Relationships and friendships are tough for Shannon this season, but is her hatred of the season of autumn really why she’s unhappy?
In this episode, we discuss Shannon Beador storylines from Real Housewives of Orange County Season 17:
- Shannon vs John Janssen
- Shannon vs Heather
- Shannon vs Autumn (the season)
- Shannon vs DUI
Episode Transcript (generated by
Caitlin: Hey, do you know why Shannon’s developing a colonic with dr. Moon?
Sharon: Why?
Caitlin: Because she’s full of BEEP
Sharon: Nice one. Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to real housewives on real housewives, where we unravel house, wipes story threads, and keep the tea flowing.
Sharon: So, chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your oranges.
Sharon: Today we’re digging into shannon storms the door from real housewives of orange county, season 17.
Caitlin: Okay, the verses this week for Shannon are shannon versus john jansen. I love how he’s always a full name. Like, he can’t be John. He’s John Janssen.
Sharon: He’s John Janssen.
Caitlin: I think it’s the full thing. Shannon versus heather, shannon versus autumn, and then the fall.
Sharon: I know, because I was thinking my daughter.
Caitlin: Exactly. I don’t think she has a problem with her, maybe. And then shannon versus her DUI, which is kind of a post season versus so we’ll get into that. Um, shannon bedor was married for 19 years to David bedor. They broke up on the show, and it’s been a very contentious divorce. So she’s been kind of, like, hustling her way through various businesses. Um, she’s really struggled to find peace in her relationships. She’s into the whole, like, how many lemons in a bowl thing and crystals, which she has embedded in her teeth, which I forgot about till the season. That really freaks me out.
Sharon: Wait, what is the lemons in a bowl?
Caitlin: She has, like, set number is, like, good luck. I think it’s, like, nine lemons. Yeah, she had it in, like, her it’s like feng shui of her house. Okay, so we need to get nine, um, lemons and put them right here next week. Um, and, yeah, she’s very new age in her beliefs. I put the thing down here because, remember, she was like the nice thing about used clothes is that they don’t give off new chemicals, so they’re off gassed already.
Sharon: Okay, so this is funny because okay, I kind of like crystals. I would not put crystals in my teeth, however, off gassing. Normally, I kind of, like, roll my eyes at her. But that is something.
Caitlin: Okay, I kind of believe that.
Sharon: So the reason I have tiles floors is because when I got the house, you could get tile, or you could get, um, the not real wood flooring. The fake yeah, whatever.
Caitlin: That I forget.
Sharon: But I was too scared because there’s different brands out there. I was too scared that whatever one we get would be one of those that off gas is really bad. And so that’s why I got tile, even though I really wanted the other one, because I don’t like grout.
Caitlin: Yeah, I didn’t know that.
Sharon: Because you could look at certain brands, but I wasn’t yeah, it was too.
Caitlin: Much effort to figure out exactly.
Sharon: I was like, I’ll just have dirty grout.
Caitlin: Okay, that’s really interesting. Um, I sort of merged our verses for John janssen and heather together because that’s sort of her issue with Heather. So we’ll talk about John Janssen, but I think it’ll run into the verses with Heather.
Sharon: But I actually have a versus it’s not really verses, but we went to talk about I have an add on.
Caitlin: I’m excited. Oh, yeah, it’s it’s crazy. I really liked I can’t remember what color it was now. At the very beginning, I liked what she had, like her, um, pink and was like a jacket. It was when she was talking about off gassing. I liked that look. But yeah, after that, I don’t know.
Sharon: I don’t know what she did. Okay, so back she used to look a little older than everyone, and she looked like normal like a normal woman in her 50s.
Caitlin: Yes. She’s never been hip and trendy. Yeah.
Sharon: And I understand that you’re around all these women. I’m getting all this plastic surgery, but this season I thought, she just looks okay. So when I saw her going to that one party, I didn’t realize she was dressed as a gina.
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: And I was like, oh, my God, that’s terrible. But then the funny thing is, later on, like, at the reunion yeah. I thought she looked, like, just as bad.
Caitlin: My God. She did.
Sharon: It’s the same hair.
Caitlin: M. I didn’t put that together. I liked how everyone was joking. It was kind of like Teresa wedding hair.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Because it was so big.
Sharon: She just looked horrible.
Caitlin: She made bad choices. I wonder if she doesn’t currently have a stylist.
