Sharon and Caitlin in a limo with episode title

We’ve reached our 100th episode! To celebrate, join us for a newlyweds-style Real Housewives game, guess the quotes and other Housewives antics. In the words of Dorinda: We cooked all day… We decorated… We made it nice! Happy 100th!!

Episode 100 on Spotify

Caitlin: What do most podcasts do for their hundredth episode?

Sharon: Most don’t get to 100th.

Caitlin: Oh.

Sharon: Hi.

Caitlin: This is Caitlin.

Sharon: And this is Sharon.

Caitlin: And welcome to Real Housewives on Real Housewives, where we unravel housewives story threads and keep the tea flowing.

Sharon: So chic.

Caitlin: Hold onto your microphone.

Sharon: Today is our 100th episode.

Caitlin: We’ve had those buttons the whole time. We’ve never used them. When we first got them, Thomas was like, use the buttons. And we’re like, yeah, we’ll totally use the buttons. And he’d be like, did you use the buttons? And we’d be like, we forgot we’re.

Sharon: Saving it, so we saved it for our 100th episode.

Caitlin: You’re welcome. I’ll do it again.

Sharon: Just.

Caitlin: Hundredth episode. Yay. Sharon’s kids call that the rain noise.

Sharon: Yeah, they think it’s rain.

Caitlin: They think it’s rain forever to figure out what they meant. Yeah, I get it. I hear it. I hear the rain. it’s 100th episode. We made it 100 episodes.

Sharon: I know. I think that’s pretty impressive.

Caitlin: I think so. That’s actually really cool. Good for us. We just don’t know when to quit. We’re going to keep going another hundred. Okay. We decided for our 100th episode that we are going to do a newlywed Housewives game. So we did questions in advance, kind of some general ones, just about us as, you know, as humans, and then us as housewives viewers, and we’re going to see if the other person can guess our answers. So we wrote our own answers down, and then we’re going to try to guess what the other person would choose. And honestly, we thought the housewives part was really hard. We did.

Sharon: The housewives part was so hard, we.

Caitlin: Thought we’d learn so much. We’re like, what have we learned about the housewives? So much. And then. But I guess, honestly, when you’re looking at the whole universe, that’s really hard.

Sharon: It’s too much. Especially even when you think about a season, we’re like, oh, what’s your favorite event? And you’re like, And then when you think about, it’s really all the housewives over the years.

Caitlin: Yeah. It’s like when people used to say, what’s your favorite book?

Sharon: And you’re like, that’s, so hard.

Caitlin: I don’t know. Probably one of the last five books I read to pick one out of everything. And that’s what this feels like. You can’t pick one out of this amazing artistry of work, like this body of work. Okay. All right, let’s start with our general question. Okay. What is your online rabbit hole? I said that Sharon would say true crime Reddit.

Sharon: Yes, I got it right. Okay. I said that Caitlyn’s would be zoo pictures.

Caitlin: Yes. I wrote Instagram hippos. You did. Oh, here.

Sharon: Yay.

Caitlin: Expect more of that.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: It goes a little short. I feel like it just cuts the clapping right off, you know, like on the sitcoms, it fades. Editor, fix that. We’ll fix it in post. Thomas, when I say we, I mean the person we don’t pay to do it.

Sharon: Yeah, exactly.

Caitlin: Okay, coffee shop order.

Sharon: I put carrot. Okay. Caitlin, grande caramel macchiato or black coffee.

Caitlin: Yes, I said currently pumpkin spice latte, but normally Americano with one splash of cream. Yes.

Sharon: Good job.

Caitlin: We’re always trying to figure out how to just say a tiny bit of cream.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Do we say a splash? Do we say a spot? Do we say. And everyone’s really heavy.

Sharon: They say light, and then they put, like, on Starbucks, they put one quarter inch. I know, but I feel weird ordering one quarter.

Caitlin: Yeah, and that’s not. Because it’s. It’s what I think they don’t understand is it’s the color.

