We welcome From the Bleachers: a Real Housewives Game Analysis podcast to share how Kyle scored this season. Sandra & Mandy join us during the eclipse to discuss the total eclipse of the heart that was Kyle and Mauricio.
In this episode, we discuss Kyle Richards storylines from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13:
⚪Kyle vs Mauricio… ⚪Kyle vs Sutton… ⚪Kyle vs Morgan Wade…
Caitlin: You can put down a colander, and then you’ll see the little half shaped moon thing.
Sharon: Oh, so you’re not actually looking at it?
Caitlin: Well, it depends on what the color you’re looking at.
Sandra Etherington: A projection.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Okay. Yes. Okay.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Unless you have that black.
Caitlin: So you can.
Sharon: You can’t really screw it up, right?
Caitlin: Not so much.
Sandra Etherington: Well, yeah, you just have to make sure the kids aren’t, like, also looking at it.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: As long as they’re using it as intended. It’s not like. It’s not like if that device is bad. That’s what I was worried. Like, some kid doesn’t make as well.
Caitlin: And then that’s what you get when.
Sharon: You put in, when you can’t.
Caitlin: No, you know what?
Sandra Etherington: That itself is deserved.
Caitlin: Don’t worry. The grades will work themselves out. Hi, this is Caitlin.
Sharon: And this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to real housewives on real housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing so chic. Hold onto your diamonds.
Sharon: This week, we’re digging into Kyle Richards from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, season 13.
Caitlin: The verses this week are Kyle versus mauricio, Kyle versus Sutton, and Kyle versus Morgan Wade. So this is a special episode. It’s our first ever guest episode. So joining us today are Sandra Etherington and Mandy peeples from the bleachers.
Sandra Etherington: Hi, ladies.
Caitlin: Hi. Hello.
Caitlin: So they’re joining us today for up.
Sandra Etherington: On a mountain or something?
Caitlin: I’m coming down to you. they’re joining us today for our Kyle episode, and then we’re joining them for their little wrap up of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season. So we’re swapping episodes so you can listen to us on theirs, them on ours.
Caitlin: Did I say that right?
Caitlin: That was a little weird.
Caitlin: You did?
Caitlin: Okay, good, good. All right, do you guys want to give our listeners a little explanation of your friendship, your podcasts, whatever you want to share? Yes, I do put you in the hot seat.
Sandra Etherington: So this show is kind of my brainchild from. I spent a lot of time, like, sick in bed over the last couple years, and, what I did to pass the time was watch a whole lot of reality tv and especially real housewives. And we are the only podcast, the first podcast, and hopefully the only, that recognizes that Real Housewives is actually a sport. And the women in the show are high level players.
Caitlin: I like that.
Sandra Etherington: Who have to make moves and strategies and plays in order to earn more screen time.
Sandra Etherington: In order to earn additional seasons of play in order to earn a hot seat on the reunion and to which will. To them getting more social media followers, which will lead to them getting future seasons, which will lead to them getting more money.
Sharon: I like thinking of it because until your podcast, I never thought about thinking of it as a sport. And honestly, to me, even though I’m not embarrassed to like reality tv or house types, it almost makes it seem more legit.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: I don’t know, like a real hobby.
Sandra Etherington: But, also we have an entire scoring system that we have developed, to determine how well the players are valued by the franchise, which basically means they’re a better player if you’re valued well by the franchise. And it’s called their union seating score. And, we can talk about it more later, but it’s what we’ve developed to kind of, like, stack the players against each other.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: And that’s impressive because that takes a lot of thinking of all the little various facets and what goes behind the scenes and during the show.
Mandy Peeples: And I’m super excited because we’re going to, for the first time, we sort of came in partway through Salt Lake City, and then when that ended, we switched over to Beverly Hill. And New Jersey will be our first opportunity to take a season from episode one all the way to the end. And so one of the things we also do is, you know, we have, an episode or a game MVP. We have faceplay of the game. Sometimes we have, well, the most important is MVP error of the game and play of the game. And so we’ll create a bracket so that we can, see by the end of the season, we can just sort of put all of the different MVP’s in the bracket, all of the.
Sandra Etherington: Face plays in the bracket, all the.
Mandy Peeples: Errors in the bracket, and use that as another less, emotional way to determine which is the best player of the season, which is the best play of the season.
Sandra Etherington: The podcast is called from the Bleachers, a real housewives game analysis. You can find it anywhere. Podcasts live.
Caitlin: Anyway, I like that. That’s cute.
Caitlin: I like that, too. all right, should we jump into Kyle this season?
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Okay, so, kyle, when I was googling her, her middle name is Egan Kyle Richard Umanski. She’s the last remaining original housewives member of the Beverly Hills cast. She was a child actress, her famous sisters, Kathy Hilton and Kim Richards. And she’s the aunt of Paris hilton. She’s also married to real estate mogul mauricio Umansky. And this season was focused on the surprising, tough times of their relationship. do you guys want to give us a little taste of your stats? Like, how did Kyle perform?