Sharon: Oh, because she can’t. Okay. That’s another thing. We’ll talk about her. Uh, she I guess I was surprised that she makes it sound like she needs money so much.
Caitlin: Yeah. I think she’s always worried about it because she didn’t get what she wanted out of the settlement with David originally. And I think they agreed to pay maybe like, half and half for the girl’s college or something. And so she has to come up with her half.
Sharon: I guess I’m surprised because I thought that she was, like, super rich.
Caitlin: I think she’s just sort of afraid of her, uh, finances. I think she’s like one of those people. It’s like while the moment’s there, you need to hustle. Okay. But yeah, she always has she had.
Sharon: That because she did say, like, food.
Caitlin: Line, frozen food line that she had and stuff.
Sharon: She did say, oh, I got to pay for their college and this and that, and that’s why I need these your businesses.
Caitlin: And I was like, she does seem more worried about her finances. Yeah. And I don’t know if it’s just like she always thought she would be set up and then when she had to split the money I’m guessing prior.
Sharon: To splitting the money didn’t give her that much money.
Caitlin: Yeah, I don’t know.
Sharon: But yeah. So do we talk about the Quantic care later?
Caitlin: Um, let’s talk about it. I don’t know where it fits in.
Sharon: I guess I just want to say let’s just talk about fitlanic. Isn’t that what it’s called?
Caitlin: Yes.
Sharon: It’s basically like, ah, a shoving a tube, but you set it up in your toilet so you sit on it.
Caitlin: I don’t think I could sit on it. I think I would panic and not be able to. I mean, I would have to be in so much pain from it to have Jen did it. I can’t believe she did it.
Sharon: She was good.
Caitlin: Maybe she’s just not as, like, uptight I am.
Sharon: And I have a question. This isn’t like a treatment. This is just like, because you think it helps you.
Caitlin: I don’t understand that. Uh, I don’t think it’s used in a situation where you need to use it. I think it is just like a new agey health.
Sharon: Like people think it’s healthy.
Caitlin: Like you’re clearing out the toxins or something.
Sharon: Isn’t that what your body just I.
Caitlin: Mean, I think your body kind of is in charge of that. And then also you can take a shower.
Sharon: Okay, no more poop.
Caitlin: No, let’s get off. Heather Gibro would not be a fan of that. Okay. So the issue with Shannon and John Jansen? For one thing, I don’t like John Janssen. I like him as much as he likes his own hats. And that remember when he wouldn’t wear the hat? That was my favorite thing, because then he brought it to Shannon to hold the hat when they were at the circus. And I felt like it’s like when you take your kid and they’re always like, no, I’m going to wear this cape the whole time. And then they don’t. And you’re holding it in your purse the whole time. Put it by my first uh uh. She was like, just put the hat by my like, I’m not going to wear the huh? Hat. Like, come on, be a team player. John Jansen.
Sharon: Their relationship was really strange.
Caitlin: I feel like she’s always liked him more than he likes her.
Sharon: Definitely.
Caitlin: For sure.
Sharon: She’s so insecure about that relationship. It was really sad to watch.
Caitlin: And he was kind of a rebound. Like, I think he just needs to be a rebound.
Sharon: There was a level of desperation.
Caitlin: Yeah. And when she’s like, I’m so in love with him, I’m like, I guess I don’t see what is fun, interesting, or magnetic about him at all.
Sharon: Because she kept saying, like, I’ve never been in love this in love with someone.
Caitlin: With John Jansen?
Sharon: Yeah. And it sounds like he doesn’t like you that much.
Caitlin: No, he seems to be in love with his boat. His boathouse and his grill. Right.
Sharon: And you never stay over there. It didn’t sound like a great I’m worried.
Caitlin: She just thought, like, that was her last chance. And she was just like, I can’t let it go. Interesting. That’s sad.
Sharon: It’s like she doesn’t think she can get another guy.
Caitlin: Yeah, that’s what I feel kind of concerned about.
Sharon: I kind of feel like her ex husband, who I didn’t like. And he was he was handsome.
Caitlin: He was handsome.
Sharon: Maybe she kind of feels like her looks and she had all this plastic.
Caitlin: Yeah. I don’t know. She was worried about her weight and all those things.
Sharon: And then didn’t he call her fat?
