Drew takes out the trash when Ralph “Throws Us Away.”
In this episode, we discuss Drew Sidora storylines from Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 15:
- Drew vs Kandi…
- Drew vs Ralph…
Episode Transcript (generated by eddy.headliner.app)
Sharon: I thought you weren’t allowed to call.
Caitlin: It couture unless you’re technically couture. unless you’re in the couture region of France.
Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your peaches.
Sharon: This week, we’re digging into Drew Sedora from Real Housewives of Atlanta. Season 15.
Caitlin: So our verses this week are Drew versus Candy and the big important one, drew versus Ralph.
Sharon: drew is an actress. She’s worked since childhood. She is an aspiring singer. She was in the Step Up movie, and on the soundtrack with one.
Caitlin: Of our boyfriends, Channing Tatum.
Sharon: And I love the movie. Step up. So I was like, oh, I was super excited that she went back and, ah, watched Ralph. Pittman is who she was is married to getting divorced.
Caitlin: It’s complicated.
Sharon: They have two kids together and she has a child from her previous relationship. and they met while she was promoting the Crazy Sexy Cool, the TLC Story movie.
Caitlin: Kind of feel like that’s a little, like, crossover almost with Candy since she’s written things for them all. M right. So Drew’s had a hard season. her dad was really sick, so she was kind of missing in the earlier episodes. And then she goes through major marriage issues with Ralph. let’s start because the Ralph thing is just such a big thing to leap into. Let’s start a little bit with Candy and kind of deal with that and then we’ll deal with Ralph. Just as a side note, I hate Ralph. Whenever I say Ralph enters the room in my notes, I always put the little vomiting emotion. I say it virtually not a fan of the Ralph Ralph. see, and even that’s the sound that comes with Ralph.
Sharon: So hey, isn’t Ralph like when they’re, like, throw up?
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. See, sometimes your name is sometimes you’re just like, that name really fits a person. Yeah, and I feel like that’s true here, probably. All right, so Drew calls Candy a liar, and Candy does not like being called a liar because Candy said that Drew kissed LaToya at Cynthia Bailey’s 2020 bachelorette party. So this is a couple of seasons ago. Candy swears she saw it. Kenya also kind of says she saw it, but not as, straightforward. Like she came down to get something for her daughter and maybe caught something. Marlowe claims that she saw it, but then reels it back to only 80% sure that she saw it because Drew was so firm in her belief that it didn’t happen. So what’s interesting is LaToya says at the reunion that it happened. Then she recants it in another interview. And then Drew makes the point that Candy kind of recanted it, too. But when you watch that back, it’s sort of like Candy’s like, yeah, okay, it didn’t happen. You can tell. She’s just like, all right, maybe I didn’t see it, but, she thinks she I mean, like, it’s obvious that she wasn’t really going. Oh, I was like, when people are just really looking for an like, I feel like that’s what happened here. So Drew says that Candy wanted to warm her up to the idea of this role. So Tod has this movie, candy’s husband, Tod the pass. Drew’s going to star in it. And in it, she plays this woman who gets a pass to have a relationship outside of, her marriage. She has it with a woman. So it’s a lesbian relationship. So Drew claims that Candy is making up this rumor to warm her up to the idea of the role, which just makes zero. Yeah. What do we think about, like, why.
Sharon: Would you want to make your star?
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: She already agreed to do the role.
Caitlin: Exactly. So either she takes and does it or she doesn’t. If you’re uncomfortable with it, you don’t do it. Exactly. So it doesn’t make any sense. I think it would have made more sense if she said, like, she was trying to drama press for the movie. She’s trying to create drama on the show so that the movie did better. That’s not what she claims. So again, whatever. It doesn’t really make any sense to me.
Sharon: Yeah, it’s in.
Caitlin: Just they go back and forth at, bedroom Candy, which know Candy’s, line of toys, LaToya comes to that event, and they all go over to the side and they say, this didn’t happen. Look, she’s here. I brought her here.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: How do you feel about it? I’m a little suspicious, to be perfectly honest.
