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Cary and Mark Deuber bring out the worst in LeeAnne… especially when she’s had a valium.

In this episode, we discuss Cary Deuber storylines from Real Housewives of Dallas Season 2:

⚪Cary vs LeeAnne ⚪Cary vs Mark

Episode 92 on Spotify

Caitlin: Do you think Carrie would have a storyline without Mark?

Sharon: Good question. Because a lot of her story, you know, I don’t think she would.

Caitlin: I don’t think so either.

Sharon: Now that you say that, it’s like.

Caitlin: He’S maybe the more important housewife he is.

Sharon: Well, when you think about it, he’s the most important husband on the show.

Caitlin: I think he was the only one invited to the reunion. So, I guess it’s.

Sharon: And it’s weird because I like him, but I don’t like him.

Caitlin: Me too. You feel the same way? Like, I respect him, maybe, but I don’t like him.

Sharon: Like, I think I’d go to him for a plastic surgeon.

Caitlin: Yeah, but I wouldn’t be married to him.

Sharon: Exactly. Well, he’s rich.

Caitlin: Oh, okay. I take it back. He’s a place in Switzerland.

Sharon: And I also don’t believe that he wants to have sex with her every day.

Caitlin: That’s true. So that would be lovely. Hi, this is Caitlin.

Sharon: And this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing so chic. Hold onto your charitable donations.

Sharon: This week we’re digging into Carrie Duber from the Real Housewives of Dallas season two, which aired August to November 2017.

Caitlin: The verses this week are Carrie versus Leann and Carrie versus Mark. So the background info on Carrie is she’s a crna and works with her plastic surgeon husband, fashionisto. I wanted to use that word. Mark Duber. They have one daughter, Zuri, and who has Sharon’s favorite line.

Sharon: I need to go watch frozen. I think she might even say again.

Caitlin: Yeah, she has very important standards for her day and she is a stepmom. All right, let’s talk about Carrie versus Leann. So it’s really not so much Carrie personally. It’s really her husband Mark. So Leanne is really the champion of 80,000 rumors about Mark last season and even worse ones this season. So the number one is she gets really odd when she maybe has taken a valium. Maybe she’s just crazy. Who knows when she goes to get her boob job at the discount vagina. Anyway, she’s worried that Carrie’s gonna judge her and that she says Carrie’s gonna come for me one day and it won’t be pretty.

Caitlin: And then she threatens that she knows that Mark gets favors at the roundup and she knows the men about who did it. But then at the reunion, she acts like she doesn’t know.

Caitlin: I don’t know. It’s hard to read on that one, but she says, I’m gonna read the quote again. We did it in her episode, too, but it’s just so fun. I grew up with lots of things in my hands, and they’re not knives. They’re just hands, but they work quite well. So that’s her threat, which I guess I would take to mean she was going to strangle her.

Sharon: That’s what I took.

Caitlin: I keep thinking Edwards says her hands a little bit, too, like, her hands are knives. Like, she was picturing that in her sedated state or something.

Sharon: I don’t know what she. Oh, my God.

Caitlin: But she does actually comment Carrie a little personally when she says she does bring forth the rumors that Carrie kind of maybe said, like, a doctor wasn’t super fit to do the mommy boob job. Maybe said he killed some people. Do you think there’s truth to that? I think there could. I think. Okay.

Sharon: I very well think she might have said that.

Caitlin: I think she might have given Brandi her honest opinion.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: There is no way that she can admit to that on tv at all.

Sharon: She’s a professional.

Caitlin: She can’t ruin someone else’s career. And I think it’s really awful, Leanne, to bring that up.

Sharon: I agree, too, because Carrie actually did you a favor.

Caitlin: She did.

Sharon: If I knew someone who a doctor was, like, really not good.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: I would want that person to tell me. Now, if you go and throw it against, then it’s like, you. That’s not correct. Exactly.