Caitlin: Yeah, that’s what everyone thinks. He mean. The issue where Heather comes in with the whole John Janssen thing is it seems like not Heather, but it seems that Shannon doesn’t understand how the Real Housewives work and that your relationships are going to come up. I mean, Jen rolled with it better than Shannon. Like, Shannon kept being like, I’m not talking about this on camera and I’m not talking about John Janssen. Mhm. It was interesting at the reunion. I don’t remember who said it, but who like, did he not understand he was dating, uh, you were already in the public eye, right? So you can’t just then all of a sudden he’s like, I’m not going to be any part. You can choose what you want to show, but you’re going to be part of it.
Sharon: Yeah. You know, stuff’s going to come out.
Caitlin: Yeah. I mean, that makes no sense.
Sharon: But I guess I don’t understand. She kept saying he doesn’t want the issues on the show.
Caitlin: Yeah, but they weren’t even really she.
Sharon: Threw them all out there. If she hadn’t freaked out, they wouldn’t.
Caitlin: Have been on the show. Yeah.
Sharon: And she almost made it big. Like so it was almost like she’s saying, well, you said the vault, so you’re making it sound really bad. And by calling everything a vault and then by her saying that, you’re making it sound bad. It did sound bad because she was flipping out about it so much.
Caitlin: Right. Just be chill and be like, um, whatever. I didn’t tell you that. Or I did.
Sharon: Or like, oh, yeah, we got normal problems.
Caitlin: She’s a terrible poker face, for one, I think.
Sharon: And then she gets drunk and tells everyone, right?
Caitlin: Like, stop getting drunk and calling people and complaining about your relationship. Also, I think it might have been okay to say on the show, but again, I think she’s for some reason, I feel like she’s afraid. Afraid of John Jansen. And I don’t like that.
Sharon: You know what?
Caitlin: Because it was like, John can’t find out that she told. Like, John can’t find out on the TV. Like, he doesn’t know that I’ve been talking about a like everyone gets mad and upset and talks about the relationship. And again, I kind of maybe think Heather should have respected some of that a little bit more. But, um, if you’re worried that your friend is then afraid of that information getting out, I guess that’s the bigger problem. If you’re kind of like, look, don’t tell my husband I got really mad and complained about get. But I guess if you’re constantly calling someone like, I hate this, I hate that, I hate this, I hate this. And I can’t tell you I can’t say anything. Then I guess maybe Heather was a little concerned. But it’s not like the show is bringing it up on the show is not going to fix it.
Sharon: And what did Heather even do? We even know what Heather said?
Caitlin: No, because she actually didn’t share that much. She just kind of said, I know stuff.
Sharon: Yeah, because then later on when she was mad, she finally said stuff like.
Caitlin: Oh, Shannon told us all the stuff Shannon said. Like, his son doesn’t like me and he doesn’t want to move in together, I think, and stuff. Uh, I don’t know. It’s also so funny because Tamara spent the whole season trying to drum stuff up about Jen’s relationship and there was tons of Shannon and she just left that one. Like, I guess because they were newly friends again and she didn’t want to that’s true.
Sharon: Upset the but then what was the whole deal? How did Gina get involved in this? I don’t even know how Gina ended up in this.
Caitlin: Yeah, I think Heather was talking to her maybe about it. And so then she pointed out there’s always been kind of, I think, an issue between Gina and Shannon and I.
Sharon: Don’T quite yeah, there was the whole.
Caitlin: Um and so I just think that they don’t like each other in general, for one thing. And then I just think everybody knew about the rumors and Shannon wouldn’t confirm the rumors. And not confirming stuff pisses everybody off on the housewives. Like they can’t stand it when someone won’t confirm the rumors.
Sharon: You know what? You’re right. I’ve never thought about it that way. But you’re not if someone doesn’t acknowledge.
Caitlin: Or whatever, they say something really bad about themselves, mhm.
Sharon: They will beat you down until you acknowledge it.
Caitlin: Exactly. And then I think Heather took the brunt of it just because she’d been there longer and she knew more like the other women didn’t know quite as much. I guess I just don’t understand why Shannon does act a lot of times like she should be a private citizen when she’s not a private citizen.
Sharon: Yeah, it’s like she wants the money from the show and to sell her Citlonic. But in order to do that, you have to talk about John Janssen. Really? She can come up with like a sexier product. She even said she needed these weird. Like, I think that’s how, uh, she differentiates herself.