Sharon: I kind of think it did happen. I kind of believed candy.
Caitlin: Yeah. So do we think that Drew is saying it didn’t happen because her relationship with Ralph is problematic because she’s getting.
Sharon: Divorced and she’s look bad? Like, yeah. Cheated. I think that’s a ah.
Caitlin: Because, you know, Ralph is so weird when she’s talking about the lesbian scenes in the, trailer. He is. That it’s? Like, maybe, but he was also, like, oddly guy happy about it. Lesbian stuff. Love that. so I don’t know whether she just didn’t want to, I don’t know, fuel that with him, or whether she legitimately thought in a divorce, it would come back that she cheated and she could lose I don’t know, something in the divorce.
Sharon: But really she just kissed.
Caitlin: Exactly. I’m not sure I would call it why would Kian work through that in therapy? But let’s be honest about it.
Sharon: What else could I’m like, okay. Unless she was just whispering something to her.
Caitlin: Right.
Sharon: And Candy saw that.
Caitlin: But why wouldn’t you say, like, oh.
Sharon: Well, I was whispering.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: Or would you say, like, it just looked like a peck to me. But when I say I saw someone kissing, I mean, I would assume that would be like making sure.
Sharon: Me too.
Caitlin: Not like, I saw someone give a peck on the cheek.
Sharon: Right. If I saw the giveaway, that would be I saw someone I saw she kissed her and just peck give her.
Caitlin: Yes, exactly. And there’s like a way your arms would be too. Like you’re not just going to kiss someone with your arms, like, behind your back, hands folded in your lap. Yeah. So I’m sorry, but I believe Candy in this. I just don’t see why she would lie about it.
Sharon: I don’t either.
Caitlin: I mean, I don’t want to call you a liar, and they’re kind of mean and they say, like, she’s sort of a storyteller and that she makes things up. I’m not sure that that’s true. I just think that for some reason she doesn’t want this to be true and she’s written this own history in her head.
Sharon: Agree.
Caitlin: I think she got to LaToya. Somehow.
Sharon: I guess.
Caitlin: I don’t know why LaToya. Would necessarily lie for her, though. But at the same time, that’s kind of vibe I feel like I get. I agree. Sorry, Drew. okay. Versus Ralph. so the background information, they start out the season claiming they’re in a better place than last season.
Caitlin: they have a song together called Already Know. She sings it, he produces it. They kind of say that their happy place is in the music studio. There’s a fun moment where Drew there’s a crossover episode between the franchises where Drew performs with Real Housewives of Potomac. Candace. Yes.
Sharon: I was okay. Because Candace, I love Ah.
Caitlin: Candace.
Sharon: And it was funny because it was only like 30 seconds and everyone was kind of made fun of it ah.
Caitlin: Because it was so short and the women were like, well, we really just wanted more. And I’m like, I think that’s kind of how we all felt.
Sharon: It was a little obvious,
Caitlin: But it was nice of her to feature her.
Sharon: Yes, it was.
Caitlin: It’s funny because I felt like Candice early on kind of got flak for not being super professional or that she was just kind of like, starting out and wanting to sing, but could she really sing? But she looked so professional at the event, and Drew looked kind of like the up and comer that it gave Candice even more clout. I felt like, wow, Candice looks like a pro now.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: It’s just funny because we kind of saw her in the earlier phases, and to see her now, it’s like, oh, look how far she came. Good for you. Go, Candace. so Ralph okay. One of the reasons that I hate Ralph and there’s many, but he’s really controlling and I think you get snaps of that during the show. So the big thing for me that bothers me a lot is that there’s issues with her sister, Allison. So they are going to make this music video that was kind of the culmination of, drew and Allison’s work together because Allison’s her older sister, but she was her manager for a lot of years, and there was a time where Ralph had banned her from the house.