Sharon: Mm

Caitlin: And that’s what’s important.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: You know what’s weird? We don’t really know. Housewives coffee orders. Like, they don’t order the same thing over and over. Like, there’s no repetition. They always go to, like, different restaurants.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: It’s not like they’re just always hitting the same chipotle.

Sharon: Right. Sometimes we know their drink order, like carcass out or whatever. But you’re right, no coffee orders.

Caitlin: Right. No coffee orders. We know Lisa Barlow’s Diet coke order, but that’s it. So that’s kind of interesting. I guess they’re not our friends after all.

Sharon: No.

Caitlin: Okay, what is your default binging tv show?

Sharon: real housewives.

Caitlin: Yes, I said that. I also wrote slash dateline for you.

Sharon: Oh, okay, good. I didn’t even think of that. But you’re totally right.

Caitlin: I was like, in case she goes the other way. But clearly it has to be housewives. All right, what is your spirit animal?

Sharon: I said Caitlin’s as a corgi.

Caitlin: Yes, I wrote corgi. Or I wrote a raven crow.

Sharon: Oh, nice.

Caitlin: Okay, I didn’t know I said yours. Dog.

Sharon: Oh, I put sloth.

Caitlin: Oh, sloth. I will take that too. If you’re feeling less sleepy, you can pick dog. Okay, what show do you love to hate?

Sharon: Watch okay. I said, caitlyn, secret lives of Marvel. Yes.

Caitlin: That’s what I wrote because that was the last thing I. And honestly, that was one of the most brilliant hate watches I’ve ever had. It really was.

Sharon: It was perfect. And, you know, you hate watch because now they were renewed for season two, and I was, like, so happy and so angry.

Caitlin: I know, me too.

Sharon: Because I want them to fail, but I was happy.

Caitlin: And then I didn’t want everyone to come back and look like maybe they will, but maybe Jen won’t. And that’s the only one I really wish would come back just to stick it to her stupid husband. I said that for you or real housewives of Dubai, because I’m forcing you to watch it, and it’s sort of a hate watch for now.

Sharon: Maybe they’ll change for now.

Caitlin: Okay. What is the thing that you would actually like to eat for dinner, if you could eat anything for dinner? I put the same answer for both of us.

Sharon: What’d you put?

Caitlin: I put candy.

Sharon: Oh, that’s good. Okay. I couldn’t think. Cause for myself, I could not think. I said olive garden breadsticks. And for you, I couldn’t think at all. All I could think was if she had to go order out, she likes to get fish at restaurants. Cause she doesn’t like to cook it at home. But I don’t think that’s necessarily what you would want to eat right now. But if you had to order.

Caitlin: No, but if I was thinking if it was actually dinner, not candy, I would pick, like, a poke bowl or something like.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: Cause again, I don’t really wanna serve myself raw fish at home, but, like, I love eating raw fish out of. Yes. Think. Good answer.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Okay. What store has the biggest charge on your credit card?

Sharon: Okay, so this is for non essentials. I still for you would put Walmart or etsy.

Caitlin: yeah, that’s probably true.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: I also put Starbucks. Because lately I should be.

Sharon: I have to amend my own personal answer. Okay. I put ulta too, but sorry.

Caitlin: Mostly just. Cause I know that your card at Ulta always has, like, thousands of dollars. Not that you spend it, but she just puts it all in there, and then she has to clear out 47 items. Okay, what would you actually like to do on a Friday night?

Sharon: Caitlin would like to hang out, get coffee, go shopping at home goods, and then watch some tv.

Caitlin: I actually put record podcast. I like that we do it on Fridays. Cause I feel like our husbands can’t get mad at us. Like, we’re, like, legally obligated to have a girls night out. That normally we might be like, well, I gotta do this with the kid. Like, instead, we’re like, we have to do it. So I kind of enjoy that, but I like doing that better maybe, than sometimes recording for you. Yes. I put shopping and coffee.