Caitlin: I do not want my face on a colonic box like Caitlin’s colonics.
Sharon: You know, that alliteration I do.
Caitlin: Enjoy an alliteration, but no thanks.
Sharon: Yeah. What about Shannon? Shit, that’s amazing.
Caitlin: That’s what she should call but Dr. Moon maybe wouldn’t go for that. I don’t know.
Sharon: Both their faces.
Caitlin: He is so judgy. Like, he should be a housewife. Like, Dr. Moon was amazing. He was all like, you need to fix this, and you need to fix that, and this is that, and your face is like he understood the assignment. I loved him. Okay, the other thing. It’s like, do you think that John Janset is, like, one of the most boring humans? Like, he just feels like one of those people who goes to Civil War reenactments on the weekend and dresses up like President Lincoln and doesn’t link all weekend.
Sharon: I do.
Caitlin: And here’s why, and I look history. I’m not against a reenactment of things, although not the Civil War.
Sharon: Would you reenact french history, Maria. What’s the lady?
Caitlin: Yes, I would. Totally.
Sharon: But, um, if he was it’s like, he’s so boring. Johnny’s boring. That’s why you have to say John Janssen.
Caitlin: I know. Because he’s so dull.
Sharon: He doesn’t he would just, like, disappear into the ether. He would if he didn’t say Janssen.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: He would even know.
Caitlin: Maybe that’s why he doesn’t like wearing the hats, because the people mistaken for Abraham Lincoln. I get that vibe.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Oh, I bet Abe was a lot more interesting.
Sharon: Abraham M. Lincoln was impressive. John Jansen is not impressive.
Caitlin: He’s got a boat. That’s, like, the only thing going for John Janssen. He’s got a boat. Yeah. I mean, I have always wanted to be friends with someone with a boat, and I think that’s what Shannon wanted. And Vicki, remember that she said was on her list. I mean, it wasn’t a must. So maybe she got to Shannon. She was like, well, the man has a boat.
Sharon: The man has a boat. Wait, is it a houseboat?
Caitlin: No, it’s just a boat. Oh, I thought I think it was just a motorboat. It’s not even, like, a yacht.
Sharon: Oh, when they’re there, that’s not his house. That’s his boat.
Caitlin: I thought they were no, that was his house. But then the boat drives up to the house. I think he’s got, like, a boat dock at his house he lives on.
Sharon: What do you think of houseboats? I think they’re weird. I think they’re weird anyway. Okay.
Caitlin: Do you think if people are on the housewives, are they allowed to have private parts of their life that are not talked about on the show?
Sharon: Okay. I think you’re allowed to try to have it.
Caitlin: I think so too.
Sharon: You cannot get too upset when it comes.
Caitlin: I think you have to be better at hiding it if you’re really yes, exactly. Maybe you don’t dish the information to other housewives.
Sharon: Right, exactly. I guess I could see if there’s something about your family, your kids. I could see maybe trying to be more respectful of not if it’s truly just about the other person. Yeah, but this isn’t about just John Janssen. It’s about their it’s again.
Caitlin: And he was on the show at certain times, and ah, I don’t like the way he speaks to her always either.
Sharon: Yeah. And I do kind of feel like when people say, well, that’s why you’re being paid is to share your yeah.
Caitlin: And it’s kind of a contract. Yeah.
Sharon: I mean, I understand. Maybe there’s a few things.
Caitlin: And again, I think you can kind.
Sharon: Of don’t be surprised.
Caitlin: Right. Don’t be surprised. And I think you can kind of cut the information where you want to cut it. But she didn’t do that. She unloaded, and she was like it was like a son doesn’t like me. We’ve never been on a vacation together, and they’ve never really talked about marriage.
Sharon: Talk about the fact that he hates.
Caitlin: Me and he usually goes home and never spends the night. These are all, like, red flags.
Sharon: Big red flags.
Caitlin: I don’t think she sees the red flags. So I feel bad for Heather because I just think she got caught up in the fact that she just had more of the vault. Yeah. Tamara would have, but she wasn’t speaking to Tamara. Um, so Heather got the phone calls. So then it’s Heather’s fault because she’d got the phone calls when really this is all Shannon’s fault. Yes. And John Janssen.
Sharon: I still don’t even understand what Heather did. I don’t still maybe she eluded stuff.
