched back and in season, I can’t remember if it was one or two, but I think it must have been one. They’re having that dinner at the italian restaurant and it’s like Mary’s met Gala kind of themed thing, but it’s not. And there’s british people. And again, it’s a whole mishmash of Mary stuff she discussed that the 2003 Don Perry neon. Like, there was a bad weather and a bunch of people died. And therefore, it’s a very special wine because it barely made it out of the. Into the world. So clearly it is a favorite.

Sharon: She’s supposed to bow your head for him.

Caitlin: I guess it seems very Mary to be like, this was the most dangerous wine, and therefore I must have it.

Sharon: It’s like that scene with Whitney’s kids, the car accident. Did they live? Yeah.

Caitlin: No.

Sharon: God, I forgot about that.

Caitlin: I would not want her to deliver any bad news to me, I think. okay, so really, I think her role becomes the narrator. Like, the Palm Springs trip. Like, the trip would not be half as funny if Mary wasn’t there to narrate it and to act like she’s not going to take part in any of it.

Sharon: I know.

Caitlin: And to judge and hate every second of being there. It’s like when you take a kid on a trip and they’re so miserable the whole time that you’re like, why did we even do this? That’s what Mary does. This whole trip. Like during the something, I don’t know about you game, we learned that she had a weird african gray that gave her a weird side eye. And. Okay, she does think, this, I think, is an interesting question. She said she’s truly a loner. Do you think she is truly a loner? Because at the same time, she really seems to be, like, built up by other people.

Sharon: I mean, she has a whole.

Caitlin: She has a follow congregation.

Sharon: I can see her being a loner in the fact that she likes people to follow her, but she doesn’t necessarily want to be close with them. She wants to be up here. Like, maybe I’m like the queen and I look down on you guys. You all worship me.

Caitlin: But, yeah, I think she needs the energy of other people. but she wants to judge them from afar. Yes, you’re right. It’s a queen type situation. Yeah, I guess I feel like no housewife before her realized that you could just say you weren’t going to do the stuff.

Sharon: I know.

Caitlin: Like when they go to the exercise course and she’s just like, well, obviously I’m not going out weather to do that thing that looks like an elementary school setup. She just doesn’t do it. And then she sends bravo out for a hot oat milk latte, which is awesome. Which is awesome. And then she’s like, just sitting there and she’s like, that street sign says humps. I don’t know.

Sharon: And I do. I think it’s one of those things where someone is so, like, ballsy, and you’re like, yes. Why didn’t it ever occur to me to just. I know. Or to ask?

Caitlin: It’s like, people like, oh, you don’t have to what people say. You don’t have to care what other people think about what. Yeah, exactly. How did Mary get that memo and the rest of us did not get.

Sharon: That she married her grandfather.

Caitlin: I guess if you can make it through that, you can make it through. Like, you have to have some sort of crazy event in your life that everybody points out. You’re like, I’m going to let it go. Okay. Then when they’re at the club she doesn’t want to go into, she sends them to get, I wrote it correctly in here. I wrote fileto fish. See?

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Kate’s calling it a fish wish.

Caitlin: I was calling it a fish wish. I can sometimes say it right, though.

Sharon: Nuggets and fries and fileto fish is my favorite order.

Caitlin: And I want to know, what sauce does she get? Because we argue about which nugget sauce.

Sharon: Hot mustard, sweet and sour sauce.

Caitlin: But what do you think Mary got?

Sharon: Barbecue?

Caitlin: Oh, yeah.

Sharon: I don’t know.

Caitlin: Yeah. For some reason, I feel like the.

Sharon: Only choices, I know there’s more, but to me there’s just ranch barbecue or honey mustard.

Caitlin: Is honey mustard like, if I think about what people or some kids are just like, ketchup?

Sharon: My kids, all of them get barbecue.

Caitlin: Oh, interesting. All of mine get sweet and sour, but that’s because I never really gave them choice. See, I used to always get them hot mustard.

Sharon: No one knows hot mustard exists. No. It doesn’t show up on any lists.

