Can we talk about why the reunion didn’t really dig into Monica using Meredith as a scapegoat?! Also, we clearly need to discuss the rumors and nastiness around bathtubs.
In this episode, we discuss Brooks Marks’ mom’s storylines (aka Meredith Marks storylines) from Real Housewives of Salt Lake City season 4:
⚪Meredith vs Whitney ⚪Meredith vs Angie ⚪Meredith vs Group Accusations
Caitlin: All right, I’m excited to start. Salt Lake. That’s, always been one of our favorites, and it’s very full circle for us because we started with Salt Lake. Oh, no, we didn’t. No, we didn’t. In my head, we started with Salt Lake.
Sharon: I love Salt Lake. Start over. All right.
Caitlin: Hi, this is Caitlin.
Sharon: And this is Sharon.
Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.
Sharon: So chic.
Caitlin: Hold on to your snowflakes.
Sharon: This week we’re digging into Brooks Marks’s mother, aka Meredith marks, from Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, season four.
Caitlin: Okay, our, verses this week for our beginning of Salt Lake and maybe one of the best seasons of Salt Lake, people are arguing. I m think I would argue that the, verses this week are Meredith versus Whitney, meredith versus Angie, aka the romas, and the nastiness, and Meredith versus the group accusations. So let’s do a little bit of the background information on Meredith. She is a businesswoman. She has a jewelry design company and a store in Utah. she has a law degree, but she’s licensed but hasn’t practiced. But I felt like that explained when she brought her quotes and stuff back to the reunion. I felt like, there’s the lawyer. The lawyer is right there. She also has an mm from business school. she’s married to Seth marks, and they met at 23. Married at 24 and had a baby at 25. And, one of our favorite things about them is that they’ve been very honest about their marriage highs and lows. It’s been a real journey. Yes.
Sharon: And they have a podcast about their marriage, and they stole our idea.
Caitlin: They did. Yes. We should mention that we have, like.
Sharon: 20 to 30 minutes episodes, so people.
Caitlin: Can just bite size and you can listen to them. We invented that. That’s our thing.
Sharon: Okay. No one else has that.
Caitlin: And I loved when she, too. And she was like, well, we got to bank some episodes and put them in the thing because that happens to us. Gosh, so relevant.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: All right, so we have met. Well, I met Meredith briefly in front of the snack section at, bravocon. And then we both met her son, the amazing, wonderful Brooks marks, who we love. and we own the pride sweatshirts, which, if you’ll notice, Meredith was wearing in a couple episodes. She wore it like, I think, twice or three times in the season.
Sharon: And didn’t. Someone else had it, too, I think somebody else.
Caitlin: Yes, you’re right. I can’t remember now. Who? Yeah, but yeah, they’ve handed those out and we really saw them. And it was the pride ones, not the other ones, which I, So what were our favorite? This is a Meredith episode, but I’m going to totally take it to the left over here. What was our favorite? Brooks marks, moments of the season.
Sharon: Okay, best Brooks.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Marks moment. Him laying on the bed, playing with his roller, like Sutton from Beverly Hills moment.
Caitlin: I love that because he just was so zoned out. Like she was trying to talk to him. It was awesome. No, he’s in his zone. Like, leave him alone. It was just good. But now we know where he gets all of the model. I think we need one of these. The Sutton one’s actually really expensive. I looked it up. Oh, is it? It’s like 70 or $80.
Sharon: What’s it made out of?
Caitlin: I don’t know. What’s got little, like, little circle thingies? I think it makes, like, it perforates your skin. It makes little Brooks marks on your.
Sharon: Well, you know what?
Caitlin: Maybe we need to test one of those out.
Sharon: I think we might need to buy one.
Caitlin: my favorite was the snowshoeing, because the way he giddily ran across the parking lot in the little just, I don’t know, brought me so much joy. And then he drove there, giving Angie a one up because he had the ski goggles. And his mom was like, I can’t believe you’re using those as, ah, sunglasses. And he’s like, they’re tinted.
Sharon: I love that they’re so big on their skin care sun.
Caitlin: Are they don’t want wrinkles. No, they don’t. And they really pay attention to that.
Sharon: Yeah, especially Angie.
Caitlin: Exactly. She’s like, how can I get sunglasses to go for my whole face? Well, and then remember, she bejeweled that acne patch. And I just wear mine. I’ve never thought to bejeweled. Just sometimes I just wear them out of the house. I never thought to fancy it up. All ah. Right. Let’s talk about Meredith versus Whitney. We broke this into a couple little parts. So let’s start with bathtub gate. Do you want to give us a.
Sharon: Little peek into bathtub Meredith, we have known for a long time, likes fads.