Caitlin: She pulled a Meredith from Salt Lake City. I know we don’t like to cross over, but there were rumors.
Sharon: But at the same time, it’s like, as far as housewife stuff goes, it’s pretty tame. Yeah, it really was.
Caitlin: It almost makes me feel like there’s worse about Jan Johnson that we don’t know. Is there something worse out there?
Sharon: Because what are you hiding?
Caitlin: This is the stuff you won’t tell us.
Sharon: Okay. Because even, like, with Meredith M or some of these other housewives to do this stuff, it seems calculating. I don’t think it was calculating either. I don’t think it was, like, meme. I think she just wants to talk about it. She couldn’t really.
Caitlin: And she was probably just like, he’s never going to commit to her. She, uh, probably should know that Shannon he’s just not that interested.
Sharon: Oh, God, that book is painful.
Caitlin: Yeah. All right, so who wins there?
Sharon: Oh, who are we on? John Janssen.
Caitlin: John Jansen versus Shannon.
Sharon: And also John Janssen wins because he broke. He dumped her, and she’s like yeah, okay.
Caitlin: So did and we found out the reunion that he filmed unseen footage a couple days before saying that he would marry her, that they should go to the next step of the relationship, and then he dumped her the next day, which is that’s really crap. I didn’t even expect that from Janssen. Like. I expected more from John Janssen. And I don’t even like John Janssen.
Sharon: John Janssen, you’re a piece of yeah.
Caitlin: He can go hang up. Ralph Pittman.
Sharon: You’re the waste that comes out of the sitlane.
Caitlin: Hey, that’s how she can sell the Sitlani. Uh, do you want to get rid of the John Janssens in your life? He’s Dr. Moon’s in my how many other names do you think they went through before they got through? A little bit worried about that.
Sharon: Oh, speaking of names, I love Shannon Storm. I wish that was my new storm. I love the last name.
Caitlin: Such a great name. Like drop the bedor. I mean, I know her kids have I love, I love that for her. Looks cute. Mean the m other thing I think the reason that Shannon could be such a roller coaster is you kind of love her and hate her, but she can be really relatable. I’m thinking about the moment with the swimsuits when she was like, I’m not going to be in a swimsuit with all the other women. I’m not showing my body. And I felt like I completely understand that and it’s nice to hear a housewife say that.
Sharon: Or the yoga.
Caitlin: Oh, okay.
Sharon: In the beginning of the season where they’re all in a circle doing yoga and she’s like falling over. Oh my gosh, that scene was so funny.
Caitlin: It reminded me like whenever I used to try to do yoga at home, my dog would always want to sit on the mat with me and she’d like come over and she would always lean and then I would just fall over. You’re supposed to hold me up. Okay, but can we call her out on the fact that she went five days on that trip without a toothbrush?
Sharon: That was pretty gross.
Caitlin: That’s disgusting.
Sharon: And I thought when you’re rich like that, hotels will give you a toothbrush. Like instacart a toothbrush.
Caitlin: You totally could. And you could just call down to the front desk.
Sharon: Yeah, if I were at Motel Six, I’d expect them to have toothbrush and there are some fancy resort.
Caitlin: Exactly.
Sharon: She said she used like a washcloth or something, but that still made me.
Caitlin: No, it’s not okay. It’s weird. Okay, so we sort of saying John.
Sharon: Janssen, maybe the crystals keep her teeth clean.
Caitlin: Oh, maybe she has no teeth left and it’s just all so it’s like it’s not a problem. You don’t need to brush those. You don’t need to brush. Okay, so John Jansen wins in our Shannon versus John Jansen. Who wins in Shannon versus Heather?
Sharon: Okay, I’m Team Heather.
Caitlin: And Team Heather too.
Sharon: I feel like Heather wins. I feel like anyone I don’t think.
Caitlin: She said anything with eyes can see.
Sharon: That Heather is just being picked on and ganged up.
Caitlin: No, it was really unfair this season.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And I also I was thinking of a word that made me think about with Shannon and John Jansen. But she acted so like she was embarrassed by everything at the reunion. Mhm and it worries me because then she also said, well, we kind of like are still friends with benefits. I’m just worried that she doesn’t understand. She said he embarrassed her and she understands that. But then at the same time she keeps going back and like I’m worried. We’re not done with jansen really mhm love to be done.
