Angie sailed through her first season on a pink pool flamingo in her Greek bikini to earn another season as the Don of Salt Lake.
In this episode, we discuss Angie Kastenevas storylines from Real Housewives of Salt Lake City season 4:
⚪Angie vs Heather ⚪Angie vs Meredith ⚪Angie vs Monica
Caitlin: Hold on your snowflakes.
Sharon: This week, we’re digging into Angie katsani of us from wheel. Sorry.
Caitlin: Just kidding. It’s the curse of the mugle dress.
Sharon: Hi, this is Caitlin, and this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to real housewives on real housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your snowflakes.
Sharon: This week we’re digging into Angie katsanavis from Real Housewives of Salt lake city, season four.
Caitlin: Okay, the verses this week are Angie versus heather, Angie versus Meredith, or the husband romas, and Angie versus monica, which is essentially greek Easter. let’s talk a little bit about Angie kay. I keep calling her Angie kay, and I realize she’s just Angie now.
Sharon: I know there’s no second Angie.
Caitlin: No, it’s weird. Also, you know what else is weird? So we’re not actually in the same room, which we usually are.
Sharon: Yes, but I don’t.
Caitlin: Or I’m in quarantine. Or one of us is in quarantine. It’s weird.
Sharon: I’m looking at Caitlin’s face on the computer. It’s just not this.
Caitlin: I know. And I can’t hold it as well as I’d like to, which is that angle where you hold it way up above your head so that you look thinner because then the microphone won’t work.
Sharon: Are you trying to impress me, Caitlin? no, I just don’t want you.
Caitlin: To look right up. My know, but it’s so nice inside.
Sharon: Angie.
Caitlin: Ah. Castanevis is a hairdresser, along with her husband Sean, who we’ve been calling a poor man’s nicolas. They first met at a hair salon, and they own lunatic fringe, which has nine locations in Utah, Idaho, and ohio. So only vowel states, I guess. They have one daughter, electra, and she sleeps most nights. I put a question mark with them in their ginormous bed. and she has purple dyed poodles.
Sharon: Nice.
Caitlin: That’s my right up on Angie. Yeah, and she wore that horrible, awful moogle dress that all the housewives got in their housewives welcome packet. I know the one that looks like an ice dancer thing. Tamara had it. someone from potomacomic. Yeah, Wendy had it just this last week. And potomac, that dress, I hate it. It haunts me, and it’s everywhere. And I don’t understand. Not that many people would just purchase this. Like, I feel like they had to have been given it. Like, all the housewives were given it. And these are the ones that wore it?
Sharon: I think so. Or it’s kind of like the Stanley water. Everyone’s like, you’re a cool housewife if.
Caitlin: You wear this dress.
Sharon: I kind of want to wear their dress because they all.
Caitlin: Yeah, well, I mean, yeah, now everybody. But it would terrible if you showed up in that. I would die. Oh, my God.
Sharon: I have to get it now.
Caitlin: Bravocon next year. You get that. Oh, my God.
Sharon: That’d be perfect to wear to bravo con. Good idea.
Caitlin: And I’ll just wear a shirt that’s like, not with.
Sharon: This is my mugler dress.
Caitlin: I’ll wear the one that Lisa had, the fake mugler that Mary picked out for her. All right. This is Angie’s first season as an official housewife. She was a friend of last season. and last season she hosted the trip with Jen Shaw, which was a huge mess. why do we think everyone is so anti Angie? That’s sort of hard to say. like, going into this season, I don’t know.
Sharon: Because I was too. I like Angie, then I hate her, then I like her, then I hate her. I think she’s just easy to like and easy to hate.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Like, she’s easy to flip on. I don’t know why I can’t stay straight with her. I don’t know.