Caitlin: No. And I actually tried it the other day, and it is very good. But I like the little bit of sweet. I missed that. But the spicy. Okay, so I love how she also said when they’re in the club that Meredith could, signal her if she thought that Mary would like it and want to come in. She’s like, I’m not going in. And then Meredith’s like, would just come in and try it. She’s like, you can signal me if you think I’ll like it. Again. It’s just like, who does this? So Lisa hosts the, no ski April, no ski party. And, Mary’s mean about Heather’s jewelry. She’s just like, I don’t like that. What made you think that would look good? She’s just awful about people’s fashion choices, which is funny because she makes some pretty out there fashion. Uh-huh mean. And she doesn’t even mention Angie’s sunglasses, which is weird. But then she says, like, whitney looks cheap. She complains about the food. She’s really rude. The only thing I did not like, she was really rude to the server guy at that event. That was not okay. But then she’s like, Monica can order her own pizza. Okay. I loved her when they did the bunny invite to Angie’s easter.

Sharon: Oh, I know.

Caitlin: Because the way she rolls the window up to make the bunny go away, it’s like me at Starbucks when they’re like, hey, how was your day? And I’m like, no, I had that today. And the lady’s like, what are you doing today?

Sharon: I was like, oh, kids. I point to my kids in the back, she goes, are you hanging out with kids? I’ll be, yeah. And she goes, so you’re just going to stay at home with them? I was like, yeah, that’s why I need the coffee. Yeah, clearly she was like, 23. I was like, clearly she does not.

Caitlin: I don’t enjoy that question. I went from Starbucks because I don’t know what to do with it and it’s uncomfortable. And even if I try to be.

Sharon: Really weird, made me feel so lame.

Caitlin: I know, that’s my problem.

Sharon: I was like, am I supposed to be the fun mom?

Caitlin: If I was at work, I’d be at work. Yeah. What do you want me to say? I don’t know.

Sharon: I don’t know. They can play at home. They’ve got toys.

Caitlin: Or like, I’ll be like, okay, I have a doctor’s appointment thingy. Like that gets me. Then they’ll be like, what? I’m not. Just stop asking me. It drives me crazy.

Sharon: It burns when I pee.

Caitlin: Give me the coffee. Now. When we drove through the Starbucks after I had my nose job and I had all the bandages and the blood and I was probably awesome. David was like, do you want me to drop you off? And I was like, no. I wanted, like, I just want the coffee. Go get the coffee. No one said anything to us because.

Sharon: I was like, what if they ask?

Caitlin: That dude was like, they’re m not going to ask. And the lady kind of looked at, she was like, this is height.

Caitlin: That’s the hat.

Caitlin: So you just have to put bandages all over your nose covered in blood and look a little pleddy. Then they won’t ask. Okay, so Mary has Heather over. Heather compares her decor like as the Dr. Seuss chairs from Whoville.

Sharon: I didn’t see that? I saw Alice in Wonderland.

Caitlin: Oh, I think so. Because of the size. Yeah, I can see that.

Sharon: And I love it when she’s told Heather’s like, do you really think I look inbred? And Mary’s like, yes.

Caitlin: I mean, Mary will not say anything. Actually, I thought that that was going to be a bigger sticking point. So my question for you is, why do the women give Mary such a pass? Why is it okay that she’s completely insane and she’s rude and she’s mean? She says things like that.

Sharon: It’s because she’s insane. Yeah, because I don’t, because it’s like.

Caitlin: You can’t fight with crazy because that’s the thing.

Sharon: And it’s like, I don’t even know. She’s trying to be mean, but she’s not trying to be mean.

Caitlin: No, I guess it’s like there’s, she doesn’t know.

Sharon: I think she doesn’t care if she’s not trying to be mean, but she doesn’t care if she, I guess she’s.

Caitlin: Like a toddler when they just yell stuff out and you’re like, well, they’re two.

Sharon: And sometimes they say stuff that’s true. Yeah, but sometimes it makes you laugh.