Sharon: Nice.

Caitlin: It’s so funny. Cause us in our twenties probably would have had very different answers.

Sharon: Yes. Like, go to a bar.

Caitlin: Exactly. I wanna go out now. I’m like, I don’t wanna go out. What is out? Okay, who is your celebrity crush?

Sharon: Oh, my God. For you, I could not think of anything. This is what I wrote down. Some Broadway star that I don’t know.

Caitlin: That might be good. Let me try to think of it.

Sharon: I do not know.

Caitlin: I was thinking Rob Thomas or Ryan. Ryan Reynolds.

Sharon: Ryan Reynolds. Why didn’t I think of that? Oh, my.

Caitlin: It’s always the Ryan’s for you. I put Gordon Ramsay or Ryan Gosling.

Sharon: Good.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: You know, I didn’t even write one down for me. I know.

Caitlin: I actually didn’t either, but I just knew them in my head.

Sharon: Nice.

Caitlin: Yeah. Okay, we’re gonna say this one. On the count of three, who is more likely to survive a zombie apocalypse? One, two, three.

Sharon: Caitlyn.

Caitlin: Sharon. Oh, really? See, I thought you’d say yourself.

Sharon: No, I was saying I thought you would survive.

Caitlin: I know. I thought you would survive more. Oh, yeah, I don’t think I would. I run very fast.

Sharon: See, I think you would survive more because you’d probably, like, think it out and you probably get eaten while I was.

Caitlin: I’m afraid I would just, like, freeze and then just get eaten. I think Thomas might survive it better.

Sharon: That’s good.

Caitlin: That means David, maybe David and Stephanie, they have, like, weird supplies for the end of the world. So those are the two people who will probably actually.

Sharon: Okay. It’s good to know people like that.

Caitlin: Exactly. We can go hang out with them. Okay. Let’s do the newlywed housewives game for actual housewives. Okay. We were having trouble with this because this is the hardest one. We originally just said favorite housewife.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: But then that just got complicated. so we kind of went with favorite recent housewife, which is sort of like, who’s currently in our heads on our screens, even this was hard for us to be a favorite forever.

Sharon: Okay, Caitlin. I said hers was Lisa Barlow.

Caitlin: It is Lisa Barlow.

Sharon: Yeah. I couldn’t even think of my own.

Caitlin: I know.

Sharon: So whatever you pick is good.

Caitlin: I said Doritos.

Sharon: That’s good.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: See, I put Kathy Hilton, and she’s not going to have sports.

Caitlin: I know. I actually thought about putting her, but then I remember Dorit’s the magnet I got you.

Sharon: Oh, yeah.

Caitlin: So I was like, well, okay, she’s got the magnet.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: That was, that was too hard. See, if you write in and tell us what if you have a favorite and you don’t get terribly confused and you can just immediately go to one person because it’s really hard.

Caitlin: Because even the Lisa kind of is, it’s like, but there’s still others. And then when I’m watching another series, then I’m thinking about who’s my favorite within that. And then it changes from year to year because, like, we’ve loved people and then hated them. Yeah. The show isn’t meant to just love one person all the way through.

Sharon: I think it’s not. So for favorite series, I said Caitlin’s was Salt Lake City.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: And again, I’m not sure if, like all time maybe it might be Beverly Hills. But right now it’s like, if you had to ask me, that’s the only thing I want to watch.

Sharon: Yeah, yeah.

Caitlin: For, you, I said Beverly Hills.

Sharon: Yep.

Caitlin: Okay.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: All right. Favorite house husband.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: This is kind of hard. Sharon wanted to pick more than one. Yeah. And I said, no, you have to pick one.

Sharon: So Caitlyn’s, I did not know I put Mauricio, but I did not know it’s Mauricio. Okay.