Sandra Etherington: Yes, I do. Okay, so overall, Kyle is. I mean, we don’t even need our reunion seating score to know this. She has the most seasons, the longest running housewife in Beverly Hills. But across all franchises, she’s tied for the longest, being the longest running housewife with candy buress in real Housewives of Atlanta. However, candy just announced, that she’s departing. And then when it comes to our reunion seating score she has. We measure it in two different ways. We measure a cumulative reunion seating score so that. So it adds up over time, so each season is added on to the next. and the reason we measure it that way is because if you’re earning more seasons, that means you’re a better player. but we can also. We can also average it out to see how you’ve done, like, per season.
Caitlin: Yeah. Okay.
Sandra Etherington: But for the cube, for her cumulative score, she has the second highest cumulative reunion seating score of any housewife with a whopping 25.75.
Sandra Etherington: the highest is actually Theresa Giudice.
Sharon: Yeah, well, I have always been sort of team Kyle. I, really like. I like Kyle. I like her personality. I totally recognize that she stirs the pot at times. so, yeah, yeah.
Caitlin: So for me, Kyle, I have always loved her. Thought I’d never turn on her. But this season, I just. It’s kind of.
Caitlin: What?
Caitlin: When we talked in our Sutton episode, it’s kind of how you feel about Sutton. I feel that way about Kyle. We’ve always backed her, but she just lost something for me this season. She wasn’t as willing to be. It felt like she didn’t want to be on the show.
Caitlin: And I think that read, at least for me.
Sharon: Yeah. well, she didn’t want to be on the show in the capacity she’s supposed to be on the show.
Caitlin: Right?
Sharon: She wanted to be on the show in projecting what she wants, and she doesn’t want to talk about how her life really is at this point. I don’t know what you guys think.
Sandra Etherington: I’m sure she loves collecting that paycheck.
Caitlin: Yes, I’m sure that, too. Good question.
Caitlin: What are your biases toward Kyle? Are you team Kyle or team not Kyle?
Caitlin: I mean.
Mandy Peeples: I’ll go. this. This is my first foray into Beverly Hills. Sandra dragged me into this reality tv pit before our podcast. I’ve never watched a full episode.
Sharon: Oh, my God, you sound like a.
Caitlin: Hook in my life.
Caitlin: Hey, you might.
Caitlin: We might be able to be a housewife. Yeah, right.
Mandy Peeples: Exactly. I’m perfect candidate. So, I liked Kyle this season. You know, I obviously went back and watched some older episodes here and there. I cherry picked what the Internet told me was the best. But more importantly, what Sandra told me was important for me to see before we began. And I do.
Sandra Etherington: I agree. I like.
Mandy Peeples: I like Kyle. I think she brings a very authentic style of play to being a housewife. She’s very authentic. Whether she is withholding or not, she’s still herself in that moment, and she’s a good point in front of the cameras.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Yeah. What?
Sandra Etherington: I like Kyle. I would say, historically, I have not been that into her. I don’t find her that fascinating as a person. However, a couple things have happened that have made me more into her. One is literally just calculating the reunion seating scores and being like, wow, she really is a good player. Why is that? Why has she been able to stay on our screen so long? And once I started looking into that and realizing, yeah, I mean, she manages to get a hot seat every single season and yet maintain these friendships. In order to get a hot seat, right, you have to have a lot of drama going on. You have to have a lot of conflict. And yet she still manages to maintain the friendships and stay on the show season after season. So I found that really fascinating.
Caitlin: That’s interesting.
Sandra Etherington: And I wanted to know more about that. I also really like her storyline of growth as a person.
Caitlin: Okay, let’s talk about Kyle versus Mauricio. So the background information there. We open the season with the big bombshell in the form of Kyle and Mauricio’s separation being announced by the media. It’s everywhere. They haven’t told their kids yet. They’ve been married for 27 years. Okay, we’ll just kind of take it. I’ll ask some questions. We’ll take it a little bit of, like, a roundabout thing. But, did anyone else personally feel like love was attacked like Kyle said, or was it just me?
Sharon: No, love was attacked. Thank you, Kyle and Mauricio. She loved him so much, but maybe that’s the thing. It’s like, well, I was gonna say burns bright, but it’s 27 years, so.
Caitlin: Are you calling it an eclipse? Cause we’re filming on the eclipse.
Caitlin: It is the eclipse today.
Sandra Etherington: Total eclipse of the heart, I think.
Mandy Peeples: well, I would say, obviously a lot of people feel this way, or Erica wouldn’t have had to say, like, no, honey, this is true love in that wonderful finale episode.
Caitlin: Yes.
Mandy Peeples: This is what it looks like.
Caitlin: Yeah, that’s a good take as a.
Sandra Etherington: Big fan of the Bachelor and other reality.
Caitlin: DJ.
Caitlin: Oh, we love you, too.
Sandra Etherington: Great. I’ve really had to become a to hearing about couples that I really love, calling it quits and not letting it affect my outlook on love in general. Just like, you know what? Sometimes that doesn’t work out.