Caitlin: Exactly. Because there is a little truth and.

Sharon: You’Re just like, okay, truth.

Caitlin: Yeah. It is just interesting that she gets such a pass. Like, these women are pretty forgetting. What do you think about the Jen Shaw of it all and the Mary Cosby of it all? Because there’s certain times where it’s like when they, like maybe Mary was fat shaming heather on, watch what happens live. there’s certain times where I think, okay, Mary’s not going to make it out of this. Like she’s gone too far, but she never does. She always resurfaces. And I even personally kind of give her a pass.

Sharon: I do too.

Caitlin: Sometimes I feel bad and her fashion is, but again, everyone gives her a pass for that and thinks she’s amazing. Who are these people who go through life? I think it’s because she’s so, is it unapologetic okay with herself? Yeah. And I guess there is a part of every one of us that would like to be that okay with.

Sharon: And I think her like, okay, you know, sometimes people’s meanness comes out of like.

Sharon: They’re unsure of themselves. Yes, hers is not.

Caitlin: No, hers is not.

Sharon: She’s like cool with herself. She’s just like, I do think it’s.

Caitlin: Like that alter ego that in a way you wish you could have. I mean, not to that extent, because, but I guess just to be that free. Uh-huh. In everything, what you wear, what you say, what you do, how you live your life.

Sharon: Agree. We all need a little more marion.

Caitlin: All right. there’s really not anybody who wins there, except for us, the viewers. I mean, clearly, I think that’s who we give that one to. Okay, let’s talk about Mary versus Whitney because this is really the only main person that she really, really gets into it with. So Mary and Whitney fight because, she says, you call my husband and me pornography.

Sharon: Doesn’t she say a pornography?

Caitlin: Yeah, it might have been a pornography. Either way, it was either way she meant predator. Then they try to sort of make up and have a dinner and Mary calls Whitney a bobblehead.

Sharon: Like that.

Caitlin: It doesn’t go well. I mean, Mary seems to want an apology from Whitney, especially about the pornography or the predators. But Whitney also wants an apology about Mary’s texts. But Mary’s like, no, she’s not. Like, Mary will not.

Caitlin: I can’t decide if Mary won’t give an apology or Mary just always thinks the slight against her is so much worse. But the women are right when they kind of like everyone’s like, I’m not afraid of her. I’m not afraid of her. But I think they’re a little bit afraid of her because literally you cannot get her to see your side.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: Unless she wants to.

Sharon: You can’t win.

Caitlin: You cannot win with her. Do you think that Whitney was at all right or okay to attack Mary’s church?

Sharon: I think it’s okay. Like we say stuff about the mormon church based on stuff we’ve seen. Heather. Right?

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: I mean, maybe without actual evidence that.

Caitlin: The, I think the word may have been terrible. Yeah, right. So that makes you think of something worse.

Sharon: Exactly. So I think that word maybe wasn’t a good choice. I think it’s okay to, call.

Caitlin: It out or question it.

Sharon: Yeah, definitely.

Sharon: So for that, I think maybe if she hadn’t done that, would Mary have been as mad at her?

Caitlin: I don’t think so.

Sharon: I don’t think so.

Caitlin: But they kind of had a little beef from the middle of the, they just always disagreed.

Caitlin: Then, Mary also called Whitney a racist at the reunion. And then she kind of, she sort of backtracked and said it’s because mormonism.

Sharon: Has racism, which was not fair because Lisa, and then Lisa’s like, well, I’m Mormon, which was funny. I’m like why are you throwing your.

Caitlin: I mean, all of a sudden she kind of decided she’s like an expert on that. Maybe she read the book.

Sharon: Yeah, maybe she finally read it. But yeah, I didn’t think that that was fair because there were other people there that were Mormon. And she’s like, well, you’re part of this, but she left the religion.

Caitlin: Right. And clearly has, and Whitney cut her ties before Heather.

Sharon: Yeah, Whitney said she has all kinds of problems with the religion.