Caitlin: He’s just like the comfortable.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: I m mean, there’s other people. I’ll have moments where I’m like, I kind of like them, but I think most of all, I don’t like most of the house husbands. Always like, the majority of them are bad. And then there’s one or two that you like.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: Oh, I thought of another one who’s really good, but let’s do yours.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: Okay. I said PK.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Okay. But it could be Mauricio.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And also it could be happy Eddie. I forgot about happy Eddie.

Sharon: I just totally forgot about him.

Caitlin: I was trying to think back to Bravocon and think about like, who we loved there and there. It was Eddie. Cause his booth was so nice.

Sharon: So I put PK and Mauricio. I like PK the best. If I had to be married to one, I choose Mauricio. Yeah, exactly. And then I like them both together.

Caitlin: Yeah. And you’re right. But I think PK’s funnier than, uh-huh. Mauricio. I guess if you had to watch just one on your screen.

Sharon: Although Mauricio’s richer. PK has that all that is probably. Doesn’t he have Richard?

Caitlin: I think he does.

Sharon: Henschel financial issues.

Caitlin: And you’re always gonna have to listen to boy George.

Sharon: That’s true.

Caitlin: And I’m not sure I like that karma chameleon that much. Yeah.

Sharon: I don’t know what else to show up at. Everything.

Caitlin: The rest of your life, it’s gonna be like when I saw REO speed wagon open for train, where I was like, oh, they have so many songs. It turns out they don’t. They have like one and a half and you have to listen to a lot of other ones. And I feel like that’s how boy George is. PK’s probably always humming it, you know, walking around. Okay, which. This one’s really hard. Which series would you get rid of? And I’m afraid I’m gonna say something that I’m gonna regret.

Sharon: Okay. I said for you, you would say New Jersey.

Caitlin: I thought about it, but I changed it. Cause we have another category and I moved that one down there.

Sharon: Okay.

Caitlin: Okay. I think I might. Oh, I don’t wanna say this because it used to be my second favorite series across the board. I’m worried that it can’t go any further forward and I’m not sure revamping it would help. Potomac. Potomac had a hard season last season and I just don’t know. They’ve lost Candace now. I don’t know.

Sharon: Yeah, it’s not as, like I didn’t even wanna watch it.

Caitlin: I didn’t, It was really hard. I had to force myself and I hate it because it was my second favorite, so to say that makes me feel so, so bad. But I’m not sure they can get it out of the toilet right now. All right, for you. I said Dubai.

Sharon: I was thinking Dubai. I actually. I said New Jersey. I, was thinking Dubai, but I felt like that wouldn’t be fair since I never actually finished it. I just.

Caitlin: Dubai maybe has potential.

Sharon: I hope I don’t hate it.

Caitlin: Right? Yeah.

Sharon: But I’m just having a harder time getting into it. I’m having a hard time getting excited about it.

Caitlin: Yeah.

Sharon: I want to watch Salt Lake City, an OC and a lowe’s.

Caitlin: And I don’t know how many, I guess across the board, like, how many people are watching Dubai compared to other ones.

Sharon: No one else really likes it.

Caitlin: I know people do say, but then.

Sharon: I don’t know, maybe I just haven’t gotten there yet.

Caitlin: Yeah. I mean, again, sometimes I feel like shows have to have a few good seasons.

Caitlin: But then you look at Salt Lake and it just hit it right out of the park, out of the gate. And maybe it’s like they just lucked out with all the media speculation with Jen Shaw around it and everything. Maybe it just happened to be this, like, random thing that was just perfection from the beginning. And other things take a little longer, but then sometimes it’s like, how long do I want to sit there and force myself.

Caitlin: For something to take a little bit longer going. So I don’t know. Okay. The second one we had was which city should be recast.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: So what did you think I would say?

Sharon: I thought you would say New Jersey.

Caitlin: That is what I said.

Sharon: I put that for recast, and I.

Caitlin: Had New Jersey for get it off the air. But then I thought, no, New Jersey is so iconic. If they could just recast it, right? There’s got to be other families they could work with.