Sharon: Are we going to talk about her not sharing now or later?
Caitlin: Let’s talk about now.
Sandra Etherington: Okay.
Sharon: The whole thing with her not sharing, she also not shared in a weird way. If you don’t want to share, act normal. You’re an actress.
Sandra Etherington: Don’t act crazy.
Sharon: So everyone’s like, what is wrong with you?
Caitlin: Why?
Caitlin: What’s going on? What’s going on?
Caitlin: Thank you. Yes.
Caitlin: Yeah, it is true that it’s like.
Sandra Etherington: She seems to have a hard time. She comes off very authentic, and it’s like you can read what’s on her face. And, yeah, it’s like she. But I almost appreciate that, too. It’s like she’s good at not acting on the show, which I appreciate, but I don’t know what that says about her actual acting.
Caitlin: That’s a really good point. She can only take roles that are hit a little close to home.
Mandy Peeples: It’s so interesting. I really felt watching her was so authentically a woman who is uncomfortable around this other person. You know, like, if you ever had those moments in a relationship or a marriage where it’s just like, we are so disconnected, I can’t even be myself in the room with you. And that, that just.
Caitlin: Yeah, yeah.
Mandy Peeples: That whole moment. And just like, every time she was around Mauricio, it really. You just felt that, like, I don’t know how to even talk to you because there’s so much turmoil that you created me.
Caitlin: Okay.
Caitlin: Do you think that Kyle should have read Mauricio’s book? We talked about this a lot because we read Mauricio’s book.
Sharon: Just.
Mandy Peeples: I didn’t even know Mauricio had a book.
Sandra Etherington: I didn’t either.
Caitlin: Well, I don’t think Kyle heard the.
Mandy Peeples: Book, considering now my husband has never listened to my podcast, and that irks.
Caitlin: Me a little bit.
Sharon: So I feel like, yeah, Kyle should.
Mandy Peeples: Have read Moe’s book.
Sandra Etherington: Yeah, I I just.
Caitlin: That was another awkward moment where it was like, well, he has, and you wrote a book. I want to know if you read her book. I guess that that would. That’s whether it would be fair to me or not.
Sandra Etherington: There you go.
Caitlin: But it just felt like another sign that they were totally disconnected because in the olden days, I bet she would have read the book.
Sandra Etherington: Okay, so we did an episode on.
Sharon: The book and we both really liked Mo’s book.
Caitlin: Yeah, it wasn’t bad.
Sharon: I can’t believe he didn’t read it. I can’t believe either one was real long. Wouldn’t you just be curious?
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: This person who I share my life with wrote about our life. You’re not like curious at all what they had to say?
Sandra Etherington: Yeah, well, she couldn’t read the entire Erika Jayne article.
Sharon: Oh, that’s true.
Caitlin: That’s true.
Caitlin: It’s too long.
Sandra Etherington: So an entire book. Exactly.
Sharon: Got it beyond her capacity.
Mandy Peeples: She’s like, I gotta go do some online shopping.
Caitlin: Yeah, I can. It’s not just any book. It’s not about that book.
Sandra Etherington: Exactly. She just doesn’t read.
Caitlin: How do we feel about buying Beverly Hills, getting all the dirt and not real housewives on Kyle and Mauricio? Because it seems to be that they held a lot of that information back for that show.
Sandra Etherington: Did you guys watch buying Beverly Hills?
Caitlin: Well, we watched the first season and we watched part of the second season. We’re going to watch.
Sandra Etherington: This was another thing that I binged this week. So we went to Mexico over spring break and we’re not feeling great coming back.
Caitlin: Oh, no.
Sandra Etherington: So I did a lot of bingeing.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sandra Etherington: And, I watched all of buying Beverly Hills or all of. Yeah, I watched both seasons. I didn’t feel like they got that much.
Caitlin: Okay, good. That’s good to know.
Sandra Etherington: I was like, there’s really not that much like they did take up screen time talking about it.
Sandra Etherington: But there wasn’t much information.
Caitlin: Okay. So it’s the same level maybe of involvement. It just.
Sandra Etherington: We got to see m it. Yeah. And all the kids, you know, the three girls, the three oldest girls are on that show. They all have contracts on that show. And so you’re, you’re seeing them on camera more sort of mention it. Yeah, maybe tear up a little bit, but nobody’s going real deep with it.
Caitlin: okay.
Sandra Etherington: There’s not much information.
Caitlin: Okay.
Caitlin: Was the big question was psychic Alison Dubois? Right. Once the kids are gone, will he never fulfill you?
Caitlin: Okay.
Sharon: They still have one kid in the house.
Caitlin: Okay. That’s, that’s what you’re hanging.
Sandra Etherington: That’s why they’re not.
Caitlin: She was wrong. Because it was before. Yeah, exactly.
Sharon: If I were Kyle, I would stay.
Sandra Etherington: Married just because despite that awful woman, I think I might.
