Caroline Stanbury tries to decide how many children she’s willing to raise.
In this episode, we discuss Caroline Stanbury storylines from Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2:
⚪Stanbury vs Sergio ⚪Stanbury vs Lesa ⚪Stanbury vs Brooks
Caitlin: Apparently there’s going to be a Real Housewives of London on that. Hey, you. Which is sort of the streaming program where you can watch housewives in, like, in Europe in 2025. So half of me wonders. Although I think Stanbury’s, like, committed to Dubai, but, like, they could put her on that, which would be interesting. Also, I think I’d really like a Real Housewives of London.
Sharon: Me too.
Caitlin: And I hope Peacock gets it, because they take some of the international. Like, I think that’s the brilliance of Peacock. So fingers crossed.
Sharon: And Cat, could be on it too.
Caitlin: Oh, I hope they put her on it.
Sharon: Are there any other British housewives?
Caitlin: Lisa Vanderpump.
Sharon: Oh, Lisa Vanderpump. Oh, my God.
Caitlin: She could be on it. I feel like there was somebody who had a fake British. Oh, Dorit. I feel like there’s one of the fake British.
Sharon: She’s a woman of the world. Yes.
Caitlin: She should be on it. You know, I don’t know if you knew this, but she wasn’t. She lived in Italy for a while.
Sharon: Was she dead? Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel Housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold onto your riches.
Sharon: This week we’re digging into Caroline Stanberry from Real Housewives of Dubai, season two.
Caitlin: The verses this week are, Stanberry versus Sergio, Stanberry versus Lisa, and Stanberry versus Brooks. All right, our background information is that Caroline is a British. She was on Bravo’s Ladies of London from 2014 to 2017, and then Dubai was in 2022. So she’s had a fairly long Bravo career, I suppose. She has a podcast called Divorce Not Dead that she started in 2020, and, she’s married to. Stuck to her like glue, Sergio, who’s a former footballer.
Sharon: Soccer player, I assume.
Caitlin: Yes. So she did a live tour of her podcast, which used to be called According to Caroline, but now it’s Divorced not Dead. she explained that she met him on her night in Newport beach, and I don’t know why he was in Newport Beach. I wanted to know that, but they didn’t say. and he, like, saw her in the audience, and their eyes, like, met, and he wasn’t supposed to be there. He went last minute.
Sharon: Where is Newport Beach?
Caitlin: California.
Sharon: Oh.
Caitlin: but it sort of sound. I don’t know. It sounded like the. I kind of want to know. Like, I feel like this is not the real story because it’s sort of like they locked Eyes Across A podcast.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Okay. Like, that’s a very modern story, but, like. Like, did he have an after the show to pass? That’s what it feels like.
Sharon: Yeah. He’s supposed to be there, but then.
Caitlin: I found out there’s this older lady.
Sharon: And she’s rich, and I’m kind of cute.
Caitlin: She’s blonde and pretty British and old money.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: He’s like, sure, I’ll go.
Sharon: Yeah, I’ll walk, guys.
Caitlin: I don’t know. And then he was like, oh, are you divorced? Not dead?
Sharon: Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: Bingo. All right, what do we think about Caroline Stanberry?
Sharon: I like her.
Caitlin: Yeah, I do, too.
Sharon: I mean, I don’t know.
Caitlin: She’s very like Lisa Vanderpump. She’s kind of that, like, dry British humor that sometimes doesn’t land, but I still like it. I liked her on Ladies of London. I don’t know if I saw all of Ladies of London, but I saw at least the first season, and she was the one I liked the most, so. Yeah, she feels really different. Like, if you told me. If you hadn’t told me they were the same person. I’m not sure she feels different on this show than she felt on that.
Sharon: Interesting. I kind of want to go back and watch Ladies of London because I saw, like. Because I was watching Dubai. They put that, like, preview in, and it looked good. It looked like old school, classic rich people, you know, in fighting.
Caitlin: Right. And I like that. let’s talk about Carolyn versus Sergio. When the issue there is, will they. Should they have a baby?
Sharon: It’s on ice.
Caitlin: Yeah, the baby’s on ice.