Caitlin: So she had to go to the hospital. Like, I think it was during the pandemic for a mental health break, But Ralph keeps going on and on about how much he was hurt by her sister. She made these serious accusations against him about being controlling and manipulative, which he then proved wasn’t true, by controlling and manipulating her sister into not being in their house. So good job proving that, Ralph. and I hate it makes me so mad, because when he says, I don’t want to trigger your sister.
Sharon: I know.
Caitlin: Okay. But he does let her be there. And they actually have, like, a sweet moment when they do the music video, which everyone makes fun of because it’s at the roller skating rink, and all I could think of was Jersey and everybody getting hurt.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: but he gives his sister a hug and says, like, I’m glad that you guys are back together and that you like, I appreciate that. It looks like here’s what I worry about with Ralph. I worry that he’s, like, great at these little PR moments that make stuff look good. He kind of does it at the reunion too. Yeah, that was a beautiful song. I just want yeah. She’s just so, like, do you believe anything Ralph says? Or it’s not just me.
Sharon: No. He comes off a little just like yeah. Disinterest. I don’t know. Because I do believe in when he said she’s really talented. I believe that, he meant that. But I also don’t get this just totally loving, generous vibe from him either.
Caitlin: Because initially, I remember kind of like, checking to see where you were without wanting to tell you how much I hate about and I was kind of like and initially, you were like, as much as you guys last season. He was really bad.
Sharon: So I don’t hate him as much. I actually find it more entertaining, just this whole thing about him leaving town.
Caitlin: Where she didn’t know where he was. Three days.
Sharon: Like, when you’re on a show.
Caitlin: I have an idea. I think he and Courtney were at the Olive Garden and the Holiday Inn down in Tampa.
Sharon: Holiday.
Caitlin: Oh, my God.
Sharon: I want to be at the Olive Garden.
Caitlin: I know. I do so bad. Bye, guys. We’re going to the Olive Garden.
Sharon: I’d hang out with Ralph. If he took me to the Olive.
Caitlin: Garden, I wouldn’t sorry. I like the Olive Garden, but I don’t like Ralph.
Sharon: Well, we see what you really I’ll.
Caitlin: Go with you to Olive Garden. I will not go with Ralph garden. He would ruin the Olive Garden for me. I’m not going to let that happen? No, ralph sucks. But breadsticks are big personal issues about, you know, they’re in Portugal. The other issue that comes up a lot for Drew this season is this is such a confusing story. This is another one of those where I’m like, are we getting the full story? Which I guess is kind of maybe another theme of Drew’s this season.
Sharon: Are we getting the full story?
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: Because the whole thing with LaToya yes. And then with Ralph are we getting the full story? And then with Courtney Chef. Chef babysitter.
Caitlin: So there’s, like, this chef that came in to audition. I mean, they have, like, a full time chef in their house. It’s just awesome. Such a life goal. But she comes in and she brings, like, pans of food, and according to Ralph and there’s, like, wig hair left in, like, weave hair. Like, big chunks of hair. Like a piece of the weave.
Sharon: I thought it was just, like, a.
Caitlin: Piece no, like a chunk of hair. Okay, here’s the thing.
Sharon: If she was a really amazing chef, I think you would just be like, this was so good. But there was a chunk of hair. Yeah. Can you get the chunk? Can we not do that again?
Caitlin: Describe. It makes me seem like she just was like she’s a clout chaser.
Sharon: Yeah. It made me feel like she was it’s not like the weave hair was the issue. It’s like she sucked.
Caitlin: Yes, exactly.
Sharon: And she had hair, and then it’s.
Caitlin: Also, like, clearly, Chefing wasn’t her passion.
Sharon: Because then she said she’s also, like, just babysitting on the side or other.
Caitlin: Position, what kind of an interview was. But she didn’t talk to the kids. She got and made herself a plate, and that’s right. Yeah, that’s right.
Sharon: That would be me. They’d be like, that’s how I babysit.