Sharon: I don’t know. I feel like it’s just New Jersey is too. Maybe it is Teresa and Melissa, like, yeah. Can it ever not be Teresa?

Caitlin: That’s a good point. I said you would say New Jersey for getting rid of it or for recasting it.

Sharon: Recast actually said Atlanta.

Caitlin: Oh, yeah. Well, it needs it. Yeah, it just. It ran into a wall.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: And then they just kind of. I think that Bravo made some bad choices with how they handled Atlanta. Because they just, those are really hot personalities and they couldn’t handle them. So then they made choices, which I’m afraid kind of messed up the whole thing. I don’t know. But if they bring Phaedra back, it should fix it. Okay. We had said our next would be, who is the worst housewife?

Sharon: Caitlyn’s, diary. Dorinda.

Caitlin: It’s Dorinda. Absolutely. I was trying to think, if it wasn’t Dorinda, who would it be? But that’s just. Let’s not even go there. It’s just Dorinda. I said for you. Mikhail Salahi. That’s right. I think they need to bring DC back.

Sharon: I do too.

Caitlin: All right.

Sharon: That is the best hate watch.

Caitlin: That is. That’s an amazing hate watch.

Sharon: It’s the most ultimate.

Caitlin: It is. Because you’re like, what are you doing? You ruined an entire series. And yet I’m loving everything I know.

Sharon: Exactly.

Caitlin: You’re right.

Sharon: And then there’s still more giving after that with the whole, oh, my gosh, even. Remember she married the guy from journey.

Caitlin: Oh, I know. And now journey is breaking I know.

Sharon: And you know a tale.

Caitlin: Like, I hate to point the finger of blame, but if it happens in multiple situations, you’ve got to follow a trend. M. Okay, what is the best quote from housewives? There’s just so many. It’s very hard to choose.

Sharon: I know what caitlyn says.

Caitlin: Okay, what is mine?

Sharon: And it’s because she gave it to me on a birthday card.

Caitlin: Oh, I did. That’s.

Sharon: And it involves snowing and cars flipping and people being robbed and eye surgery.

Caitlin: Okay. Tom’s house was broken into, and he confronted the burglar, and then he had to go have eye surgery, and then my son had to go over and help, and then my son, he rolled his cardinal five times on the way home. And then people always cut out this part, and it’s actually my favorite part. So, yeah, I’m under a lot of.

Sharon: Stress.

Caitlin: Because my favorite part is to be, like, when I’m stressed out, which is a lot of time. M. I’ll be like, so, yeah, I’m under a little. Very good. for you. I said, so chic. Or stop it right now. That,

Sharon: Okay. I’m glad. I didn’t know what my favorite was, and that probably is my favorite, so thank you.

Caitlin: Those wind chimes. So chic. They need to bring Jamie back with the next line of items, because there may be even more that, like, we’re missing out on.

Sharon: I know. And I always keep thinking, I want my pawn yours.

Caitlin: Oh, that’s right. My paw in yours. I love it. And maybe my pawn yours should be in a mug that keeps things hot and cold. It’s like she never watched an infomercial before.

Sharon: I know.

Caitlin: Also, maybe they need to get Jamie Lee Curtis on some infomercials.

Sharon: Stop it right now.

Caitlin: right now. Okay. If we had to pick a housewife series that we would want to be on.

Sharon: Yes.

Caitlin: What do you think I would say?

Sharon: I thought you would say Salt lake City.

Caitlin: I would say Salt Lake City. Yeah. It feels a little northwestern. Plus, the cast, I just feel like, would be fun to be in the middle of. I said Beverly Hills for you. Just cause I think California.

Sharon: I could say a little more now, this one, I think we both have the same answer.

Caitlin: Yeah, I think so.

Sharon: City. We would want to have a franchise.

Caitlin: Nice. At Seattle. Seattle.

Sharon: Yeah. And I said you would say Seattle. I would say Seattle.

Caitlin: Yep. She thinks that we can make one out of Oklahoma with the pioneer woman because, you know, she watches housewives. She does. Mm She said it’s one of her guilty pleasures.