Sharon: They keep saying we have a baby boy on it.
Caitlin: I know. And it makes it a little creepy.
Sharon: It’s a little weird.
Caitlin: Also, I thought. I mean, I know they have one, but that’s. Again, putting all your eggs in one basket.
Sharon: Yeah, I.
Caitlin: What? How? I mean, you only have one, though. Isn’t. Isn’t that a little. Aren’t you supposed to have more than that?
Sharon: Well, I think they do a bunch, and then, like, only some of them are good.
Caitlin: Right. But so they really only have one shot at it.
Sharon: Oh, that’s right. Because it might not stick.
Caitlin: And that’s a little terrifying.
Sharon: That is terrifying.
Caitlin: Yeah. I don’t like that.
Sharon: Because, remember, he was like, you’re lucky to have an embryo that good.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: And then the.
Caitlin: Especially because they keep talking about it, it’s a boy, and it’s like, they’re, like, really attached to this embryo. Yeah.
Sharon: Like, what if you had a miscarriage?
Caitlin: I just Feel like this is so stressful.
Sharon: I’m stressed out now that you say that. The other thing is, I think Caroline was being a little ridiculous. Like she’s kind of like, well, I don’t want to do it right now.
Caitlin: It’s like, okay, she doesn’t want a.
Sharon: Baby, then you just have to say, no, we’re not doing it. I think you know what I mean. It’s like, don’t you know you can’t do it in two years.
Sharon: You’re gonna be 49. Or whatever the doctor’s telling you now. If you don’t want to do it, tell Sergio right now. Don’t be like, well, I just need to wait. I don’t need this pressure.
Caitlin: It’s like the podcast is really taking off right now.
Sharon: It’s like, then just be honest with him.
Caitlin: I think so too. Do you think they should have a baby?
Sharon: I think if she wants to be married to him, yes, they should have one. I think otherwise he feels like he’s.
Caitlin: Gonna regret it and I feel bad about that.
Sharon: Exactly. Otherwise I think they need to go their separate ways.
Caitlin: Right. I think so too.
Sharon: If she really doesn’t want a baby, then I think that they should just go separate way. If she’s like, you know what, maybe I wouldn’t. But I know he wants it and I want to stay married. Fine.
Caitlin: Because I think there’s a way that she could have it and not be as he seems to want to be, really, really involved. And she’s kind of made it clear that it would be his baby in a way. And they have enough money for nannies. Yeah, exactly. She could be a kind of uninvolved mother and let him sort of do it. But I don’t know that they should because I’m, just not sure.
Sharon: See, I don’t know either because she doesn’t want. You can tell she doesn’t want to. And I don’t blame her. Like, if you came to me right now and we’re like, I’d be like, no, absolutely not. But at the same time, you. Guys got married.
Caitlin: Right. She strung him along and it makes me feel bad. She shouldn’t have said, maybe, we’ll see.
Sharon: Yeah. And then the whole thing where she’s like, well, you know, I’m 20 years older, so he might not even. He might leave me because I’m going to be old.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: It’s like, well, I don’t understand,
Caitlin: I know. I don’t understand that either.
Sharon: It’s almost like she’s not acting like she’s in it.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: For life to keep him happy.
Caitlin: I agree.
Sharon: She’s just in it for right now, kind of going along. So she doesn’t want to really alter her life too much for him.
Caitlin: I agree. Someone online sort of said that they were kind of a Covid relationship, which I think, if you think about the timing, it, probably was, like, 2019. 2020. And so that’s why they’re so clingy and stuck together. And then she just couldn’t see, I mean, I guess, a way out of. I don’t know, like, she’s kind of tried hard to push him away. She’s kind of mean to him.
Sharon: She is.
Caitlin: And he’s not going anywhere. Like, she’s like a golden retriever or something.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: It’s puppy love.
Sharon: She’s kind of, like, harsh with him.
Caitlin: I don’t know why he’s so. So infatuated with her. I mean, I think she’s likable. I like her.
Sharon: I think she’s hot and she’s funny, and she’s rich.
