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Can Sara recommend a healer to heal us from Sara this season?

In this episode, we discuss Sara Al Madani storylines from Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2:

⚪Sara vs Akin ⚪Sara vs Ayan

Episode 106 on Spotify

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: I was thinking like, you how she keeps. It feels like she keeps trying on religions and like, trying to find one that will like, heal her. And I was like, that’s so dumb. And then I was like, well, that’s like me with dieting books. Like, it’s just not the right diet. And I think she’s just like, it’s not the right religion. Like, let me just try a few other ones. I just like, also how she finds these people who mix them all together.

Sharon: M.

Caitlin: Like, are you allowed to make. It’s like, oh, I’m just gonna take a little bit from Keto, a little bit from Weight Watchers. I’m gonna mix them all again. We’ll be fine.

Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin and this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing.

Sharon: So chic.

Caitlin: Hold on to your riches.

Sharon: This week we’re digging into Sarah Al Frdani.

Caitlin: that’s what Saba called.

Sharon: That’s what Saba called her. O Madani from a Real Housewives of Dubai season two.

Caitlin: So the verses this week are Sarah versus Akein and Sarah versus Ayan. But we learned that Sarah and Saba kind of had this falling out business wise and also personal wise. And so Saa like released this press release about how they, you know, a conscious uncoupling or whatever Gwyneth Paltrow calls.

Sharon: And you know what? The thing is, I actually thought Saabo was kind of annoying, but now I like her.

Caitlin: I know now I kind of want her on so she can spill the beans about Sarah. Okay, how do we feel about Sarah? She’s an imirati local. She’s an entrepreneur and a public speaker. She’s been married twice and she both ending in abuse. and she’s all into this new age forms of healing and religion.

Sharon: Well, I think she’s full of crap and I don’t believe anything she says.

Caitlin: Now that I heard the Saba thing, I’m a little worried. Saba was kind of throwing shade on a lot of the things she said, honestly.

Sharon: Okay. And God, I mean, sound like a bad person. She probably did. Enduring abuse to some degree. I sure m don’fully. I just don’t believe what she says. I don’t know.

Caitlin: Well, now I’m a little worried because after hearing the Saba thing, I mean I kind of did. I believed it. But then it’s like I think she.

Sharon: Because think about it. This gave her. She had that. Now she has this nice spiritual story.

Caitlin: You’re right.

Sharon: And that gave her this perfect story. I don’t know. I don’t buy her car.

Caitlin: And then she called Ayana victim for her fgm using that and saying she was using it for sympathy and she was making herself a victim. And now I feel like, well, why would you say something so awful to someone who survived that?

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Unless you were like kind of shady. So now I just have a whole.

Sharon: Different like I can’t even believe she would even go there. That is like one of the worst things. Oh, even likeeah she was a victim.

Caitlin: She can be a victim if she wants to be.

Sharon: Yeah, like what on earth me talk.

Caitlin: That a little bit more in in our Sah versus Sorry, but I know I’m kind of a little upset too. We shouldn’t have watched the Saba clip right before we started. Go look for that on YouTube if you want. so we’re not really team this person. For one, she doesn’t resonate with me. For two, I just find her a little overly kooky and not in a fun way.

Sharon: And again, I think it’s all for show.

Sharon: Oh, he believes in aliens. Ha ha. I love him. He’s got toa believe in aliens. And you know what? I kind of find aliens all this st fascinating.

Caitlin: Are they very important to you?

Sharon: But you know what? She’s just so out there that’like at.

Caitlin: First I was excited because I thought we got nothing from her last season. We used to get her and Nina confused.

Sharon: Yeah, I thought that’s why I had to stop watching the show. Well, one of the reasons, it’s like one of many.

Caitlin: But didn we couldn’t keep them apart. So then when they kind of showed her dating life this season, I thought, okay, finalely we’re getting something like more personal about her. But then we get into this relationship. Okay. And now that you’re saying we don’t believe her, it’s just really easy to pull this thread. I feel like I always felt a little weird about the achkein relationship. It was long distance.

Caitlin: Was he really is great. And why was she so invested in this?

