US Capital with episode title

The rules of hosting and invitations were murky in the one-season wonder that is the Real Housewives of DC, but these three housewives gave us capital drama.

In this episode, we discuss storylines from Real Housewives of DC Season 1:Mary Amon, Stacie Turner & Lynda Erkiletian

⚪Mary vs Michaele… ⚪Lynda vs Michaele… ⚪Stacie vs Gay Marriage…

Episode 81 on Spotify

Caitlin: Who did you like the best in the show? Because like, I feel like Kayla is the best storyline, but like, she’s not the best person to, like, hang out with.

Sharon: As far as being friends, I think I could be friends with Linda.

Caitlin: Linda, I think is my number.

Sharon: With a. Yep.

Caitlin: Linda with a. Yeah, maybe Mary. Mm I don’t know. I think she’d get drunk and drive you crazy.

Sharon: She did seem high the whole time.

Caitlin: She did. And she kind of like, she smells way too much tea. Like, you couldn’t trust her with anything. She’d be your partner.

Sharon: But that’s why she’d be fun.

Caitlin: She wouldn’t.

Sharon: She would tell you all.

Caitlin: She will not let you borrow anything from her closet, though.

Sharon: Yeah, yeah, exactly. I do like how she was kind of snarky about she Mikhail.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: And her, like, how she used to work at the makeup well, and she.

Caitlin: And Linda were close. So it’s like, if you’re friends with Linda, you probably have to be friends with Mary.

Sharon: Yeah, that’s true.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin and this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea blowing so chic. Hold onto your guest list.

Sharon: Today we’re digging into Mary Amens, Linda Erklesian, and Stacey Turner from the Bravo vault. Real Housewives of DC, season one. It premiered August 5, 2010. That’s 14 years ago. And there was no season number two.

Caitlin: Which I’m still sad about. Also, I just love Bravo vault. Like, I want everything to be in the Bravo vault.

Sharon: Oh, I know.

Caitlin: It’s like when Disney had the vault. All right. Mary was 38 on the show, Linda was 52, and Stacy was 42. Just for reference, we have episodes on Kat and Mikhail. Kat was 37 and Mikhail was 44.

Caitlin: It is funny, we were talking about it, but for some reason it feels like the ages really matter on this show.

Sharon: Normally, we don’t always look them up.

Caitlin: I feel like you just can’t guess for some reason. Like, I look at these women and I can’t tell you their ages, and I don’t know if it’s like an era thing. Like, yeah, it was just such a different time.

Sharon: Yeah, it’s like, was 14 years ago, the plastic surgery. So different.

Caitlin: That’s a really good question. I bet it is. I bet there’s like a whole, like, evolution of plastic surgery. Maybe you can, like, tell the year that someone got plastic surgery. Yes. Oh, really? 2012 nose.

Sharon: This is a 2002 lip.

Caitlin: We don’t see them like that much anymore. Okay. Our verses this week are Mary versus Mikhail, Linda versus Mikhail, and Stacy versus gay marriage. The thing to know about Mary is that she is very, very, very involved with a lot on her closet.

Caitlin: It is the, it is her issue of the season. It’s very important to her. It is a thumb lock, which for 2010 is pretty amazing. Yeah. Our phones didn’t have thumb locks.

Sharon: I mean, I’d be impressed if someone had that now. I mean, I know the technology isn’t as amazing, but like, it’s not a common thing.

Caitlin: But in 2010, that’s like spy level technology. Like she had like the DC spy museum come out and like install CIA. They were out there, so. But that’s to keep her daughter lolly out because they are just, they’re so close in age. It’s, it’s upsetting.

Sharon: Yeah. She doesn’t want to be mistaken for a closer.

Caitlin: She just gets into the closet all the time. Do you think Mary had stuff that really needed protecting in that closet? I didn’t get that vibe.

Sharon: I didn’t get that vibe either.

Caitlin: She wasn’t dripping in diamonds. She wasn’t. I mean, I just think it was more of a control issue.

Sharon: I do too.

Caitlin: Probably why she wasn’t there before.

Sharon: Exactly. but the big issue this season. Okay, so you’ve just brought up Lolly was Mary versus Mikhail in regards to Lolly. Okay. They. Mary is at dinner with Mikhail and Tarek and Stacey and her hubby, and all of a sudden Tarek comes out and says that Lolly was involved in stealing his polo association’s car and their gear in it, and then posting with all his stolen gear and stolen car on Facebook, like bragging that they stole all this stuff. And he said, based on this theft, the FBI is involved and everyone’s going to go to jail and everyone’s lives are over. Implying that Lolly was involved in this robbery.