Sharon: Nice.

Caitlin: I don’t know whether she could be a housewife.

Sharon: My God. The other day at the school pickup line, you know, we never hear meet people who like housewives. There were these two women. One was older. She was like, must have been someone’s grandma. And this other woman, they were like, did you see? And they were talking about Gina.

Caitlin: Oh, my God.

Sharon: But they liked Gina. And she was like, poor Gina and this.

Caitlin: And I want to know. Gina made her own bed of.

Sharon: I wanted to, like, butt in, but.

Caitlin: I was like, I don’t like Gina. And just walk away really quick.

Sharon: I think if I liked Gina, maybe I would have joined him.

Caitlin: And now you’re like, I don’t want to have a different opinion. Yeah, you should have been like, oh, I listened to this amazing podcast. I mean, they don’t know what you look like. That’s right. And it’s these local women.

Sharon: These local women.

Caitlin: They’ll never know. Cause we’re just on the air.

Sharon: Okay, who would each of us say is the most iconic housewife?

Caitlin: I struggled.

Sharon: I really struggled. I said, caitlin. I came up with. You would say Luan.

Caitlin: That is what I wrote. I wrote Luann, but I also wrote Kyle.

Sharon: Cause I kinda couldn’t decide. That’s actually really good.

Caitlin: You would say Kyle.

Sharon: I said Erica Jane or Luann.

Caitlin: Oh, Erica too. Yeah. I think Erica will stand the test of time because it’s those big personalities. Like, it just can’t be, like, even Sonia, as iconic as she can be. She’s not loud enough.

Sharon: I think Luann is iconic because she’s, like, the very classy, rich. Kyle is very rich, famous.

Caitlin: She’s.

Sharon: They’re very much the east coast and the west coast icons. And then Erika Jean is just kind of.

Caitlin: Yeah. And icon in general, so. And it’s like, back in the day, before she went crazy, Bethany could have been the answer because she was Bethany, but she was so all over the. She was the face of it. Like, she was the PR department for it. But, no, you were right about her. I was wrong about her. She’s a total crazy nut job.

Sharon: Yeah, definitely.

Caitlin: All right, we have one more little game to play. Okay. We have the. But now we set it. Housewives ultimate game book. I was like, did someone write this? Maybe I should look.

Sharon: Terrence Webb.

Caitlin: Oh, Terrence Webb.

Sharon: Their name is just on the back.

Caitlin: Okay, thank you. Sorry, I couldn’t find it. but okay, so I’m gonna read a quote, and we’re gonna figure out if we know who said it.

Sharon: I’m not gonna know these. I’m not gonna quote.

Caitlin: It’s okay. Some of them. I’m gonna try to not pick a really weird one. Okay, thank you. I am disengaging. I am not engaging Meredith. Absolutely. Okay. I feel like I don’t know this one, but maybe we should want to know who your friends are. Get old and go broke. Is it Erica Taylor Armstrong, Brandi Glennfell, or Teddy mellencamp?

Sharon: I would say brandi or Erica.

Caitlin: I feel like it’s gotta be Erica from when she did, go broke. It is Erika Girardi, Beverly hills.

Sharon: Nice.

Caitlin: Okay, this is not glamping. This is full on camping. We have no ice, there’s no counter space in the bathroom for your makeup, and there’s bugs everywhere. Is it Tamara, Gretchen, Peggy, or Alexis Bellina?

Sharon: I don’t know, but I love it. Who is it? Tamara.

Caitlin: Hold on. 51. Alexis Bellina, Orange county.

Sharon: Nice.

Caitlin: Kind of thought it would be Tamara. Yeah, but Alexis is very high maintenance.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: If she thinks she’s gonna be the star of my show, she is sadly mistaken. Is that Bethany Luann, Ramona, or Lea McSweeney?

Sharon: That’s gotta be Luann.

