Yellow flower with episode title

The cattitude is off the charts. We wanted Posh Spice, but we got Tacky Spice.

In this episode, we discuss Cat Ommanney storylines from Real Housewives of DC Season 1:

⚪Cat vs her own attitude ⚪Cat vs wine ⚪Cat vs Charles

Episode 85 on Spotify

Sharon: I got 99 dresses. But Leanna san.

Caitlin: That’S what she should have called it.

Caitlin: I want to, like, find the one way that you can’t wear the dress and be like, you could have had 100. Oh, you missed one.

Sharon: That’s. Wait, this is an, What do you call it? Like, an unofficial. There’s the official leasing.

Caitlin: Like, an unofficial dress, so a dress hack separate way to wear it. Number 42.

Sharon: 42 and a half.

Caitlin: Hi.

Sharon: This is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing.

Sharon: So chic.

Caitlin: Hold onto your charitable donations.

Sharon: Today, we’re digging into Leanne Locken from Real Housewives of Dallas, season one, which aired in 2016. Leanne is a model, an actress, and a philanthropist and a former Carnie. She played Miss Nebraska in Miss Congeniality, and she was an actual beauty queen. Missed Arizona USA in 1989. She’s currently 57 years old, which means she was 49 when the show aired. And she is the author of a book and a coloring book, and she is married to law enforcement veteran Rich Emberlin.

Caitlin: It’s quite the cv on Leanne Locken. Okay. Rich, to me, looks like Matt Roloff from little people big world.

Sharon: I know. And after you told me that, that’s how I see.

Caitlin: I even noticed it, and now I can’t see anything else.

Sharon: Totally.

Caitlin: Yep. All right. Our verses this week for Leanne are Leanne versus charity, Leann versus her story, and Leanne versus Marie.

Sharon: I’m really excited to have.

Caitlin: Me too. Okay. We’ve loved Dallas for a really long time.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: So we decided this is gonna be our summer of Dallas.

Sharon: Yeah. Dallas was one of my favorites, and I actually forgot.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: And then when I rewatched season one, I was like, this is so good.

Caitlin: So good. Yeah. Ah. Okay, let’s talk about our villainous of Dallas, which is Leann. Although, really, I don’t know why I would say that, because, actually, her main platform is charity. Let’s talk about Leann’s charity.

Sharon: Yeah. So the whole thing in the beginning is her and her charity work.

Caitlin: She must say charity. Like, if you were taking a shot every time she said it, you would be wasted in the first five minutes of the show.

Sharon: But she says charity world, although it’s some exclusive club.

Caitlin: Yes. Which really, not everybody can.

Sharon: Not everyone can donate.

Caitlin: Like, exactly. They only take certain dollar bills.

Sharon: Dallas, if you work for a nonprofit, chances are you’re gonna be not have much money. Like, I don’t know.

Caitlin: It’s interesting because she’s known for her charity work, but not for her own personal donations.

Sharon: Cause she doesn’t have any money because she’s poor.

Caitlin: Not charity poor, but, like, middle class is what I’m guessing she donates her time, which is lovely. I’m not. I mean, that’s probably what I would. Yeah.

Sharon: And I mean, that is important too. But this is what I don’t understand. Does she donate, like, her time, as in, I am actually calling vendors and doing this, or I’m actually setting up tables, or does she just show up to do speeches?

Caitlin: That’s what I can’t tell because they said no one says no to her. So I do. Initially, I felt like they were maybe sending her out to get donations or when they have those, What are those called? It’s a silent auction. I kind of wondered if maybe they used her to procure some of those things, but then they don’t show any of that. And all they show is her giving speeches at events and her being, like, the face of the events.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And I don’t understand that because I don’t think her celebrity is like that high.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: But she hints the charities couldn’t run without her. Yeah.

Sharon: Like, I would expect to see some level of her fundraising, I, guess.

Caitlin: Yes, I think so, too. And maybe they just thought that was boring, but I don’t. I would have liked to have seen her do that. Or set up a table or, like, walk in and make sure. Like. Like, does she check at the door? Is she in charge of the step and repeats? Does she make sure everybody has a seat?

Sharon: Cause she wants to turn this charity work into. And we’ll talk about this later, but into a speaking career. But I was like, really? Wouldn’t it be more of a party planning events planning career?

Caitlin: That’s what I would.