Caitlin: M hm.
Sharon: In season three, there’s the rumors on the streets. Season three, there’s this infamous scene where they’re like, in the bathtub together, and she’s got her feet in maybe inappropriate places.
Caitlin: Cringey.
Sharon: It’s very cringey. So Whitney comes out and says in some interview somewhere that it’s gross that Meredith takes a bath with her husband.
Caitlin: That’s right.
Sharon: Whitney is not opposed to baths. No, she is opposed to baths with people because it’s Jeremy and dirty.
Caitlin: Yeah. So, thoughts? I’m opposed to baths with or without people. I don’t care. People are in the middle. Okay. I’m just opposed to baths.
Sharon: So Caitlin and I, as we said before, we do not like baths. No, they’re gross.
Caitlin: We do like Meredith, though.
Sharon: Yes, but what if you did like baths?
Caitlin: I still wouldn’t want somebody in my bath. I don’t want somebody in my shower. So I don’t want somebody in my bath.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: It’s not a time for m chatting. It’s not a time for hanging out.
Sharon: If you have a shower, like I do. With two shower heads.
Caitlin: Yeah. And I didn’t realize this. I want to go take a shower by myself.
Sharon: They are individually temperature controlled.
Caitlin: That was my next question. I still don’t want somebody in the shower. It’s better because the whole thing is, like, get out of my way, and I want the water. And also, I scald myself like a lobster.
Sharon: I mean, I think the point of two showers is that you get, like, water from all over, so you feel. Yeah, but I don’t let Thomas use both at once because I feel like it’s a waste of water. Not even on his birthday, so he feels sad. He’s always like, why?
Caitlin: I’ve got this big shower with two shower heads. I’m kind of with him. It’s too wasteful. Can’t believe the rumors that you don’t use both of your shower heads.
Sharon: For the record, I don’t like showering with anyone either.
Caitlin: No. See, I just don’t understand it. I guess I think the problem is that you have to look at baths as, like, a super relaxing thing, and so when they are, and they’re like, your downtime, then maybe if you wanted somebody else to hang out with you. No, I still don’t get that.
Sharon: And then with a shower, if that’s relaxing, I get it. Relaxing because the flower. The water is coming down on me.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: And I guess it’s the same thing then if he wants to stand over there and the water comes down on him over there.
Caitlin: But I know.
Sharon: I guess I really just want to listen to a podcast, right?
Caitlin: No, I guess I just. And see, I have music going in mine, and we’d argue over which channel of music to have, and I don’t want to play that game. I think that meredith was also upset because she thought whitney was insulting the cleanliness of her bath.
Sharon: I didn’t get, didn’t, no. No one questions the cleanliness.
Caitlin: I feel like it’s like what Meredith said, when they were at the dinner, the big awful. You can leave dinner in palm Springs. I think the whole issue was that she said, whitney has good intentions but bad communication. And I think that this is, like, a prime example of that. Like, she went on a blog, she ran her mouth off, and she pissed Meredith off.
Sharon: But she just said, bad’s our girl. I mean, we say bad’s our girl.
Caitlin: Oh, we say it all the time, I guess. Oh, sorry, meredith.
Sharon: I mean, I don’t think she has poor communicated exactly what she wanted to.
Caitlin: I guess I feel like meredith kind of took it a little too far. Like, she thought the bath was dirty. She somehow related it back to when she’d mentioned ketamine, and then that became a whole thing, and it just, like, it spiraled out of. Yeah, yeah. Okay. But then in Bermuda, Meredith gets the only room without a bathtub. What are our thoughts on that?
Sharon: I thought that was really not, cool.
Caitlin: I thought that was mean.
Sharon: She was sick.
Caitlin: She was sick.
Sharon: And then everyone knows how much she.
Caitlin: Cares about baths, and, you know, she’s not feeling good. Like that’s the first place she’s gonna want to go. I felt like it really highlighted. Like, I think this whole season really highlights the fact that the rest of the cast, at least until everything went awry with Monica, they were really separating Meredith. Like, they were pushing her to the side. The rumors were following on her. It was like, they just didn’t care. No one was real close with her. She didn’t have an ally most of the season. She really was a bit of a loner in this cast. and I think the bathtub thing really shows up because nobody had her back looking for it. Nobody was like, oh, meredith can be by me, and we’ll both have a bathtub. no. I mean, she was just out on.
Sharon: Her own, and her room seemed the worst overall.
Caitlin: It actually did. It seemed like it wasn’t just a bad view. And there’s always someone who gets, like, the view of the deck.
Sharon: And then, I mean, remember when she was so sick and she got glam?