Sharon: I don’t think he’ll come back on the show, especially now that came out of the reunion. He’s probably pretty well hated, but that’s true. I don’t think she’s done with him, and she’s going to keep going back to him. I feel bad for her. Yeah. She is in a bad place.
Caitlin: She is.
Sharon: Her relationship.
Caitlin: I think so.
Sharon: Like her romantic life.
Caitlin: Yeah. Can we talk about the worst thing she did this season, though? I mean, it’s, like, almost unforgettable when they go to the pumpkin patch and she says she hates the autumn.
Sharon: Oh.
Caitlin: She hates fall. She doesn’t like dead things. She doesn’t like the colors. Just get off my TV screen. I’m so upset that I almost couldn’t handle it. Yeah. Because the best season is fall.
Sharon: Fall.
Caitlin: And everything about it is amazing. And she just needs to shut up.
Sharon: I have spent, like, hundreds of dollars on pumpkin spice lates oh, absolutely. Even four months ago.
Caitlin: We just love everything about the fall.
Sharon: So it’s my autumn.
Caitlin: Yeah. Autumn wins. Not Shannon.
Sharon: I almost feel like because I love hate Shannon.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: And now I’m on a love. But I kind of wonder that middle what kind of person is she?
Caitlin: Uh, not a good one.
Sharon: I almost feel like I just can’t relate. Yeah.
Caitlin: And her last name was Storms. And she doesn’t like the season of Storms. Like, what the hell?
Sharon: You have such a cool last name.
Caitlin: It’s terrible.
Sharon: I’m upset.
Caitlin: Uh, very upsetting. All right, our last verses is going to be what happened after the season. So they do the reunion, and ten days after the reunion, Shannon around. It was in September. I don’t know the exact date, but around, like, 01:00 a.m. She allegedly I’m saying allegedly crashed into a house with its built in garden planter area and damaged it.
Sharon: And actually, I know very little about this, so I’m so excited. You’re going to tell me all about it?
Caitlin: Oh, I’m giving you all the deets. Yeah. Um, she left her car in the middle of the road, just parked it there. Uh huh. And they found the car abandoned. They found the car first. Then they found Shannon sort of near the scene, but not walking her dog. Like, oh, why? She thought that was brilliant.
Sharon: So she knew she was tricked. So she knew she had to, like.
Caitlin: I think not in the car. Yeah. She’s like, oh, I just happened to leave the car. I don’t know who did that. So I think she’s been charged with both a, uh, DUI and a hit and run. Because she hit and ran.
Sharon: Wait, can you technically be charged if you weren’t in your car and they didn’t see it?
Caitlin: I think so. That must be the hit and run part. It’s the run part. I guess you don’t but there’s so many cameras think, uh oh, that’s I mean, I guess if they really can’t prove that you were in the car and at that. But I think they probably have her.
Sharon: Walking out with her pup now.
Caitlin: Archie was in the car, but he was unharmed. But they did do, like a whole like they brought in the animal services people, and they did, like, a whole investigation, like, that there was no animal abuse. And that I kind of felt bad about because, you know, she didn’t mean to hurt.
Sharon: And I’m sure there’s people that do really need to be looked into exactly.
Caitlin: Animals. But also, don’t drive drunk ever. And don’t drive drunk with your pet in the car. Not it wasn’t his choice to get in the car with that drunk lady. Also, why’d she have the dog with her? Because apparently, I think she was, like, at a bar with friends. So why was Archie even there?
Sharon: Was it like an outdoor bar, maybe?
Caitlin: It was it was like, bring your pet. She has been seen wearing a sling, so I don’t know whether she got injured in it or if that’s something unrelated. Um, she said finally she kind of came up on Instagram and responded. But she said legally, she can’t comment on anything right now. So we’re getting that. Um, her lawyer said she’d take ownership and responsibility. Um, they said she was going to be charged coming up, so I wonder if by the time this airs, we might know information about what she was charged with. So mhm, Vicki came out and talked about it. Vicki said that Shannon is an Uber girl, like, she always Ubers, but that she had lost her phone after going out with some friends. And so she couldn’t call an Uber. Interesting. And so she got in her car to try to find the phone, couldn’t find the phone, and was just like, I guess I’ll.
Sharon: Drive mistake. Yeah, it’s good to know that.