Sharon: That’s what I. Or I mean, some other fundraiser. Yeah.

Caitlin: No, because the fine line between that is really thin. Like, when I did public relations and I did my internship for it at, the hospital, what I ended up a lot of times doing was running these events. And what you end up doing is so much of what is literally just event planning. Like, you’re m checking to make sure that all of the people are in place and everyone knows what their job is and that this is where this happens and this happens and this is sets up and there’s signage. So it’s like, it’s not what she makes it out to be, which is just like, show up and talk to the donors she makes it out to.

Sharon: Be, I talk to rich people, right? And I hang out with rich people.

Caitlin: And mining carries so much clout that people are just like, oh, is this the Leanne locket event? Well, go get my checkbook. And I don’t understand that at all, but.

Sharon: So she likes to see herself kind of, like you said, as the face of a lot of charities, even see.

Caitlin: Herself as a face of everything when.

Sharon: It doesn’t relate to her.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: No, I’m not saying. Okay, so at the HIV chair, that’s.

Caitlin: What I knew you’re going to say.

Sharon: She tells her story. And actually, I found her speech was really good.

Caitlin: That was the best speech she gave.

Sharon: It was really good, and it was emotional. Good job, Liam.

Caitlin: It was the least narcissistic of her speeches.

Sharon: But she doesn’t have HIV. And I’m not saying, no, you don’t have to. You don’t have to. But it’s like she thinks m that she can inspire anyone with any problem, any condition. Her story will inspire that person, even if it’s.

Caitlin: She had a rough childhood and she wouldn’t wish that on anyone. She will say that 45 times. Yeah, yeah. And I thought it was interesting the way she actually did fit it, sort of the HIV thing. But then that whole room was filled with all of these women.

Caitlin: And she had them come up to the stage if they were willing to, like, stand in the light or stand in their truth of having HIV or AIDS. And it’s like there were so many women who also could have spoken and might have spoken in a way that might directly affect the people who have it. Like, I’m living with it and this is my story.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: It’s like her story wasn’t related to that. Even the words that she used to describe herself weren’t related directly. Like, she could have used that at any charity. It was just a stick.

Sharon: That is like her.

Caitlin: I wonder if she had, like, speech.

Sharon: I have a story speech.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: So not only does she think her story applies in every situation, she clearly must think she is a success story.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: Because why would you go, like, show your story if you didn’t come out good? You don’t show any other story with a bad ending.

Caitlin: No.

Sharon: It’s not inspirational.

Caitlin: It has to show her story in the light, not in the dark. So she feels like she is a good example.

Sharon: A good example.

Caitlin: She does. Do we think she’s a good example?

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: Or a horrible woman.

Sharon: She does these two things. Cause she’s like, yeah, well, she’s showing herself as a good example. She’s like, well, I’m still a work in progress, and you don’t get to just do both things. I don’t know.

Caitlin: Well, again, she’s like one size fit all charity speeches.

Sharon: She’s like the dress.

Caitlin: Oh my goodness. Because she’s gonna have a dress, guys. And also her speeches. Wow. That’s how she got the idea. She’s like, what is the way that I can make one thing fit into everything in my life? That’s amazing. Well, she really, then she’s really efficient. Yeah, she really has like carried that thread through. I take it back.

Caitlin: Okay. You asked a question earlier that I kind of want to go back to. When does it become about you versus the charity? And does it matter because she’s raising money, although I don’t understand how, but let’s benefit the doubt. She’s raising money for charity.

Sharon: I don’t know. I do think it’s something just morally wrong. However, most people, do probably get something self satisfaction out of it, which I guess is selfish. So I think you can’t get out of that.

Caitlin: Yeah, I agree with that.

Sharon: But do you always have to be the public face?

Caitlin: No. And that’s what I don’t understand. I guess I would like to have seen. She can’t just be the speaking, talking head of all of these. There must be stuff that she does. But the fact that they didn’t show us any of it, that’s a little weird.

Sharon: And you know what? Hey, if she does make the most money.

Sharon: If I had a charity, I guess I would say I don’t care if she’s narcissist or not. She’s bringing money for a good cause.

Caitlin: And I think that’s how she gets.

Sharon: So she’s crazy. But at least we’re using the crazy for good, right?

Caitlin: I mean, I guess if you have to have crazy, you might as well point crazy in the right direction.

Sharon: That’s her story. She took her crazy and you shit for good.

Caitlin: She figured it out. Okay. How does she make money personally though?

Sharon: I don’t know. How does she raise money for herself? I, don’t know. Cause I don’t know how she’s salary.

Caitlin: Right? Cause she’s not married. Because I’m all for like letting your husband. I’m okay with that. Totally pro that, but. So is she living off of rich? But then he seemed retired too, so I’m just confused by it. Like, she wasn’t selling dresses yet, she didn’t have the book yet. Because she kept saying how much she wanted to write her memoir. Right, but she didn’t have her memoir. She didn’t have the coloring book. Yeah, she didn’t have the coloring book. She had to feed her dog somehow.

Sharon: And she never even addresses it.

Caitlin: No, because there must be something. All these years. I mean, these is it just she’s like, the checks coming in from his congeniality in her acting career, the residual whatever. Residual checks. Yeah. She had some money coming in from that $10, and she made it seem like she had to get in with that person who would put her on the speech track to get, gigs to give speeches. So she clearly wasn’t making a ton of money from giving the speeches.

Sharon: It sounded to me like she wasn’t making any money from giving the speeches yet. Cause he’s like, oh, you gotta go work on this stuff first, and it’s gonna take time.

Caitlin: Right?

Sharon: And I was like, they never. It’s not like you can work for a charity and get a salary, right? I mean, charities have people employed. But she doesn’t say, I work for this charity. She just shows up. She’s, like a free agent, charity person.

Caitlin: She doesn’t want to be assigned to a team. You know, she doesn’t want to be locked down in a contract, because I felt like it said she was on the board of a lot of things. And again, you’re not getting paid to be on a board. M but you could, like you’re saying, be employed by a charity, but it didn’t seem like that was the case either, even though she had a huge list of charities, but none of them were willing to pay her, I guess. Okay, so who wins? I.

Sharon: Okay, you’re. I actually, I think both women.

Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t disagree with you. Because somehow money’s getting raised, right?

Sharon: Money gets raised. She looks good. Yeah, so is she.

Caitlin: And we’re the only people questioning it.

Sharon: Yeah, I mean, a lot of people say she’s a narcissist because she tries to be the face of every charity.

Caitlin: It’s interesting because I don’t think I caught on to how much of a narcissist she was. The first watch through the second one. All of a sudden, people were saying it, and I was like, yeah, I really see it. And maybe it’s just like, I’ve grown up as a person, and, like, I recognize that more. But it was really interesting because at first, I just sort of thought, well, she’s a housewife, and she just does. And these women are just being a little hard. But she’s an absolute nurse.

Sharon: Absolutely. I mean, and so maybe she is doing it for her own benefit. But if the charity is benefiting, then.

Caitlin: Ah, I guess who are we to complain?

Sharon: Yeah, I guess good’s coming out of her cray cray.

Caitlin: Yeah. Okay, let’s talk about Leanne versus her story.

Sharon: Oh, my God.

Caitlin: As much as we got tired of the use of the word charity, we got really tired of her story. Her story, her story, her story.

Sharon: Oh, I have a question. If your life wasn’t that dramatic, is it still your story?

Caitlin: Oh, that’s a good question. Like, do we have stories?

Sharon: Or we just, like, I have a story.

Caitlin: More like a poem. Maybe a knock knock show. I mean. Okay, let’s start with this. Do we believe everything in her story?

Sharon: I feel so bad because I hate. I don’t like to doubt victims. I don’t like to say, however.

Sharon: There are some things I’m not sure I believe.

Caitlin: I agree. And I think it’s because watching all of the narcissist angle this time, Stephanie says she’s the biggest narcissist. And it’s exhausting. And I was like, exhausting is the exact word because it’s just like, how many times do we have to hear your story? And anytime anyone came for her, she was never to be blamed. They were to be blamed. She could turn it around at the drop of a hat and she could just. She had this way of. It’s like she was never responsible for anything that happened to her.

Sharon: She would distance herself so much. She’s not her. The bad part of her is the separate entity called her story.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: Or it’s the little girl inside her. It’s not her. It’s this other part. Okay, this is really confusing. Her mom dropped her off at her grandparents when she was three. She lived with her grandparents during the year, but then toured with her mom in the circus during the summer summers.

Caitlin: Yes. We don’t know at what capacity.

Sharon: Corn dogs. She ate a lot of corn dogs.

Caitlin: Yeah, that’s all we know.

Sharon: And then at some point, she was a model.

Caitlin: Right?

Sharon: She was m miss. What was she miss? Arizona. so, I mean, like. And it sounds like she did have an abusive fiance. however. I hate doubting this.

Caitlin: I do.

Sharon: That story. Something was a little off in that story.

Caitlin: There’s just always something that is a little off. A client. That’s kind of the issue. It’s like every time you’re kind of on a path where you’re like, maybe I’m starting to understand something. Then something else happens, and you’re like, eh. Nope.

Sharon: Yep.

Caitlin: Okay. In the case of Leigh Ann versus her story, who wins?

Sharon: I think her story wins. Her story takes over.

Caitlin: It does.

Sharon: It’s the only thing she has.

Caitlin: It’s a bigger character than she is.

Sharon: It is. If she didn’t have her story, she.

Caitlin: Had nothing, who would she be?

Sharon: Would anyone talk to her?

Caitlin: I mean, not in the charity world.

Sharon: Not in the world.

Caitlin: Then what would she do? Because in Dallas, you’re guilty by association. So if she’s associating with only her story. Mm.

Caitlin: Then what?

Sharon: That’s why. This is why she can never truly get better.

Caitlin: She can’t.

Sharon: She can never cast her story.

Caitlin: She’s based everything in her life on this story and the fact that she can use it whenever she wants to deflect whatever’s going on.

Sharon: Right. So if she doesn’t occasionally bust out the anger. Right. And then tie it back to her trauma.

Sharon: Then she.

Caitlin: There’s nothing.

Sharon: If it’s like, she’s all better.

Caitlin: There’s no foundation.

Sharon: Yeah. She needs to bring it out every once in a while.

Caitlin: She’s a hobby.

Sharon: She really needs a hobby.

Caitlin: She should color, not share. Yeah, exactly. Okay, let’s talk about Leanne versus Marie. So Marie was a friend of, the season. So it was interesting because Leanne had been friends for 20 years with Tiffany, another housewife on this season, and also friends with Marie for 20 years. So it sounds like those three, I don’t know, in their young adulthood, sort of grew up together. So Marie is sort of like Leann’s spouse, who writes everything off. Like, she writes off all the poor treatment of, Leann. So the big thing is they go on this cast trip to, Austin, Texas, which again, it’s another real housewives of Salt Lake City moment where it’s like, oh, they didn’t let you leave the state.

Sharon: Yeah, exactly.

Caitlin: Did someone do something bad? And there’s a rumor. Do you want to talk about the rumor?

Sharon: So there was a rumor. Someone told, like, stephanie or someone that Luann was drunk when she was younger.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: In the backseat of a car. She has poop, so she pooped in a bag.

Caitlin: Okay. And the reason that this is so important.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: And we’ll talk about it more in Brandy’s episode. But there are all these stories where Leann can’t handle how vulgar, like, she is so fancy, you guys. Which is interesting because her childhood’s not super fancy. but she’s become fancy because of the charity world. And in the charity world, she’s learned that we don’t talk about things like poop or farting or any of it. And yet, ironically, the main poop story of the season is hers revolves around Leann, which is interesting. And also when she’s trying to sell them on her speeches, she tells them about unicorn glitter farts. And it’s just joking about. And it’s just like, oh, my God, you’re such a hypocrite.

Sharon: Yeah, you are.

Caitlin: I can’t even with her. I can understand why she destroys her, but.

Sharon: So her supposedly, it almost at first seemed like she was embarrassed about the story. Cause she was denying it. Denying it. Which later she acknowledges.

Caitlin: Embarrassed initially. Yeah.

Sharon: But then her problem is actually that the only people that knew about this incident m were Leanne, Tiffany, and Marie.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: So for this other guy to know, either Marie or Tiffany said something, and Tiffany swears up and down it’s not her.

Caitlin: It wouldn’t be Tiffany. Cause she’s such a good.

Sharon: Yeah. And I guess Leanne just believes her for,

Caitlin: I think Tiffany gets a little more of the benefit than Marie did.

Sharon: Marie insists she did not. so I have a question. Do you think Marie did? Who do you think told Marie or Tiffany?

Caitlin: Okay, you had said once, wouldn’t it be amazing if it was Tiffany lying up and down, hilarious, and blaming it on Murray? I think Murray did it because that guy who told the story was Marie’s friend. I agree. And when he kind of retold a little part of it at the party that they were at, you could tell she was kind of like she’d had a glass of wine and she was kind of, like, nodding along. So I think she did it. But, oh, my God, I wish Tiffany had done that.

Sharon: I know. And I also. Marie kind of. Okay, so it’s weird. Cause she’s like this abused friend that doesn’t stand up for herself, but then she’s also looks like kind of this ice queen. Like, quiet waters run deep, and, like, I feel like she could crossword. I feel like she could stab or gut somebody. Like, I feel like there’s something evil lurking under there.

Caitlin: Yeah, I wouldn’t push.

Sharon: I really do.

Caitlin: I feel you could probably push.

Sharon: I think Leanne’s crazier, but I feel like Maria’s probably crazy.

Caitlin: I think there’s something they see in one another.

Sharon: Yeah. How else are you friends for that long?

Sharon: I don’t know exactly.

Caitlin: I think it’s. Well, it’s stories like these, I guess they just tie you together.

Sharon: Yeah. So, I mean, I guess this all comes to a head on the trip when Leanne gets mad at Marie.

Caitlin: Bag.

Sharon: Yeah. And so they record some carrier cards on her phone. Cause the, ah, Bravo cameras aren’t there. Leanne. Sorry. Leanne is screaming, like, I will kill you, I will gut you, Carney style. Something like, not quite sure what that.

Caitlin: Means, but it doesn’t sound good.

Sharon: And the ladies all said it was terrifying.

Caitlin: Like, except for Tiffany, who somehow slept through it.

Sharon: She slept through it.

Caitlin: That’s interesting. It’s weird.

Sharon: Leanne broke, like, a glass bowl.

Caitlin: Yeah. No. Whether she threw it at her, broke it into the counter. But all the women said, except for Tiffany, that she threatened her life.

Sharon: And then what?

Caitlin: And they were scared.

Sharon: What does Leanne say about threatening her life?

Caitlin: Well, so what’s interesting is, you know, the semantics. I mean, words can mean different things to different people. And she says to Marie, what you think is killing, and I think is killing are different things. And we’re like, how has this not become up there on our. Like, we’re adding it to our list of Bravo things. It’s going with, like, the Tom story. It’s going with, I mean, it goes with everything. The rumors and the nastiness, like, the receipts, all of it. This is. This is right up there, because it’s like, are we talking about, like, degrees of murder?

Sharon: Yeah, first degree, second.

Caitlin: And later, it’s like she has such an amazing ability to try to pivot it and that it’s kind of impressive because I don’t think I could have thought that fast. And she says, well, it was like, joking. Like, you know when you’re just like, I’m gonna kill you to someone. Not when you’re yelling and screaming and throwing bowls, but.

Sharon: Okay, yeah, sure.

Caitlin: Like, it was, like, slang, like, she was gonna kill you out of her life.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: No, no.

Sharon: Carrie even said, when she was at the reunion, Carrie said when she was listening to all this, she was scared. Like, that she had a knife, like someone was.

Caitlin: She wasn’t sure what was.

Sharon: Yeah, like, that’s how she was yelling at her.

Caitlin: and it was interesting. Cause Stephanie said that she was a social worker, which I can totally see that with her in her previous life. And she said I wouldn’t let my clients speak to me that way. And that it was, like, some of the worst she’d heard one person speak to another person in her career, in her life.

Sharon: And she’s dealt with a lot of unstable situations and unstable people is kind.

Caitlin: Of what I read into that. How do you think that Leann gets invited back to season two after this? I mean, I know it’s dramatic. I really thought no one would film with her.

Sharon: I don’t know. She does because part of me, I always kind of gave her the benefit of the doubts because I did feel bad for her because of her story. I think her story takes her a long way.

Caitlin: I think we’re harsher on our second watch. I think on the first watch, we did not catch all.

Sharon: I think I did. I think. I thought she was like, a really.

Sharon: She was lashing out, but she didn’t want to. When she was trying to change, she.

Caitlin: Felt a rough hand.

Sharon: Right. And now I don’t think that way.

Caitlin: I think it’s after seeing so many other housewives, and I think the fact that, like, narcissism is so much more talked about, like, We’ve got the bachelor now and stuff. And I think that, like, it’s easier to see it this go around than it was last time, because I don’t.

Sharon: Think she’s trying to improve in any way.

Caitlin: No. What do you.

Sharon: She’s just trying to be more famous.

Caitlin: Exactly. She’s trying to parlay it into the next big thing. However she makes money with that. okay, first of all, did she poop in the bag?

Sharon: She said she pooped in a bucket.

Caitlin: That’s right. Oh, no, it was a basket.

Sharon: Oh, a basket.

Caitlin: And I don’t know if it was like, a gift.

Sharon: Oh, my God. Was it a wicker basket?

Caitlin: That’s what I was picturing.

Sharon: I’m about to throw it.

Caitlin: I know. Well, she said I took all of my items, like, out of it. Like, was there a gift basket at, like. I mean, I’m assuming it was a charity event, because what she have been doing, but at a charity event.

Sharon: Oh, God.

Caitlin: Okay, you know what? This is gonna sound bad. I would have even thought to poop into something. I either would have been like, get me to a thing, or I had an accident. I wouldn’t have been like, hand me a basket or a bag. At that point.

Sharon: I can get out of the car.

Caitlin: Like, who has the ability to, like.

Sharon: If you have that foresight, I mean.

Caitlin: That’S just the most shocking thing. Yeah, yeah. She took some laxatives or something because she wanted to fit into her dress.

Sharon: That was actually kind of funny. That cracked me up when she was like, who here hasn’t taken some laxatives when they want to fit into a dress.

Caitlin: Not gonna now.

Sharon: Yeah, I know. Exactly.

Caitlin: And she would have loved a zempic.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: I mean, it’s still in the house size room.

Sharon: Yeah. Well, she probably does take it.

Caitlin: She probably does. She probably loves it. She has less problems than she did with those execs. Okay, who wins? Marie or Leanne?

Sharon: Leanne. Because Marie doesn’t come back.

Caitlin: No.

Sharon: Marie kind of just disappears.

Caitlin: Yeah. They even bring her to the reunion, and there’s not much. Except we do learn that this was my favorite moment. She was like, well, ah. All the women were saying she’d been launching a bunch of videos. Like, she wrote a poem about the pooping in the bag, and it was on social media. And they were like, who’s in charge of your social media? And she’s like, well, I’m not because I’m over 40 and I’m not gonna learn Twitter.

Sharon: But then she also said, like, carrie also said that Marie, had taken her social media against Leigh Ann too far.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: That really made her look bad. It really made her that really, really.

Caitlin: Other women who don’t like her saying it.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: So, yes, I guess so. I guess you’re right. I guess that Leigh Anne wins. That’s a rough thing to have to say. Sorry, guys. All right, well, we’re gonna continue through our discussion of season one of Dallas. We’re gonna go into other seasons of Dallas, and, we’re gonna talk about. I think we’re gonna see if we can get through all five of the women.

Sharon: Is our Patreon donation tax deductible?

Caitlin: Oh, I don’t know, but I think it’s charity.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: I would call it charity.

Sharon: It’s charity, I guess. It’s almost a coffee.

Caitlin: Although maybe I shouldn’t say that, because then I’m like, am I giving up free tax advice?

Sharon: I know. Exactly.

Caitlin: They’re gonna come for me. Yeah. I mean, it feels like morally, it’s charitable. Now, whether it is legally or tax charitable, I don’t know. Yeah. Hey, check out our Patreon, too. All right? And check out later, we will be reading Leanne’s book. Yes. And I think it’s all pearls of wisdom. Oh, my God. Because she has, like, she had these, like, little daily, like, affirmation books. I’m using air quotes which you can’t see. And she told the speech person that they were all, like, PDF’s that you could, like, download. So, like, she’d written a lot of books, I think. And then maybe she puts them all together into this book, and we’re gonna learn how to live our lives. And I think we just have been needing this.

Sharon: I need this.

Caitlin: I’m really, really excited.

Sharon: Caitlin loves a good self help.

Caitlin: I am an expert, so I’m gonna bring my best self help hat. And if it doesn’t work, we’re buying the coloring book. Okay. All right. All right. Remember, housewives bring the drama, but we bring the receipts.

Sharon: Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also, visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both Rh on RH for fun pictures and polls, or email uspodcastmail, thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.