Caitlin: No, I agree. I felt like I didn’t really care about her a on last season either way as much. And then this season, going into it with her, like, crashing the trip and everything with Meredith, I was like, oh, I do not like her at all. But it is my favorite thing when I do, like, a 180 on someone in a season. And I went from hating her to really liking her by the end of the season. And I do feel like that’s a really great first season to have where you can take people and completely flip how they feel about you. Yeah. let’s look at Angie versus Heather. So our background on that is that Angie kind of, I wrote, came in like a wrecking ball this season. She crashed Heather’s fresh start party and then also Meredith’s trip to Palm Springs. Okay. At the fresh start party, Heather was not excited to see her because she was, the one at the party who was saying that the black eye came from the Barbie scissor kicks rumor. And I had forgotten that. So I think that was why we left with sort of a sour taste of her in our mouth from last season. So I think that’s kind of important to remember. and the fresh start was really like, she wasn’t invited. So fresh start was not meant to be with her, but Whitney just brought her along. she said that she and Angie Kay had been in high school together. They were friends, or they shared best friends in high school, but she felt like Angie was just jumping into a relationship. Lisa. And she thought that that was weird. I’m not entirely sure why. You know, at the beginning of the season, it’s weird because we’re not sure why Heather and Lisa are having such problems.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: But then it’s also weird because I don’t remember Angie k being that close with Lisa last season, so I don’t know where that started either.
Sharon: Well, Heather has never really liked Angie.
Caitlin: Right?
Sharon: Yeah, because of the whole high school.
Caitlin: That’s kind of what I think. I think something happened in high school that they haven’t told us about. I do too.
Sharon: I kind of feel like whatever. It’s like they knew each other for so long. And when you don’t like someone at the age of, like, 15 or 16, that’s a lot of years and impressionable time to not like someone. I don’t know that you can come back, think of someone you hated when you’re 15. Do you think you would not like that person?
Caitlin: Like, oh, let me come into my circle. And at the very least, like she said, I don’t trust you. And I think in the very least, you might be like, well, I could like this person, I can go to dinners with them, but I’m never going to trust them because they stepped on m 15 year old me.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: I think that’s a good point. What was weird is, remember Angie said that she’s going to have Lisa sign Heather’s book? Not Heather. She was like, oh, Lisa, you can sign my copy of I.
Sharon: Okay, Heather got to hurt about that. Except for the fact normally I would say Heather needs to get over. It’s a joke. Except for the fact that no one read her book. I would actually be mad, too. Like, if they had all read her book, then, okay, Heather, she’s just joking out, but the fact that no one actually even gave a crap about her book and then they’re, like, rubbing it in her face.
Caitlin: Exactly. No, I think that was kind of awful. And you’re right. I think it wasn’t the signing of the book, it was the fact that it was like, I’m just too busy to even bother picking up this book. Side note, we’ve read the book.
Sharon: We even have.
Caitlin: Yeah. Go back, find it, listen to it. We actually really liked it.
Sharon: It’s a good episode.
Caitlin: But I would still ask Lisa.
Sharon: I would ask Heather to sign it.
Caitlin: I would. Oh, I’d ask anybody to sign.
Sharon: I’d find a page where Lisa’s on it and I’d have her sign.
Caitlin: I would be like, please sign up. I just wish she could have signed my diet coke purse. That’s my.
Sharon: That would have been cool.
Caitlin: Yeah. okay, so Heather, during the warm and fuzzy and cold and prickly in palm, springs, says that she doesn’t trust Angie. She, says that Angie was Oliver Jen, then Oliver Lisa, and now is Oliver Whitney. And she says that Angie will buddy up with anyone, and she accuses Angie of going after whoever has the most fame. Well, did you get that vibe from Angie?
Sharon: I did not get that vibe. However, Angie kind of came in as, like, she was initially with Jen Shaw. and then so once that, when Jen goes to jail, who does she really? She doesn’t. So she kind of has to make a friendship with something. Maybe she’s just kind of going to whoever will kind of click with her or whatever, and you have to see what works.
Caitlin: That’s exactly what I think it is. Because I think Heather forgets being there from the original first season. I think that it’s easy to say, like, we’ll just be with who your friends are and let those things naturally happen. But when you get thrown into a group in the middle who’s already been filming for a few seasons, and then the whole issue with Jen, which kind of made everything.
Caitlin: Like, she did have to figure out who she could film with and who she could get time with and who she would have a storyline with. Right. I don’t think she was playing it to be like a player or because she really cares about status. Uh-huh. Like you said, I think she was just doing it to figure out where she fit into the groove. Anyone would. She’s the new girl, so the new girl has to figure out where she goes. Yeah.
Sharon: I really didn’t get any, what do you call it, like, kissing up vibe.
Caitlin: I didn’t get anything like, because she was really awful to Meredith and you’d think, like, if she was a kiss. Yeah, she would have kissed up for the party host. And she didn’t do that at all.
Sharon: I mean, she crashed the party.