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And is that really how Muslims date? The way that she was kind of laying it it out, the other girls.

Sharon: Were like, no, this is kissed him. They were not like they thought she had kissed him.

Caitlin: And after two really failed relationships, wouldn’t you be both slower to leap into it as much as she was? And do you feel like. I feel like she kind Of. Did he meet her son too soon? Yeah.

Sharon: Oh, yeah. Okay. So you went through this trauma, and now you have a son who really wants a dad figure. So you find this way young guy who doesn’t seem serious about anything.

Caitlin: No, she let him just take him on the dates and all that stuff. The son was like, when are you gon toa be my dad? Like, that’s awkward to.

Sharon: It was just. I know. And I felt bad for that. That kid is so sweet.

Caitlin: Sweet kid.

Sharon: I just feel bad. She says, mom, I think she used him on the show for a lot.

Caitlin: And that would be upsetting. Right. Because also, I didn’t like. Do you think she overshares with her son? That’s one of my biggest complaints.

Sharon: Yes. And I think the reason her son m. She introduced her son to him was for the show because otherwise, maybe she wouldn’t have even introduced him.

Caitlin: You’re right. You’re right. Like, if that wasn’t a carrot there, that made it part of the storyline. Because also, it’s like when she was talking about all the information. So there was this issue with a nanny and, a planned kidnapping.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Which is terrifying at its core.

Sharon: Absolutely terrifying.

Caitlin: But I didn’t like how much she said her son needed to know because of the police department. You can send a child out. He didn’t have to identify, perp or anything.

Sharon: He didn’t know anything that happened. Yeah.

Caitlin: No, mean, I think you say to your kid, we had something with security, and mommy needs you to make sure you’re checking in and staying safe. But you don’t need to spill all that. You keep that close to the vest. That’s not good parenting.

Sharon: Yeah. You absolutely traumatize that child. I cannot believe. Like, he scared to go to the bathroom by himself.

Caitlin: I know, because I’m big about being honest with your kids and not scaring them because of stuff that you don’t know and like, not keeping them in the dark when they. But there was no need to. That’s a need to know basis. And there was no need to know.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: That was really odd. Maybe that was aliens.

Sharon: That horrible.

Caitlin: Could have been aliens.

Sharon: And then the whole Akeem thing. Okay, Akein did seem kind of douchey, but he’s hot. Hot.

Caitlin: I’ll give her that.

Sharon: He is hot.

Caitlin: So why would you date him without doing something?

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: That’s the only reason to d. Exactly. So I.

Sharon: He a jerk and also a keen. I understand that they’re Muslim, but he’s also European.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: And he.

Caitlin: Look, he wasn’t a duo.

Sharon: He didn’t look particularly like. He looked just kind of like your average European. Like, really. He okay with kissing? You know what I mean? Exactly. He was a model, so he’s got to be more open to. I don’t know.

Caitlin: He’s in an industry where he’s taking pictures that are probably more l. I mean, like, not lucrative. What’s right.

Sharon: Like sexual or.

Caitlin: Right. Than a typical Muslim photo might be.

Sharon: Yeah. So is he okay with this? No kissing.

Caitlin: I know. Do you. I mean, do you think. He wasn’t kissing anybody else he was kissing.

Sharon: Well, she said he cheated, remember?

Caitlin: Well, obviously.

Sharon: And then Andy was like, well, how are you? How is he cheating if you weren’t exclusive? She’like who we were.

Caitlin: Well, because there was a huge breakup. I was like, well, how did you have a breakup? Weren’t dating.

Sharon: Well, the thing is. Okay. And then on that call, and I don’t want to defend a keen no. Oh, my.

Caitlin: I do not like it because he.

Sharon: Seems like a jrk.

Caitlin: He totally. He was a controlling. Yeah.

Sharon: But when she’s like, well, I just want to focus on my son. And he’s like, what are you saying? And then she’s like, well, I just kind of want to focus. And then he hangs up on her, and she’s like, well, I wanted to have this conversation. I was like, you pretty much just, like, dumped him unceremoniously over FaceTime on TV. I actually didn’t blame him for hanging up.