Caitlin: He could have been with someone else. I mean, I.
Sharon: That rich.
Caitlin: He’s maybe not that rich because his.
Sharon: Job is, like, overseeing the building of a hotel in, like, oh, that’s right. Fiji or something. I don’t know where it was. They’re like, does he have a job? Yes, he does. This hotel.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: Because clearly. Ah, that’s just like.
Caitlin: I think he maybe needs a job. Not. Because, I mean, I think it’s fine if you don’t have a job. I have no problem with that. But I do think that, like, he needs something to do. Like, if it’s not a job, he needs a hobby. If it’s not a hobby, like, because, again, I think when you have all these people who then do all the cleaning and do all this stuff for you, there’s literally nothing for you to do. Like, I need to find something to do.
Sharon: And that’s why he wants a baby.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: But here’s the thing. If he. As much as he wants a baby, he will regret it if he doesn’t.
Caitlin: I think so. Yeah. It’s like, you. Otherwise, your love for her has to be so great that it goes over that. And I’m not sure that it is.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: And her kids seem. It was interesting seeing her as a mom this season, because we didn’t really last season, but, like, her oldest daughter, Yasmine, like, that was interesting because she and Sergio were really jabbing at each other. and her mom Was really letting her jab at him. And like, respect wise, I kind of felt like she maybe should have nipped that in the bud. But then mother wise, her daughter has kind of every right to be upset about this. There’s a divorce. There’s this like new spouse that’s like, what, her age almost.
Sharon: I think that’s probably why they’re.
Caitlin: Yeah, it’s like they’re more like siblings.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: And so I understand. That was so uncomfortable. I hated watching that.
Sharon: So is he really 27?
Caitlin: I think so.
Sharon: Oh, my gosh.
Caitlin: Yeah. That’s crazy.
Sharon: That is crazy.
Caitlin: He’s getting a little old to be a dad.
Sharon: Just kidding. Yeah, he’s like closer in age to her daughter.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Because her daughter is 17.
Caitlin: It’s funny because I kind of feel like I’m putting all the blame on her. Like, he should have realized that she’s older and doesn’t want the kids. So she should have. She should have the kid. She shouldn’t have lied to him about it. But you think he maybe could have seen that she is an older person. She has these older kids. I mean, they both should have seen these. Yeah.
Sharon: They needed to be like.
Caitlin: And they needed a plan going into it.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: And if she said, I’ll do it, but I’ll do it later, then she doesn’t. The baby kind of.
Sharon: And I think there’s two things, because on one hand, there’s the body thing. She doesn’t want to carry the pregnancy.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: Which I totally understand. On the other hand, she just doesn’t want another kid.
Caitlin: Exactly. Because she could. At this point, they said, you can now do a surrogate.
Sharon: So I think for her, the pregnancy itself is out. No matter. She’s like, if she’s doing it, she’ll get a surrogate.
Caitlin: I think so too, because she’s had all this plastic surgery and stuff now too. So it’s like, yeah, she’s not going to do that.
Sharon: Who at 47 wants to be like.
Caitlin: No, it’s like adopt and let him be the primary adopter, I guess. But. But either way, like, if you’re bringing in a kid, like to save a marriage, which is kind of what this would be, that’s not good either.
Sharon: Well, he really wants.
Caitlin: He really wants the kid. But to know that your mom maybe didn’t.
Sharon: Yeah. I don’t know. Because I wonder because a lot of. Probably a lot of women want a baby and the dad maybe doesn’t always want it.
Caitlin: Do you feel like so could work.
Sharon: You m. Know. And I’m sure that.
Caitlin: Yeah. Do you think it works the flip? It might.
Sharon: Who knows. I mean some like I think about like our kids, like Zoe for example is really close with Thomas.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Total daddy’s girl.
Caitlin: It’s true.
Sharon: A lot of girls, whatever she has that affinity for, you know. So maybe some people just naturally kind of cater to one parent or the other.
Caitlin: That’s true. So maybe if you just kind of force that in a direction.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: It’s just right now because I really liked them as a couple initially because I kind of felt like it’s against the odds and good for her and like But now I’m really worried about the relationship.