Caitlin: She did crash the party, which is. Wouldn’t. I don’t think I’d be able to crash a party.
Sharon: I would not.
Caitlin: I mean, a party maybe, but not like a. Okay. The other thing I realized later is that things are probably also awkward, because Heather had said it was funny. When Jen dumped the champagne on Andy Kay during their trip last, Just think. I think that Heather was sort of destined to not like Angie Kay going into it. I agree. Yeah. I mean, allegedly, they kind of make their peace while they’re painting those birdhouses, which was sort of an OD little takeout scene. And all it really did was make Lisa mad that she wasn’t invited.
Sharon: I don’t think they’re going to ever be friends, though. They might be peaceful. They’re not going to be friends. I don’t think.
Caitlin: What do you think it would take for them to be close? Or do you just think it’s a no go?
Sharon: I don’t know. Because they already have a shared enemy. Jen.
Caitlin: Right. That’s actually my other question. Why do you think the fact that their connection to Jen Shaw isn’t something that brings them closer? Like, we’re both screwed by her?
Sharon: Because I think Jen sort of, like, somehow pitted people.
Caitlin: I don’t even think Jen consciously pitted people against each other, but I think somehow that. No, I completely think so. I think that’s the vibe you kind of get from some of the stuff Monica said and, different of her employees have said. I think she totally pitted people against.
Sharon: Because she talks badly about so and so, and then they can’t bond over the fact that they both think Jen is terrible.
Caitlin: Then there’s nothing.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: You’re right. Like, I think they’ll be able to find a piece, but I don’t think they’ll ever be friends.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Okay. Who do you think wins in that? Angie or Heather? Yeah, Heather. I was like, that’s not her name.
Sharon: I call it a draw. What do you think?
Caitlin: Yeah, I think that’s fair. I was going to say maybe a little more Angie kay. I don’t think Heather looked good because she looked like she wasn’t welcoming the new person. And that doesn’t come off looking really.
Sharon: So early in the season, though, that you forget about it by the end.
Caitlin: Yeah, I think.
Sharon: And with, like, I think in the end, it doesn’t end up really being a, stain on Heather at all just because of what happened. I don’t know.
Caitlin: That’s true. All right, let’s move on to Angie versus Meredith. Now, we do talk about this, in our Meredith episode, so we’ll keep this kind of brief. But Angie sneaks into the palm springs trip. Meredith gets blamed for the rumors and nastiness about Angie’s husband. it comes from Meredith saying, like, does she want me to go there with a. So. But behind the. Later, we come to the understanding that Monica is really the plant for a lot of this information. but come reunion. And this is what I thought was interesting. So, I mean, this is Angie’s main storyline, the whole issue of meredith spreading the rumors and then Monica confirming the rumors that maybe Sean is gay, which are not true. And then he’s sad, and they’re sad, and the whole family’s sad. And then what’s interesting, though, is come reunion, I thought after what they went through exposing Monica, that Angie and Meredith would be cool. But the reunion, they’re still not friends. The trampoline with eyes and the threatened family and the rumors and the greek mafia thing was attributed to Meredith and all that. So are we surprised that Angie still blames Meredith at the reunion after what happened with Monica? I am. I didn’t understand why they were so I.
Sharon: But, see, I don’t know why they were mad from the beginning, though, which we kind of talk about.
Caitlin: Yeah. Well, because of the rumors, I think, unfortunately. But before. Oh, I see what you mean. Were they just not close?
Sharon: Well, she didn’t even invite her on the trip. Yeah.
Caitlin: Again. Yeah. Okay. That I still don’t understand.
Sharon: I still don’t understand the whole. Because they each think that someone said something else about each other. All it comes down to is, I thought you said this, and I thought you said this.
Caitlin: right. And you’re right. I think it is just kind of going back to that. Jen pitting everybody against each other. Because, again, Meredith was really pulling for her. And Meredith and Heather weren’t super close last. Then, you know, Angie was kind of on her, like. But none of these people who are on her team can be friends with each other. Yeah. So it’s like, I don’t know if Jen is just saying horrible things behind the scenes. Do you think it was fair that Angie got left out of the beach? Know that iconic moment where Heather exposes Monica to the girls everyone is using, like, the Dorit meme, like, looking out the window. She probably was. It’s not like they could just speak out camera.