Caitlin: Oh, I know. In her bed.
Sharon: that was Bermuda, right?
Caitlin: Yeah. That felt amazing, though.
Sharon: She was laying there like someone’s doing her makeup. That’s one of my favorite scenes.
Caitlin: It was brilliant. Just proves how amazing glam. Although, you know, what I thought was interesting is, meredith, on Monica’s birthday, she was using whitney’s glam, which I thought was interesting because Monica. Because then whitney came in and said, you’re a little further along. Can we switch? So I think Monica didn’t bring glam, but everybody else did.
Sharon: She doesn’t have any money.
Caitlin: and I thought it was interesting that wasn’t highlighted a little bit more because, uh-huh. I felt like that was kind of the positive of some of what Monica did. But we can talk about that. so do we want to say who wins in the bathtub thing? Like who came out, who came out smelling?
Sharon: I think meredith did.
Caitlin: I think so too.
Sharon: Even though I hate baths, I think meredith, I just think for some reason.
Caitlin: It didn’t go well for whitney. It just didn’t look good. It didn’t.
Sharon: Poor meredith.
Caitlin: It didn’t feel bad for her. I agree. And especially, I guess the cherry on the Sunday was a Bermuda thing. It’s like we had all the baths and it was like, whatever. But then we got there, it was like, okay, chris armin, about the bath. Give the poor lady a bath.
Sharon: Give her a bath.
Caitlin: Plus, I would have gladly given mine up. It would have been like, does it have a shower? I’m fine.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: Okay. So in the part two of this whole meredith whitney issue was the fact that whitney brought angie to palm Springs. This is a bit confusing. So meredith invited everyone to the Trixie motel, beautiful pink flamingo hotel that I want to go to so badly now, she invites everybody, but she isn’t going to invite Angie. Now, the question that you asked me when we were going back and forth on this, and I was like, oh, wait, I don’t know the answer to this. What was the issue going on with meredith and angie before this? Like, that’s what we need to figure out a little bit. And we can try to dig into that a little bit.
Sharon: We’ll dig into that later.
Caitlin: But just to start off, I don’t understand why it’s an issue.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: But then whitney brings her anyway. So m we know that meredith is going to be pissed. And what I think is interesting is we end up in this whole, the reason I brought up that whole Angie thing is we end up going back and forth on why were angie and meredith fighting? But I think the bigger question is, why were whitney and meredith fighting? Hm. Because obviously she’s bringing Angie to piss. I don’t think it’s just like, oh, I just love whitney. And we’re best friends and I want to bring her like she’s doing it to piss meredith off.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly. She wants to get a reaction out of her.
Caitlin: Exactly. So really there’s just all these little pokes between whitney and meredith this season that I don’t think are noticed as much like meredith gets in that snow car accident. I don’t mean to laugh because honestly, I would probably be the same way. I would be like, this is a life changing moment and I have to live my life completely differently from here now. But apparently Whitney drives by and doesn’t stop now. That I don’t think is a problem. Yeah, because obviously she didn’t know. But it is a point to note. But when they’re talking about it in that little, like, they do that little outdoor ski parking lot picnic or whatever they’re calling it. But whitney points out, I guess like a tailgate, right. That. Well, meredith, you wanted to ruin Angie’s life. Like all the things you’ve been saying is to ruin Angie, to ruin Angie, to ruin Angie. So it’s like, it’s not even Angie coming at Meredith with all these things. It’s whitney kind of driving this narrative. And I think that that’s really interesting and was completely unexplored at the reunion.
Sharon: Is she still mad about the whole thing with Lisa and those jazz tickets?
Caitlin: It can’t be the bathtub. I mean, maybe it’s the ketamine. Maybe she just feels like Whitney doesn’t have her back and is unreliable and spouts off about things.
Sharon: Because then Whitney also, she brings Angie specifically and she does this reveal she gets there first.
Caitlin: Yes. It’s a big deal.
Sharon: She does it. So it’ll be this shock really make her mad. And then she takes the biggest room.
Caitlin: Does.
Sharon: It’s meredith’s trip.
Caitlin: M right. Because if it was just okay, I want to bring Angie and really she’s going to be a full time cast member, so she deserves to come. And this is kind of how we’re doing that. But then to take the biggest room and then to kind of be like, oh, well, Trixie and I are friends, but this isn’t your whitney.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Like there is something going on with whitney and Meredith. Yeah.
Sharon: I mean, do you think bringing Angie was okay on any.
Caitlin: I don’t.
Sharon: I don’t think so either.