Sharon: I am too.
Caitlin: And he’s just seeming more and more desperate and that’s scaring me too.
Sharon: Like, and I wonder if also like I think he really does want a baby. But also it feels more like they’re really together.
Caitlin: Oh, I didn’t think about that.
Caitlin: Cause he was upset about the college trip with the dad.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Why would you go on a trip with your ex husband? And she’s like, it’s to look at colleges with my kid.
Sharon: Like I feel like he doesn’t feel like that. Respect. He doesn’t feel like he’s actually a husband to her.
Caitlin: No. And she doesn’t really treat him as equal at all. She probably treated that Michael guy who has a more equal partner than she does. Sergio. That’s kind of sad. So I guess we know who wins.
Sharon: Oh, and I finally understood the whole Michael pays the bill. They explained that at the reunion. Because remember I was like, why is Michael paying Stansberry’s bills?
Caitlin: And wait, so what did they say now?
Sharon: Because Michael had said something like they were tired. He was tired of Stanbury and Sergio.
Sharon: Living there. And like I’m paying their maid bill because they’re living there. So they have the household. Yeah. Okay, so it made sense after that.
Caitlin: Now I get it.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: So who wins in Stanbury versus Sergio?
Sharon: Caroline’s going to do what she wants.
Caitlin: She is going to do what she wants. I will be. Will you be. I’ll be shocked if they have the baby.
Sharon: I will be shocked too. I must say I laughed when Stan Barry was like if I get a. Like because surrogacy when she was talking was not legal in Dubai. And she’s like, well in America. And then like all of a sudden I’ll have this baby. Come. like just show up like because she’ll forget she said she had like, forget that she has baby.
Caitlin: Well, who ordered that nine months ago?
Sharon: Like when you forget you buy something.
Caitlin: It happens all the time from Amazon.
Sharon: Oh, there’s a baby.
Caitlin: Oh God. I ordered a baby. Oh God, what was I thinking? At least when you’re pregnant, the pain.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: Okay, let’s move on to Stanberry versus Elisa. And we saw Lisa at the Bravocon. Watch what happens live on the reading room.
Sharon: Yeah, I told Thomas when we saw they showed the clip. We were there.
Caitlin: We were there. She took on Sheree and like said that all of her brands were like knockoffs. Like, you know, she by Sheen or whatever like that. And then Portia, remember she broke her leg and she was limping. Remember she had to like, she had to drag her broken leg all the way over there to yell at Lisa. And in that moment I thought maybe Lisa had a future.
Sharon: And so I didn’t know Lisa at the time.
Sharon: Because remember, I’d only watched a couple.
Caitlin: And when I thought there, I thought, okay, so she’s the only one who like took someone to task.
Sharon: But see, I love Sheree.
Caitlin: Well, I did too. But I still felt like for her to go after her, that maybe she had a future as a housewife. But I just think so.
Sharon: No, I want her to get taken down.
Caitlin: Yeah, she was. It was rough this time for that. I mean, it’s like, nobody, everyone fought with her and she didn’t fight very well and she wasn’t that interesting. I felt bad. She just didn’t have it this time.
Sharon: I just don’t like her. I don’t know why I don’t like her. I just don’t like her.
Caitlin: I thought I would. I feel like she’s someone I should like. And I think that’s what gets me. I can’t figure out why I don’t like her. She’s.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Okay, So I think the heart at the Stanberry versus Lisa argument is old money versus new money. And I was reading a Vulture article and they mentioned it, and that’s when I realized, I think that’s what it is. There’s something with Lisa where she just never feels secure. And I think the old money versus new money is one thing. She’s always afraid they’re gonna lose their money. She’s also kind of that way about her husband. Like, she just doesn’t trust. Like, you can just tell. She doesn’t trust people. She doesn’t trust friends. She doesn’t trust her husband. She doesn’t trust her money. Like, I just think there’s something really insecure.
Sharon: So where did you get the feeling she doesn’t trust her money?