Caitlin: I think so too. Let me look. Yes. Luann de Lesseps. De lesseps. De lesseps. Like, I’ve never read her name before. Yeah. Okay. We were all so happy that day. It’s actually hard to even imagine how terrible things would soon become. Is that Kathy Hilton, Kyle Richards, Teddy Mellencamp, or Lisa Rinna? Is it Lisa? Is it Kathy?

Sharon: Maybe with the fight?

Caitlin: I think so. It’s Kyle Richards is the answer. So I wonder if it’s before Kyle and Kathy had the whole giant meltdown, which is very full circle, because that was our first season on the podcast. Of course we had to deal with that. Diane Jenkins.

Sharon: Oh, that’s very funny.

Caitlin: She was our first episode.

Sharon: I wonder if she was to have her baby.

Caitlin: Oh, my gosh. What was our favorite episode that we’ve done or series that we’ve done, do you think?

Sharon: I like a lot of our book clubs.

Caitlin: I love our book clubs. And I loved our Bravo con. Even though people didn’t like the, you.

Sharon: Know, people didn’t like our Bravocon. They’ve been viewed, they’ve got the most hits.

Caitlin: Mm. I mean, and I did like our Dallas stuff even though nobody else liked it.

Sharon: No one else liked it.

Caitlin: I feel like our Dallas is like our own secret, like, podcast.

Sharon: It’s kind of like when you wear a dress or makeup a certain way and everyone hates it. But you think you look good. Exactly.

Caitlin: No, I’m gonna wear it anyway.

Sharon: You’re like, well, I really like it.

Caitlin: It’s for me, it’s like my lime green pantsuit that I ordered this one wedding and I loved it. And David still thinks it’s the worst thing I’ve ever worn. And I loved that stupid thing.

Sharon: It sounds m very Hilary Clinton. Just when you say a lime and green pantsy.

Caitlin: The nineties was a different time.

Sharon: Yeah.

Caitlin: Also, I feel like our salt lake stuff really will stand the test of time. Like, salt Lake is just so good.

Sharon: I concur.

Caitlin: I hope. I hope I never, like, take that back. I hope I never feel differently.

Sharon: I like our secret lives of Mormon wives, our general.

Caitlin: I thought those were good fun.

Sharon: You, know, guys, I think we have a really good shot.

Caitlin: I think we do. It’s actually, I’m going to change my answer to all episodes. and if you haven’t, just go back and listen to them again and again. Can just put them on while you’re in the shower. Remember we talked about that.

Sharon: Hi, Winnie.

Caitlin: Who’s hunky dory?

Sharon: Kathy Olsen.

Caitlin: Very good. Some of these are really vulgar and I’m refusing to read them. Oh, I love this one. This is one of my favorites, actually. You guys are drinking Dom Perignon. 2003. In 2003, it was a heat wave. 5600 people died and it made for the best grapes of all time. Is it Heather Gay, Jenny Nguyen, Mary Cosby or Jen Shaw? Do you remember? No, it’s Mary Cosby. She also went on watch what happens live and talked about it, too, like how it was one of the best vintages because people died and that made it like, come on, Mary. Like, that woman is crazy. There’s some times I want to write her off because I think she’s so inappropriate and so bad. But she’s, she’s also so good.

Sharon: She is.

Caitlin: She’s a hate watch. I mean, she really is.

Sharon: No, I love watching.

Caitlin: Yeah, I mean, that’s the, that’s the brand she called about when she has that funny face. When she calls the, what’s the place they went to? It was that amazing place that the drag queen owned in, California. And everything was. Yeah.

Sharon: Trixie.

Caitlin: Trixie. Yes, the Trixie Motel. She called and said, do you have 2003 Dom Perignon? And they were like, no. And then she has that meme face. I made it, but you guys can’t see it. But it was great, you guys. I really did an amazing job with it. So we have to let you know, this book is good, but it is an international version, so it has some stuff that we don’t know and haven’t seen and don’t have access to. But I’m pleased to see it has Salt Lake in it, because I actually thought everything would be really, really old and far away. Now, this is a season neither of us saw, but we learned about a lot by going to bravocon and watching other things. Your husband’s in the pool. It’s jersey. Is it Daniel style, Margaret Josephs, Jackie Goldschnider, or Teresa Giudice?