Caitlin: No. Because that was a dumping. That wasn’t like, I want to take a step back.

Sharon: It t. Yeah. And then she acted like she wasn’t breaking up with him. He just ended this. And, like, did you hear what you just said?

Caitlin: And you’re right. That’s a good example of someone making themselves the victim when they’re not. And that’s a little suss about her. Also, he wouldn’t let her go on a podcast.

Sharon: I don’t believe that.

Caitlin: For. What was it, $45,000? I do. That’s not a fee that we’re offering.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: First of all, it was post doart athlete. Isn’t he a shirtless model?

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Didn’t he have his shirt off at the pool?

Sharon: Doesn’t he just want a rich woman?

Caitlin: Bro, you think that just because she goes on a podcast with a guy who was shirtless in a photo at one point in time, that’s gonna be where she cheats on you?

Sharon: Yeah. And even if he did say that to her.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Do we believe that she would have not Gone on it.

Caitlin: I know. I would have been like, forget you. I’m gonna go take the 45.

Sharon: She’s the strong businesswoman.

Caitlin: U. Uh-huh. Nobody offered her $45,000 for a podcast.

Sharon: Do you really think she said no?

Caitlin: That’s not even a going rate. And she’s not that interesting.

Sharon: She’s really not.

Caitlin: I mean, I don’t even know what.

Sharon: She’S a public speaker about herself, I guess. Aliens spirituality.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Guess what. You’re a dime a dozen, Sarah. There’s lots of this is true spiritual ones like you.

Caitlin: She’s, an entrepreneur.

Sharon: Pantsrepreneur. Might as well. Very.

Caitlin: Just to teach the people about the entrepreneur.

Sharon: And she’s not as beautiful. She is not you beautiful.

Caitlin: Google this. She was not bor.

Sharon: I thought she was so beautiful. She is so beautiful.

Caitlin: That’s not.

Sharon: She just start out looking that way?

Caitlin: No. Sharon showed me, and I didn’t believe it was the same person. You’ve gott go Google. Google what she looked like before the plic. I mean, she’s not ugly before, but she looked like’not.

Sharon: But she just looked like a normal person. She looked like just a normal person that you just wouldn’t look twice. You know what I mean?

Caitlin: I mean, and it’s almost. You know, sometimes you’re like, oh, that’s really different.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: I can’t even see her almost in the other person. This is like witness protection level changing. I feel like maybe that’s what happens. But then why would you go on a TV show? So never mind. All right, who wins? And Sarah versus a Keen. Nobody.

Sharon: Nobodys nobody. There’s no a Keen. Got somebe. a ke. I bet you a Keen has a bunch of women after him now because he’s hot.

Caitlin: That’s tr. You’re right.

Sharon: It doesn’t matter.

Caitlin: It’s like a dating plot.

Sharon: Yeah, it is, pretty much.

Caitlin: I’d say good for him, but I don’t like him, so. Okay, let’s talk about Sarah versus Aion. So the healing tactics.

Sharon: Ah.

Caitlin: Sarah thinks she is like, not even a shaman because she doesn’t really believe in any religion. It feels like she’s making like a potpourri of all the religions. A poopery poopery. It’s like she saw that whoe when the guy was with the drum and the thing, and there was such a mix of everything. And then she took. She took Brooks and Brooks got healed after one session.

Sharon: I love how Brooks was like, yeah.

Caitlin: Once again, she’s really controlling about other People’s healing journeyses. And what does that say about you as a healer if you can’t go at somebody else’s pace and speed and you’re using Ion and her FGM to say that she’s a victim and you can decide when she’s healed.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: You’re not a therapist. It’s like just because you’re an enthusiast of healing healing you professional.

Sharon: She should go have a heel off with Whitney from Salt Lake City.

Caitlin: But they could both be on their hilling journey.

Sharon: Their hilling journeyies.

Caitlin: Like, I don’t.

Sharon: I don’t like. I think she was shady towards an. She’s full of crap.

Caitlin: There’s something feel shady about shady religions. Like using religions for shady purposes. That feels extra shady.

Sharon: I don’t like it.