Sharon: M first, I had the same thought when I watched it. I was like, oh, Angie’s out there. But at the same time, I feel like, okay, you know when you have a family picture, but there’s someone who’s kind of, like, married in, but they’re.
Caitlin: Not really that person in there. Not.
Sharon: And maybe later on they get divorced and you’re like, oh, that person I don’t want.
Caitlin: That’s kind of how I feel about that scene?
Sharon: Because she’s not og.
Caitlin: You’re right. No, you’re right. When they paint that scene years later and put it in up in the museum, we don’t need Answer.
Sharon: I think it’s better that she wasn’t there. She has not gone through the years of suffering with, what was her name?
Caitlin: Some of those posts.
Sharon: Oh, that’s right.
Caitlin: Maybe that was the problem. All, right, who wins then in Angie versus.
Sharon: I say, I don’t know. I say meredith, because really, I don’t think anyone really wins. But I’m going to say meredith just because she came out on top with everything being vindicated.
Caitlin: She was vindicated in the end. Yeah. For like three fourth of the season, I probably would have said angie kay, right? Mean rumor. And we thought meredith was spreading them, but, when she wasn’t, then, yeah, I think she’s redeemed. And then I guess the fact that Angie kay’s still mad at her maybe also makes to give it to Meredith because, I mean, maybe let it go. She didn’t do.
Sharon: I don’t. Yeah, I still don’t understand and I don’t know. Trampoline with eyes. I don’t know.
Caitlin: Hey, that’s a compliment. All right, let’s talk about Angie versus Monica. So, I mean, eventually we’ll have to get into our Monica episode. I’ve m been putting it off because I’m a little bit nervous about it.
Sharon: Caitlin is very stressed about it. It’s a lot of pressure to get it right.
Caitlin: She has social media influence. You never know.
Sharon: She’s going to come attack us. Hey, actually, we might actually get. Some people might look at our instagram if reality von tees attacks us.
Caitlin: Exactly. You suck.
Sharon: Reality von tees. Come tell me how much I suck.
Caitlin: Real housewives.
Sharon: Unreal housewives.
Caitlin: Some people with. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so Angie versus Monica. Angie gets ready for Greek Easter, scaring everyone with the bunny invite, which the heather freaking out part is like the greatest scene.
Sharon: That’s awesome.
Caitlin: the Greek Easter. Beautiful setup. Angie’s house is really beautiful.
Sharon: Oh, my.
Caitlin: Like, it’s like this own little. I would never have wanted personally, like, that modern of a house. But I love it.
Sharon: The windows, the floor to ceiling windows are my dream. It is just so beautiful.
Caitlin: It looks so clean. It’s all white and clean. It’s so clean.
Sharon: And then you got, like, the poodle.
Caitlin: With the white and the purple child and a dog. And it’s that clean.
Sharon: Poodles don’t shed. Aren’t they, like, hypoallergenic.
Caitlin: I think you’re right. I think they are smart. She’s smarter than us. See, she’s got a lot going for. so the husbands and the kids are there. We get to see Angie’s culture. There’s a lot of dollar bills.
Sharon: I love it when they replay the dollar bill scene later when they’re talking about the greek mafia.
Caitlin: Remember, Angie tells that story that kind of makes herself sound like you can see the pastor kind of side eyeing her. But Angie and Monica are arguing during greek Easter. which, honestly, really, the argument’s more about Monica and her mom, I think. Later we realize. But Angie stands up to Monica saying, like, you may not have started the gay husband rumor, but you’re spreading it. Monica’s like, this is my favorite. The info’s been on the streets of Salt Lake City. She gets things. The streets like, there’s just so much streets rumor. I don’t quite. Dude, salt lake City is, I guess, some crazy. Anyway, she was just telling Angie that’s what a good friend would do. So I guess my question is, do you shoot the messenger, Monica, in the wrong?
Sharon: Well, the messenger in this case, it’s.
Caitlin: Kind of like a national tv messenger.
Sharon: I’m just the know. And then you put it out there, and then you run away and, say you didn’t do it.
Caitlin: Yeah. And I think it’s hugely different. if I had to tell you something, and I came to your house and the kids weren’t there and Thomas was there, and I was like, look, we got to talk. This is out there, and you need to know it’s very different if I bring the tv cameras with me and a bunch of our friends that a party. So I think the place is very important. Like, if Monica just wanted to tell her, she would have just told her. Yeah, but she didn’t. She brought it up to be a spectacle. So, yeah, I think she was,
Sharon: She did it to get attention on herself.