Caitlin: I mean, the thing that I felt like was, I thought it was really good to bring that issue up with relation to the Mormon church because we kind of danced around it. Jen Shaw had kind of thrown it out incorrectly and said some things and it was weird. And it’s like, I think it was really good for Heather to say, yes, there’s a history of racism and Mormonism. Yes, we need to change it. And I didn’t like when Lisa was kind of like, well, no, it’s like, you do have to, like Heather said, you have to embrace it to change it. And you have to say it was based on these things. And yes, we’re trying to make it a different thing. And I feel like had Mary wanted to have that discussion session, that would have been a good discussion to have, but instead she wrongly, confusingly blamed it. And then it kind of made the discussion not stick as well as I think it could have. And I think it could have been something really productive.

Caitlin: So that kind of bummed, me out. Whitney did say she was scared of upsetting Mary in previous seasons and that maybe that’s why Mary thinks Whitney is scared of her.

Caitlin: I think all the women are a little scared of Mary.

Sharon: I do too. And Whitney is especially a, people pleaser.

Caitlin: I think Whitney, she cannot win with Mary no matter what she does. And she doesn’t understand that.

Caitlin: My therapist has said that to me. Can’t.

Sharon: There’s, your therapist says you can’t win.

Caitlin: You can’t win with Mary. No, but it’s like there are people that you cannot, you won’t be able to win. I mean, winning is not even the right word, but you won’t be able to figure them out and you won’t be able to force them to like you or force them to get you or.

Sharon: I can’t accept that.

Caitlin: I can’t really either. Welcome to therapy. Welcome to therapy. But I feel like that’s kind of what Whitney’s doing with Mary here. It’s like she keeps running up against this wall and she’s like, if I find the right path, I’m going to change my relationship with Mary. And there may not be a right path. There just may not be a path. Or Mary may just have to find somebody else who pisses her off more than little girl. Okay, so who wins?

Sharon: I think Whitney was unfairly attacked.

Caitlin: Yes, I think so too.

Sharon: I feel like she’s not being kind to Whitney.

Caitlin: Whitney.

Sharon: I think Whitney was.

Caitlin: Whitney was trying to repair multiple, like, she really was.

Sharon: I think Whitney would be a nice.

Caitlin: Friend to her if she would let her. They both like, kind of out their fashions and stuff. I think there is stuff they could bond over.

Sharon: Yeah, I agree.

Caitlin: But yeah, Mary’s not going to give her a chance.

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: Okay, let’s talk about Mary versus her defense of Monica. Because I think this is a really interesting twist or turn that I didn’t see coming. Like, of all the people, I did not think the person who would unapologetically back Monica would be Mary.

Sharon: So I’m not surprised.

Caitlin: But I don’t know why. I don’t know why. So when they went shopping together, they were really cute and I was kind of like, I would watch know, I would watch Mary on fashion. Please. I would love to see her just take apart outfits. But they were cute, and Mary was worried about what she like, that they would choose, and then they ended up choosing well, for each other. And I think Mary kind of warmed to her in that moment. But is that all this is based on? It has to be based on something more.

Sharon: Does Mary just like the ones because she doesn’t like the other one? Okay, Mary doesn’t like Lisa, Heather, blah, blah, blah. So they hate. You know, enemies.

Caitlin: And my enemies are my friends. And it’s like, maybe it is just like Mary likes it when people say mean things to the other ladies. Like, you’re saying mean things to the ladies.

Sharon: I also love you hate them too. I hate that.

Caitlin: The bonding.

Sharon: Like, she thinks it’s hysterical that she trolled.

Caitlin: No, I mean, what was interesting and weird is like, there was a couple of moments where I was like, well, maybe this is a real friendship because Monica went to Mary’s house and she was like, well, Lisa’s just been horrible to me. and Mary was like, well, it’s both you and Lisa. Like, you both go back and forth and back and forth and you both need to stop it. Like, you’re too much alike almost. And I thought that was so astute and so smart of Mary. And then she just goes back to me in a weird, like, I don’t know. So then it’s like, well, maybe there is something more there. Maybe we didn’t get to see enough of the time she and Monica spent. But, like, she shows up at the reunion and she’s like, I’m Team Monica. She goes to talk to Monica before she goes out at the reunion. And Mary’s like, I, wouldn’t be upset if Monica had called me names. She believes Monica? Yeah, she believes they need to hear Monica out. Even though Andy’s like, we haven’t gotten there. Just. She leaves the season as only friends with Monica and Meredith. And she even says, I will come back to defend Monica. Uh-huh. And I don’t even know what to do with this information.