Caitlin: I don’t like it either because I felt like an. I mean, clearly she repressed stuff. Like, you’ve gott get. I mean, what was that about? And then I wrote her a letter to try to explain it really clearly. And like, her husband Chris helped her and it’s like, that’s so not housewives. Like, she was trying so hard to do this right. And then Sarah still blew it up. I don’t know. I don’t understand her as a housewife.

Sharon: I don’t like that by Andy being like, okay, Sarah, send us out on some good words that’s like, don’t give. She doesn’t have legitimacy as like a platform. Yeah’like a healing person. Or, yeah, she’ll charge you $45ly.

Caitlin: Do you want to pay that?

Sharon: Like, she doesn’t know.

Caitlin: Yeah. I’m now worried. I now I’m on a journey with her and my own heilling journey.

Sharon: I want to go and just Google her. I want to go down the Reddit hole.

Caitlin: I think we need to Reddit her. I feel like there’s some more Fredani in there. That’s my new favorite word now. Sounds like a chicken dish. Like, for dinner, we’re having chicken alred donn. It’s actually not chicken. It’s a vegan dish.

Sharon: Y s for a do o the 40.

Caitlin: Oh, no, guys, you’ll see this word again. This, isnn come back. I feel like there’s go going toa be some Alfredani in the oc season coming up because there’s some Fredanis happening there. So at least we now have a word for it. Ye. Okay, so who wins there? I think the word. The word wins. But Ion wins.

Sharon: Ion wins because Sarah can go shove it.

Caitlin: I Just don’t like her. And I felt like she brought nothing to season one. and then in season two, she was even more detrimental. Like, she both brought nothing and made messes of things that were actual traumas.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And then created more trauma in other places. I. I don’t like her.

Sharon: She’s full of herself.

Caitlin: Yeah. They just picked her because she’s a local, and I think that’s important. I think it was really important and crucial to have an Emirati local.

Sharon: Yeah, absolutely.

Caitlin: It’s not this one. Maybe could we find another one? Like, was she the only one they could get? Maybe they needed to open that search a little bit. I don’t know. Not my favorite. All right, boo. Thumbs down to Sarah. All right, well, that is our last episode on the Real Housewives of Dubai.

Sharon: Yay. I’m so glad it’s done.

Caitlin: Now we’re just going toa move on.

Sharon: Please don’t be a season three.

Caitlin: Unless it Shannon Bador and the O.C. ofill.

Sharon: Oh, yes. I am so excited about O.C. i can finally go watch what I want to watch.

Caitlin: I know.

Sharon: I feel like the homework is over.

Caitlin: Homework is I want to watch. You see, I can.

Sharon: I gotta keep watching.

Caitlin: It’s like when they make you read one of those really awful books, and you’re like, I cannot stand this. I know it’s great literature, but. No, thank you. I for.

Sharon: I really just want to read it.

Caitlin: when I said we should watch it, I was into, like, episode three or four, and we just had had, like, a few moments of brightness, and.

Sharon: I just thought, you know what? We had to do it. It.

Caitlin: We did.

Sharon: And now I know. No, because before season one.

Caitlin: That’s right.

Sharon: I could never really legitimately say I don’t like it because I never finished it.

Caitlin: You hadn’t tried it.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: It was on your plate, and you had.

Sharon: Yeah, I only had a few episodes. But you don’t like it now. I watched the whole freaking season, and I can get a bad come out and say, I do not like Dubai and I’m not watching Periodt is what.

Caitlin: I said last week.

Sharon: Or as my daughter said today, exclamation point. Period.

Caitlin: That’s right. She made me put the period after.

Sharon: Caitlin was like, I do not want to do that.

Caitlin: The grammar police are coming, so. Okay. But.

Sharon: Yep.

Caitlin: kindergartners. Yeah. All right, well, that is our final episode on Dubai. Remember, how do I bring the drama.

Sharon: But we bring the receipts.

Caitlin: Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. And if you’d like to help support the podcast, please share it with others or leave a rating and review. Also, visit us on Instagram and threads, both at RH on RH for fun pictures and polls. Or email thanks again and remember to stay out of the shade.