Sharon: I would change my whole life course.
Caitlin: That’s awesome.
Mandy Peeples: That woman was awful.
Caitlin: She was awful.
Sharon: I just can’t I don’t want to.
Caitlin: Live in a world I still remember her, like.
Caitlin: Yeah, right. Yeah.
Sharon: It’s, like, years ago, and I agree.
Caitlin: I know she’s unforgettable. It’s a bad way. Okay, who wins in Kyle versus Mauricio?
Caitlin: Sharon.
Sharon: Well, let’s let our guests say first. Okay, sounds good.
Sandra Etherington: Kyle.
Mandy Peeples: She’s a wig. It’s a little bit of a tie.
Sandra Etherington: So she’s a way better player than Mo, in my opinion.
Mandy Peeples: Well, I mean, this isn’t Jersey, so mo’s not really on the show that much.
Sandra Etherington: Yeah, but I just saw his whole, like, that’s true.
Mandy Peeples: I guess you watched his show and decided that that’s true. I think, though, as far as, sort of this, the, like, the love and relationship question, I don’t know.
Caitlin: It’s.
Mandy Peeples: For me, it’s got to be some kind of a tie, because it’s just. It’s sad. It is sad.
Sandra Etherington: That’s a good point about everybody loses.
Caitlin: Yeah, every.
Mandy Peeples: Exactly. I think everyone lost. No winners.
Caitlin: Love lost.
Sharon: I kind of feel like mo won because he. Okay, look what he got out of his relationship with Kyle and housewives.
Caitlin: Well, I do.
Sharon: I totally believe he loved her and he would stay married.
Caitlin: Yeah. Yeah.
Sharon: But he’s got this company, which he did kind of have that upstart with the Hiltons working for him. So now they’re really rich and he has some level of fame, and maybe he doesn’t want, like, super fame. He just likes this kind of m mid level fame.
Caitlin: That’s true.
Sharon: And now he can go off and.
Caitlin: Yeah, he’s set up kind of.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Whereas Kyle is clearly in distress. Mauricio’s just confused. He’s calmer because he doesn’t know what’s going on.
Sandra Etherington: He’s just like, I don’t know.
Caitlin: So I put Kyle because I think she’s the one who got the control. Like, she’s controlling the narrative more. I mean, she’s played the game with what’s coming out in the media more, and she just seems to be like, this is what he kind of has to bend to what she wants at this point. It doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of room for what Mauricio wants here.
Mandy Peeples: It feels like a good perspective. I like that.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Let’s move on to Kyle versus Sutton. So Sutton points out that Kyle has a new ring at dinner with Garcelle. and at the pot party, which is an amazing episode, Sutton asks, is there something you don’t want to share? And Anne Marie says, like what? And Garcelle says her marriage. So Garcelle will then drop the new ring info, but all of this comes back around to Kyle. and why did Kyle get the ring? And what’s going on with Kyle and mauricio and Sutton is the impetus for really all of this. So let’s start with the question. Was Sutton right or wrong to bring up that there is something fishy going on in Kyle’s marriage?
Sharon: I mean, everyone was probably thinking about it, but I just didn’t like Sutton’s intentions this way.
Caitlin: Why do you think she was the only one who thought she could go toe to toe with Kyle?
Sharon: I don’t even know.
Caitlin: Do you girls have a thought about that?
Sandra Etherington: My guess is that the producers were wanting someone to do it, and I don’t know if they chose Sutton or if they were telling multiple women to do it in Sutton Field. One who took the bait.
Caitlin: Because sometimes it surprises me that it was Sutton.
Sharon: Like, honestly, I think looking back, Anna Marie could have gone against Kyle.
Caitlin: Hm.
Sharon: Because she came in as her friend. So wouldn’t it be interesting if they kind of went against each other? Because Kyle was supposed to be her friend, but she left Anna Marie. She left her. Yeah, just in the wind. She was stuck. Anna Marie was stuck on her own anyway. Yeah, and she lost anyway, so she should have been, like, the one who instigated these things with Kyle, and she.
Caitlin: I would have probably liked her better had that been the case. See, don’t go against Sutton.
Mandy Peeples: It was definitely a good play by Sutton, though. So I think she was right to bring it up. I mean, that’s how she got herself a hot seat.
Caitlin: Right?
Mandy Peeples: Waster.
Sandra Etherington: Yeah, she knew the player to go after. So if you get. If you have drama with Kyle, you’re more likely to get a hot seat.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: It’s like she’d finally kind of figured out how to play the game by the season.
Sandra Etherington: Oh, yeah, she totally did.
Caitlin: Okay, how much of sharing your life does a real housewife owe to us, the viewers? Because everyone felt like Kyle owed a lot.
Caitlin: I know.
Caitlin: I felt like that for part of the season. Now I’m not so sure. I’ve kind of gone back and forth.