Caitlin: Plate of pasta.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So that didn’t work, but then she’s suing them for a so Drew’s really upset in Portugal, and Kenny’s like, how much is that divided by yeah, I agree. Make it go away. And she’s like, no, there’s more of.
Sharon: An issue they say was $10,000 later.
Caitlin: Yeah. I can’t decide if it just looked bad if this girl knew something extra that she was hiding or I don’t know what happened there. But I think the problem is, I don’t think Drew’s as upset about that as she is about everything going on with Ralph And that it all kind of gets stuck together when they’re in Portugal. and we also kind of learn, like, the producers are kind of like, was there something you’re not telling? Like, she’s talking about again? There was this part where Ralph went off to film not film, maybe be in the show.
Sharon: Magic Mike.
Caitlin: Magic Mike spinoff or whatever, in, like.
Sharon: which is funny, because she worked.
Caitlin: With she could if he’d asked m me, she could have gotten him into the show, but he didn’t. But I think the bigger thing is it just like she says, our foundation is WOBLY, so nothing everything is going to create a wedge between us, which is just true. I mean, you can see it when they’re talking about what happened in Vegas. You can see it when they go on that bowling date, and they just can’t they’re not on the same page.
Caitlin: And there’s starting to be animosity there And it’s like you can tell they’re kind of reaching a point of no return.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: it’s like everyone watching is like, just get divorced. Absolutely. Get off our screen. And then it’s like my other favorite moment. It’s like that one couple that went on New Jersey and they went to therapy that one time, and it totally fixed them. Oh, yeah. And it’s like, Drew’s still going to therapy, and Ralph’s like, well, I haven’t, but I’ve been doing a lot of work on myself. Don’t you think? Like, you don’t just get to I don’t, like, think about it once a day when you’re making your oatmeal in the morning and be like, I am so much. I’m healed. It’s like the whole point is your communication between each other. It’s like the counselor even says to like, one is Enough was like it was like two episodes ago. I can tell you the answer.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And then when she’s filming the Pass okay, for one thing, I hate, because Ralph totally fat shames that assistant. Oh, yeah. When they’re sitting in the trailer, and he goes to get out, and he’s like, oh, can you even get out of like, that was just like, okay, this is where Drew’s, like, I mean, like, leave him. Yeah. Not a good person. And he’s just so self involved. Like, he just doesn’t have any room for anybody know, the kids aside and everything else. Just his relationship with other grownups is not good. And when they’re not working on themselves in therapy, he says he loved moving out of the bedroom. He moved out of the bedroom, and she had to text with the kids and explain why. Again, it’s kind of like the Tampa thing. You don’t get to just leave and not tell anybody. When you leave, you got to clean up your mess. And he’s, got kids, and he needs to explain what happens. You can’t just leave the kids for three days and leave the mom, like, not knowing what happened. And you don’t just move out of the bedroom and then not explain to anybody what happened and then counseling. And he goes, well, we have these friends, and they sleep in different bedrooms, and they’re fine. And then she’s like, yeah, but they’re getting divorced. And then he goes, yeah, but who doesn’t get divorced? What is that? You can just tell. He can’t ah, handle it’s just so bizarre not having a rebuttal to every single thing. I don’t know. It’s the weirdest thing. so then after two months after filming wraps, they go back. They could bring the cameras back because Drew files for divorce. They both rushed to the courthouse. Yeah, but Drew won.
Sharon: Yeah. And what was with that whole getting rushed? I don’t like, does it matter who gets there? Yeah, I wasn’t fully clear.
Caitlin: I was wondering if certain states it matters. Yeah, I don’t think it matters here. I don’t know. Just picture like there’s like a movie.
Sharon: I know.
Caitlin: And it’s like, here comes his taxi. Here comes her taxi. And then they’re running with the paperwork. So the other rumor is that Drew is dating a woman now. So this kind of gives some sort of credits to the whole lesbian kissing issue.