Caitlin: Right. What was interesting too is I remember thinking, was it just a joyride? Like he kept saying stolen, but also felt like they got the stuff back.

Sharon: Well, that’s because the FBI was involved.

Caitlin: Oh, that’s right. Those guys know what they’re doing. They also install closet locks.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: When they’re at your house. What was interesting was he made it just sound like she was like the ringleader and she stole it and she and a bunch of her friends were going to jail. And then we kind of learned that, like, there really wasn’t anything tying lolly to it. And it seems like at most what she did is she made a comment saying, how are you having so much fun without me? Yeah, without me being.

Sharon: Which implies she was not there.

Caitlin: So it’s like he just wanted to, again, make himself sound so important that the FBI is involved in everything he does, which they are, but.

Sharon: Well, kind of like when my stuff gets stolen, the FBI comes. Like, we don’t just go to.

Caitlin: The police, but we break into the White House. The FBI needs to stay away. But it was upsetting. Like, you could see how upset Mary was. But the weird thing was she was so upset because he came at her without her husband there. That was dated to me.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: Like, what housewife nowaday would be like, how dare you speak to me when my husband wasn’t there.

Sharon: And Stacy, Stacy’s husband, the same thing. He came in to defend Mary because as a man, she needed defending and her husband wasn’t there.

Caitlin: And everyone kept saying it was so amazing how Jason stepped in and took on the role when her father, like Lolly’s father wasn’t there.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Like this felt like even earlier than 2010, it was, ah, very odd. I just can’t imagine. I mean, that dates this, I think, for us.

Sharon: I know, and I’m surprised. Cause it’s only 14 years ago.

Caitlin: It’s like maybe this was more when housewife met Housewife, you know, and it’s like that you weren’t. And now it’s like housewife is so much more of a powerful.

Sharon: But they had jobs.

Caitlin: They did.

Caitlin: But they were all married, which is interesting. There wasn’t any.

Sharon: Oh, well, no, Linda.

Caitlin: Linda was.

Sharon: Linda.

Caitlin: She did have a. She did have a man. Yeah, there was more of a focus on. But again, that’s sort of a franchise thing because, like we always say, New Jersey has a huge focus on their spouses. So it’s like DC maybe just had that too.

Sharon: well, in the end, she wasn’t investigated at all. Like, there was nothing to it. And I also think the way he came after Mary, it’s like because she had never heard about it, she couldn’t defend herself. So when someone’s like your kid, you want to say like, of course my kid didn’t do that, but you have no idea what they’re talking about. So you can’t even really come out and be like, oh, I know what you’re talking about, and that’s not true because x, y, Z.

Caitlin: And I think it’s like a parent that’s one of your biggest fears, that someone’s like, oh, my God, this is your child has just ruined their future. Yeah. And so it’s like she doesn’t want to say anything and she needs to talk to her child. Yeah, it’s just, and to do it on camera, it’s like you were just doing that for the pomegranate circumstance of it. You don’t care about your polo jacket. All right, who wins in Mary versus Mikhail?

Sharon: Mary.

Caitlin: Yeah, I think so too.

Sharon: There’s Mikhail ever wearing.

Caitlin: No.

Sharon: I guess when she marries, like a dude from journey. Yeah.

Caitlin: Ah, maybe, maybe. Although we have, she’s fallen out of the limelight. So is she happy with that or not? I don’t know.

Sharon: Good question. She healed from rheumatoid art or. No, what was it?

Caitlin: Oh, that’s true.

Sharon: Ms. Yeah, I think she, right, she.

Caitlin: Really helps on the secretly behind the scenes.

Sharon: She’s working for cures, she’s funding the cures on everything. Okay, let’s talk about Linda now because she was my favorite.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: so she owns a modeling agency and she has four kids and we love her because she sages our house, which seems very like ahead of her time.

Caitlin: You’re right.

Sharon: I mean, I know it’s an older thing, but like now it’s all the rage on housewives. It is. she likes to throw intimate parties. M. and she has a good friend named Paul.

Caitlin: She does. And she’s also dating a very cute man.

Sharon: Oh.

Caitlin: Who is twice her height. That’s right, half her age. There. Did I do that right?

Sharon: You did that right.