Caitlin: She normally do appreciate that someone said that. Yeah. But yeah. So we’ll talk about it more in the Gina episode. But of course she made fun of Gina for her DUI, and that’s going to kind of come back to get her.
Sharon: But it really did make me feel like, okay, everything people saying about her calling and talking when she’s drunk, it’s.
Caitlin: Kind of like there’s a big little warning here, mhm truth.
Sharon: Because people called her an alcoholic. And, you know, people throw around words you’re like, right.
Caitlin: And she kept saying, that so mean. But it’s like, okay, but clearly maybe not even an alcoholic. But, um, she’s friends with I can’t think of the name of the person, but he did, like, one of those house rent. It was like a designer decorator person on Bravo. No, I can’t think of his name. But he, um, was saying, I don’t think she’s an alcoholic, but I do think she’s, like, going through a really bad time, and she’s self soothing with alcohol. But I don’t know. This has. Come up for a lot of seasons on the show. And there’s always an excuse. It’s the divorce. It’s John Jansen. And it’s like, I think if you’re finding multiple excuses, I don’t think you necessarily can be an alcoholic. But you might need to be aware that you self soothe with something. And it’s like I think that’s where she’s at. TMZ said that she was going to, like, an outpatient behavioral wellness program with an alcohol component, but I don’t know, I’m almost a little bit worried she needs something a little more serious or like serious therapy or just to learn other ways to deal with the problem.
Sharon: Maybe she just seems to cut herself.
Caitlin: Off before she gets too far. Do you think she’s an alcoholic or do you think she’s just going through a tough time?
Sharon: Uh, it sounds like everyone thinks she has some kind of an issue. So I’m more inclined I don’t know. When you have that many people say over time that you have an issue with alcohol, I’m inclined to think that you probably do.
Caitlin: And if she doesn’t want to label herself as that, I think that’s fine. But I think you might need to say, I seriously need to take a look at this. Or maybe it’s just in my like, you don’t have to call yourself an alcoholic. We could say, maybe it’s in my best interest not to drink.
Sharon: Yeah, that’d be yeah, just like I.
Caitlin: Just am not going to do it. Mhm. I think that’s good.
Sharon: This happens to a lot of housewives and they kind of realize and they’re.
Caitlin: Like, yeah, like use it as a warning. At least nobody was hurt. At least it was exactly. Exactly. Um, archie’s. Okay. Yeah. And Archie’s. Okay. So this is the moment to really learn from that. Mhm. And not I don’t like don’t just sweep it under the like, I hope she doesn’t just sweep it under the rug. I mean, Gina was very kind on social media about it, but it’ll be interesting to see next season yeah. How this all plays out, too.
Sharon: She kind of has to be but then I understand why she wouldn’t be. Because of the whole thing.
Caitlin: Yeah. Behind the scenes, she’s on the other all right, well, that’s our Shannon episode. I feel kind of sad at the end of it. She didn’t have a great often there’s that story arc and then there’s sort of the redemption and there’s like none of that. And then it got worse after the show wrapped. And that’s kind of a yeah. Like, we couldn’t even be like and.
Sharon: Archie it’s like, even Archie was in.
Caitlin: Was none of this was good. Maybe don’t drink and drive.
Sharon: Don’t drink and drive. Is Vicky going to come back next season?
Caitlin: I really hope so.
Sharon: Because maybe they could maybe that would.
Caitlin: Be good for yeah, it might be. I read that, um, they’re not going to cancel the Trace amiga show that they were originally going to have more of an alcoholic component to them, and they’re kind of going to go away from that and focus more on comedy, which is good. Um, but they were saying they might probably bring back somebody older next season. But would it be Vicki? Would it be like Alexis Belino? There was Gretchen. They might bring her. Uh, like, I think those other women would be fun, but I don’t want to see them at the expense of, like right. If you bring back Vicki, then the other women, I think, need to come back as friends. And just I heard Vicki say she wouldn’t come back as a friend of though she wants to be fuller.
Sharon: I can kind of see that. Uh huh.
Caitlin: Honestly, I don’t know if I believe her, though.
Sharon: Can she really step away?
Caitlin: True. That’s. True. It’s a drug for housewives. Yes, for us.
Sharon: You can drive after watching Housewives.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. All right. Remember Housewives. Bring the drama.
Sharon: Will you bring the receipts? Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both at RH for fun pictures and polls. Or email us at, uh, RH on Thanks again, and remember to stay out of.