Sharon: I think it’s just because it’s an us versus them.

Caitlin: I think you’re right. She found somebody to be on her team. Yeah, exactly.

Sharon: Because it’s hard to get. I mean, the only other person on your team is Meredith, right?

Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. And clearly she couldn’t turn Angie into that person. Angie kept touching her with food hands.

Sharon: That just reminded me of scallop diggers from the bachelor. It was a bachelor of paradise, I think. Or with a bachelor.

Caitlin: Fileto fish hands. Okay, so who wins? I don’t know. Those ones are hard. Who wins in Monica’s defense? I know. Mary versus the defense of Monica.

Sharon: Mary.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Mary just does her own thing. I mean, Monica wins because she has someone in her corner. Honey Badger.

Caitlin: Remember? Honey Badger don’t care. That’s Mary. Mary Badger don’t care. I guess it is just like, you can’t knock her down because you just can’t knock her down.

Sharon: She won’t want you.

Caitlin: Some sort of formula. I don’t know. We have to figure this out, I guess, because I feel like we need a little.

Sharon: We should study information.

Caitlin: I think we should tutelage of.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Yeah, she would. Little girl. Me.

Caitlin: Little girl. I’d probably be the bobblehead. All right, so I guess, I mean, do you think that Mary will come back next season?

Sharon: I don’t know.

Caitlin: Without Monica coming back, I don’t know.

Sharon: I don’t know. I think she could show for maybe an episode. I don’t think she’ll be on as much as she was. I don’t think she’ll be a housewife. I don’t think she’ll be on as.

Caitlin: Much as she was. Yeah. I mean, I kind of hope they keep her up because they do need the comedic relief and I felt this season a little bit more that maybe she was a little bit bored. It seems like her husband’s out of the house, the son is married, and maybe, isn’t lives in the house. I don’t know. I mean, I almost feel like she does need a little something to maybe this is that this season.

Sharon: There was nothing about Mary.

Caitlin: No, that’s the other thing.

Sharon: It was Mary commenting on other different movie.

Caitlin: Nothing about.

Sharon: She was commenting on other people’s stuff. But there was no storyline with her.

Caitlin: No.

Sharon: Your husband, her church.

Caitlin: She was absolutely just along for the ride.

Sharon: Exactly. Yeah. To be given. So she’d have to actually show part of her life more. I don’t know if she doesn’t want to.

Caitlin: And I do not think she will bring the church back on the show at. Yeah, like, I think that is a zero.

Sharon: And so maybe that’s kind of going to keep her out.

Caitlin: I think she learned her lesson with that and m she’s not going to do it. But maybe if they just need someone to spar enough with. Whitney.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Don’t call, don’t call anyone a pornography. That’s not nice. All right, well, that is our episode on Mary. I don’t think she gets a lot of episodes, so I hope she appreciates that we gave her her whole we.

Sharon: Love you, Mary, in this really weird way.

Caitlin: Maybe you should come to Bravocon. Just throwing that out there. Yes. I wonder if she would. I mean, she’d have amazing outfits.

Sharon: I’d be scared of her. I gotta say. I would still want my picture. And I’d be like, what if I just stayed really quietly kind of near you?

Caitlin: And I promise not to touch you. I know. All right, well, remember, we’re going to keep making our way through the season of Salt Lake City. we’ve got our instagram to check out our threads. We do have a patreon with, our yearbook episodes and our Teresa book episodes, which is a roller coaster ride of its own. Anyway, remember, housewives bring the drama.

Sharon: But we bring the receipts.

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