Sharon: I don’t know, I’m kind of back and forth because I feel like I used to think that they didn’t owe too many personal things, but then I heard somewhere someone was like, well, that’s their job. That’s what they’re getting paid for. And then that really changed my perspective, because I’m like, I actually do think they owe the personal things because part of the show is airing your personal things. So that is part of your job as part of what you signed up for. It’s what you’re getting paid for. If you don’t want to do it, quit the show. but you can’t suddenly decide, that you’re half in, half out.
Caitlin: Yeah. I don’t know.
Caitlin: Sandra, Mandy, what do you guys think?
Sandra Etherington: Yeah, I guess I don’t really think of terms of owing. It’s just a personal choice that all of them have to make. But if you’re going in terms of good player versus bad player, you’re not going to be a good player if you’re not sharing stuff.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Well, in this case, though, she was because she created all the drama. Because what if she just said, yeah, we’re just sick of each other?
Sandra Etherington: That wouldn’t give this much drama.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sandra Etherington: Then what would we have done all season.
Caitlin: Right?
Sandra Etherington: That would have been a terrible season. But I would say that’s true, but only because in the end, we did get some. Like, in the end, it comes out, and then. And then she lets the cameras in. We have that, like, that touching and see scene where you feel like maybe you shouldn’t be there with the girls crying on the couch and everything else. If that didn’t happen at the end, I don’t know that her not sharing would have been a good choice, but, yeah. The way that she, like, teased us with it and then let it out in the end, which, actually great.
Mandy Peeples: But at the end of the day, we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get, and it’s never gonna be enough.
Caitlin: You get what you’re gonna get.
Sandra Etherington: I think I’ll be. And I think a lot of times, you sign up going, yeah, I’ll share my life, and then something comes up, and you’re like, wow.
Caitlin: Except for that, I don’t.
Sandra Etherington: Yeah, because, like, think of Anna Marie. Like, her rookie season, she shows up, and she’s like, yeah, I’m gonna share my life. And then her mom gets diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Caitlin: Right?
Sandra Etherington: And, like, you know, it’s like, well, m. I wasn’t expecting to have to maybe watch my mom die on camera and open that up, you know? So. And then, you know, with Kyle, like, she’s used to sharing. She’s been sharing all these years, but the falling apart of her marriage is a whole different thing that she’s never dealt with before.
Sharon: That’s really interesting. Cause she’s been on the show so long that she might. She’s changing as a person. So you might change. But then again, sometimes you grow in a job. Sometimes you quit your job and you go to a different job, because that job just doesn’t fit you anymore. And I agree with you. Cause you might be like, okay, I can share. And then you get there, and you’re like, oh, you know what? This is way too personal for me. But, she was willing to share other people’s.
Caitlin: That was my other question. Has she been too much on others to share their lives? Is it a double standard?
Sharon: Yeah, like,
Caitlin: Like her sister’s alcoholism.
Caitlin: Mm
Sharon: M so that’s why I’m. M. Like, well, you know what? The alcoholism. Like, that’s.
Caitlin: That wasn’t addiction.
Sharon: Yeah, that was extremely personal.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sandra Etherington: Yeah. But I still maintain with Kyle that she did share a ton with us over the years. Like, we saw these all out fights with her sister.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sandra Etherington: And she was very vulnerable about those relationships, and we saw her family, and, like, I feel like this is really the first time where she’s really held back and, like, everyone’s all over her for it, you know?
Caitlin: I mean, do you think we just got accustomed to a certain level of, like, access to her life? And then when she kind of pulled it back, we were like, wait a minute, don’t shut that door.
Sharon: But did we have access to her life then? If this is what’s.
Caitlin: I know you’re saying, it makes you question what she shared before.
Sharon: Although I do believe that there was this kind of really abrupt shift. I kind of believe.
Caitlin: Do you think she shared more about other people, I. E. Her sisters, than herself personally? And we just haven’t noticed as possible, saying that.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Cause she’s like, this is my drama, but it’s.
Caitlin: So now I don’t want to talk about it.
Sandra Etherington: Maybe that’s why I’ve never felt like that into Kyle until I saw the score. Maybe it’s her family and her sisters and whatever that have kept her in her position, that she does a good job of using them to make herself interesting.
Caitlin: Okay, so who wins? Kyle versus Sutton? Mandy, why don’t you start?
Mandy Peeples: Oh, my goodness. I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s hard.
Caitlin: It can go either way based on the other way.
Mandy Peeples: I love Sutton so much. but I think Kyle ultimately wins. I think Kyle really held her own, especially at the beginning of the reunion, before Sutton’s injury, fear, illness, her if I play. So I’m gonna go. I’m gonna go with kyle.
Caitlin: I’m gonna go kyle. They had to take a time out. They had to bring out the. They should have brought a stretcher.
Caitlin: Oh, my God. Like, when they come out on the field.
Sandra Etherington: That was a lost moment. Now you guys are thinking in terms of play.
Caitlin: All the world.
Sandra Etherington: Yeah, I think. I think it’s close between them. I really do. Sutton had an amazing season. I still have to go with Kyle because I just think she pulled it out better in the end. And just her self growth story, I just think is so interesting that she’s really changed as a person, forgetting to watch that, and I love it.