Caitlin: Absolutely.
Sharon: And who knows if the rumor was out there? She heard it 15 years ago. No matter what. She was like, hm. I’m going to bring this up. This will get some attention.
Caitlin: I kind of loved at the reunion when Angie was like, not Angie, Andy was like, well, you know, you were spreading it on tv. That is kind of like, even if you didn’t originally start the room. And she kind of, like, still looks so confused. It’s like you said it on. Just. That’s the point here. I’m sorry. Whether you’re right or wrong about a million other things. You can’t just say stuff on tv.
Sharon: Yeah. And it’s one thing if it was like an active rumor that she knew was going to be on the show versus Angie had already been on the show for a while. It sounds like this was storyline. Yeah, this was a rumor in the past. You know what? It’s like it didn’t need to be brought.
Caitlin: Meredith got kind of prepped, and so when she was drunk, the rumors about the husband. Okay.
Sharon: It was responsible for one of the best scenes in house history, though.
Caitlin: M for that, I am grateful.
Sharon: Thank you, Angie, for being the.
Caitlin: It’s like, I think if nothing else, and we’ll talk about where we stand with Monica during that episode, but she is the impetus for really amazing television this season and beyond everything else and however else you feel about it, you’ve got to give her that. And really the same with Kay. Like, I didn’t think she could bring it, and she really brought it this season. There’s so many things of her, like the little running down the hallway with the food to get to the sprinter van. I mean, there’s so much of her that’s mutable. The giant sunglasses that just kept getting.
Sharon: Larger, her getting on the float in the pool.
Caitlin: Oh, my God. I mean, she is an icon in her own right. She’s dressed like little Bo peep with the bonnet at the Mormon Pioneer day lunch. There’s so much, I guess, honestly, to say about Angie. So I kind of feel like no matter what, I just want to see more of Angie. I just love, You think so? Angie’s sort of stuck in the middle of lots of friendships and arguments this season. And I think the Monica thing says that. Do you think that’s good or bad for the first season that she’s splitting in between and in the middle of so many different friend fights.
Sharon: I think that’s good because you can go different versus. You’re not like, in one camp or the other. I don’t know. What do you think?
Caitlin: Exactly? Yeah, I think she did a really good job of being friends with people, but also kind of being able to dance the line.
Caitlin: And I do think that’s what you need going into the next season, so. I agree. Yeah.
Sharon: other than Meredith, I could kind of see her getting along with everyone.
Caitlin: Yeah, I agree. So who do we think won in Angie versus Monica?
Sharon: Well, Angie for sure. Right?
Caitlin: Yeah, I think so too.
Sharon: I mean, Monica just comes out. Unless you’re like a root for the villain type. Monica’s exactly.
Caitlin: No. And especially in this I feel like this was almost the worst one in a. I mean, it really was an unfair.
Sharon: For housewives were right reasons, viewers. So.
Caitlin: Yes. And there were no receipts. She didn’t have the receipts. Oh, my God. She had no receipts on the Sean thing. So therefore, it’s like, you got to lay off.
Sharon: And when he cried, I felt really bad for him.
Caitlin: I did, too.
Sharon: I felt like it was just, like, mean, like, he was really hurt.
Caitlin: It was. I did not like it.
Sharon: Don’t make poor man’s cry. I can’t handle that.
Caitlin: Divorced with Jessica Simpson. Let it go.
Sharon: Oh, my God. I bought Jessica Simpson tights.
Caitlin: Hose.
Sharon: They’re really cute. They’re black, and they have little, you know, like the thing where there’s, like, two cherries on a stem. They have, like, those throughout that.
Caitlin: One of my favorite pair of pumps is actually Jessica simply. I’ve had them for forever. Good job, Sean. And I mean Angie. All right, well, that is our episode on Angie. I wish we should have gotten a greek word to end with. I don’t have a greek word for, like, opa.
Sharon: I don’t know opa.
Caitlin: All right. I like that. Remember, houselies, bring the drama.
Sharon: Will you bring the receipts? Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. If you’d like to help support us, please share it with others and leave a rating and review. Also, visit us on Instagram and Twitter, both ah at RH for fun pictures and polls. Or email us at, Thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade