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In this episode, we discuss Chanel Ayan storylines from Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2:
⚪Ayan vs Lesa
Sharon: Okay, Caitlin, which seats are better, front row or vvp?
Caitlin: Well, okay, bracelet wise, the VVP might be better, and you probably get better parking. I learned that when my brother bought VIP parking at the last concert we went to. That was a big deal.
Sharon: I’ve never even heard of that. So what is it? You just get.
Caitlin: You just park in a better spot and you’re closer to the ticket line. You don’t have to, like, walk as far.
Sharon: Oh, it wasice. So it’s just like a more expensive parking spot.
Caitlin: Exactly. So at BVP parking, yes.
Sharon: But they probably get dropped off by drivers.
Caitlin: Exactly. So they don’t need thateah. I think front row, I think you’re, like, right at the front, and you can. I mean, like, Beyonce sweats.
Sharon: But is it kind of like when you’re in the movie theater and you’re.
Caitlin: Like, looking up o like your neck hurts? Yeah, but do you want, like, you.
Sharon: Know, like, you see up her nose.
Caitlin: But then, like, Beyonce, like, if she loses a nail, you can catch it. You know, that’s kind of exciting.
Sharon: You, like, choke on it.
Caitlin: But in the vbap section, you probably get, like, snacks and drinks. I would like that. Like, if they’re like, you can have free. I don’t know, what does Beyonce serve in her?
Sharon: So you probably are drinking Beyonce sweat or you’re, like, drinking, like, her free beer. Yeahe.
Caitlin: Okay. Maybe the VV Yeah. It depends on if you really care about the music. If you don’t care about the music and you’re just there for the experience, then you go vi vip. If you really, really care about the band, then you go from ro.
Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to real housewives on real housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your riches.
Sharon: This week we’re diging m to Chanel Aon from real housesives of Dubai. Season two, the verses.
Caitlin: This week, it’s just one, and it’s the big verses of the entire show. The entire season, I feel like, is Ayan versus Milan. See, I made it rhyme so that now you appreciate it even more.
Sharon: I do.
Caitlin: So Chanel Aan is a model who grew up in Kenya. She dealt with mutilation as a child, and it was one of the things that I thought was the best about Dubai last season was shining a light on that terrible practice as a housewife. There was some good that came out of that season one, and that was one of the things is that she brought that up and brought it to light and talked about her experience. an was the first ever black supermodel on the COVID of a Dubai based magazine. She’s a bit unsure about her age though, which was so funny. Instead of her teeth checked, we did that with pets. I didn’t. You could do that with people. I know. And so now I’m happy to know that, and this season she launched Ion Beauty and Ion, skin. How do you think, though? I expected them to be better at the aging because I sort of felt like if you’re going to give that wide of a gap. Yeah, I think she was too. Like I thought she thought they would just give her the age and that would have been. Because then to just say, well, it’s like a five or six year gape. Well, she probably could have guessed that.
Sharon: 45 to 50, I’m sure she probably have guessed that. Knew that because there’s a point at.
Caitlin: Which you’re aware of what’s going on in the world. Right. And so you could figure out, yes, I was alive during this president or yes, I was alive during something.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: But it felt like, I don’t know. It did feel like a housewives s thing though. That had a lot of hope for the season based on that because who else is going to pay for something like that to be done? And that’s like so amazing. Okay. She’s married to Chris Pilot, an entrepreneur. They met in Brazil. Chanel called him her first love and he’s from Idaho. I like them together.
Sharon: Do too. They are sweet. And he’s from our nec of the way.
Caitlin: I know he’s a Northwesterner. Okay. Are we team Chanel aan?
Sharon: Yes, we are.
Caitlin: Yes, we are. I like her a lot. Like we were saying, you know, with everything she went through as a child, I think it must have been a lot for her to really figure out who she was and be that confident. And she is so much fun and so over the top and she delivers. She gives you what you want to.
Sharon: See in a housewife is she’s fun, she’s silly, she’s dramatic.