Sharon: I agree. I’m going with kyle because I loved Sutton. M. And this season, I didn’t, and I think it’s in large part due to her. so, yeah, I’m gonna have to go kyle.
Caitlin: Well, I’m gonna be the odd man out and go Sutton, because I do feel like that this. I mean, kyle’s just won so many seasons, so for me, the fact that Sutton was able to stand up against her and come out with so many of the lines and so many of the focus on her when it wasn’t her story, a lot of the times, I think that says something about Sutton.
Caitlin: Because I just want to go against.
Caitlin: The grain was this one we were.
Sandra Etherington: Recording earlier for our podcast, but we talked about how Sutton has gone from friend to full housewife, where she wasn’t doing too much to now, like, hot seat. Like, her progress as a player is just amazing. So the fact that she’s brought it, she really did have a good season.
Sharon: And the similarity in their story arcs of. They’re both becoming more independent women, I think that’s interesting. And they’re totally different.
Caitlin: Yeah, that’s true.
Sharon: But Sutton’s is at a different point, though, I guess.
Sandra Etherington: Yes.
Caitlin: Two roads diverged.
Sandra Etherington: Yeah, I feel like Sutton’s earlier on, like, Kyle’s, like. I mean, she’s, like, getting.
Caitlin: She’s getting a master’s degree still in her bag.
Sandra Etherington: There you go.
Sharon: Dorit’s the only one who went to college, so.
Caitlin: Oh, yeah. Why are we talking about in, like, the whole Bravo verse? Okay, let’s move on to kyle versus morgan, just so we get a chance to talk about the Morgan angle. Morgan Wade is a 29 year old country singer. She and kyle have become inseparable besties this year, and paparazzi pictures of them are everywhere. They’re dressing alike, they’re tattooing alike. and this comes at the time when there’s the separation between kyle and mauricio. So can you make a music video like she and morgan did and not face the music? That’s my opening question.
Mandy Peeples: I will say now remember, she is a child actress. And so this is acting. So that is, sometimes acting with your co star is comfortable.
Caitlin: Yep.
Mandy Peeples: Sometimes it is not. Deborah Winger, richard gere, officer and a gentleman. Hated each other. Still, great chemistry on screen.
Caitlin: Right?
Caitlin: That is interesting.
Mandy Peeples: yeah, but so, I think she has to face the music, but I don’t think that this video is. I think it’s a little bit of a red herring. I don’t think it’s necessarily like, oh, here’s the evidence, here’s the proof.
Sharon: M. I think it that’s, I wasn’t really thinking about the actress thing.
Sharon: But. Cause I thought when she said the thing, when she’s like, well, I didn’t know what it was gonna be about or whatever. I’m like, as an actress, would you sign? Would you just show up to a movie set and you’re like, all right, guys. And then you find out it’s like an inappropriate film or something. No, I’m not saying they’re videos.
Sandra Etherington: No, I didn’t mean that at all.
Sharon: but wouldn’t you know what you’re gonna do, at least at some level? So, so you would know what it’s, what role you’re playing, even if you don’t know the details.
Caitlin: What I feel like that says to me is that for some reason, and maybe this is why it’s uncomfortable, she puts so much faith into Morgan. And in some ways, maybe it’s the faith she used to put into Mauricio that it’s kind of confusing because we don’t know Morgan at all. She just shows up and then Kyle’s like, well, I just completely trust her in the music video, and I trust her enough to let her, you know, she tattooed her. I mean, there’s a lot of trust there that for a surprise new friend for us is very like, quick. And I don’t know if it’s quick for Kyle, but it’s quick for us.
Sharon: I don’t think it’s trust, though. I think it’s infatuation.
Caitlin: Yeah, I think so too. So one of my questions was, do we think, and I’ll throw this out.
Caitlin: To all of us.
Caitlin: Do we think Kyle mirrors her partner?
Sharon: Like, is she one of those people.
Caitlin: That you can just sort of. That’s how she relates?
Sharon: I totally think so. And, because when you read her book, so this is way back when she and Mauricio were such a team.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: And the way you become this, like, perfect team, I mean, usually, okay, in a team, you want differing opinions, but they were just this united front. Now they’re not.
Sharon: and now she and Morgan are kind of this united front.
Sharon: I do think she mirrors her partner.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: And, yeah, yeah.
Sandra Etherington: I mean, mirror or. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being inspired by someone and, you know, so. But is it totally like mirroring and then she doesn’t have her own identity out of that. That’s where it can get dangerous. But if it’s truly, like, here’s, I’m trying to change myself as a person, and here’s someone who’s doing it, I’m going to take that as inspiration. You know, I think that’s totally healthy. But, yeah. The question is, is she able to separate herself from that and whether she wants to do everything that Morgan is doing or just like, take the things that are, you know, I’m worried she can’t separate very well.
Caitlin: And that.