Caitlin: M. I think bravo needed to get her there. I think they kind of realized she was more important and I think they kind of used Whitney to do. But again, just work it out. Just say, hey, Meredith, you have to bring her and you’re going to be pissed about it, but like, doing this surprise reveal of a human and.
Sharon: Then acting like, well, it’s because trixie’s my friend, so I just got to come early. It’s like, you should have been like, you know what, I wanted her to come and I wanted to make you.
Caitlin: Mad because it’s because had the trip off with them looking so ungrateful to be there and it was just so rude. Uh-huh. The thing I noticed when I was going back through all of our notes though, I think that, when they hit a point of, you know, they’re holding hands at the reunion at the end, like she. And there’s that moment where they’re, Kind of upset about things and she grabs her hand. I think that they repaired when whitney, after her friend had just died, makes it to Meredith’s jewelry line launch. And I think the fact that she showed up for meredith in that way, I feel like that kind of flipped their relationship a little bit more. Also, I think she was getting along a little bit better with angie at that point too. So it just kind of worked itself out. But I guess who wins in bringing angie to palmsforce? Not angie.
Sharon: Yeah, meredith.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: Whitney looked really bad.
Caitlin: Whitney looked terrible.
Sharon: She really.
Caitlin: I feel bad. Whitney, as I’m kind of talking to, isn’t looking real great this season.
Sharon: I really like so many times this.
Caitlin: Season where I was just like, stop. What are you stopping?
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: I think that segues nicely into meredith versus angie, aka the rumors and the nastiness. Okay, let’s talk about the rumors and the nastiness in that dinner. Let’s talk about the dinner.
Sharon: The whole thing.
Caitlin: The dinner starts with whole scene deserves an emmy. Yes.
Sharon: Amazing. This season has the best dinner.
Caitlin: It’s amazing. Like just crafted meredith.
Sharon: It starts with meredith telling angie, like you said we would never be friends, right? Publicly. You publicly said. And angie’s like, what?
Caitlin: Yeah, I’m confused by, like, I have this little thing in my head thinking maybe jen shaw planted that rumor after the trip last. Like, maybe she said, angie doesn’t like you. And that stuck in Meredith’s head until she got really a couple of lemon drops in.
Sharon: I could see that. I could see Jen Shaw being like.
Caitlin: Somewhere out there and I do feel like, mean could have done that. And I do feel like angie was honestly confused by it.
Sharon: Yeah, I agree. She did seem confused, but Meredith seemed very.
Sharon: Like, I know this.
Caitlin: Yes. Like, it was part of her, the story she had in her head.
Sharon: At that.
Caitlin: Oh, and they’re dressed amazingly. I mean, can we talk about. Let’s talk about it more. I think a little bit in the Mary. But, like, for one thing, they all picked each other’s outfits.
Sharon: Yes.
Caitlin: So they’re across from, like, Kate Middleton to Streetwalker.
Sharon: Yeah, I know.
Caitlin: It runs the gambit of crazy thrift store fines I love. So, like, for one thing, you can’t. And Heather with that cat mom hat, I mean, you can’t even look at them without it being amused. And then they get serious. And I think that juxtaposition makes it twice as brilliant.
Sharon: It is.
Caitlin: so they’re arguing, they’re talking, and.
Sharon: Angie goes off on Meredith saying, like, you own, like, a crappy business store that hasn’t sold a piece of jewelry.
Caitlin: And I help designs. And then Meredith’s like, I’ll write you a check or something, like, for your design help. And they get really off topic. They do.
Sharon: And then what does Meredith say to her?
Caitlin: Well, we’re getting that. I think what the point is that she didn’t want her on this trip anyway.
Sharon: Oh, that’s right.
Caitlin: And she says, you can leave.
Sharon: And then her eyes get all crazy. Exactly.
Caitlin: And at this point, she’s starting to get. Know when Heather’s like, she left. She left with a british accent. I don’t know. I’m not even sure what that accent is, but it’s amazing, whatever it is.
Sharon: And then she wants security. Yep.
Caitlin: So she calls for security, and there’s, like, a waiter, and she’s like, go get security. It’s like you guys are just at, like, some random restaurant in Palm Springs. And then my favorite moment, she’s like.
Sharon: This lady here is.
Caitlin: She goes over to talk to security, and it turns out to just be another waiter. But anyway, that waiter came to bravocon. And I remember you and I were like, oh, my God, he was at bravocon. Anyway, he followed us on instagram, and it was, like the greatest moment of our life. So shout out to the bravo chad, because that guy’s awesome. I think we need to find a way to meet up with bravo Chad at some point, because love him. He’s an icon in his own right. He handled it well, I imagine now all he does is recreate anytime anybody.