Caitlin: I’ve done it wrong like 45 times.

Sharon: He’s young and hot.

Caitlin: He’s young and hot and he was a good choice.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Eye candy. Good job, Linda. She claims she won’t get married again. so she’s gonna throw. Well, she had already thrown a birthday party for her friend Paul, but it was really intimate and according to Mikhail, his feelings were really hurt.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Do you wanna tell us about.

Sharon: Yeah. So two years ago, Linda threw this party for Paul. And you know, Mikhail wants to throw him a party this year to make up for the fact that he couldn’t invite a thousand people to it. So Mikhail is gonna throw this party and she supposedly hosts it and they call her out because. Let’s talk about the word host.

Caitlin: Let’s talk about the word host.

Sharon: Let’s talk about what she did and did not pay for. So it turns out the owners of the venue, they supplied the venue, the food, the wine, the champagne. Someone else gifted the cake. Michael, and Tark were supposed to bring oasis wine and they never did.

Caitlin: That’s not true. They savored one champagne bottle. That’s what you’re talking. It was probably a magnum too. We could call it two bottles if we’re being generous.

Sharon: Yes. And then Mikhail’s team lawyer did call Paul’s managing person and said, you have to sign this document saying, mikhail and Tarek are not gonna pay for any of your birthday party.

Caitlin: No.

Sharon: And if you don’t sign it, we don’t show up.

Caitlin: And then, and Paul had been waiting for them.

Sharon: Paul had been waiting for them. And then Paul is like, okay, well, you know, he’s trying to go in with them, and then he gets a text that they went there without him, so they went to his party without him. And then, so finally he’s like, I.

Caitlin: Guess I’ll show up at my party that I don’t even know if I’m invited to at this point.

Sharon: And he says that they had been close friends previously, but she was different. She’s changed.

Caitlin: I got that vibe from a lot of people. Linda, and Mary all said very similar things. It’s interesting. Like, what changed? We wanted to blame Tarek, but they met in 2000, they were married in 2003. So they’d been together long enough that you think. Unless they’d known them 20 years. I mean, is this just like, folly?

Sharon: Whatever. The two people become crazy together.

Caitlin: I think that’s exactly what it is. They each took on the worst characteristics of the other person, and then they became this, like, super enemy of everyone in town, apparently.

Sharon: But how did Mikhail even want to pretend that she was hosting?

Caitlin: Why bother? Why have your name on it?

Sharon: Right?

Caitlin: Maybe they wanted the winery’s name on it. No, I think it said Michael and tark on the.

Sharon: But you would think she would have, like, at least brought the wine.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: Or at least paid for one thing. Like, maybe she.

Caitlin: I’m not sure that winery makes wine. I think it’s a front. This is my new theory.

Sharon: It could be.

Caitlin: It probably once upon a time made one, but I’m not sure it’s made wine.

Sharon: I mean, it didn’t have wine grapes. They had table grapes.

Caitlin: And I’m not sure what they were pouring at that party. Now I’m a little, but, like, do.

Sharon: You think she was initially planning to host or like she said, I’ll host. And then they actually came to her and she kind of, like, got other people.

Caitlin: It, to me, feels like the biggest tip of the hand, because every other time they have all these reasons why they can’t do something.

Caitlin: Oh, this happened.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Oh, this. Oh, it’s so unfortunate. But we’re embroiled in this family issue. Yes, but this is like the first time it felt like we need our lawyer to write down that you have no financial responsibility because we can’t pay for it and we’re gonna get sued. It’s like, I feel like that’s the most. They tipped their hand this whole season is this party.

Sharon: That’s a good point, because they made.

Caitlin: It really clear and like, they thought he wouldn’t talk. I mean.

Sharon: Yeah. I almost wish I had been a little confused when I saw it on the episode. and then I read Paul’s blog about it and he really neatly lays it out there, which the episode does make sense going back. I wish they had just been more clear about. Mikhail said, I will host it. And then she literally did nothing.

Caitlin: The opposite.

Sharon: Like, because I had been left wondering, did she pay for something? I had kind of thought maybe she had, like, she did nothing.

Caitlin: No, because they all questioned it. But we, we didn’t get to see, like, the tally. I missed the Bravo blogs, by the way. Do they still do them? I don’t think they do.

Sharon: I never used to read them. Yeah. but this one, like, it just kind of popped up and it was interesting.