Mandy Peeples: Say that again, Caitlin.
Caitlin: I missed that.
Caitlin: Oh, sorry. I’m worried that she can’t separate very well, that she is ending one thing and jumping full force into something else.
Sharon: She’s not even ending one thing. They’re overlapping in her.
Caitlin: Overlapping.
Mandy Peeples: It does, I mean, it certainly strikes me as a very reactionary relationship of a, like, I’m gonna do something for me and it’s gonna be extreme. So it really does have that feel.
Caitlin: Which do we think came first? Do you think that her sober life was so she changed in that way and then the divorce came out of that? Or do you think her, like Kathy said, well, she’s probably been thinking about this divorce for so long, she wouldn’t do anything on the spur of the moment. Do we think that it, which direction do you think it goes? The divorce kind of spurred her wanting to be healthier and do her sober living, or do you think it was the other way? She became sober, she was living healthy, and then Mauricio didn’t fit into that life.
Sandra Etherington: Oh, no. yeah, I think the divorce. I think the problems in the marriage first. Yeah. I think Kathy’s right. I really see Kyle. What she said, like, kyle’s not the type of person to decide overnight to end her marriage. I think this has been happening slowly for a long time.
Caitlin: I agree.
Mandy Peeples: Part of how she’s been dealing with that is like, you know what? I’m gonna take this focus on, myself. I’m gonna just work on me.
Caitlin: Yep.
Mandy Peeples: And, and maybe, you know, because sometimes maybe that will help, right?
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Because you think I’m the only person I can control.
Sharon: And I kind of think she’s like, well, she thinks we’re different now. We’re not the same together that we used to be. So we’re separate. And then the more she goes off in this fitness, not like the more she goes off to this other Persona, the more different they are. And so I just kind of like.
Caitlin: It’S too many hats, this Persona for me. I’m a little tired of the hats.
Sharon: You’re tired of all the hats?
Caitlin: Too many hats.
Sharon: Okay. You know what I’m tired of? When she got mad. Cause Dorit didn’t make it up the mountain or something.
Caitlin: Sharon didn’t like the exercise shaming.
Caitlin: I did not.
Sharon: I did not like the exercise shaming.
Caitlin: Do you think it’s a double standard that we write off men’s midlife crisis, but women don’t seem to get to have them because it’s sort of, in a way, what Kyle’s kind of experiencing. Sometimes I feel like I have had little flashes of thought in my forties where I’m like, oh, I don’t know.
Sandra Etherington: It’S the middle of my life.
Caitlin: Where am I? And I think that’s what Kyle’s going through. But, man, she’s been judged hard for it. I agree.
Mandy Peeples: I think she is being judged more harshly than, I think people would write it off more if it was like Mauricio’s.
Caitlin: I think so too crisis or something.
Sandra Etherington: And I think part of that is that women are so expected to be supportive of their husbands and their families and be selfless and do everything for them. And so our midlife crisis often ends up being, wait.
Sandra Etherington: I want an identity. Yes, I have. And maybe it’s not what I thought it was. Maybe it’s not supporting this career that you’re doing or this lifestyle that you’re doing. And so the men feel the separation of that. Like, wait, I thought you were on board with me now. Where are you going? And it takes a certain man to be able to grow with that and be like, you’re right, you do deserve your own thing, and I’m going to support that too.
Caitlin: That’s interesting.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sandra Etherington: and I think as a society, we expect women to kind of like, fall in line and to keep supporting the family no matter what. And if they’re not, it’s like, what are you doing?
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: And then the kids, like, if the kids leave the house just like this. They know she’s got one kid left. About to leave the house.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: And, you know, so you have more time to have your own identity.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Or, and it gets labeled as selfish to put yourself first because you haven’t all this time.
Sandra Etherington: But from Mauricio, it’s his career.
Caitlin: Right, exactly.
Sharon: It’s okay because it’s his career.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: He’s a very important realtor. A real tour with a capital r. Exactly. Okay, big question. Is Kyle in a romantic relationship with Morgan? Yes, I think so.
Sharon: I think so. What do you guys think?
Sandra Etherington: I could tell that all the way through.
Caitlin: You guys.
Sharon: Showed your hair. Bad play.
Mandy Peeples: Or was it a good play?
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sandra Etherington: I don’t know. I mean, I. When she was asked directly about it at the reunion, she said no, but then as soon as he asked, like, could you see yourself in a relationship? That’s when she was like that. I don’t know.
Caitlin: Stuff happened.
Caitlin: It feels like she’s testing the waters.
Sandra Etherington: Yeah. So, I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a relationship announcement, but I’m not full on, like, yes, she’s having an affair with Morgan Wade. Like, I don’t know that she’s necessarily there yet.
Sharon: I think so. Because they have this chemistry. Kyle clearly likes her, and I know I’ve heard some people say, like, it’s just an emotional affair. M. Now, here’s my thing. In that video, they kissed. And yes, that was scripted.
Caitlin: That’s a video.