Sharon: Comes to or he just has to go, like, I guess I’ll see what I can.
Caitlin: You got to give mad props to that guy, because he’s just probably having to do it over and over every night.
Sharon: And then meredith storms off.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Sharon: And that’s where the best line.
Caitlin: It is. my favorite part, though, was that Lisa’s the one that follows her, because I feel like it finally proves to us that their friendship, they are trying again. Like, lisa went to calm her down, and that helps. But then this is where she starts to talk, and you can tell lisa’s confused. Like, where is she going with us? And she’s like, oh, I know all these things about angie. And essentially, she knows the room.
Sharon: You want me to go there with the husband?
Caitlin: The way she says it, it. Oh, my gosh, it’s like this drunk. It’s not british. I don’t know what it is. It’s kind of like something Dorit would do.
Sharon: Exactly.
Caitlin: Oh, my gosh.
Sharon: It is very voice.
Caitlin: Yeah. and so it’s like all of this, again, we think meredith’s a brilliant businesswoman because she’s really, like, she can laugh at herself, and she’s really capitalized on both the you can leave and the rumors and the, So it’s just an epic, epic dinner. But what’s interesting is that this starts just the whole thing because she’s bringing up angie’s husband Sean. And at this point, we’re not sure why.
Sharon: Right.
Caitlin: We don’t really understand what. We just know that meredith’s coming for. Lisa brings up the point that meredith has kind of done this in the past, used information that she has. So we’re all kind of going, well, is she just throwing it out? Like, we went back and watched reunion, Andy kind of says, is this a carrot you’re throwing out? Because then what happens is they get to the Apreski vita part or no apri. No ski.
Sharon: That’s right. That’s right.
Caitlin: Even better.
Sharon: I like that better. No.
Caitlin: Oh, also, they had a crepe bar. And remember I had that at my baby shower.
Sharon: You said that. And then I was like, I actually don’t remember. Well, it was there because I have a bad memory, but I’m sure I probably ate crepes.
Caitlin: You loved that. I wouldn’t. You were like, the crepe.
Sharon: No, I wouldn’t have not eaten crepes.
Caitlin: Exactly. You couldn’t not. That’s really the only thing there. There was savory and sweet. It’s one of the greater moments of my life. and now I feel like it’s a very housewives thing to do, because although I didn’t call it, I should have called it something better. Yes. Aprinoski. Because really, I would have been. No ski. No. I had a baby.
Sharon: What is before in French? No.
Caitlin: Yeah. Avon, is it? Avon, baby crepe. Love it. So when they’re sitting, you know, it’s so interesting watching all this stuff back. And I think other people are going to think that too. Watching how Monica plays all these scenes as you go back, knowing what we know later, it’s so interesting. So she says the rumor is that Sean and she goes real vulgar with f’s, other guys. Like she doesn’t just say Sean’s sleeping around. I’ve heard from guys. All this I’ve heard, I’ve heard, I’ve heard, I’ve heard from her. It really adds up over the season. It’s really interesting. But then Angie. So it’s Monica who says it multiple times that she’s heard this rumor, but she is pinning the rumor on Meredith. So therefore Angie is angry at Meredith. She takes it out of Meredith. She says that Meredith is sleeping around with other guys and that she’s not. It gets really ugly between the two of them. And then later know, Monica and Angie kind of make their piece about it. But Angie’s still mad at Meredith. Right.
Sharon: Because Monica makes it sound like, okay, I was just telling you because I’m.
Caitlin: Your friend and Monica.
Sharon: Yeah, she’s putting it out there.
Caitlin: Had the information.
Sharon: Yeah, exactly.
Caitlin: so they’re worried about know, after the Sean rumor. Lisa’s worried because she thinks she’s been there before with Meredith. They’re so fast to jump on the fact that Meredith is to blame and it is Meredith’s fault. And I think that’s really interesting.
Sharon: do you think if Meredith wasn’t drunk, she ever would have come out with about her husband?
Caitlin: No, I don’t think so.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Because I think later what she’s trying to say to Lisa is we both have information that could bring anybody down at any time. Like, we all know personal things about everybody.
Sharon: Okay.
Caitlin: And I think it’s just like I got drunk and I was mad at her and stuff came out. But I think what she was saying is it could have been anybody else. Yes. I don’t think it had to be. Think. I don’t know. I mean, it feels as you look at it later, that maybe Monica had a little more of an agenda and therefore it kind of came out the way that it came out.
Sharon: Definitely. and then later on, obviously, Angie, the second rumor. The second rumor.
Caitlin: Yeah. So stupid. It is. But my favorite part is putting Angie’s.
Sharon: In the greek mafia. Okay.