Caitlin: Like, because she was always kind of saying, like, I’ve got to build more. My husband and I have to work more. Like, I’ve got it, I’ve got it. Like, I didn’t feel like she was just wanting to expand the brand. Expand the brand. I also think she grew up poorer than a lot of the housewives. So I think that I just feel like she doesn’t feel like her money’s as earned as the old money thing. And I do find that to be, kind of an interesting housewives thing. And so I kind of wonder if that’s the issue with Caroline and her. Is the money question, like, you know, that is Michael bankrolling her? Where does Caroline get her money? There’s a lot about that issue.
Sharon: And I could see her being jealous because Stanberry is so confident.
Caitlin: So confident.
Sharon: Like, yeah, she’s kind of unflappable.
Caitlin: She is. Because I kind of looked. I was like, well, where does she get her money? Like, she’s not titled. They don’t have a title. Which you would think. I thought maybe her dad was like a duke or something. They’re not. Her dad’s a venture capitalist. but they do have family money. You know, her ex husband was rich. Hm. She was actually a stylist for celebrities. She ran a store called Gift Library. And that’s where. Because we were talking about where did the whole journal thing come from? Why did like Lisa say, well, you didn’t write this journal? And she said, I never said I wrote the journal. So I wondered if it came from the Gift Library.
Sharon: They didn’t yet. They should have explained that.
Caitlin: I think they should have. she had a shoe and she had like a furniture line. And I wondered, you know, sometimes footballers, soccer players make a lot of money. But I guess maybe Sergio didn’t. Or if it’s just comparable, like, I wonder what money he brought into the relationship.
Sharon: So how long ago did he retire?
Caitlin: I don’t know. That’s a good question.
Sharon: Because he’s pretty young.
Caitlin: He did not play with Beckham or Ronaldo because they were all on Real Madrid.
Sharon: So was he a good player? Because if he was, he would still be playing. Right.
Caitlin: He just said, I don’t know. Or did he have an injury? I guess I get the feeling that I,
Sharon: Because he hasn’t played for a few years. Yeah.
Caitlin: I don’t know. He’s not a big name. You don’t see People walking around with a Sergio Jersey.
Sharon: I bet you he could like come to the US and be a big name, right? Maybe if he played in like Spain or whatever.
Caitlin: Yeah, you would think that’s true, but I don’t know. He didn’t, so.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: He met Caroline in the, you know, locked eyes across the.
Caitlin: Maybe that’s why he was in California. Maybe he’s looking for a job. Who knows? do you think that Lisa was. Because it’s the whole thing that then kind of ruins everything, you know, with Ayaan and Lisa permanently. Do you think that she was bragging about property at all? I mean we saw that conversation.
Sharon: I didn’t see bragging. I didn’t see anything. And I don’t even like, I don’t even know how that turned into was.
Caitlin: An old money, new money issue where it was like, well, she has all this new money and they want to buy a house. And then Caroline Stanberry’s like, well, you could just buy my family’s old money. Yes, exactly. At the most it was like, okay, maybe there was a little like, maybe it made her feel a little not good. Yeah, but I don’t think there was anything more to it than that.
Sharon: But they were. But she was saying that What’s her face? Lisa was bragging, wasn’t she?
Sharon: Yeah. I don’t know.
Caitlin: I just think. I guess I can’t completely though understand why Lisa hates Stanbury as much as she does.
Sharon: I have no idea.
Caitlin: I mean, they said it was a first season thing and I guess she kind of came for her on Instagram, maybe after the first season. But I just think they don’t like.
Sharon: I don’t know why anyone hates each other in the show.
Caitlin: It’s very weird.
Sharon: I know. I hate them all. No, I’m kidding. I actually don’t.
Caitlin: So then you give the wind to Stanbury just because you like her more?
Sharon: Pretty much.
Caitlin: I mean, m. I think so. She did seem more confident.
Sharon: I can’t stand Lisa.
Caitlin: Yeah, I think you’re right. She was more confident.
Sharon: Does anyone like Lisa in the end?
Caitlin: I don’t know.
Sharon: I don’t think Lisa ends up with any friends.
Caitlin: Maybe her husband, Rich.
Sharon: Seriously, does she end up with any friends?