Caitlin: It’s a one basketball player named Ty. They’re friends from the movie. Although this is confusing too. I kind of thought she was in the movie. She wasn’t. She was like a friend of another actor in the movie.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Do you think there’s anything with the tie rumor? Probably yeah, I don’t know.
Sharon: I don’t know. I think there probably is.
Caitlin: You know what’s so funny? I wouldn’t be surprised if I feel protective about it because I don’t want there I’m going to go outside the franchise here. I don’t want there to be anything in the rumor between Kyle Richards on Beverly Hills and her friend who everyone’s like, oh, this woman, the singer. I can’t think of her name right now, but they’re just friends. But they’re being constantly photographed together. The woman has like a tattoo of her initial of Kyle’s initial on her body. Oh, I didn’t see any of all like this is all like this big, big thing. And it’s like, is she cheating on Mauricio with a woman? And everyone’s don’t but the thing is, I love she and Mauricio. I have no problem with her having a relationship with a woman, but I love her and just we ship them. I guess part of me is like, well, maybe Drew isn’t doing it because I’m like, maybe Kyle isn’t doing but.
Sharon: If Drew is doing a more power tour because Ralph sucks, we don’t want Kylie to do it.
Caitlin: And I guess I don’t know what the problem is again, is you having a relationship during a divorce. A huge problem.
Sharon: You’re getting divorced.
Caitlin: Also, is there like an issue with it? Technically, sexting in Georgia that in other states isn’t an issue. Why is this such a problem? Exactly.
Sharon: And technically he filed first, so hey, you filed for divorce.
Caitlin: I’m m going to go date some I don’t understand. I don’t understand. I don’t understand it.
Sharon: I just think it’s maybe because it’s saying, okay, then these earlier rumors and you were cheating on me, maybe claim that.
Caitlin: Right. It proves that point. Yeah, but again, did anyone ever ask, but do they have a prenup? I wonder, is this going to be more contentious or has it been worked through a little.
Sharon: was, he, like, wealthy before, or was she wealthy?
Caitlin: I don’t know. But she had been acting, but she.
Sharon: Wasn’T like a maybe not.
Caitlin: I don’t know. But it would make it simpler, I think, if they had one. Although not always. We saw Ashley Darby in Potomac, so there you, go. I’m just throwing all the other fans. She had a yeah, she did.
Sharon: And it still apparently wasn’t written or vetted or she didn’t have a good lawyer look at her.
Caitlin: So my favorite part of the whole season, though, is when we get I mean, we go through all the interviews about the divorce airing. We get to the reunion, and it’s like the most tense moment ever on Housewives. So they bring Ralph out. It’s just awful. It’s horrible. The whole thing is a mess. There’s rumors. We’re talking about everything. Sheree has text messages. Courtney’s brought in. I mean, it’s like we’re going through this mini little trial at the reunion, which is just like know it’s he said, she said. It’s like this, back and forth, and it’s just too soon in the divorce. It’s like, I really almost think Bravo shouldn’t have brought Ralph out, because I don’t think it added anything, and I think it’s yes, it did.
Sharon: It added this really we could have.
Caitlin: Just brought him out, but he shouldn’t have gotten to talk because I can’t stand him.
Sharon: They should have just sat him out there on a chair so she could sing to him.
Caitlin: So she comes out and sings to what is it?
Sharon: Take out the trash or what was it?
Caitlin: Oh, my gosh. Was it called? And I don’t know if I wrote it. What if I didn’t write it down? How embarrassing is that? You give it a goob. Drew reunion. Throw it away. Why did you throw it away? Throw it away. Don’t throw it away. Why, did you throw it away? Or something like that. I like, that way better. Throw us away, throw us away now. I was just like, oh, my gosh, it’s not trash day. Did I take out the trash? That’s all I can okay, well, he did throw them away. Yeah. And so did she, to be fair. I mean, they both did at the reunion.