Caitlin: Because, like, you asked her opinion, I’m sure.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And she’s someone whose opinion you should trust in that area.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: And how awful would Carrie feel if something had happened, a brand said anything? You know, it’s like sometimes you feel like, I wish people would shut up, but if the opposite happened, you’d be like, I wish you’d said something. Because I didn’t know what to do.

Sharon: Yeah. Because it’s very looked down upon in the medical administrative. Speaks poorly. However, people do kind of do this thing like, oh, you’re seeing that? Okay, m. Well, you know, I know this doctor. You know?

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: You might like them better.

Caitlin: Yeah. So, I mean, I feel like there’s no way that Carrie and Leanne can ever trust each other or no way the second Leigh Ann launches onto anything that is a Carrie rumor, like, she finds out that Carrie said that Rich has a small personal area, and she won’t let that go. Carrie does admit that she said it, which I appreciate. She was being honest. But again, then she just has to use that as an excuse. Even though she said the roundup thing before she knew that rumor.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: she also tries to talk to Mark at the sparkle dog launch and he’s like, do you respect me? And what we were talking about was interesting is she says yes, but I think it’s only because she knows her fiance, richest, really respects Mark and Carrie. Yeah, I’m not sure that Leigh Anne does.

Caitlin: But she respects rich and for some reason rich, like. Yeah, because he’s a normal, nice human.

Sharon: Being who wants to marry her, weirdly.

Caitlin: Exactly. I don’t understand that at all. But they bring up the nanny rumors about Carrie because Brandy knew that maybe she’d been a nanny and then she said she was supposed to hide it, which I don’t buy that at all. She just.

Sharon: Either.

Caitlin: She was trying to backtrack herself out of that mess.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: I mean, and again, there’s a point now at which who cares?

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Who cares if she was the nanny? Who cares if she. And whether she. But she was not like assigned the title nanny. She probably did watch the kids multiple times.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: She and Mark were probably close. Maybe something happened, maybe something didn’t happen. It’s really who cares? They’re married now.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: They have a child. Lay off.

Sharon: That’s how I see it. I’m like, they’re together now. They obviously belong together. They have a kid together. She gets along fine with her step kids.

Caitlin: It’s like I’m still like dying to know who Mark’s wife was because I feel like there’s some sort of loyalty there with Leann or something. because remember she kind of said that Heidi of the gothic, fair corndog story kind of knew her. So like, I kind of wonder if she just wants like at all costs to like defend this other friend’s friend or something. Because I don’t understand who she thinks she’s hurting here. Except for like Zuri and the stepkids.

Sharon: Right?

Caitlin: You’re not hurting. I mean, you’re really not hurting.

Sharon: And it’s like almost like even when she tells me that she was the nanny.

Sharon: It’s like, I don’t care. I mean, obviously I’m not judging her.

Caitlin: Like, I broke up, their marriage started. Yeah. I don’t know.

Sharon: So it’s like, are we supposed to like think she’s a horrible person because of that? It’s like, I honestly couldn’t care less.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Sharon: I see them together now and whatever.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: You know, also, if Rich likes Mark.

Caitlin: Why do you think she’s coming for him. Like, if rich is like, this is my friend, I don’t know. Why wouldn’t she back off? She just does not like, care. I think they’re both kind of strong Personalities and there’s something there that just, they are.

Sharon: Carrie’s weird, though. She’s strong.

Caitlin: She backs off.

Sharon: But then sometimes she seems really insecure.

Caitlin: To me and she defers to her husband on almost everything. She’s strong until Mark says, I can’t believe you said that.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And then she shows up at the reunion and goes, I so sorry that I said that. Which is interesting. Yeah. Do you think there’s any way they could ever move past this and be friends?

Sharon: I don’t think so, no. I never see them being friends ever.

Caitlin: Nope. Okay. Who wins? Carrie or Leigh Anna? I think so too. Yeah. I mean, Leanne made a mess, but she doesn’t come out looking good and she doesn’t really affect anything.

Sharon: But I think she did. She really messed Carrie up, though. She messes Carrie up more than Carrie messes Lyanna mentally.