Caitlin: So Paul was one of my favorites too, because he was like our friend of the season. but he was a guy, which is kind of a fun twist.

Sharon: Yes, that was.

Caitlin: But he was there the most and.

Sharon: His hair was always different, which was fun.

Caitlin: He has a book. We need to try to find this book.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: Putting it all together. And he was on Ricky Lake doing makeovers. Okay.

Sharon: Remember back in the day? Oh, I love it. Oh, and I want to go one back thing to the party.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: The fact that not only are you saying I’m going to host a party, you’re going to host a big party.

Caitlin: With a bigger gathering.

Sharon: You could have hosted five people, and maybe if you didn’t even pay for it, then it’s not. People won’t notice as much.

Caitlin: They wouldn’t. You could have just been like, we’re just gonna do the people on the show and make it a nice. But no. First she had to call out Linda, saying, intimate gathering rings are terrible.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And Paul was crying in his birthday cake because he really wanted 20 people, and you only let him have ten or whatever, which he didn’t seem that upset about.

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: Yeah, that’s interesting. And then Linda and Mikhail also get into it over Mikhail’s skinniness, which she’s too skinny. I mean, let’s just. Yeah, I’m not a doctor, but I’m gonna.

Sharon: Caitlin m everyone’s. She has a fast metabolism.

Caitlin: She does. And there was no ozempic back in, so we can’t call her an ozempic, you know, housewife. But Linda suggests she has a way to fix it, though.

Sharon: Eat some cheeseburgers and rice.

Caitlin: But she doesn’t say it to, mikhail’s face, and that is the whole problem. So this gets back to Mikhail, and Mikhail thinks Linda’s so negative. That’s what she keeps saying. God, she’s so negative. She just needs to lighten up. She needs to be happier, more joyful.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Although if you do that on your podcast, people think you too loud.

Sharon: I’m just gonna say, oh, exactly. If you laugh too much, it’s not good. Okay, I know we’ve said this before, but I’d be happy if people thought I needed to eat a cheeseburger.

Caitlin: I would love to be told to go eat a cheeseburger. I think that’s so major.

Sharon: I’d probably be like, okay, I’d probably.

Caitlin: Think, I already have one. Yeah.

Sharon: Like, and I’m sorry. Back at the time, being thin then was more, it wasn’t as body positive it as, as it is now.

Caitlin: No, it’s true.

Sharon: So I think that it’s even back then, it was even more of a compliment to be like, oh, you’re too.

Caitlin: Skinny, especially from a modeling agent lady. I mean, or maybe that was the, Maybe that’s what she found offensive, that she’s around all these skinny models all the day, but she thinks Mikhail’s too skinny. I mean, I felt like it was meaner when Mary and Linda would talk about her constantly, like, oh, she was just the makeup girl. She was the makeup.

Sharon: Like, that’s more offensive to me than, like, really snarky.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Tark saying she gained 20 pounds. I’m m. Like, there’s no way. I’m sorry. Unless she was like a walking skeleton.

Caitlin: No, but the problem was that losing the weight and marrying tark kind of ruined her beautiful soul. Cause she’s hangry to Linda and Mary. And Linda is such. Linda’s fun, but Linda’s a stinker because she kept calling her mikayla. Yes. And you, like, I don’t think it was a slip at the top.

Sharon: I don’t either. It was kind of like bringing her down. Cause, like, Mikhail is, like, fancier.

Caitlin: Like, when she left the Nordstrom’s, like, makeup counter, she became Mikhail. That’s the vibe, I guess.

Sharon: Like Steve Urkel.

Caitlin: Exactly.

Sharon: Stefan Urquelle.

Caitlin: Yeah. His cousin or whatever from France. Maybe that’s what happened to Mikhail. She had a cousin from France. All right, who wins in Linda versus Mikhail? Linda.

Sharon: I know Linda, I guess because, like.

Caitlin: She didn’t pay for the bill.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: I mean, well, but see, in a.

Sharon: Way, I don’t feel like Mikael was called to task enough for that.

Caitlin: No, she wasn’t.

Sharon: I feel like she almost got away with it.

Caitlin: She gets off a lot and I don’t understand how. I think it’s because she’s so confusing and she’s so ditzy and you can’t pin her down on anything that it’s exhausting. You can’t argue with crazy.

Sharon: Yeah. And I think she likes being called too skinny, so I think that fed her ego.

Caitlin: That’s probably true too. But she got to point it out like, Linda was the bad.