Sharon: That’s why they did it. However, if you have this major chemistry and you kiss somebody.
Sharon: Are you gonna not kiss them again?
Sandra Etherington: Do you know what I mean?
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Like, can you go back like, you already broke the seal, so to speak.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Ah, that’s interesting.
Sharon: I think you have to kiss them. That’s interesting.
Caitlin: Yeah, you could be right.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Well, I think it’s like, I do think she’s a cautious person and she doesn’t want any timelines to overcross. Like, she doesn’t want it to be messy. She’s not divorced.
Caitlin: She’s not.
Caitlin: So it’s like. And I do respect that, because, again, I don’t think we need to force her to put a label on it, but I do think there’s something more there.
Sandra Etherington: And supposedly Morgan’s a very private person.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: And she just happened to get a lot of followers out of, you know, being held girlfriends.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sandra Etherington: A musician who performs and has music videos.
Sharon: Right.
Caitlin: Also, I guess watching Kyle watch her perform, that felt more than just a friend watching.
Caitlin: I don’t know.
Sharon: Yeah, I mean, well, the fact that she had her play.
Sharon: At Lorraine. Lorraine, like celebration of life or whatever that is, that was her best friend. That’s such an important time. And she brought in Morgan.
Caitlin: Right. And that deserves a mention too. I mean, that’s a big another part of what really changes Kyle this season. You know, you can’t go through something that traumatic and not be changed by it. And so it’s like there’s some credit to be given to her thinking about what she’s going through. It’s not just Mauricio. It’s looking at this whole thing. It’s looking at like the fragility of life. And what does she want out of her life? none of us have been really understanding about the very. Please ask at this.
Sharon: You know, I feel just like a jerk.
Caitlin: Okay, so who wins in Kyle versus Morgan? The I guess who comes out. I mean, in a way they’re kind of, it’s kind of a draw. But I do think you could say maybe one person wins or comes out looking better. What do you guys think?
Sandra Etherington: I don’t think Morgan came off great on the show. I don’t know if it’s because she really didn’t want to be on the camera much. She didn’t talk much when she was on it. She didn’t, you know, like, there was just, there was not a lot there.
Caitlin: So I know I can’t decide who really pulled. I mean, did Kyle just want her there so badly or did she talk Morgan into the aspect of you’ll get the tv time.
Caitlin: And therefore it’s really good for your career, but yeah, it felt like neither.
Caitlin: Of them wanted to be there.
Sharon: No, it felt like Kyle wanted to be there.
Caitlin: Morgan maybe not.
Sharon: Yeah, well, that’s how I, I still.
Caitlin: Felt like Kyle wasn’t really into the season either. She was kind of waiting for it to be done.
Sharon: But she lights up when she’s with Morgan.
Caitlin: Well, yeah, I think she likes that part.
Mandy Peeples: Yeah, I think Kyle wins.
Sharon: Yeah, I actually, I’m going to take another take. I think Morgan wins. I put more, because she did come out with that extra fame because we don’t know her. We don’t even know enough about her to like or dislike her. Like, all I know is she’s a country singer, she’s beautiful and she’s really buff.
Caitlin: I feel like this made her name come into like our everyday.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: Now all of a sudden she’s a household name.
Sharon: So I can’t even dislike her because I don’t know anything about it.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: So I kind of picked her because I feel like that she found her fame in this moment, whether she wanted it really or not.
Mandy Peeples: I do have to say, you could probably say that, sharon, about all the housewives, we actually don’t really know them.
Sharon: That’s true.
Caitlin: How well do you really know anybody?
Caitlin: How well do you know?
Sharon: Well, I always say, I mean, at the housewives, there are underlying motivations there always, right. Especially the ones when they claim they haven’t seen the show.
Sandra Etherington: So.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Caitlin: What channels?
Sharon: I didn’t know I was being recorded.
Caitlin: Yeah, I am, rather.
Sandra Etherington: I sign whatever they put in front of.
Caitlin: My husband. Said to sign it. I signed it. All right, well, that is our episode on Kyle. let’s talk a little bit about where we can find your podcast.
Sandra Etherington: Yeah. So, again, it’s called from the bleachers, a real housewives game analysis. And you can find it anywhere. Everywhere. Podcasts live.
Caitlin: And are you guys on Instagram as well?
Sandra Etherington: We are, and our Instagram handle is real Housewives of Bend, Oregon, which is a beautiful place.
Caitlin: I’ve been there once, and it was very pretty. We had a great time.
Mandy Peeples: You guys should come back.
Sharon: Yeah, take it around.
Caitlin: It’ll be fun. All right, well, let’s see. That’s our episode. it was so great having you guys. Thank you for joining us.
Sandra Etherington: Thank you so much for having us.
Mandy Peeples: This has been a lot of fun.
Caitlin: yeah, and I like looking at it from a different aspect. So definitely go over, listen to their podcast. They’re fun. All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.
Sharon: But we bring the receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also, visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both h on RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us ah on rhpodcast@gmail.com. Thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.