Caitlin: Yeah. That is absolutely fair. Yeah. And creates more problems for her than she did the opposite way.

Caitlin: Okay, let’s talk about Carrie versus Mark. So this is about their work home balance. Carrie wants to not miss, like, important moments with Suriya. Mark loses his bleep about this and we see a side of him that is not pretty. Yeah. He was much more controlled and pr friendly last season. what do you think about Mark this season?

Sharon: He had a few jerk moments and.

Caitlin: They were big jerk moments.

Sharon: Yeah. And it really made, I think overall I still like him.

Caitlin: I like him better than Brian.

Sharon: Yes. Ditto. But he really did come off as just like mean. It was mean, like not understanding or loving.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: I don’t know.

Caitlin: Yeah, absolutely. Cause it’s like you could see how some of his personality traits are good as a plastic surgeon.

Caitlin: But like, you still have to care about people at home. You can’t just bark orders.

Sharon: Right.

Caitlin: Like, he really doesn’t. He expects everybody to do what he says.

Sharon: Ah, always.

Caitlin: And the fact that she doesn’t is a hard thing. And kids aren’t going to either.

Caitlin: And they think maybe he didn’t expect that.

Sharon: And also being a plastic surgeon, it’s like he can hire another nurse to.

Caitlin: Work with him and we’ll be married to her.

Sharon: Yeah. I mean, I don’t understand.

Caitlin: Yeah, he almost put like too much faith into that relationship. Like he’s like she’s been his nurse for so long, he can’t function without it.

Sharon: It’s like he can’t have a different. It’s like you can get to know another nurse. You know, she could still come in if you needed somebody.

Caitlin: Yeah. Carrie and Mark have cam and court over to dinner, and that’s the worst.

Sharon: Oh, this is horrible.

Caitlin: Like, zuri’s there. Mark’s throwing Carrie, under the bus about working less. And also, like, zuri’s annoying him.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And then they have this fight in front of cam in court, and you could just tell they would like to, like, sink into the floor and disappear.

Sharon: It’s so awkward.

Caitlin: It’s one of the worst. Almost as bad as Brian Redmond.

Sharon: It is.

Caitlin: I looked up Carrie’s blogs. Remember rob of blogs?

Caitlin: Anyway, I looked up Carrie’s blog about it, and she said this. I’m pissed about Mark’s behavior, and so is he. Dinner with court and Cam was a long time coming. The problem is Mark always looks forward to intermittent dinners and likes to sharpen his chef skills and make our houseguest feel special. There’s a lot he needs to chill out about, and it could probably start right here. It was supposed to be all grown ups thing, but at the last minute, I decided to keep Zuri because I wanted more Zirzur time. But now I kind of see the issue. He didn’t expect Zuri to be there, so that was just interesting. I could have let Mark know sooner or had Cam and court bring their kids, too. But who cares if she’s a distraction for everyone? She’s four. But I can see what the issue was. Yeah. Mark didn’t need to be so visibly annoyed that night. Everyone has it in them to be and, bleed. Like most surgeons. Mark is an expert. This year has been tough, especially with adjusting our roles and how we allocate our time. You saw a real, really bad moment for us, adjusting to those changes. Honestly, life happens to all of us, and then she kind of goes on. But it was interesting to kind of understand that background of why it was so. Cause I was wondering why he was kind of being so harsh at Zuri, too.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And now I understand a little bit more. He doesn’t like things changed last minute, and she changed, things last minute.

Sharon: And she changed the whole dynamic. I wish they would have invited Cam and court’s kids.

Caitlin: I think so, too. Cause that would be cute.

Sharon: Or fun. They could have gone and played together, and they could have had their adult time. Yeah, exactly.

Caitlin: I did not like when she was pregnant with Zuri and Mark flipped. She said Mark flipped out, afraid he’d lose her to Zuri. Yes.

Sharon: That was so bizarre.

Caitlin: M. You know what it reminded me of? What is it the third 50 shades of grade movie where he’s all worried about her having the baby because he’s gonna love the baby more.