Caitlin: Yes. She.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And she was funny. This season I feel like she needed a second season to open up a little bit more and be funny because she was a little more biting in the first season. And I think that’s just because we didn’t understand her sense of humor.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: As much. And we didn’t understand that she was like a big paddle player, which is like pickleball but for richer people.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: Pickleballs for the lower echelons of society. But paddle ball, that’s like something someone made up in Dubai to sell.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: Paddleballs. All right, so Ayan versus Lisa Milan. So they were so close. They were almost like sisters. And then the season, it all fell apart. So which came first, the chicken or the egg? Do you think it was the spilling of the voice note? So Chanel Aon told Lisa’s secret. She had a voice note of, Sarah complaining about Brooks and saying, I’m not the biggest fan of Brooks. And she brought this. Carolyn Standanby brought this up because Ayan told it to her and Ayan knew that she got it from Lisa. So that’s where this all sort of started. But do you think it started there or do you think it started with the fact that an and Caroline were starting up a friendship and Lisa wasn’t happy with that?
Sharon: It’s got to be the friendship between Stanberury.
Caitlin: I think so too.
Sharon: The other is just not enough. It’s not a big enough reason to lose your mind over.
Caitlin: It’s not. And she really loses her. Yeah. Do you think, because I read online a lot that people said Lisa was a very jealous person. And that maybe she’s not the kind of person who can have more than one best friend or whose best friend can have more than one friend. Did you get that vibe?
Sharon: Yeah. After you were talking about the other episode, you were talking about how Lisa’s really insecure. And I was like, you know what, I can see that now. I wasn’t initially thinking that, but now that does make a lot of sense.
Caitlin: Yeah. I get the feeling that she’s insecure in everything. Like, I get the vibe that she’s insecure in her relationship. She’s insecure with money. She’s insecure across the board. And all of that, like clouds her judgment on everything. So if someone’s not like boosting her up 100%, she’s just going to drop them a little bit. That’s kind of the feeling I got from her this season. do you think that Lisa is annoyed that Aion shared the note or just annoyed that she shared it to Stanbury in particular?
Sharon: Yeah, I think it’s more that it was to Stanbury. I don’t think she really cared about.
Caitlin: The like, say Talen had had it.
Sharon: Or somebod else from the note. I don’t think she cared about the aftermath, but just that who was involved. Right. Exactly. And I don’t like Lisa.
Caitlin: No. I feel like she’s Someone that I really should like. We saw Lisa at bravoon. She was in the reading room and she and, took some shots. Potshots@charree_field who was injured at the time m because she’d had a golf cart injury. Wasn’t it something like. Oh, is it something like that?
Sharon: That sounds familiar.
Caitlin: So she came out. Like, we had just seen her. We took a picture, we touched her, we’d hugged her. Oh, that’s earlier in the day. And she was not injured, and we didn’t push her, so she was fine.
Sharon: Like, I puted she him but over no.
Caitlin: And so she can’t blame you for that leg. But we saw her and she was fine, and then she came out injured, and then Lisa went for her. And at the time, even though I didn’t like that because we’re definitely team sh, I thought, well, okay, Lisa maybe does have a career in the housewives because nobody else was brave enough to really take a shot. I think after erica jane blew it with dorit everyone great to really read the room. And she did it. And I thought, well, okay, that’s very brave. And that was the last moment I had any respect. So she lost me after Bravo Con 2023. I just think she’s not a good person. Yeah, she’s not a good housewife is what I was gonna say.
Sharon: But she’s not a good housewife. She’s not a good friend.
Caitlin: Yeah, she’s not messy in a good way. She’s like messy in it. Ah. Like when you don’t clean out your purse ever. Like, she’s just carrying all this baggage.
Sharon: Messy, huh?
Caitlin: And that’s not an interesting kind of messy. She doesn’t spill the tea. She just overreacts when anyone else spills the tea. And it’s like she doesn’t understand how housewives work.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: There was rumors that she might get move to Miami, and that scares me a little bit because I don’t really want more of her.
Sharon: I don’t want any more of.
Caitlin: I mean, you could say maybe it’s the cast, but I don’t think so. I think it’s her.
Sharon: It took me forever to stop thinking she was Drew sedara.
Caitlin: Oh, Sedora from Atlanta.
Sharon: They just looked so much liked me.
Caitlin: I don’t know why she didn’t sing any songs about her ex husband though. Do you think? Because this is what I’m thinking more and more. I don’t think she’s conniving. I just think she can’t answer to anything. And I think she can’t take responsibility for anything. So Lisa, according to Ayan, knew that Stanbury knew about the voice note.
Caitlin: And that she wanted Aion to spill the tea about the voice note at the desert dinner. If that’s the case, then Lisa coming in acting clueless was surprising to Aon and M. It might explain why Ion with the camera off naturally. Which ruins it for all of us. Yells at Lis and kicks her out of her hotel room later. And then everybody’s crying and husbands are getting called and like Lisa tattled to Aon’s husband, which also. Come on. That one.
Sharon: Weird.
Caitlin: That.
Sharon: That was super weird.
Caitlin: Like if we
Sharon: If you called Thomas maybe.
Caitlin: Okay.
Sharon: The only thing I can see is like maybe if, like which I would never do this to like’t talk. I wouldn’t talk to you for like a week.
Caitlin: Then I might.
Sharon: So you’re like, okay, Thomas, I can’t. She won’t answer my fight. But talk to her. It’s only a few. Few hours later. I’m notnna.
Caitlin: And it would be one thing to say, please talk to her for me. I’m sorry. Yeah. It’s another thing to call and be like, your wife’s not a line and she’s crazy and you got toa get her back in line. I mean, what. There’s nothing that comes from that that is at all feminist is this I know. Situation here.
Sharon: It’s bizarre.
Caitlin: So I kind of tend to believe Aion even though it seems like she’s covering her butt. But why else would she get so upset and yell at Lisa if their’re sisters and kick her out of the room? Unless Lisa was like, well, I had no idea that Carolyn was goingna spilll that. And I had no idea that you were gonna tell about the voice. It’s like she was covering her butt by lying and that pissed I on off.
Sharon: I could say that.
Caitlin: I think that’s what happened. I guess there’s no way we’ll ever know because the cameras weren’t on. We ever know. I know. Keep the cameras. Always. Roll the cameras.
Caitlin: They make up at breakfast. Initially I thought it was sweet, but it doesn’t last. So then I take it back. It wasn’t sweet. Yeah. I don’t understand. You and I were talking about earlier. Why do you think that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I mean, it’s like their friendship never recovered from that.
Sharon: Yeah. I don’t even. I have no idea. There has to be been something brewing. Think and because you know, at the reunion, what’s her face? Lisa said, oh, she was acting strange before. She got a weird vibe before.
Caitlin: Even if Caroline Stanberry was the problem, I don’t understand again how that was the straw. There’s something that goes back further and I can’t figure out what it was. And I think it’s something we don’t have any clue about. Or it’s just her lack of trust. And she can’t have more than one friend because she says to Rich, about Aon, she says now she knows she has only one friend and that’s me. So like maybe she’s just that person who’s like my friends don’t have any other friends. And the second she tried to be friendly with anybody else. But also it’s a job.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: She might not even really be friends with Stanuryay. But she’s trying to be friends with her for the show.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: Like to not understand that. I thought she was an entrepreneur. Like you have to make business relationships too. This is a business relationship in the very least. And it’s not like she told. I guess. Here’s the other thing. She betrayed her trust a little bit by telling Stanby about it. But it wasn’t like it was a secret about Lisa.
Sharon: Rightact. Exactly.
Caitlin: The secret about Sarah. It made Sarah look bad.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: It only made Lisa look bad because she shared it with Aon. Exactly. So that’s a little messy. But it’s not like she was like here’s this big secret about Lisa and she told that to stand. That’s a betrayal.
Sharon: Yeah. I mean everyone shared. Because Sarah was talking about Brooks too. Lisa. And then Lisa talks about that to Aon. And then Aon talks about that. It seem.
Caitlin: Exactly. Everyone’s equally guilty.
Sharon: Yes. It’s like everyone told everybody kind of.
Caitlin: It feels like in the least you could just say, hey, I screwed up and you screwed up. We both screwed up. We’re both idiots and. We’re like the same kind of idiots. So let’s just be friends togethere.
Sharon: We wanted to gossip.
Caitlin: Yeah. I don’t feel like that’s such a hard thing to fix.
Sharon: And it really wasn’t even like a huge deal.
Caitlin: No. And then they got over it. They moved past it. And then the thing that like really, really broke it was the fact that Lisa and Stanbury were talking about Lisa’s husband wanting to buy a house in England where he’s from. And Stanbury kind of jokingly. Well maybe not even jokingly. Maybe she was serious, said, well, you can buy my parents property. They’re selling it. The conversation seemed fine. We watched that on camera. I didn’t feel.
Sharon: I don’t know how anything came out of that.
Caitlin: Anything wrong. But then, an said that Stanbury said later that Lisa was bragging over real estate. And then Lisa goes, I believe Stanberury, who she’s hated this entire season for some reason that we’re not even entirely sure aboutah.
Sharon: But Stanberury said, I never said brag. And then I on said I never said brag. Didn’t they both.
Caitlin: I know, I thought they both said it. So then again, just say, well, there’s some confusion here.
Sharon: Or may, you know, maybe when you describe something or also like Aon, you know, o she’s English isn’t her first. She speaks English fluently. I’m not saying that.
Caitlin: No.
Sharon: But maybe like the choice of words’s true. To kind of explain something is not always 100% what you might.
Caitlin: Because sometimes she kind of gets. What is it called? Colloquialisms for. Yeah, sometimes she’ll have those a little bit in a cute way. And it’s like, yeah, maybe it’s like she said something kind of like that.
Sharon: And it didn’t m exactly mean the same thing. Exact.
Caitlin: And nobody was really laying down the gauntlet about it.
Caitlin: And if you’re not bragging, just say I wasn’t. And if Saamay said I wasn’t, then she wasn’t. It’s not like Aon was trying. Like that’s. What if she wasnna lie about something and she was going to make something into a bigger deal? Wouldn’t it be something better than m bragging about property? Everyone’s bragging. They’re all rich.
Sharon: I know.
Caitlin: They all have better property than everybody.
Sharon: Exactly. Good point. Like you don’t see. Yeah.
Caitlin: I just think the thing with Lisa and I think it was maybe Stanberury said it, but she just will latch onto anything else to kind of like shift the focus because she can’t admit the things that she does wrong or that she’s just really mad at Ion. So she’s like, well, let me find some reason I can pretend that that’s true. It’s just so weird.
Sharon: It is weird.
Caitlin: And it’s like that sort of a salt thing. Like we have these husbands that are friends and you think again, they would get their wives to be like, drop it. Let it go. I mean, she involved the husbands anyway. You think they could have fixed it and helped.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I don’t know. Online there were people saying that an acts differently around Lisa. Do you think that’s true?
Sharon: I didn’t see that.
Caitlin: I didn’t really either.
Sharon: I think in’s her own woman.
Caitlin: I think so too. Because I think to say that would say she’s a people pleaser. And she morphs into who the other people want, but she doesn’t. And she seems very stubborn. And the second she may or may not have been called a liar, she got really upset about it. So I don’t think that’s true. Yeah, I mean, unless the way she acts around Lisa is to put all the focus on Lisa and then if she took that away and it wasn’t all about Lisa anymore, that that’s what pissol Lisa off.
Caitlin: Because that might be true. That I can kind of believe. You know, I just had a thought. So she’s launching this beauty and skin line and Lisa is launching that beauty line or not beauty line, but like face stuff for her pregnancy for Mina row and has the spawn stuff. Do you think she thinks that there’s some sort of like conflict? Like I. What if she thought like, oh my gosh, she’s stealing m my skincare line idea and maybe that’s why she’s mad.
Sharon: Like how she stol like how Meredith or.
Caitlin: Yes, exactly.
Sharon: Whitney st stille her bath bombs.
Caitlin: I think it’s just like that. So that’s the whole problem.
Sharon: But ions probably aren’t from Alibaba.
Caitlin: Probably not. For Whitney’s jewelry. Might have been. So maybe they know each other. Maybe this is a crossover.
Sharon: So was hers for the face Mina Row.
Caitlin: Well, it was skincare.
Sharon: See, I just assumed it was for stretch marks because it’s pregnancy.
Caitlin: Well, it probably is, but you probably, you know, it’s probably one of those creams.
Sharon: You could use that.
Caitlin: Yah, everywhere.
Sharon: Oh yeah. It’s like coconut oils.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly, exactly. And maybe ion beauty was like, you know, when they moved into skincare, she was like, you’re stepping over your lane. Oh, you know, your lane, bro.
Sharon: This just made me think of that, the ion fashion show where they’re like, who was that was like, where’s the makeup? Blah blah blah. And then they’re like makeup, makeup.
Caitlin: I I love that.
Sharon: I was like, what do you expect them to do? Like the makeup is on their face. Like there’s nothing else they can do with it.
Caitlin: Did you want them to walk out holding them? Ye like maybe they should have. That could have been a good idea. I mean Maybe she was mad because she did get a whole fashion show and all of that press and all Lisa got was to rebrand that spa that wasn’t even her spa.
Sharon: Put stickers on it.
Caitlin: Put some stickers. She just had stickers. Her feelings are probably really, really hurt. but then if that’s the case, then maybe you should say that and not pretend it’s something else. I don’t know, it just, it’s sad because it was the only friendship. It was like really the only friendship.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Because our biggest complaint about the season is the constant moving line that we cannot put anyone into a group and we cannot figure out who’s friends with whom and none of it is the same. You have to at least have somebody who kind of stays as a friend group. Like there’s to be something that holds everybody together.
Sharon: There’s nothing that holds this group together. They could all go their separate ways.
Caitlin: And Don, no one would care.
Sharon: Anyone would care.
Caitlin: And to know that as a viewer is a huge problem. Your show works. It doesn’t work then. Because like you said, the show’about feminism, it’s about friendships, it’ how women relate. And if all this is is a random group of people who don’t give a flying anything about each other, then why are we watching what’s Exactly. So if you can’t make that work, Bravo. You gotta read the show.
Sharon: We just diagnosed the problem. I couldn’t figure out what the problem with the show was. And that is it.
Caitlin: Time of death. What is it? 11:22pm we’re calling it sorry Dubai, but we’re not personally renewing you for season three. And if we are, there’s no way Sharon’s go going to let me cover it unless somebody like Jen Shaws it or something.
Sharon: Oh my gosh.
Caitlin: Not even for the camel. Everybody likes a good camel.
Sharon: Yeah, I don’t even think I can hate watch the three season.
Caitlin: Well, there’s really nothing to hate watching.
Sharon: They hate it.
Caitlin: I mean that’s the problem. If you can’t love it and you can’t hate it, you’ve got nothing. It’s just lukewarm. Yes. All right, that’s our lukewarm report on. And that’s sad because this is our favorite person probably on the show. Yeah, yeah, it’s her. Stanberury. I mean for this to be one of our favorite people and we don’t even have that much to say about. I like her personality, but not even.
Sharon: That excited to talk about her.
Caitlin: I mean maybe she could have her own, and it might be better, but who knows? all right, well, that is our episode on Chanel Aon and, Real Housewives of Dubai, season two. All right, remember, Housewives bring the drama.
Sharon: But we bring the receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also, visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both, R on rh, for fun pictures and polls. Or email us, @rh on thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.