Sharon: That’s true.

Caitlin: And that made her feel happy. All right, let’s move on to Stacy. So Stacey, we talked a little bit about in our McHale episode because she’s a real estate agent and she got stuck trying to find real estate for Mikhail and target, which is a scene in and of itself to see. but Stacey and Jason are an interesting couple because I like them, but at the same time, I don’t feel like we got to know Stacy very well. So Stacey’s confusing to me, I think because we go to this event with this, I think she was a lobbyist.

Caitlin: And we learned that Stacy and Jason, Stacy kind of says, well, I’m for equal rights, but our spiritual leader, like our church leader, Says marriage can only be between a man and a woman. And so that’s not something we want to be involved as becoming law because at this point they were trying to get gay marriage through as a law. And she’s like, I know, separate but equal didn’t really work in the black community. It’s like the thing where people are like, you know, taking a break doesn’t work for other people, but maybe it’ll work for us, you know? And it was like that exact same thing here. But she did seem a little conflicted, I felt like. But it was such an interesting standpoint because it’s sort of our political, you know, show because it’s DC. They asked them at the reunion whether they were a Democrat or a Republican, which usually we don’t touch those issues. So that was interesting. And then to have Bravo, who’s so pro gay rights have, this couple, and really Mary was questioning it, too. There was a bunch of people really questioning it. So they really were showing both sides of the issue, which was interesting.

Sharon: And are we so shocked by it just because it’s changed that much?

Caitlin: I think so. I mean, I guess I kind of forgot how narrow minded it was in those arguments back in 2010, which doesn’t seem like that long ago.

Sharon: I feel like that would never happen on a private show today.

Caitlin: I agree. And so it was interesting, and I.

Sharon: Wonder how Stacy feels now. Yeah, I feel like she probably is okay with that, but, I mean, I don’t know. I’m totally.

Caitlin: I know. Cause it’s hard because I liked. I feel bad. I liked her up until that point, and then at that point, I was kind of, like. I kind of wrote her and Jason off a little bit.

Sharon: Oh, really? I still liked her. I just felt like. I don’t know. Cause we don’t know. Maybe she changed.

Caitlin: She may have. And again, it felt like. So we learned that everybody breaks up with their spouses on the show, and, like, maybe their church had sort of a, Like, the man is the leader. And this was Jason’s belief. Maybe it wasn’t Stacey’s belief. I mean, but she was, you know, being a good wife or something. And so maybe that’s the issue behind it, too. What was fun with her is she did have this, she. Her. She was adopted, and her mom was from Germany and Finland, and her dad was nigerian, and she didn’t know anything about her dad. Her mom wouldn’t give her any information. She kind of, like, stalked her, brother online, like, her half brother on Facebook, which was a little. That felt dated, too. Like, let’s message him on Facebook. Like, are we still doing that? Are people still messaging on Facebook? but it was interesting because Jason snuck into the nigerian embassy. See, people are just sneaking into stuff left and right on the show with the pizza delivery person.

Sharon: Yeah, that’s, like. This is terrifying, actually.

Caitlin: I don’t like how many people are getting into things. We have at least three instances on.

Sharon: The show you talk about. They always say security theater.

Caitlin: Yeah. I’m not feeling good about TC in 2010.

Sharon: God. I think it’s harder to get into our kids school.

Caitlin: It should be. They did get in, and they found this woman who actually knew the dad from the information.

Sharon: Like, they showed him a picture, and she recognized, like, something about his dress was, like, outfit was, Like, he could be a spiritual leader or some kind of leader. And she was like, that’s from my state.

Caitlin: And that was fun. Like, that was interesting. And it was interesting, the nigerian focus, because, of course, with Potomac, we have so much of that with Wendy and with the new girl Neca. And so it was kind of interesting that, like, that thread is kind of curious, carried through. but otherwise, there wasn’t a lot that we got from Stacey and Jason. Like, they kind of tried to be friends with Mikhail and Tark, and that sort of came back. Invite them.

Sharon: They went to Paris with them.

Caitlin: They did. It’s like, you know when you accidentally invite somebody to something? That’s what happened here. It’s like they were like, oh, my brother. Yeah. Was it Jason’s brother? It was like a pop or a rap star.

Sharon: Yeah, in France.

Caitlin: In France. Like, he was on the charts in France, but it was awesome.

Sharon: Like, he didn’t speak French or anything. And one day he’s like, I’m gonna go to France and rap.

Caitlin: Exactly. And they were all like, okay.

Sharon: And he knew that.

Caitlin: And it worked. But then the salahis were like, oh, my gosh, we’re totally coming with you.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And you could tell they were kind of like, oh, okay. I thought you were joking.

Sharon: And they thought that they wouldn’t be able to do it. She was like, you know why? Because they don’t actually have jobs.

Caitlin: No. Or, yeah, well, that’s true. But I also thought they didn’t have money, so they probably snuck on the.

Sharon: Plane, probably in the luggage.

Caitlin: Hold the dogs underneath. That sounds about right. There’s, scandals wherever those two go.

Caitlin: All right, who wins in Stacy versus, I guess, gay rights. Not Stacey. Gay rights. Because we do end up.

Sharon: The bill went through.

Caitlin: Exactly. So, yay, gay pride. Okay, here’s my question, just sort of in general about DC. Cause we loved DC. It was a really good watch.

Sharon: It was.

Caitlin: Watch it. Why was it canceled? We know because of Mikael and Tarek breaking into the White House. Would it still be canceled today? Like, my question is sort of the genshot of it all because, like Andy said, there was. He actually quoted, like, a stink around Mikhail and Tarek.

Caitlin: And that he pushed really hard to bring DC back for a second season, but he couldn’t get it to come back because the tapes of DC had been subpoenaed by the FBI, which I get. But then we look at Jen Shaw in Salt Lake City, and they got a second season and they didn’t even get rid of Jen. Like, I would say you couldn’t have McKaylin tark on the show.

Sharon: Mm.

Caitlin: But why couldn’t you continue with the rest of them?

Sharon: Well, Jen was accused and she said she didn’t do it. Okay, so she’s innocent until proven guilty. Yes.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: But Mikhail and Tarek, we know they did something wrong. I mean, I guess they’re implying they were invited, but.

Sharon: We know that they did that. They walked into the White House.

Caitlin: Right.

Sharon: So I think it’s different there.

Caitlin: Yes. And Bravo cameras kind of filmed those moments that were really interesting. Yeah.

Sharon: So bravo in a way, you know, they were not part of it.

Caitlin: No. But more than they were of like, Jen working on a job to the side.

Sharon: Jen had been doing that for years.

Caitlin: And. Yeah, and you’re right, there was a question Jen made as to whether she was guilty or not and this seemed more clear cut.

Sharon: Definitely.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: Yeah. And also it’s funny because when you say like, well, today they went and canceled it because it almost makes it seem like there’s more. There was more honor in reality tv, but I don’t think there was.

Caitlin: That’s a good point.

Sharon: 14 years ago, I don’t think there was any more honor.

Caitlin: No, I do.

Sharon: I mean, we were still in that Ricky lake and maybe that was, maybe that was prior to that, but we had trashy, trashy, trashy reality shows then too.

Caitlin: And it’s not like we had amazingly, like political people who were big deals on this show. Like, nobody was. No one worked in the government.

Sharon: Kat’s, husband was a big deal photographer, but.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: I mean, that’s a little different.

Caitlin: And he was british, so he doesn’t. Yeah, that doesn’t count. But I mean, nobody was like a lobbyist or a senator, you know, like, so it’s interesting too, because it’s, I guess you wouldn’t be able to get those people to be on a show, would you? Nowadays I feel like a little bit more like that. I do think is, I think you.

Sharon: Could get a few of the crazier.

Caitlin: More extreme, but I think that Bravo does shy away from that.

Sharon: Yeah, I agree. Yeah.

Caitlin: They are not as, they do not show their political leanings as much anymore.

Sharon: Well, because that’s not.

Caitlin: And that’s fair.

Sharon: We want to have fun when we watch. I don’t want to get into politics, you know.

Caitlin: I agree. All right, well, that is our episode on pretty much everybody else of the DC group. We also have our Mikhail and Kat episodes and we are going to read Kat’s two books.

Sharon: Yes, it’s a set.

Caitlin: And we’re going to read the Salahi book of Salahi Circus or Circus Salahi circus.

Sharon: And then we’re gonna read Paul Wharton.

Caitlin: And we gotta find Paul book because I’m intrigued. He might make us better dressers. Yes, that would be good for us, I feel like. All right, so we’re gonna. We’re not done with DC yet, so stay tuned. All right, remember, housewives bring the drama.

Sharon: But we bring the receipts.

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