Caitlin: But she’s got the greek bikini and she’s trying to get into the giant flamingo. And she just can’t do it, which I have been there, and it is not pretty.
Sharon: It is so awkward.
Caitlin: So awkward. And it’s like. And they’re like, dawn and Angie, Captain Evans, she’s, like, trying to get another thing. It’s just really.
Sharon: But, okay. She was really upset by this. Okay, so if anyone was like, sharon is in the tri city mafia, I don’t know, I would just, like, laugh hysterically. Like, I can’t believe she didn’t just laugh, which makes me think, like, there’s actually more of a chance she could be in the greek mafia.
Caitlin: Are there really this many mafias? I guess I just don’t worry about mafias in my average day. If you were like, maybe the fact.
Sharon: That you’re even like, oh, my God. Makes me think maybe you actually know.
Caitlin: Someone in Salt Lake. Yeah. I mean, I guess I don’t know enough about mean. I think she needs a better cybersecurity team, like Lisa.
Sharon: You know what? You know who has a good cybersecurity team? Me and you. We do.
Caitlin: We’ve got a great cybersecurity. They wrote the book. You guys want to go buy a really great.
Sharon: Do you want to buy a textbook.
Caitlin: That our husbands wrote? see, they need to start throwing us some cast at their work because we’re throwing out their advertisements here for free.
Sharon: I got to throw this out there. The best part of their textbook. Thomas and David wrote a textbook. I’m sure it’s an excellent textbook. I don’t know. Anyway, I do.
Caitlin: I read every word in that.
Sharon: It’s got, like, 14 reviews, and one of them is, like, one star, and the comment just says, boring. This is boring.
Caitlin: by the way, that’s probably my review of almost every textbook I’ve ever had.
Sharon: You thought this needed a better plot.
Caitlin: This was a mystery.
Sharon: Boring.
Caitlin: Probably got a bad grade in this class. Anyway, what’s interesting about, the whole greek mafia thing is that Meredith kind of says that she mentioned it while she and Monica were walking down the street together, and that she sort of said, oh, we’re in this area where this building was allegedly owned by greek mafia. And then all of a sudden, Monica’s like, look in your dms for this. And knowing what we know, it’s like, obviously, there’s a bit of a setting up, I think, of Meredith. who do you think wins in the angie versus one? I don’t actually know how to call this one.
Sharon: I don’t either. I kind of feel like Meredith is vindicated in the end, I think so too.
Caitlin: Especially when Angie’s like, I made know. She kind of says that I didn’t need your. But, like, meredith m didn’t do it. I mean, yes, she brought up the rumors and the nastiness and the husband.
Sharon: But she never actually said it.
Caitlin: But she didn’t actually say it. And Monica kept saying it over and over. And then when we learn the way Monica disseminates information in general.
Caitlin: Meredith didn’t do it.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So, yeah, I kind of think it goes to Meredith.
Sharon: I think so too.
Caitlin: I mean, I don’t think that Angie necessarily loses. She didn’t look bad. I mean, she came out of it. mean, I think Angie comes out.
Sharon: As a victim too. But Angie comes were. It’s like no one gave Meredith a chance.
Caitlin: Do you think they’ll ever be actual friends? Do you think there’s any trust there left between the two of them?
Sharon: I think so. And honestly, I just don’t see them.
Caitlin: They’re kind of different people.
Sharon: They just don’t seem like they’d be interested in being friends.
Caitlin: Can we talk about my favorite reunion moment between the two of them, though?
Sharon: Sure.
Caitlin: When Meredith is listing all the things that Angie said about, fraud and multiple personality disorder, trampoline with eyes, and then Angie’s like, that was a said.
Sharon: Your skin is tight. You look like a trampoline. Because I remember when that was said in the season, I remember googling it. I was like, caitlin, what is a trampoline? Is it good? Is it bad?
Caitlin: Well, we don’t know, I guess, which depends on what the person saying it meant.
Sharon: Meredith did look younger.
Caitlin: She did.
Sharon: She had some really good work done.
Caitlin: No, she did. There were moments. Makeup or something.
Sharon: I was like, wow, she looks, she.
Caitlin: Hm. Looks a lot younger.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: So maybe the trampoline with ice thing isn’t so bad. I don’t know.
Sharon: I guess it’s better than being, like, a saggy bad, like a breaking trampoline.
Caitlin: I don’t know. What is it looks like a trampoline that’s broken. I don’t know. Like a saggy trampoline. You don’t want to be a saggy trampoline. Yeah, like in the hole in the fall.
Sharon: Don’t. You can’t even bounce.
Caitlin: Yeah, you can’t. No, it’s just she’s. Like I said, you were a good trampoline. You’re an expensive one. Okay, let’s move on to Meredith versus the group accusations. So the reason that I think that this matters so much is that, in palm Springs sets up the beginning where Meredith is just blamed for every, it seems like almost every rumor that comes. It’s mostly Angie, but it’s also just various things along the way. they leave in the sprinter van. At one point, Monica’s, kind of comforting Meredith, which was also really interesting. So almost immediately on that trip, Monica turns on Angie, who were allegedly friends, I think because they’re both friends of, and takes up for meredith. And then it’s interesting because later it’s like everything that she does pretty much pins everything on Meredith. So what is that about?
Sharon: I’d never noticed that until you said knew. I knew she had gotten mad at Angie, but I thought it was like real. Now I’m wondering if there was more.
Caitlin: Of a Whitney says. She says to Monica, like, I just didn’t like how quickly you turned on Angie. And I thought about, like, initially I was like, whatever. But in the rewatch and knowing what we knew, I was kind of like, like. That’s an interesting point.
Sharon: Is she trying to endear Meredith to her? Because, then later, on, they.
Caitlin: Have to have conversation and they have to have some level of trust, I guess. Yeah. It’s interesting because Whitney says that Meredith is always saying that there’s something like bigger and extraneous weighing on her to get out of accountability.
Sharon: Like at the dinner where Meredith’s like, she’s like getting all mad at, Angie. And then she’s know children are about to be disabled. We can’t fight about this. I’m leaving.
Caitlin: Why is there always a reason? Like, my friend’s dog died, the milkman retired, or my Amazon package was damaged, but it’s always.
Sharon: And it’s something really, weird that you’re like, I don’t want to laugh about children being disabled. The way you said it, though, was like, what?
Caitlin: And what was interesting is Meredith was saying, like, I try to say my feelings and everyone pushes them away and acts like they’re kind of crazy, but I let other people have their feelings.
Sharon: Because she doesn’t explain her feelings.
Caitlin: I think that that’s what it. Okay. I think she’s just not good at getting through to what it is. I don’t think she’s trying to excuse it necessarily, but it’s like bad timing.
Sharon: It’s bad timing and it’s just kind of like haphazardly thrown out there when she’s drunk.
Caitlin: She doesn’t relate.
Sharon: I am upset because of this.
Caitlin: Yeah. Yes.
Sharon: Or I feel like this is not important in the grand scheme of things because of. And then we can’t just guess all.
Caitlin: The time what’s wrong.
Sharon: She’s always like throwing something on, retracting. She needs to just put herself all the way out there.
Caitlin: Yes, I think you’re right. I think it is like, whether it’s on purpose or not, she does kind of like drop little bits and pieces of breadcrumbs for things. And I don’t think it’s because she’s super conniving or setting something up, but it’s like she doesn’t want to end up with the full brunt of Know, bravo watcher on her. So she does test the waters and the tests don’t go well. Like you do. You have to either make the decision or not make the decision.
Sharon: I agree.
Caitlin: so the biggest thing that Meredith is blamed by is they have this late night talk about receiving dms, about people, and this is where it comes up about Angie’s financial stuff. And Meredith was like, well, I didn’t receive the DM. And Monica’s like, oh, well, that’s weird, because all of a sudden it looked know you were sending them. So it gets pinned on her. Like, all of a sudden it seems like Meredith’s timing is wrong. Yeah. But as you look back, it is Monica asking her about. And we know that Monica has access to sending all the dms and that she’s getting all this information. But for a while, we really think.
Sharon: Meredith really thinks Meredith sending it.
Caitlin: The dawn of cybercrime.
Sharon: I know. And you know what? Meredith didn’t seem to stand up and say, like, she didn’t stop it. Well, it wasn’t, you know, at the dinner where she’s like, you can leave. She didn’t pull one of those.
Caitlin: She did.
Sharon: It wasn’t me.
Caitlin: Later, she was just like, nobody had my back. And that kind of hurt. Yeah.
Sharon: Was she stoned?
Caitlin: I don’t know. In the cave, she really just let everybody drugged. She really did trample her trampolina. Oh, like trampolina.
Sharon: I think she was like stoned or drugged or high.