Caitlin: No. I don’t know who she’s gonna film with.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: Maybe Sarah. Sarah seems to like everybody. Just because I think Anna, like.
Sharon: Or just tolerate and everyone tolerates Sarah. Does anyone actually like Sarah?
Caitlin: I don’t think so either. So maybe they could be together. They’re on the Tolerate team. Okay, let’s talk about Stanberry versus Ayaan. So they. I don’t think it was a big fight because they kind of. They weren’t so much friends first season. Then they kind of started out a little rocky, but they were trying to mend their relationship. But it’s really the whole issue of, like, the voice note heard around the world. So there was a voice note that Lisa had that said it, was of Sarah saying, I’m not the biggest fan of Brooks after she’d kind of gone for bat to Brooks. And so I liked this. I’m going to read this Vulture article quote, because this is where when they say it like this, you realize that Caroline maybe is a little bit smarter and better at playing this game than everybody else, because they said in one fell swoop, Caroline created confusion between Sarah and Brooks, put Ayan in the hot seat, put Ayan and Lisa in Sarah’s crosshairs, and diverted attention from the issues between Talina Brooks, which would have no doubt been explosive. It’s a masterclass in deviously producing reality TV drama while on camera, the real Caroline Stanbury has finally arrived. And that she was saying she wanted to say, it was like, more like what we saw in Ladies of London. Nice.
Sharon: I like it.
Caitlin: And it’s like, okay, see, I want to see more of that. But I feel like, like you said, nobody likes anybody enough, so nobody has enough. Like, these were the only people who had any loyalty to each other. I think if there’s no loyalty to exploit, then, there’s not much for Caroline to do. Like, she’s working, like. And now I feel bad for her. Like, she’s playing at another level.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And she can’t get there because no one else will join her at that.
Sharon: Oh, God.
Caitlin: So I don’t know. I mean, again, okay, yeah, she shouldn’t have spilled Ayan’s drama, but Ayan shouldn’t have spilled Lisa’s drama. And again, nobody likes anybody, so what does it matter?
Sharon: Exactly. Exactly.
Caitlin: She saw a choice to stir the pot, and I think, good for her. It was one of two interesting things that happened this year.
Sharon: Exactly. And then they were like, she knew about the voice note, before Jade.
Caitlin: I was like, I wonder if she did. But we could talk about that more in the Ayan episode.
Sharon: I don’t really want to. To be honest or not.
Caitlin: I did, like, when they made up sh on the swing in Bali, just because that was a really pretty scenic, interesting spot. I enjoyed that. Like, you know, that has to be a big Instagram spot. But it was also nice to see somebody finally just kind of have a one on one conversation.
Caitlin: And remove some of the other people. Because sometimes, especially here, where there are no loyalties, it gets so confusing.
Sharon: It does.
Caitlin: So it’s like, thank you for stopping in at least trying to explain what.
Sharon: Was going on to.
Caitlin: I don’t know. The only thing is that I wish Tamber had kind of said I didn’t do it to mess up your friendship with Lisa. Because I don’t think she was trying to mess up Lisa. And I wanted her to just say I was trying to mess up Sarah’s friendship with Brooks because that’s what she was trying to do.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: And like, if she’d really just owned that, I think it would have been even more interesting. Yes. Because again, then Brooks would have had a reason to be as angry at her. I don’t know who wins in Ion versus Stanbury.
Sharon: Stanberry always wins.
Caitlin: Yeah, I think so too. Yep. She wins the episode.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: We’ll just write it off right now.
Sharon: She wins it.
Caitlin: All right, well, that is our episode on Caroline Stanbury, Real Housewives of Dubai. We have a few more Dubai episodes to get through.
Caitlin: And then probably next we’ll be moving on to oc. So excited. A lot of good drama there.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: All right, remember, Housewives bring the drama.
Sharon: We bring the receipts.
Caitlin: Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. And if you’d like to help support the podcast, please share it with others or leave a rating and review. Also, visit us on Instagram and threads, both@rhonrh for fun pictures and polls, or email thanks again. And remember to stay out of the shade.