Sharon: I’ve never seen the movies.

Caitlin: Oh, that’s right. Okay.

Sharon: And I never finished the third book.

Caitlin: Oh. I just spoiled it for you.

Sharon: She gets pregnant. I didn’t know that.

Caitlin: Yes. And then he’s worried that she’s gonna love the baby more than him.

Sharon: So what happens?

Caitlin: Why don’t ruin it for you. It’s very dramatic.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: We should watch it. Okay, well, maybe not together. Maybe. That’s weird. I also didn’t, like. I’m listing things. I didn’t like Mark this season. I did not like, when Carrie tells Mark, like, this is my last surgery for a while, and he’s like, well, you’ll come crawling back. Yeah.

Sharon: it’s like, well, now I will not come back. He’s guaranteed it.

Caitlin: You know, it’s interesting because what they do is she ends up doing the, like, What’s it called? Like, the. She ends up doing kind of, like, a face spa. Like a treatments spa. Like, she’s in charge of injections and those kind of things. So they do separate the businesses. And I wonder if they finally realized working together was becoming, like, kind of a headbutting moment and they needed to keep in the same worlds, but, like, be a little bit apart because she doesn’t seem to ever return fully to surgery. Maybe she does it sometimes, and maybe.

Sharon: She just does want to be in surgery. But I got the feeling like they wanted to almost, like, walk away, like, have less time. Like, they were trying to build up the practice so then they could take more time and go.

Caitlin: And they could be in Switzerland looking for, swiss algae for Diandra because she needs some pros.

Sharon: Yeah. Remember that we talked about the other one? Collab.

Caitlin: Exactly. Crossover event. Deeper surgery. Crossover with.

Sharon: Good night.

Caitlin: Good night, hard morning.

Sharon: I always say, good morning, hard. Whatever.

Caitlin: Good night, hard morning. No, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sharon: Good night.

Caitlin: No, you had a bad night, and you have a good morning, hard night. Good morning. Because, like, you were partying, but you want your morning to be better, right?

Sharon: Yeah. or it’s. You had a cake.

Caitlin: So we thought this was a brilliant name, and now I’m worried that homeless and toothless. It’s exactly what I was just gonna say. And now I’m worried that, like, mama G is right.

Sharon: Good morning. The funny thing is, I typed in good night, hard morning, and her thing comes up as hard night, good morning.

Caitlin: We’ll see. It works either way.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: She at least picks Google.

Sharon: She probably did both.

Caitlin: Like, she probably paid for both, like, websites, like, exactly directed.

Sharon: Yeah, like homeless. Not toothless, not homeless.

Caitlin: I hope they pay for both websites, too. If not, I want the other one.

Sharon: One better not be like, in.

Caitlin: A perfect way, like the whole White House issue.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Okay, so who wins in Carrie versus mark? I think that’s fairly easy.

Sharon: I don’t know. I think Carrie. I think Carrie.

Caitlin: I mean, she does seem to not return to surgery.

Sharon: She does what she wants in the answer.

Caitlin: She does hold the upper hand, which I am surprised, because I actually thought she might be back at surgery right away, too.

Sharon: So I guess you’re right.

Caitlin: Yeah, I think so. And either way, they seem to have made whatever does work. And maybe in a way, it’s good, because Mark having to watch himself on tv. Yes. Like, it is like, you know when you have those moments in therapy and you’re like, if I could have just recorded this, you know, it’s like they could take it and be like, look, this, is how you look. Like, do you see how uncomfortable you made everyone at the dinner table? And so maybe he kind of realized.

Sharon: He was like, oh, God.

Caitlin: And then wound that back with a new look. M okay, that is our episode on Carrie Duber, season two of Dallas. we’ll probably finish up with this, and maybe we’ll go into season three or something else. I don’t know. We have to decide, but let us know whether you think we should continue with Dallas or move on to something else. M but we love Dallas, so, yes, you know what we’re leaning toward. All right, remember, housewives bring drama, but.

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