Caitlin: The only place she kind of stood up for herself a little bit was when they were on the yacht. I don’t know if you know this about Lisa, but she loves all things maritime, so that’s why they went on. I love that. But Lisa’s saying to Meredith, like, stop lying. Take accountability. And Heather’s yelling at her, too. And Meredith is starting to say, like, it isn’t all adding up. And I’m processing something. And again, I think it’s like the boy who cried wolf because she kept saying, like, oh, there’s this and there’s this in my life, and I can’t deal with this right now, that when she kind of says, well, I’m thinking about stuff, I’m letting it add up. Like I’m processing. It feels like, no, you’re biting. Time to cover whatever you did. And it turns out, no, she really was piecing stuff together. And it’s funny because Heather gets all the credit for it, but it looks like Meredith is starting to piece stuff together too. We don’t talk about that again. Meredith was like pretty silent at the reunion about any of the Monica stuff. Yes. And I don’t understand why it’s weird.
Sharon: And are she and Monica still friends?
Caitlin: No, I don’t think Monica.
Sharon: Because she said she didn’t want to film with her or whatever.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. But she kept giving Monica the benefit of the doubt and she was sorry for her. And then it turns out she duped. I mean, she used Meredith as a cover.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: And I think that when people later are like, I don’t understand why people like what the deal. The problem with Monica is that the trust was broken and you blamed somebody who didn’t. It’s not like you just withheld. You like actively went to cover it up using somebody else’s escape.
Sharon: That’s a really good point. I haven’t even thought about that.
Caitlin: And I think that’s the big problem. so why do you think that Meredith ended up being the scapegoat for all this stuff this season? What is it about her?
Sharon: It really looked like she does try to drop rumors.
Sharon: So I think it’s just the rumors.
Caitlin: And the nastiness and the fact that.
Sharon: She even said that. I think the fact that Meredith has info.
Sharon: She’s not necessarily going to use it. Everyone knows she has it. She knows she has it. She knows she could use it if she wanted to.
Caitlin: And looking at the group, it’s like, do you think she’s maybe the quietest? I think maybe initially she was going for Angie. Angie was new. Angie maybe could have been quiet. She seems more like a people pleaser. But I think it didn’t work with Angie. And Angie really fought back. But Meredith kind of didn’t. And I think it sort of allowed her to kind of sneak in there and kind of use her as the front for everything.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: Okay. I don’t like this one. Who wins? Monica? I guess there’s my answer. Meredith or the group accusations.
Sharon: I mean, Meredith.
Caitlin: Well, Meredith comes out. Yeah, but during the season, until the finale. No.
Sharon: She looks so bad until the end. I felt so bad because I was.
Caitlin: Like, meredith, I can’t believe you did this. That was so, stupid to do it again. Well, and as you look back on it, I guess you do kind of think, would we really think she was that stupid? No. We were so caught up in it. But we really should have stopped and thought, this doesn’t seem like her. This doesn’t seem like something she could pull off. It’s like people were joking. Like, does she have, like, some cybersecurity guy? I’m like, Brooks, Mark’s got a computer behind.
Sharon: No.
Caitlin: And so it’s like, when you think about it that way, it’s like, well, obviously, yeah. But I think it’s just so weird to think of the new person coming in and pulling something that’s like, heisty off.
Sharon: Yeah.
Caitlin: That’s a new word. I just need. All right, well, I just feel like there was so much to unpack this season. It really is a big mystery story. It’s one of those when they have the crime wall and all the yarn pieces go from thing to thing. That’s how I feel like the season is. And the more we say stuff, I’ll be like, oh, but also, I don’t know. It’s an ooh, ooh season.
Sharon: Those are my favorite. You know, my know.
Caitlin: Well, you know, I don’t know if you know, but Whitney, also a fan of true know.
Sharon: Oh, that’s.
Caitlin: Do you know Whitney can read?
Sharon: Apparently, yes. She can’t read Heather’s book.
Caitlin: No. Well, that she had trouble with, but, yeah, but I think there was some rumors and nastiness in that book that.
Sharon: She couldn’t at first she’d listen to.
Caitlin: True. That’s right.
Sharon: It’s different.
Caitlin: I heard it in a book.
Sharon: I heard.
Caitlin: All right. this is our Meredith episode. I just kind of want to encourage everyone to go check out our instagram, check out our threads. I’m kind of off Twitter because I’m kind of mad at Twitter. but anyway, we were working really hard on our memes, and I’d love to hear.
Sharon: Great job. Thank you.
Caitlin: And I’d love to hear people’s thoughts more. So it’s rh underscore on. Underscore. RH for both. They’re the same. But, go check them out. We’ve got polls. We’ve got things. I’d love to have more of a dialogue with everybody so talk to us. Give us ideas. We’ll shout out to you on, the, you could be the next bravo, Chad. Or if you want your name on here, come tell us something really fun.
Sharon: Hi, Michelle. Hi, Thomas and David.
Caitlin: Yeah. Andrew book. All right. Remember, housewives bring the drama, we bring the receipts.
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