Sharon: She sings her new song because she is a singer. And she sings this song called throw us away to Ralph.
Caitlin: I wanted to crawl into the couch.
Sharon: It’s about Ralph.
Caitlin: I couldn’t handle it.
Sharon: And Andy sits on the couch, and Drew sits in, like, Andy’s chair.
Caitlin: Andy’s never sat on the couch before.
Sharon: And he’s so excited, and oh, my God. So first of all, I know nothing about, like I don’t, even know if I’m listening to things. I thought she sounded bad, but I don’t know if I know.
Caitlin: I can’t tell if it was just so forced, right? Did they run a track behind her?
Sharon: There was music. Okay. There was and there was, like, the background singers, whatever.
Caitlin: Okay, so then, yeah, she sounded like not on key. Everyone’s reactions were painful. You saw everyone trying to come with their persona. Like, Marla was, like, closing her eyes.
Sharon: Trying not to laugh or something.
Caitlin: Shrey was, like, trying to look, like, super supportive. And like, she looked the most normal, though. I think she’s probably trying not to laugh. Yeah, she was probably like, I could.
Sharon: Have yeah, I could have m girl, I can’t.
Caitlin: Sitting there like Joey on the couch. He’s just, like, so excited.
Sharon: But then Andy makes this horrified face.
Caitlin: Like, that was the best moment. It’s his eyes of terror.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So it’s super awkward because it’s just like, I kind of need therapy. And then after Ken, what do you think about the song?
Sharon: And then after they ask Ralphie, he’s like, well, she’s really talented, but there’s.
Caitlin: Like, this awkward pause for a second. And it reminded me of when your mom’s like, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. So for a second, he was kind.
Sharon: Of like, during this song, he’s just sitting there looking ahead.
Caitlin: He barely even blinked. Well, I felt bad for a little.
Sharon: Like, what is he supposed to do?
Caitlin: Imagine what was going through his head. She’s probably like, don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t laugh. That’s probably going through my head. Or who, wins in this? I knowbody. wins in a divorce. Or do you want to call it?
Sharon: I’m going to call it, actually, I think I don’t know.
Caitlin: Don’t say Ralph.
Sharon: I was kind of going to say, no, we don’t know yet because the divorce. But I think Drew has some issues and she’s coming out looking more desperate. I feel like he looks more confident.
Caitlin: You’re right.
Sharon: She seems like she’s kind of scattered.
Caitlin: Or like you’re right. Scattered.
Sharon: I don’t know.
Caitlin: Yeah. Then it’s not that is true. She does seem a lot more desperate in it.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: I mean, I guess I feel like if the rumor never proves itself to be true, then it’s kind of a draw. They’re just in a bad marriage. But last season, I would have said that he was the loser for sure because he just was so awful. And I don’t like the way he was with Allison, and I don’t like, he’s a huge walking red flag. There’s these moments with him. It’s like the controlling, and I don’t like it. It makes me uncomfortable. It’s like when someone’s singing a breakup song right. At, all the times it’s happened to me, I just never know what to do.
Sharon: Good thing Thomas can’t sing.
Caitlin: Such a common experience.
Sharon: You are totally safe.
Caitlin: And David can’t remember lyrics to anything ever. So we’re safe.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: All right. Just make sure that nobody moves out of the bedroom and then lies about it also. And she was like, I have the text, because her son asked her on text. Oh, gosh.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Also, that just made me think of the future with our kids. They’re going to stop talking to us.
Sharon: And they’re just going to text things. No, I’m kidding.
Caitlin: Like, wear the bagels. That’s our future.
Sharon: Oh, God.
Caitlin: All right, so this is, I think, one of our last episodes of Atlanta. We’re going to move on to OC after this. OC. Real Housewives of OC. Yeah, it’s a little awkward in places, too. That’s just kind of a subtitle if I think of a lot of the seasons this year.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: All right, well, remember, Housewives, bring the drama.
Sharon: We bring the receipts.
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