Episode 1: The Show. We follow up our season 1 watch with the highly-anticipated season 2 of Buying Beverly Hills. The real estate is even flashier, there’s another Umansky sister and a new Hilton real estate company makes a bid for one of the Agency’s agents.

Episode 75 - Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13 Crystal Kung Mingoff vs…
Crystal found her voice this season with Annemarie… One of us wasn’t sure that’s a good thing.
In this episode, we discuss Crystal Kung Mingoff storylines from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13:
⚪Crystal vs Annemarie… ⚪Crystal vs Ozempic… ⚪Crystal vs Rob…
Bonus 10 - Book Club: Captain Lee's “Running Against the Tide” (Below Deck)
Our special monthly Patreon episode for April 2024! We love you as much as we love Below Deck’s Captain Lee… a boatload! Please enjoy our Patreon-exclusive book club episode digging into “Running Against the Tide.”
In our Patreon-exclusive book club, we dig into Captain Lee’s book and all the crazy adventures from Below Deck’s stud of the sea.
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