We’ve all wondered if our texts and journals would make a good two-part book series, right? We read Real Housewives of DC Cat Ommanney’s two books and discover that we can’t all quit our day jobs.

Bonus 12 - Book Club: RHODC Paul Wharton's 'Pulling It All Together'
Thank you, loyal Patreon peeps! We bring you a book club episode for a book we agreed we would actually reread, a rarity in the Housewives books genre…
If Paul’s legendary hair is any indication, this book from Real Housewives of DC ‘Friend of’ Paul Wharton can and does teach us a thing or two about fashion, hair, makeup and ourselves! Join us for this June 2024 Patreon episode… so if you ever need to crash any DC invitation-only events, you’ll look the part.
Episode 82 - Real Housewives of DC's “Cirque de Salahi” by Diane Dimond
No tickets or background checks needed for this book club. We dig into the tale of RHODC’s Michaele and Tareq Salahi where the truth is stranger than fiction.