Sharon: I don’t remember.

Caitlin: It’s Margaret Josephs of the book, which we actually really liked.

Sharon: Yeah. and she has these, makeup pens. Oh, not pens.

Caitlin: Makeup brushes.

Sharon: And they’re really cute. They’ve got glitter in them.

Caitlin: Yeah. They’re like little snow globes or something. Yeah. I’ll tell you how I’m doing. Not well. Be Heather k. Melissa Gorga. Dorinda medley.

Sharon: Dorinda.

Caitlin: exactly.

Sharon: Oh, no. I just thought of my favorite quote.

Caitlin: I’m excited now.

Sharon: What is it? Pigeons don’t fly. Eagles don’t fly with pigeons. Thank you, Derndo. You do have my favorite quote.

Caitlin: I mean, it’s just. It feels like one of those things I have the best. Like, day, like, of the day calendar. We rip the thing off, and it’s all like, the opposite of, like, helpful advice. It’s like badlandhouse advice calendars. And it’s always, like, really mean and makes you feel bad about yourself. I feel like that would go on there where you’re like, well, that just makes no sense.

Sharon: That’s pretty genius.

Caitlin: Very genius.

Sharon: That’s the kind of stuff I watch housewives work.

Caitlin: How about, you were psychotic?

Sharon: Jesus, jugs, someone saying that to Alexis. I know.

Caitlin: M. It’s Tamra. Very good. I was awoken in the middle of the night by two male voices. One was Luann’s. Was that Carol Raddle, Bethany Frankel, Ramona singer? Or Sonya Morgane?

Sharon: Was that Ramona?

Caitlin: Who’s. I feel like it’s Carol. Cause Carol was really funny, like, and fast. Was she the one without Bethany? No, that was Aviva.

Sharon: Oh, okay.

Caitlin: People still want us to read that book. We still have to read.

Sharon: Oh, okay.

Caitlin: The legless book. I think it has a better name than that pencil legless book. I can’t remember what exactly it is. Oh, this is a Dallas one. Okay. What you think is killing and what.

Sharon: I think of killing are two different things.

Caitlin: It made the book learn lacken. And we said that’s an iconic one, and we didn’t think anyone else thinks so. So obviously, we do have the same taste as Terrence Webb.

Sharon: Hey, Terrence.

Caitlin: What up? We agree with you.

Sharon: Hash. Terrenceweb.

Caitlin: Oof. You are so angry. Denise Richards. Lisa Vanderpump. Dorit Kemsley or Lisa Rinna?

Sharon: Lisa Rinna.

Caitlin: I think it’s Lisa Rinna.

Sharon: Mm

Caitlin: Yeah, I’m drinking. Luan. Is that Ramona singer Tinsley Mortimer. Leah McSweeney or Sonya Morgan?

Sharon: That’s Leah, right?

Caitlin: I think so. Or it’s Tinsley. Why can I picture Tinsley saying it now that I said that? Hold on, hold on. I’m searching. It’s Tinsley. Oh, I miss Tinsley. I want her back, but I’m afraid that she has a happy private life, and I’m happy for her. Okay, well, this one’s not in here, but who says? Hot and cold Dorit? Very good. All right, that’s our next episode. I’m gonna do the thing again. Well, thank you for going on this journey with us. Now I feel like, we’re on an episode of the Bachelor. No, but here’s to 100 more episodes. Remember, housewives bring the drama, but we bring the receipts. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button. And if you’d like to help support the podcast, please share it with others or leave a rating and review. Also visit us on Instagram and threads both at RH on RH for fun pictures and polls, or email us at thanks again, and remember to stay out of the shade.